Article OPENING OF MESSRS. CHILD'S NEW BANKING PREMISES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OPENING OF MESSRS. CHILD'S NEW BANKING PREMISES. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Rosicrucian Society. Page 1 of 1
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Opening Of Messrs. Child's New Banking Premises.
hanking firm . Bristling as is the locality in which the Freemason is published with historical reminiscences , we reprint it , believing it will be interesting to our readers . With Temple Bar has passed away " the first house in the City , " as it was once called . Child ' s Banking House , or No . r , Fleet-street , has now been renewed and expanded into a spacious and handsome building , looking unabashed at the new Law Courts opposite , and including the ground
once occupied by Cluld ' s-place , the site of the ancient Devil Tavern . The business of Child ' s was itself translated to a tavern ; for "The Marygold , " the time-honoured sign of the bank , was originally that of a house of entertainment , haying a public ordinary , at which Wild Darell and his friend Popham may have caroused , Nigel eaten his modest meal , and Pistol tried that trick of "gourd and fullom " on which he depended for the final " tester in pouch " his captain
might live to lack . " Ye Marygold , next dore to ye Devill Taverne , in Fleet Streete , " being somewhat overdone with custimers of the Pistol kind—the swashbucklers , bullies , and sharpers of Whitefriars—acquired at last an evil name . Too many roysterers came to it for the peace of the neighbours , and at the wardmote , held on St . Thomas ' s Day , December 21 st , iGig , Richard Crompton , described as keeping an ordinary at the Marygold , in Fleet-street , was
presented" for disturbing the quiet of his neighbours . It was more than half a century later that the house came into the possession of the Childs , or rather the precursors of that famous firm , the Wheelers , the fathers of English banking , who had dwelt in Fleet-street , but higher up than the Marygold , for at least two generations . 'The Wheelers , father and son , were goldsmiths ; and all that is known of them is that they lent and took charge of cash , and that the business passed into thc hands , first of Robert
Blanchard , and then to him in conjunction with Francis Child , the original of Hogarth ' s " Industrious Apprentice . " In 16 77 , when the " Little London Directory " was published , the names of Blanchard and Child are entered as " keeping running cashes at ye Marygold . " In 16 S 1 Robert Blanchard died , and Francis Child , afterwards Sheriff , Alderman , Knight , Lord Mayor of London , and representative of the City in the first Parliament of Oueen Anne , became possessed of the whole fortune of theWlicclcrs and Blanchard .
During the reign of Charles the Second thc transactions ot the Marygold were already very large . Thc " Dunkirk money " passed through it , and divers notable persons kept accounts there . Among the many autographs preserved b y the house is that of Nell Gwyn , or rather her mark , a very intoxicated-looking " E . G ., " surrounded by " Ellen Gwyn , her marke , " written by thc witness to the receipt for £ 37 is ; . 2 d ., being the " ballance " . of her account . Another very
wild document is an order to " paye fifty ginnyes tothe barer , and place it to my account , " dated " Aprell the 12 , 1 OG 9 , " and signed "Cleveland" in a very shak y handwriting b y Barbara Villiers , Duchess of that ilk . Not much better written is the endorsement of a cheque of the Duke of Bolton by Titus Dates . Hardly less curious is a draft written in the Italian language for £ 450 , signed "M . Wortley Montagu . " Equally treasured ' with these
autographs is the ancient sign of the Marygold , not only preserved in the watermarks of Messrs . Childs ' cheques , but in its original condition , as a . swinging' sign of oa /; . It formerly hung over the door of the front "' shop , " as Childs ' mindful of goldsmith progenitors , prefer lo call their office , and will soon be replaced in its original position . It is
carved and gilt ; the ground is stained green with the border , marygold , and sun raised and gilt . ' The marygold i . <; represented faithfully and accurately as the flower ofthe sun , opening to receive its rays , and closing with the lengthening shadows ; and the golden sun is quaintly carved into a face . 'The motto is very appropriate , " Ainsi mon Ame , " hut oddly reminding one of Byron's
I he seal a sunflower , Elle volts suit partont The motto , cut upon a white cornelian ; The wax was superfine , the hue vermilion . Associations of a sentimental kind arc not wanting to Child ' s Hanking I louse . Mr . Robert Child , the last of his name and head of the bank in 17 S 2 , had an only daughter , Sarah Anne , witli whom the celebrated Lord Westmoreland eloped in a post-chaise and four from Berkeley-souarc
House . The duenna slept in an outer room , and Miss Child's flight was only discovered by the "Charley" or watchman , finding the front door open . Mr . Child at once took a post-chaise and pursued the runaways , and so nearly overtook them that Lord Westmoreland was compelled to stand up and shoot the leading horse in Mr . Child ' s chaise . This dashing coup gave Lord Westmoreland time to get over the border , where the blacksmith was in readiness
