Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
"Past Masters and Wardens of Hartington Lodge ;' '' Masters and Wardens of neig hbouring lodges , " responded to by Bros . Barber , P . M . 995 , and Cornfield , W . M . 1225 . Of course , " The Ladies " were not forgotten , as " No mortal can more The . Ladies adore
Than a Free and Accepted Mason . The last toast , "Speedy relief to all poor and distressed Masons , " was given by the W . M . ; Harmony , " the chief strength and support of all societies , " was kept up in speech and song till high twelve , when the brethren separated , each and every one delig hted with the proceedings of the day .
TREDEGAR . —Si . George ' s Lodge , No . 109 S . —The installation of Bro . J . Lewis , S . W ., as W . M . took place in the Masonic Lodge , Tredegar , on the 13 th instant . The impressive ceremony was ably performed by Bro . John Middleton , P . G . S . W . of Monmouthshire , P . G . Sec . Lincolnshire , P . M . 6 S 3 and 109 S ; and the following officers were appointed and invested with their insignia of
office : —Bros . B . S . Fisher as I . P . M ., J . Phillips as S . W ., W . Davies as J . W ., D . Hughes as Treasurer , E . Horlick as Secretary , J . J . Morgan as S . D ., W . Campbell as J . D ., E . Swidenbank as I . G ., H . Fowler , Superintendent of Works ; G . A . Brown as M . C ., E . Griffiths , Organist ; C . Peaty and J . Green , Stewards ; J . Dunlevy , Tyler . The banquet was held at the Castle Hotel . Among the
guests were the under-mentioned : —Bros . Lewis W . M . ; Middleton , the Installing Master , P . G . S . W ., & c ., & c . ; S . G . Homfray , P . G . J . W . Mon ., P . M . 109 S ; B . S . Fisher , P . G . J . D ., I . P . M . ; Robert Bond , P P . G . A . D . C , P . M . 6 S 3 and 109 S ; G . Fothergill , 471 , P . G . St . ; Fred .
Ware , W . M . Bute Lodge ; W . Davies , J . W . ; E . Swidenbank , I . G . ; E . Horlick , Sec . ; D . Hughes , Treasurer ; J . Morgan , J . D . ; II . Fowler , Superintendent of Works ; C . Peaty , Steward ; J . Brock , E . Thomas , W . Dobbs , R . Spencer , T . Spencer , W . Green , R . Jackson , R . Jones , E . Phillips , J . Griffiths , and J . Dunlevy , Tyler .
NEWTON ABBOTT . —Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —The members of this lodge assembled on Tuesday last week , at their Masonic Hall , for the purpose of witnessing the installation of Bro . William Samble into the office of W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge being opened and formal busines disposed of , Bro . Samble , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed in the chair as W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing twelve months , in a very efficient
and impressive manner , by Bro . F . D . Bowes , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., assisted by Bros . Yates , P . M ., P . P . G . S ., and P . P . J . W . ; H . G . Beachey , W . M ., for past year , and Bro . Hopkins . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . II . G . Beachey , I . P . M . ; J . Haydon , S . W . ; G . Stockman , J . W . ; the Rev . S . S . Johns , Chaplain ; H . G . Beachey , Treasurer ; Bickford Prowse , Secretary ; John Chudleigh , S . D . ; E . Samble , J . D . ; A . Christoe , I . G . ; Weeks , Tyler .
CONGRESUURY , SOMERSET . —Lodge of Agriculture , No . 1199 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th instant . Bro . A . XV . Stiff , W . M ,, was supported by Bros . J . Hind , S . W . ; XV . Partridge , J . W . ; W . Hunt , Prov . G . Chaplain ; P . M . J . R . Bramble ; W . Long , Treasurer ; L . H . Ricketts , Sec , and many other members of the lodge and visiting brethren . Mr . F . XV
Irwin was successfully ballottcd for and initiated . Bro . XV . Partridge was ballottcd for and duly elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . W . Long , as Treasurer ; and Bro . C . Bamvell as Tyler . Bro . Partridge will be installed W . M . on February 14 th . This little lodge has very promising prospects ; several new members have recently joined , and several more arc waiting to be proposed .
