Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE . OF MarkMasterMasons. OF ENGLAND AND WALES . AND THB Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL PERCY , M . P ., M . W . G . M . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL or LIMERICK , R . W . D . G . M . THE WINTER HALF-YEARLY COMMUNICATION will beheld at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Innfields , on Tuesday , the 1 st December , 1874 , when and where all Grand Officers ( past and present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , and Overseers of private lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . The ceremony of advancement will be worked in a Lodge of Improvement , to meet at Halfpast Three o ' clock , p . m . GRAND LODGE will be opened at Five o ' clock , p . m . The Banquet will be provided at Seven o ' clock , * Tickets , Nine Shillings and Sixpence ( exclusive of Wine and Dessert ) . Brethren intending to be present are requested to send their names to the Grand Stewards , care of the Grand Secretary , as under . By command , FREDERICK . BINCKES , ( P . G . J . W . ) Grand Secretary . Office , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , London , W . C . 6 ih November , 1874 *
TheAlexandraPalace WILL BE OPENED 1 st MAY , 18 75 . Special Arrangements for Fete Days , for Societies , & c ., in the Palace and Park , can now be made for the ensuing season . Railway communication from all parts of London into the Palace . All particulars will be given on application to the Superintendent , Alexandra Palace , Muswellhill , N .
QAVENDISH CLUB , 307 , REGENT-STREET , \ V . Established 1855 . Under New Management and Proprietorship since January 1 , iH'n . The Committee o £ this Clnb . tindinK thev- have further accomodation , have decided on ADMITTING ONE HUNDRED MEMHERS WITHOUT an ENTRANCE FEE . The Club Is admirably situated In lhe centre of the West-end , and the arrangements complete In every respect . Thc Clnb being proprietary , members ncur no liability beyond their subscription . The Committee have tbe management ol the Club , and the election ofthe members bv ballot . COMMITTEE . Chairman—JOHN A . MAGEE , Esq . Sir Gilbert Campbell , Bart . Lieut .-Col . Peters . C . U . Elliott , Ese | . Charles Semnle , Esq , Major Collinson Hall . E . G . Stone , Esq . . I . Evans Kershaw , Esq . E . E . Witt , Esq . Annual Subscription : Town members rCj S ° Country members 330 Applications for membership lo be made to I . Palmer , Eici .. Secretary , ' "
THE ScottishCorporation
President . H . R . H . the PRINCE of WALES ( Duke of Rothesay ) K . G ., & c . Vice Presidents . His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe , K . T . His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh , K . G . His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Lennox . K . G . His Grace the Duke of Montrose , K . T . The Right Hon . the Earl of Lauderdale , K . C . B . The Right Hon . the Earl of Rosebcrry .
The TWO HUNDRED and TENTH AnniversaryFestival
of this Corporation will take place at THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN on St . Andrew ' s Day , Monday , Nov . 30 , when the Most Hon . the Marquis of Huntly , the Premier Marquis of Scotland , will occupy the Chair .
N . B . —For the List of Stewards see the " Times " of Nov . 20 .
Subscriptions and Donations from noblemen and gentlemen who may not find it convenient to attend the Festival will be gratefully acknowledged and announced on St , Andrew ' s Day . Applications for tickets , One Guinea each , ought to be made without delay to the managing Stewards , at the Hall . MACRAE MOIR . The Scottish Corporation Hall , E . G ., Nov . 18 , 1974 .
Hl'ost finssant 6 ronb Council of | lopl m \& Jklctt Hbstcvs of 6 nj 5 lm \ 0 , # c . Constituted 4 th August , 1871 . Bro Rev . G . Raymond Portal , i 8 ° , G . M . 111 . Bro . Capt . N . G . Phillips , sf , D . G . M . III . Bro . J . M . P . Montagu , 33 , G . P . C . W . New Lodge Room , 2 , Red Lion Square . A GENERAL ASSEMBLY will be held as above , On Monday , the 30 th of November , at 3 o'Clock in thc afternoon , To elect a Grand Master . To receive such duly-qualified candidates as may offer themselves . To appoint and invest tlie Grand Officers . General business . FREDERICK BINCKES , 30 , Grand Recorder , London , W . C , Nov . 17 , 1874 .