, and a Gretna Green marriage was over before Mr . Child could interfere . He never forgave the fugitives , but left the whole of his immense fortune and his interest in the bank to the " first daughter" of their union , in order that thc Fanes should see this great wealth pass away from them , as it did when Lady Sarah Sophia Fane married George Villiers , Earl of Jersey . 'This lady , the most famous heiress of hcr time , was known as " the Tran-erlv
Queen , " and appears in the engraving of the first quadrille danced at Almack ' s , prefixed to "Gronow ' s Recollections . " She was the mother of the celebrated beauty , Lady Clementina Villiers , who died unmarried ; of that too-well known viveur , "Frank" Villiers , who died in exile ; nnd of the Lady Adela Villiers , who one November morning , thirty-live years ago , walked out of her father ' s house with a small bundle of clothes in her hands , married
Colonel Ibbetson , after the manner of her grandmother , and lived happily ever after . The "Tragedy Oueen " lived to snub Lord Beaconsfield when he told her of the death of the man she abhorred thc most—Cavour . To many the "potentiality " of wealth conveyed by the idea of such a house as Child ' s , with a belted carl for its head , will appear at least as interesting as thc runaway records of the family . Possessing a vast aristocratic
connection , Childs are not onl y the custodians of great sums of money , but a mass of jewels , plate , deeds , and other valuables . More space than is occupied by the working staff of the bank is demanded by the bulk of inconvertible deposits . The lower part and rear of the . house are divided into numerous s ' rong rooms , with walls of enormous
thickness , and iron doors of proportionate weight , locked by Hobbs' most perfect locks . So far as ingenuity can make them , these dungeon-like receptacles are fire-proof , waterproof , and burglar-proof , as they need be , for jewel cases lie . piled one above the other by the hundred ; and the gold rand silver plate , packed in heavy iron-bound chests , fills vault after vault , can onl y be estimated b y tons , and requires a special lift for hoisting and lowering it . Once unon a time
Opening Of Messrs. Child's New Banking Premises.
it was said by an eminent practitioner , now withdrawn for a space from the active pursuit of the profession he adorned , that if it were possible to "do" Windsor Castle , a special train would be wanted to carry off the "swag . " Something at least as powerful would be requiredby the "enterprising burglar" who , in the teeth of walls , bolts , bars , and residents , should succeed in " doing- " Childs ' .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft i _ Slasonrg . CHAUCER LODGE ( No . 1540 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , on Wednesday , the 25 th inst . Bro . H . Faija , C . E ., VV . M ,, opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The bye-laws were read . The elections were unanimous in favour of Bros . C . W . Hudson , P . M ., S . W ., being W . M . ;
J . C . Mason , P . M ., Treasurer , re-elected Treasurer ; and Young , Tyler . The usual complimentary Past Master ' s jewel of the value of five guineas was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to Bro . H . Faija , C . E ., VV . M . A gentleman was proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed . There were present during the evening Bros .
C . W . Hudson , P . M ., S . VV ., W . M . elect ; Hawkes , J . W . ; W . Klingenstein , Secretary ; C . Graham , J . D . ; Willetts , W . S . ; E . S . Stidolph , P . M . ; F . Walters , KM . ; Evcniss , Blackwell , and others ; but , strange to say , no visitors . Supper followed , and a most jovial evening was spent . After a few hours of social enjoyment the brethren separated .
MACCLESFIELD . —Lodge of Unity ( No . 267 ) . On'Thursday , the 10 th inst ., the monthly meeting ofthe above lodge was held at the Macclesfield Arms Hotel . The lodge was opened in due form at 7 . 30 and after the ordinary business , the ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . W . Williams , P . AL , as a joining member , wliich was unanimously in his favour . On Bro . Williams ' s admission he
accepted thc position of S . VV ., in the much regretted absence of Bro . Goodwin from illness . The ballot was then taken for Air . Wm . Claye , who had been regularly proposed at the previous meeting as a candidate for the privileges of Freemasonry , and having been unanimously approved , he was initiated in due form by the W . M . ( Bro .
Slade ) , assisted by Bro . Bates , P . M ., and Bro . Cockayne , I . P . AI . Two propositions were afterwards submitted , and the lodge , which was well attended by the brethren , was closed in due form nt 9 . 30 , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment . 'The prcsenccof several visiting brethren from the Sister Lodge , No . 295 , was duly acknowledged with fraternal greetings .