SCARBOROUGH . — Denison Lodge , A o . 124 S . — This select and flourishing lodge held its regular meeting in the Lodge Room , Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., when the following officers and brethren were present : — Bros . J . O . Surtees , P . G . R ., W . M . ; S . II . Armitage , S . W . ; W . F . Rooke , J . P ., P . J . P . G . W ., as J . W . ; J . E . Green , S . D . : II . W . Garnctt , J . D . ; J . Dormer ,
Sec . ; J . Sloman , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; II . C . Martin , P . M ., I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; J . M . Crosby , G . Taylor , G . II . Walshaw , J . Fisher , P . M . ; W . II . Smyth , P . M ., D . P . G . M . ( Lincoln ) , C . B . Brearey , V . Stewart , J . Knight , J . Kitchen , F . Foster , J . S . Cook , and R . II . Peacock , W . M .-elect , 200 . The lodge was opened at 7 . 30 p . m . The minutes were read and confirmed , liro .
1 ' . I' ostcr was passed to the second degree . The election of the W . M . and Treasurer then took place , when Bro . S . II . Armitage , ( MD . ) , the S . W ., was elecled W . M ., and wc feel certain from his Masonic attainments and great zeal for Masonry , that he will be the right man iu the right place . Bro . Kitchen was elected Treasurer , and Bros . C . B Brearey and A . Fricour ( the
esteemed manager of this celebrated hotel ) , were appointed Stewards for the annual banquet , which will take place at the installation , on the second Thursday in February . Bro . J . O Surtees , the W . M ., returned thanks to his officers for their regular attendance and general efficiency during the past year , and to the brethren for the kind support and many favours received from them
during his year of office . Bro . W . F . Rooke , P . M ., & c , proposed in very high terms a vote of thanks to the W . M ., which was seconded in similar language by the S . W . and W . M .-elect . On being put to the vote , it was carried unanimously with every demonstration of applause , and wc hope
in our next report to be able to show that some substantial mark of esteem has been presented to this efficient and very zealous Mason , on his retiring from the high office of W . M . 'fhe lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren spent a very agreeable and fraternal hour at the refreshment board .
LIVERPOOL . — Aeptuuc Lodge , No . 1264 . —A regular lodge meeting was held at the Masonic Temple , on Jan . 7 th . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Joseph Healing , and the minutes of the last regular lodge were
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
read and confirmed . Bro . E . Johnson , of Lodge No . 249 , was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the W . M . rose and said : Brethren , I have now a most pleasing duty to perform , and for the information of the visiting brethren , I may say that the brethren of this lodge have subscribed a sum of money for the purchase of
a Past Master ' s Jewel , to be presented to our I . P . M ., Bro . Hugh Williams , for whom myself and brethren entertain the most profound respect ; and I am sure that he has and deserves the respect of all who know him , and the more we know of him the more we _ know to respect . I have been acquainted with Bro . Williams for many years , and during that time he has most worthily
advanced in my estimation . The W . M . then took the jewel in his hand , and read the following inscription : "To Bro . LIugh Williams , P . M ., this jewel is respectfully presented by the brethren of the Neptune Lodge , 1264 , of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , in testimony of their warm regard towards him as a man and a Mason . Liverpool , January 7 th , 1870 . " The W . M . then placed
it on the breast of Bro . Williams , and said : Bro . Williams , may you live long in health and strength , and with pleasure wear it , for it is a token of our kind feeling towards you as an honourable brother of the Craft , and especially of this lodge . The brethren feel highly gratified by your acceptance of this humble tribute to your moral and social worth , and for the most kindly feeling you always entertain
towards them . Although your profession does not admit of you being with us at all our meetings , you are kindly alluded to in the toast to our seafaring brethren . May you long wear this jewel near your heart , and may you enjoy all the blessings that this world can afford , and happiness in the world to come . —Bro . Williams , in returning thanks , said : W . Master , Officers and Brethren ,
I cannot express in adequate terms my sincere thanks for your kindness on the present occasion , when I see the outpouring of respect and brotherly love towards me , and especially this evening in the handsome jewel you have now presented to me . It produces emotions in me that prevent my doing full justice to the expression of my feelings . I feel proud in knowing I have your respect
and brotherly love in the bond of friendship , in unity , peace , and concord , and may the day be far off when a Freemason should feel otherwise . Brethren , it is , as it should be amongst us , our brotherly love is mutual , and I can say that during the time I have known you , I have not heard an unkind word nor seen an unkind action among you ; how good and joyful a thing it is for brethren
