Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Chapter Of England .
the Committee recommend Grand Chapternow that fifteen months had elapsed since the errant was made—to annul the charter . t > The Committee have also to submit to Grand Chapter an appeal from Comp . W . George Laws
Z ., ofthe De Sussex chapter , No . 406 , Newcastleon-Tyne , against a decision of the Grand Superintendent for Northumberland , on a comp laint made to him by certain Comps . of the
chapter , that it had been , removed from its former p lace of meeting before the minutes of the chapter agreeing to that removal had been confirmed .
The following notice of motion has been given by E . Comp . the Rev . John Huyshe , Grand Superintendent for Devon : — " To strike out the ' except in the Colonies , ' page 16 , Art . 8 , ofthe Royal Arch regulations , and to add the following
words at the end of the article : — ' But this regulation is not to apply to the Colonies , where Comps ., not having served a subordinate office ,
if otherwise qualified , shall be eligible to be elected to a Principal chair , and were a regularly installed Master of a lodge under a Foreign Constitution shall also be eligible to be so elected . '"
( Signed ) W . PULTENEY SCOTT , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , AV . C , iSth October , 1 S 71 .
Consecration Of A Mark Masters' Lodge At Huddersfield.
Friday , the 13 th inst ., was the day appointed for consecrating the Truth Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 137 , at Huddersfleld , West Yorkshire , the first Mark lodge since the inauguration of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Shortly after 3 p . m .
a Lodge of Mark Masters was opened , and then the P . G . M . M ., Bro . T . Perkinton , accompanied by nearly all his P . G . Officers , entered the room . The following are the names of those who attended : Bros . John Wordsworth , D . P . G . M . ;
Matthews , P . S . G . W . ; Allison , P . J . G . W . ; Roberts , P . G . M . O . ; Firth , P . G . S . O . ; Hartley , P . G . J . O . ; Normanton , P . G . Treas . ; Burgess , P . G . Reg . ; Cooke , P . G . Sec ; Bennett , P . G . S . D . ; Schofield , P . G . J . D . ; Horsfall , P . G . Ins . of
Works ; Arrnitage , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; AVilkinson , P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Hoybroyd , P . G . Sword-bearer ; Oakden , P . G . Standard-bearer ; Whitaker , Sykes , Lobley , and Crossly , P . G . Stewards ; and Greenwood , P . G . Tyler .
The usual salutations having been gone through in due form , Bro . Higgins , the W . M .-designate , explained the reasons why they had petitioned for a warrant , and the advantages which they hoped , would accrue therefrom to
Mark Masonry . Bro . Cooke then read the warrants , and the members expressed their approval of the officers named therein . Bro . Roberts next gave an oration on Mark
Masonry , after which theP . G . M . M . proceeded to consecrate and dedicate theTruth Lodge accordmg to ancient usage and custom . Bro . Wordsworth , D . P . G . M ., then undertook die next business , that of installing Bro . Thomas
Sellers Higgins as the first W . M . of the lodge , which being over , the brethren were re-admitted and saluted the W . M . with the honours due to his rank . The W . M . then invested some of his officers , the remainder being left over till next
meeting : Bros . Jackson , S . W . ; John Burgess , J-W . ; Marshall , ' M . O . ; Williamson , S . O . ; and Thomas Burgess , J . O .
The P . G . Officers then retired , four candidates , ve re balloted for and accepted , and three subsequentl y advanced , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper .
1 'he cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; but , owing to many brethren having to go away by train , this part of the
business had to be done very briefly . From remarks made by some of the visitors as to the working ofthe newly-invested officers , there is every probability of this lodge becoming one of the bestworked lodges in West Yorkshire .
Interesting Discovery At The Old Jewish Synagogue, Birmingham.