HALLIFORD . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 1309 ) . — 'The installation meeting of the above lodge was held on the 24 th inst ., at the Ship Hotel . There were present Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., Treas ., ns W . AI . ; Clement L . Smiles , S . W .. and W . AI . elect ; C . G . Rushworth , P . P . G . R . Middx ., P . M ., Hon . Sec ; J . W . George , P . M . ; and others . Bro . A . O . Scott was raised , and Bro . Clement
Locke Smiles was installed W . AI . The officers appointed for the ensuing year were Bros . Dr . J . Sutcliffe , S . VV . ; A . Horsley , * . W . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., Treas . ; C G . Rushworth , P . P . G . R . Middx .. P . AL , Hon . Sec ; T . Gurney , M . D ., S . D . ; Luke , I . D . ; Proffitt ,
l . G . ; T . Noton , W . S . ; Faith , D . C . ; A . O . Scott , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., 'T yler . A vote of thanks was given and recorded on the minutes to Bro . Frederick Walters , P . P . J . D . Middx ., P . AL , 'Treasurer , for doing the ceremony of installation . 'The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . —The last regular meeting of the year of this lodge was held on Saturday , thc 21 st inst ., at the Red Lion . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . John Hammond , W . M ., Bro . William Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed , and signed by presiding W . AI . 'The work done was raising Bro . C . Isted , passing Bros . VV . Ballard , F . Stanley , and
J . Smith , and initiating Mr . White . A gentleman was proposed for initiation . The lotlge v . as then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . There were present , besides those named , Bros . Sir Francis Burdett , R . W . P . G . M . Middx . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M ., S . VV . ; I * . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., Sec ; H . Gloster , P . M ., J . W . ; J . J . Marsh , l . G . ; J . Lawrence , and others . There were , as usual , several visitors—Bros . Palmer , Smith , and Masters being amongst that list .
WALTHAM . —King Harold Lodge ( No . 1327 ) . —The installation meetmg of thc above lodge took place at the Britannic Hotel , on 'Thursday , the intlf inst . Present : Bros . Samuel Jacobs , VV . M ., P . G . P . ; Dr . lies , D . P . G . M . Herts , the Installing Officer ; James Knight , S . VV ., and W . M . elect ; ] . Fisher , J . W . ; E . West , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; T . Reilly , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Sec ; Past Masters
VV . Gilbert , P . P . G . J . W . ; C . Lacey , P . P . G . D . ; J . Tydeman , P . P . A . G . l ' . Essex ; J . K . Young , P . P . G . A . D . C ; J . Gaskell , D . C ; John Noyes , S . D . ; J . Robinson , J . D . ; VV . A . Rogers , l . G . ; Lewis and Lumsdcn , XV . Stwds . ; and Steedman , Tyler ; also the following members : Bros . Belasco , Bilby , VV . Bradstock , Brewster , J . Bull , Calvert , Church , Cooke , Eversfield ,
Holdsworth , Horton , Imrie , Jones , Kent , Newman , Robin , Sampson , Shepherd , Shuter , ' Sproat , Wiggs , and Wool ley . Visitors : Bros Dorling , P . M . 1 799 ; Cox , S 20 ; Etherington , P . M . SGyj Hanchett , Jones , S . W . 174 ; Piatt , 107 G ; Dicks , 1437 ; Davis , 1437 ; and Osgathorp , 1427 . 'The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . James Knight , the VV . M . electwas then
pre-, sented for the benefit of installation by Bro . Past Master C . Lacey , by whom Bro . Knight had been initiated , and the VV . the D . P . G . M . performed the ceremony in a very able manner , Bro . Lacey acting as D . C . The following officers were then invested : Bros . Jacobs , I . P . M . ; J .
I-isher , S . W . ; VV . Bradstock , J . W . ; E . West , P . M ., Treas . ; T . Reilly , P . M ., Sec ; J . Noyes , S . D . ; J . Robinson , J . D . ; VV . A . Sproat , Org . ; J . Gaskell , P . M ., D . C . ; Wd A . Rogers , l . G . ; VV . Lewis , and G . Holdsworth , Stivds . ; VV . Steedman , Tyler . A vote of thanks was unanimously directed to be recorded on the minutes to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the D . P . G . M . for the very able manner in which he had installed the W . AI . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Jacobs on his retiring from the office of W . M ., as a mark of esteem and respect . Bro . Jacobs returned thanks in suitable terms . The lodge was closed , andthe brethren re ; irad to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and duly honoured . The W . M . in responding
to th toast of his health , remarked that he was very proud of th ¦ honovr which had been conferred upon him , and hop ; r ] he would be . enabled during his year of office to evince to t _ < - brethren his appreciation of their confidence , hy d dig ; II he possibly could to ensure the harmony and comfort , and forward the interests of the King Harold Lodge . The brethren separated after having spent a very pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MALTA . —Union of Malta Lodge ( No . 263 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held on thc 19 th inst ., under the presidency of W . Bro . W . Read , P . G . S . W ., W . M . Bro . A . Giles , of Craft Lodge No . 407 , was advanced to the Mark Degree . At S . 30 p . m . W . Bro . Coffey ( C . N . ) opened the St . Elmo Ark Mariners Lodge , No . 248 . There were present Bros . Starkey , S . ; Allen , J . ; lagliaferro , Treas . ; Rev .
