Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article Amusements. Page 1 of 1
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Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF FORFARSHIRE . On Thursday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . Captain Clayhills Henderson of Invergowrie was installed Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire , in room of the now Earl of Dalhousie . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the Saloon of the Queen ' s Hotel—R . W . M . Bro . John Herald ,
St . Thomas , Arbroath , Senior Master , in the chair ; the Master of No . 47 , Bro . W . F . Longmuir , Senior Provincial Warden ; the Alaster of 49 , Bro . Bulk , Junior Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge being duly constituted , received the following deputation : —Bros , the Right Hon . the Earl of Kintore , " Senior Grand Warden , acting Grand Master Mason : Win . MacLean , R . W . M . No . 3 , Glasgow
acting Senior Grand Warden ; Wm . Edwards , P . AI . No . 36 , Edinburgh , acting Junior Grand Warden ; D . Alurray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; David Kinnear , Grand Cashier , James Crichton , Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards ; A . D . Cairns acting Grand Sword Bearer ; John Scott , acting Senior Grand Deacon ; R . M'Donald , acting Junior Grand Deacon ; William M .
Bryce , Grand Tyler of Grand Lodge . The acting Provincial Alaster then vacated the chair , and the Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Kintore presided , and proceeded with the ceremony of the installation of Bro . Clayhills Henderson . The acting GRAND MASTER addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge ,
The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER acknowledged his appointment , and expressed a hope that he would be supported by all the Alasons in Forfarshire , and especially by those whom he had pleasure in nominating as commissioned office-bearers , as follows : Substitute Alaster , Bro . David Small ; Senior Grand Warden , Bro . John White ; Junior Warden , Bro . D . A . Al'Corquodale ; Prov . G . Secretary ,
Bro . James Berry ; Grand Chaplain , the Rev . James Crabb , ALA . ; Asst . Chaplain , the Rev . J . A . Dunbar Dunbar of Lochce . In the evening a dinner was held in the Queen's Hotel . Bro . the Provincial Grand Alaster of Forfarshire ( Captain Clayhills Henderson ) presided , and there was a large attendance of Alasons . A number of toasts were proposed and heartily responded to , and a happy evening was spent .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
MALTA . —Melita Council ( No . 10 ) . —A meeting of the above council was held at the Masonic Hall , Valetta , on Tuesday , the 17 th inst . Present : Comps . C . E . Coffey , T . I . M . ; Broadley , R . P . P . G . M ., as D . M . ; Ewing , P . C ofW . ; Tagliaferro , Treas . ; Starkey , Recorder ; Grier , Conductor of C ; and Read ( of thc Raymond Portal Council at Tunis ) . The minutes of the last mectingbcing duly confirmed , thc
following R . A . companions were elected as candidates for Cryptic Masonry , viz ., the Rev . F . D . Backhouse , C . J . Bannister , Sir hrancis Blackwood , Bart ., Lieut . W . L . Cox , Capt . C . E . H . Ford , Lieut . F . XV . K . Glass , Lieut ., F . Hewson , Lieut . J . C . Holloway , Surgeon-AIajor H . VV . A . Mackinnon , VV . M . M . 24 S ; J . li . Alortimer , J . Segond , P . M . 515 ; and VV . Watson , P . AL 349 . The whole of them being in attendance they were admitted to the Degrees
of M . E ., R ., S ., and S . E . Masters . Several vacancies having occurred amongst the officers of the council since its formation , Comp . Alajor Ewing w-as installed as D . AL ; and Dr . Alackinnon as P . C of VVorks ; Comp . the Rev . F . Backhouse was appointed Chaplain ; and Comps . Glass , Bannister , and Ford , Alarshals . It was resolved that the surplus funds of the council be paid into the General Fund of thc . Mark Grand Lodge . The R . W . P . G . M . then opened
a meeting of the P . G . Council , assisted by the Grand Officers present . 'The G . Recorder read a report of his correspondence with the home authorities as to the precedence , decorations , etc ., of P . G . Officers . Thc Rev . F . D . Backhouse was appointed P . G . Chaplain . The P . G . Council was then closed . Comp . Coffey subsequently terminated the labours of the subordinate council , which now numbers twenty-seven members on its muster roll .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
THE COLOURED LODGE , 1795 . In answer to " Albus , " 1 have to report that thc coloured lodge , referred to in theSi'ii ' idm-n ' ii / and Masonic Mngasine ior if 05 . was doubtless the "African Lodge , " wliich met at Boston , Massachusetts , for some years , and was warranted by the Grand Lodge of England in 17 S 4 as No . 459 . lt is known also as the " Prince Hall Coloured
Lodge , " he being its originator , I believe , and first Master . It is in the lists of the "Moderns" at the alteration of the numbers , in 1792 , and continued as No . 370 until the Union in December , 1 S 13 , but was dropped from the "Union" list of 1 S 15 ( published in 1 S 14 ) . Some of the £ resent coloured lodges claim their ori gin from this lodge , ut the thread is so fine as , so far , to escape my observation . VV . J . HUGHAN .
