Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Literary, Art, and Antiquarian Notes. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
that others may be inclined to follow their example should a presumably desirable candidate be blackballed in their lodge . lt is at least satisfactory to learn that the Masonic authorities have censured not only Mr . Voigt but also the lodge generally . The report of the trial in your last issue is either incorrect or it is another instance of the surprising forgctfulness
of all Masonic law and order frequently found when lodges begin to indulge their personal animosities . No . 3 of the reasons stated in the circular for excluding the blackballing brethren states : " Because knowing that three contrary votes by ballot were not sufficient to exclude a candidate they unworthily combined together , " & c , yet the Book of Constitutions says " No person can be made
a Mason if three black balls appear against him . It is at least remarkable that a lodge of emergency should be summoned for the purpose of initiating , if elected , a person who had been previously elected , but had so little valued the compliment as " not to take up his membership . " However , the lodge of emergency being called to ballot
for Mr . 1 ew , setting aside for the present what is done by Mr . Voigt and his friends , what do the W . M . and the rest of the lodge do ? Evidently prepared for the candidates being blackballed , they set to work and contrive by some means to violate the sanctity of the ballot . According to No . 4 of the reasons for excluding the offending brethren from the lodge , all but the W . M .
abstained from voting , he " solemnly states" he voted for the candidates—ergo , the other three brethren voting , put in the three black balls , the rest of the lodge , "fortunately for their own characters , abstaining from voting . " I doubt whether a W . M . ever more completely convicted himself and his lodge of successfully disclosing a ballot , and , no doubt , they all thought they had done a very clever
thing . But what says the last edition of Oliver , which I presume is an authority on this point : " It is an acknowledged principle in Masonry that no brother can be made accountable for his vote , because , in such a case , the vote would cease to be independent , and hence a clause was formerly introduced in the bye-laws ot lodges to the effect that '' when
any brother is proposed to become a member , or any person to be made a Mason , if it appear upon casting up the ballot that he is rejected , no member or visiting brother shall discover , by any means whatever , who those persons were that opposed his election , under the penalty of being for ever expelled the lodge , if a member , and if a visiting brother , of his being never more admitted as a visitor , or
becoming a member . . . . The very use and purposes of the ballot-box imply secret and irresponsible voting , and are an entire exemption of every individual brother from the consequences , be they what they may . " It is undoubtedly correct to expect brethren who may object to the admission of a gentleman into tlieir lodge to give previous intimation to the W . M . of such objection , in
order to afford opportunity for the name to be withdrawn , and avoid the annoyance of a blackball ; but the essence of the ballot is that any three members of a lodge to whom the presence of a candidate may be disagreeable may , in case the name is pressed to a ballot , blackball such
candidate without being called upon to give a reason for so doing . I cannot , therefore , see that any offence was committed in blackballing . Of course the action for libel is inexcusable . Yours fraternally , P . P . G . SEC . 24 th August .
THE STATUS OF PROV . GRAND MASTERS , & c . Tothe Editor of the" Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I see " Revircsco ' s " letter , and beg to say that I do not observe that he touches my argument . Admitted , if you like , that Past and Present Grand Oilicers do not solely " rule" Grand Lodge , my point is this : How do
Prov . and District Grand Alasters preside over Grand Lodge at all if they are not , in some sense , Grand Officers ? Under what section of the Book of Constitutions otherwise do they preside at all ? " Keviresco " passes over this "point , " and starts another "hare , " which I am not bound to run , and was certainly not started by Yours , NOT INFALLIBLE .
ROYAL ARCH SASH . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , —• Will any of your readers tell me if there be -unlaw against the wearing of the Koyal Arch Companion ' s sash in Craft lodges ? The Grand Lodge ' Constitutions " do not refer to the subject specially , hut declare that
" pure ancient Masonry consists of three Degrees and no more , viz ., those of & c , Sic , including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch . " In the chapter " of regalia" it is enacted that no jewel or emblem shall be worn which shall not appertain to those Degrees , an enactment which does not prevent Arch companions from wearing the companion ' s jewel in Craft lodges . In fact , as far as I can see , there is nothing in the "
Constitutions " against the wearing of the sash , while there is a great deal to be said in its favour . If it bec .-iine customary to do so , it would , I am sure , add much to tlie popularity of this very beautiful Degree of pure Masonrv , for many would be candidates for it who never ti ink- of " it nt present . I am , your obedient servant , JOSLIBEKASIIAII .
