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Mark Masonry.
P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . There were also present as Installed Masters—Bros . Jno . Paull , P . P . G . S . O . ; Jno . Hall , P . P . G . S . Wks . ; W . P . Hugoe , P . G . J . D . ; S . Mitchell , P . P . G . S .: Rev . W .
Bloxsome , P . G . C , W-M , St . Michael ' s Lodge , Helston . The W . M . invested the following as his officers : —Bros . Rev . W . H . Bloxsome , S . W . ; Jno- Chegwidden , J . W . ; G . Matthews , M . O . ; P . Oates , S . O . ; W . [ oil , J . O . ; J . Niness , Treas . ; J . Hall , Sec . ; F . J . Lee , R . M . ; F . Reed , D . C . ; J . Hensley , S . D . ; J . Jackson , I . G . ; W . Hosken , Org . ; Pearce and Whalley , S . ; J . C Oates , I . G . ; W . Lean , Tyler . At the close of the lodge the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Host N .
PauII . when the usual loyal and fraternal toasts were given and responded to . The best wishes of all were strongly expressed for the success of Mark Masonry in the Province of Cornwall , presided over as it is by such a highly esteemed brother as Sir F . M . W'illiams , Bart ., M . P .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . LODGE MARIE STUART ( No . 541 ) . — At a meeting of this flourishing suburban lodge , in the Queen ' s Park Rooms , Crossbill , the officebearers were elected for the ensuing year , and those of them present were duly installed by Bro . Thomas Halket P . M . of St . Mark ' s ( 102 ) ,
who at the completion , delivered a most impressive and useful address . The list , as re-arranged , is as follows : —R . W . M ., Bro . J . D . Porteons ; D . M ., Bro . W . Gillies ; S . M ., Bro . Julius Erode ; S . W ., Bro . W . M'G . Mason : J . W ., Bro . fames Stamni ; Treasurer , Bro . Samuel
Findlater ; Secretary , Bro . Robert A . Buchanan ; S . D ., Bro . John Fraser ; J . D ., Bro . James Murray , jun . ; Chaplain , Bro . Robert Walker ; D . C , Bro , T . Fyfe ; Joint-Directors of Music , Bros . Wm . Schob and John Cassells ; P . of Stewards , Bro . Andrew Hilcote ;
Assistant-Stewards , Bros . John Thomson , Alex . Hill , C . Rattray , Robert Inglis , Robert Hunter , and J . Hunter , jun . ; I . G ., Bro . J . Hunter , sen . ; Tyler , Bro . James Minnock . LODGE CLYDESDALE ( No . 556 ) met in the Assembl y Rooms , Crown-street , on Monday ,
i 6 thinst . The R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Phillips , presided , with Bro . John B . McNaught , S . W . ; and John Howil , J . W . There were also present S . M ., Bros . John McNaught : S . D ., John Frew , J . D ., J . McDongal ; and among the visiting brethren Bro . G . H . McNaught , R . W . M . 275 .
The onl y business of any importance before the meeting , was the nomination of office-bearers for the ensui ng year . Thereafter certain arrangements for the first annual re-union of the lodge were agreed upon , and the lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
LODGE THISTLE ( No . 87 ) . —This lodge met in the hall at No . 12 , Trongate , on Tuesday , 17 th inst . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . John Millar , who was supported on the dais by Bros . John Fraser , P . M ., C K . Jenkins , D . M . ; Thos . Paton , Treas . ; D .