After the erection of the Hebrew new synagogue at Singers' Hill , Birmingham , the old place of \ yorship of the Jews , in Severn-street , was purchased by the Athol Lodge of Freemasons , and by it converted into a place of
meeting for the members of that section of the Order . Recently , certain alterations and additions have been made to the building , and , in sinking the foundations for a newbanquetinghall , the memorial stone of the old temple was
discovered . Fitted to this stone was a brass plate , bearing the following inscription in Hebrew : — "This plate was placed here by the hands of the most respected Mordecai , the son of Solomon , in this town , on the Sth day of Sivan , in
the year 5569 . M ., and the five principal men who were occupied in raising this building were David , the son of Solomon , president ; Judah , the son of Coleman , treasurer ; Solomon , the son of Mordecai ; Jacob , the son of Samuel ; and
and Moses , the son of Lyon—A . M . 5566 . The Christian date of the ceremonies would be 1809 , or 62 years ago . At that time the Jews
were a small body in Birmingham ; now they number 5 , 000 . A second brass plate , bearing date 5 , 609—40 years later—was also found during the alterations .
At a meeting of the Athol Lodge , held recently , Bro . Michael Davis , W . M ., presiding , it was resolved to present the memorial plate to the Hebrew congregation , by whom it will no doubt be carefully preserved as an interesting
historical relic . At the same time the lodge laid the memorial stone of the new building , the extension part of which consists of a reception room , banqueting hall , and tyler ' s house . The brethren having assembled in open lodge , and
all the customary ceremonies having being per formed , Bro . Thos . Bragg , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D . delivered a short address on the ancient institu tion of Freemasonry ; after which he was pre sented by Bro . Muggleton , P . M ., with a hand
some silver trowel , suitably engraved . I he architect , Bro . T . Naden , produced the plans ; the contractor , Bro . J . Moffatt , handed the mallet ; and Bro . Bragg , assisted by the W . M ., Bro . Michael Davis , then laid the stone according to ancient
custom . In the cavity of the stone was placed a glass bottle , containing a description of the events connected with the ownership and extension of the building by the Athol Lodge ; also some coins , a newspaper , and a copy of the old
plates commemorating the erection of the building by the Hebrew congregation . The stone was then lowered , and , having been tested by the W . M ., Bro . M . Davis , Bro . Bragg declared the stone well and truly laid . The AV . M ., Bro .
Davis , delivered a short address . Corn , oil , and wine were sprinkled on the stone , and prayer having being offered , the ceremony closed . On the stone is engraved the following : " This stone , to commemorate the extension of the building ,
was laid by Bro . Thomas Bragg , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., assisted by the W . M ., Bro . M . Davis , October 4 th , 1871 .
When the buildings are completed , the members of the Athol Lodge will be able to congratulate themselves on having a hall suited in every way for Masonic purposes .
ROYALTY AT THE OLYMPIC . —The Olympic Theatre was , on Monday night , honoured b y . the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh and tjieir suite . The Royal party
appeared highly pleased with " f he Woman 111 White , " and Mr . \ ining ( " Count Fosco " ) was called into the box , and warmly complimented upon his conception and performance of the character .