ADMISSION Ol- ' VISITORS . To the Editor if the " Frccniasvi :. " Dear Sir and Brother ,- - Will you , or any other brother , kindly inform me whether it is in accordance with the Book of Constitutions , or with the general principles of Freemasonry , to refuse admission to a lodge to a casual visitor on the sole ground that he cannot produce his certificate ?
1 was so refused on the evening of the 5 U 1 July by the brethren (?) of a Liverpool lodge . I had been asked to meet a friend there , who was a member of the lodge , but , unfortunately , he did not put in an appearance . I offered to submit to any test they might impose , but no brother would make any attempt to "prove" me until I had shown my " parchment . " Being a considerable distance from home this was impossible .
Original Correspondence.
A reply through your columns will greatly oblige , yours truly and fraternallv , J . E . STEWARD , W . M . 336 . [ Strictly speaking the lodge was in the right in demanding the certificate . Our worthy correspondent , as a W . M . himself , will see , we think , the advisability of the course , though the result may seem hard to him . He was not , apparently , either " vouched , " for . —ED . E . M . ]
THE CHICAGO CONCLAVE OF TEMPLAR KNIGHTS . 7 * 0 thc Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — So much stir is making among American Masons concerning the Grand Pageant promised us in Chicago this month that 1 am sure you will find a little room for it . Our
Canadian brethren , 1 see , arc disposed to laugh at us for our triennial gatherings . That does no harm . " One half the world , " Sic , and if gentle cachinnation is had over foreign oddities it makes us think all the better of our own . To begin at the beginning , we have an organization , established in 1 S 16 , entitled "The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar and the Appendant Orders , " which has
assembled every third year , with but one exception , since its origin . * i"hat exception makes an interval in our history from 1 S 19 to 1 S 2 G . I shall send my little work next week entitled " The Knights Templar Trumpet , " having a summary of the history of the Grand Encampment . At first the number of Knights Templarwas so small , and the interest manifested so triflintr . that the triennials made
little or no stir . The first to which the press gave prominence was held at Hartford , Connecticut , in 1 S 5 G . New blood was infused . An improved Constitution was formed . Men prominent in civil and military life were put in the lead . Safeguards for the care of funds were established . In a word , a new , lease of life was secured , dating from 1 S 56 . Since then , though a terrible internecine war has
darkened our national history , and temporarily checked our progress , all that is forgotten , and the Knightly Order reckons to-day so . oco swords in their armouries , nearly one half of which will be flashed in the Chicago sun-light August 17 th . Ihe American Press , always alive to matters of popular interest , has already a full corps of representatives here .
The four great dailies of Chicago have daily reports of preparations and expectations . The anti-Masonic Press ( for , curious to relate , we hav-c here a newspaper styled , in astronomical spirit , The Cynosure , devoted to anti-Masonry ) howls with hatred at the prospect . Arches are going up at all chief crossings . The business houses of this great city , with its half-million of souls , will be closed on the 17 th
inst . A flotilla of passenger steamers will be at thc command of our 20 , 000 guests for three days for sails over the loveliest of American lakes ( Lake Michigan ) . All the hotels of Chicago are under written contract to afford their accommodation to knightly visitors . Thc three largest theatres are subsidized to give nightly performances free to the Templars and their lady friends . But whither am I
wandering ? All this and more is in the programme , and it is odds but the pledges will be fulfilled . I will send you a letter each week for the next three weeks . The newspapers will afford you all needful pabulum for mere descriptions ; my part shall be to touch upon the inner life of the affair . Fraternally yours , ROB . MORRIS . Chicago , August 6 th .
A NEW RITE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Will any of your readers inform me what is Goss's Rite ? Is there such Rite in Freemasonry , and , if so , is Joe Goss , the pugilist , in any way connected with it ? Any information as regards this Goss ' s Rite will greatly Yours fraternally , ANXIOUS ENQUIRER . [ We really have never even heard of it . —El > . F . M . ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The general Committee of this Institution met on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Col . Creator ( in the chair ) , II . A . Dubois , Col . James Peters , C . II . Webb . Fredk . Binckes , Arthur E . Gladwell , Weber , for the Secretary , and IL Massey ( Freemason ) . The business of the Committee was merely formal .