McDougall , Sec ; and Joseph Wilson , R . W . M . 219 . The lodge having been opened in the Apprentice degree , the Secretary read the minutes of last regular meeting , and also of an emergency meeting held since then , which were
passed . The reports of the Treasurer and the Auditors respectively , were then submitted ; the latter stating that the accounts had been gone over very carefully , and that the Auditors were perfectl y satisfied that they were truthful ancl correct . The election of office-bearers was then
proceeded with and concluded , the following being the roll for the ensuing year : —R . W . M ., Bro . James W . Burns ; D . M , Bro . C . K . Jenkins ; S . M ., Bro . Jas . Love ; S . W ., Bro . Jas . Booth ; J . W ., Bro . Wm . Wilson ; Treas . Bro . Thos . Paton ; Sec , Bro . D . McDougall ;
S . D ., Bro . Walter Stewart ; J . D ., Bro . Allan G . Grant ; S . Steward , Bro . James Currie ; S . Standard-bearer , Bro . J . G . Ritchie ; J . Standardbearer , Bro . J . G . Richie ; J . standard-bearer , Bro . John Fraser ; P . G . Steward , Bro . Samuel McPhee ; I . G ., Bro . John McLachlan ; Tyler , 2 ro . Jas . Sinclair . At the close of the election ^ the chairman said he had to return the m eetiii '
his sincere thanks for the orderly way in which the election had been conducted . He would bespeak for the new office-bearers a fair trial . If the lodge generally gave them their support they would go into their duties as they ought to do ; and he hoped , in fact , he had no doubt , that the
lodge would do their duty to these office-bearers He supposed it was widely known that a new degree , emanating from the Grand Lodge , and called the " Installed Masters' " degree had to be taken by their new R . W . M . ; and he was now receiving the same in another apartment at
the hands of Bro . A . McTaggart , P . G . Secretary . Bro . S . McPhee said he had just to say that he considered it was the duty of the lodge to record to the chairman a very hearty vote of thanks for the manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of the office from which he now
retired . More than that , he might mention that they purposed by and by giving him some little memento of his reign , which he might hand down to his family after him . The proposition of Bro . McPhee was unanimously adopted , by universal and prolonged acclamation . The
chairman , in reply , said he felt very thankful for , and highly appreciated the compliment they had paid him , which would also be an encouragement to those who succeeded him to do the best they could in the same position . For himself , he had performed the
duties of his office to the best of his ability ; and if , in anything , he had fallen short , he hoped he might be excused . He had spent many very pleasant nights within Lodge 87 , and hoped to spend many more . ( Applause . ) The newlyelected office-bearers were then asked to step
forward to the altar , and having done so , they were there and then installed into office by Bro . McTaggart , whose performance of the work was masterly and impressive to a degree . The new R . W . M ., Bro . Burns , having taken the chair , said he could not properly express his gratitude
for being placed in the honourable position he now occupied . This ( Lodge 87 ) was his mother lodge . He had always felt a deep in terest in it from the first time he entered its walls , and he hoped he should never forget it as long as he lived . Anything he could do for its
prosperity should be done ; and he hoped nothing would be found wanting . He was proud to find that his office-bearers were men and brethren who would work with him—brethren , every one of whom would do his duty according to the obligation he had taken that night .
Personally , he hoped he had now the sympathy of the lodge : and , if his colleagues in office had it too , he had no fear that by that time next year they would have a good Thistle Lodge . The lodge thereafter adjourned from labour to ref reshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were then given from the chair , Bro . W . H . Bickerton reply ing on behalf of the Grand Lodge of England , which , he said , it gave him much pleasure to do in a lodge of which he was himself an affiliated member . The remaining toasts were— " The Provincial Grand Lodge
of Glasgow , " coupled with the name of Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Secretary , who made an able reply ; "The Retiring Office Bearers of Lodge Thistle , " coupled with the health of P . M . Bro . John Millar ; "The Present Office Bearers , "
coupled with the R . W . M ., Bro . J . W . Burns ; and " The Masonic Press , " coupled with the name of Bro . J . Stewart , of the Freemason . ¦ The lodge having been recalled to labour , was thereafter closed in due form .
