Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Grand Steward ' s Lodge . —This lodge met on Wednesday , the iglh inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , under the
presidency of Bro . Henry Norman , W . M ., when Bro . Joseph Stohwasser , P . M . of No . 8 ; the British Lodge , and Past President of the Board . of Grand Stewards , was unanimosly elected as a joining member . The lodge was
then opened in the second degree , and the W . M . proceeded with the ceremony of installing his successor . The lodge was afterwards opened in the third degree , after which a board of Installed Masters was duly constituted , and Bro . Edward J . Page , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed in ancient form , into the chair of K . S ., whereupon he invested the late W . M ., Bro . Norman , as his
immediate P . M . After the usual ceremonies , and on the lodge being reduced to the first degree , the W . M . appointed his officers , viz : Bros . R . M . Smith , S . W . ; Jabez Tepper , J . XV . ; Wm . Watson , Sec . ; Frederick Binckes , S . D . ; "j . T . Swanston , J . D . ; and Charles H . Waters , I . G . Bro . Richard Spencer ( having been at the previous lodge unanimously re-elected , ) was invested as Treas . ; and Bro . Hoare as Tyler . Bro . Norman was
congratulated by the lodge for the ability and talent . manifested by him in performing the ceremony of installing his successor . There were no resignations on the commencement of the new year , and the lodge now consists of thirty-one members . The lodge being duly closed the brethren present ( with five visitors ) , in all twenty-three , adjourned to the tavern , and partook of the bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness , and spent a happy evening with much good feeling and harmony .
Tranquillity Lodge , AIM 05 . —This influential lodge held its usual meeting on the 17 th inst ., at Hartley ' s , when the W . M ., in his efficient style , conferred the honor of M . M . on Bro . B . Barnett ; after which the S . W . was unanimously elected Master for the ensuing year , Bro . Peartrec , Treasurer ; and Bro . Vesper , P . M . 180 , Tyler .
There was also an election for members of the committee of the excellent charity fund of the lodge , after which the brethren adjourned lo as good a banquet as the most fastidious could require , supplied , and well attended to , by Bro . Hart , his very courteous nephew ( also a brother ) and their assistants .
Israel Lodge , No . 205 . — 'I his numerous and influential lodge met on Tuesday , the 25 th inst ., at Radley ' s , when Bro . Chamberlain , the W . M ., in his masterly style initialed Messrs . Morse , Buckland , Fowler , and Bryan ; Bro . Stanton Jones , P . M ., then in most superior style installed Bro . Michael J . Emanuel , who appointed as his officers , Bros . II . M . Harris , S . W . ; Turner , J . W . ; A . N .
Cohen , P . M ., Sec .: Sacqui , P . M ., Organist ; Van Durbosch , S . D . ; Ilogard , J . D . ; and N . Kmanuel , I . G . ; after which ihe newly installed Master ably initiated his brother-in-law , Mr . Sidney Jacobs . The brethren then adjourned lo one of Bro . J . I Iarl ' s splendid banquets , ably served by his nephew and numerous assistants . The number of brethren present amounted to 78 , and amongst
the numerous visitors we particularly noticed Bros . J . Holbrook , W . M . ( 1 S 5 ) ; B . W . Aaron , W . M . ( iSS ) Poh ' tzes , W .. M . ( 1017 ) : S . L . Miers ( 154 ) , E . I' . Albert , P . M . and Sec . ( iSS ) ; Chubb ( 577 ) , M . Jacobs ( 19 . 1 ) , and Vowles ( 742 ) . A most agreeable evening concluded by an cariesl appeal from the indefatigable See ., the W .
Bro . A . M . Cohen , P . M ., to the members on behalf of the charity fund of the lodge , which was liberally responded to by numerous new subscribers . We must add that the musical arrangements were excellent , as in fact was everything else , lodge working , banquet , wines , and songs .
A elson Lodge , Ao . 700 . —This excellent working lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , William-street Woolwich , on Wednesday , iQtb hint ., under the very able direction of its W . Master , Bro . E . Bowles , supported by the whole of his officers . The lodge being opened in the first degree , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed .
I he ballot was taken for Mr . J . M . liodder , of St . Paul ' s Churchyard , and Serjl . W . A . Weston , A ' ..- / ., for initiation , which proved unanimous in each of their favor , and being in attendance , were duly received into Freemasonry . The iodge was opened in tiie second degree , and Bro . Ward being a candidate for ihe third degree , received further instruction and retired . The lodge was opened in
the third degree , and Bro . Ward was admitted , nud duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . Mason . The lodge was closed down in each degree , when Colour-Serjeant j . Wilmol , and Serjeant J . Gladwin , of II . M . 94 th Regiment , were proposed as candidates for initiation at the next meeting of the lodge . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in due form , and the
brethren adjourned to Bro . •Morton ' s the Red Lion Tavern , where they spent a very happy evening and parted in perfect harmony . Panmure Lodge , A ' o . 715 . —This lodge met on Saturday evening , 15 th inst ., at the Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet , City . Present : Bros . T . II . Weedon , W . M . ; W . Kibble , S . W . ; J . II . Towncnd , T . W . ; W . Bennett , S . D . ; W . J . Crossfield , fD . ; H . Birdseye , I . G .
HcnyMtiggcridge , P . M . ; S . G . Myers , P . M ., and Treas . ; R . Clarke , P . M . ; J . Paddle , P . M . ; C . R . Vines , P . M . ; C . 11 . Fielder , P . M . ; T . B . Yeoman , C . Wychie , ! . Jonas , W . Birdseye , W . K . Slower , J . Gale , C . F . Smith , J . L . Jones , & c . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . George Wyalt , which was unanimous in his favour , and he being in attendance was
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened i . i the second and third degrees , and the ceremony of installing Bro . William Kibble , W . M . for the ensuing year , was performed by Bro . Henry Muggeridge in his most impressive manner . The lodge was then closed to the first degree , when the W . M .. appointed the following brethren officers of the lodge , viz . : —Bros . J .
H . Towncnd , S . W . ; W . Bennett , J . W . ; S . G . Myers , Treasurer ; Henry Muggeridgc . Secretary ; W . J . Crossfield , S . D . ; Henry Birdseye , ' J . D . ; J . Jonas , I . G . ; Smith , Tyler . The W . M . said'he commenced his year of office by having two very pleasing duties to perform ; the first was to present to Bro . J . II . Weedon , the I . P . M ., a Past Master ' s jewel as a mark ofthe kind feeling the
brethren entertained towards him for the manner in which he conducted the lodge during his year of office . — Bro . Weedon thanked the brethren very much for their kindness , and hoped he might have health and strength to come amongst them for many years . —The W . M . again rose , and said the second duty he had to perform was , if possible , more pleasing than the first , that was to
present to their esteemed Bro . S . G . Myers , P . M . and Treasurer , a silver tea-pot , in recognition of his services as Treasurer of the lodge for many years . —Bro . Myers said he could assure the W . M . and brethren , he was very much pleased with the handsome present they had made him ; he took a very great interest in the Panmure Lodge , and anything he could do to promote the prosperity of
the lodge and the comfort of the brethren he would always be happy to do . He thanked the brethren for their kind and valuable expression of approval of his efforts . —There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet served in
Bro . Spencer ' s usual style of excellence . Amongst the visitors we noticed the following brethren , Bros . Joshua Nunn , G . S . B . ; G . A . Taylor , P . M ., 22 ; S . Muggeridgc ( 192 ) , Stcib ( Gihon 49 ) , Dyer ( 1 S 6 ) , Laxlon ( 504 ) , Allen ( 196 ) , Webber ( J . W . 1232 ) , Crouch ( 12 ) , Rock , Fisher , Waklcy , Saward , eic .
Ncru Concord Lodge , A o . 813- —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Fridav , Ian . 21 st , at 5 o ' clock . Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., S 13 , W . M . 1237 , and P . G . D . Middlesex , acting for Bro . J . Hart , W . M ., who was prevented from attending by family aflliction . Bros . Bartlett , S . W . ; Atkins , J . W . ; Main , P . M ., and Hon .
