Article Literary, Art, and Antiquarian Notes. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SAILING BARGE MATCH. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literary, Art, And Antiquarian Notes.
According to the Academy , Mr . Alfred R . Wallace has in * the press a new work entitled "Island Life , " which will deal with the problems presented by insular faunas and floras by the aid of the most recent geological and physical researches . A special feature in the work is the importance attached to former changes of climate , as indicated by glacial phenomena , and the luxuriant floras of
Po % ] ar regions ; these are carefully investigated , and a somewhat novel solution of the whole problem of geological climates is given . A young lady , daughter of the Mayor of Grambke , a vjllage near Bremen , is said to have been asleep ever since the second week in January , with the exception of a few hours of semi-wakefulness at intervals
of from six to eight weeks . Nourishment , chieny m a liquid form , is daily administered to her , which she swallows without awaking . She does not lose in weight during her trances of from forty to sixty days , and , when awake , exhibits a cheerful disposition , and an eager desire to perform such small household tasks as her strength enables her to fulfil .
An exhibition of competitive designs for Christmas and New Year cards is announced at the Dudley Gallery , Egyptian Hall . Fourteen prizes , amounting to JCJ OO , have been offered by Mr . Raphael Tuck , the Fine Art publisher , as follows : one prize of £ 100 , one of £ f 5 , two of £ 50 , five of £ 25 , and five of £ 20 . The judges will be H . S . Marks , R . A ., Sir Coutts Lindsay , Bart ., and G . H .
Boughton , A . R . A ., and the successful designs will become the property of Mr . Tuck . Designs for competition should be sent to Mr . Robert McNair at the Dudley Gallery , on October 5 th . The restoration of the paintings in Toll's Chapel on the Platte is now being carried on by Herr Stiickelberg , of Basel . Four scenes will be painted on three of the walls .
On the wall looking towards Brunnen will be depicted the Apfelschuss— 'Tell shooting the apple on his son ' s head ; on that looking towards Fliielen , the Riillisrhiviir—the oath of thc three Switzers in the Riitli meadow . Thc middle wall , looking towards Bauen , will contain two scenes—the Tellensprung—Tell leaping from Geslcr ' s boat on to the Platte ; and the Meisterschuss—the shooting of the
Austrian Vogt in the " hollow lane . The apple-shooting scene will show Altdorf as it was in the beginning of the fourteenth century . While the costumes will be the costumes of the period , the figures will be portraits of men now living . Gesler and his Rothschimmcl ( iron-grey charger ) will be painted from life , and the model of Tell is a handsome and stalwart peasant of the Commune of
Burglen , in the Schfichtenthal . Letters have becn received at Berlin from Mr . Lenzdown to April 13 , in which he expresses a hope of reaching Timbuctoo about the end of May . He appears to have met with a very friendly reception so far , but even should he overcome all difficulties and succeed in reaching 'Timbuctoo , his troubles will hardly be at an end , as he intends to go
on to St . Louis , on the West Coast , and will , of course , have to pass through the tract of country which M . Paul Solcillet has twice failed to penetrate . A scheme of African exploration is said to be under consideration in Portugal , which , if carried into execution , will probably result in the achievement of most important geographical work . It is proposed that two expeditions should start simultaneously from the
Portuguese possessions on the East and West Coasts of Africa ; and , after founding a series of scientific and commercial stations along their line of route , meet at some point in the interior . It is probable that , roughly speaking , the line of the Zambesi would be generally followed ; but it is not very clear how the funds for so gigantic an enterprise are to be provided .
Sailing Barge Match.