LODGE ST . MUNGO ( No . 27 ) , met for the installation of office-bearers , in St . Mark ' s Hall , 21 3 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday , 19 th inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . Dugald Butler , occupied the chair , supported on the dais by three Past Masters ofthe lodge , viz .: Bros , A . McTaggart ,
George Sinclair , and William King ; as also Bros . A . R . Wilson , Chaplain ; Thos . Lockhead , Treasurer ; and W . B . Paterson , Secretary of the lodge ; Bro . Joseph Wilson , R . W . M ., Lodge Star 219 ; and Bro . Alex . Bain , P . M .,
Lodge Union and Crown , 103 . The Secretary having read the minutes of two previous meetings they were passed . The Treasurerjsubmitted his annual report , which showed , as he remarked , jfh ' at , pecuniarily , the lodge was in a better position than at the same time last year , by about
£ 30 , a result which the chairman observed was very satisfactory and gratifying . Bro . Wm . King , P . M ., said he had great pleasure in moving the adoption of the Treasurer ' s report , it was pleasant when they had such a good balance on the right side , and he trusted that
possibly it would be still better next year . Bro . George Sinclair , P . M ., in seconding the adoption of the report , said it was one of the best they had had put before them for the last twelve or fourteen years . The Chairman said that seeing the list of office-bearers had been read to the
lodge , he had now simply to ask if there were any objections to it . There being none offered , the ceremony of installation was performed , and the office-bearers invested with their respective jewels , by Bro . A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec . At the close of this portion of the proceedings , the
Chairman said he was sure they were all very much indebted to Bro . McTaggart for his kindness in officiating as he had just done . For his own ( the chairman ' s ) part , he felt that he could not thank the lodge as he ought to do for replacing him in the important position he occupied ; the
duties of which he would always endeavour to discharge to the best of his ability . The following is the rearranged list of office-bearers : — R . W . M ., Bro- Dugald Butler ; D . M ., Bro . A M'Taggart ; S . M ., Bro * J . Morris ; S . W ., Bro . Dr . M'lnnes ; J . W ., Bro . E . M'Comb ; Sec .
Bro . W- B . Paterson ; Treas ., Bro . T . Lockhead ; S . D ., Bro . W . Neilson ; J . D ., Brc . T . . Hastie , Chaplain , Bro . Rev . M'Leck ; Vice-Chaplain , Bro . A . R . Wilson ; P . of Stewards , Bro . R . Morrison ; Junior Stewards , Bros . Malcolm , Whyte , T . Brodie , W . Brown , W . Dykes , W .
Niven , and T- Grange ; P-G . Steward , Bro . W . Arbuckle ; D . of Music , Bro . W . Albin ; B . B ., Bro . T . Muir ; Standard-bearer , Bro . H . Aflleck ; Architect , Bro . J . Taylor ; Surgeon , Bro . Dr . Buchanan ; Jeweller , Bro . D- Sutherland , I . G ., Bro R . Carmichael ; Tyler , Bro . G . James .
The lodge having adjourned from labour to refreshment , a pleasant couple of hours were spent . Among other toasts given and responded to in the course of the evening were " Ix > dge St . Mungo , " replied to by the R . W-M . ; "The
Treasurer " ( Bro . Lockhead ) , proposed by Bro . Geo . Sinclair , P . M . ; " The Senior Wardens " ( Bro . Dr . M'lnnes ); " The Junior Warden , " "Thc retiring Office-bearers , " coupled with the name of Bro . Cronge , who acknowledged the compliment , & c .
LODGE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY ( NO . 354 ) met in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , 18 th inst . The lodge having been opened in the Apprentice degree by the R . W . M ., Bro , James Shaw , the Secretary , ( Bro . W . R . Dunn ) read the minutes of last meeting , which
were passed . The meeting then proceeded to the re-arrangement of the lodge committee for the ensuing year , the following brethren being appointed to constitute said committee : —Bros . A . Dougall , Robert Wotherspoon , A . Allison , W . W . Joiner and Allan McDonald . Bros . Peter Sanderson and John S . Hunter were appointed
auditors . Bro . John B . Hardie ( Lodge 102 ) was then duly affiliated a member of this lod ge ; an 6 thereafter two candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the R . W . M ., and four brethren raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason at the hands of Bro . A . Arrick Smith . There was no other business , and the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
LODGE CLYDE ( No . 408 ) . —The second annual soiree ; concert , and assembly of the members of this lodge , and friends , was held with much success in the Bath-street Assembly Rooms , on Friday 20 th inst . Brother Duncan Downie .
R . W . M ., occupied the chair , supported on the platform by Bros . Rev . Robert Thomson , John Buchanan , P . M . ; R . Mitchell , D . M . ; John M'lnnes . S . W . ; W . Bilsland , J . W . ; J . Morton , S . D . ; W . Harper , Treas . ; R . Bowie , Sec ;
G . Weston , R . W . M . ( 73 ); J . B . M'Nair R . W . M . ( 332 ); and J . Scott , R . W . M ( 419 )
After tea , the chairman delivered a brief address , in course of which he said that a year ago he stood before them as the R . W-M . of the lodge under whose auspices they were now met together . At that time he was fortunate in having the great pleasure and satisfaction of reporting a remarkably good bill of health , both as re-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . There were also present as Installed Masters—Bros . Jno . Paull , P . P . G . S . O . ; Jno . Hall , P . P . G . S . Wks . ; W . P . Hugoe , P . G . J . D . ; S . Mitchell , P . P . G . S .: Rev . W .