Tlie late I'Van Preterms , the wife of the wellknown historian and private secretary of Prince Albert , has bequeathed her husband ' s valuable library tothe Germanic Mueeum at Nuremberg . Uro . Baron Henry de '¦ Vornis , M . P . for Greenwich , has gone abroad liy the advice of his physician , who
prescribes absolute rest as essential to his recovery , his illness being the result of overwork . Mr . Mundella has accepted tlie invitation to be present at the Cutlers' Feast in Sheffield next Thursday . We regret to hear that 15 ro . lui ward Cox still remains in a very low state , and that no hopes are entertained of his recovery .
I'or the better and more costly kind nf Masonic jewels a great saving can be made bv getting them direct from the manufactory . Messrs . J . K . Williams and Son made the most costly badge in the kingdom for the Alayor of Liverpool , and many others , and many of the sheriffs ' badges and chains . 'The firm are now supplying the nobility and gentry ( direct ) at the same prices as thev
have for forty years served the best houses in London and the country , and co-operative stores . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son have always been celebrated for specially fine diamond work and choice gem rings . The two advantages thus offered to the public are far superior quality
and an immense saving in price . Manufactory andwarehouse , 10 S , Hatton-garden , E . C . The usual saving is 20 to Go per cent . Bridesmaids' lockets and all kinds of jewellery for wedding presents . Dealers in diamonds , pearls , and coloured gems , loose or mounted . Elegant designs furnished ( gratis ) for re-mounting diamond work . Catalogues sent post free on application . —[ ADVT . 1
Literary, Art, And Antiquarian Notes.
Literary , Art , and Antiquarian Notes .
A work on " "India in 1880 , " from the pen ol Sir Richard Temple , will be published by Mr . Murray . The Academy states that Mr . Grant Allen will write a handbook on "Anglo-Saxon Britain" for the Christian Knowledge Society . The Rev . J . E . B . Mayor has in an advanced state his commentary on the third book of Pliny's Letters
and the completion of his commentary on the tenth book of Ouintilian . The first part of the last named was issued in rs 2 . The Company of Drapers have intimated their intention of continuing their annual subscription of onehundred guineas to the Research Fund of the Chemical So ciety .
the " Paiace of the Inquisition at Rome is tor sale . It is not older than 1 G 14 , and must , therefore , have been erected long after the palmy days of the Grand Inquisitor . Mr . C . H . Poole has issued " an attempt towards a glossary of thc archaic and provincial words of the county of Stafford , " which may serve as the basis of a more elaborate collection hereafter .
According- to the Printing Tunes the smallest newspaper in the world is the Madoc Star , published weekly , and measuring 3 m . by 2 [ rin . It bears the appropriate motto , "Twinkle , twinkle , little star . " The fifteenth part of the new edition of Ormerod's "Cheshire" has been issued . It is proposed to add
a subscription engraving portrait of the editor , Mr . Thomas Helsby , to this third and last volume of the re-issue . The Rev . C . A . Hulbert is publishing- in parts and by subscription the "Annals of the Church and Parish of Almondbury . " It will include particulars of the churches , villages , old halls , and the general biography and history of the district .
Thc statue of Admiral Farragut , by Mr . A . Saint-Gaudens , which was in the last Salon , has reached New York , and probably will be placed in the Central Park . 'The sculptor has been elected President of thc Society of American Artists .
Some interesting antiquarian discoveries have been made in the precincts of Rochester Cathedral , where , in carrying out some excavations , the workmen have come across what is believed to be the site of a Saxon cemetery , and have , unearthed several human skulls and teeth , huge boars' tusks , and coins .
The Rev . S . J . Perry describes in Nature the fine displays of the aurora borealis witnessed at Stonyhurst on the nth and 12 th inst . As usual the displays have been accompanied by magnetic storms , and by an increase in the number and size of thc sun spots , and in the development of the solar prominences . The Oueen has , on the recommendation of the
Viceroy , conferred on Dr . De Vry , of the Hague , the distinction of a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire , for his long and valuable services ^ in connection with thc introduction of the chinchona tree into India and the manufacture of Indian quinine . A singular relic of the poet Burns was offered for sale on Saturday week bv Messrs . Puttick andSimnson .
lt is a poem entitled " The Friar's Curse , " written on two panes of glass that once formed part of a summer-house in the grounds of Friars' Carse , near Dumfries , the seat of Mr . Robert Riddell , of Glen Riddell . According to the Melbourne Australian , Mr . George Collins Levy , Secretary to the Exhibition
Commissioners , has informed the Ceremonial Committee that the Prince of Wales assured him on the 28 th of April that unless some weighty affairs of State interposed he would pay his long promised visit to Australia in October or November next , arriving soon after the opening of the Exhibition .
M . 1 .. P . Guenin lias published a small volume , " Recherches sur 1 'Histoire de la Stenographic , " in which the Tironian notes are examined with great care , and fresh light is thrown upon the obscure subject of shorthand in the middle ages . M , Guenin contends that passage in E ginhard's Life of Charlemagne , usually held to refer to writing , really indicates a not over successful attempt of that monarch to acquire stenography .
The Alhencriim announces that Mr . Swinburne has in the press a new volume of poems , containing a song for the centenary of Walter Savage Landor ( 1 S 75 ); a parting song to a friend leaving England ; a descriptive poem of some length called "Off Shore ; " another descriptive poem in the anapxstic-elegiac metre of "Hesperia , " called "Evening on the Broads j" a descriptive
poem called " By the North Sea ; " and other pieces . It is understood that Captain Cole , of the Royal Engineers , has been appointed by the Indian Government to the new office of Conservator of Ancient Monuments and Antiquities in India . Captain Cole is favourably known for his investigations into the early architecture of Cashmere . The English edition of Professor Eber ' s " Egypt " will be published hy Messrs . Cassell , Potter , Galpin , and Co .,
under the title of" Egypt : Descriptive , Historical , and Picturesque . " Mr . Isaac Pitman , writing of the pronunciation of the non- familiar word Centenary , argues that its pronunciation is Centenary . 'The Rev . George Buckle argues for Centenary . Mr . Pitman says , " I was never more surprised by an oddly pronounced word than when I was informed that the Bishop of our diocese ( Bath ) spoke of the Centeenary of Sunday Schools . " The Bishop of Bath is not , however , the only prelate who has adopted that pronunciation .
It is proposed to mark the 51 st birthday of the British Association by holdinga meeting of unusual importance next year . The place of meeting will be York , where the Association originally assembled . Sir John Lubbock will , it is hoped , preside , and an endeavour is to be made to obtain the services as presidents of sections of the former presidents of the Association . Thus Professor Ramsay will be asked to preside over the Geological Section , Professor Huxley over the Biological .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
that others may be inclined to follow their example should a presumably desirable candidate be blackballed in their lodge . lt is at least satisfactory to learn that the Masonic authorities have censured not only Mr . Voigt but also the lodge generally . The report of the trial in your last issue is either incorrect or it is another instance of the surprising forgctfulness
of all Masonic law and order frequently found when lodges begin to indulge their personal animosities . No . 3 of the reasons stated in the circular for excluding the blackballing brethren states : " Because knowing that three contrary votes by ballot were not sufficient to exclude a candidate they unworthily combined together , " & c , yet the Book of Constitutions says " No person can be made
a Mason if three black balls appear against him . It is at least remarkable that a lodge of emergency should be summoned for the purpose of initiating , if elected , a person who had been previously elected , but had so little valued the compliment as " not to take up his membership . " However , the lodge of emergency being called to ballot
for Mr . 1 ew , setting aside for the present what is done by Mr . Voigt and his friends , what do the W . M . and the rest of the lodge do ? Evidently prepared for the candidates being blackballed , they set to work and contrive by some means to violate the sanctity of the ballot . According to No . 4 of the reasons for excluding the offending brethren from the lodge , all but the W . M .
abstained from voting , he " solemnly states" he voted for the candidates—ergo , the other three brethren voting , put in the three black balls , the rest of the lodge , "fortunately for their own characters , abstaining from voting . " I doubt whether a W . M . ever more completely convicted himself and his lodge of successfully disclosing a ballot , and , no doubt , they all thought they had done a very clever
thing . But what says the last edition of Oliver , which I presume is an authority on this point : " It is an acknowledged principle in Masonry that no brother can be made accountable for his vote , because , in such a case , the vote would cease to be independent , and hence a clause was formerly introduced in the bye-laws ot lodges to the effect that '' when
any brother is proposed to become a member , or any person to be made a Mason , if it appear upon casting up the ballot that he is rejected , no member or visiting brother shall discover , by any means whatever , who those persons were that opposed his election , under the penalty of being for ever expelled the lodge , if a member , and if a visiting brother , of his being never more admitted as a visitor , or
becoming a member . . . . The very use and purposes of the ballot-box imply secret and irresponsible voting , and are an entire exemption of every individual brother from the consequences , be they what they may . " It is undoubtedly correct to expect brethren who may object to the admission of a gentleman into tlieir lodge to give previous intimation to the W . M . of such objection , in
order to afford opportunity for the name to be withdrawn , and avoid the annoyance of a blackball ; but the essence of the ballot is that any three members of a lodge to whom the presence of a candidate may be disagreeable may , in case the name is pressed to a ballot , blackball such
candidate without being called upon to give a reason for so doing . I cannot , therefore , see that any offence was committed in blackballing . Of course the action for libel is inexcusable . Yours fraternally , P . P . G . SEC . 24 th August .