" MORE than a year ago one of my children was attacked with bronchitis , and , alter a long illness , was given up by my physician as past cure . ' I was then induced to try your Vegetable Pain Killer , and from thc time I began the use of it the child rapidly got better , and is now strong and healthy . — J WINSTANLEY , 10 , Whittle-st ., L ' pool , Jan . 1 S 69 . —To P . D . & Son . "
DUNDEE . We have great pleasure in noting the rapid advancement of Lodge Broughty Castle ( No . 486 ) , Broughty Ferry . The name of Broughty Ferry must be familiar to many who enjoy a "dip" in the cool waters . It is a flourishing collection of palatial residences , rather than a village , and is the nearest
and most-favoured outing" for the Dundomans . Beside being an attraction to no end of summer residents and bathers , it has a steady , active , and well-to-do community of its own , who change not at the voice of the cuckoo , but who thrive by the changes of others . Some years ago , a few gentlemen
resident there , applied for , and got , a charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , for the " purposes of Masonry . " Bro . Robert Kid was selected as the first Master , and he conducted the business of the infant lodge ( as he does his own ) with such ability , assiduity , and discretion that a large addition to the
membership was quickly made , of those who are calculated to uphold the honour and dignity of our ancient institution . After between two and three years' active attention to lodge matters , Bro . Kid vacated the chair in favour of Bro . James Scott , builder , who has since conducted himself and the
lodge in a manner affording the utmost satisfaction to every brother . Till now , the lodge meetings were held in the Victoria Hotel , but , comfortable and convenient as the Masonic rooms of that hotel are , the desire which prevailed amongst the brethren of having a "biggin o' their ain" took shape , and has
resulted in the opening of a neat and suitable Hall , which has been obtained on a lease and at a very moderate rent . The opening dinner took place on Tuesday evening se ' nnight , the R . W . M ., Bro . Scott , occupying the chair , supported by the Past and Deputy Masters , & c . There were also present as
visitors , Kelt ( R . W . M . 49 ) , Rogers ( R . AV . M . 225 ) , McFarlane , Langlands , Robertson , and Hutchison , from Dundee ; as well as a very full attendance of the "Broughty Castle . " The usual toasts were duly honoured , some excellent songs were given at intervals during the evening , and the utmost goodwill and happiness pervaded the meeting .
In virtue of a special dispensation granted by Supreme Chapter , themembers of Union Royal Ar . ch Chapter , No . 6 , held their annual meeting on the 25 th ult ., at the Newport Hotel , Fife ( Bro . David Dickson ' s . ) Comp . James Berry occupied the chair , having on his right Comp . Colonel Alison ,
P . Z ., and on his left Comp . Alexander Kelt , Z .-elect . After an excellent dinner the companions formed themselves into a Lodge of Mark Masons . Comp . Berry then called the lodge from labour to refreshment , and gave the usual loyal and other toasts . In proposing the toast of " Continued
Success to the Union Chapter , " Comp . Berry referred at considerable length to his connection with the chapter— - its present position as being one of the first working chapters in Sco ' . land , and the pleasure he had had in occupying the First Principal ' s chair during the past year , Being called from
refreshment to labouur , the Mark Lodge was duly closed . The chapter was then duly formed and opened , when thc following were elected officebearers for the ensuing year , namely : Comp . Alexander Kelt , P . Z . ; John Logic , P . H . ; George F . Roger , P . J . ; James Berry , Past P . Z . ; James
Robertson , Scribe E . ; James Dunne , Scribe N . ; Wm . F . Longmuir , Treas . ; Wm . McFarJand 1 st Soj . ; James Langlands , 2 nd Soj . ; Frank AVhitehurst , 3 rd Soj . ; James Reid and James Baird , Janitors ; Comps . Alison , Todd and Smyth ,
members of thc committee . Proxy First Principal representing chapter at Supreme Chapter meetings , Comp . James Berry , 11 , Shore-terrace , Dundee , he chapter was thereafter duly closed , and after spending another hour in harmony thc companions returned to Dundee .
PARTICK . The annual meeting of the Particle Royal Arch Chapter , No . 113 , for thc election and installation of office-bearers , was held on Friday evening , 22 nd ult ., when the following companions were elected anti duly installed : Thomas Halket , M . E . Z . ; Alex . Campbell , H . ; AVilliam Christie , J . ; Win . AVhite , S . E . ; John Bain , S . N . ; David Stevenson , Treas . ;
Robert Anderson , 1 st Soj , ; B . H . Remmers , 2 nd Soj . ; John Dawson , 3 rd Soj . ; and AVilliam Latimer , Janitor . The installation ceremonies were performed in a very able and eloquent manner by Comp . James Crabbc , M . E . Z . 50 . The chapter having been duly closed , the companions and friends adjourned to an excellent banquet .
