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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
annual meeting was held at the Masonic Hall on . Monday , January 3 rd . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . M . Bartlett , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Capt . Walrond , I . P . M . and P . P . J . G . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , acting as S . W . till the arrival of Bro . Burden ; Hallelt , J . W . ; Coles , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . ; Tomes , I . G . Amongst those present during the meeting were Bros . Ward , P . M . ; Benlley ,
Saunders , Burton , and others ; and as visitors , Bros . Way , W . M ., 39 ; II . Bartlett , 716 , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . Heath , P . M ., 710 ; Westlcy , 76 S , Hong-Kong ; Johns , 131 , P . P . G . Reg . for Cornwall . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . J . S . Short and H . Terry were then introduced , properly prepared , and separatel y initiated into the Order by the W . M . The
lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Hopkins took the chair . The retiring W . M . presented Bro . Burden as the W . M .-elect , and after the preliminary proceedings , Bro . Burden was constitutionally placed in the chair ofK . S . He appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —II . M .
Bartlett , I . P . M . ; Hallctt , S . W . ; Coles , J . W . ; Taylor , S . D . ; Benlley , J . D . : Tomes , Sec . ; Whidburn , Treas . ; Morris , I . G . ; Burton and Cotton , Stewards ; Hagcrty , Tyler . The brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Hotel , to partake of the banquet , under the presidency ofthe Installing Master , owing to the indisposition of the W . M .
HEBDEN BRIDGE , WEST YORKSHIRE . — Prince Frederick Lodge , No . 307 —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the White Horse Hotel , on Monday , the 17 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . F . Whitakcr , opened the lodge at 6 p . m ., after which the minutes of Ihe previous meeting were read and confirmed , and some communications considered . The W . M . then requested Bro .
W . Cooke , P . M . 44 S , ( who had attended for the purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , ) to lake the chair . Bro . Austin Roberts , S . W ., having answered the usual questions , and the brethren below the chair withdrawn , a Board of InsKdled Masters was opened , and Bro . Roberts duly placed in the chair of K . S . The brethren then returned , and the new W . M . subsequently invested the following
officers for the ensuing vear : —Bros . G . Sulcliffe , S . W . ; R . Worsick , I . W . ; S . Crab tree , P . M ., Treas . ; F . ' Whitakcr , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Whitakcr , S . D . ; R . Whitakcr , J . D . ; D . Hcap , P . M ., I . G . ; and J . Dcwhurst , Tyler . The usual salutation having been accorded to the W . M ., the lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the dining-room , where most
excellent provision had been made by the worthy host , Bro . W . Jackson , a very old P . M . of the lodge . The usual formal toastshaving been given , the health ofthe new W . M . was proposed by Bro . F . Whilaker , the I . P . M ., who stated that , by his rising , he had no doubt the brethren anticipated the toast he was about to propose . It was the health of their esteemed W . M ., who now occu p ied the
chair m which he ( liro . Whitakcr ) had had the honour of presiding over them for the past twelve months . He could only say that the brethren of the lodge had every confidence that Bro . Roberts would conduct the business brought before him during the ensuing year with satisfaction to them all ; and when , at the close of his term of office , he vacated the chair to his successor , none of
them would have cause to regret the selection they had recently made . Bro . Whitakcr concluded by calling upon them to drink the loast in a bumper . —liro ' . Roberts , after cordially thanking the brethren for selecting him lo occupy the chair of K . S ., expressed his desire lo have a fortnightly instruction meeting , that ihe officers and younger members might have opportunities given them of
becoming efficient in the various ceremonies ofthe mystic art . —liro . StUcliffe , S . W ., ( who has recently returned from a tour in Palestine ) , in responding to the toast of " The Wardens a-. v . l O . fwers of the L > lge , " expressed the pleasure he had derived in mcetingwiih " Brother Masons' ' in his travels , and even iu cases were he could not converse with them in their own language he had received
great kindness , assistance and instruction at their hands . He also stated his intention of supporting the W . M . iu the fortnightly instruction Ducting . Several other loa . ts followed , "The Visitors" being responded to by Bros . Bales , P . M . ; Cooke , P . M . ; N ' ornianton , P . M ., P . [ . G . D ., Milligan . and Hayes , all of No . 44 S , iheonly visitors ' prcseit . The " National Anthem " brought an exceedingly pleasant evening to a close .
NEATH , Gi . AMORc . ANsiHxr .. —Car . ihn . in Lodge . A ' o . 364 . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Tues . lay , the iSth in-t ,, when an unu-mlly large number of members and visitors vtere present to pay their respects tothenewly-clectcdMasier , liro . Clement Sankey Gardner . Besides the visitors , there were the following members of the Cambrian Lodge : Bros . Rowland Thomas , P . M .. P .