to dwell together 111 unity . Even when I am far away on the deep waters , and my lodge-night comes , my mind is with you . I join with you in our common supplication to the G . A . O . T . U . I fancy I can sec your well-known faces , some newly-initialed brother being taught the principles of brotherly love , relief , and truth ; I can see you rejoice with him , I hear your closing benediction , and
then your loyal toasts and joyous songs ; yea , and nearly feel your parting grip . Such feelings as these draw us nearer and nearer together in brotherly love ; we feel each other ' s joys , we share each other ' s sorrow , we sympathise with and assist each other in the day of affliction , and in the hour of trial we fail not . When that parting hour arrives to me , I hope I may be in the bosom of my
family , surrounded by my brethren , and though my lips may cease to move , I shall leave this love offering as an heirloom to my children . It was presented to me in a spirit of love , and in handing it to them at that parting moment will be indicative of the amount of love that I bear for my family , and then may the scene of this evening tloat across my fading vision , and
placing my trust in God I may depart in peace . Brethren , jou will forgive me ; my feelings have led me on into this straii of thought , and now I must forbear . I must again than '; you all for this valuable present . I shall wear it near my heart , that repository of love for iny brethren . When 1 am on shore I make it an especial duty to be with you on our lodge nights , and when I am at sea I am
with you 111 spirit and join with you 111 tbe cup , and pledge myself to you and my seafaring brethren , some of whom are then with you and many are not , but are , like me , ploughing the deep sea , wending their way in the dark hour of the night , while the wind whistles aloft , no sound of voice save the plaintive cry of some wild sea bird , yet we go on our way rejoicing , for wc are on a mission of love .
Though the storm may break over us , wc have confidence ; wc place our trust in our great Creator , for it is I le wfio gives , and it is He who takcth away . May peace and happiness reign amongst you , and secure to this lodge the welfare and success that it deserves . If you follow the sound advice of your W . M ., Bro . Healing , whose working in the lodge is only equalled by his zeal for its prosperity ,
you cannot go far astray , and I am sure that by the attention , knowledge , ami persevering efforts of his officers you have gained a position rarely gained by so young a lodge , but which you so well deserve . In conclusion , brethren , a .-cept my most heartfelt and sincere thanks , and may God be with you . —The W . M ., Bro . Healing , then rose and said : Brethren , I have now another pleasing duly to
perform . It has been my desire since this lodge was ( ormcii , and in consequence of ihe great honour you have conferred on me in electing me as your first W . M ., lo make some suitable acknowledgment of your kindness in reposing that great trust in me . It is but six months since this lodge was consecrated , and I may say that we have progressed wonderfully . We now number about forty members ; true we have not initiated very many , but I am glad to
say that those we have initiated are of good moral and social standing . I hope we shall retain ihat standard of excellence , and not initiate any but what are of good character Reverting lo the subject most pressing on my mind , I beg of you lo accept from me this present , consisting ofa volume of ihe Sacred Laws , which every true Mason holds in veneration and respect . It is the unerring standard of truth and justice , piety and virtue , and may it always remain so in our Order . It is one of our three lights ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the square and compass accompanying it , are the other two , which every Mason is taught how to apply to their morals , and may the G . A . O . T . U . help us to appreciate in their fullness the inestimable truths taught therein , and may our children , and children's children for ages yet to come , yea until the great millennium itself , take this inspired volume as their beacon guide through life , and love it as
we do , and win their way to those immortal mansions where the blessed are at rest , where the Great Supreme reigns for ever , and from whom all goodness emanates . Brethren , be pleased to accept these three great Masonic lights as the humble offering of your W . Master . —Bro . Pemberton , S . W ., then rose and said : W . Master , in the name of myself and the brethren of this lodge , I have great pleasure
in saying that we gratefully and joyfully accept your most valuable and handsome present , and may the great truths contained in that best of all books find a true and sacred repository in our hearts , - fit us as true brethren in this world , and prepare us for the world to come . —Bro . Richardson , J W ., having spoken in similar terms , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Healing , notonly for his present kindness , but
