Article A NEW MASONC PROVINCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article INAUGURATION of the PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE of MIDDLESEX, Page 1 of 2 Article INAUGURATION of the PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE of MIDDLESEX, Page 1 of 2 →
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A New Masonc Province.
blage was in every respect worthy of the event ; about one hundred brethren , including several eminent as leaders of the Craft , participated in the august solemnities , and
tendered their homage and congratulations to Colonel Burdett , as the first Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex . Of that popular and respected brother ' s qualifications
for his new office it would be fulsome to speak ; the reputation he has acquired as a good Mason amongst our brethren in Ireland is a sufficient guarantee for his efficiency
as a provincial ruler of the Craft , and we are satisfied that under his guidance the Province of Middlesex will develop itself into a most important stronghold of
Freemasonry . We are certain that the Charities will be more thoroughly aided , because the brethren will realise their position in
relation to other provinces , and emulate the glorious example which has been set in this and other respects by Lancashire and Yorkshire .
We , therefore , heartily welcome the " New Province of Middlesex , ; into the great family of English Masonic Provinces . Wc desire to record our appreciation of an event which tends to consolidate and cement
the Craft ; and from the success which has attended the inaugural ceremonial at Teddington , wc anticipate , without reserve , a brilliant and happy future for the newlyconstituted Provincial Grand Lodge .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
—?—BRO . " RUSTICUS" AND " ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST . " I am pleased to find in the person of Bro . Rusticus , one of the Freemasons who recollects his "O . B . " and the example of our Patron Saint .
It is true , a brother in the Grand Lodge of Scotland said that " the teachings of St . John the Baptist were not worth a fig , " and he was not interferred with by any then present . The brother who brought forward a complaint against an office-bearer of the Grand Lodge of Scotland
for a crime similar to that for which St . John was decapitated , although Grand Lodge passed a motion against him , was afterwards entertained at a banquet by the Freemasons representing upwards of thirty lodges throughout
Scotland , and in open lodge . This brother still continues to visit lodges in all parts of Scotland and Grand Lodge are aware of it , and many of its members are so ashamed of their conduct , that the Grand Lodge are contented to take no notice . CIPES .
BRO . " RUSTICUS" AND " MASONIC PROCEDURE IN TRIALS OR COMPLAINTS . " No Freemason can be expelled , suspended , excluded , reprimanded , or censured , without a complaint being served upon him , stating clearly and distinctly the nature of offence , and being
tried m the way and manner provided for by all Grand Lodges throughout the world who recognise justice as one of the cardinal virtues of Freemasonry . 1 shall send to THE FREEMASON a form of the procedure which ought to be observed at all Masonic / rials , and if inserted , Bro . Rusticus will thereby have an answer to his letter . CIPES .
I should be glad if Bro . Roberts , P . P . G . P ., E . L ., would give to the brethren more explanation of the ceremonies at the Lodge of Harmony , 29 8 , at Rochdale , as reported in your last issue . What is meant by a Convocation of I . P . M . ? and what is meant by Bros . Kersdon , P . M . and Davis , P . M ., receiving the benefit of investment as I . P . M . ' s ? A MASONIC ENQUIRER .