Amongst the annual "outings " which Londoners enjoy must now be included the race for sailing barges . To many inhabitants of the great City the event may be unknown , bnt io all connected in any way with the river below bridge it is lookr-d forward to with pleasure as affording a most enjoyable day ' s outing . Some take water at London Bridge , but Blackwall Pier is the great rendezvous and starting
point for those intending to accompany the barges in their contest for the championship of the Thames . Here the various craft , from the large paddle steamer chartered for a Committee boat down to the tiny steam launch , embark their happy freights , and make for " Erith , " where the small barges are moored in readiness to start for the Nore Light-shi p , round which and back to Erith is the usual course . This year thc match was sailed on 'Tuesday ,
the 17 th inst ., when the barges were favoured with a stiff breeze wliich carried tliem through the water at such a rate that it was only the fast steamers which could keep up with them . Amongst the few steamers that did and went the whole course was the steam yacht " Game Cock " of which Bro . E . Martin , Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , is captain . This vessel had been chartered and provisioned for the day by Bro . T . R . Cox , of the John Hervey Lodge ,
1260 , who invited the W . M ., and other members of that lodge to accompany the barges in her . She started from Blackwall Pier at ten o ' clock with about twenty brethren on board , and was not long running down to " Erith " to witness the barges start , and after affording her passengers an excellent view ofthe race from beginning to end , landed them back again at Blackwall before eight o ' clock . For a trip down the river or out to sea , there is no better vessel for a small party than the " Game Cock . "
Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charges , Regulations , E . A . Song , & c . A copy should he in the possession of every brother . It may be obtained for 2 s . at the office of the Freemason , or will be sent post-free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-five penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 19 S , Fleet-street . —[ ADVT . J HOI . LOWAV ' S Piu . s . —No MVMLTV . —Whenever tlie blond is
impure or thc general health is impaired Ihe human body is predisposed to attacks nf any prevailing epidemic . Thc lirst indication nf faulty action—tbe first sensation of deranged or diminished pnwer —should lie rectified liy these purifying Pills , which will cleanse all corrupt and reduce all crrin _ functions to order . These Pills counteract thc subtle poisons iu dccavinif animal or vegetable matter ,
and remove all tendency to bowel complaints , biliousness , nnd the host of annoying symptoms arising from foul stnmacbs . The fruit season is especially prone to produce irritation of the bowels ant ! disorder nf tlie digestive organs ; both nf which dangerous conilittons can be cnmpletcly removed bv llollowav ' s corrective medicines —[ Al . vr . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The future meetings of the Doric Lodge will be held on the first Friday in the month , instead of the first Wednesday . Bro . Frank Buckland writes that there lias just been brought to London from Malacca one of the largest ourangs that have ever arrived in this country .
Thc Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , is undergoing a thorough cleansing and re-decoration , which will add greatly to its attractiveness . Bro . Sheriff Woolloton has accepted the invitation of the Master Cutler , Mr . W . Chesterman , to the Cutlers' Feast at Sheffield on September 2 nd . Mr . Wills , O . C ., of the North-Eastern Circuit
has accepted the recordership of Sheffield . IMPERIAL YACHT "LIVADIA . "—Messrs . C . H . Sharp and Co ., oi 104 Newgate-street , have received orders for their "Crown Ejector " for the ventilation of the abovenamed yacht . Through Mr . W . Williams , Q . C , M . P ., thc Committee of the National Eisteddfod of Wales have received a letter from Prince Leopold cordially thanking the
Welsh people for their kind request that hc should preside upon one day , and regretting his inability to accede to such request . It is probable that the St . Gothard Tunnel will before long be illuminated throughout its entire length with the electric light . According lo tlie Daily . Veins Bro . tlie Karl of Rosebery has been obliged , through ill-health , to decline the offer of thejoffice of Under Secretary of State for India .
The Architect , of Saturday last contained a view of the interior of Holy Trinity Church , Marrow Green , Leytonstone , of which Mr . John T . Bressey is thc architect . Mr . Hugh Owen read a paper at the National Welsh Eisteddfod on Monday , on " Education in Wales . " Mr . Owen is also upon thc Committee of Management of
the Eisteddfod proceedings . Comp . Colonel Alexander William Adair , of Heatherton Park , near Taunton , iias , we hear , been appointed Grand Provincial Superintendent for Somerset of Royal Arch Freemasons . The ceremony of installation will be performed at Taunton , and is likely to be a very brilliant affair .
Another series of classes for the instruction of the police in the first treatment of injured persons has been organised under the St . John Ambulance Association . The classes will meet in Scotland-yard , Arbour-square , Kcnnington-lane , Albany-street , Blackheath-road , and 'Twickenham . Since the last Quarterl y Communication of United Grand Lodge , on " lunc 2 nd , H . R . H . the M . W . G . M .
has granted warrants for fifteen new lodges , including one for the Seaforth Lodge , No . iSCfi , to be held at Cabul , Afghanistan . Her Majesty the Oueen has been pleased to become the patroness of the grand bazaar intended to be held in London in May , 1 SS 1 , for thc benefit of the Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress , of which Her Majesty is the protectress .
