Article Scotland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PAISLEY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BIBLIOGRAPHY. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
garded lodge fund and lodge benevolent fund . That pleasure , he was happy to say , was vastly enhanced when he had to tell them that they were now in a position of prosperity very greatly in advance of what they were twelve months ago . The attainment of this position showed
that there had been no idle hands at the plough , no turning back , as it were , to observe what others were doing in the same field ; but a calm resolve to gain another emblem , however slight , to place among the laurels which decorated the banner of Lodge 408 . lhe present agreeable
condition of the lodge accrued from the course of action pursued by the office-bearers ; which resulted from their conviction that conflicting and troublesome matters , of whatever kind , were generally better to be quietly shelved , and that the minds of the members should be
disencumbered of anything that might have a tendency to debar the brotherly union which should permeate the hearts of all , but more especially those of their ancient fraternity . Bros , the Rev . R . Thomson and R . Mitchell , respectively ,
afterwards addressed the meeting ; the musical proceedings being sustained by Miss Bessie Malcolm , ballad vocalist ; Bro , J . G- Sharp , Bro . J . Good , Mr . T . Ebourne and a glee party . The concluding assembly was kept up with much spirit until an early hour .
LODGE COMMERCIAL ( No 360 ) . —The usual fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , No . 30 , Hope-street , on Friday , 20 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . J . Monro , R . W . M ., supported by Bros . J . Erode , P . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . VV . ; and James
Craig , J . VV . The lodge , having been opened in the E . A . Degree , the Secretary , Bro . W . H . Bicketton , read the minutes , which were approved of and passed . Bro . Peters then read the items of the accounts for the past year , which met with general approval . The lodge
was then raised to the degree of Fellow Craft , and afterwards to that of Master Mason , when Bro . W , Brodie Lochore received that degree , the ceremony being performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . Monro , and S . M . Bro J . Erode , in full and impressive style . The R . W . M ., Bro . J .
Monro , proposed a vote of thanks to P . M . Bro . J . Erode and Bro . Thompson , for the past and most valuable services rendered by them to this lodge , which met with general approbation . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
RENFREWSHIRE COUNTY KILWINNING LODGE ( NO . 370 ) met on the evening of Thursday , 19 th inst ., Bro . James Anderson , R . W . M ., presiding , supported in the west and south by Bros . J . M . Oliver and J . Goldie . On the lodge being opened in the E . A . degree the R . W . M .
drew the attention of the brethren to the fact that according to the bye-laws of the lodge the nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year would take place at the next meeting , and the election at the last meeting in December . Applications for admission were then read from Mr . Robert Martin and Mr Edward Morrison
both candidates being well recommended and the ballot clear , they were admitted and duly initiated into the Order , Bro . Geo . Miller officiating in his usual intelligent and impressive manner . The lodge was thereafter placed under the charge ofthe J . VV ., when a very happy hour was spent in "harmony , " called back to " labour " and closed in due form .
Masonic Bibliography.
I have come accidentally into the possession ofa curious "Breeches " Bible of 1 594 with a MS . note of Masonic use , signed E . S . ' or E . P . The Bible has Masonic emblems upon it , and formerly belonged to the Vernon Lod ge , No .
819 . The latter part is not quite perfect . Can any brother give any account of that lod ge , or how its property became dispersed . 1 see that there is still a Vernon Lodge , No . 539 , at Walsall . A . F . A . WOODFORD .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
The quotation from Nicephorus Callistus seems to be properly given , and is a correct reference . Lib . x ., page 76 . There is a copy in the British Museum , in Greek , with a Latin paginal translation , and the original Latin , of which I now have received a copy , seems to be completely rendered hy the translation . So , no doubt , the
Greek is too . It is a striking fact , that this tradition which Nicephorus records , with the words " sicuti dictum est , " being the translation of his equivalent Greek words , should be at any rate about 400 years old , and his words would carry it still further back . A . F . A . WOODFORD .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
We are authorized to state that the Premier Conclave of England , in connection with the Bective ( No . 2 A ) , the St . Andrew ' s ( No . 15 ) , and the Board of Avon ( No . 99 ) Conclaves
will meet on Monday , the 30 th inst ., ( St . Andrew ' s Day ) , at the Regent Masonic Hall , 68 , Regent-street , and dine together afterwards . A meeting of this united character has never hitherto been carried out in the metropolis .