for the general interest he takes in the welfare of the lodge , Themotionhavingbccn seconded by Bro . A . Davis , J . D ., was most unanimously carried . —Bro . Williams , I . P . M ., then read thcfollowinginscription ( amostsplcndidspecimen of ornamental caligraphy by a youth , the son of Bro . A . Davies , J . D ., of this lodge ; a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to the youth for bis ingenuity and labour )
in the Bible : "Presented , on the seventh day of January , A . L . 5 S 70 , A . D . 1 S 70 , by the W . M ., Bro . Joseph Healing , P . M ., 249 , to the Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , consecrated on the eleventh day of June , A . L . 5859 , . D . 1 S 69 . " The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment , and a splendid repast was heartily partaken of and seemed to give entire
satisfaction . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal end Masonic toasts and songs were given . Among the visitors were Bro . Meacock , P . M ., 477 ; Bro . Hill , W . M ., 1276 ; Bro . Fozzard , P . M ., 1035 ; Bro . Astors , I . G ., 1276 ; and many brethren of foreign lodges . The speeches were good and brilliant , and added very much to the enjoyment of the brethren assembled . The
brethren were then called from refreshment to labour , when two candidates , and one joining brother were proposed . Nothing more appearing for the good of Masonry , the lodge was closed in due and solemn form , and the brethren separated in peace and harmony . SlTTi . vGliOUKNE . —Lodge of St . Michael , A ' o . 1273 . — On Tuesday evening , the nth inst ., a gathering of brethren
of the youthful lodge of St . Michael took place , for the purpose of raising three brethren to the third degree , It was matter of regret that there were but few of the lodge present on the occasion , and had it not been for the attendance of several of Adam ' s Lodge ( Sheerncss ) , the ceremony could not have been proceeded with . It is to be hoped that the St . Michael ' s will on all future occasions assemble in stronger numbers , so that it may not be
said that a want of interest in the grand principles enunciated by ( he Craft has already taken possession of them . The ceremony under notice was impressively performed by Bro . Dr . J . S . Keddcll , P . P . G . S . W . ; the other brethren of Adam ' s Lodge , present , being Bro . Isaac Townsend , P . P . G . R . ; Bro . J . G . Green , P . P . J . D , ; Bros , llagshaw , Fabian , and J . T . Nixon . A banquet , provided in Bro . Owen ' s usually excellent stvlc , followed .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . A very influential meeting of Royal Arch Masons of this province was held at Portsmouth , on Mondav , the 21 th inst . The Prov . G . Supt . ( M . E . Comp . XV . W . Bjach , M . P . ) presided , and delivered a most admirable address to the assembled companions on the many
excellencies of the Order , and their duties as R . A . Masons . The minutes ofthe last Grand Chapter having been read and confirmed , the M . E . C . Frost was re-elected Treasurer unanimously , and ihe Prov . G . Sup . proceeded to invest the following officers for the ensuing year , viz . : —M . E . Comps . Deacon ( 394 ) , H . ; Colonel Median ( 257 ) , I . ; XV . Hickman ( 130 ) , S . E . ; W . A . Wolfe , ( 342 ) , S . N . ;
XV . Furber ( 130 ) , P . S . ; Yv . Edmonds and G . Phillips ( 394 ) , A S . ; M . E . Frost , Treasurer ; P . Keane ( 394 ) , R . ; J . E . Le Fcuvre ( 130 ) , Sword Bearer ; Craven , Standard Bearer ; Lemon ( 130 ) . D . C . ; Biggs ( 394 ) and Dawkins ( 130 ) , Janitors . A vote of condolence with the family of the late P . G . Supt . was proposed and carried unanimously , expressing the deep sympathy ofthe
companions assembled on the loss of the late P . G . Supt . Admiral Sir L . Curtis , Bart ., and their estimation of his services to Masonry for so many years . After the transaction of the other business of the province , the companions retired to a very sumptuous banquet at ihe Masonic Hall , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and most heartily responded lo .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . LIVERPOOL . —Jacques de Malay Encampment . —A conclave of the order was holden at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on the 21 st ins ! . The Jacques de Molay Encampment was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by Sir Knight Thomas Berry , Eminent Commander , Provincial 1 st Grand Captain , and Grand 3 rd
Standard Bearer . There was a numerous attendance of Knights , aud after the elections of Sir Knight Younghusband as ICC , and Sir Knight Alpass as Treasurer , for the ensuing year , the encampment was closed and the Knights adjourned to a banquet at the Adelphi Hotel , where they partook ofthe bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
"Past Masters and Wardens of Hartington Lodge ;' '' Masters and Wardens of neig hbouring lodges , " responded to by Bros . Barber , P . M . 995 , and Cornfield , W . M . 1225 . Of course , " The Ladies " were not forgotten , as " No mortal can more The . Ladies adore
Than a Free and Accepted Mason . The last toast , "Speedy relief to all poor and distressed Masons , " was given by the W . M . ; Harmony , " the chief strength and support of all societies , " was kept up in speech and song till high twelve , when the brethren separated , each and every one delig hted with the proceedings of the day .