Inauguration Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Middlesex,
AND CONSECRATION OFTHE BURDETT LODGE No . 1293 . A most important meeting in connection with Freemasonry was held at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , on Saturday , the 22 nd instant , for the double purpose of consecrating a new Lodge and ' subsequently inaugurating the Provincial
Grand Lodge of Middlesex . The peculiar circumstances under which the Burdett Lodge has been formed , having for its first W . M . the highlyrespected brother whose name it bears , that brother himself the Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and recently appointed to the
important position of Provincial Grand Master for the county in which the lodge is to be held , invested the proceedings of the day with an unusual amount of interest . The high appreciation of the new appointment , and of the importance of the Burdett Lodge , was made
manifest by the large attendance of brethren on this occasion . Our space will not admit of a full return of all present , and our readers will , therefore , be pleased to accept the following list as a tolerably near approach to the perfect muster-roll of brethren . Of the founders , of the
Burdett Lodge were present : Bros . Colonel Francis Burdett , the W . M .-designate ; George Kenning , S . W .-designate ; Robert Kenyon , J . W .-designate ; R . W . Little , P . M . * . W . H . Hubbard , P . M . ; Major H . W . Palmer ; H . G . Buss , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M .: F . Binckes ,
P . M ., & c , & c . The members of other lodges of the Province and visitors to both the Burdett Lodge and the Provincial Grand Lodge , comprised , amongst many others , the V . W . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . S . D ., Grand Secretary ; Thos . Fenn , P . Asst . G . D . C ; Bros . James Brett , A . G . P . ;
F . Davison , P . P . G . R . Hereford ; E . Benham , P . P . S . W . Wilts ; F . Adlard , P . P . A . D . C . Essex ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . G . Chaplain , Suffolk ; W . Roebuck , P . G . S . B . Surrey ; H . E . C . Finch , P . G . Registrar Herts ; Raynham W . Stewart , P . P . S . G . D . Essex ; W . Coombes , P . M . and
Secretary , 3 82 ; C . E . Woodward , Treasurer , 3 S 2 ; H . C . Finch , P . M . and Secretary , 70 S ; J . J . Wilson , P . M . and W . M ., 1237 ; T . Morris , P . M ., S 6 5 ; James Stevens , P . M . and S . W ., 1216 ; fames Glaishcr , F . R . S ., P . M ., 33 ; A . B .
Day . P . M ., 865 ; E . Clark , P . M ., 1194 ; J . G Marsh , P . M ., 28 , 1194 ; J . Hester , P . M ., 788 : J . L ) . McDougall , P . M ., 7 S 8 ; A . Avery , P . M ., rr 94 ; \ V . M . By water , P . M ., 19 ; R . D . Odcll , P . M ., 3 : Rev . F . Champion de Crespigny ; W .
Smeed , P . M ., 946 ; A . A . Richards , P . M ., 865 ; G . ' 1 ' . Noyce , W . M . 975 ; AV . Luce , P . M .. 142 : J . H . R Douglas , P . M ., 70 : Smith , W . M ., 890 ; W . Battye , P . M ., AV . M .. 181 ; XV . Piatt , P . M .-23 ; W . Ottgh . G . P ., P . M . 1273 ; CM ! . Payne , P . M ., 27 ; T . Wescombe , P . M ., 905 ; J : H . Doughney , P . M ., 79 ; W . M . Cameron , P . M .,
201 ; R . lloneey , P . M . 79 ; C . Murton , P . M . 7 ; C . Tye , 1237 ; H . Allman , J . W . 1194 ; G . King , S . W . 1238 ; H . Parker , 435 ; R . J . Elsam , 201 ; Magnus Oliren , ^^); J . Butten , 73 ; Angelo Lewis ; W . Coward , 905 ; Theodore Distin , 175 ; W . Walters ; Edwards , 144 ; A . Frickenhaus , S 62 ;
H . W . Williams , 193 ; T . H . Edwards , 8 ; Joseph Taylor , 18 ; W . 15 . Heath , P . S . G . W . Herts , 504 ; & c ., & c . A Lodge was formed at half-past one precisely , the V . W . Brother John Hervey presiding , which having been opened in the three degrees , the
presiding officer addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting , and expressed his sincere hope that the lodge about to be consecrated might , in every respect , prove worthy of the Craft , and he of great advantage to Freemasonry in the Province to which it would be attached .