A new Chapter of Instruction will be held , under the most favourable auspices , at Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , with the sanction of the Prince Frederick William Chapter , No . 753 , on the first and third Thursdays in each month .
The want of a Chapter of Instruction has long been felt in the N . and N . W . Districts , and the Preceptor is so well known as a teacher of Masonry , that every success should attend its meetings , the first of which is appointed for
December 3 rd , at 8 p . m ., and the offices are to be filled on that evening by good working companions . It is to be hoped a large attendance will encourage its promoters to use all their influence to extend the usefulness of such a
valuable institution . On Tuesday evening the Hertfordshire brethren had a banquet at the Shire Hall , Hertford , The front ofthe building was very handsomel y
illuminated in honour of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master Elect , who is now on a few days visit to the Earl and Countess Cowper , Panshanger , Herts .
The Right Worshipful Brother A . H . Royds , Prov . Grand Master of Worcestershire , attended the Worcester Lodge , No . 280 , on Thursday , 19 th inst ., and was received with the honours accorded on the occasion of a Provincial Grand
Master s visit . During the evening W . Bro . A . A . Sylvester retired from the Worshipul Mastership of tho lodge , and on the motion of Bro . Whitney Griffiths , Provincial Grand Treasurer , seconded by Bro . Pidcock , P . M ., a vote of thanks
was unanimously passed to Bro . Silvester , and a Past Mester ' s jewel was voted for presentation at the next meeting of the lodge , in recognition of his services for the past year , The Worshipful Master elect is Bro . J . C . Gregg , of Ledbury . —Berroiu ' s IVorcesler yournal .
liro . R . Limpus , W . M . 1039 , member ofthe College of Organists , has been appointed Grand Organist for the Province of Middlesex . The Athen .-eum Lodge , No . 149 1 , will meet at the Athen . xum , Camden-road , Holloway , N ., on Wednesday , 2 nd December , 5 p . m .
At the regular monthly meeting of Lewis Lodge , 872 , ( Whitehaven ) held on Monday , Nov . 16 th , Bro . William Gill , Immediate Past Master of the above lodge , was presented by the
members with a vi : ry handsome Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of their esteem , and in recognition of -his very valuable services icndered to the lodge , and interest taken in the Craft in gen eral .
We understand that the Duke of Connaught will leave England early in January on a tour in the Holy Land .
Masonic Tidings.
Howick Hall , in Northumberland , the residence of Earl Grey , had a narrow escape from destruction by fire on Sunday . There was a copious supply of water , which did more damage to the property than was caused by the fire , which was speedily extinguished .
As the young Lord Warkworth and the two daughters of Earl Percy were driving in a carriage and pair at Alnwick , the horses bolted , and
ultimately ran against a garden wall , one horse being thrown into the garden , and the other into a field . Fortunately the carriage was not upset , and the children escaped unhurt .
The Duke of Westminster was on Monday elected President of the Cheshire Chamber of Agriculture , in the place of Lord de Tabley .
The Duchess of Abercorn laid the toundation stone of a new church at Strabane on Tuesday . The Lord-Lieutenant and a distinguished party were present .
The Marquis of Drogheda has been appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Kildare , in the room of the Duke of Leinster , deceased .