Prov . S . G . W . ; P . II . Rowland , P . M ., P . Prov . ( J . See . ; W . M . Reis , P . M ., P . O . Trea-urer ; W . Whittington , P . M ., P . Prov . G . See . ; Howel Cuthbertson . P . M ., i ' rov . G . J . I ) . ; Dr . Thomas , Prov . G . Steward ; 1- ; . Pule , J . W . j Henry Green , I . G ., ivx . The installation a remony was very ably performed by Bro . Howel Culhbertson , P . M ., Prov . J . G . I . ) ., and in :. ! which the highest
appreciation from the Incline : ) parent . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his officer ., as follows :-- -Bro :.. p . \\ , Rowland , I . l ' . M . ; K . Pule , S . W . ; Dr . Thomas , f . W . ; W . M . Reis , P . M ., P . G . It . Treas ; Henry Green , " See . j J . li . Davies , S . D . ; J . (' .. Davis , J . D . ; 11 . Williams , J . G . ; Chubb , Steward ; John Smith , Tyler . The banquet was provided at the Castle Hotel , by Bro . Hancock , whose name alone i . a guarantee for its excellence . The
room was tastefully decorated with evergreen .. and banners representing the various lodges and ch .-iptcr . s ofthe province ; there were also a number of shields bearing the quarlerings of Grand Lodge , aud other Masonic devices . After the loa-. l of" The ( juecn and the Craft " had been duly honoured , Bro . James Hcwsun sang " The Masonic National Anthem . " Then followed , "The health of Bro . the : Prince of Wales and the Royal Family , " "M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " "Deputy G . Master , the Earl deGrey
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and Ripon , " and "The Prov . Grand Master . " "The health of the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . E . J . Morris , " whose absence was much regretted , was then given . " The Prov . Grand Officers , " was responded to by Bro . D . Williams , with his usual heartiness . " The Masters of the neighbouring lodges" was responded to by Bros . Nettell , Daniel , and Ware ; tbe latter related an incident
mentioned to him by an eminent London brother , of his having met in Neath a number of the members of the Cambrian Lodge , whose kindness and courtesy to him , and brotherl y bearing to each other , made such an impression on his mind , that he sought the privileges ofthe Craft immediately on his return home , and is now one of those who sit in high places . —The health of "The Installing
Master , Bro . Cuthbertson , followed . —The toast of the evening was proposed by Bro . Cuthbertson amidst loud and prolonged enthusiasm . —Bro . C . S . Gardner , W . M ., responded with much feeling ; be pointed out the advantages arising out of the friendly intercourse of neighbouring lodges , which it is his intention to carry out as far as possible during his year of office . He looked forward to
a prosperous year , with the helpers he had on all sides , and aided by efficient and zealous officers . While admitting that his expectations might possibly appear too sanguine , Bro . Gardner contended that it was far better to be so , than to be too indifferent . He concluded by urging the Masters of the neighbouring lodges to join with him in cementing good feeling and fraternal intercourse as far as
possible in the province , for if they could not see anything worthy of imitation in the working at Neath , they might detect blunders ( which is sometimes equally as profitable ) and endeavour to guard against them . The toasts of "The Past Masters of the Lodges , " " The Officers , " and others having been duly honoured , the brethren separated at an early hour .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , A ' o . 523 . —At the last regular monthly meeting of this lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., there was a good attendance of members and of visitors from the sister lodges . The W . M ., Bro . Toller , presided , and the newly-appointed P . G . M ., Bro . W . Kelly , who is the senior P . M . of the lodge , was also present . The
minutes of the last regular meeting , and of a lodge of emergency , having been read and confirmed , the Rev . William Targclt Fry , M . A ., was called upon to respond lo the usual questions , after which he was passed to the second degree . Bro . J . F . Smith was then examined in that degree , and a Master Masons' Lodge having been opened , he was raised to that sublime degree . The
ceremony was very impressively performed by the W . M ., and the solemnity of the proceedings was greatly enhanced by the Masonic chants , conducted by their original arranger , Bro . Charles Johnson , P . M ., Organist . The lodge having been lowered to the first degree , and a candidate for Masonry having been proposed , and some other business transacted , the lodge was closed in harmony , and the
brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent an hour or two very pleasantly . STOKKSI . EY . — Cleveland Lodge , A ' o . 543 . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last week , at the Golden Lion Hotel . Brs . Stephen Hunter , W . M . ; George MarkhamTweddle , F . K . S . N . A ., Copenhagen , as S . W . ; George Tweddcll , jun ., J . W . ;
and J . II . Handyside , Sec . The lodge being opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the preceding lodge confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to appoint his officers , investing them with their respective jewels ( save the two Wardens , who were absent ) , viz : Bros . Henry Fawcelt , R . A . ( re-appointcd , ) S . W . ; George Hodgson , J . W . ; J . II . Handyside , Sec ; A . A . Boyle , MX . P ., S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; Rev . Spenser Cubitt , I . G . The
lo lge elected liro . Watson , Treas . ; and re-elected Bro . William Harrison , Tyler . The Thursday nearest the full moon in February was fixed for the annual banquet , and there being no more business , the W . M . gave the explanation ofthe first tracing board in a very creditable manner . The lodge was then closed , and the meeting declared adjourned to the Monday nearest the full moon in the followiii ! ' 111 lllll .