G . N . Godwin , S . D . ; Sandford , J . D . ; Rev . F . Backhouse , Chap . ; Holway , l . G . ; and others . The lodge having been duly opened , the W . C . N , informed the brethren that this meeting was held for the purpose of installing the W . C . N , of the Noah Lodge , No . 2 G 3 , and begged the R . W . P . G . M . to assume the gavel , and perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . Read ( W . C . N , elect of the new lodge ) was then presented in the East , and duly placed
in the chair of N ., and saluted accordingly . Bro . Coffey , at the request of Bro . Read , then exalted the following M . M . M . ' s ., elected by the founders of the new lodge , viz ., Bros . Senior , Blanch , Lippett , Lucy , Roe , Polinelly ( Lodge 222 , Tunis ) , Westrap , 'Truefitt , Flower , West , Stanley , Giles , and Watson ( W . M . M . 107 ) . Bro . Read then
invested the following Ark Manners as the ofiicers of the new lodge , viz ., Bros . Yeoman , as S . VV . ; May , J . W . ; Senior , Sec . ; West , Treas . ; Stanley , S . D . ; Roe ( P . M . of the Wanderers' Lodge , 1 G 04 ) , J . D . ; Flower , I . G . ; and Heck , Tyler . "Hearty good wishes" having been tendered from Lodges 24 S and 25 G , the lodge was closed , and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment .
KESWICK . —Bective Lodge ( No . 1471 ) . —After being dormant for a long time , a few of the remaining members of this once flourishing lodge , assisted by some visiting brethren , assembled at the Keswick Hotel , on Tuesday , tbe 24 th inst . Bro . W . Thornton , P . M ., P . P . G . Swd . Br ., presided , and amongst the other members were Bros . T . Usher , P . AL , P . P . G . S . D . ; and W . Lamonby , Secretary , P . P . G . St . Br . After opening the lodge a
ballot was taken for the advancement of Bro . C . 'Thompson , Tyler , Greta I-odgc , No . 1073 , which proved unanimous . Ballots were also taken for thc following as joining members , and they were accepted : Bro ::. G . Dalrymple , P . AI . 21 G , P . G . S . D . ; and VV . F . Lamonby , P . M . 229 , P . G . Secretary . Bro . VV . Thornton , P . AL , was then unanimously clecfed W . AI . for the ensuing year , nnd Bro . J . Barron , Treasurer ; whilst later on Bro . C . Thompson
was elected Ty ler . Bro . VV . I'd Lamonby was then invited to take the chair , and Bro . Thompson was regularly advanced to the honourable Degree ; Bro . Dalrymple , with his keen zest for work , filling no fewer than four offices during the ceremony . Bro . 11 . Peacock , ] . O . Lodge No . 229 , also kindly and efficiently acted as S . D . 'Two other joining members were proposed , viz ., Bros . Jos .
Nicholson , P . M . 151 , P . G . lreasurcr ; nnd Bro . II . Peacock , J . O . 229 . Finally notice of motion was given to make the meetings quarterl y instead of monthly , which it is confidently hoped will be found a better arrangement for the ultimate prosperity of the lodge . The installation of the W . M . elect will be held in October , when a good gathering is anticipated .
Rosicrucian Society.
Rosicrucian Society .
LEEDS . —York College . —This Masonic Archaeological Body held its August meeting last Saturday in the Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , by kind permission of the trustees of that building . Many of the fraters met at one p . m ., and travelled by tram-car to Kirkstall , where they inspected thc ruins of thebeautilul Cistercian Abbey , which are second in extent in Yorkshire only to those of Fountains . Their peculiarities and beauties were very ably and lucidly
pointed out to the party by 1-rater I' .. Pearson Peterson , who acted as cicerone , and under his guidance all thc prominent details v / ere carefully investigated with thc additional aid of ground plans . Returning to Leeds the college was opened at four p . m ., the following fraters being present : Fraters T . H . Whytehead , Hon . I X ° , Chief Adept ; J . S . Cumberland , VII - * , Celebrant ; J . Maffey , IV , as Suffragan ; E . Linck , IV , as Sec ; T . J . Wilkinson ,
Vl ° , P . A . ; VV . Rowley , Vl ° , S . A . ; E . P . Peterson , V , T . A . ; VV . Watson , IV . ° , as Q . A . j C . L . Mason , V ° , C of N . ; and others . Several Tetters of apology were read from ofiicers and fraters who were unable to be present , and successful ballots were taken for four candidates . 'Three aspirants were duly admitted to the M . C , making the number of full members thirty-two , thc college being thus nearly up to its full strength of thirty-six . A
candidate was proposed for admission , and then Fra . Walter Rowley , VI , read an excellent paper on thc "History of Leeds , " for wliich he received thc thanks of the college . Votes of thanks were passed to Fra . Rowley and Era . Peterson for their valuable papers , and they were ordered to be printed . The VV . Celebrant called attention to the fact of the prosperous position of the Order in America , which was especially interesting to them , since it
was two years ago , at York , that he and the duct Adept had taken part in the admission to the Order of the fraters who had founded the Order in thc United States . The M . C . was then broken . The next meeting of the cellcge will be held in York in thc month of November . After the conclusion of business the brethren partook of tea together , and spent a pleasant hour before departing for their respective homes at York , London , Thirsk , Bradford , & c .