THE STATUS OF PROV . GRAND MASTERS , & c . Tothe Editor of the" Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I see " Revircsco ' s " letter , and beg to say that I do not observe that he touches my argument . Admitted , if you like , that Past and Present Grand Oilicers do not solely " rule" Grand Lodge , my point is this : How do
Prov . and District Grand Alasters preside over Grand Lodge at all if they are not , in some sense , Grand Officers ? Under what section of the Book of Constitutions otherwise do they preside at all ? " Keviresco " passes over this "point , " and starts another "hare , " which I am not bound to run , and was certainly not started by Yours , NOT INFALLIBLE .
ROYAL ARCH SASH . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , —• Will any of your readers tell me if there be -unlaw against the wearing of the Koyal Arch Companion ' s sash in Craft lodges ? The Grand Lodge ' Constitutions " do not refer to the subject specially , hut declare that
" pure ancient Masonry consists of three Degrees and no more , viz ., those of & c , Sic , including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch . " In the chapter " of regalia" it is enacted that no jewel or emblem shall be worn which shall not appertain to those Degrees , an enactment which does not prevent Arch companions from wearing the companion ' s jewel in Craft lodges . In fact , as far as I can see , there is nothing in the "
Constitutions " against the wearing of the sash , while there is a great deal to be said in its favour . If it bec .-iine customary to do so , it would , I am sure , add much to tlie popularity of this very beautiful Degree of pure Masonrv , for many would be candidates for it who never ti ink- of " it nt present . I am , your obedient servant , JOSLIBEKASIIAII .
ADMISSION Ol- ' VISITORS . To the Editor if the " Frccniasvi :. " Dear Sir and Brother ,- - Will you , or any other brother , kindly inform me whether it is in accordance with the Book of Constitutions , or with the general principles of Freemasonry , to refuse admission to a lodge to a casual visitor on the sole ground that he cannot produce his certificate ?
1 was so refused on the evening of the 5 U 1 July by the brethren (?) of a Liverpool lodge . I had been asked to meet a friend there , who was a member of the lodge , but , unfortunately , he did not put in an appearance . I offered to submit to any test they might impose , but no brother would make any attempt to "prove" me until I had shown my " parchment . " Being a considerable distance from home this was impossible .
Original Correspondence.
A reply through your columns will greatly oblige , yours truly and fraternallv , J . E . STEWARD , W . M . 336 . [ Strictly speaking the lodge was in the right in demanding the certificate . Our worthy correspondent , as a W . M . himself , will see , we think , the advisability of the course , though the result may seem hard to him . He was not , apparently , either " vouched , " for . —ED . E . M . ]
THE CHICAGO CONCLAVE OF TEMPLAR KNIGHTS . 7 * 0 thc Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — So much stir is making among American Masons concerning the Grand Pageant promised us in Chicago this month that 1 am sure you will find a little room for it . Our
Canadian brethren , 1 see , arc disposed to laugh at us for our triennial gatherings . That does no harm . " One half the world , " Sic , and if gentle cachinnation is had over foreign oddities it makes us think all the better of our own . To begin at the beginning , we have an organization , established in 1 S 16 , entitled "The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar and the Appendant Orders , " which has
assembled every third year , with but one exception , since its origin . * i"hat exception makes an interval in our history from 1 S 19 to 1 S 2 G . I shall send my little work next week entitled " The Knights Templar Trumpet , " having a summary of the history of the Grand Encampment . At first the number of Knights Templarwas so small , and the interest manifested so triflintr . that the triennials made
little or no stir . The first to which the press gave prominence was held at Hartford , Connecticut , in 1 S 5 G . New blood was infused . An improved Constitution was formed . Men prominent in civil and military life were put in the lead . Safeguards for the care of funds were established . In a word , a new , lease of life was secured , dating from 1 S 56 . Since then , though a terrible internecine war has
darkened our national history , and temporarily checked our progress , all that is forgotten , and the Knightly Order reckons to-day so . oco swords in their armouries , nearly one half of which will be flashed in the Chicago sun-light August 17 th . Ihe American Press , always alive to matters of popular interest , has already a full corps of representatives here .