CIRI : NCI-:. S- | - I-: II . —C <' . Vr . mu / . / Lodge , A ' o , 592 . —The annual festival of this lodge was held on the iSth inst . Bro . R . Elliott was installed the W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation was performed by Bro . G . F . Newmarch , D . P . G . M . The following brethren were appointed and invested as olficer-:, Bros , lames Trindor , S . W . ; W . II . lames , | . W . ; Wrightson , Sec . : S . T . Tanner , S . D . ; " \ V . A . l ' iailv , | . D . ; I . C . Hill , I . G .
Nr . wmuT . —/ sea Lodge , Ao . 6 S 3 . --Ihe installation of liro . Robert James Chambers , as W . M . of this lodge , took place at the Masonic Hall , Newport , Bro . J . Middleton , P . S . W . aud P . M ., 0 S 3 and 109 S ( Mom ) , anil P . G . Sec ., Lincolnshire , being the Installing Master . The lodge was opened by liro . Thomas Williams , P . M ., acting as W . M ., in the absence of Bro . W . J . Bussell ,
who has removed from Newport to Watcrford . I here was a full attendance of the brethren , including a goodly number of the members of P . G . L ., who may be said lo have assembled in force to do honour to the occasion . The entire ceremony of installation was most ably performed , alter which the following appointments were made bv the W . M . :--llros . T . Williams , I . P . M . ; Win . Parfitt , " S . W . : I . II . Skeates , | . W . ; Rev . S . Fox ,
Chaplain : Henry Mullock , I rcasuier ; Jno . Middleton , Secretary ; James Cheese , S . D . ; Lewis Rogers , J . D . ; Henry J . Groves , Organist ; T . J . Jones , I . G . ; XV . McFee , Tyler ; William Walkins , Steward . CilACitWATEK . —/ iosctiTceu Lodge , A ' o . 699 . — The installation festival of this lodge was celebrated on the nth inst . There was a good attendance of members as well as several visitors , including Bros . W . II . Jenkins ,
P . P . G . S . W . ; T . Solomon , P . P . G . S . W . ; and Bell , P . M ., of ihe Phoenix ; Mackenzie , of the Fortitude ; J . Trcgay , P . M ., P . G . S . ; J . George , Sec . ; and R . Heath , J . D ., ofthe Druids ; Courtney , of St . Andrew ' s ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tywardreath ; J . Hcnsley , Amity Lodge , California ; & c . The installation ofthe W . M .-elect , Bro . S . Mitchell , was conducted very efficiently by Bro . J . Niness , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., who was ably assisted by Bros . W . P . Hugoe , P . M . ; J . Hall , P . M ., P . G . S ., ; J . Paull , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Wks . ; W . Bray , P . M ., ; and S . G . Moyle , P . M . The W . M . selected the following as his officers :
—Bros . T . Tonkin , S . W . ; J . Climas , J . W . ; the Rev . G . L . Church , Chaplain ; J . Niness , Treasurer ; J . Paull , Secretary ; P . Oates , Assistant-Secretary ; C . Rapson , S . D . ; J . A . Moyle , J . D . ; J . Chegwidder , D . C . ; O . Matthews , Organist ; J . Iiolman , I . G . ; N . Paull and W . Joll , Stewards ; W . Lean , Tyler . SOUTHEND . —The Priory Lodge , Al > . 1000 . —The
annual meeting of this young but nourishing lodge , for the installation of Bro . Benjamin Notley , the W . M .-elect and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year , took place on Tuesday , the i 8 lh inst ., at the Middleton Hotel , Southend . The ceremony of installation was rendered in a solemn and imposing manner by Worshipful Bro . Wm . Pissey , P . M ., No . 160 , and P . J . G . W . of Essex .
The W . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Chas . Eltham , S . W . ; John Warded , J . W . ; Rev . J . C . Herbert , Chaplain ; F . Wood , P . M . 1000 , and P . P . S . G . W . ( re-elected ) , Treasurer ; XV . S . Cox , I . P . M . 1000 , and Prov . G . S . B ., Secretary ; J . R . Hemman , S . D . ; A . Lucking , J . D . ; E . E . Phillips , D . C . ; H . Barton , O . ; G . J . Glasscock , I . G . ; E . Parsons ( re-elected ) , Tyler .