ENGLISH CLOTHING is justly regarded as the best in the world , and E . Moses and Son ' s as the best in England . T ? MOSES and SON supply every descrip-* tion of CLOTHING , ready made or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Mats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . g MOSES AND SON have as usual * made extensive preparations for the Winter Season in every department of their business , and are now showtn S the newest styles apd patterns . Overcoats , 19 s . to £ j . A distinct Department for Soys' Clothing . Prices based on ready-money system . All goods marked in plain figures . Any article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of 1 ' iiccs , with Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet , gratis , and post free . "P MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate * system of self-measurement enables them to execute orders by post , with thc guarantee of a fault . ess fit , P MOSES and SON'S Establishments aie closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed . until 11 o'clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONUON . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-strecf , Tottcnhain-Court-road , And Bradford , Yorkshire .
jy [ 0 u 11 N " ~"" . J £ MOSES and SON have always on hand " a Large Stock of Mourning Attiic for adults ant ' juveniles . An assoitiiu-nt to stlcct Irom will be sent at an y time on receipt of a letter or telegram , 01 the articles required can be injde to measure at . 1 very short notice . K . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Minories and Aldjjatc . New Oxford-street , Tottcnham-coutt-road , and Bradford , Yorkshire .
GRATEFUL—COMFOUTINU . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of Will selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables will a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - * Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled—JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOAICEOPATHIC CHEAHSTSj 48 , Threadneedle-strcet , and 1 ; o , Piccadilly . Works—Euston-road and Ca . nden-town , London .
CRESTS , MONOGRAMS , ARMS , AND LETTERS ENGRAVED . SEALS PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , NOTE PAPER DIES . Your Arms , Crest , and Mirllir Found ami Drawn Currtxlh . In pen and ink 4 ' u Crest engraved on spoons ( do / .. ) 5 , 0 Heraldic colours ... „ tb 7 . ' ° n , > sealor rine ; 70 Engraved on copper ... 1 / 1 , 0 „ ,. 'vatch or slick iIO Bro . JAMEF B . SLY , 9 , RATHBONE-I ' LACE , LONDON , \ Y .
MASONIC i-MBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in Photography , mounted for framing , representing a volume of the Scriptures opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Book of Kings , surrounded hy symbols of the Craft . Plain , ls . 6 d . j richly coloured , 3 s . Published by STEVENS AND RICHARDSON , Masonic and Commercial Stationers and Printers , 5 > GREAT SUEEN ST ., LI NCOLN ' S-INN-FIKLDS ) London , .. .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE . OF MarkMasterMasons. OF ENGLAND AND WALES . AND THB Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL PERCY , M . P ., M . W . G . M . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL or LIMERICK , R . W . D . G . M . THE WINTER HALF-YEARLY COMMUNICATION will beheld at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Innfields , on Tuesday , the 1 st December , 1874 , when and where all Grand Officers ( past and present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , and Overseers of private lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . The ceremony of advancement will be worked in a Lodge of Improvement , to meet at Halfpast Three o ' clock , p . m . GRAND LODGE will be opened at Five o ' clock , p . m . The Banquet will be provided at Seven o ' clock , * Tickets , Nine Shillings and Sixpence ( exclusive of Wine and Dessert ) . Brethren intending to be present are requested to send their names to the Grand Stewards , care of the Grand Secretary , as under . By command , FREDERICK . BINCKES , ( P . G . J . W . ) Grand Secretary . Office , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , London , W . C . 6 ih November , 1874 *
TheAlexandraPalace WILL BE OPENED 1 st MAY , 18 75 . Special Arrangements for Fete Days , for Societies , & c ., in the Palace and Park , can now be made for the ensuing season . Railway communication from all parts of London into the Palace . All particulars will be given on application to the Superintendent , Alexandra Palace , Muswellhill , N .
QAVENDISH CLUB , 307 , REGENT-STREET , \ V . Established 1855 . Under New Management and Proprietorship since January 1 , iH'n . The Committee o £ this Clnb . tindinK thev- have further accomodation , have decided on ADMITTING ONE HUNDRED MEMHERS WITHOUT an ENTRANCE FEE . The Club Is admirably situated In lhe centre of the West-end , and the arrangements complete In every respect . Thc Clnb being proprietary , members ncur no liability beyond their subscription . The Committee have tbe management ol the Club , and the election ofthe members bv ballot . COMMITTEE . Chairman—JOHN A . MAGEE , Esq . Sir Gilbert Campbell , Bart . Lieut .-Col . Peters . C . U . Elliott , Ese | . Charles Semnle , Esq , Major Collinson Hall . E . G . Stone , Esq . . I . Evans Kershaw , Esq . E . E . Witt , Esq . Annual Subscription : Town members rCj S ° Country members 330 Applications for membership lo be made to I . Palmer , Eici .. Secretary , ' "
THE ScottishCorporation
President . H . R . H . the PRINCE of WALES ( Duke of Rothesay ) K . G ., & c . Vice Presidents . His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe , K . T . His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh , K . G . His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Lennox . K . G . His Grace the Duke of Montrose , K . T . The Right Hon . the Earl of Lauderdale , K . C . B . The Right Hon . the Earl of Rosebcrry .