Sec . ; Salisbury , S . D . ; McDavill , J . D . : Abseil , I . G . ; and Lloyd , T . The following brethren were also present A . Hill , Gabb , Hofbaucr , Webster , Townsend , Faucqt ' . cy , Phillips , Briistlin , Chant , Crabb , Chesher , Whaley , Denny , and Revill . Visitors , Bro . Rogers , 1003 , Cusworth , 94 , Bromley , 220 . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting were read
and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Gallant for initiation , and Bro . Beningfield for joining , and both were unanimously elected . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Gabb and Hofbaucr being candidates for the third degree , answered the usual questions , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and they were raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . Phillips answered and retired , and the lodge being resumed to the second , was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was again resumed to the first degree , and Mr . Gallant was regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in
due form after which the brethren sat down to a very exce'lent briquet , prepared by Bro . Gabb , Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., presiding . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed the health ofthe initiate , liro . Gallant , who in a very neat speech thanked the brethren for admitting him into the Order . On behalf of the visitors Bros . Bromley and
Cus-. varth expressed their great satisfaction at the treat they had received by the very admirable manner hi which the whole of the three degrees had been worked , and Bro . Cusworth also expressed his desire to become a joining member , if the brethren would receive him . Bro . Main proposed Bro . Wilson ' s health , who thanked
his officers for tlieir assistance , and expressed his regret , at the circumstances that precluded the W . M . from attending . Bros . Bartlett , Atkins , and Main replied and a very happy and comfortable evening , enlivened by songs , tVc , was passed . Bro . McDavill , O ., assisted materially b \ his skilful performances on the piano .
Capper Lodge , A ' o . 107 G . —The regular monthly meeting of this very numerous and efficient lodge was ' held at the Marine Hotel , Victoria Ducks , on Thursday , 13 th inst . Bro . II . G . Sisley , W . M ., supported by Bros . Yaskell , S . W . ; Pincombe , J . W . ; ( 1 . Park , Treas . ; ] . Henderson , P . M ., and Sec . ; Ashdown . S . D . ; Brown , J . D . ; Brayshaw , I . G . ; with P . M . West , as I . l ' . M .
The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . Jones , Marines , and Stoke :,, candidates for initiation , which proved unanimous in each of their favor , and Messrs . Jones and Mamies being in attendance , wen : with Mr . 1 larriso-. i , ballotted for at the last lodge meeting ,
duly received into the first degree of Freemasonry . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and liro . Crablree being a candidate fur the third degree , received further instruction and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and liro . Crablree was admitted , and duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . Mason . The lodge was closed down lo the first degree , when ihe ballot was
also taken for Bro . Adamson , of the Scientific Lodge , 840 , a . a joining member , which proved in his favour . The case of a distressed hrulher was then brought before the lodge , and three guineas was voted for his present wants . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment and parted in hnrmonv .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
PROVINCIAL . CHATHAM . —Lodge of Benevolence , No . _ 184 . —On Wednesday , the 12 th instant , the annual meeting of the brethren took place at the lodge-room , in Middle-street , Brompton , when there was a large gathering from the various parts of Kent , to do honour to the installation of the W . M ., Bro . J . Redman . The lodge-room has been
fitted up and embellished in excellent style , showing a great display of taste . The walls are decorated with panelling , on which stand out in bold relief a number of Grecian figures , with emblems of the seasons , & c . The floor cloth is of a Mosaic pavement pattern , with tesselatcd border , whilst the gas fittings and furniture of the Lodge , arc of a rich appearance , reflecting the greatest credit on
Bro . W . Turtle , and the brethren generally . The lodge having been opened , a board of Installed Masters was formed , and the ceremony was most efficiently conducted by Bro . Turtle . The following constituted the Board of Installed Masters , sixteen in number : —Bros . Mackney , W . M ., 299 , P . G . S . ; Warnc , P . M ., 20 , P . P . G . A . S . ; Wvld , 10 3 0 , W . M ., P . G . S . D . ; Ashdown , P . M ., 10 5 0 ,
P . P . G . P . : Nash , P . M ., 27 S , Gibraltar , and W . M ., 1174 ; Webb , W . M ., 503 ; Darley , P . M ., 158 , Sheerncss ; S . Trowse , P . M . ; Seabrooke , Bui-field , P . M ., 20 : I-I . Kappcy , P . M ., 20 , P . G . S . D . ; Richardson P . M ., 1 S 4 ; Allen , P . M ., 914 , Jamaica ; Bates , P . M ., 914 . After the Installation , the Master Masons , F . Crafts , and Apprentices were admitted , and the usual
honours given . Bro . W . M . Redman then invested the officers of the Lodge as follows : —Bros . Cole , S . W . : Murphy , J . W . ; Higgins , S . D . ; Thorn , J . D . ; Thornton , I . G . ; Drago , T . Bro . Turtle delivered the address to the admiration of all . The brethren about . 60 in number , then retired to a banquet provided by Bro . Wraith , at the Golden Lion , after which followed the usual loyal
and Masonic toasts . —Bro . Redman , W . M ., in the course of his address on the toast to the Prince of Wales , congratulated the Craft generally on the accession of His Royal Highness , expressing the hope that it would not only add to the prestige of Masonry , but advance the interests of our excellent charities , and looked forward to the future of Masonry as one of great promise . ( The
toast was met with Kentish fire ) . The most honourable mention was also made of the Earl of Zetland , and Earl de Grey and Ripon , as his expected successor . Coming nearer home , he , in reference lo Lord Homcsdale , the P . G . M ., spoke of his lordship ' s urbanity , and deep interest in the prosperity of Masonry in the county , ever ready to promote its welfare and maintain its high character .