The lodge being closed , about thirty of the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet provided by Mrs . Cantor of the Middleton Hotel . The following Past Masters and visitors were present : W Bros . F . Wood , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Harris , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; Rowley , P . M ., Prov . S . G . D . ; W . S . Cox , I . P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . ; the Rev . J . C . Herbert , P . P . G . Chaplain , Worcestershire ; J .
Brazier , P . M . ( 160 ) ; F . Wiseman , P . M . ( 160 ); John Allen , W , M . ( 160 ) , P . P . G . S . B . ; William Pissey , P . M . ( 160 ) , Prov . J . G . W . ; Burgess , P . M . ( 160 ) , P . P . G . J . D . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and some excellent songs were given during the evening , by Bros . Barton , Phillips , Abbott , F . Wiseman , Brazier , Rowley , & c . Bro . H . Barton , professor of music ,
preside d at the p ianoforte , accompanying the vocalists . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant and agreeable evening to a close . LOUGHBOROUGH . —Ilotoc and Ckarnwood Lodge , No . 1007 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Tuesday , the iSth instant , which was attended by the newly-appointed P . G . Master ,
Bro . Kelly , who presided during the first year of the lodge ' s existence , as the locum tenens of its W . M ., the late universally-beloved and revered P . G . M ., the Earl Howe . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Wilson , in the first and second degrees , when the chair was taken by the XV . M ., Bro . Kelly , and Bros . XV . Greives , Palmer , jun ., and A . G . Chamberlin having passed the necessary examination , he proceeded to confer upon them
the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , and the R . W . P . G . M . ( nominate ) having received the thanks of the W . M . and brethren for his kinkness in attending on the occasion , the brethren adjourned to refreshment j among those present were , Bros . XV . G . Palmer , sen ., P . M . ; Deane , as S . W . ; Capp , J . W . ; Goodes , Sec . ; Burrows , S . D . ; Pratt , J . D . ; Dougherty , I . G , ; and others .
BARROW-IN-FURNESS . —Harlinglon Lodge , A ' o . 1021 . — On Monday , iolh January , the members of this lod ge assembled for the purpose of installing Bro . Henry Cook , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . of W . The ceremony was most admirably and impressively performed by Bro . G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , and P . G . J . Deacon of Cumberland and Westmorland , assisted by Bros . Gibson , P . M ,
119 , and P . P . G . S . W . ; and Spittal , P . M . S 72 , & P . P . G . S . of W . Suitable addresses were given to the following officers , who were invested : —Bros . Cox , as S . W . ; Johnsou , J . W . -, Jos . Fisher , Treasurer ; Bagot , Secretary ; Thos . Kendail , S . D ; Thompson , J . D . ; Thos . Ormand y , I . G . ; Lewis , Organist ; Gradwell , Steward ; Haslam , D . C . ; and Gabbo ' tt , Tyler . The ba quet which followed was of the most recherche description , reflecting great
credit on the host , Bro . l . rownngg . 1 he newly-installed Master presided , and was supported by Bros . Kenworth y , Gibson , Spittall ( installing officers ) , Barber ( P . M . 995 ) , Case ( W . M . 995 ) , and Cornfield ( W . M . 1225 ) . The following toasts were given in succession and received due honours : — "The Queen , " "The Prince and Princess of Wales , " "TheM . W . the Grand Master , " "The R . W .
the D . G . M . and Officers of the Grand Lodge , " "The R . W . P . G . M . Sir T . G . 1 * . Ikskelh , Bart ., M . P . " "The D . Prov . G . M . Lord Skelmcrsdale and rest of ihe Prov . Grand Officers of West Lancashire . " In proposing the health of the newly-installed Master , Bro . Gibson passed a high culogium on that brother ' s zeal for the welfare and spread of Masonry , anil congratulated the lodge upon
having so talented a brother to occupy the chair . —liro . Cook expressed his gratitude lo the biethrcn _ for having chosen him to preside over llicin , and his wish to make Ihe working of the lodge a model for imitation , lie also gave some excellent advice lo the brethren , and spoke of the advantage and beauty of Masonry . — -The health of the inslaHing-officcr was proposed by the W . M ., who rendered
a warm tribute of approbation to that brother for his services , and was sure the knowledge displayed , the careful and correct practice which they had witnessed would call a hearty vole of thanks from all present ( given with Masonic honours ) . —Bro . Kenworth y in reply said he could not express his gratitude for the kind manner the
W . M . had alluded to their past friendship , and to the brethren for the heartiness they bad received his name j the pleasure he had derived from the installation that day was enhanced by his having never known a more deserving officer or one more zealous and expert . —Other toasts followed , including , " The newly-installed Officers , " responded to by Bros . Cox , S . Wand , and Bagot , Sec . ;
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
annual meeting was held at the Masonic Hall on . Monday , January 3 rd . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . M . Bartlett , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Capt . Walrond , I . P . M . and P . P . J . G . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , acting as S . W . till the arrival of Bro . Burden ; Hallelt , J . W . ; Coles , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . ; Tomes , I . G . Amongst those present during the meeting were Bros . Ward , P . M . ; Benlley ,
Saunders , Burton , and others ; and as visitors , Bros . Way , W . M ., 39 ; II . Bartlett , 716 , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . Heath , P . M ., 710 ; Westlcy , 76 S , Hong-Kong ; Johns , 131 , P . P . G . Reg . for Cornwall . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . J . S . Short and H . Terry were then introduced , properly prepared , and separatel y initiated into the Order by the W . M . The
lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Hopkins took the chair . The retiring W . M . presented Bro . Burden as the W . M .-elect , and after the preliminary proceedings , Bro . Burden was constitutionally placed in the chair ofK . S . He appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —II . M .
Bartlett , I . P . M . ; Hallctt , S . W . ; Coles , J . W . ; Taylor , S . D . ; Benlley , J . D . : Tomes , Sec . ; Whidburn , Treas . ; Morris , I . G . ; Burton and Cotton , Stewards ; Hagcrty , Tyler . The brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Hotel , to partake of the banquet , under the presidency ofthe Installing Master , owing to the indisposition of the W . M .
HEBDEN BRIDGE , WEST YORKSHIRE . — Prince Frederick Lodge , No . 307 —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the White Horse Hotel , on Monday , the 17 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . F . Whitakcr , opened the lodge at 6 p . m ., after which the minutes of Ihe previous meeting were read and confirmed , and some communications considered . The W . M . then requested Bro .
W . Cooke , P . M . 44 S , ( who had attended for the purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , ) to lake the chair . Bro . Austin Roberts , S . W ., having answered the usual questions , and the brethren below the chair withdrawn , a Board of InsKdled Masters was opened , and Bro . Roberts duly placed in the chair of K . S . The brethren then returned , and the new W . M . subsequently invested the following
officers for the ensuing vear : —Bros . G . Sulcliffe , S . W . ; R . Worsick , I . W . ; S . Crab tree , P . M ., Treas . ; F . ' Whitakcr , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Whitakcr , S . D . ; R . Whitakcr , J . D . ; D . Hcap , P . M ., I . G . ; and J . Dcwhurst , Tyler . The usual salutation having been accorded to the W . M ., the lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the dining-room , where most
excellent provision had been made by the worthy host , Bro . W . Jackson , a very old P . M . of the lodge . The usual formal toastshaving been given , the health ofthe new W . M . was proposed by Bro . F . Whilaker , the I . P . M ., who stated that , by his rising , he had no doubt the brethren anticipated the toast he was about to propose . It was the health of their esteemed W . M ., who now occu p ied the
chair m which he ( liro . Whitakcr ) had had the honour of presiding over them for the past twelve months . He could only say that the brethren of the lodge had every confidence that Bro . Roberts would conduct the business brought before him during the ensuing year with satisfaction to them all ; and when , at the close of his term of office , he vacated the chair to his successor , none of
them would have cause to regret the selection they had recently made . Bro . Whitakcr concluded by calling upon them to drink the loast in a bumper . —liro ' . Roberts , after cordially thanking the brethren for selecting him lo occupy the chair of K . S ., expressed his desire lo have a fortnightly instruction meeting , that ihe officers and younger members might have opportunities given them of
becoming efficient in the various ceremonies ofthe mystic art . —liro . StUcliffe , S . W ., ( who has recently returned from a tour in Palestine ) , in responding to the toast of " The Wardens a-. v . l O . fwers of the L > lge , " expressed the pleasure he had derived in mcetingwiih " Brother Masons' ' in his travels , and even iu cases were he could not converse with them in their own language he had received
great kindness , assistance and instruction at their hands . He also stated his intention of supporting the W . M . iu the fortnightly instruction Ducting . Several other loa . ts followed , "The Visitors" being responded to by Bros . Bales , P . M . ; Cooke , P . M . ; N ' ornianton , P . M ., P . [ . G . D ., Milligan . and Hayes , all of No . 44 S , iheonly visitors ' prcseit . The " National Anthem " brought an exceedingly pleasant evening to a close .
NEATH , Gi . AMORc . ANsiHxr .. —Car . ihn . in Lodge . A ' o . 364 . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Tues . lay , the iSth in-t ,, when an unu-mlly large number of members and visitors vtere present to pay their respects tothenewly-clectcdMasier , liro . Clement Sankey Gardner . Besides the visitors , there were the following members of the Cambrian Lodge : Bros . Rowland Thomas , P . M .. P .