Bloxsome , P . G . C , W-M , St . Michael ' s Lodge , Helston . The W . M . invested the following as his officers : —Bros . Rev . W . H . Bloxsome , S . W . ; Jno- Chegwidden , J . W . ; G . Matthews , M . O . ; P . Oates , S . O . ; W . [ oil , J . O . ; J . Niness , Treas . ; J . Hall , Sec . ; F . J . Lee , R . M . ; F . Reed , D . C . ; J . Hensley , S . D . ; J . Jackson , I . G . ; W . Hosken , Org . ; Pearce and Whalley , S . ; J . C Oates , I . G . ; W . Lean , Tyler . At the close of the lodge the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Host N .
PauII . when the usual loyal and fraternal toasts were given and responded to . The best wishes of all were strongly expressed for the success of Mark Masonry in the Province of Cornwall , presided over as it is by such a highly esteemed brother as Sir F . M . W'illiams , Bart ., M . P .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . LODGE MARIE STUART ( No . 541 ) . — At a meeting of this flourishing suburban lodge , in the Queen ' s Park Rooms , Crossbill , the officebearers were elected for the ensuing year , and those of them present were duly installed by Bro . Thomas Halket P . M . of St . Mark ' s ( 102 ) ,
who at the completion , delivered a most impressive and useful address . The list , as re-arranged , is as follows : —R . W . M ., Bro . J . D . Porteons ; D . M ., Bro . W . Gillies ; S . M ., Bro . Julius Erode ; S . W ., Bro . W . M'G . Mason : J . W ., Bro . fames Stamni ; Treasurer , Bro . Samuel
Findlater ; Secretary , Bro . Robert A . Buchanan ; S . D ., Bro . John Fraser ; J . D ., Bro . James Murray , jun . ; Chaplain , Bro . Robert Walker ; D . C , Bro , T . Fyfe ; Joint-Directors of Music , Bros . Wm . Schob and John Cassells ; P . of Stewards , Bro . Andrew Hilcote ;
Assistant-Stewards , Bros . John Thomson , Alex . Hill , C . Rattray , Robert Inglis , Robert Hunter , and J . Hunter , jun . ; I . G ., Bro . J . Hunter , sen . ; Tyler , Bro . James Minnock . LODGE CLYDESDALE ( No . 556 ) met in the Assembl y Rooms , Crown-street , on Monday ,
i 6 thinst . The R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Phillips , presided , with Bro . John B . McNaught , S . W . ; and John Howil , J . W . There were also present S . M ., Bros . John McNaught : S . D ., John Frew , J . D ., J . McDongal ; and among the visiting brethren Bro . G . H . McNaught , R . W . M . 275 .
The onl y business of any importance before the meeting , was the nomination of office-bearers for the ensui ng year . Thereafter certain arrangements for the first annual re-union of the lodge were agreed upon , and the lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
LODGE THISTLE ( No . 87 ) . —This lodge met in the hall at No . 12 , Trongate , on Tuesday , 17 th inst . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . John Millar , who was supported on the dais by Bros . John Fraser , P . M ., C K . Jenkins , D . M . ; Thos . Paton , Treas . ; D .