SMALL-POX , FEVERS , AND SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented bj I . amplotigh ' s l . ' yrefrc Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects arc remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and the maker , II . Lamnlouch , 113 , llolborn-hill . —[ Advt . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Chapter Of England .
the Committee recommend Grand Chapternow that fifteen months had elapsed since the errant was made—to annul the charter . t > The Committee have also to submit to Grand Chapter an appeal from Comp . W . George Laws
Z ., ofthe De Sussex chapter , No . 406 , Newcastleon-Tyne , against a decision of the Grand Superintendent for Northumberland , on a comp laint made to him by certain Comps . of the
chapter , that it had been , removed from its former p lace of meeting before the minutes of the chapter agreeing to that removal had been confirmed .
The following notice of motion has been given by E . Comp . the Rev . John Huyshe , Grand Superintendent for Devon : — " To strike out the ' except in the Colonies , ' page 16 , Art . 8 , ofthe Royal Arch regulations , and to add the following
words at the end of the article : — ' But this regulation is not to apply to the Colonies , where Comps ., not having served a subordinate office ,
if otherwise qualified , shall be eligible to be elected to a Principal chair , and were a regularly installed Master of a lodge under a Foreign Constitution shall also be eligible to be so elected . '"
( Signed ) W . PULTENEY SCOTT , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , AV . C , iSth October , 1 S 71 .
Consecration Of A Mark Masters' Lodge At Huddersfield.
Friday , the 13 th inst ., was the day appointed for consecrating the Truth Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 137 , at Huddersfleld , West Yorkshire , the first Mark lodge since the inauguration of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Shortly after 3 p . m .
a Lodge of Mark Masters was opened , and then the P . G . M . M ., Bro . T . Perkinton , accompanied by nearly all his P . G . Officers , entered the room . The following are the names of those who attended : Bros . John Wordsworth , D . P . G . M . ;
Matthews , P . S . G . W . ; Allison , P . J . G . W . ; Roberts , P . G . M . O . ; Firth , P . G . S . O . ; Hartley , P . G . J . O . ; Normanton , P . G . Treas . ; Burgess , P . G . Reg . ; Cooke , P . G . Sec ; Bennett , P . G . S . D . ; Schofield , P . G . J . D . ; Horsfall , P . G . Ins . of
Works ; Arrnitage , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; AVilkinson , P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Hoybroyd , P . G . Sword-bearer ; Oakden , P . G . Standard-bearer ; Whitaker , Sykes , Lobley , and Crossly , P . G . Stewards ; and Greenwood , P . G . Tyler .
The usual salutations having been gone through in due form , Bro . Higgins , the W . M .-designate , explained the reasons why they had petitioned for a warrant , and the advantages which they hoped , would accrue therefrom to
Mark Masonry . Bro . Cooke then read the warrants , and the members expressed their approval of the officers named therein . Bro . Roberts next gave an oration on Mark
Masonry , after which theP . G . M . M . proceeded to consecrate and dedicate theTruth Lodge accordmg to ancient usage and custom . Bro . Wordsworth , D . P . G . M ., then undertook die next business , that of installing Bro . Thomas
Sellers Higgins as the first W . M . of the lodge , which being over , the brethren were re-admitted and saluted the W . M . with the honours due to his rank . The W . M . then invested some of his officers , the remainder being left over till next
meeting : Bros . Jackson , S . W . ; John Burgess , J-W . ; Marshall , ' M . O . ; Williamson , S . O . ; and Thomas Burgess , J . O .
The P . G . Officers then retired , four candidates , ve re balloted for and accepted , and three subsequentl y advanced , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper .
1 'he cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; but , owing to many brethren having to go away by train , this part of the
business had to be done very briefly . From remarks made by some of the visitors as to the working ofthe newly-invested officers , there is every probability of this lodge becoming one of the bestworked lodges in West Yorkshire .
Interesting Discovery At The Old Jewish Synagogue, Birmingham.