CHARTER OFTRANSMISSION . —This isa deed or charter of transmission said to have been signed by Jacques de Molay , February 13 th , 1314 , while in prison , by which he constituted Johannes Marcus Larmenius Grand Alaster of the Order of the 'Temple . Who Johannes Alarcus Larmenius Hierosolimitanus was does not clearly appear , though some have said that he was a Patriarch of
Jerusalem . This charter professes to give in Latin a list of . ' successive Grand Masters from 1324—twenty-two in number , and ending in 1 S 04 . Since that time no other official list has been published , and in the " Alanuel des Chevaliers de l'Ordre du Temple , " in 1 S 25 , no addition is made to the roll of Grand Alasters , the last named being Bernard Raymund Fabre Palaprat , in 1 S 04 . Itseems that by
this "charter" Johannes Marcus Larmenius declared that on the 13 th of February , 1324 , Molay had conferred on him the Grand Mastership , and also the power of selecting his successor , and that he had done thc same and nominated Ihomas Theobaldus Alexandrinus , who accepted thc office in 1324 . Thus this charter of transmission is a charter ol perpetuation , and the Order of the Temple professes to be a continuation of the actual Knights Templar , and to hold
Masonic Notes And Queries.
many relics of their great forefathers . They claim to have the sword of Jacques Molay , the helmet of Guy Dauphin d'Auvergne , the Beauseant , and four fragments of burnt bones taken from the funeral pile . Modern criticism is , however , very unfavourable to the charter as a' veritable document , and it is generally believed to have been put together about the beginning of the last century , and some even will have it later . It has been averred , for instance ,
by more than one writer , that a Jesuit , of the name of Bonani , a learned antiquary and archaeologist , assisted Philip , Duke of Orleans , in 1705 , to fabricate the document ; and some writers , Mackay among them , declare that this perpetuation of the Templars was originally called the "Societe d'Aloyau , " dissolved in 1792 by thc death of its Grand Alaster , the Duke de Cossee Brissac , massacred at Versailles . It is stated that certain persons called Ledru
and De Saintis , and Bernard Raymund Fabre Palaprat especially , physician to the duke , found some papers among the duke ' s effects , and then set to work to resuscitate the Order of the 'Temple . For this purpose they nominated C . AL Radix de Cervillier as " Vicar , " and then admitted into the Order certain brethren called Decourchant , Leblond , Arnal ; and that these three hit on the bright idea of setting up the relics of the Order . But we
do not think that this account can be altogether relied on ; and there-. seems to be a mixing up of dates and names . The " Handbuch " says that the Order sprang up in the Parisian Lodge " Chevaliers dc la Croix , " in 1 S 05 , and that its first public appearance in Paris was August 16 th , 1 S 10 . In that year , the " Handbuch " states , the " Evangelium und Leviticon " was not on their list of "stage properties , " and to that AIS . but little critical value can be
attached . In 1 S 13 there was a schism in the Order , and the Count C . L . le Peletoier d'Aulnay was elected Grand Alaster in opposition to Palaprat , so that two Grand Masters existed . In 1 S 27 D'Aulnay laid down his Grand Alastership , and Palaprat was again recognised as the sole Grand Master . Palaprat died in 1 S 3 S , and was succeeded by Sir XV . Sidney Smith , who died in 1 S 41 , and though a certain Jean Marie Raoul was then named Regent , since
1 S 41 the Order has been practically in abeyance . As a document , the charter of Larmenius is , in our humble opinion , historically and critically worthless . Among the alleged Grand Alasters the famous Duguesclin is found ; but if Bocani was the concoctor of this " fraus pia , " he certainly has shown much ingenuity , and taken much
labour in vain . We are not aware that any Alasonic student will now seriously contend for the reality of this document , which , in its original , we believe , has never been seen oi late years . What the present state of thc Order of the Temple is we know not . —Kenning ' s Cyclopcedia of Freemasonry .
Reviews .
DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE , H 1 STORIQUE , ET ARCH / EOLOGIQUE DE LA PALESTINE . Par M . V . GUERIN . "" ERNEST LEUOUX , Editor . This large and important work , in two vols ., very large octavo , and printed at the " Imprimerie Nationale , " Pans , " par autorisation du Gouvernement , " is a very remarkable contribution to the historical , geographical , and archaeological study of the Holy Land . 'To it we must refer
our readers , all who read French , as it would be impossible in our circumscribed limits either to do such a work justice , or give our readers a sufficient review of it . Monsieur Guerin had previously published more than one work on Palestine , as well as accounts o £ Tunis , the Isle , of Rhodes , Patmos , and Samos , and he has returned to his interesting labours with increased zeal and acuter criticism . He started in 1 S 7 . S on a mission confided to him by M . Wallon , then
Minister of Public Instruction , and these two volumes , or about 1100 pages , are the fruits of his zeal and industry , interest and knowledge . They indeed constitute a third part , as he terms them , and deal only with "Galilee . " In his previous works , in his first part , he has described J ud ; ea , in his second Samaria , and now hc takes Galilee in two large volumes , as we said before . One special point connected with this work , and which will make it very useful
for reference , ( for it is too large and cumbrous for general circulation ) , is that M . Guerin gives the names , ancient and modern , belonging to the places he visited , and his journey was very exhaustive . He seems to have gone over all the spots sacred from Scripture associations , and known to modern travellers . We cannot say too much in praise of the thoroughly religious and reverent tone wliich runs through the work , and
which has given us the truest satisfaction . We wish all writers on Palestine were as reverent and right-minded . The great difficulty in all similar books is that you have to deal with conflicting traditions . Most of thc local traditions date from the time of the Crusaders , and were not , probably , to a great extent correct , and the consequence is , as tradition is apt to get confused , it is impossible always to rely on " guide books , " or the national and village
"Cicerone . On thc other hand , there is no reason why you arc to jump at once into absolute scepticism and rejection of all tradition . An old friend of ours—wellknown as "Jerusalem Williams "—once said to us , on his return from his Chaplaincy , that nothing was so difficult as to decide as between " overgrown tradition and irreverent scepticism in Jerusalem itself , " and we fancy the same remark applies to the whole of the Holy Land more or less .
Monsieur Gucnn seems to us to take the proper "juste milieu , " and to give us alike the local tradition , and what is historically known about the place . His account of Nazareth , for instance , is most careful and interesting , and displays both thoughtful study and local knowledge . To any of our readers who are now studying the geography of the Holy Land wc can conscientiously recommend Alonsieur Guerin's elaborate work as useful and helpful in the highest degree .
Amusements .
COVENT GARDEN—The Promenade Concerts have now become an annual institution , and it speaks well for the improved taste and culture ot the English public that the evenings set apart for the performance of classical music are among the most largely patronised . The classical element of last Wednesday ' s entertainment was as interesting in its variety as it was excellent in its quality . Mendelssohn and Weber were duly represented . The vocal music in thc first part consisted of the air from the
"Creation , " "With verdure clad , " tastefully rendered by Miss Anna Williams , Schubert ' s "Wanderer" was sung with fervour by Mr . Maybrick ; and "Love in her Eyes " ( "Acis and Galatea" ) , given by Mr . Edward Lloyd , it is superfluous to say with what perfection of artistic expression . That gem from the "Faust" music of Berlioz , the " Dansc des Sylphes , " met with the encore that now seldom fails to accompany any adequate rendition of this delicious
morceau , and Miss Josephine Lawrence , after her spirited execution of the pianoforte part of the " Rondo Capriccioso , " had no reason to complain of coldness or want of appreciation by the audience , the hearty and continued applause necessitating her reappearance . Among the leading features of the miscellaneous selection were the ballet music from Auber's " Gustave , " C . Godfrey's waltz , " The clang of the wooden shoon , " and the arrangement of excerpts from "The Pirates of Penzance , " in the latter
of which the ordinary orchestra was supplemented b y tbe band of the Coldstream Guards . Miss Anna Williams , when encored in Roeckel's " Grace Darling , " substituted for a repeat "The Alinstrel Boy , " a course which was not followed by Mr . Edward Lloyd , who , when called upon to give Sullivan's " The Distant Shore" again , in response sang the final verse . Miss Josephine Lawrence played a couple of pianoforte solos , the "Arabesque" of Schumann and Scarlatti's " Harpsichord Lesson , " and gave a third when recalled to the platform .