McDougall , Sec ; and Joseph Wilson , R . W . M . 219 . The lodge having been opened in the Apprentice degree , the Secretary read the minutes of last regular meeting , and also of an emergency meeting held since then , which were
passed . The reports of the Treasurer and the Auditors respectively , were then submitted ; the latter stating that the accounts had been gone over very carefully , and that the Auditors were perfectl y satisfied that they were truthful ancl correct . The election of office-bearers was then
proceeded with and concluded , the following being the roll for the ensuing year : —R . W . M ., Bro . James W . Burns ; D . M , Bro . C . K . Jenkins ; S . M ., Bro . Jas . Love ; S . W ., Bro . Jas . Booth ; J . W ., Bro . Wm . Wilson ; Treas . Bro . Thos . Paton ; Sec , Bro . D . McDougall ;
S . D ., Bro . Walter Stewart ; J . D ., Bro . Allan G . Grant ; S . Steward , Bro . James Currie ; S . Standard-bearer , Bro . J . G . Ritchie ; J . Standardbearer , Bro . J . G . Richie ; J . standard-bearer , Bro . John Fraser ; P . G . Steward , Bro . Samuel McPhee ; I . G ., Bro . John McLachlan ; Tyler , 2 ro . Jas . Sinclair . At the close of the election ^ the chairman said he had to return the m eetiii '
his sincere thanks for the orderly way in which the election had been conducted . He would bespeak for the new office-bearers a fair trial . If the lodge generally gave them their support they would go into their duties as they ought to do ; and he hoped , in fact , he had no doubt , that the
lodge would do their duty to these office-bearers He supposed it was widely known that a new degree , emanating from the Grand Lodge , and called the " Installed Masters' " degree had to be taken by their new R . W . M . ; and he was now receiving the same in another apartment at
the hands of Bro . A . McTaggart , P . G . Secretary . Bro . S . McPhee said he had just to say that he considered it was the duty of the lodge to record to the chairman a very hearty vote of thanks for the manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of the office from which he now
retired . More than that , he might mention that they purposed by and by giving him some little memento of his reign , which he might hand down to his family after him . The proposition of Bro . McPhee was unanimously adopted , by universal and prolonged acclamation . The
chairman , in reply , said he felt very thankful for , and highly appreciated the compliment they had paid him , which would also be an encouragement to those who succeeded him to do the best they could in the same position . For himself , he had performed the
duties of his office to the best of his ability ; and if , in anything , he had fallen short , he hoped he might be excused . He had spent many very pleasant nights within Lodge 87 , and hoped to spend many more . ( Applause . ) The newlyelected office-bearers were then asked to step
forward to the altar , and having done so , they were there and then installed into office by Bro . McTaggart , whose performance of the work was masterly and impressive to a degree . The new R . W . M ., Bro . Burns , having taken the chair , said he could not properly express his gratitude
for being placed in the honourable position he now occupied . This ( Lodge 87 ) was his mother lodge . He had always felt a deep in terest in it from the first time he entered its walls , and he hoped he should never forget it as long as he lived . Anything he could do for its
prosperity should be done ; and he hoped nothing would be found wanting . He was proud to find that his office-bearers were men and brethren who would work with him—brethren , every one of whom would do his duty according to the obligation he had taken that night .
Personally , he hoped he had now the sympathy of the lodge : and , if his colleagues in office had it too , he had no fear that by that time next year they would have a good Thistle Lodge . The lodge thereafter adjourned from labour to ref reshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were then given from the chair , Bro . W . H . Bickerton reply ing on behalf of the Grand Lodge of England , which , he said , it gave him much pleasure to do in a lodge of which he was himself an affiliated member . The remaining toasts were— " The Provincial Grand Lodge
of Glasgow , " coupled with the name of Bro . McTaggart , P . G . Secretary , who made an able reply ; "The Retiring Office Bearers of Lodge Thistle , " coupled with the health of P . M . Bro . John Millar ; "The Present Office Bearers , "
coupled with the R . W . M ., Bro . J . W . Burns ; and " The Masonic Press , " coupled with the name of Bro . J . Stewart , of the Freemason . ¦ The lodge having been recalled to labour , was thereafter closed in due form .