The four great dailies of Chicago have daily reports of preparations and expectations . The anti-Masonic Press ( for , curious to relate , we hav-c here a newspaper styled , in astronomical spirit , The Cynosure , devoted to anti-Masonry ) howls with hatred at the prospect . Arches are going up at all chief crossings . The business houses of this great city , with its half-million of souls , will be closed on the 17 th
inst . A flotilla of passenger steamers will be at thc command of our 20 , 000 guests for three days for sails over the loveliest of American lakes ( Lake Michigan ) . All the hotels of Chicago are under written contract to afford their accommodation to knightly visitors . Thc three largest theatres are subsidized to give nightly performances free to the Templars and their lady friends . But whither am I
wandering ? All this and more is in the programme , and it is odds but the pledges will be fulfilled . I will send you a letter each week for the next three weeks . The newspapers will afford you all needful pabulum for mere descriptions ; my part shall be to touch upon the inner life of the affair . Fraternally yours , ROB . MORRIS . Chicago , August 6 th .
A NEW RITE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Will any of your readers inform me what is Goss's Rite ? Is there such Rite in Freemasonry , and , if so , is Joe Goss , the pugilist , in any way connected with it ? Any information as regards this Goss ' s Rite will greatly Yours fraternally , ANXIOUS ENQUIRER . [ We really have never even heard of it . —El > . F . M . ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The general Committee of this Institution met on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Col . Creator ( in the chair ) , II . A . Dubois , Col . James Peters , C . II . Webb . Fredk . Binckes , Arthur E . Gladwell , Weber , for the Secretary , and IL Massey ( Freemason ) . The business of the Committee was merely formal .
Tlie late I'Van Preterms , the wife of the wellknown historian and private secretary of Prince Albert , has bequeathed her husband ' s valuable library tothe Germanic Mueeum at Nuremberg . Uro . Baron Henry de '¦ Vornis , M . P . for Greenwich , has gone abroad liy the advice of his physician , who
prescribes absolute rest as essential to his recovery , his illness being the result of overwork . Mr . Mundella has accepted tlie invitation to be present at the Cutlers' Feast in Sheffield next Thursday . We regret to hear that 15 ro . lui ward Cox still remains in a very low state , and that no hopes are entertained of his recovery .
I'or the better and more costly kind nf Masonic jewels a great saving can be made bv getting them direct from the manufactory . Messrs . J . K . Williams and Son made the most costly badge in the kingdom for the Alayor of Liverpool , and many others , and many of the sheriffs ' badges and chains . 'The firm are now supplying the nobility and gentry ( direct ) at the same prices as thev
have for forty years served the best houses in London and the country , and co-operative stores . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son have always been celebrated for specially fine diamond work and choice gem rings . The two advantages thus offered to the public are far superior quality
and an immense saving in price . Manufactory andwarehouse , 10 S , Hatton-garden , E . C . The usual saving is 20 to Go per cent . Bridesmaids' lockets and all kinds of jewellery for wedding presents . Dealers in diamonds , pearls , and coloured gems , loose or mounted . Elegant designs furnished ( gratis ) for re-mounting diamond work . Catalogues sent post free on application . —[ ADVT . 1
Literary, Art, And Antiquarian Notes.
Literary , Art , and Antiquarian Notes .
A work on " "India in 1880 , " from the pen ol Sir Richard Temple , will be published by Mr . Murray . The Academy states that Mr . Grant Allen will write a handbook on "Anglo-Saxon Britain" for the Christian Knowledge Society . The Rev . J . E . B . Mayor has in an advanced state his commentary on the third book of Pliny's Letters
and the completion of his commentary on the tenth book of Ouintilian . The first part of the last named was issued in rs 2 . The Company of Drapers have intimated their intention of continuing their annual subscription of onehundred guineas to the Research Fund of the Chemical So ciety .
the " Paiace of the Inquisition at Rome is tor sale . It is not older than 1 G 14 , and must , therefore , have been erected long after the palmy days of the Grand Inquisitor . Mr . C . H . Poole has issued " an attempt towards a glossary of thc archaic and provincial words of the county of Stafford , " which may serve as the basis of a more elaborate collection hereafter .