After the erection of the Hebrew new synagogue at Singers' Hill , Birmingham , the old place of \ yorship of the Jews , in Severn-street , was purchased by the Athol Lodge of Freemasons , and by it converted into a place of
meeting for the members of that section of the Order . Recently , certain alterations and additions have been made to the building , and , in sinking the foundations for a newbanquetinghall , the memorial stone of the old temple was
discovered . Fitted to this stone was a brass plate , bearing the following inscription in Hebrew : — "This plate was placed here by the hands of the most respected Mordecai , the son of Solomon , in this town , on the Sth day of Sivan , in
the year 5569 . M ., and the five principal men who were occupied in raising this building were David , the son of Solomon , president ; Judah , the son of Coleman , treasurer ; Solomon , the son of Mordecai ; Jacob , the son of Samuel ; and
and Moses , the son of Lyon—A . M . 5566 . The Christian date of the ceremonies would be 1809 , or 62 years ago . At that time the Jews
were a small body in Birmingham ; now they number 5 , 000 . A second brass plate , bearing date 5 , 609—40 years later—was also found during the alterations .
At a meeting of the Athol Lodge , held recently , Bro . Michael Davis , W . M ., presiding , it was resolved to present the memorial plate to the Hebrew congregation , by whom it will no doubt be carefully preserved as an interesting
historical relic . At the same time the lodge laid the memorial stone of the new building , the extension part of which consists of a reception room , banqueting hall , and tyler ' s house . The brethren having assembled in open lodge , and
all the customary ceremonies having being per formed , Bro . Thos . Bragg , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D . delivered a short address on the ancient institu tion of Freemasonry ; after which he was pre sented by Bro . Muggleton , P . M ., with a hand
some silver trowel , suitably engraved . I he architect , Bro . T . Naden , produced the plans ; the contractor , Bro . J . Moffatt , handed the mallet ; and Bro . Bragg , assisted by the W . M ., Bro . Michael Davis , then laid the stone according to ancient
custom . In the cavity of the stone was placed a glass bottle , containing a description of the events connected with the ownership and extension of the building by the Athol Lodge ; also some coins , a newspaper , and a copy of the old
plates commemorating the erection of the building by the Hebrew congregation . The stone was then lowered , and , having been tested by the W . M ., Bro . M . Davis , Bro . Bragg declared the stone well and truly laid . The AV . M ., Bro .
Davis , delivered a short address . Corn , oil , and wine were sprinkled on the stone , and prayer having being offered , the ceremony closed . On the stone is engraved the following : " This stone , to commemorate the extension of the building ,
was laid by Bro . Thomas Bragg , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., assisted by the W . M ., Bro . M . Davis , October 4 th , 1871 .
When the buildings are completed , the members of the Athol Lodge will be able to congratulate themselves on having a hall suited in every way for Masonic purposes .
ROYALTY AT THE OLYMPIC . —The Olympic Theatre was , on Monday night , honoured b y . the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh and tjieir suite . The Royal party
appeared highly pleased with " f he Woman 111 White , " and Mr . \ ining ( " Count Fosco " ) was called into the box , and warmly complimented upon his conception and performance of the character .