St . Helen ' s , Bishopsgate , is closed for further repairs until the first Sunday in October , when the service will be resumed by the Rev . E . XV . South , M . A ., head master of the Blackheath Proprietary School , as locum tenens for Bro . Rev . Dr . Cox , P . G . C , who will return from America early in November . Bro .-Cox officiated on Sunday morning' for the last time previous lo his leaving England on urgent private affairs .
The Karl of Carnarvon , at his half-yearl y rent audit , just held for his Highclere Estate , in Hampshire , returned his tenants ten percent , upon the half-year ' s rent . At previous audits much larger allowances were made , but on these occasions each case was considered individually .
The , Most Worshi p ful thc Grand Master Mason of Scotland , Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., has appointed Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Kintore , to be presiding Grand Maste-r at thc installation of Bro . the Rt . I ton . the Earl oi Haddington , as Provincial Grand Master of Roxburgh and Berwick shires . 'The ceremony will take place in the Masonic Hall , Kelso , on Wednesday ,
September 1 st ., when thc deserved popularity of the Prov . Grand Master elect is sure to draw together a large gathering of border Craftsmen . A report of the proceedings will appear in our columns in due course . A committee , consisting of the Karl of Lytton , Lord Napier of Magdala , Generals Sir Henry Norman , Sir Samuel Brown , Sir Michael Biddulph , Sir Charles
Reyes , and Sir Richard Pollock have issued a strongappeal for aid , to provide for the wants of tlie widows and orphans of all those who have fallen , or may yet fall , in the Afghan War . Contributions should be sent to Messrs . Cox and Co ., Craig's-coiirt , S . W ., and all communications addressed to Captain James Gildea , 20 , Stafford-terrace , Kensington . The engine . No . 224 , that was attached to the
ill-fated train which went over Tay Bridge , was brought up after three months' submersion . Her internal works having been renewed , she on Tuesday made her first journey since the accident , and will in future run regularly between Glasgow and Edinburgh . Bro . Sir Watkin W . Wynn , M . P ., P . G . M . North Wales and Shropshire , presided at the inaugural meeting of
the National Eisteddfod which commenced on 'Tuesday at Carnarvon , and in the course of his address spoke of the loyal and law abiding qualities of Welshmen , who gave her Majesty ' s judges no work to do at the assizes . He praised the Eisteddfod as a social institution which had greatly elevated the moral tone of the nation . Prizes were given in various subjects .
Dr . W . B . Hodgson , Professor of Commercial and Political Economy and Mercantile Law in Edinburgh University , has died suddenly at Brussels . He was appointed to the professorship in 1 S 71 , and published a number of works on political economy . He was sixty-live years of age . His wife , who survives him , is a daughter of Sir Joshua Walmsley .
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Right Hon . Lord De Tabley , R . W . P . G ., Master for Cheshire , has appointed Wednesday , September 22 nd , as the date of the annual meeting of the Prov ; Grand Lodge , which will be held this year at Runcorn . Mr . James Allan , founder of the Allan Line of steamers from Glasgow and Liverpool , died on Wednesday last at Skelmorlie .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 16 93 , heldr at Bro . Longhurst ' s , Canonbury Tavern , Canonbury . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed on Monday next , the 30 th inst ., at S . 30 p . m ., by the Preceptor , Bro . Simson J . Byng , 424 , S . C ., and P . M . 902 . Brethren are kindly invited to attend . Thc ceremonies of consecration and installation
will be rehearsed at 6 . 30 p . m ., on Wednesday , September 1 ith , by Bro . James Terry , P . P . G . J . W . Herts , P . M . 22 S , 127 S , 1366 , & c , and Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at the Southwark Lodge of Instruction , No ; 879 , held at the Southwark Park Tavern , Southwark Parkroad , Bermondsey . Brethren to appear in Masonic clothing ; The Archaeological Association held their annual
gathering at Rotheram on Wednesday . The members first visited the site of the old Roman encampment at Templcborough , supposed to have been formed by Agricola , and where the remains of a Roman prrctorium were excavated about two years ago . The society next proceeded to Earl Fitzwilliam's seat at Wentworth , in the picture gallery of which Vandyke's famous picture of the first Lord
Strafford elicited much admiration , and great interest was shown in the Earl's tomb , which is still preserved in the family mortuary chapel . Subsequently luncheon took place at Rotheram , after which the old parish church , a fine sample of the perpendicular period , was visited . In thc Masonic } fagasine for August will be found much that will entertain other than members of the
Craft . Since we last saw the periodical a new and acceptable feature has becn inaugurated , in the shape charmingly written " Literary and Antiquarian Gossip , " from which we draw thc following' appreciative notice of a valued contributor of our own : " In Railway : A Journal of Pure Literature ( 121 , Kir . y- ' s Cross-road ) , we find some interesting storiettes , written by L'AUegro , a clever litterateur , who has the gift of casting round every day occurences all .