LECTURE ON PUBLIC SPEAKING . —On Tuesday evening , the 10 th inst ., Bro . Emra Holmes , of Ipswich , delivered a lecture on the above subject to a large audience in the Town Hall , in connection with the Young Men ' s Christian Association . Mr . P . O . Papi'lon occupied the
chair , and the newly-elected Mayor , Major Bishop , also had a seat upon the platform . The Lecturer was very apt and clever in his illustrations ofthe various styles which public speakers possessed , being particularly good in the character of Father Gavazzi . From the junior
gentlemen at the wedding breakfast to the M . P ., the lecturer was candid and truthful , when speaking upon their good and bad points . Upon clericals of every grade he was exceedingly severe for their almost universal disregard of the study of elocution , and cited instances of scripture reading
which sometimes assumed a ludicrous character . At the lecture , however , those likely to benefit by the speaker ' s strictures were conspicuous by their absence . Several allusions were made to the local elocution classes belonging to this association and the Literary Institution , which had very properly becume amalgamated ; and he
strongly advised the young men of the town to join it . The Chairman good humouredl y congratulated himself that the walls of the hall had no means of speech , for his conscience convicted him of having made one or two bad speeches in that room . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
THE HARWICH HARBOUR , DOCKS , WHARVES , AND WAREHOUSES COMPANY , LIMITED ( the advertisement of which appears on our back page ) , has been formed to undertake the reclamation of about loo acres of foreshore at Harwich , and constructing thereon an inner Harbour
Docks , Wharves , and providing sites for Bonded Warehouses . Experienced engineers have expressed approval of the site—amongst them Mr . Brassey , Mr- Walker , Mr . Rendle , and Sir J ohn Rennie ( the latter having made surveys and
estimates ) , lhe Directors hope that the largel y ' increasing trade of the town will render the undertaking a remunerative one . Six per cent interest is guaranteed till November 5 th , 1876—the period fixed for the completion of the con tract .
KNOWLEDGE AND SYMPATHY . —Good spirits may be readily restored to the late fortunate owner by a few doses of Holioway's revivifying medicine ; instant action alone is wanted to prevent the development ol more disagreeable and dangerous symptoms . Everyone has frequently experienced sudden personal changes from gaiety to gloom j the weather oftentimes receives the blame , when a faulty
digestion alone is the cause of the depression . Holioway ' s Pills can be honestly recommended for regulating a disordered stomach and improving digestion ; they entirel y remove all sense of fulness and oppression after eating ; they clear the furred tongue and act as a wholesome stimulant to the liver , and as a gentle aperient to tbe bowels . They healthfully arouse both body and mind . ADVT .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
garded lodge fund and lodge benevolent fund . That pleasure , he was happy to say , was vastly enhanced when he had to tell them that they were now in a position of prosperity very greatly in advance of what they were twelve months ago . The attainment of this position showed
that there had been no idle hands at the plough , no turning back , as it were , to observe what others were doing in the same field ; but a calm resolve to gain another emblem , however slight , to place among the laurels which decorated the banner of Lodge 408 . lhe present agreeable
condition of the lodge accrued from the course of action pursued by the office-bearers ; which resulted from their conviction that conflicting and troublesome matters , of whatever kind , were generally better to be quietly shelved , and that the minds of the members should be
disencumbered of anything that might have a tendency to debar the brotherly union which should permeate the hearts of all , but more especially those of their ancient fraternity . Bros , the Rev . R . Thomson and R . Mitchell , respectively ,
afterwards addressed the meeting ; the musical proceedings being sustained by Miss Bessie Malcolm , ballad vocalist ; Bro , J . G- Sharp , Bro . J . Good , Mr . T . Ebourne and a glee party . The concluding assembly was kept up with much spirit until an early hour .
LODGE COMMERCIAL ( No 360 ) . —The usual fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , No . 30 , Hope-street , on Friday , 20 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . J . Monro , R . W . M ., supported by Bros . J . Erode , P . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . VV . ; and James
Craig , J . VV . The lodge , having been opened in the E . A . Degree , the Secretary , Bro . W . H . Bicketton , read the minutes , which were approved of and passed . Bro . Peters then read the items of the accounts for the past year , which met with general approval . The lodge
was then raised to the degree of Fellow Craft , and afterwards to that of Master Mason , when Bro . W , Brodie Lochore received that degree , the ceremony being performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . Monro , and S . M . Bro J . Erode , in full and impressive style . The R . W . M ., Bro . J .