" MORE than a year ago one of my children was attacked with bronchitis , and , alter a long illness , was given up by my physician as past cure . ' I was then induced to try your Vegetable Pain Killer , and from thc time I began the use of it the child rapidly got better , and is now strong and healthy . — J WINSTANLEY , 10 , Whittle-st ., L ' pool , Jan . 1 S 69 . —To P . D . & Son . "
DUNDEE . We have great pleasure in noting the rapid advancement of Lodge Broughty Castle ( No . 486 ) , Broughty Ferry . The name of Broughty Ferry must be familiar to many who enjoy a "dip" in the cool waters . It is a flourishing collection of palatial residences , rather than a village , and is the nearest
and most-favoured outing" for the Dundomans . Beside being an attraction to no end of summer residents and bathers , it has a steady , active , and well-to-do community of its own , who change not at the voice of the cuckoo , but who thrive by the changes of others . Some years ago , a few gentlemen
resident there , applied for , and got , a charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , for the " purposes of Masonry . " Bro . Robert Kid was selected as the first Master , and he conducted the business of the infant lodge ( as he does his own ) with such ability , assiduity , and discretion that a large addition to the
membership was quickly made , of those who are calculated to uphold the honour and dignity of our ancient institution . After between two and three years' active attention to lodge matters , Bro . Kid vacated the chair in favour of Bro . James Scott , builder , who has since conducted himself and the
lodge in a manner affording the utmost satisfaction to every brother . Till now , the lodge meetings were held in the Victoria Hotel , but , comfortable and convenient as the Masonic rooms of that hotel are , the desire which prevailed amongst the brethren of having a "biggin o' their ain" took shape , and has
resulted in the opening of a neat and suitable Hall , which has been obtained on a lease and at a very moderate rent . The opening dinner took place on Tuesday evening se ' nnight , the R . W . M ., Bro . Scott , occupying the chair , supported by the Past and Deputy Masters , & c . There were also present as
visitors , Kelt ( R . W . M . 49 ) , Rogers ( R . AV . M . 225 ) , McFarlane , Langlands , Robertson , and Hutchison , from Dundee ; as well as a very full attendance of the "Broughty Castle . " The usual toasts were duly honoured , some excellent songs were given at intervals during the evening , and the utmost goodwill and happiness pervaded the meeting .
In virtue of a special dispensation granted by Supreme Chapter , themembers of Union Royal Ar . ch Chapter , No . 6 , held their annual meeting on the 25 th ult ., at the Newport Hotel , Fife ( Bro . David Dickson ' s . ) Comp . James Berry occupied the chair , having on his right Comp . Colonel Alison ,
P . Z ., and on his left Comp . Alexander Kelt , Z .-elect . After an excellent dinner the companions formed themselves into a Lodge of Mark Masons . Comp . Berry then called the lodge from labour to refreshment , and gave the usual loyal and other toasts . In proposing the toast of " Continued
Success to the Union Chapter , " Comp . Berry referred at considerable length to his connection with the chapter— - its present position as being one of the first working chapters in Sco ' . land , and the pleasure he had had in occupying the First Principal ' s chair during the past year , Being called from
refreshment to labouur , the Mark Lodge was duly closed . The chapter was then duly formed and opened , when thc following were elected officebearers for the ensuing year , namely : Comp . Alexander Kelt , P . Z . ; John Logic , P . H . ; George F . Roger , P . J . ; James Berry , Past P . Z . ; James
Robertson , Scribe E . ; James Dunne , Scribe N . ; Wm . F . Longmuir , Treas . ; Wm . McFarJand 1 st Soj . ; James Langlands , 2 nd Soj . ; Frank AVhitehurst , 3 rd Soj . ; James Reid and James Baird , Janitors ; Comps . Alison , Todd and Smyth ,
members of thc committee . Proxy First Principal representing chapter at Supreme Chapter meetings , Comp . James Berry , 11 , Shore-terrace , Dundee , he chapter was thereafter duly closed , and after spending another hour in harmony thc companions returned to Dundee .
PARTICK . The annual meeting of the Particle Royal Arch Chapter , No . 113 , for thc election and installation of office-bearers , was held on Friday evening , 22 nd ult ., when the following companions were elected anti duly installed : Thomas Halket , M . E . Z . ; Alex . Campbell , H . ; AVilliam Christie , J . ; Win . AVhite , S . E . ; John Bain , S . N . ; David Stevenson , Treas . ;
Robert Anderson , 1 st Soj , ; B . H . Remmers , 2 nd Soj . ; John Dawson , 3 rd Soj . ; and AVilliam Latimer , Janitor . The installation ceremonies were performed in a very able and eloquent manner by Comp . James Crabbc , M . E . Z . 50 . The chapter having been duly closed , the companions and friends adjourned to an excellent banquet .
SMALL-POX , FEVERS , AND SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented bj I . amplotigh ' s l . ' yrefrc Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects arc remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and the maker , II . Lamnlouch , 113 , llolborn-hill . —[ Advt . ]