Old Matured Wines ami Spirits . —J . E . SHAND & Co ., Wine Merchants ( Experts and Valuers ) , a , Albert Mansions , Victoriastreet , London . S . W . Price lists on application . —CA DVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Opening Of Messrs. Child's New Banking Premises.
hanking firm . Bristling as is the locality in which the Freemason is published with historical reminiscences , we reprint it , believing it will be interesting to our readers . With Temple Bar has passed away " the first house in the City , " as it was once called . Child ' s Banking House , or No . r , Fleet-street , has now been renewed and expanded into a spacious and handsome building , looking unabashed at the new Law Courts opposite , and including the ground
once occupied by Cluld ' s-place , the site of the ancient Devil Tavern . The business of Child ' s was itself translated to a tavern ; for "The Marygold , " the time-honoured sign of the bank , was originally that of a house of entertainment , haying a public ordinary , at which Wild Darell and his friend Popham may have caroused , Nigel eaten his modest meal , and Pistol tried that trick of "gourd and fullom " on which he depended for the final " tester in pouch " his captain
might live to lack . " Ye Marygold , next dore to ye Devill Taverne , in Fleet Streete , " being somewhat overdone with custimers of the Pistol kind—the swashbucklers , bullies , and sharpers of Whitefriars—acquired at last an evil name . Too many roysterers came to it for the peace of the neighbours , and at the wardmote , held on St . Thomas ' s Day , December 21 st , iGig , Richard Crompton , described as keeping an ordinary at the Marygold , in Fleet-street , was
presented" for disturbing the quiet of his neighbours . It was more than half a century later that the house came into the possession of the Childs , or rather the precursors of that famous firm , the Wheelers , the fathers of English banking , who had dwelt in Fleet-street , but higher up than the Marygold , for at least two generations . 'The Wheelers , father and son , were goldsmiths ; and all that is known of them is that they lent and took charge of cash , and that the business passed into thc hands , first of Robert
Blanchard , and then to him in conjunction with Francis Child , the original of Hogarth ' s " Industrious Apprentice . " In 16 77 , when the " Little London Directory " was published , the names of Blanchard and Child are entered as " keeping running cashes at ye Marygold . " In 16 S 1 Robert Blanchard died , and Francis Child , afterwards Sheriff , Alderman , Knight , Lord Mayor of London , and representative of the City in the first Parliament of Oueen Anne , became possessed of the whole fortune of theWlicclcrs and Blanchard .
During the reign of Charles the Second thc transactions ot the Marygold were already very large . Thc " Dunkirk money " passed through it , and divers notable persons kept accounts there . Among the many autographs preserved b y the house is that of Nell Gwyn , or rather her mark , a very intoxicated-looking " E . G ., " surrounded by " Ellen Gwyn , her marke , " written by thc witness to the receipt for £ 37 is ; . 2 d ., being the " ballance " . of her account . Another very
wild document is an order to " paye fifty ginnyes tothe barer , and place it to my account , " dated " Aprell the 12 , 1 OG 9 , " and signed "Cleveland" in a very shak y handwriting b y Barbara Villiers , Duchess of that ilk . Not much better written is the endorsement of a cheque of the Duke of Bolton by Titus Dates . Hardly less curious is a draft written in the Italian language for £ 450 , signed "M . Wortley Montagu . " Equally treasured ' with these
autographs is the ancient sign of the Marygold , not only preserved in the watermarks of Messrs . Childs ' cheques , but in its original condition , as a . swinging' sign of oa /; . It formerly hung over the door of the front "' shop , " as Childs ' mindful of goldsmith progenitors , prefer lo call their office , and will soon be replaced in its original position . It is
carved and gilt ; the ground is stained green with the border , marygold , and sun raised and gilt . ' The marygold i . <; represented faithfully and accurately as the flower ofthe sun , opening to receive its rays , and closing with the lengthening shadows ; and the golden sun is quaintly carved into a face . 'The motto is very appropriate , " Ainsi mon Ame , " hut oddly reminding one of Byron's
I he seal a sunflower , Elle volts suit partont The motto , cut upon a white cornelian ; The wax was superfine , the hue vermilion . Associations of a sentimental kind arc not wanting to Child ' s Hanking I louse . Mr . Robert Child , the last of his name and head of the bank in 17 S 2 , had an only daughter , Sarah Anne , witli whom the celebrated Lord Westmoreland eloped in a post-chaise and four from Berkeley-souarc
House . The duenna slept in an outer room , and Miss Child's flight was only discovered by the "Charley" or watchman , finding the front door open . Mr . Child at once took a post-chaise and pursued the runaways , and so nearly overtook them that Lord Westmoreland was compelled to stand up and shoot the leading horse in Mr . Child ' s chaise . This dashing coup gave Lord Westmoreland time to get over the border , where the blacksmith was in readiness
, and a Gretna Green marriage was over before Mr . Child could interfere . He never forgave the fugitives , but left the whole of his immense fortune and his interest in the bank to the " first daughter" of their union , in order that thc Fanes should see this great wealth pass away from them , as it did when Lady Sarah Sophia Fane married George Villiers , Earl of Jersey . 'This lady , the most famous heiress of hcr time , was known as " the Tran-erlv
Queen , " and appears in the engraving of the first quadrille danced at Almack ' s , prefixed to "Gronow ' s Recollections . " She was the mother of the celebrated beauty , Lady Clementina Villiers , who died unmarried ; of that too-well known viveur , "Frank" Villiers , who died in exile ; nnd of the Lady Adela Villiers , who one November morning , thirty-live years ago , walked out of her father ' s house with a small bundle of clothes in her hands , married
Colonel Ibbetson , after the manner of her grandmother , and lived happily ever after . The "Tragedy Oueen " lived to snub Lord Beaconsfield when he told her of the death of the man she abhorred thc most—Cavour . To many the "potentiality " of wealth conveyed by the idea of such a house as Child ' s , with a belted carl for its head , will appear at least as interesting as thc runaway records of the family . Possessing a vast aristocratic
connection , Childs are not onl y the custodians of great sums of money , but a mass of jewels , plate , deeds , and other valuables . More space than is occupied by the working staff of the bank is demanded by the bulk of inconvertible deposits . The lower part and rear of the . house are divided into numerous s ' rong rooms , with walls of enormous
thickness , and iron doors of proportionate weight , locked by Hobbs' most perfect locks . So far as ingenuity can make them , these dungeon-like receptacles are fire-proof , waterproof , and burglar-proof , as they need be , for jewel cases lie . piled one above the other by the hundred ; and the gold rand silver plate , packed in heavy iron-bound chests , fills vault after vault , can onl y be estimated b y tons , and requires a special lift for hoisting and lowering it . Once unon a time
Opening Of Messrs. Child's New Banking Premises.
it was said by an eminent practitioner , now withdrawn for a space from the active pursuit of the profession he adorned , that if it were possible to "do" Windsor Castle , a special train would be wanted to carry off the "swag . " Something at least as powerful would be requiredby the "enterprising burglar" who , in the teeth of walls , bolts , bars , and residents , should succeed in " doing- " Childs ' .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft i _ Slasonrg . CHAUCER LODGE ( No . 1540 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , on Wednesday , the 25 th inst . Bro . H . Faija , C . E ., VV . M ,, opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The bye-laws were read . The elections were unanimous in favour of Bros . C . W . Hudson , P . M ., S . W ., being W . M . ;
J . C . Mason , P . M ., Treasurer , re-elected Treasurer ; and Young , Tyler . The usual complimentary Past Master ' s jewel of the value of five guineas was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to Bro . H . Faija , C . E ., VV . M . A gentleman was proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed . There were present during the evening Bros .
C . W . Hudson , P . M ., S . VV ., W . M . elect ; Hawkes , J . W . ; W . Klingenstein , Secretary ; C . Graham , J . D . ; Willetts , W . S . ; E . S . Stidolph , P . M . ; F . Walters , KM . ; Evcniss , Blackwell , and others ; but , strange to say , no visitors . Supper followed , and a most jovial evening was spent . After a few hours of social enjoyment the brethren separated .
MACCLESFIELD . —Lodge of Unity ( No . 267 ) . On'Thursday , the 10 th inst ., the monthly meeting ofthe above lodge was held at the Macclesfield Arms Hotel . The lodge was opened in due form at 7 . 30 and after the ordinary business , the ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . W . Williams , P . AL , as a joining member , wliich was unanimously in his favour . On Bro . Williams ' s admission he
accepted thc position of S . VV ., in the much regretted absence of Bro . Goodwin from illness . The ballot was then taken for Air . Wm . Claye , who had been regularly proposed at the previous meeting as a candidate for the privileges of Freemasonry , and having been unanimously approved , he was initiated in due form by the W . M . ( Bro .
Slade ) , assisted by Bro . Bates , P . M ., and Bro . Cockayne , I . P . AI . Two propositions were afterwards submitted , and the lodge , which was well attended by the brethren , was closed in due form nt 9 . 30 , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment . 'The prcsenccof several visiting brethren from the Sister Lodge , No . 295 , was duly acknowledged with fraternal greetings .