ALHAMBRA THEATRE . —The attractive and popular " La Fille du Tambour Major " at the Alhambra has been strengthened by the addition of a ballet d'action , which it has been found possible to introduce into the third act ; this , so far from unduly prolonging the piece , has added greatly to the spectacular attractiveness and interest of the performance , as it is quite in accordance with the events which immediately follow it . Those acquainted with the opera
will remember that at this point of the story the four principal characters—the study Tambour Major , his daughter , the boid Captain Robert , and the little drummer Grioletwhilst endeavouring to join their companions in arms , who , for strategic reasons , have retreated from before the enemy , are sheltered in a mountainous district near Milan by the sympathetic inhabitants—half peasants , half brigands—wiio . equally detest the Austrians . Under these circumstances ,
what more natural from the theatrical aspect than that this scene should open with a brigand ballet , and that it should be brought to a close by a skirmish with the common foe ? These incidents , indeed , form the additions made to the representation on Wednesday night with a dramatic effectiveness that is calculated to give a fresh fillip to the
successful run here of Offenbach's tuneful work . The ballet has been arranged by M . Bertrand , and M . G . Jacob ! ( who is so well versed in these matters ) has supplied the lively music . The novel effects are very telling , and help to stimulate the interest culminating in the entry of the French army into Milan , upon which the curtain finally falls .
MANCHESTER . —PRINCE'S THEATRE . —On Monday last Mr . G . R . Sims' popular comedy of " Crutch and Toothpick" was produced at this elegant theatre under most favourable auspices , and before a good audience . 'This comedy has doubtless been witnessed by most of our readers , and it would , therefore , be superfluous on our part to detail thc plot , or rather the incidents , in connection with it , suffice it to say that the performers , one and all , gave
the greatest satisfaction in the different characters they assumed , the most noticeable being Air . Julian Cross , as Alderman Jones , Mr . Alfred Hemming , as GuvDeveretue , Mr . Gerald Moore , as Cecil Leighton , and Mr . George Walton , as Jellicoe . Of the ladjes Miss Ethel Castleton deserves special mention for her natural and graceful assumption of Dolly Devereux , whilst Miss Retta Walton and Miss Nellie Maxwell , who impersonated A my Jones and
Lady Pennicuik , respectively , were all that could be desired . The performance throughout was applauded vigorousl y by an enthusiastic audience , as it well deserved to be . 1 he evening ' s entertainment concluded with thc musical extravaganza entitled "Cruel Carmen , or the Demented Dragoon and the Terrible Torreador . " Miss Alice Aynsley Cook sustained the title role , and no better exponent of the character could , to our thinking , be found .
This lady is a great favourite with . Manchester audiences , and vocally and histrionically gave the greatest satisfaction . 'The Walton Family again showed their ability , and caused roars of laughter by their funny antics . Mr . Alfred Hemming , as Escamillo , proved himself quite as much at home in burlesque as in comedy , and the other characters were well sustained . 'The scenery and dresses were , as thoy always are at this house , all that could be desired under Mr . Charles Bernard ' s liberal catering .
AIANCH ESTER . — QUEEN'S THEATRE . — The " Streets of London " was produced here on Monday last . Bro . J . C . Emerson is very happy in his selection of this well - known drama , thc different characters in which suit the Queen's company to a nicety , whilst the resources of the large stage are sufficiently adequate to represent the scenes realistically . Mr . Joseph Bracewell appeared once again in his character of Badger , and did
ample justice to the part ; in fact , this popular comedian was perfectly at home , and convulsed the audience by his genuine humour . Air . Chippendale , as Captain Fairweather , was most satisfactory , as he always is in every character he assumes . The remaining characters were well represented by the rest of the company , and created a most favourable impression all round . Aliss Ethel Arden , as Alida . Dlooilgood , proved herself a thorough artiste
and we congratulate the management upon having engaged so valuable an acquisition to their company as this lady certainl y is . 'The scenery was very good , especially "Charing Cross "by night , whilst the "lire" scene was well managed and very effective . The performances concluded with Mr . Charles Selby's musical farce of "The
Bonnie Fishwife , " which afforded Miss Jessie Villars art opportunity of distinguishing herself , both as an actress and vocalist , which she did most satisfactorily ; hcr song , " Caller Herrin , " being encored . Mr . Chippendale , as Sir Hickory Heartvcheer , Mr . Percy Lyndall , as Wildoatai lleartycheer , and Air . Joseph Bracewell , as Gaiters , were also good .
A grand conversazione , dramatic entertainment , concert , and ball will be given in October in celebration of the opening of the banqueting room of thc Masonic Hall , Hope-street , " Liverpool , after being most artistically decorated at considerable cost .