Monro , proposed a vote of thanks to P . M . Bro . J . Erode and Bro . Thompson , for the past and most valuable services rendered by them to this lodge , which met with general approbation . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
RENFREWSHIRE COUNTY KILWINNING LODGE ( NO . 370 ) met on the evening of Thursday , 19 th inst ., Bro . James Anderson , R . W . M ., presiding , supported in the west and south by Bros . J . M . Oliver and J . Goldie . On the lodge being opened in the E . A . degree the R . W . M .
drew the attention of the brethren to the fact that according to the bye-laws of the lodge the nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year would take place at the next meeting , and the election at the last meeting in December . Applications for admission were then read from Mr . Robert Martin and Mr Edward Morrison
both candidates being well recommended and the ballot clear , they were admitted and duly initiated into the Order , Bro . Geo . Miller officiating in his usual intelligent and impressive manner . The lodge was thereafter placed under the charge ofthe J . VV ., when a very happy hour was spent in "harmony , " called back to " labour " and closed in due form .
Masonic Bibliography.
I have come accidentally into the possession ofa curious "Breeches " Bible of 1 594 with a MS . note of Masonic use , signed E . S . ' or E . P . The Bible has Masonic emblems upon it , and formerly belonged to the Vernon Lod ge , No .
819 . The latter part is not quite perfect . Can any brother give any account of that lod ge , or how its property became dispersed . 1 see that there is still a Vernon Lodge , No . 539 , at Walsall . A . F . A . WOODFORD .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
The quotation from Nicephorus Callistus seems to be properly given , and is a correct reference . Lib . x ., page 76 . There is a copy in the British Museum , in Greek , with a Latin paginal translation , and the original Latin , of which I now have received a copy , seems to be completely rendered hy the translation . So , no doubt , the
Greek is too . It is a striking fact , that this tradition which Nicephorus records , with the words " sicuti dictum est , " being the translation of his equivalent Greek words , should be at any rate about 400 years old , and his words would carry it still further back . A . F . A . WOODFORD .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
We are authorized to state that the Premier Conclave of England , in connection with the Bective ( No . 2 A ) , the St . Andrew ' s ( No . 15 ) , and the Board of Avon ( No . 99 ) Conclaves
will meet on Monday , the 30 th inst ., ( St . Andrew ' s Day ) , at the Regent Masonic Hall , 68 , Regent-street , and dine together afterwards . A meeting of this united character has never hitherto been carried out in the metropolis .
A new Chapter of Instruction will be held , under the most favourable auspices , at Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , with the sanction of the Prince Frederick William Chapter , No . 753 , on the first and third Thursdays in each month .
The want of a Chapter of Instruction has long been felt in the N . and N . W . Districts , and the Preceptor is so well known as a teacher of Masonry , that every success should attend its meetings , the first of which is appointed for
December 3 rd , at 8 p . m ., and the offices are to be filled on that evening by good working companions . It is to be hoped a large attendance will encourage its promoters to use all their influence to extend the usefulness of such a
valuable institution . On Tuesday evening the Hertfordshire brethren had a banquet at the Shire Hall , Hertford , The front ofthe building was very handsomel y
illuminated in honour of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master Elect , who is now on a few days visit to the Earl and Countess Cowper , Panshanger , Herts .
The Right Worshipful Brother A . H . Royds , Prov . Grand Master of Worcestershire , attended the Worcester Lodge , No . 280 , on Thursday , 19 th inst ., and was received with the honours accorded on the occasion of a Provincial Grand
Master s visit . During the evening W . Bro . A . A . Sylvester retired from the Worshipul Mastership of tho lodge , and on the motion of Bro . Whitney Griffiths , Provincial Grand Treasurer , seconded by Bro . Pidcock , P . M ., a vote of thanks
was unanimously passed to Bro . Silvester , and a Past Mester ' s jewel was voted for presentation at the next meeting of the lodge , in recognition of his services for the past year , The Worshipful Master elect is Bro . J . C . Gregg , of Ledbury . —Berroiu ' s IVorcesler yournal .
liro . R . Limpus , W . M . 1039 , member ofthe College of Organists , has been appointed Grand Organist for the Province of Middlesex . The Athen .-eum Lodge , No . 149 1 , will meet at the Athen . xum , Camden-road , Holloway , N ., on Wednesday , 2 nd December , 5 p . m .