Prov . S . G . W . ; P . II . Rowland , P . M ., P . Prov . ( J . See . ; W . M . Reis , P . M ., P . O . Trea-urer ; W . Whittington , P . M ., P . Prov . G . See . ; Howel Cuthbertson . P . M ., i ' rov . G . J . I ) . ; Dr . Thomas , Prov . G . Steward ; 1- ; . Pule , J . W . j Henry Green , I . G ., ivx . The installation a remony was very ably performed by Bro . Howel Culhbertson , P . M ., Prov . J . G . I . ) ., and in :. ! which the highest
appreciation from the Incline : ) parent . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his officer ., as follows :-- -Bro :.. p . \\ , Rowland , I . l ' . M . ; K . Pule , S . W . ; Dr . Thomas , f . W . ; W . M . Reis , P . M ., P . G . It . Treas ; Henry Green , " See . j J . li . Davies , S . D . ; J . (' .. Davis , J . D . ; 11 . Williams , J . G . ; Chubb , Steward ; John Smith , Tyler . The banquet was provided at the Castle Hotel , by Bro . Hancock , whose name alone i . a guarantee for its excellence . The
room was tastefully decorated with evergreen .. and banners representing the various lodges and ch .-iptcr . s ofthe province ; there were also a number of shields bearing the quarlerings of Grand Lodge , aud other Masonic devices . After the loa-. l of" The ( juecn and the Craft " had been duly honoured , Bro . James Hcwsun sang " The Masonic National Anthem . " Then followed , "The health of Bro . the : Prince of Wales and the Royal Family , " "M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " "Deputy G . Master , the Earl deGrey
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and Ripon , " and "The Prov . Grand Master . " "The health of the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . E . J . Morris , " whose absence was much regretted , was then given . " The Prov . Grand Officers , " was responded to by Bro . D . Williams , with his usual heartiness . " The Masters of the neighbouring lodges" was responded to by Bros . Nettell , Daniel , and Ware ; tbe latter related an incident
mentioned to him by an eminent London brother , of his having met in Neath a number of the members of the Cambrian Lodge , whose kindness and courtesy to him , and brotherl y bearing to each other , made such an impression on his mind , that he sought the privileges ofthe Craft immediately on his return home , and is now one of those who sit in high places . —The health of "The Installing
Master , Bro . Cuthbertson , followed . —The toast of the evening was proposed by Bro . Cuthbertson amidst loud and prolonged enthusiasm . —Bro . C . S . Gardner , W . M ., responded with much feeling ; be pointed out the advantages arising out of the friendly intercourse of neighbouring lodges , which it is his intention to carry out as far as possible during his year of office . He looked forward to
a prosperous year , with the helpers he had on all sides , and aided by efficient and zealous officers . While admitting that his expectations might possibly appear too sanguine , Bro . Gardner contended that it was far better to be so , than to be too indifferent . He concluded by urging the Masters of the neighbouring lodges to join with him in cementing good feeling and fraternal intercourse as far as
possible in the province , for if they could not see anything worthy of imitation in the working at Neath , they might detect blunders ( which is sometimes equally as profitable ) and endeavour to guard against them . The toasts of "The Past Masters of the Lodges , " " The Officers , " and others having been duly honoured , the brethren separated at an early hour .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , A ' o . 523 . —At the last regular monthly meeting of this lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., there was a good attendance of members and of visitors from the sister lodges . The W . M ., Bro . Toller , presided , and the newly-appointed P . G . M ., Bro . W . Kelly , who is the senior P . M . of the lodge , was also present . The
minutes of the last regular meeting , and of a lodge of emergency , having been read and confirmed , the Rev . William Targclt Fry , M . A ., was called upon to respond lo the usual questions , after which he was passed to the second degree . Bro . J . F . Smith was then examined in that degree , and a Master Masons' Lodge having been opened , he was raised to that sublime degree . The
ceremony was very impressively performed by the W . M ., and the solemnity of the proceedings was greatly enhanced by the Masonic chants , conducted by their original arranger , Bro . Charles Johnson , P . M ., Organist . The lodge having been lowered to the first degree , and a candidate for Masonry having been proposed , and some other business transacted , the lodge was closed in harmony , and the
brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent an hour or two very pleasantly . STOKKSI . EY . — Cleveland Lodge , A ' o . 543 . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last week , at the Golden Lion Hotel . Brs . Stephen Hunter , W . M . ; George MarkhamTweddle , F . K . S . N . A ., Copenhagen , as S . W . ; George Tweddcll , jun ., J . W . ;
and J . II . Handyside , Sec . The lodge being opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the preceding lodge confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to appoint his officers , investing them with their respective jewels ( save the two Wardens , who were absent ) , viz : Bros . Henry Fawcelt , R . A . ( re-appointcd , ) S . W . ; George Hodgson , J . W . ; J . II . Handyside , Sec ; A . A . Boyle , MX . P ., S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; Rev . Spenser Cubitt , I . G . The
lo lge elected liro . Watson , Treas . ; and re-elected Bro . William Harrison , Tyler . The Thursday nearest the full moon in February was fixed for the annual banquet , and there being no more business , the W . M . gave the explanation ofthe first tracing board in a very creditable manner . The lodge was then closed , and the meeting declared adjourned to the Monday nearest the full moon in the followiii ! ' 111 lllll .
CIRI : NCI-:. S- | - I-: II . —C <' . Vr . mu / . / Lodge , A ' o , 592 . —The annual festival of this lodge was held on the iSth inst . Bro . R . Elliott was installed the W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation was performed by Bro . G . F . Newmarch , D . P . G . M . The following brethren were appointed and invested as olficer-:, Bros , lames Trindor , S . W . ; W . II . lames , | . W . ; Wrightson , Sec . : S . T . Tanner , S . D . ; " \ V . A . l ' iailv , | . D . ; I . C . Hill , I . G .
Nr . wmuT . —/ sea Lodge , Ao . 6 S 3 . --Ihe installation of liro . Robert James Chambers , as W . M . of this lodge , took place at the Masonic Hall , Newport , Bro . J . Middleton , P . S . W . aud P . M ., 0 S 3 and 109 S ( Mom ) , anil P . G . Sec ., Lincolnshire , being the Installing Master . The lodge was opened by liro . Thomas Williams , P . M ., acting as W . M ., in the absence of Bro . W . J . Bussell ,
who has removed from Newport to Watcrford . I here was a full attendance of the brethren , including a goodly number of the members of P . G . L ., who may be said lo have assembled in force to do honour to the occasion . The entire ceremony of installation was most ably performed , alter which the following appointments were made bv the W . M . :--llros . T . Williams , I . P . M . ; Win . Parfitt , " S . W . : I . II . Skeates , | . W . ; Rev . S . Fox ,
Chaplain : Henry Mullock , I rcasuier ; Jno . Middleton , Secretary ; James Cheese , S . D . ; Lewis Rogers , J . D . ; Henry J . Groves , Organist ; T . J . Jones , I . G . ; XV . McFee , Tyler ; William Walkins , Steward . CilACitWATEK . —/ iosctiTceu Lodge , A ' o . 699 . — The installation festival of this lodge was celebrated on the nth inst . There was a good attendance of members as well as several visitors , including Bros . W . II . Jenkins ,
P . P . G . S . W . ; T . Solomon , P . P . G . S . W . ; and Bell , P . M ., of ihe Phoenix ; Mackenzie , of the Fortitude ; J . Trcgay , P . M ., P . G . S . ; J . George , Sec . ; and R . Heath , J . D ., ofthe Druids ; Courtney , of St . Andrew ' s ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tywardreath ; J . Hcnsley , Amity Lodge , California ; & c . The installation ofthe W . M .-elect , Bro . S . Mitchell , was conducted very efficiently by Bro . J . Niness , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., who was ably assisted by Bros . W . P . Hugoe , P . M . ; J . Hall , P . M ., P . G . S ., ; J . Paull , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Wks . ; W . Bray , P . M ., ; and S . G . Moyle , P . M . The W . M . selected the following as his officers :
—Bros . T . Tonkin , S . W . ; J . Climas , J . W . ; the Rev . G . L . Church , Chaplain ; J . Niness , Treasurer ; J . Paull , Secretary ; P . Oates , Assistant-Secretary ; C . Rapson , S . D . ; J . A . Moyle , J . D . ; J . Chegwidder , D . C . ; O . Matthews , Organist ; J . Iiolman , I . G . ; N . Paull and W . Joll , Stewards ; W . Lean , Tyler . SOUTHEND . —The Priory Lodge , Al > . 1000 . —The
annual meeting of this young but nourishing lodge , for the installation of Bro . Benjamin Notley , the W . M .-elect and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year , took place on Tuesday , the i 8 lh inst ., at the Middleton Hotel , Southend . The ceremony of installation was rendered in a solemn and imposing manner by Worshipful Bro . Wm . Pissey , P . M ., No . 160 , and P . J . G . W . of Essex .
The W . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Chas . Eltham , S . W . ; John Warded , J . W . ; Rev . J . C . Herbert , Chaplain ; F . Wood , P . M . 1000 , and P . P . S . G . W . ( re-elected ) , Treasurer ; XV . S . Cox , I . P . M . 1000 , and Prov . G . S . B ., Secretary ; J . R . Hemman , S . D . ; A . Lucking , J . D . ; E . E . Phillips , D . C . ; H . Barton , O . ; G . J . Glasscock , I . G . ; E . Parsons ( re-elected ) , Tyler .