the fascination of fiction . ' By the Waters of Babylon ' is , we think , the best of the series of tales which have already appeared , lt is a well painted picture of the lights and shadows of London life . "—Derbyshire Courier , Aug . 14 . The Karl of Haddington , S . G . Deacon of Scotland , who , with the Countess , is staying at his seat at Ardene Hall , Cheshire , was present on Wednesday af-
file annual dinner of the Loyal Egerton Lodge of Odd Fellows at Tarpoley , and , in responding to the toast of his health , referred at length to the advantages of being a member of a friendly society , and notably of the Odd Fellows , who were established throughout the world . Personally he was proud of being an Odd Fellow—the guiding principles of the Order were unity , friendship , love , ana
truth . The principle of self-help gave a man that sort or self-reliance which constituted true independence , the inheritance of every Englishman . The mutual help of which he had spoken had become a Christian duty , inculcated in the Bible by the beautiful precept , " Bear ye one another's ' burdens . " If for no other reason than that he was proud of being an Odd Fellow-.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Friday , September 3 , iS . o . The Kditor will be glad lo receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Kncampments , Conclaves , Sec , of any change in p lace , day , or month of meeting . SATURDAY , AUGUST 2 .. Lodge 1541 , Alexandra Palace , A . P ., Muswell Hill . LOI-UKS OK INSTI-UCTION . Manchester , 17 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at S . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd ., at 7 . Percy , Jolly Fanners , Southgate-rd ., N ., at 8 . Eccleston , King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Sphinx , Stirling Castle , Camhcnvell . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30 . Metropolitan , White Swan , Colemnn-st ., at 7 . 30 .
MONDAY , AUGUST 30 . Red Cross Constantino , Premier , Freemasons' 'Tavern . I . ODGF . S <> f INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . London Masonic Club , 101 , Oueen Victoria-st ., E . C ., at 6 . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford , S to 10 . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , S to 10 .
Princei . copold , Mitford'Tav ., Sandringham-rd ., Dalston , 7 . 30 . Sincciity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station , at 7 . Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at S . 'Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., at S . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st ., at S . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria 'Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe , at S . Upper Norwood , White Hart 1 lot ., Chuich-rd ., at 8 .
Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , 8 . Loughborough , Cambria 'Tav ., Loughborough J une , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at S . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . St . George ' s , Globe 'Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chapter , 24 S , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at S . Royal Commemoration , R . Hot ., High-st ., Putney , S till 10 .
British Oak , ( lank of Friendship lav ., Mile End . Eastern Star , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., 7 . 30 . St . Mark's , S . M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . lohn Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S . New Finsbury Park , PlimsollArms , St . Thomas-rd ., N ., atS . Kilburn , South Molton Hot ., South Molton-st ., W ., at 7 . 30 . Strong . Man , George I lot ., Australian Avenue , Barbican , S ,
'TUESDAY , AUGUST 31 . House Com . R . M . B . Institution , at 3 . Lodge 13 S 3 , Friends in Council , 33 . Goldcn-sq . Lonci-rs OK I N-ST' -UCTION . Pilgrim , F . M . H ., ist and last Tues . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 7 . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-rd ., at 7 . 30 . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st ., S . W ., at P . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John's Wood , at 7 . Prosperity , Hercules 'Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., at 7 . 30 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literary, Art, And Antiquarian Notes.