At the regular monthly meeting of Lewis Lodge , 872 , ( Whitehaven ) held on Monday , Nov . 16 th , Bro . William Gill , Immediate Past Master of the above lodge , was presented by the
members with a vi : ry handsome Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of their esteem , and in recognition of -his very valuable services icndered to the lodge , and interest taken in the Craft in gen eral .
We understand that the Duke of Connaught will leave England early in January on a tour in the Holy Land .
Masonic Tidings.
Howick Hall , in Northumberland , the residence of Earl Grey , had a narrow escape from destruction by fire on Sunday . There was a copious supply of water , which did more damage to the property than was caused by the fire , which was speedily extinguished .
As the young Lord Warkworth and the two daughters of Earl Percy were driving in a carriage and pair at Alnwick , the horses bolted , and
ultimately ran against a garden wall , one horse being thrown into the garden , and the other into a field . Fortunately the carriage was not upset , and the children escaped unhurt .
The Duke of Westminster was on Monday elected President of the Cheshire Chamber of Agriculture , in the place of Lord de Tabley .
The Duchess of Abercorn laid the toundation stone of a new church at Strabane on Tuesday . The Lord-Lieutenant and a distinguished party were present .
The Marquis of Drogheda has been appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Kildare , in the room of the Duke of Leinster , deceased .
LECTURE ON PUBLIC SPEAKING . —On Tuesday evening , the 10 th inst ., Bro . Emra Holmes , of Ipswich , delivered a lecture on the above subject to a large audience in the Town Hall , in connection with the Young Men ' s Christian Association . Mr . P . O . Papi'lon occupied the
chair , and the newly-elected Mayor , Major Bishop , also had a seat upon the platform . The Lecturer was very apt and clever in his illustrations ofthe various styles which public speakers possessed , being particularly good in the character of Father Gavazzi . From the junior
gentlemen at the wedding breakfast to the M . P ., the lecturer was candid and truthful , when speaking upon their good and bad points . Upon clericals of every grade he was exceedingly severe for their almost universal disregard of the study of elocution , and cited instances of scripture reading
which sometimes assumed a ludicrous character . At the lecture , however , those likely to benefit by the speaker ' s strictures were conspicuous by their absence . Several allusions were made to the local elocution classes belonging to this association and the Literary Institution , which had very properly becume amalgamated ; and he
strongly advised the young men of the town to join it . The Chairman good humouredl y congratulated himself that the walls of the hall had no means of speech , for his conscience convicted him of having made one or two bad speeches in that room . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
THE HARWICH HARBOUR , DOCKS , WHARVES , AND WAREHOUSES COMPANY , LIMITED ( the advertisement of which appears on our back page ) , has been formed to undertake the reclamation of about loo acres of foreshore at Harwich , and constructing thereon an inner Harbour
Docks , Wharves , and providing sites for Bonded Warehouses . Experienced engineers have expressed approval of the site—amongst them Mr . Brassey , Mr- Walker , Mr . Rendle , and Sir J ohn Rennie ( the latter having made surveys and
estimates ) , lhe Directors hope that the largel y ' increasing trade of the town will render the undertaking a remunerative one . Six per cent interest is guaranteed till November 5 th , 1876—the period fixed for the completion of the con tract .
KNOWLEDGE AND SYMPATHY . —Good spirits may be readily restored to the late fortunate owner by a few doses of Holioway's revivifying medicine ; instant action alone is wanted to prevent the development ol more disagreeable and dangerous symptoms . Everyone has frequently experienced sudden personal changes from gaiety to gloom j the weather oftentimes receives the blame , when a faulty
digestion alone is the cause of the depression . Holioway ' s Pills can be honestly recommended for regulating a disordered stomach and improving digestion ; they entirel y remove all sense of fulness and oppression after eating ; they clear the furred tongue and act as a wholesome stimulant to the liver , and as a gentle aperient to tbe bowels . They healthfully arouse both body and mind . ADVT .,