TREDEGAR . —Si . George ' s Lodge , No . 109 S . —The installation of Bro . J . Lewis , S . W ., as W . M . took place in the Masonic Lodge , Tredegar , on the 13 th instant . The impressive ceremony was ably performed by Bro . John Middleton , P . G . S . W . of Monmouthshire , P . G . Sec . Lincolnshire , P . M . 6 S 3 and 109 S ; and the following officers were appointed and invested with their insignia of
office : —Bros . B . S . Fisher as I . P . M ., J . Phillips as S . W ., W . Davies as J . W ., D . Hughes as Treasurer , E . Horlick as Secretary , J . J . Morgan as S . D ., W . Campbell as J . D ., E . Swidenbank as I . G ., H . Fowler , Superintendent of Works ; G . A . Brown as M . C ., E . Griffiths , Organist ; C . Peaty and J . Green , Stewards ; J . Dunlevy , Tyler . The banquet was held at the Castle Hotel . Among the
guests were the under-mentioned : —Bros . Lewis W . M . ; Middleton , the Installing Master , P . G . S . W ., & c ., & c . ; S . G . Homfray , P . G . J . W . Mon ., P . M . 109 S ; B . S . Fisher , P . G . J . D ., I . P . M . ; Robert Bond , P P . G . A . D . C , P . M . 6 S 3 and 109 S ; G . Fothergill , 471 , P . G . St . ; Fred .
Ware , W . M . Bute Lodge ; W . Davies , J . W . ; E . Swidenbank , I . G . ; E . Horlick , Sec . ; D . Hughes , Treasurer ; J . Morgan , J . D . ; II . Fowler , Superintendent of Works ; C . Peaty , Steward ; J . Brock , E . Thomas , W . Dobbs , R . Spencer , T . Spencer , W . Green , R . Jackson , R . Jones , E . Phillips , J . Griffiths , and J . Dunlevy , Tyler .
NEWTON ABBOTT . —Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —The members of this lodge assembled on Tuesday last week , at their Masonic Hall , for the purpose of witnessing the installation of Bro . William Samble into the office of W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge being opened and formal busines disposed of , Bro . Samble , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed in the chair as W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing twelve months , in a very efficient
and impressive manner , by Bro . F . D . Bowes , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., assisted by Bros . Yates , P . M ., P . P . G . S ., and P . P . J . W . ; H . G . Beachey , W . M ., for past year , and Bro . Hopkins . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . II . G . Beachey , I . P . M . ; J . Haydon , S . W . ; G . Stockman , J . W . ; the Rev . S . S . Johns , Chaplain ; H . G . Beachey , Treasurer ; Bickford Prowse , Secretary ; John Chudleigh , S . D . ; E . Samble , J . D . ; A . Christoe , I . G . ; Weeks , Tyler .
CONGRESUURY , SOMERSET . —Lodge of Agriculture , No . 1199 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th instant . Bro . A . XV . Stiff , W . M ,, was supported by Bros . J . Hind , S . W . ; XV . Partridge , J . W . ; W . Hunt , Prov . G . Chaplain ; P . M . J . R . Bramble ; W . Long , Treasurer ; L . H . Ricketts , Sec , and many other members of the lodge and visiting brethren . Mr . F . XV
Irwin was successfully ballottcd for and initiated . Bro . XV . Partridge was ballottcd for and duly elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . W . Long , as Treasurer ; and Bro . C . Bamvell as Tyler . Bro . Partridge will be installed W . M . on February 14 th . This little lodge has very promising prospects ; several new members have recently joined , and several more arc waiting to be proposed .