According to the Academy , Mr . Alfred R . Wallace has in * the press a new work entitled "Island Life , " which will deal with the problems presented by insular faunas and floras by the aid of the most recent geological and physical researches . A special feature in the work is the importance attached to former changes of climate , as indicated by glacial phenomena , and the luxuriant floras of
Po % ] ar regions ; these are carefully investigated , and a somewhat novel solution of the whole problem of geological climates is given . A young lady , daughter of the Mayor of Grambke , a vjllage near Bremen , is said to have been asleep ever since the second week in January , with the exception of a few hours of semi-wakefulness at intervals
of from six to eight weeks . Nourishment , chieny m a liquid form , is daily administered to her , which she swallows without awaking . She does not lose in weight during her trances of from forty to sixty days , and , when awake , exhibits a cheerful disposition , and an eager desire to perform such small household tasks as her strength enables her to fulfil .
An exhibition of competitive designs for Christmas and New Year cards is announced at the Dudley Gallery , Egyptian Hall . Fourteen prizes , amounting to JCJ OO , have been offered by Mr . Raphael Tuck , the Fine Art publisher , as follows : one prize of £ 100 , one of £ f 5 , two of £ 50 , five of £ 25 , and five of £ 20 . The judges will be H . S . Marks , R . A ., Sir Coutts Lindsay , Bart ., and G . H .
Boughton , A . R . A ., and the successful designs will become the property of Mr . Tuck . Designs for competition should be sent to Mr . Robert McNair at the Dudley Gallery , on October 5 th . The restoration of the paintings in Toll's Chapel on the Platte is now being carried on by Herr Stiickelberg , of Basel . Four scenes will be painted on three of the walls .
On the wall looking towards Brunnen will be depicted the Apfelschuss— 'Tell shooting the apple on his son ' s head ; on that looking towards Fliielen , the Riillisrhiviir—the oath of thc three Switzers in the Riitli meadow . Thc middle wall , looking towards Bauen , will contain two scenes—the Tellensprung—Tell leaping from Geslcr ' s boat on to the Platte ; and the Meisterschuss—the shooting of the
Austrian Vogt in the " hollow lane . The apple-shooting scene will show Altdorf as it was in the beginning of the fourteenth century . While the costumes will be the costumes of the period , the figures will be portraits of men now living . Gesler and his Rothschimmcl ( iron-grey charger ) will be painted from life , and the model of Tell is a handsome and stalwart peasant of the Commune of
Burglen , in the Schfichtenthal . Letters have becn received at Berlin from Mr . Lenzdown to April 13 , in which he expresses a hope of reaching Timbuctoo about the end of May . He appears to have met with a very friendly reception so far , but even should he overcome all difficulties and succeed in reaching 'Timbuctoo , his troubles will hardly be at an end , as he intends to go
on to St . Louis , on the West Coast , and will , of course , have to pass through the tract of country which M . Paul Solcillet has twice failed to penetrate . A scheme of African exploration is said to be under consideration in Portugal , which , if carried into execution , will probably result in the achievement of most important geographical work . It is proposed that two expeditions should start simultaneously from the
Portuguese possessions on the East and West Coasts of Africa ; and , after founding a series of scientific and commercial stations along their line of route , meet at some point in the interior . It is probable that , roughly speaking , the line of the Zambesi would be generally followed ; but it is not very clear how the funds for so gigantic an enterprise are to be provided .
Sailing Barge Match.