The petition and warrant having been read , the founders of the new lodge were placed before the presiding officer , and the Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 , was constituted according to ancient form . Bro . James Brett , A . G . P ., acting as J . W ., then
delivered an oration on the nature and principles ofthe institution ; and the anthem "Behold , how good and joyful a thing it is to dwell together in unity ! " having been sung , the presiding officer , assisted by the Wardens , pro . tan ., and the Rev . F . C . de Crespignv , as chaplain , solemnly conse-
Inauguration Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Middlesex,
crated the lodge , the whole of the beautiful and impressive ceremony being carried out in most effective detail , after which the lodge was dedicated with the usual accompaniments of
prayer and praise . A more perfect and finished consecration ceremony few brethren can have witnessed , and the expressions of satisfaction evinced by all present bore testimony to the skill and ability of the Grand Secretary .
The lodge having been resumed to the second degree , Bro . R . Wentworth Little presented the worthy and honourable Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Provincial Grand Master ( nominate ) of Middlesex , to receive , at the hands of the
Grand Secretary , the benefit of installation as W . M . of the Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 . This ceremony was also most admirably performed , and the newly-installed Master received from the brethren the most cordial congratulations and heartygood wishes for the welfare and prosperity
of the lodge . The W . M . then proceeded to install his officers in the following order , viz . : — Bros . George Kenning , S . AV . ; Robert Kenyon , J . AV . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Treas . ; AVm . Henry Hubbard , P . M ., Secretary ; Major H . AA . Palmer , S . D . ; D . R . Still , J . D * H . G . Buss ,
P . M ., Director of Ceremonies ; M . Edwards , Inner Guard ; and John Gilbert , Tyler . After the dispatch of some necessary business relating to the conduct of the new lodge , numerous propositions of joining members and initiates were
made by the AV . M ., S . AV ., and Treasurer respectively , and the lodge having been resumed to the first degree , the AA . M . z-esigned his chair to the Grand Secretary and retired . Having requested Grand Officers to act as AA'ardens ,
The V . \ A . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , then declared the brethren present as constituting a Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . R . AA ^ entworth Little in due form announced that the R . \ A .
Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett was in attendance for the purpose of being duly installed as a Provincial Grand Master , and was requested to procure and read the charter or warrant for the Grand Lodge of Middlesex , and also the patent authorising Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett to
govern the same , which being done , the Grand Secretary deputed the Acting AA ardens and Stewards to attend on the R . AA . P . G . M ., and conduct him to the Provincial Grand Lodge . The entry of Colonel Burdett was the signal for repeated bursts of acclamation , and the
distinguished brother was profoundly touched by the warmth and sincerity of his reception . Having taken the obligation of Provincial Grand Master , the Grand Secretary invested Colonel Burdett with the insignia of his exalted office ,
and conducted him to the throne , from whence the R . AV . P . G . M . addressed the brethren in terms of grateful appreciation of their cordial welcome . Having returned thanks to the Grand Secretary , and obtained an unanimous vote of the members
of the Burdett Lodge to the election of Bro . Hervey as an honorary member of that lodge , the R . AA . P . G . M . proceeded to invest his Grand Officers in the following order , viz . : — Frederic Davison , ( P . M . 10 ) , 70 S , Senior Grand AVarden .
John M . Stedwcll , P . M ., 788 and 946 , Junior Grand Warden . Rev . Frederick Champion de Crespigny , 708 , Grand Chaplain . Henry Gustavus Buss , ( P . M . 27 ) , 1293 , Grand Treasurer .
Gconje Cordwcll , P . M .. 788 , Grand Registrar . Robert Wentworth Little , ( P . M . 975 ) , 1194 and 1293 , Grand Sccrctarv . Albert 11 . Day , M . D ., P . M ., 865 , Senior Grand Deacon . John Josiah Wilson , W . M ., 1237 , Junior Grand
Deacon . Edward Clark , P . M ., 1194 , Grand Supt . of Works . John Trickett , C . E ., W . M ., 1194 , Grand Director of Ceremonies : James Green , W . M ., 788 , Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies .
William Coombes , P . M ., 382 , Grand Sword Bearer . Thomas R . Mcllhvliam , W . M ,, 946 , Grand Organist . William Smeed , P . M ., 946 , Grand Pursuivant . John George Marsh , P . M . 28 , 1194 , Assistant Grand Pursuivant .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A New Masonc Province.
blage was in every respect worthy of the event ; about one hundred brethren , including several eminent as leaders of the Craft , participated in the august solemnities , and
tendered their homage and congratulations to Colonel Burdett , as the first Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex . Of that popular and respected brother ' s qualifications
for his new office it would be fulsome to speak ; the reputation he has acquired as a good Mason amongst our brethren in Ireland is a sufficient guarantee for his efficiency
as a provincial ruler of the Craft , and we are satisfied that under his guidance the Province of Middlesex will develop itself into a most important stronghold of
Freemasonry . We are certain that the Charities will be more thoroughly aided , because the brethren will realise their position in
relation to other provinces , and emulate the glorious example which has been set in this and other respects by Lancashire and Yorkshire .
We , therefore , heartily welcome the " New Province of Middlesex , ; into the great family of English Masonic Provinces . Wc desire to record our appreciation of an event which tends to consolidate and cement
the Craft ; and from the success which has attended the inaugural ceremonial at Teddington , wc anticipate , without reserve , a brilliant and happy future for the newlyconstituted Provincial Grand Lodge .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
—?—BRO . " RUSTICUS" AND " ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST . " I am pleased to find in the person of Bro . Rusticus , one of the Freemasons who recollects his "O . B . " and the example of our Patron Saint .
It is true , a brother in the Grand Lodge of Scotland said that " the teachings of St . John the Baptist were not worth a fig , " and he was not interferred with by any then present . The brother who brought forward a complaint against an office-bearer of the Grand Lodge of Scotland
for a crime similar to that for which St . John was decapitated , although Grand Lodge passed a motion against him , was afterwards entertained at a banquet by the Freemasons representing upwards of thirty lodges throughout
Scotland , and in open lodge . This brother still continues to visit lodges in all parts of Scotland and Grand Lodge are aware of it , and many of its members are so ashamed of their conduct , that the Grand Lodge are contented to take no notice . CIPES .
BRO . " RUSTICUS" AND " MASONIC PROCEDURE IN TRIALS OR COMPLAINTS . " No Freemason can be expelled , suspended , excluded , reprimanded , or censured , without a complaint being served upon him , stating clearly and distinctly the nature of offence , and being
tried m the way and manner provided for by all Grand Lodges throughout the world who recognise justice as one of the cardinal virtues of Freemasonry . 1 shall send to THE FREEMASON a form of the procedure which ought to be observed at all Masonic / rials , and if inserted , Bro . Rusticus will thereby have an answer to his letter . CIPES .
I should be glad if Bro . Roberts , P . P . G . P ., E . L ., would give to the brethren more explanation of the ceremonies at the Lodge of Harmony , 29 8 , at Rochdale , as reported in your last issue . What is meant by a Convocation of I . P . M . ? and what is meant by Bros . Kersdon , P . M . and Davis , P . M ., receiving the benefit of investment as I . P . M . ' s ? A MASONIC ENQUIRER .