The TWO HUNDRED and TENTH AnniversaryFestival
of this Corporation will take place at THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN on St . Andrew ' s Day , Monday , Nov . 30 , when the Most Hon . the Marquis of Huntly , the Premier Marquis of Scotland , will occupy the Chair .
N . B . —For the List of Stewards see the " Times " of Nov . 20 .
Subscriptions and Donations from noblemen and gentlemen who may not find it convenient to attend the Festival will be gratefully acknowledged and announced on St , Andrew ' s Day . Applications for tickets , One Guinea each , ought to be made without delay to the managing Stewards , at the Hall . MACRAE MOIR . The Scottish Corporation Hall , E . G ., Nov . 18 , 1974 .
Hl'ost finssant 6 ronb Council of | lopl m \& Jklctt Hbstcvs of 6 nj 5 lm \ 0 , # c . Constituted 4 th August , 1871 . Bro Rev . G . Raymond Portal , i 8 ° , G . M . 111 . Bro . Capt . N . G . Phillips , sf , D . G . M . III . Bro . J . M . P . Montagu , 33 , G . P . C . W . New Lodge Room , 2 , Red Lion Square . A GENERAL ASSEMBLY will be held as above , On Monday , the 30 th of November , at 3 o'Clock in thc afternoon , To elect a Grand Master . To receive such duly-qualified candidates as may offer themselves . To appoint and invest tlie Grand Officers . General business . FREDERICK BINCKES , 30 , Grand Recorder , London , W . C , Nov . 17 , 1874 .
ENGLISH CLOTHING is justly regarded as the best in the world , and E . Moses and Son ' s as the best in England . T ? MOSES and SON supply every descrip-* tion of CLOTHING , ready made or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Mats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . g MOSES AND SON have as usual * made extensive preparations for the Winter Season in every department of their business , and are now showtn S the newest styles apd patterns . Overcoats , 19 s . to £ j . A distinct Department for Soys' Clothing . Prices based on ready-money system . All goods marked in plain figures . Any article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of 1 ' iiccs , with Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet , gratis , and post free . "P MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate * system of self-measurement enables them to execute orders by post , with thc guarantee of a fault . ess fit , P MOSES and SON'S Establishments aie closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed . until 11 o'clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONUON . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-strecf , Tottcnhain-Court-road , And Bradford , Yorkshire .
jy [ 0 u 11 N " ~"" . J £ MOSES and SON have always on hand " a Large Stock of Mourning Attiic for adults ant ' juveniles . An assoitiiu-nt to stlcct Irom will be sent at an y time on receipt of a letter or telegram , 01 the articles required can be injde to measure at . 1 very short notice . K . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Minories and Aldjjatc . New Oxford-street , Tottcnham-coutt-road , and Bradford , Yorkshire .
GRATEFUL—COMFOUTINU . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of Will selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables will a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - * Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled—JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOAICEOPATHIC CHEAHSTSj 48 , Threadneedle-strcet , and 1 ; o , Piccadilly . Works—Euston-road and Ca . nden-town , London .
CRESTS , MONOGRAMS , ARMS , AND LETTERS ENGRAVED . SEALS PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , NOTE PAPER DIES . Your Arms , Crest , and Mirllir Found ami Drawn Currtxlh . In pen and ink 4 ' u Crest engraved on spoons ( do / .. ) 5 , 0 Heraldic colours ... „ tb 7 . ' ° n , > sealor rine ; 70 Engraved on copper ... 1 / 1 , 0 „ ,. 'vatch or slick iIO Bro . JAMEF B . SLY , 9 , RATHBONE-I ' LACE , LONDON , \ Y .
MASONIC i-MBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in Photography , mounted for framing , representing a volume of the Scriptures opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Book of Kings , surrounded hy symbols of the Craft . Plain , ls . 6 d . j richly coloured , 3 s . Published by STEVENS AND RICHARDSON , Masonic and Commercial Stationers and Printers , 5 > GREAT SUEEN ST ., LI NCOLN ' S-INN-FIKLDS ) London , .. .