Amongst the annual "outings " which Londoners enjoy must now be included the race for sailing barges . To many inhabitants of the great City the event may be unknown , bnt io all connected in any way with the river below bridge it is lookr-d forward to with pleasure as affording a most enjoyable day ' s outing . Some take water at London Bridge , but Blackwall Pier is the great rendezvous and starting
point for those intending to accompany the barges in their contest for the championship of the Thames . Here the various craft , from the large paddle steamer chartered for a Committee boat down to the tiny steam launch , embark their happy freights , and make for " Erith , " where the small barges are moored in readiness to start for the Nore Light-shi p , round which and back to Erith is the usual course . This year thc match was sailed on 'Tuesday ,
the 17 th inst ., when the barges were favoured with a stiff breeze wliich carried tliem through the water at such a rate that it was only the fast steamers which could keep up with them . Amongst the few steamers that did and went the whole course was the steam yacht " Game Cock " of which Bro . E . Martin , Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , is captain . This vessel had been chartered and provisioned for the day by Bro . T . R . Cox , of the John Hervey Lodge ,
1260 , who invited the W . M ., and other members of that lodge to accompany the barges in her . She started from Blackwall Pier at ten o ' clock with about twenty brethren on board , and was not long running down to " Erith " to witness the barges start , and after affording her passengers an excellent view ofthe race from beginning to end , landed them back again at Blackwall before eight o ' clock . For a trip down the river or out to sea , there is no better vessel for a small party than the " Game Cock . "
Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charges , Regulations , E . A . Song , & c . A copy should he in the possession of every brother . It may be obtained for 2 s . at the office of the Freemason , or will be sent post-free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-five penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 19 S , Fleet-street . —[ ADVT . J HOI . LOWAV ' S Piu . s . —No MVMLTV . —Whenever tlie blond is
impure or thc general health is impaired Ihe human body is predisposed to attacks nf any prevailing epidemic . Thc lirst indication nf faulty action—tbe first sensation of deranged or diminished pnwer —should lie rectified liy these purifying Pills , which will cleanse all corrupt and reduce all crrin _ functions to order . These Pills counteract thc subtle poisons iu dccavinif animal or vegetable matter ,
and remove all tendency to bowel complaints , biliousness , nnd the host of annoying symptoms arising from foul stnmacbs . The fruit season is especially prone to produce irritation of the bowels ant ! disorder nf tlie digestive organs ; both nf which dangerous conilittons can be cnmpletcly removed bv llollowav ' s corrective medicines —[ Al . vr . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The future meetings of the Doric Lodge will be held on the first Friday in the month , instead of the first Wednesday . Bro . Frank Buckland writes that there lias just been brought to London from Malacca one of the largest ourangs that have ever arrived in this country .
Thc Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , is undergoing a thorough cleansing and re-decoration , which will add greatly to its attractiveness . Bro . Sheriff Woolloton has accepted the invitation of the Master Cutler , Mr . W . Chesterman , to the Cutlers' Feast at Sheffield on September 2 nd . Mr . Wills , O . C ., of the North-Eastern Circuit
has accepted the recordership of Sheffield . IMPERIAL YACHT "LIVADIA . "—Messrs . C . H . Sharp and Co ., oi 104 Newgate-street , have received orders for their "Crown Ejector " for the ventilation of the abovenamed yacht . Through Mr . W . Williams , Q . C , M . P ., thc Committee of the National Eisteddfod of Wales have received a letter from Prince Leopold cordially thanking the
Welsh people for their kind request that hc should preside upon one day , and regretting his inability to accede to such request . It is probable that the St . Gothard Tunnel will before long be illuminated throughout its entire length with the electric light . According lo tlie Daily . Veins Bro . tlie Karl of Rosebery has been obliged , through ill-health , to decline the offer of thejoffice of Under Secretary of State for India .
The Architect , of Saturday last contained a view of the interior of Holy Trinity Church , Marrow Green , Leytonstone , of which Mr . John T . Bressey is thc architect . Mr . Hugh Owen read a paper at the National Welsh Eisteddfod on Monday , on " Education in Wales . " Mr . Owen is also upon thc Committee of Management of
the Eisteddfod proceedings . Comp . Colonel Alexander William Adair , of Heatherton Park , near Taunton , iias , we hear , been appointed Grand Provincial Superintendent for Somerset of Royal Arch Freemasons . The ceremony of installation will be performed at Taunton , and is likely to be a very brilliant affair .
Another series of classes for the instruction of the police in the first treatment of injured persons has been organised under the St . John Ambulance Association . The classes will meet in Scotland-yard , Arbour-square , Kcnnington-lane , Albany-street , Blackheath-road , and 'Twickenham . Since the last Quarterl y Communication of United Grand Lodge , on " lunc 2 nd , H . R . H . the M . W . G . M .
has granted warrants for fifteen new lodges , including one for the Seaforth Lodge , No . iSCfi , to be held at Cabul , Afghanistan . Her Majesty the Oueen has been pleased to become the patroness of the grand bazaar intended to be held in London in May , 1 SS 1 , for thc benefit of the Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress , of which Her Majesty is the protectress .