( His lordship's health was drank with enthusiasm ) . — Bro . Dobson , D . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Officers followed , coupled with the name of Bro . Mackney , P . G . Steward . In proposing the health , particularly of Bro . Dobson , with pride and confidence , he knew it would elicit the most enthusiastic reception ; reminding them that Bro . Dobson , the second Masonic head of the Province , had
evinced the utmost zeal for the welfare of the Craft in the province . Courtesy and kindness lias distinguished him , and it may be said by all coming into contact with him that he possesses a generous sentiment , admired by the humblest brother . The charities are the special objects ofhis interest , showing that Masonry is not based merely on mystery , but upon those great and immortal principles
of love and active benevolence , whose bright and glorious stream will flow on through time and eternity . The vast amount of time he devotes to Masonic purposes , and his promptings to others to give practical proof of Masonic sympathy , must confer a blessing on the present generation and on our children ' s children , by amelioratingthewocs , and elevating the social and moral condition of the orphan
and the helpless one . ( Loud cheers ) . —Bro . Mackney , in a short address , appealed for subscriptions to the charities . —The Past Masters being proposed , was particularly responded to by Bro . Strowse , the oldest brother present , and for whom great respect is entertained . —Bro . Turtle proposed the " W . M ., " in an effective speech , in which he extolled him for his love of Masonry . —Bro . Redman
responded in a suitable speech . —To the health of the visitors , Bro . Darley's name was coupled , with those of Bro . Nash , Bro . Warne , anil others . —Bro . Darley , P . M ., of 158 , Sheerne .-s , expressed his delight at meeting the brethren , and lo see that , to their honour , they had carried out that which he had advocated for years . He prophesied increased success to the lodge in consequence ,
which he had seen result from similar arrangements elsewhere , and whilst he felt an interest in this lodge , he felt a general interest in the prosperity of the Craft , and believed that by the course pursued generally of Masons ' lodges bein : ; removed from hotels , it would raise their prestige , and the belter enable them to assist the funds of their excellent charities . lie held Freemasonry as part
of his religion , and a great part ; and that which would improve its moral standing would most enhance its success , and he hoped the day would come when a Mason ' s Lodge , would be looked upon as sacred as any other sanctuary where God was worshipped . He had been iu communication with the Secretary of the Grand Orient of France , and was glad lo see that whilst the Pope was
anathematising Freemasons , they , under the auspices of the Emperor , were determined to stick to their colours ; 232 lodges had already sent llieir opinions to the Grand Orient on the ( Ecumenical Council , and which would be collected in one volume . No doubt , true to their obligation , the brethren will prove lo the world their love of Freemasonry and their capability of defending their own rights . He expected shortly again to hear from the other
side of the Channel , and perhaps at some futiiro day he would have on opportunity of laying before them some account of the progress of Masonry in France . —Bros . Warne and Nash , al : o responded in appropriate speeches . At this : ! age several brethren had to leave by train , and the greater part left . The host , Bro . Wraith , provided excellently , and the brethren spent a very pleasant evening enlivened by music and singing . Tt : jGSVovTli . — / feuc : v / e / t / Lodge , No . 303 , —The
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Grand Steward ' s Lodge . —This lodge met on Wednesday , the iglh inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , under the
presidency of Bro . Henry Norman , W . M ., when Bro . Joseph Stohwasser , P . M . of No . 8 ; the British Lodge , and Past President of the Board . of Grand Stewards , was unanimosly elected as a joining member . The lodge was
then opened in the second degree , and the W . M . proceeded with the ceremony of installing his successor . The lodge was afterwards opened in the third degree , after which a board of Installed Masters was duly constituted , and Bro . Edward J . Page , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed in ancient form , into the chair of K . S ., whereupon he invested the late W . M ., Bro . Norman , as his
immediate P . M . After the usual ceremonies , and on the lodge being reduced to the first degree , the W . M . appointed his officers , viz : Bros . R . M . Smith , S . W . ; Jabez Tepper , J . XV . ; Wm . Watson , Sec . ; Frederick Binckes , S . D . ; "j . T . Swanston , J . D . ; and Charles H . Waters , I . G . Bro . Richard Spencer ( having been at the previous lodge unanimously re-elected , ) was invested as Treas . ; and Bro . Hoare as Tyler . Bro . Norman was
congratulated by the lodge for the ability and talent . manifested by him in performing the ceremony of installing his successor . There were no resignations on the commencement of the new year , and the lodge now consists of thirty-one members . The lodge being duly closed the brethren present ( with five visitors ) , in all twenty-three , adjourned to the tavern , and partook of the bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness , and spent a happy evening with much good feeling and harmony .
Tranquillity Lodge , AIM 05 . —This influential lodge held its usual meeting on the 17 th inst ., at Hartley ' s , when the W . M ., in his efficient style , conferred the honor of M . M . on Bro . B . Barnett ; after which the S . W . was unanimously elected Master for the ensuing year , Bro . Peartrec , Treasurer ; and Bro . Vesper , P . M . 180 , Tyler .
There was also an election for members of the committee of the excellent charity fund of the lodge , after which the brethren adjourned lo as good a banquet as the most fastidious could require , supplied , and well attended to , by Bro . Hart , his very courteous nephew ( also a brother ) and their assistants .
Israel Lodge , No . 205 . — 'I his numerous and influential lodge met on Tuesday , the 25 th inst ., at Radley ' s , when Bro . Chamberlain , the W . M ., in his masterly style initialed Messrs . Morse , Buckland , Fowler , and Bryan ; Bro . Stanton Jones , P . M ., then in most superior style installed Bro . Michael J . Emanuel , who appointed as his officers , Bros . II . M . Harris , S . W . ; Turner , J . W . ; A . N .
Cohen , P . M ., Sec .: Sacqui , P . M ., Organist ; Van Durbosch , S . D . ; Ilogard , J . D . ; and N . Kmanuel , I . G . ; after which ihe newly installed Master ably initiated his brother-in-law , Mr . Sidney Jacobs . The brethren then adjourned lo one of Bro . J . I Iarl ' s splendid banquets , ably served by his nephew and numerous assistants . The number of brethren present amounted to 78 , and amongst
the numerous visitors we particularly noticed Bros . J . Holbrook , W . M . ( 1 S 5 ) ; B . W . Aaron , W . M . ( iSS ) Poh ' tzes , W .. M . ( 1017 ) : S . L . Miers ( 154 ) , E . I' . Albert , P . M . and Sec . ( iSS ) ; Chubb ( 577 ) , M . Jacobs ( 19 . 1 ) , and Vowles ( 742 ) . A most agreeable evening concluded by an cariesl appeal from the indefatigable See ., the W .
Bro . A . M . Cohen , P . M ., to the members on behalf of the charity fund of the lodge , which was liberally responded to by numerous new subscribers . We must add that the musical arrangements were excellent , as in fact was everything else , lodge working , banquet , wines , and songs .
A elson Lodge , Ao . 700 . —This excellent working lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , William-street Woolwich , on Wednesday , iQtb hint ., under the very able direction of its W . Master , Bro . E . Bowles , supported by the whole of his officers . The lodge being opened in the first degree , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed .
I he ballot was taken for Mr . J . M . liodder , of St . Paul ' s Churchyard , and Serjl . W . A . Weston , A ' ..- / ., for initiation , which proved unanimous in each of their favor , and being in attendance , were duly received into Freemasonry . The iodge was opened in tiie second degree , and Bro . Ward being a candidate for ihe third degree , received further instruction and retired . The lodge was opened in
the third degree , and Bro . Ward was admitted , nud duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . Mason . The lodge was closed down in each degree , when Colour-Serjeant j . Wilmol , and Serjeant J . Gladwin , of II . M . 94 th Regiment , were proposed as candidates for initiation at the next meeting of the lodge . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in due form , and the
brethren adjourned to Bro . •Morton ' s the Red Lion Tavern , where they spent a very happy evening and parted in perfect harmony . Panmure Lodge , A ' o . 715 . —This lodge met on Saturday evening , 15 th inst ., at the Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet , City . Present : Bros . T . II . Weedon , W . M . ; W . Kibble , S . W . ; J . II . Towncnd , T . W . ; W . Bennett , S . D . ; W . J . Crossfield , fD . ; H . Birdseye , I . G .
HcnyMtiggcridge , P . M . ; S . G . Myers , P . M ., and Treas . ; R . Clarke , P . M . ; J . Paddle , P . M . ; C . R . Vines , P . M . ; C . 11 . Fielder , P . M . ; T . B . Yeoman , C . Wychie , ! . Jonas , W . Birdseye , W . K . Slower , J . Gale , C . F . Smith , J . L . Jones , & c . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . George Wyalt , which was unanimous in his favour , and he being in attendance was
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened i . i the second and third degrees , and the ceremony of installing Bro . William Kibble , W . M . for the ensuing year , was performed by Bro . Henry Muggeridge in his most impressive manner . The lodge was then closed to the first degree , when the W . M .. appointed the following brethren officers of the lodge , viz . : —Bros . J .
H . Towncnd , S . W . ; W . Bennett , J . W . ; S . G . Myers , Treasurer ; Henry Muggeridgc . Secretary ; W . J . Crossfield , S . D . ; Henry Birdseye , ' J . D . ; J . Jonas , I . G . ; Smith , Tyler . The W . M . said'he commenced his year of office by having two very pleasing duties to perform ; the first was to present to Bro . J . II . Weedon , the I . P . M ., a Past Master ' s jewel as a mark ofthe kind feeling the
brethren entertained towards him for the manner in which he conducted the lodge during his year of office . — Bro . Weedon thanked the brethren very much for their kindness , and hoped he might have health and strength to come amongst them for many years . —The W . M . again rose , and said the second duty he had to perform was , if possible , more pleasing than the first , that was to
present to their esteemed Bro . S . G . Myers , P . M . and Treasurer , a silver tea-pot , in recognition of his services as Treasurer of the lodge for many years . —Bro . Myers said he could assure the W . M . and brethren , he was very much pleased with the handsome present they had made him ; he took a very great interest in the Panmure Lodge , and anything he could do to promote the prosperity of
the lodge and the comfort of the brethren he would always be happy to do . He thanked the brethren for their kind and valuable expression of approval of his efforts . —There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet served in
Bro . Spencer ' s usual style of excellence . Amongst the visitors we noticed the following brethren , Bros . Joshua Nunn , G . S . B . ; G . A . Taylor , P . M ., 22 ; S . Muggeridgc ( 192 ) , Stcib ( Gihon 49 ) , Dyer ( 1 S 6 ) , Laxlon ( 504 ) , Allen ( 196 ) , Webber ( J . W . 1232 ) , Crouch ( 12 ) , Rock , Fisher , Waklcy , Saward , eic .
Ncru Concord Lodge , A o . 813- —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Fridav , Ian . 21 st , at 5 o ' clock . Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., S 13 , W . M . 1237 , and P . G . D . Middlesex , acting for Bro . J . Hart , W . M ., who was prevented from attending by family aflliction . Bros . Bartlett , S . W . ; Atkins , J . W . ; Main , P . M ., and Hon .
Sec . ; Salisbury , S . D . ; McDavill , J . D . : Abseil , I . G . ; and Lloyd , T . The following brethren were also present A . Hill , Gabb , Hofbaucr , Webster , Townsend , Faucqt ' . cy , Phillips , Briistlin , Chant , Crabb , Chesher , Whaley , Denny , and Revill . Visitors , Bro . Rogers , 1003 , Cusworth , 94 , Bromley , 220 . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting were read
and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Gallant for initiation , and Bro . Beningfield for joining , and both were unanimously elected . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Gabb and Hofbaucr being candidates for the third degree , answered the usual questions , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and they were raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . Phillips answered and retired , and the lodge being resumed to the second , was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was again resumed to the first degree , and Mr . Gallant was regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in
due form after which the brethren sat down to a very exce'lent briquet , prepared by Bro . Gabb , Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., presiding . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed the health ofthe initiate , liro . Gallant , who in a very neat speech thanked the brethren for admitting him into the Order . On behalf of the visitors Bros . Bromley and
Cus-. varth expressed their great satisfaction at the treat they had received by the very admirable manner hi which the whole of the three degrees had been worked , and Bro . Cusworth also expressed his desire to become a joining member , if the brethren would receive him . Bro . Main proposed Bro . Wilson ' s health , who thanked
his officers for tlieir assistance , and expressed his regret , at the circumstances that precluded the W . M . from attending . Bros . Bartlett , Atkins , and Main replied and a very happy and comfortable evening , enlivened by songs , tVc , was passed . Bro . McDavill , O ., assisted materially b \ his skilful performances on the piano .
Capper Lodge , A ' o . 107 G . —The regular monthly meeting of this very numerous and efficient lodge was ' held at the Marine Hotel , Victoria Ducks , on Thursday , 13 th inst . Bro . II . G . Sisley , W . M ., supported by Bros . Yaskell , S . W . ; Pincombe , J . W . ; ( 1 . Park , Treas . ; ] . Henderson , P . M ., and Sec . ; Ashdown . S . D . ; Brown , J . D . ; Brayshaw , I . G . ; with P . M . West , as I . l ' . M .
The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . Jones , Marines , and Stoke :,, candidates for initiation , which proved unanimous in each of their favor , and Messrs . Jones and Mamies being in attendance , wen : with Mr . 1 larriso-. i , ballotted for at the last lodge meeting ,
duly received into the first degree of Freemasonry . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and liro . Crablree being a candidate fur the third degree , received further instruction and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and liro . Crablree was admitted , and duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . Mason . The lodge was closed down lo the first degree , when ihe ballot was
also taken for Bro . Adamson , of the Scientific Lodge , 840 , a . a joining member , which proved in his favour . The case of a distressed hrulher was then brought before the lodge , and three guineas was voted for his present wants . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment and parted in hnrmonv .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
PROVINCIAL . CHATHAM . —Lodge of Benevolence , No . _ 184 . —On Wednesday , the 12 th instant , the annual meeting of the brethren took place at the lodge-room , in Middle-street , Brompton , when there was a large gathering from the various parts of Kent , to do honour to the installation of the W . M ., Bro . J . Redman . The lodge-room has been
fitted up and embellished in excellent style , showing a great display of taste . The walls are decorated with panelling , on which stand out in bold relief a number of Grecian figures , with emblems of the seasons , & c . The floor cloth is of a Mosaic pavement pattern , with tesselatcd border , whilst the gas fittings and furniture of the Lodge , arc of a rich appearance , reflecting the greatest credit on
Bro . W . Turtle , and the brethren generally . The lodge having been opened , a board of Installed Masters was formed , and the ceremony was most efficiently conducted by Bro . Turtle . The following constituted the Board of Installed Masters , sixteen in number : —Bros . Mackney , W . M ., 299 , P . G . S . ; Warnc , P . M ., 20 , P . P . G . A . S . ; Wvld , 10 3 0 , W . M ., P . G . S . D . ; Ashdown , P . M ., 10 5 0 ,
P . P . G . P . : Nash , P . M ., 27 S , Gibraltar , and W . M ., 1174 ; Webb , W . M ., 503 ; Darley , P . M ., 158 , Sheerncss ; S . Trowse , P . M . ; Seabrooke , Bui-field , P . M ., 20 : I-I . Kappcy , P . M ., 20 , P . G . S . D . ; Richardson P . M ., 1 S 4 ; Allen , P . M ., 914 , Jamaica ; Bates , P . M ., 914 . After the Installation , the Master Masons , F . Crafts , and Apprentices were admitted , and the usual
honours given . Bro . W . M . Redman then invested the officers of the Lodge as follows : —Bros . Cole , S . W . : Murphy , J . W . ; Higgins , S . D . ; Thorn , J . D . ; Thornton , I . G . ; Drago , T . Bro . Turtle delivered the address to the admiration of all . The brethren about . 60 in number , then retired to a banquet provided by Bro . Wraith , at the Golden Lion , after which followed the usual loyal
and Masonic toasts . —Bro . Redman , W . M ., in the course of his address on the toast to the Prince of Wales , congratulated the Craft generally on the accession of His Royal Highness , expressing the hope that it would not only add to the prestige of Masonry , but advance the interests of our excellent charities , and looked forward to the future of Masonry as one of great promise . ( The
toast was met with Kentish fire ) . The most honourable mention was also made of the Earl of Zetland , and Earl de Grey and Ripon , as his expected successor . Coming nearer home , he , in reference lo Lord Homcsdale , the P . G . M ., spoke of his lordship ' s urbanity , and deep interest in the prosperity of Masonry in the county , ever ready to promote its welfare and maintain its high character .