Inauguration Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Middlesex,
AND CONSECRATION OFTHE BURDETT LODGE No . 1293 . A most important meeting in connection with Freemasonry was held at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , on Saturday , the 22 nd instant , for the double purpose of consecrating a new Lodge and ' subsequently inaugurating the Provincial
Grand Lodge of Middlesex . The peculiar circumstances under which the Burdett Lodge has been formed , having for its first W . M . the highlyrespected brother whose name it bears , that brother himself the Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and recently appointed to the
important position of Provincial Grand Master for the county in which the lodge is to be held , invested the proceedings of the day with an unusual amount of interest . The high appreciation of the new appointment , and of the importance of the Burdett Lodge , was made
manifest by the large attendance of brethren on this occasion . Our space will not admit of a full return of all present , and our readers will , therefore , be pleased to accept the following list as a tolerably near approach to the perfect muster-roll of brethren . Of the founders , of the
Burdett Lodge were present : Bros . Colonel Francis Burdett , the W . M .-designate ; George Kenning , S . W .-designate ; Robert Kenyon , J . W .-designate ; R . W . Little , P . M . * . W . H . Hubbard , P . M . ; Major H . W . Palmer ; H . G . Buss , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M .: F . Binckes ,
P . M ., & c , & c . The members of other lodges of the Province and visitors to both the Burdett Lodge and the Provincial Grand Lodge , comprised , amongst many others , the V . W . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . S . D ., Grand Secretary ; Thos . Fenn , P . Asst . G . D . C ; Bros . James Brett , A . G . P . ;
F . Davison , P . P . G . R . Hereford ; E . Benham , P . P . S . W . Wilts ; F . Adlard , P . P . A . D . C . Essex ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . G . Chaplain , Suffolk ; W . Roebuck , P . G . S . B . Surrey ; H . E . C . Finch , P . G . Registrar Herts ; Raynham W . Stewart , P . P . S . G . D . Essex ; W . Coombes , P . M . and
Secretary , 3 82 ; C . E . Woodward , Treasurer , 3 S 2 ; H . C . Finch , P . M . and Secretary , 70 S ; J . J . Wilson , P . M . and W . M ., 1237 ; T . Morris , P . M ., S 6 5 ; James Stevens , P . M . and S . W ., 1216 ; fames Glaishcr , F . R . S ., P . M ., 33 ; A . B .
Day . P . M ., 865 ; E . Clark , P . M ., 1194 ; J . G Marsh , P . M ., 28 , 1194 ; J . Hester , P . M ., 788 : J . L ) . McDougall , P . M ., 7 S 8 ; A . Avery , P . M ., rr 94 ; \ V . M . By water , P . M ., 19 ; R . D . Odcll , P . M ., 3 : Rev . F . Champion de Crespigny ; W .
Smeed , P . M ., 946 ; A . A . Richards , P . M ., 865 ; G . ' 1 ' . Noyce , W . M . 975 ; AV . Luce , P . M .. 142 : J . H . R Douglas , P . M ., 70 : Smith , W . M ., 890 ; W . Battye , P . M ., AV . M .. 181 ; XV . Piatt , P . M .-23 ; W . Ottgh . G . P ., P . M . 1273 ; CM ! . Payne , P . M ., 27 ; T . Wescombe , P . M ., 905 ; J : H . Doughney , P . M ., 79 ; W . M . Cameron , P . M .,
201 ; R . lloneey , P . M . 79 ; C . Murton , P . M . 7 ; C . Tye , 1237 ; H . Allman , J . W . 1194 ; G . King , S . W . 1238 ; H . Parker , 435 ; R . J . Elsam , 201 ; Magnus Oliren , ^^); J . Butten , 73 ; Angelo Lewis ; W . Coward , 905 ; Theodore Distin , 175 ; W . Walters ; Edwards , 144 ; A . Frickenhaus , S 62 ;
H . W . Williams , 193 ; T . H . Edwards , 8 ; Joseph Taylor , 18 ; W . 15 . Heath , P . S . G . W . Herts , 504 ; & c ., & c . A Lodge was formed at half-past one precisely , the V . W . Brother John Hervey presiding , which having been opened in the three degrees , the
presiding officer addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting , and expressed his sincere hope that the lodge about to be consecrated might , in every respect , prove worthy of the Craft , and he of great advantage to Freemasonry in the Province to which it would be attached .
The petition and warrant having been read , the founders of the new lodge were placed before the presiding officer , and the Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 , was constituted according to ancient form . Bro . James Brett , A . G . P ., acting as J . W ., then
delivered an oration on the nature and principles ofthe institution ; and the anthem "Behold , how good and joyful a thing it is to dwell together in unity ! " having been sung , the presiding officer , assisted by the Wardens , pro . tan ., and the Rev . F . C . de Crespignv , as chaplain , solemnly conse-
Inauguration Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Middlesex,
crated the lodge , the whole of the beautiful and impressive ceremony being carried out in most effective detail , after which the lodge was dedicated with the usual accompaniments of
prayer and praise . A more perfect and finished consecration ceremony few brethren can have witnessed , and the expressions of satisfaction evinced by all present bore testimony to the skill and ability of the Grand Secretary .