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Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF FORFARSHIRE . On Thursday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . Captain Clayhills Henderson of Invergowrie was installed Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire , in room of the now Earl of Dalhousie . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the Saloon of the Queen ' s Hotel—R . W . M . Bro . John Herald ,
St . Thomas , Arbroath , Senior Master , in the chair ; the Master of No . 47 , Bro . W . F . Longmuir , Senior Provincial Warden ; the Alaster of 49 , Bro . Bulk , Junior Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge being duly constituted , received the following deputation : —Bros , the Right Hon . the Earl of Kintore , " Senior Grand Warden , acting Grand Master Mason : Win . MacLean , R . W . M . No . 3 , Glasgow
acting Senior Grand Warden ; Wm . Edwards , P . AI . No . 36 , Edinburgh , acting Junior Grand Warden ; D . Alurray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; David Kinnear , Grand Cashier , James Crichton , Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards ; A . D . Cairns acting Grand Sword Bearer ; John Scott , acting Senior Grand Deacon ; R . M'Donald , acting Junior Grand Deacon ; William M .
Bryce , Grand Tyler of Grand Lodge . The acting Provincial Alaster then vacated the chair , and the Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Kintore presided , and proceeded with the ceremony of the installation of Bro . Clayhills Henderson . The acting GRAND MASTER addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge ,
The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER acknowledged his appointment , and expressed a hope that he would be supported by all the Alasons in Forfarshire , and especially by those whom he had pleasure in nominating as commissioned office-bearers , as follows : Substitute Alaster , Bro . David Small ; Senior Grand Warden , Bro . John White ; Junior Warden , Bro . D . A . Al'Corquodale ; Prov . G . Secretary ,
Bro . James Berry ; Grand Chaplain , the Rev . James Crabb , ALA . ; Asst . Chaplain , the Rev . J . A . Dunbar Dunbar of Lochce . In the evening a dinner was held in the Queen's Hotel . Bro . the Provincial Grand Alaster of Forfarshire ( Captain Clayhills Henderson ) presided , and there was a large attendance of Alasons . A number of toasts were proposed and heartily responded to , and a happy evening was spent .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
MALTA . —Melita Council ( No . 10 ) . —A meeting of the above council was held at the Masonic Hall , Valetta , on Tuesday , the 17 th inst . Present : Comps . C . E . Coffey , T . I . M . ; Broadley , R . P . P . G . M ., as D . M . ; Ewing , P . C ofW . ; Tagliaferro , Treas . ; Starkey , Recorder ; Grier , Conductor of C ; and Read ( of thc Raymond Portal Council at Tunis ) . The minutes of the last mectingbcing duly confirmed , thc
following R . A . companions were elected as candidates for Cryptic Masonry , viz ., the Rev . F . D . Backhouse , C . J . Bannister , Sir hrancis Blackwood , Bart ., Lieut . W . L . Cox , Capt . C . E . H . Ford , Lieut . F . XV . K . Glass , Lieut ., F . Hewson , Lieut . J . C . Holloway , Surgeon-AIajor H . VV . A . Mackinnon , VV . M . M . 24 S ; J . li . Alortimer , J . Segond , P . M . 515 ; and VV . Watson , P . AL 349 . The whole of them being in attendance they were admitted to the Degrees
of M . E ., R ., S ., and S . E . Masters . Several vacancies having occurred amongst the officers of the council since its formation , Comp . Alajor Ewing w-as installed as D . AL ; and Dr . Alackinnon as P . C of VVorks ; Comp . the Rev . F . Backhouse was appointed Chaplain ; and Comps . Glass , Bannister , and Ford , Alarshals . It was resolved that the surplus funds of the council be paid into the General Fund of thc . Mark Grand Lodge . The R . W . P . G . M . then opened
a meeting of the P . G . Council , assisted by the Grand Officers present . 'The G . Recorder read a report of his correspondence with the home authorities as to the precedence , decorations , etc ., of P . G . Officers . Thc Rev . F . D . Backhouse was appointed P . G . Chaplain . The P . G . Council was then closed . Comp . Coffey subsequently terminated the labours of the subordinate council , which now numbers twenty-seven members on its muster roll .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
THE COLOURED LODGE , 1795 . In answer to " Albus , " 1 have to report that thc coloured lodge , referred to in theSi'ii ' idm-n ' ii / and Masonic Mngasine ior if 05 . was doubtless the "African Lodge , " wliich met at Boston , Massachusetts , for some years , and was warranted by the Grand Lodge of England in 17 S 4 as No . 459 . lt is known also as the " Prince Hall Coloured
Lodge , " he being its originator , I believe , and first Master . It is in the lists of the "Moderns" at the alteration of the numbers , in 1792 , and continued as No . 370 until the Union in December , 1 S 13 , but was dropped from the "Union" list of 1 S 15 ( published in 1 S 14 ) . Some of the £ resent coloured lodges claim their ori gin from this lodge , ut the thread is so fine as , so far , to escape my observation . VV . J . HUGHAN .