HALLIFORD . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 1309 ) . — 'The installation meeting of the above lodge was held on the 24 th inst ., at the Ship Hotel . There were present Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., Treas ., ns W . AI . ; Clement L . Smiles , S . W .. and W . AI . elect ; C . G . Rushworth , P . P . G . R . Middx ., P . M ., Hon . Sec ; J . W . George , P . M . ; and others . Bro . A . O . Scott was raised , and Bro . Clement
Locke Smiles was installed W . AI . The officers appointed for the ensuing year were Bros . Dr . J . Sutcliffe , S . VV . ; A . Horsley , * . W . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., Treas . ; C G . Rushworth , P . P . G . R . Middx .. P . AL , Hon . Sec ; T . Gurney , M . D ., S . D . ; Luke , I . D . ; Proffitt ,
l . G . ; T . Noton , W . S . ; Faith , D . C . ; A . O . Scott , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., 'T yler . A vote of thanks was given and recorded on the minutes to Bro . Frederick Walters , P . P . J . D . Middx ., P . AL , 'Treasurer , for doing the ceremony of installation . 'The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . —The last regular meeting of the year of this lodge was held on Saturday , thc 21 st inst ., at the Red Lion . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . John Hammond , W . M ., Bro . William Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed , and signed by presiding W . AI . 'The work done was raising Bro . C . Isted , passing Bros . VV . Ballard , F . Stanley , and
J . Smith , and initiating Mr . White . A gentleman was proposed for initiation . The lotlge v . as then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . There were present , besides those named , Bros . Sir Francis Burdett , R . W . P . G . M . Middx . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M ., S . VV . ; I * . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M ., Sec ; H . Gloster , P . M ., J . W . ; J . J . Marsh , l . G . ; J . Lawrence , and others . There were , as usual , several visitors—Bros . Palmer , Smith , and Masters being amongst that list .
WALTHAM . —King Harold Lodge ( No . 1327 ) . —The installation meetmg of thc above lodge took place at the Britannic Hotel , on 'Thursday , the intlf inst . Present : Bros . Samuel Jacobs , VV . M ., P . G . P . ; Dr . lies , D . P . G . M . Herts , the Installing Officer ; James Knight , S . VV ., and W . M . elect ; ] . Fisher , J . W . ; E . West , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; T . Reilly , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Sec ; Past Masters
VV . Gilbert , P . P . G . J . W . ; C . Lacey , P . P . G . D . ; J . Tydeman , P . P . A . G . l ' . Essex ; J . K . Young , P . P . G . A . D . C ; J . Gaskell , D . C ; John Noyes , S . D . ; J . Robinson , J . D . ; VV . A . Rogers , l . G . ; Lewis and Lumsdcn , XV . Stwds . ; and Steedman , Tyler ; also the following members : Bros . Belasco , Bilby , VV . Bradstock , Brewster , J . Bull , Calvert , Church , Cooke , Eversfield ,
Holdsworth , Horton , Imrie , Jones , Kent , Newman , Robin , Sampson , Shepherd , Shuter , ' Sproat , Wiggs , and Wool ley . Visitors : Bros Dorling , P . M . 1 799 ; Cox , S 20 ; Etherington , P . M . SGyj Hanchett , Jones , S . W . 174 ; Piatt , 107 G ; Dicks , 1437 ; Davis , 1437 ; and Osgathorp , 1427 . 'The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . James Knight , the VV . M . electwas then
pre-, sented for the benefit of installation by Bro . Past Master C . Lacey , by whom Bro . Knight had been initiated , and the VV . the D . P . G . M . performed the ceremony in a very able manner , Bro . Lacey acting as D . C . The following officers were then invested : Bros . Jacobs , I . P . M . ; J .
I-isher , S . W . ; VV . Bradstock , J . W . ; E . West , P . M ., Treas . ; T . Reilly , P . M ., Sec ; J . Noyes , S . D . ; J . Robinson , J . D . ; VV . A . Sproat , Org . ; J . Gaskell , P . M ., D . C . ; Wd A . Rogers , l . G . ; VV . Lewis , and G . Holdsworth , Stivds . ; VV . Steedman , Tyler . A vote of thanks was unanimously directed to be recorded on the minutes to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the D . P . G . M . for the very able manner in which he had installed the W . AI . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Jacobs on his retiring from the office of W . M ., as a mark of esteem and respect . Bro . Jacobs returned thanks in suitable terms . The lodge was closed , andthe brethren re ; irad to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and duly honoured . The W . M . in responding
to th toast of his health , remarked that he was very proud of th ¦ honovr which had been conferred upon him , and hop ; r ] he would be . enabled during his year of office to evince to t _ < - brethren his appreciation of their confidence , hy d dig ; II he possibly could to ensure the harmony and comfort , and forward the interests of the King Harold Lodge . The brethren separated after having spent a very pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MALTA . —Union of Malta Lodge ( No . 263 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held on thc 19 th inst ., under the presidency of W . Bro . W . Read , P . G . S . W ., W . M . Bro . A . Giles , of Craft Lodge No . 407 , was advanced to the Mark Degree . At S . 30 p . m . W . Bro . Coffey ( C . N . ) opened the St . Elmo Ark Mariners Lodge , No . 248 . There were present Bros . Starkey , S . ; Allen , J . ; lagliaferro , Treas . ; Rev .