The lodge being closed , about thirty of the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet provided by Mrs . Cantor of the Middleton Hotel . The following Past Masters and visitors were present : W Bros . F . Wood , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Harris , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; Rowley , P . M ., Prov . S . G . D . ; W . S . Cox , I . P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . ; the Rev . J . C . Herbert , P . P . G . Chaplain , Worcestershire ; J .
Brazier , P . M . ( 160 ) ; F . Wiseman , P . M . ( 160 ); John Allen , W , M . ( 160 ) , P . P . G . S . B . ; William Pissey , P . M . ( 160 ) , Prov . J . G . W . ; Burgess , P . M . ( 160 ) , P . P . G . J . D . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and some excellent songs were given during the evening , by Bros . Barton , Phillips , Abbott , F . Wiseman , Brazier , Rowley , & c . Bro . H . Barton , professor of music ,
preside d at the p ianoforte , accompanying the vocalists . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant and agreeable evening to a close . LOUGHBOROUGH . —Ilotoc and Ckarnwood Lodge , No . 1007 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Tuesday , the iSth instant , which was attended by the newly-appointed P . G . Master ,
Bro . Kelly , who presided during the first year of the lodge ' s existence , as the locum tenens of its W . M ., the late universally-beloved and revered P . G . M ., the Earl Howe . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Wilson , in the first and second degrees , when the chair was taken by the XV . M ., Bro . Kelly , and Bros . XV . Greives , Palmer , jun ., and A . G . Chamberlin having passed the necessary examination , he proceeded to confer upon them
the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , and the R . W . P . G . M . ( nominate ) having received the thanks of the W . M . and brethren for his kinkness in attending on the occasion , the brethren adjourned to refreshment j among those present were , Bros . XV . G . Palmer , sen ., P . M . ; Deane , as S . W . ; Capp , J . W . ; Goodes , Sec . ; Burrows , S . D . ; Pratt , J . D . ; Dougherty , I . G , ; and others .
BARROW-IN-FURNESS . —Harlinglon Lodge , A ' o . 1021 . — On Monday , iolh January , the members of this lod ge assembled for the purpose of installing Bro . Henry Cook , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . of W . The ceremony was most admirably and impressively performed by Bro . G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , and P . G . J . Deacon of Cumberland and Westmorland , assisted by Bros . Gibson , P . M ,
119 , and P . P . G . S . W . ; and Spittal , P . M . S 72 , & P . P . G . S . of W . Suitable addresses were given to the following officers , who were invested : —Bros . Cox , as S . W . ; Johnsou , J . W . -, Jos . Fisher , Treasurer ; Bagot , Secretary ; Thos . Kendail , S . D ; Thompson , J . D . ; Thos . Ormand y , I . G . ; Lewis , Organist ; Gradwell , Steward ; Haslam , D . C . ; and Gabbo ' tt , Tyler . The ba quet which followed was of the most recherche description , reflecting great
credit on the host , Bro . l . rownngg . 1 he newly-installed Master presided , and was supported by Bros . Kenworth y , Gibson , Spittall ( installing officers ) , Barber ( P . M . 995 ) , Case ( W . M . 995 ) , and Cornfield ( W . M . 1225 ) . The following toasts were given in succession and received due honours : — "The Queen , " "The Prince and Princess of Wales , " "TheM . W . the Grand Master , " "The R . W .
the D . G . M . and Officers of the Grand Lodge , " "The R . W . P . G . M . Sir T . G . 1 * . Ikskelh , Bart ., M . P . " "The D . Prov . G . M . Lord Skelmcrsdale and rest of ihe Prov . Grand Officers of West Lancashire . " In proposing the health of the newly-installed Master , Bro . Gibson passed a high culogium on that brother ' s zeal for the welfare and spread of Masonry , anil congratulated the lodge upon
having so talented a brother to occupy the chair . —liro . Cook expressed his gratitude lo the biethrcn _ for having chosen him to preside over llicin , and his wish to make Ihe working of the lodge a model for imitation , lie also gave some excellent advice lo the brethren , and spoke of the advantage and beauty of Masonry . — -The health of the inslaHing-officcr was proposed by the W . M ., who rendered
a warm tribute of approbation to that brother for his services , and was sure the knowledge displayed , the careful and correct practice which they had witnessed would call a hearty vole of thanks from all present ( given with Masonic honours ) . —Bro . Kenworth y in reply said he could not express his gratitude for the kind manner the
W . M . had alluded to their past friendship , and to the brethren for the heartiness they bad received his name j the pleasure he had derived from the installation that day was enhanced by his having never known a more deserving officer or one more zealous and expert . —Other toasts followed , including , " The newly-installed Officers , " responded to by Bros . Cox , S . Wand , and Bagot , Sec . ;