CHARTER OFTRANSMISSION . —This isa deed or charter of transmission said to have been signed by Jacques de Molay , February 13 th , 1314 , while in prison , by which he constituted Johannes Marcus Larmenius Grand Alaster of the Order of the 'Temple . Who Johannes Alarcus Larmenius Hierosolimitanus was does not clearly appear , though some have said that he was a Patriarch of
Jerusalem . This charter professes to give in Latin a list of . ' successive Grand Masters from 1324—twenty-two in number , and ending in 1 S 04 . Since that time no other official list has been published , and in the " Alanuel des Chevaliers de l'Ordre du Temple , " in 1 S 25 , no addition is made to the roll of Grand Alasters , the last named being Bernard Raymund Fabre Palaprat , in 1 S 04 . Itseems that by
this "charter" Johannes Marcus Larmenius declared that on the 13 th of February , 1324 , Molay had conferred on him the Grand Mastership , and also the power of selecting his successor , and that he had done thc same and nominated Ihomas Theobaldus Alexandrinus , who accepted thc office in 1324 . Thus this charter of transmission is a charter ol perpetuation , and the Order of the Temple professes to be a continuation of the actual Knights Templar , and to hold
Masonic Notes And Queries.
many relics of their great forefathers . They claim to have the sword of Jacques Molay , the helmet of Guy Dauphin d'Auvergne , the Beauseant , and four fragments of burnt bones taken from the funeral pile . Modern criticism is , however , very unfavourable to the charter as a' veritable document , and it is generally believed to have been put together about the beginning of the last century , and some even will have it later . It has been averred , for instance ,
by more than one writer , that a Jesuit , of the name of Bonani , a learned antiquary and archaeologist , assisted Philip , Duke of Orleans , in 1705 , to fabricate the document ; and some writers , Mackay among them , declare that this perpetuation of the Templars was originally called the "Societe d'Aloyau , " dissolved in 1792 by thc death of its Grand Alaster , the Duke de Cossee Brissac , massacred at Versailles . It is stated that certain persons called Ledru
and De Saintis , and Bernard Raymund Fabre Palaprat especially , physician to the duke , found some papers among the duke ' s effects , and then set to work to resuscitate the Order of the 'Temple . For this purpose they nominated C . AL Radix de Cervillier as " Vicar , " and then admitted into the Order certain brethren called Decourchant , Leblond , Arnal ; and that these three hit on the bright idea of setting up the relics of the Order . But we
do not think that this account can be altogether relied on ; and there-. seems to be a mixing up of dates and names . The " Handbuch " says that the Order sprang up in the Parisian Lodge " Chevaliers dc la Croix , " in 1 S 05 , and that its first public appearance in Paris was August 16 th , 1 S 10 . In that year , the " Handbuch " states , the " Evangelium und Leviticon " was not on their list of "stage properties , " and to that AIS . but little critical value can be
attached . In 1 S 13 there was a schism in the Order , and the Count C . L . le Peletoier d'Aulnay was elected Grand Alaster in opposition to Palaprat , so that two Grand Masters existed . In 1 S 27 D'Aulnay laid down his Grand Alastership , and Palaprat was again recognised as the sole Grand Master . Palaprat died in 1 S 3 S , and was succeeded by Sir XV . Sidney Smith , who died in 1 S 41 , and though a certain Jean Marie Raoul was then named Regent , since
1 S 41 the Order has been practically in abeyance . As a document , the charter of Larmenius is , in our humble opinion , historically and critically worthless . Among the alleged Grand Alasters the famous Duguesclin is found ; but if Bocani was the concoctor of this " fraus pia , " he certainly has shown much ingenuity , and taken much
labour in vain . We are not aware that any Alasonic student will now seriously contend for the reality of this document , which , in its original , we believe , has never been seen oi late years . What the present state of thc Order of the Temple is we know not . —Kenning ' s Cyclopcedia of Freemasonry .
Reviews .
DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE , H 1 STORIQUE , ET ARCH / EOLOGIQUE DE LA PALESTINE . Par M . V . GUERIN . "" ERNEST LEUOUX , Editor . This large and important work , in two vols ., very large octavo , and printed at the " Imprimerie Nationale , " Pans , " par autorisation du Gouvernement , " is a very remarkable contribution to the historical , geographical , and archaeological study of the Holy Land . 'To it we must refer
our readers , all who read French , as it would be impossible in our circumscribed limits either to do such a work justice , or give our readers a sufficient review of it . Monsieur Guerin had previously published more than one work on Palestine , as well as accounts o £ Tunis , the Isle , of Rhodes , Patmos , and Samos , and he has returned to his interesting labours with increased zeal and acuter criticism . He started in 1 S 7 . S on a mission confided to him by M . Wallon , then
Minister of Public Instruction , and these two volumes , or about 1100 pages , are the fruits of his zeal and industry , interest and knowledge . They indeed constitute a third part , as he terms them , and deal only with "Galilee . " In his previous works , in his first part , he has described J ud ; ea , in his second Samaria , and now hc takes Galilee in two large volumes , as we said before . One special point connected with this work , and which will make it very useful
for reference , ( for it is too large and cumbrous for general circulation ) , is that M . Guerin gives the names , ancient and modern , belonging to the places he visited , and his journey was very exhaustive . He seems to have gone over all the spots sacred from Scripture associations , and known to modern travellers . We cannot say too much in praise of the thoroughly religious and reverent tone wliich runs through the work , and
which has given us the truest satisfaction . We wish all writers on Palestine were as reverent and right-minded . The great difficulty in all similar books is that you have to deal with conflicting traditions . Most of thc local traditions date from the time of the Crusaders , and were not , probably , to a great extent correct , and the consequence is , as tradition is apt to get confused , it is impossible always to rely on " guide books , " or the national and village
"Cicerone . On thc other hand , there is no reason why you arc to jump at once into absolute scepticism and rejection of all tradition . An old friend of ours—wellknown as "Jerusalem Williams "—once said to us , on his return from his Chaplaincy , that nothing was so difficult as to decide as between " overgrown tradition and irreverent scepticism in Jerusalem itself , " and we fancy the same remark applies to the whole of the Holy Land more or less .
Monsieur Gucnn seems to us to take the proper "juste milieu , " and to give us alike the local tradition , and what is historically known about the place . His account of Nazareth , for instance , is most careful and interesting , and displays both thoughtful study and local knowledge . To any of our readers who are now studying the geography of the Holy Land wc can conscientiously recommend Alonsieur Guerin's elaborate work as useful and helpful in the highest degree .
Amusements .
COVENT GARDEN—The Promenade Concerts have now become an annual institution , and it speaks well for the improved taste and culture ot the English public that the evenings set apart for the performance of classical music are among the most largely patronised . The classical element of last Wednesday ' s entertainment was as interesting in its variety as it was excellent in its quality . Mendelssohn and Weber were duly represented . The vocal music in thc first part consisted of the air from the
"Creation , " "With verdure clad , " tastefully rendered by Miss Anna Williams , Schubert ' s "Wanderer" was sung with fervour by Mr . Maybrick ; and "Love in her Eyes " ( "Acis and Galatea" ) , given by Mr . Edward Lloyd , it is superfluous to say with what perfection of artistic expression . That gem from the "Faust" music of Berlioz , the " Dansc des Sylphes , " met with the encore that now seldom fails to accompany any adequate rendition of this delicious
morceau , and Miss Josephine Lawrence , after her spirited execution of the pianoforte part of the " Rondo Capriccioso , " had no reason to complain of coldness or want of appreciation by the audience , the hearty and continued applause necessitating her reappearance . Among the leading features of the miscellaneous selection were the ballet music from Auber's " Gustave , " C . Godfrey's waltz , " The clang of the wooden shoon , " and the arrangement of excerpts from "The Pirates of Penzance , " in the latter
of which the ordinary orchestra was supplemented b y tbe band of the Coldstream Guards . Miss Anna Williams , when encored in Roeckel's " Grace Darling , " substituted for a repeat "The Alinstrel Boy , " a course which was not followed by Mr . Edward Lloyd , who , when called upon to give Sullivan's " The Distant Shore" again , in response sang the final verse . Miss Josephine Lawrence played a couple of pianoforte solos , the "Arabesque" of Schumann and Scarlatti's " Harpsichord Lesson , " and gave a third when recalled to the platform .