According- to the Printing Tunes the smallest newspaper in the world is the Madoc Star , published weekly , and measuring 3 m . by 2 [ rin . It bears the appropriate motto , "Twinkle , twinkle , little star . " The fifteenth part of the new edition of Ormerod's "Cheshire" has been issued . It is proposed to add
a subscription engraving portrait of the editor , Mr . Thomas Helsby , to this third and last volume of the re-issue . The Rev . C . A . Hulbert is publishing- in parts and by subscription the "Annals of the Church and Parish of Almondbury . " It will include particulars of the churches , villages , old halls , and the general biography and history of the district .
Thc statue of Admiral Farragut , by Mr . A . Saint-Gaudens , which was in the last Salon , has reached New York , and probably will be placed in the Central Park . 'The sculptor has been elected President of thc Society of American Artists .
Some interesting antiquarian discoveries have been made in the precincts of Rochester Cathedral , where , in carrying out some excavations , the workmen have come across what is believed to be the site of a Saxon cemetery , and have , unearthed several human skulls and teeth , huge boars' tusks , and coins .
The Rev . S . J . Perry describes in Nature the fine displays of the aurora borealis witnessed at Stonyhurst on the nth and 12 th inst . As usual the displays have been accompanied by magnetic storms , and by an increase in the number and size of thc sun spots , and in the development of the solar prominences . The Oueen has , on the recommendation of the
Viceroy , conferred on Dr . De Vry , of the Hague , the distinction of a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire , for his long and valuable services ^ in connection with thc introduction of the chinchona tree into India and the manufacture of Indian quinine . A singular relic of the poet Burns was offered for sale on Saturday week bv Messrs . Puttick andSimnson .
lt is a poem entitled " The Friar's Curse , " written on two panes of glass that once formed part of a summer-house in the grounds of Friars' Carse , near Dumfries , the seat of Mr . Robert Riddell , of Glen Riddell . According to the Melbourne Australian , Mr . George Collins Levy , Secretary to the Exhibition
Commissioners , has informed the Ceremonial Committee that the Prince of Wales assured him on the 28 th of April that unless some weighty affairs of State interposed he would pay his long promised visit to Australia in October or November next , arriving soon after the opening of the Exhibition .
M . 1 .. P . Guenin lias published a small volume , " Recherches sur 1 'Histoire de la Stenographic , " in which the Tironian notes are examined with great care , and fresh light is thrown upon the obscure subject of shorthand in the middle ages . M , Guenin contends that passage in E ginhard's Life of Charlemagne , usually held to refer to writing , really indicates a not over successful attempt of that monarch to acquire stenography .
The Alhencriim announces that Mr . Swinburne has in the press a new volume of poems , containing a song for the centenary of Walter Savage Landor ( 1 S 75 ); a parting song to a friend leaving England ; a descriptive poem of some length called "Off Shore ; " another descriptive poem in the anapxstic-elegiac metre of "Hesperia , " called "Evening on the Broads j" a descriptive
poem called " By the North Sea ; " and other pieces . It is understood that Captain Cole , of the Royal Engineers , has been appointed by the Indian Government to the new office of Conservator of Ancient Monuments and Antiquities in India . Captain Cole is favourably known for his investigations into the early architecture of Cashmere . The English edition of Professor Eber ' s " Egypt " will be published hy Messrs . Cassell , Potter , Galpin , and Co .,
under the title of" Egypt : Descriptive , Historical , and Picturesque . " Mr . Isaac Pitman , writing of the pronunciation of the non- familiar word Centenary , argues that its pronunciation is Centenary . 'The Rev . George Buckle argues for Centenary . Mr . Pitman says , " I was never more surprised by an oddly pronounced word than when I was informed that the Bishop of our diocese ( Bath ) spoke of the Centeenary of Sunday Schools . " The Bishop of Bath is not , however , the only prelate who has adopted that pronunciation .
It is proposed to mark the 51 st birthday of the British Association by holdinga meeting of unusual importance next year . The place of meeting will be York , where the Association originally assembled . Sir John Lubbock will , it is hoped , preside , and an endeavour is to be made to obtain the services as presidents of sections of the former presidents of the Association . Thus Professor Ramsay will be asked to preside over the Geological Section , Professor Huxley over the Biological .