SCARBOROUGH . — Denison Lodge , A o . 124 S . — This select and flourishing lodge held its regular meeting in the Lodge Room , Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., when the following officers and brethren were present : — Bros . J . O . Surtees , P . G . R ., W . M . ; S . II . Armitage , S . W . ; W . F . Rooke , J . P ., P . J . P . G . W ., as J . W . ; J . E . Green , S . D . : II . W . Garnctt , J . D . ; J . Dormer ,
Sec . ; J . Sloman , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; II . C . Martin , P . M ., I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; J . M . Crosby , G . Taylor , G . II . Walshaw , J . Fisher , P . M . ; W . II . Smyth , P . M ., D . P . G . M . ( Lincoln ) , C . B . Brearey , V . Stewart , J . Knight , J . Kitchen , F . Foster , J . S . Cook , and R . II . Peacock , W . M .-elect , 200 . The lodge was opened at 7 . 30 p . m . The minutes were read and confirmed , liro .
1 ' . I' ostcr was passed to the second degree . The election of the W . M . and Treasurer then took place , when Bro . S . II . Armitage , ( MD . ) , the S . W ., was elecled W . M ., and wc feel certain from his Masonic attainments and great zeal for Masonry , that he will be the right man iu the right place . Bro . Kitchen was elected Treasurer , and Bros . C . B Brearey and A . Fricour ( the
esteemed manager of this celebrated hotel ) , were appointed Stewards for the annual banquet , which will take place at the installation , on the second Thursday in February . Bro . J . O Surtees , the W . M ., returned thanks to his officers for their regular attendance and general efficiency during the past year , and to the brethren for the kind support and many favours received from them
during his year of office . Bro . W . F . Rooke , P . M ., & c , proposed in very high terms a vote of thanks to the W . M ., which was seconded in similar language by the S . W . and W . M .-elect . On being put to the vote , it was carried unanimously with every demonstration of applause , and wc hope
in our next report to be able to show that some substantial mark of esteem has been presented to this efficient and very zealous Mason , on his retiring from the high office of W . M . 'fhe lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren spent a very agreeable and fraternal hour at the refreshment board .
LIVERPOOL . — Aeptuuc Lodge , No . 1264 . —A regular lodge meeting was held at the Masonic Temple , on Jan . 7 th . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Joseph Healing , and the minutes of the last regular lodge were
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
read and confirmed . Bro . E . Johnson , of Lodge No . 249 , was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the W . M . rose and said : Brethren , I have now a most pleasing duty to perform , and for the information of the visiting brethren , I may say that the brethren of this lodge have subscribed a sum of money for the purchase of
a Past Master ' s Jewel , to be presented to our I . P . M ., Bro . Hugh Williams , for whom myself and brethren entertain the most profound respect ; and I am sure that he has and deserves the respect of all who know him , and the more we know of him the more we _ know to respect . I have been acquainted with Bro . Williams for many years , and during that time he has most worthily
advanced in my estimation . The W . M . then took the jewel in his hand , and read the following inscription : "To Bro . LIugh Williams , P . M ., this jewel is respectfully presented by the brethren of the Neptune Lodge , 1264 , of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , in testimony of their warm regard towards him as a man and a Mason . Liverpool , January 7 th , 1870 . " The W . M . then placed
it on the breast of Bro . Williams , and said : Bro . Williams , may you live long in health and strength , and with pleasure wear it , for it is a token of our kind feeling towards you as an honourable brother of the Craft , and especially of this lodge . The brethren feel highly gratified by your acceptance of this humble tribute to your moral and social worth , and for the most kindly feeling you always entertain
towards them . Although your profession does not admit of you being with us at all our meetings , you are kindly alluded to in the toast to our seafaring brethren . May you long wear this jewel near your heart , and may you enjoy all the blessings that this world can afford , and happiness in the world to come . —Bro . Williams , in returning thanks , said : W . Master , Officers and Brethren ,
I cannot express in adequate terms my sincere thanks for your kindness on the present occasion , when I see the outpouring of respect and brotherly love towards me , and especially this evening in the handsome jewel you have now presented to me . It produces emotions in me that prevent my doing full justice to the expression of my feelings . I feel proud in knowing I have your respect