St . Helen ' s , Bishopsgate , is closed for further repairs until the first Sunday in October , when the service will be resumed by the Rev . E . XV . South , M . A ., head master of the Blackheath Proprietary School , as locum tenens for Bro . Rev . Dr . Cox , P . G . C , who will return from America early in November . Bro .-Cox officiated on Sunday morning' for the last time previous lo his leaving England on urgent private affairs .
The Karl of Carnarvon , at his half-yearl y rent audit , just held for his Highclere Estate , in Hampshire , returned his tenants ten percent , upon the half-year ' s rent . At previous audits much larger allowances were made , but on these occasions each case was considered individually .
The , Most Worshi p ful thc Grand Master Mason of Scotland , Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., has appointed Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Kintore , to be presiding Grand Maste-r at thc installation of Bro . the Rt . I ton . the Earl oi Haddington , as Provincial Grand Master of Roxburgh and Berwick shires . 'The ceremony will take place in the Masonic Hall , Kelso , on Wednesday ,
September 1 st ., when thc deserved popularity of the Prov . Grand Master elect is sure to draw together a large gathering of border Craftsmen . A report of the proceedings will appear in our columns in due course . A committee , consisting of the Karl of Lytton , Lord Napier of Magdala , Generals Sir Henry Norman , Sir Samuel Brown , Sir Michael Biddulph , Sir Charles
Reyes , and Sir Richard Pollock have issued a strongappeal for aid , to provide for the wants of tlie widows and orphans of all those who have fallen , or may yet fall , in the Afghan War . Contributions should be sent to Messrs . Cox and Co ., Craig's-coiirt , S . W ., and all communications addressed to Captain James Gildea , 20 , Stafford-terrace , Kensington . The engine . No . 224 , that was attached to the
ill-fated train which went over Tay Bridge , was brought up after three months' submersion . Her internal works having been renewed , she on Tuesday made her first journey since the accident , and will in future run regularly between Glasgow and Edinburgh . Bro . Sir Watkin W . Wynn , M . P ., P . G . M . North Wales and Shropshire , presided at the inaugural meeting of
the National Eisteddfod which commenced on 'Tuesday at Carnarvon , and in the course of his address spoke of the loyal and law abiding qualities of Welshmen , who gave her Majesty ' s judges no work to do at the assizes . He praised the Eisteddfod as a social institution which had greatly elevated the moral tone of the nation . Prizes were given in various subjects .
Dr . W . B . Hodgson , Professor of Commercial and Political Economy and Mercantile Law in Edinburgh University , has died suddenly at Brussels . He was appointed to the professorship in 1 S 71 , and published a number of works on political economy . He was sixty-live years of age . His wife , who survives him , is a daughter of Sir Joshua Walmsley .
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Right Hon . Lord De Tabley , R . W . P . G ., Master for Cheshire , has appointed Wednesday , September 22 nd , as the date of the annual meeting of the Prov ; Grand Lodge , which will be held this year at Runcorn . Mr . James Allan , founder of the Allan Line of steamers from Glasgow and Liverpool , died on Wednesday last at Skelmorlie .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 16 93 , heldr at Bro . Longhurst ' s , Canonbury Tavern , Canonbury . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed on Monday next , the 30 th inst ., at S . 30 p . m ., by the Preceptor , Bro . Simson J . Byng , 424 , S . C ., and P . M . 902 . Brethren are kindly invited to attend . Thc ceremonies of consecration and installation
will be rehearsed at 6 . 30 p . m ., on Wednesday , September 1 ith , by Bro . James Terry , P . P . G . J . W . Herts , P . M . 22 S , 127 S , 1366 , & c , and Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at the Southwark Lodge of Instruction , No ; 879 , held at the Southwark Park Tavern , Southwark Parkroad , Bermondsey . Brethren to appear in Masonic clothing ; The Archaeological Association held their annual
gathering at Rotheram on Wednesday . The members first visited the site of the old Roman encampment at Templcborough , supposed to have been formed by Agricola , and where the remains of a Roman prrctorium were excavated about two years ago . The society next proceeded to Earl Fitzwilliam's seat at Wentworth , in the picture gallery of which Vandyke's famous picture of the first Lord
Strafford elicited much admiration , and great interest was shown in the Earl's tomb , which is still preserved in the family mortuary chapel . Subsequently luncheon took place at Rotheram , after which the old parish church , a fine sample of the perpendicular period , was visited . In thc Masonic } fagasine for August will be found much that will entertain other than members of the
Craft . Since we last saw the periodical a new and acceptable feature has becn inaugurated , in the shape charmingly written " Literary and Antiquarian Gossip , " from which we draw thc following' appreciative notice of a valued contributor of our own : " In Railway : A Journal of Pure Literature ( 121 , Kir . y- ' s Cross-road ) , we find some interesting storiettes , written by L'AUegro , a clever litterateur , who has the gift of casting round every day occurences all .