ALHAMBRA THEATRE . —The attractive and popular " La Fille du Tambour Major " at the Alhambra has been strengthened by the addition of a ballet d'action , which it has been found possible to introduce into the third act ; this , so far from unduly prolonging the piece , has added greatly to the spectacular attractiveness and interest of the performance , as it is quite in accordance with the events which immediately follow it . Those acquainted with the opera
will remember that at this point of the story the four principal characters—the study Tambour Major , his daughter , the boid Captain Robert , and the little drummer Grioletwhilst endeavouring to join their companions in arms , who , for strategic reasons , have retreated from before the enemy , are sheltered in a mountainous district near Milan by the sympathetic inhabitants—half peasants , half brigands—wiio . equally detest the Austrians . Under these circumstances ,
what more natural from the theatrical aspect than that this scene should open with a brigand ballet , and that it should be brought to a close by a skirmish with the common foe ? These incidents , indeed , form the additions made to the representation on Wednesday night with a dramatic effectiveness that is calculated to give a fresh fillip to the
successful run here of Offenbach's tuneful work . The ballet has been arranged by M . Bertrand , and M . G . Jacob ! ( who is so well versed in these matters ) has supplied the lively music . The novel effects are very telling , and help to stimulate the interest culminating in the entry of the French army into Milan , upon which the curtain finally falls .
MANCHESTER . —PRINCE'S THEATRE . —On Monday last Mr . G . R . Sims' popular comedy of " Crutch and Toothpick" was produced at this elegant theatre under most favourable auspices , and before a good audience . 'This comedy has doubtless been witnessed by most of our readers , and it would , therefore , be superfluous on our part to detail thc plot , or rather the incidents , in connection with it , suffice it to say that the performers , one and all , gave
the greatest satisfaction in the different characters they assumed , the most noticeable being Air . Julian Cross , as Alderman Jones , Mr . Alfred Hemming , as GuvDeveretue , Mr . Gerald Moore , as Cecil Leighton , and Mr . George Walton , as Jellicoe . Of the ladjes Miss Ethel Castleton deserves special mention for her natural and graceful assumption of Dolly Devereux , whilst Miss Retta Walton and Miss Nellie Maxwell , who impersonated A my Jones and
Lady Pennicuik , respectively , were all that could be desired . The performance throughout was applauded vigorousl y by an enthusiastic audience , as it well deserved to be . 1 he evening ' s entertainment concluded with thc musical extravaganza entitled "Cruel Carmen , or the Demented Dragoon and the Terrible Torreador . " Miss Alice Aynsley Cook sustained the title role , and no better exponent of the character could , to our thinking , be found .
This lady is a great favourite with . Manchester audiences , and vocally and histrionically gave the greatest satisfaction . 'The Walton Family again showed their ability , and caused roars of laughter by their funny antics . Mr . Alfred Hemming , as Escamillo , proved himself quite as much at home in burlesque as in comedy , and the other characters were well sustained . 'The scenery and dresses were , as thoy always are at this house , all that could be desired under Mr . Charles Bernard ' s liberal catering .
AIANCH ESTER . — QUEEN'S THEATRE . — The " Streets of London " was produced here on Monday last . Bro . J . C . Emerson is very happy in his selection of this well - known drama , thc different characters in which suit the Queen's company to a nicety , whilst the resources of the large stage are sufficiently adequate to represent the scenes realistically . Mr . Joseph Bracewell appeared once again in his character of Badger , and did
ample justice to the part ; in fact , this popular comedian was perfectly at home , and convulsed the audience by his genuine humour . Air . Chippendale , as Captain Fairweather , was most satisfactory , as he always is in every character he assumes . The remaining characters were well represented by the rest of the company , and created a most favourable impression all round . Aliss Ethel Arden , as Alida . Dlooilgood , proved herself a thorough artiste
and we congratulate the management upon having engaged so valuable an acquisition to their company as this lady certainl y is . 'The scenery was very good , especially "Charing Cross "by night , whilst the "lire" scene was well managed and very effective . The performances concluded with Mr . Charles Selby's musical farce of "The
Bonnie Fishwife , " which afforded Miss Jessie Villars art opportunity of distinguishing herself , both as an actress and vocalist , which she did most satisfactorily ; hcr song , " Caller Herrin , " being encored . Mr . Chippendale , as Sir Hickory Heartvcheer , Mr . Percy Lyndall , as Wildoatai lleartycheer , and Air . Joseph Bracewell , as Gaiters , were also good .
A grand conversazione , dramatic entertainment , concert , and ball will be given in October in celebration of the opening of the banqueting room of thc Masonic Hall , Hope-street , " Liverpool , after being most artistically decorated at considerable cost .