LODGE ST . MUNGO ( No . 27 ) , met for the installation of office-bearers , in St . Mark ' s Hall , 21 3 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday , 19 th inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . Dugald Butler , occupied the chair , supported on the dais by three Past Masters ofthe lodge , viz .: Bros , A . McTaggart ,
George Sinclair , and William King ; as also Bros . A . R . Wilson , Chaplain ; Thos . Lockhead , Treasurer ; and W . B . Paterson , Secretary of the lodge ; Bro . Joseph Wilson , R . W . M ., Lodge Star 219 ; and Bro . Alex . Bain , P . M .,
Lodge Union and Crown , 103 . The Secretary having read the minutes of two previous meetings they were passed . The Treasurerjsubmitted his annual report , which showed , as he remarked , jfh ' at , pecuniarily , the lodge was in a better position than at the same time last year , by about
£ 30 , a result which the chairman observed was very satisfactory and gratifying . Bro . Wm . King , P . M ., said he had great pleasure in moving the adoption of the Treasurer ' s report , it was pleasant when they had such a good balance on the right side , and he trusted that
possibly it would be still better next year . Bro . George Sinclair , P . M ., in seconding the adoption of the report , said it was one of the best they had had put before them for the last twelve or fourteen years . The Chairman said that seeing the list of office-bearers had been read to the
lodge , he had now simply to ask if there were any objections to it . There being none offered , the ceremony of installation was performed , and the office-bearers invested with their respective jewels , by Bro . A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec . At the close of this portion of the proceedings , the
Chairman said he was sure they were all very much indebted to Bro . McTaggart for his kindness in officiating as he had just done . For his own ( the chairman ' s ) part , he felt that he could not thank the lodge as he ought to do for replacing him in the important position he occupied ; the
duties of which he would always endeavour to discharge to the best of his ability . The following is the rearranged list of office-bearers : — R . W . M ., Bro- Dugald Butler ; D . M ., Bro . A M'Taggart ; S . M ., Bro * J . Morris ; S . W ., Bro . Dr . M'lnnes ; J . W ., Bro . E . M'Comb ; Sec .
Bro . W- B . Paterson ; Treas ., Bro . T . Lockhead ; S . D ., Bro . W . Neilson ; J . D ., Brc . T . . Hastie , Chaplain , Bro . Rev . M'Leck ; Vice-Chaplain , Bro . A . R . Wilson ; P . of Stewards , Bro . R . Morrison ; Junior Stewards , Bros . Malcolm , Whyte , T . Brodie , W . Brown , W . Dykes , W .
Niven , and T- Grange ; P-G . Steward , Bro . W . Arbuckle ; D . of Music , Bro . W . Albin ; B . B ., Bro . T . Muir ; Standard-bearer , Bro . H . Aflleck ; Architect , Bro . J . Taylor ; Surgeon , Bro . Dr . Buchanan ; Jeweller , Bro . D- Sutherland , I . G ., Bro R . Carmichael ; Tyler , Bro . G . James .
The lodge having adjourned from labour to refreshment , a pleasant couple of hours were spent . Among other toasts given and responded to in the course of the evening were " Ix > dge St . Mungo , " replied to by the R . W-M . ; "The
Treasurer " ( Bro . Lockhead ) , proposed by Bro . Geo . Sinclair , P . M . ; " The Senior Wardens " ( Bro . Dr . M'lnnes ); " The Junior Warden , " "Thc retiring Office-bearers , " coupled with the name of Bro . Cronge , who acknowledged the compliment , & c .
LODGE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY ( NO . 354 ) met in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , 18 th inst . The lodge having been opened in the Apprentice degree by the R . W . M ., Bro , James Shaw , the Secretary , ( Bro . W . R . Dunn ) read the minutes of last meeting , which
were passed . The meeting then proceeded to the re-arrangement of the lodge committee for the ensuing year , the following brethren being appointed to constitute said committee : —Bros . A . Dougall , Robert Wotherspoon , A . Allison , W . W . Joiner and Allan McDonald . Bros . Peter Sanderson and John S . Hunter were appointed
auditors . Bro . John B . Hardie ( Lodge 102 ) was then duly affiliated a member of this lod ge ; an 6 thereafter two candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the R . W . M ., and four brethren raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason at the hands of Bro . A . Arrick Smith . There was no other business , and the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
LODGE CLYDE ( No . 408 ) . —The second annual soiree ; concert , and assembly of the members of this lodge , and friends , was held with much success in the Bath-street Assembly Rooms , on Friday 20 th inst . Brother Duncan Downie .
R . W . M ., occupied the chair , supported on the platform by Bros . Rev . Robert Thomson , John Buchanan , P . M . ; R . Mitchell , D . M . ; John M'lnnes . S . W . ; W . Bilsland , J . W . ; J . Morton , S . D . ; W . Harper , Treas . ; R . Bowie , Sec ;
G . Weston , R . W . M . ( 73 ); J . B . M'Nair R . W . M . ( 332 ); and J . Scott , R . W . M ( 419 )
After tea , the chairman delivered a brief address , in course of which he said that a year ago he stood before them as the R . W-M . of the lodge under whose auspices they were now met together . At that time he was fortunate in having the great pleasure and satisfaction of reporting a remarkably good bill of health , both as re-