G . N . Godwin , S . D . ; Sandford , J . D . ; Rev . F . Backhouse , Chap . ; Holway , l . G . ; and others . The lodge having been duly opened , the W . C . N , informed the brethren that this meeting was held for the purpose of installing the W . C . N , of the Noah Lodge , No . 2 G 3 , and begged the R . W . P . G . M . to assume the gavel , and perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . Read ( W . C . N , elect of the new lodge ) was then presented in the East , and duly placed
in the chair of N ., and saluted accordingly . Bro . Coffey , at the request of Bro . Read , then exalted the following M . M . M . ' s ., elected by the founders of the new lodge , viz ., Bros . Senior , Blanch , Lippett , Lucy , Roe , Polinelly ( Lodge 222 , Tunis ) , Westrap , 'Truefitt , Flower , West , Stanley , Giles , and Watson ( W . M . M . 107 ) . Bro . Read then
invested the following Ark Manners as the ofiicers of the new lodge , viz ., Bros . Yeoman , as S . VV . ; May , J . W . ; Senior , Sec . ; West , Treas . ; Stanley , S . D . ; Roe ( P . M . of the Wanderers' Lodge , 1 G 04 ) , J . D . ; Flower , I . G . ; and Heck , Tyler . "Hearty good wishes" having been tendered from Lodges 24 S and 25 G , the lodge was closed , and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment .
KESWICK . —Bective Lodge ( No . 1471 ) . —After being dormant for a long time , a few of the remaining members of this once flourishing lodge , assisted by some visiting brethren , assembled at the Keswick Hotel , on Tuesday , tbe 24 th inst . Bro . W . Thornton , P . M ., P . P . G . Swd . Br ., presided , and amongst the other members were Bros . T . Usher , P . AL , P . P . G . S . D . ; and W . Lamonby , Secretary , P . P . G . St . Br . After opening the lodge a
ballot was taken for the advancement of Bro . C . 'Thompson , Tyler , Greta I-odgc , No . 1073 , which proved unanimous . Ballots were also taken for thc following as joining members , and they were accepted : Bro ::. G . Dalrymple , P . AI . 21 G , P . G . S . D . ; and VV . F . Lamonby , P . M . 229 , P . G . Secretary . Bro . VV . Thornton , P . AL , was then unanimously clecfed W . AI . for the ensuing year , nnd Bro . J . Barron , Treasurer ; whilst later on Bro . C . Thompson
was elected Ty ler . Bro . VV . I'd Lamonby was then invited to take the chair , and Bro . Thompson was regularly advanced to the honourable Degree ; Bro . Dalrymple , with his keen zest for work , filling no fewer than four offices during the ceremony . Bro . 11 . Peacock , ] . O . Lodge No . 229 , also kindly and efficiently acted as S . D . 'Two other joining members were proposed , viz ., Bros . Jos .
Nicholson , P . M . 151 , P . G . lreasurcr ; nnd Bro . II . Peacock , J . O . 229 . Finally notice of motion was given to make the meetings quarterl y instead of monthly , which it is confidently hoped will be found a better arrangement for the ultimate prosperity of the lodge . The installation of the W . M . elect will be held in October , when a good gathering is anticipated .
Rosicrucian Society.
Rosicrucian Society .
LEEDS . —York College . —This Masonic Archaeological Body held its August meeting last Saturday in the Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , by kind permission of the trustees of that building . Many of the fraters met at one p . m ., and travelled by tram-car to Kirkstall , where they inspected thc ruins of thebeautilul Cistercian Abbey , which are second in extent in Yorkshire only to those of Fountains . Their peculiarities and beauties were very ably and lucidly
pointed out to the party by 1-rater I' .. Pearson Peterson , who acted as cicerone , and under his guidance all thc prominent details v / ere carefully investigated with thc additional aid of ground plans . Returning to Leeds the college was opened at four p . m ., the following fraters being present : Fraters T . H . Whytehead , Hon . I X ° , Chief Adept ; J . S . Cumberland , VII - * , Celebrant ; J . Maffey , IV , as Suffragan ; E . Linck , IV , as Sec ; T . J . Wilkinson ,
Vl ° , P . A . ; VV . Rowley , Vl ° , S . A . ; E . P . Peterson , V , T . A . ; VV . Watson , IV . ° , as Q . A . j C . L . Mason , V ° , C of N . ; and others . Several Tetters of apology were read from ofiicers and fraters who were unable to be present , and successful ballots were taken for four candidates . 'Three aspirants were duly admitted to the M . C , making the number of full members thirty-two , thc college being thus nearly up to its full strength of thirty-six . A
candidate was proposed for admission , and then Fra . Walter Rowley , VI , read an excellent paper on thc "History of Leeds , " for wliich he received thc thanks of the college . Votes of thanks were passed to Fra . Rowley and Era . Peterson for their valuable papers , and they were ordered to be printed . The VV . Celebrant called attention to the fact of the prosperous position of the Order in America , which was especially interesting to them , since it
was two years ago , at York , that he and the duct Adept had taken part in the admission to the Order of the fraters who had founded the Order in thc United States . The M . C . was then broken . The next meeting of the cellcge will be held in York in thc month of November . After the conclusion of business the brethren partook of tea together , and spent a pleasant hour before departing for their respective homes at York , London , Thirsk , Bradford , & c .
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