( His lordship's health was drank with enthusiasm ) . — Bro . Dobson , D . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Officers followed , coupled with the name of Bro . Mackney , P . G . Steward . In proposing the health , particularly of Bro . Dobson , with pride and confidence , he knew it would elicit the most enthusiastic reception ; reminding them that Bro . Dobson , the second Masonic head of the Province , had
evinced the utmost zeal for the welfare of the Craft in the province . Courtesy and kindness lias distinguished him , and it may be said by all coming into contact with him that he possesses a generous sentiment , admired by the humblest brother . The charities are the special objects ofhis interest , showing that Masonry is not based merely on mystery , but upon those great and immortal principles
of love and active benevolence , whose bright and glorious stream will flow on through time and eternity . The vast amount of time he devotes to Masonic purposes , and his promptings to others to give practical proof of Masonic sympathy , must confer a blessing on the present generation and on our children ' s children , by amelioratingthewocs , and elevating the social and moral condition of the orphan
and the helpless one . ( Loud cheers ) . —Bro . Mackney , in a short address , appealed for subscriptions to the charities . —The Past Masters being proposed , was particularly responded to by Bro . Strowse , the oldest brother present , and for whom great respect is entertained . —Bro . Turtle proposed the " W . M ., " in an effective speech , in which he extolled him for his love of Masonry . —Bro . Redman
responded in a suitable speech . —To the health of the visitors , Bro . Darley's name was coupled , with those of Bro . Nash , Bro . Warne , anil others . —Bro . Darley , P . M ., of 158 , Sheerne .-s , expressed his delight at meeting the brethren , and lo see that , to their honour , they had carried out that which he had advocated for years . He prophesied increased success to the lodge in consequence ,
which he had seen result from similar arrangements elsewhere , and whilst he felt an interest in this lodge , he felt a general interest in the prosperity of the Craft , and believed that by the course pursued generally of Masons ' lodges bein : ; removed from hotels , it would raise their prestige , and the belter enable them to assist the funds of their excellent charities . lie held Freemasonry as part
of his religion , and a great part ; and that which would improve its moral standing would most enhance its success , and he hoped the day would come when a Mason ' s Lodge , would be looked upon as sacred as any other sanctuary where God was worshipped . He had been iu communication with the Secretary of the Grand Orient of France , and was glad lo see that whilst the Pope was
anathematising Freemasons , they , under the auspices of the Emperor , were determined to stick to their colours ; 232 lodges had already sent llieir opinions to the Grand Orient on the ( Ecumenical Council , and which would be collected in one volume . No doubt , true to their obligation , the brethren will prove lo the world their love of Freemasonry and their capability of defending their own rights . He expected shortly again to hear from the other
side of the Channel , and perhaps at some futiiro day he would have on opportunity of laying before them some account of the progress of Masonry in France . —Bros . Warne and Nash , al : o responded in appropriate speeches . At this : ! age several brethren had to leave by train , and the greater part left . The host , Bro . Wraith , provided excellently , and the brethren spent a very pleasant evening enlivened by music and singing . Tt : jGSVovTli . — / feuc : v / e / t / Lodge , No . 303 , —The