the fascination of fiction . ' By the Waters of Babylon ' is , we think , the best of the series of tales which have already appeared , lt is a well painted picture of the lights and shadows of London life . "—Derbyshire Courier , Aug . 14 . The Karl of Haddington , S . G . Deacon of Scotland , who , with the Countess , is staying at his seat at Ardene Hall , Cheshire , was present on Wednesday af-
file annual dinner of the Loyal Egerton Lodge of Odd Fellows at Tarpoley , and , in responding to the toast of his health , referred at length to the advantages of being a member of a friendly society , and notably of the Odd Fellows , who were established throughout the world . Personally he was proud of being an Odd Fellow—the guiding principles of the Order were unity , friendship , love , ana
truth . The principle of self-help gave a man that sort or self-reliance which constituted true independence , the inheritance of every Englishman . The mutual help of which he had spoken had become a Christian duty , inculcated in the Bible by the beautiful precept , " Bear ye one another's ' burdens . " If for no other reason than that he was proud of being an Odd Fellow-.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Friday , September 3 , iS . o . The Kditor will be glad lo receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Kncampments , Conclaves , Sec , of any change in p lace , day , or month of meeting . SATURDAY , AUGUST 2 .. Lodge 1541 , Alexandra Palace , A . P ., Muswell Hill . LOI-UKS OK INSTI-UCTION . Manchester , 17 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at S . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd ., at 7 . Percy , Jolly Fanners , Southgate-rd ., N ., at 8 . Eccleston , King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Sphinx , Stirling Castle , Camhcnvell . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30 . Metropolitan , White Swan , Colemnn-st ., at 7 . 30 .
MONDAY , AUGUST 30 . Red Cross Constantino , Premier , Freemasons' 'Tavern . I . ODGF . S <> f INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . London Masonic Club , 101 , Oueen Victoria-st ., E . C ., at 6 . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford , S to 10 . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , S to 10 .
Princei . copold , Mitford'Tav ., Sandringham-rd ., Dalston , 7 . 30 . Sincciity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station , at 7 . Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at S . 'Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., at S . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st ., at S . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria 'Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe , at S . Upper Norwood , White Hart 1 lot ., Chuich-rd ., at 8 .
Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , 8 . Loughborough , Cambria 'Tav ., Loughborough J une , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at S . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . St . George ' s , Globe 'Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chapter , 24 S , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at S . Royal Commemoration , R . Hot ., High-st ., Putney , S till 10 .
British Oak , ( lank of Friendship lav ., Mile End . Eastern Star , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., 7 . 30 . St . Mark's , S . M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . lohn Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S . New Finsbury Park , PlimsollArms , St . Thomas-rd ., N ., atS . Kilburn , South Molton Hot ., South Molton-st ., W ., at 7 . 30 . Strong . Man , George I lot ., Australian Avenue , Barbican , S ,
'TUESDAY , AUGUST 31 . House Com . R . M . B . Institution , at 3 . Lodge 13 S 3 , Friends in Council , 33 . Goldcn-sq . Lonci-rs OK I N-ST' -UCTION . Pilgrim , F . M . H ., ist and last Tues . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 7 . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-rd ., at 7 . 30 . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st ., S . W ., at P . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John's Wood , at 7 . Prosperity , Hercules 'Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., at 7 . 30 .