Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW LODGES. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW LODGES. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge -. 38 ' New Lodges 3 ^ 1 Freemasonry in Cambridgeshire 381 District Grand Lodgeof South Africa 3 8 * The Knights Templars' Grand Pageant at Chicago 382 The Masonic Controversy 38 a Bro . Wm . J . B . McLeod ' Moore 38 3 Power of Masonry 383
The Lord Mayor ' s Visit to Belgium 303 Opening of Nlessrs . Child ' s New Banking Premises 383 REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS — Craft Masonry 3- * * 4 Mark Masonry 38 4 Rosicrucian Society 3 S 4 Scotland , 385 Cryptic Masonry 385 Masonic Notes and Queries 385
Review 385 Amusements 385 LEADERS 386 CORRESPONDENCELieut .-Col . Butler ' s " Good Words " about Freemasonry 3 86 The un-Masonic Trial 3 X 0 The Status of . Prov . Grand Masters , & c 3 S 7 Roval Arch Sash 387
Admission of Visitors 387 Thc Chicago Conclave of Templar Knights 3 S 7 A New Rite 3 S 7 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 387 Literary , Art . and Antiquarian Notes 387 Sailing Barge Match 388 Masonic and General Tidings 3 SS Lodge Meetings for Next Week 388 Advertisements 1 ., II ., 380 , 39 °
United Grand Lodge.
Thc following is thc agenda paper for Wednesday next , September ist : — 1 . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 2 nd June for confirmation . 2 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz .: — The widow of a brother of the Gosport Lodge , £ s . d .
No . 903 , Gosport 50 o 0 A brother of the Mariners' Lodge , No . 249 , Liverpool ... ... ... ... ... 100 o o The widow of a brother of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . S 3 , Bath 50 o 0 A brother of the Lodge of Good Fellowship ,
No . 276 , Chelmsford ... 150 o o A brother of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , London ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the Koyal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 , London ... ... ... 100 o o The widow of a brother of the Lodge of
Harmony , No . 2 SS , Todmorden 50 o o The widow of a brother of the Beaureper Lodge , No . 7 S 7 , Helper ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the Lodge of Peace , No . 322 , Stockport ... ... ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , Hampton ... ... ... ... ... iso o o
REPORT OF THE BOARD OK GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board ot General Purposes beg to report -. — 1 . Lodge No . 51 , Colchester , having passed a brother after an insufficient interval from his initiation ( viz ., twentyseven days ) tlie Hoard have ordered that the brother be
reobligated in the Second Degree , and have inflicted a fine of two guineas on the lodge . 2 . Lodge No . 113 , Preston , having initiated a brother in the year 1 S 75 for less than the regulated fee , and having omitted to return his name for registration , the Hoard have admonished the lodge , and inflicted a fine of two guineas rlierpnn .
( Signed ) FRANK GREEN . Vice-President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 17 th August , 1 SS 0 . To the report is subjoined a statement of thc Grand Lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 1 ith August , showing a balance
in the Bank of England of £ 5 ( 140 os . sd . ; and in the hands of Grand Secretary for petty cash £ f 5 , and for servants' wages £ t ) G 15 s . 4 . The annual report of the Royal Masonic Benevolent I nstitution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , dated the 21 st of May , 1 SS 0 , will be laid before Grand Lodge .
5 . Appeal of Iiro . Alexander Dimant , of the New Zealand Pacific Lodge , No . 517 , Wellington , New Zealand , P . M ., late of the Ballarat Lod ge , then No . 1019 , afterwards No . 717 , Ballarat , Victoria , against a sentence of suspension passed on him by the District Grand Master of Wellington , North Island , New Zealand , f .. r h : v :-ch of the Constitutions in publishing the proccedda s o : the District Grand Lodge without authority .
New Lodges.