and brotherly love in the bond of friendship , in unity , peace , and concord , and may the day be far off when a Freemason should feel otherwise . Brethren , it is , as it should be amongst us , our brotherly love is mutual , and I can say that during the time I have known you , I have not heard an unkind word nor seen an unkind action among you ; how good and joyful a thing it is for brethren
to dwell together 111 unity . Even when I am far away on the deep waters , and my lodge-night comes , my mind is with you . I join with you in our common supplication to the G . A . O . T . U . I fancy I can sec your well-known faces , some newly-initialed brother being taught the principles of brotherly love , relief , and truth ; I can see you rejoice with him , I hear your closing benediction , and
then your loyal toasts and joyous songs ; yea , and nearly feel your parting grip . Such feelings as these draw us nearer and nearer together in brotherly love ; we feel each other ' s joys , we share each other ' s sorrow , we sympathise with and assist each other in the day of affliction , and in the hour of trial we fail not . When that parting hour arrives to me , I hope I may be in the bosom of my
family , surrounded by my brethren , and though my lips may cease to move , I shall leave this love offering as an heirloom to my children . It was presented to me in a spirit of love , and in handing it to them at that parting moment will be indicative of the amount of love that I bear for my family , and then may the scene of this evening tloat across my fading vision , and
placing my trust in God I may depart in peace . Brethren , jou will forgive me ; my feelings have led me on into this straii of thought , and now I must forbear . I must again than '; you all for this valuable present . I shall wear it near my heart , that repository of love for iny brethren . When 1 am on shore I make it an especial duty to be with you on our lodge nights , and when I am at sea I am
with you 111 spirit and join with you 111 tbe cup , and pledge myself to you and my seafaring brethren , some of whom are then with you and many are not , but are , like me , ploughing the deep sea , wending their way in the dark hour of the night , while the wind whistles aloft , no sound of voice save the plaintive cry of some wild sea bird , yet we go on our way rejoicing , for wc are on a mission of love .
Though the storm may break over us , wc have confidence ; wc place our trust in our great Creator , for it is I le wfio gives , and it is He who takcth away . May peace and happiness reign amongst you , and secure to this lodge the welfare and success that it deserves . If you follow the sound advice of your W . M ., Bro . Healing , whose working in the lodge is only equalled by his zeal for its prosperity ,
you cannot go far astray , and I am sure that by the attention , knowledge , ami persevering efforts of his officers you have gained a position rarely gained by so young a lodge , but which you so well deserve . In conclusion , brethren , a .-cept my most heartfelt and sincere thanks , and may God be with you . —The W . M ., Bro . Healing , then rose and said : Brethren , I have now another pleasing duly to
perform . It has been my desire since this lodge was ( ormcii , and in consequence of ihe great honour you have conferred on me in electing me as your first W . M ., lo make some suitable acknowledgment of your kindness in reposing that great trust in me . It is but six months since this lodge was consecrated , and I may say that we have progressed wonderfully . We now number about forty members ; true we have not initiated very many , but I am glad to
say that those we have initiated are of good moral and social standing . I hope we shall retain ihat standard of excellence , and not initiate any but what are of good character Reverting lo the subject most pressing on my mind , I beg of you lo accept from me this present , consisting ofa volume of ihe Sacred Laws , which every true Mason holds in veneration and respect . It is the unerring standard of truth and justice , piety and virtue , and may it always remain so in our Order . It is one of our three lights ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the square and compass accompanying it , are the other two , which every Mason is taught how to apply to their morals , and may the G . A . O . T . U . help us to appreciate in their fullness the inestimable truths taught therein , and may our children , and children's children for ages yet to come , yea until the great millennium itself , take this inspired volume as their beacon guide through life , and love it as
we do , and win their way to those immortal mansions where the blessed are at rest , where the Great Supreme reigns for ever , and from whom all goodness emanates . Brethren , be pleased to accept these three great Masonic lights as the humble offering of your W . Master . —Bro . Pemberton , S . W ., then rose and said : W . Master , in the name of myself and the brethren of this lodge , I have great pleasure