The lodge having been resumed to the second degree , Bro . R . Wentworth Little presented the worthy and honourable Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Provincial Grand Master ( nominate ) of Middlesex , to receive , at the hands of the
Grand Secretary , the benefit of installation as W . M . of the Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 . This ceremony was also most admirably performed , and the newly-installed Master received from the brethren the most cordial congratulations and heartygood wishes for the welfare and prosperity
of the lodge . The W . M . then proceeded to install his officers in the following order , viz . : — Bros . George Kenning , S . AV . ; Robert Kenyon , J . AV . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Treas . ; AVm . Henry Hubbard , P . M ., Secretary ; Major H . AA . Palmer , S . D . ; D . R . Still , J . D * H . G . Buss ,
P . M ., Director of Ceremonies ; M . Edwards , Inner Guard ; and John Gilbert , Tyler . After the dispatch of some necessary business relating to the conduct of the new lodge , numerous propositions of joining members and initiates were
made by the AV . M ., S . AV ., and Treasurer respectively , and the lodge having been resumed to the first degree , the AA . M . z-esigned his chair to the Grand Secretary and retired . Having requested Grand Officers to act as AA'ardens ,
The V . \ A . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , then declared the brethren present as constituting a Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . R . AA ^ entworth Little in due form announced that the R . \ A .
Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett was in attendance for the purpose of being duly installed as a Provincial Grand Master , and was requested to procure and read the charter or warrant for the Grand Lodge of Middlesex , and also the patent authorising Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett to
govern the same , which being done , the Grand Secretary deputed the Acting AA ardens and Stewards to attend on the R . AA . P . G . M ., and conduct him to the Provincial Grand Lodge . The entry of Colonel Burdett was the signal for repeated bursts of acclamation , and the
distinguished brother was profoundly touched by the warmth and sincerity of his reception . Having taken the obligation of Provincial Grand Master , the Grand Secretary invested Colonel Burdett with the insignia of his exalted office ,
and conducted him to the throne , from whence the R . AV . P . G . M . addressed the brethren in terms of grateful appreciation of their cordial welcome . Having returned thanks to the Grand Secretary , and obtained an unanimous vote of the members
of the Burdett Lodge to the election of Bro . Hervey as an honorary member of that lodge , the R . AA . P . G . M . proceeded to invest his Grand Officers in the following order , viz . : — Frederic Davison , ( P . M . 10 ) , 70 S , Senior Grand AVarden .
John M . Stedwcll , P . M ., 788 and 946 , Junior Grand Warden . Rev . Frederick Champion de Crespigny , 708 , Grand Chaplain . Henry Gustavus Buss , ( P . M . 27 ) , 1293 , Grand Treasurer .
Gconje Cordwcll , P . M .. 788 , Grand Registrar . Robert Wentworth Little , ( P . M . 975 ) , 1194 and 1293 , Grand Sccrctarv . Albert 11 . Day , M . D ., P . M ., 865 , Senior Grand Deacon . John Josiah Wilson , W . M ., 1237 , Junior Grand
Deacon . Edward Clark , P . M ., 1194 , Grand Supt . of Works . John Trickett , C . E ., W . M ., 1194 , Grand Director of Ceremonies : James Green , W . M ., 788 , Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies .
William Coombes , P . M ., 382 , Grand Sword Bearer . Thomas R . Mcllhvliam , W . M ,, 946 , Grand Organist . William Smeed , P . M ., 946 , Grand Pursuivant . John George Marsh , P . M . 28 , 1194 , Assistant Grand Pursuivant .