List of lodges for which warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : ~ Lodge 1 S 62 , Stranton . ' West Hartlepool . > , 1 S 6 3 , Priory , Tynemouth . „ 1 S 6 4 , Western Polynesia , Noumea , New Caledonia . » IS _ 5 ) True Freemasonry , Saidpur , Bengal . > , 1 S 6 C , Seaforth , Cabul , Afganistan .
New Lodges.
Lodge 1 S 67 , Umvoti , Greytown , Umvoti , Natal . „ 1 S 6 S , Unity , Oldham , Lancashire . „ 1 S 69 , Sandown , Sandown , Isle of Wight . „ 1 S 70 , Kumaon , Nynee Tal , Bengal .
,, 1 S 71 . Gostling Murray , Hounslow , Middlesex . „ 1 S 72 , St . Margaret's , Surbiton , Surrey . JJ 1 S 73 , United Service , Kingston , Jamaica . „ 1 S 74 , Lechmere , Kidderminster . „ 1 S 75 , Hercules , Tapanui , Otago , and Southland , New Zealand . ., 1 S 70 , Flinders , Port Augusta , South Australia .
Freemasonry In Cambridgeshire.
It would be an exaggeration to say that among the Freemasons of Cambridgeshire there is any very serious amount of zeal and activity . There are lodges we know , for a glance at the list of those on the roll of the United Grand Lodge of England discloses that fact . It was constituted as a province some years ago , its Provincial Grand Master was appointed in 1 S 72 , and , for aught that may
be known to the contrary , there is the customary array of Provincial Grand Officers . Thus far of our knowledge , actual or presumed as the case may be , we think it possible and judicious to speak , without incurring the risk of being contradicted ; but to go further would be perilous indeed . Hence in proceeding further in our investigations into the career and present condition of the Craft in this district , we have no alternative , as regards the condition , at least , but
to assume that its lodges meet at their appointed times , that in each a new W . AI . is installed annually , or it may be biennially , that such W . M . appoints and invests his ofiicers , that the brethren dine or banquet together on these and other occasions , and generally that the routine business proper to every lodge is transacted in accordance with the Constitutions of Freemasonry . We will also venture to assume that the Provincial Grand Lodge meets , if
not annually , as is the case in the majority of our provinces , at least occasionally , if only in order that certain brethren may be indued with the insignia of Prov . G . Office . We see from a reference to the published reports of our different Institutions that these at different times have been favoured with certain small subscriptions , and we believe we are correct in stating that one or more applicants from this county figure now and again in the approved lists of
candidates for the benefits conferred by the said Institutions . In short , what between the knowledge we possess and a slight assumption of knowledge , which we trust will be thought excusable under the circumstances , we are in a position to state that Cambridgeshire , though not one of the strongholds of Freemasonry , is , nevertheless , a Masonic province of England , lt has , as it had at the time of the Union in 1 S 13 , four lodges . These lodges rejoice in thc
highsounding , or appropriate , titles of Scientific , No . SS ; Lodge of Three Grand Principles , No . 441 ; Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . S 59 ( all of Cambridge ); and the Lodge of United Good Fellowship , No . S 09 ( Wisbeach ) . There was also till within some twenty years another lodge known as the School of Plato , but this fell into decay and exists no longer . Let us proceed to give particulars , however , as in former sketches .
The earliest lodge , of the establishment of which in this county we have any record , is , according to the lists in the appendix to " The Four Old Lodges , " one warranted on the 31 st March , 7849 . This figures in thc 1 755 list as No . 201 , and was held at the Bear , in Cambridge . In 1 75 G it became No . 137 , in 1770 it was No . 110 , and was held at the King ' s Head Inn , while in 17 S 1 it had become No . go , and was lodged at the Black Bear . Before the next change
in numbers this lodge had ceased to exist . The oldest existing lodge is the Scientific , No . SS , of Cambridge , and was warranted on the 29 th March , 1754 , but originally it was a London lodge . It is entered in the list for 1755 , when it was held in Butcher-row , St . Clement ' s . As No . 1 S 2 , in 175 6 , it was held at the Archer , in the same locality , but some time between that year and 1770 it migrated to the Three Tuns , Cambridge . As No . 11 G it
was held in 17 S 1 at the Black Bear . In the 1792 list it is described as the Scientific Lodge , No . 106 , and met at the Eagle and Child . At the re-numbering rendered necessary by the Union in 1 S 13 , its number was altered to 131 ; in 1 S 32 it became No . 105 ; and in 1 SG 3 it took thc number it still bears , namely , No . SS . The next lodge in order of constitution had but a brief existence . It was warranted the Sth August , 17 61 , 3 s No . 264 , and met at the Spread Eagle ,
Wisbeach . It does not appear in the list of 1770 . Lodge No . 293 , held at the Sun Inn , Cambridge , was warranted the ist March , 17 G 3 , became No . 23 S in 1770 , and was dead before the next closing up of lodges . A lodge , No . 322 , which was held at the Club Inn , Isle of Ely , was constituted 23 rd October , 1764 , and became No . 2 G 2 in 1770 . In 17 S 1 it was known as the Philharmonic , No . 210 , and in 1792 became No . 179 , but between this and the date of the Union
it had passed away . On Gth July , 1772 , was constituted a lodge , No . 432 , held at the Rose Tavern , Cambridge , but , like its predecessor of Wisbeach , its existence was of brief duration , and we do not find it in the 17 S 1 list . It will be seen from the foregoing particulars that though six lodges had been established in Cambridgeshire prior to the year 1772 , only two of them were in working in the year 1702 ,
nor was it till the following year ( 1793 ) that there was warranted a new lodge bearing the style and title of the Cambridge New Lodge , No . 515 , held at the Red Lion , Cambridge . This was re-numbered 549 after the Union , and No . 3 GG in 1 S 32 , between which latter year and 1 SG 3 it ceased working . In 1796 was founded the Lodge of Strict Benevolence , No . 553 , at Wisbeach . It was altered to No . 577 in 1 S 14 , and by 1 S 32 was dead . Thc Social , No . 5 G 7 ,
Freemasonry In Cambridgeshire.
held at the Hoop Inn , Cambridge , was founded in 1797 , but did not last until the Union . However , the constitution of no less than three lodges in the space of four years must be taken as evidence that , during the closing years of last century , Freemasonry put on a pretty considerable spurt , though it is undeniable that the spurt was of no long continuance . When we come to the period of the Union there were still in existence three lodges founded in the eighteenth
century , together with the St . Andrew s Lodge , No . 609 , of Whittlesey , constituted in 1809 , this last being re-numberedGiG in 1 S 14 , and becoming defunct shortly afterwards . This completes the list of Cambridgeshire lodges which were constituted prior to 1 S 13 , when the Grand Lodges of the socalled ** ' Moderns " and " Ancients " united together , and became the Grand Lodge of England . Of these lodges , ten in number , four survived the Union , but only one (
present No . SS ) is now in existence . All the above were warranted by the Modern Grand Lodge , nor is there any record , so far as we have been able to discover , of any having been constituted by its rival Grand Lodge . But since 1 S 13 three others have been constituted , named the Lodge of the Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , now held at the Red Lion Hotel , Petty Cury , Cambridge , wliich was warranted in the year 1830 ; the
Lodge of United Good Fellowship , No . S 09 , held at the Rose and Crown , Wisbeach , founded in 1 SG 0 ; and the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 , held at 29 ^ Green-street , Cambridge , and founded in 1 SG 1 . This last , which stands to Cambridgeshire in the same prominent relation as Apollo University , No . 357 , of Oxford , does to the Province of Oxfordshire , may be regarded as the most influential lodge in the county . Its consecration , in 1 S 61 , by
R . W . Bro . W . Hall , the then Grand Master of the province , was attended with no little pomp and circumstance . The Duke of St . Albans had the honour of being installed its first W . Master in the presence of about eighty brethren , while , prior to the commencement of the ceremony of consecration , the lodge room was inspected—so the Masonic journal of the day informed its readers—not only by the Duke of St . Albans , W . Master designate , but also by His
Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , who , it will be remembered , was at the time a student of the Cambridge University , but not a Freemason . Be it added , in respect of the Isaac Ncvton University Lodge , that its W . M . becomes , ipso facto , an honorary member of the Apollo University , as do the Wardens during their year of office , and this compliment , we believe , is reciprocated . Moreover ,
the W . Masters of both these lodges are honorary members of the well-known and highly-influential Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , held at Freemasons' Hall . These friendly relations between the Cambridge University Lodge and two such famous lodges as Nos . 10 and 357 make it the more remarkable that thc Craft is not more prosperous in the county . May its future progress be more successful !
District Grand Lodge Of South Africa.
The annual meeting of the above District Grand Lodge was held in the Masonic Temple , Queen ' s Town , on Thursday , June 10 th . There were present R . W . Bro . Chas . J . Egan , A . B ., M . R . C . S ., D . G . M . ; W . Bros . W . S . Leigh , P . M . 1469 , as D . G . S . W . ; W . Berry , P . M . 918 , as D . G .
| . W . ; Bro . R . ] . Dick . P . S . W . S 53 , D . G . T . ; W . Bros . G . P . Perks , P . M . S 53 , D . G . S . ; John Ryan , P . M . 91 S , D . G . S . D . ; A . D . Webb , W . M . 918 , as D . G . J . D . ; A . Austen , W . M . 1469 , as D . G . D . of Cer . ; James Mclntyre , P . M . S 53 , D . G . S . B . ; C . F . Palmer , P . M . 91 S , as D . G . P . ; VV . Wedderhurn , P . M . 3 S 9 , D . G . S . ; C . Musgrave , W . M . 1 S 00 , as D . G . S . ; W . F . Sissing , W . M . 853 ' , as D . G . S .
B . Chalmers , P . M . S . 53 , as D . G . S . ; H . Tiffin , P . M . 918 , as D . G . S . ; Bros . W . R . Ellis , S . W . 1 S 24 , D . G . S . ; A . ] . Fuller , P . S . W . 853 , D . G . O . ; W . Bros . Catharine , W . M . 14 G 7 ; C . T . Palmer ; the W . M . and Wardens of Lodge 91 S ; the Wardens of Lodges S 53 , 1 S 00 , 1 S 24 ; and others . District Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and , by direction of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies , the R . W . D . G . Master was received with Royal Masonic
honours . The regulations ruling District Grand Lodge ( vide page 2 G of thc Constitutions ) were then read b y the D . G . SECRETARY . The D . G . SECRETARY then read letters he had received from the Deputy D . G . Master , D . S . G . W ., D . G . Pursuivant , W . Bro . Pearson , D . G . Steward , the W . M . Amatola
Lodge , No . 1 G 40 , offering excuses for their absence , and begging that they might not be considered derelict in duty by not being present . Also a letter from Rev . Bro . Wirgman of his inability to attend in consequence of an accident , and one from the District Grand Chaplain , submitting that another minister should be selected to fill the office of District Grand Chaplain .
The report of the annual audit of thc D . G . Treasurer ' s accounts were read and confirmed . The D . G . SECRETARY then read the report of the Board of General Purposes . Amongst other matters the report referred to the number of lodges at present existing in the district , and W . Bro . BERRY , D . J . G . W ., requested that the names of the lodges should be read for information ,
which the D . G . SECRETARY did , informing District Grand Lodge that the warrant of the Amatola Lodge had been returned to him . W . Bro . LEIGH , D . G . S . W ., wished to know whether the returns from all lodges have becn sent in to the D . G . Secretary . Bro . R . J . DICK , D . G . Treasurer , furnished names of lodges which had done so .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge -. 38 ' New Lodges 3 ^ 1 Freemasonry in Cambridgeshire 381 District Grand Lodgeof South Africa 3 8 * The Knights Templars' Grand Pageant at Chicago 382 The Masonic Controversy 38 a Bro . Wm . J . B . McLeod ' Moore 38 3 Power of Masonry 383
The Lord Mayor ' s Visit to Belgium 303 Opening of Nlessrs . Child ' s New Banking Premises 383 REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS — Craft Masonry 3- * * 4 Mark Masonry 38 4 Rosicrucian Society 3 S 4 Scotland , 385 Cryptic Masonry 385 Masonic Notes and Queries 385
Review 385 Amusements 385 LEADERS 386 CORRESPONDENCELieut .-Col . Butler ' s " Good Words " about Freemasonry 3 86 The un-Masonic Trial 3 X 0 The Status of . Prov . Grand Masters , & c 3 S 7 Roval Arch Sash 387
Admission of Visitors 387 Thc Chicago Conclave of Templar Knights 3 S 7 A New Rite 3 S 7 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 387 Literary , Art . and Antiquarian Notes 387 Sailing Barge Match 388 Masonic and General Tidings 3 SS Lodge Meetings for Next Week 388 Advertisements 1 ., II ., 380 , 39 °
United Grand Lodge.
Thc following is thc agenda paper for Wednesday next , September ist : — 1 . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 2 nd June for confirmation . 2 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz .: — The widow of a brother of the Gosport Lodge , £ s . d .
No . 903 , Gosport 50 o 0 A brother of the Mariners' Lodge , No . 249 , Liverpool ... ... ... ... ... 100 o o The widow of a brother of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . S 3 , Bath 50 o 0 A brother of the Lodge of Good Fellowship ,
No . 276 , Chelmsford ... 150 o o A brother of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , London ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the Koyal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 , London ... ... ... 100 o o The widow of a brother of the Lodge of
Harmony , No . 2 SS , Todmorden 50 o o The widow of a brother of the Beaureper Lodge , No . 7 S 7 , Helper ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the Lodge of Peace , No . 322 , Stockport ... ... ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , Hampton ... ... ... ... ... iso o o
REPORT OF THE BOARD OK GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board ot General Purposes beg to report -. — 1 . Lodge No . 51 , Colchester , having passed a brother after an insufficient interval from his initiation ( viz ., twentyseven days ) tlie Hoard have ordered that the brother be
reobligated in the Second Degree , and have inflicted a fine of two guineas on the lodge . 2 . Lodge No . 113 , Preston , having initiated a brother in the year 1 S 75 for less than the regulated fee , and having omitted to return his name for registration , the Hoard have admonished the lodge , and inflicted a fine of two guineas rlierpnn .
( Signed ) FRANK GREEN . Vice-President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 17 th August , 1 SS 0 . To the report is subjoined a statement of thc Grand Lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 1 ith August , showing a balance
in the Bank of England of £ 5 ( 140 os . sd . ; and in the hands of Grand Secretary for petty cash £ f 5 , and for servants' wages £ t ) G 15 s . 4 . The annual report of the Royal Masonic Benevolent I nstitution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , dated the 21 st of May , 1 SS 0 , will be laid before Grand Lodge .
5 . Appeal of Iiro . Alexander Dimant , of the New Zealand Pacific Lodge , No . 517 , Wellington , New Zealand , P . M ., late of the Ballarat Lod ge , then No . 1019 , afterwards No . 717 , Ballarat , Victoria , against a sentence of suspension passed on him by the District Grand Master of Wellington , North Island , New Zealand , f .. r h : v :-ch of the Constitutions in publishing the proccedda s o : the District Grand Lodge without authority .
New Lodges.
List of lodges for which warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : ~ Lodge 1 S 62 , Stranton . ' West Hartlepool . > , 1 S 6 3 , Priory , Tynemouth . „ 1 S 6 4 , Western Polynesia , Noumea , New Caledonia . » IS _ 5 ) True Freemasonry , Saidpur , Bengal . > , 1 S 6 C , Seaforth , Cabul , Afganistan .
New Lodges.
Lodge 1 S 67 , Umvoti , Greytown , Umvoti , Natal . „ 1 S 6 S , Unity , Oldham , Lancashire . „ 1 S 69 , Sandown , Sandown , Isle of Wight . „ 1 S 70 , Kumaon , Nynee Tal , Bengal .
,, 1 S 71 . Gostling Murray , Hounslow , Middlesex . „ 1 S 72 , St . Margaret's , Surbiton , Surrey . JJ 1 S 73 , United Service , Kingston , Jamaica . „ 1 S 74 , Lechmere , Kidderminster . „ 1 S 75 , Hercules , Tapanui , Otago , and Southland , New Zealand . ., 1 S 70 , Flinders , Port Augusta , South Australia .
Freemasonry In Cambridgeshire.
It would be an exaggeration to say that among the Freemasons of Cambridgeshire there is any very serious amount of zeal and activity . There are lodges we know , for a glance at the list of those on the roll of the United Grand Lodge of England discloses that fact . It was constituted as a province some years ago , its Provincial Grand Master was appointed in 1 S 72 , and , for aught that may
be known to the contrary , there is the customary array of Provincial Grand Officers . Thus far of our knowledge , actual or presumed as the case may be , we think it possible and judicious to speak , without incurring the risk of being contradicted ; but to go further would be perilous indeed . Hence in proceeding further in our investigations into the career and present condition of the Craft in this district , we have no alternative , as regards the condition , at least , but
to assume that its lodges meet at their appointed times , that in each a new W . AI . is installed annually , or it may be biennially , that such W . M . appoints and invests his ofiicers , that the brethren dine or banquet together on these and other occasions , and generally that the routine business proper to every lodge is transacted in accordance with the Constitutions of Freemasonry . We will also venture to assume that the Provincial Grand Lodge meets , if
not annually , as is the case in the majority of our provinces , at least occasionally , if only in order that certain brethren may be indued with the insignia of Prov . G . Office . We see from a reference to the published reports of our different Institutions that these at different times have been favoured with certain small subscriptions , and we believe we are correct in stating that one or more applicants from this county figure now and again in the approved lists of
candidates for the benefits conferred by the said Institutions . In short , what between the knowledge we possess and a slight assumption of knowledge , which we trust will be thought excusable under the circumstances , we are in a position to state that Cambridgeshire , though not one of the strongholds of Freemasonry , is , nevertheless , a Masonic province of England , lt has , as it had at the time of the Union in 1 S 13 , four lodges . These lodges rejoice in thc
highsounding , or appropriate , titles of Scientific , No . SS ; Lodge of Three Grand Principles , No . 441 ; Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . S 59 ( all of Cambridge ); and the Lodge of United Good Fellowship , No . S 09 ( Wisbeach ) . There was also till within some twenty years another lodge known as the School of Plato , but this fell into decay and exists no longer . Let us proceed to give particulars , however , as in former sketches .
The earliest lodge , of the establishment of which in this county we have any record , is , according to the lists in the appendix to " The Four Old Lodges , " one warranted on the 31 st March , 7849 . This figures in thc 1 755 list as No . 201 , and was held at the Bear , in Cambridge . In 1 75 G it became No . 137 , in 1770 it was No . 110 , and was held at the King ' s Head Inn , while in 17 S 1 it had become No . go , and was lodged at the Black Bear . Before the next change
in numbers this lodge had ceased to exist . The oldest existing lodge is the Scientific , No . SS , of Cambridge , and was warranted on the 29 th March , 1754 , but originally it was a London lodge . It is entered in the list for 1755 , when it was held in Butcher-row , St . Clement ' s . As No . 1 S 2 , in 175 6 , it was held at the Archer , in the same locality , but some time between that year and 1770 it migrated to the Three Tuns , Cambridge . As No . 11 G it
was held in 17 S 1 at the Black Bear . In the 1792 list it is described as the Scientific Lodge , No . 106 , and met at the Eagle and Child . At the re-numbering rendered necessary by the Union in 1 S 13 , its number was altered to 131 ; in 1 S 32 it became No . 105 ; and in 1 SG 3 it took thc number it still bears , namely , No . SS . The next lodge in order of constitution had but a brief existence . It was warranted the Sth August , 17 61 , 3 s No . 264 , and met at the Spread Eagle ,
Wisbeach . It does not appear in the list of 1770 . Lodge No . 293 , held at the Sun Inn , Cambridge , was warranted the ist March , 17 G 3 , became No . 23 S in 1770 , and was dead before the next closing up of lodges . A lodge , No . 322 , which was held at the Club Inn , Isle of Ely , was constituted 23 rd October , 1764 , and became No . 2 G 2 in 1770 . In 17 S 1 it was known as the Philharmonic , No . 210 , and in 1792 became No . 179 , but between this and the date of the Union
it had passed away . On Gth July , 1772 , was constituted a lodge , No . 432 , held at the Rose Tavern , Cambridge , but , like its predecessor of Wisbeach , its existence was of brief duration , and we do not find it in the 17 S 1 list . It will be seen from the foregoing particulars that though six lodges had been established in Cambridgeshire prior to the year 1772 , only two of them were in working in the year 1702 ,
nor was it till the following year ( 1793 ) that there was warranted a new lodge bearing the style and title of the Cambridge New Lodge , No . 515 , held at the Red Lion , Cambridge . This was re-numbered 549 after the Union , and No . 3 GG in 1 S 32 , between which latter year and 1 SG 3 it ceased working . In 1796 was founded the Lodge of Strict Benevolence , No . 553 , at Wisbeach . It was altered to No . 577 in 1 S 14 , and by 1 S 32 was dead . Thc Social , No . 5 G 7 ,
Freemasonry In Cambridgeshire.
held at the Hoop Inn , Cambridge , was founded in 1797 , but did not last until the Union . However , the constitution of no less than three lodges in the space of four years must be taken as evidence that , during the closing years of last century , Freemasonry put on a pretty considerable spurt , though it is undeniable that the spurt was of no long continuance . When we come to the period of the Union there were still in existence three lodges founded in the eighteenth
century , together with the St . Andrew s Lodge , No . 609 , of Whittlesey , constituted in 1809 , this last being re-numberedGiG in 1 S 14 , and becoming defunct shortly afterwards . This completes the list of Cambridgeshire lodges which were constituted prior to 1 S 13 , when the Grand Lodges of the socalled ** ' Moderns " and " Ancients " united together , and became the Grand Lodge of England . Of these lodges , ten in number , four survived the Union , but only one (
present No . SS ) is now in existence . All the above were warranted by the Modern Grand Lodge , nor is there any record , so far as we have been able to discover , of any having been constituted by its rival Grand Lodge . But since 1 S 13 three others have been constituted , named the Lodge of the Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , now held at the Red Lion Hotel , Petty Cury , Cambridge , wliich was warranted in the year 1830 ; the
Lodge of United Good Fellowship , No . S 09 , held at the Rose and Crown , Wisbeach , founded in 1 SG 0 ; and the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 , held at 29 ^ Green-street , Cambridge , and founded in 1 SG 1 . This last , which stands to Cambridgeshire in the same prominent relation as Apollo University , No . 357 , of Oxford , does to the Province of Oxfordshire , may be regarded as the most influential lodge in the county . Its consecration , in 1 S 61 , by
R . W . Bro . W . Hall , the then Grand Master of the province , was attended with no little pomp and circumstance . The Duke of St . Albans had the honour of being installed its first W . Master in the presence of about eighty brethren , while , prior to the commencement of the ceremony of consecration , the lodge room was inspected—so the Masonic journal of the day informed its readers—not only by the Duke of St . Albans , W . Master designate , but also by His
Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , who , it will be remembered , was at the time a student of the Cambridge University , but not a Freemason . Be it added , in respect of the Isaac Ncvton University Lodge , that its W . M . becomes , ipso facto , an honorary member of the Apollo University , as do the Wardens during their year of office , and this compliment , we believe , is reciprocated . Moreover ,
the W . Masters of both these lodges are honorary members of the well-known and highly-influential Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , held at Freemasons' Hall . These friendly relations between the Cambridge University Lodge and two such famous lodges as Nos . 10 and 357 make it the more remarkable that thc Craft is not more prosperous in the county . May its future progress be more successful !
District Grand Lodge Of South Africa.
The annual meeting of the above District Grand Lodge was held in the Masonic Temple , Queen ' s Town , on Thursday , June 10 th . There were present R . W . Bro . Chas . J . Egan , A . B ., M . R . C . S ., D . G . M . ; W . Bros . W . S . Leigh , P . M . 1469 , as D . G . S . W . ; W . Berry , P . M . 918 , as D . G .
| . W . ; Bro . R . ] . Dick . P . S . W . S 53 , D . G . T . ; W . Bros . G . P . Perks , P . M . S 53 , D . G . S . ; John Ryan , P . M . 91 S , D . G . S . D . ; A . D . Webb , W . M . 918 , as D . G . J . D . ; A . Austen , W . M . 1469 , as D . G . D . of Cer . ; James Mclntyre , P . M . S 53 , D . G . S . B . ; C . F . Palmer , P . M . 91 S , as D . G . P . ; VV . Wedderhurn , P . M . 3 S 9 , D . G . S . ; C . Musgrave , W . M . 1 S 00 , as D . G . S . ; W . F . Sissing , W . M . 853 ' , as D . G . S .
B . Chalmers , P . M . S . 53 , as D . G . S . ; H . Tiffin , P . M . 918 , as D . G . S . ; Bros . W . R . Ellis , S . W . 1 S 24 , D . G . S . ; A . ] . Fuller , P . S . W . 853 , D . G . O . ; W . Bros . Catharine , W . M . 14 G 7 ; C . T . Palmer ; the W . M . and Wardens of Lodge 91 S ; the Wardens of Lodges S 53 , 1 S 00 , 1 S 24 ; and others . District Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and , by direction of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies , the R . W . D . G . Master was received with Royal Masonic
honours . The regulations ruling District Grand Lodge ( vide page 2 G of thc Constitutions ) were then read b y the D . G . SECRETARY . The D . G . SECRETARY then read letters he had received from the Deputy D . G . Master , D . S . G . W ., D . G . Pursuivant , W . Bro . Pearson , D . G . Steward , the W . M . Amatola
Lodge , No . 1 G 40 , offering excuses for their absence , and begging that they might not be considered derelict in duty by not being present . Also a letter from Rev . Bro . Wirgman of his inability to attend in consequence of an accident , and one from the District Grand Chaplain , submitting that another minister should be selected to fill the office of District Grand Chaplain .
The report of the annual audit of thc D . G . Treasurer ' s accounts were read and confirmed . The D . G . SECRETARY then read the report of the Board of General Purposes . Amongst other matters the report referred to the number of lodges at present existing in the district , and W . Bro . BERRY , D . J . G . W ., requested that the names of the lodges should be read for information ,
which the D . G . SECRETARY did , informing District Grand Lodge that the warrant of the Amatola Lodge had been returned to him . W . Bro . LEIGH , D . G . S . W ., wished to know whether the returns from all lodges have becn sent in to the D . G . Secretary . Bro . R . J . DICK , D . G . Treasurer , furnished names of lodges which had done so .