in saying that we gratefully and joyfully accept your most valuable and handsome present , and may the great truths contained in that best of all books find a true and sacred repository in our hearts , - fit us as true brethren in this world , and prepare us for the world to come . —Bro . Richardson , J W ., having spoken in similar terms , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Healing , notonly for his present kindness , but
for the general interest he takes in the welfare of the lodge , Themotionhavingbccn seconded by Bro . A . Davis , J . D ., was most unanimously carried . —Bro . Williams , I . P . M ., then read thcfollowinginscription ( amostsplcndidspecimen of ornamental caligraphy by a youth , the son of Bro . A . Davies , J . D ., of this lodge ; a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to the youth for bis ingenuity and labour )
in the Bible : "Presented , on the seventh day of January , A . L . 5 S 70 , A . D . 1 S 70 , by the W . M ., Bro . Joseph Healing , P . M ., 249 , to the Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , consecrated on the eleventh day of June , A . L . 5859 , . D . 1 S 69 . " The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment , and a splendid repast was heartily partaken of and seemed to give entire
satisfaction . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal end Masonic toasts and songs were given . Among the visitors were Bro . Meacock , P . M ., 477 ; Bro . Hill , W . M ., 1276 ; Bro . Fozzard , P . M ., 1035 ; Bro . Astors , I . G ., 1276 ; and many brethren of foreign lodges . The speeches were good and brilliant , and added very much to the enjoyment of the brethren assembled . The
brethren were then called from refreshment to labour , when two candidates , and one joining brother were proposed . Nothing more appearing for the good of Masonry , the lodge was closed in due and solemn form , and the brethren separated in peace and harmony . SlTTi . vGliOUKNE . —Lodge of St . Michael , A ' o . 1273 . — On Tuesday evening , the nth inst ., a gathering of brethren
of the youthful lodge of St . Michael took place , for the purpose of raising three brethren to the third degree , It was matter of regret that there were but few of the lodge present on the occasion , and had it not been for the attendance of several of Adam ' s Lodge ( Sheerncss ) , the ceremony could not have been proceeded with . It is to be hoped that the St . Michael ' s will on all future occasions assemble in stronger numbers , so that it may not be
said that a want of interest in the grand principles enunciated by ( he Craft has already taken possession of them . The ceremony under notice was impressively performed by Bro . Dr . J . S . Keddcll , P . P . G . S . W . ; the other brethren of Adam ' s Lodge , present , being Bro . Isaac Townsend , P . P . G . R . ; Bro . J . G . Green , P . P . J . D , ; Bros , llagshaw , Fabian , and J . T . Nixon . A banquet , provided in Bro . Owen ' s usually excellent stvlc , followed .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . A very influential meeting of Royal Arch Masons of this province was held at Portsmouth , on Mondav , the 21 th inst . The Prov . G . Supt . ( M . E . Comp . XV . W . Bjach , M . P . ) presided , and delivered a most admirable address to the assembled companions on the many
excellencies of the Order , and their duties as R . A . Masons . The minutes ofthe last Grand Chapter having been read and confirmed , the M . E . C . Frost was re-elected Treasurer unanimously , and ihe Prov . G . Sup . proceeded to invest the following officers for the ensuing year , viz . : —M . E . Comps . Deacon ( 394 ) , H . ; Colonel Median ( 257 ) , I . ; XV . Hickman ( 130 ) , S . E . ; W . A . Wolfe , ( 342 ) , S . N . ;
XV . Furber ( 130 ) , P . S . ; Yv . Edmonds and G . Phillips ( 394 ) , A S . ; M . E . Frost , Treasurer ; P . Keane ( 394 ) , R . ; J . E . Le Fcuvre ( 130 ) , Sword Bearer ; Craven , Standard Bearer ; Lemon ( 130 ) . D . C . ; Biggs ( 394 ) and Dawkins ( 130 ) , Janitors . A vote of condolence with the family of the late P . G . Supt . was proposed and carried unanimously , expressing the deep sympathy ofthe
companions assembled on the loss of the late P . G . Supt . Admiral Sir L . Curtis , Bart ., and their estimation of his services to Masonry for so many years . After the transaction of the other business of the province , the companions retired to a very sumptuous banquet at ihe Masonic Hall , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and most heartily responded lo .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . LIVERPOOL . —Jacques de Malay Encampment . —A conclave of the order was holden at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on the 21 st ins ! . The Jacques de Molay Encampment was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by Sir Knight Thomas Berry , Eminent Commander , Provincial 1 st Grand Captain , and Grand 3 rd
Standard Bearer . There was a numerous attendance of Knights , aud after the elections of Sir Knight Younghusband as ICC , and Sir Knight Alpass as Treasurer , for the ensuing year , the encampment was closed and the Knights adjourned to a banquet at the Adelphi Hotel , where they partook ofthe bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness .