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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons . MAY ELECTION , J 8 . ' " \ 7 " 0 TES are earnestly solicited on behalf of JANET TUTINGj AGE 60 , Widow of the late J EREMIAH TOTING , of Beverley ( 294 ) , 32 years a Subscribing Member . Until two years since , she fulfilled her duties to society as a zealous educatrix of the youth of her sex , several of whom are now accomplished Governesses . She is now physically prostrated , suffering , helpless , and dependent on promiscuous aid . Votes will be thankfully received by Bro . J AMES HUME ( 201 ) , Stock and Share Broker , 74 , Old Broad-street , London . The case is strongly recommended by 15 other Brethren , to whom the Candidate is known and reference can be made .
Royal Masonic Institution for Boy ? . ELECTION 1 S 71 . —The friends and supporters of ERNEST LEWIS RALLING desire to thank those Subscribers who so kindly polled votes on his behalf at the Election on Monday last ; and trust that he may again receive their support at the October ballot .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS . OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds By Insuring with the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 / insures . £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . £ 565 , 000 HAVE BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION , One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant each year . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Oflices , 64 , CORNHILL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , ii accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London " , E . C .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , i ' and 4 , Little Britain . Edinburgh : J MENZIES , 2 , Hanover-street . Dublin : CHARLES HEDGELO . NG , 26 , Grafton-street . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
" 'T'HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . J- —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by GEO . FRANK GOULKY , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those i nterested in American affairs . Terms $ 1 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London FREEMASON the price will be 3 i 50 currency . Postagefree . Subscriptions received by the London FREEMASON .
OCEAN EXPRESS . — OVERLAND AND GENERAL SHIPPINGAND FORWARDINGAGENCY . ESTABLISHED 1852 . For the Conveyance of Parcels and Goods to all parts of the World , with despatch , and at lowest rates . Residents in India , West Indies , Australia , New Zealand , etc ., ordering their Goods from England to be sent by this Express , will find the charges lower than any other Agency , and have the option of paying in England or on arrival at destination . Same arrangements on goods and Parcels to England . Agents at Bombay , N . V . Curranee ami Co . ; Calcutta , Balmer Lawrie and Co . ; Madras ( N . Beach ) , F . W . Shaw ; Kurrachee , W . J . Potter and Co . ; Melbourne , Mr . Jas . Down , 97 , Flinders street West ; Sydney , Messrs . Geyde , McCrea and Co ., Circular Quay ; Adelaide , Messrs . Jos . Stilling and Co London Oflices : —No . 5 6 , King William-street , E . C : 4 , Aga ' ¦ street . Strand , W . C . ; and 40 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly . Lirerpoo 8 , Castle-itreet . Managers , NIXON AND KING
MASONIC AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY ( LIMITED ) , ORIGINATORS of the " POSITIVE NOTE " PAYABLE to BEARER , which affords all the security of a Life Policy , while it offers an immediate surrender value . No lapsed policies , probate or legacy duties . Full particulars on application . LOANS GRANTED . FREDERICK BIGG , Manager and Actuary . 9 , New Bridge-street , E . C .
THE R 03 T . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . for Middlesex , &> c ., & "c , TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons' Halt . LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Chairman . „ The Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Underley , Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable the EARL OF JERSEY , Middleton Park , Bicester . „ Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart , M . P ., Goonvrca . „ Sir GILBERT CAMPBELL , Bart ., 18 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . W . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk . „ Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albury Rectory , Guildford . „ Major FINNEY , Woburn Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jcwin-crescent , Cripplegate . „ JOHN BOYD , 98 , Buckingham Paltce Road , Pimlico . „ W . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEWIS , 3 6 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OHREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ W . R . WOODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . ., EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES WILLING , JUN ., 366 , Gray ' s Inn Road . „ EDWARD CLARK , 19 , Buckingham-street , Strand . „ T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 46 , Colveston-crescent , St . Martin's-square , West Hackney . „ JOHN W . BARRETT , Ramsfort-place , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-street . ,, W . ROEBUCK , 21 , Ellington-street , Arundel-square . „ JAMES WEAVER , 45 , Howland-street , Fitzroy-square . „ S . ROSENTHAL , 2 , Red Lion Square . „ J . L . THOMAS , 26 , Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILLIFANT , 24 , Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydendam . With power to add to their number . The form of the Testimonial , which must in some measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to the Subscribers , together with due notice of the day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON . In order to ensure success it is hoped that every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . JOHN THOS , MOSS , W . M . 132 G , P . M . 160 , ¦) 38 , Gracechurch-street , London . \ Hon , II . C . LEVANDER , W . M . 507 , P . M . 6 32 , fSecys 376 , Wandiworth-road , S . W . )
The Freemason ' s LIBER MUSICUS , A Complete Library of THE CHOICEST ENGLISH AND FOREIGN COMPOSITIONS , Ancient ' , Traditional and Modern , both Vocal and Instrumental by ihe best Composers ; Comprising Masonic Anthems , Installation Odes , Dedication Music , Responses , Opening , Closing and Intermediate Music for all the Degrees ; Thanksgivings , Funeral Odes , Marches , Songs , Duets , Banquet Music . Programmes , and general Musical Directions arranged for Voices and Organ , Pianoforte , or Harmonium , by Brother WILLIAM SPARK , MUS . D ., P . P . G . O . IKY ., &* c . Fidelity , 2 S 9 , Leeds . THE FREEMASON'S LIBER MUSICUS will appear under the Distinguished Patronage and support of The Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England and Wales , The Right Hon . the Earl DE GREY AND Kiro . v , K . G . ; The Grand Master of Scotland , The Right Hon . the EARL OF ROSSLVN ; The Past Grand Master of Scotland . The Right Hon . the EARL OF DALHOUSIK , K . T ., K . C . B . ; The Grand Master of Ireland , His Grace the DUKE OF LEINSTER . It will be issued with the concurrence of many influential Lodges , and will be dedicated , by permission , to H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . The FREEMASON ' S LIBER MUSICUS will form a Complete Library of the choicest and rarest Masonic Music ; in a word , a Book indispensable in all Masonic Lodges . The Kditor , moreover , will have the valuable co-operation and assistance of many distinguished and experienced Composers and Organists Members of the Craft . The work will be brought out in the highest style of Art ; will be printed from large engraved music plates , and will forma Handsome Folio Volume , Lound in cloth . Price , to Subscribers ^ , £ 200 „ to Non-Subscribers .. .., £ 300 Springfield Villa , Leeds , 1871 . Form of Amplication far Copies . To DR . STARK , LEEDS , Please insert my Name in your List of Subscribers , for copies of " The Freemason's Liber Musicus . " Signed , Address , Date , 18 7 .
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BRO . Hex . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., to whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
MUSIC . BURNS'S FAREWELL . ' Adieu ! a heart-fond warm ac'icu Song to the St . James' Lodge , Tarbolton . Music by JOHN A . SHAW . Post-free 19 stamps . ASDREW NIM . MO , Publisher , 3 , Wigmore-street , Cavendish-square , W .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London ; Post-free 19 stamps .
Auction and Estate Oflices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTONX viLLK ROAD , ISI . INC . TON , to a more central position , No . 54 , LONDON WALL , MOORGATE STREET , CITY . W . HENRY BETTS .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons . MAY ELECTION , J 8 . ' " \ 7 " 0 TES are earnestly solicited on behalf of JANET TUTINGj AGE 60 , Widow of the late J EREMIAH TOTING , of Beverley ( 294 ) , 32 years a Subscribing Member . Until two years since , she fulfilled her duties to society as a zealous educatrix of the youth of her sex , several of whom are now accomplished Governesses . She is now physically prostrated , suffering , helpless , and dependent on promiscuous aid . Votes will be thankfully received by Bro . J AMES HUME ( 201 ) , Stock and Share Broker , 74 , Old Broad-street , London . The case is strongly recommended by 15 other Brethren , to whom the Candidate is known and reference can be made .
Royal Masonic Institution for Boy ? . ELECTION 1 S 71 . —The friends and supporters of ERNEST LEWIS RALLING desire to thank those Subscribers who so kindly polled votes on his behalf at the Election on Monday last ; and trust that he may again receive their support at the October ballot .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS . OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds By Insuring with the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 / insures . £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . £ 565 , 000 HAVE BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION , One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant each year . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Oflices , 64 , CORNHILL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , ii accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London " , E . C .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , i ' and 4 , Little Britain . Edinburgh : J MENZIES , 2 , Hanover-street . Dublin : CHARLES HEDGELO . NG , 26 , Grafton-street . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
" 'T'HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . J- —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by GEO . FRANK GOULKY , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those i nterested in American affairs . Terms $ 1 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London FREEMASON the price will be 3 i 50 currency . Postagefree . Subscriptions received by the London FREEMASON .
OCEAN EXPRESS . — OVERLAND AND GENERAL SHIPPINGAND FORWARDINGAGENCY . ESTABLISHED 1852 . For the Conveyance of Parcels and Goods to all parts of the World , with despatch , and at lowest rates . Residents in India , West Indies , Australia , New Zealand , etc ., ordering their Goods from England to be sent by this Express , will find the charges lower than any other Agency , and have the option of paying in England or on arrival at destination . Same arrangements on goods and Parcels to England . Agents at Bombay , N . V . Curranee ami Co . ; Calcutta , Balmer Lawrie and Co . ; Madras ( N . Beach ) , F . W . Shaw ; Kurrachee , W . J . Potter and Co . ; Melbourne , Mr . Jas . Down , 97 , Flinders street West ; Sydney , Messrs . Geyde , McCrea and Co ., Circular Quay ; Adelaide , Messrs . Jos . Stilling and Co London Oflices : —No . 5 6 , King William-street , E . C : 4 , Aga ' ¦ street . Strand , W . C . ; and 40 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly . Lirerpoo 8 , Castle-itreet . Managers , NIXON AND KING
MASONIC AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY ( LIMITED ) , ORIGINATORS of the " POSITIVE NOTE " PAYABLE to BEARER , which affords all the security of a Life Policy , while it offers an immediate surrender value . No lapsed policies , probate or legacy duties . Full particulars on application . LOANS GRANTED . FREDERICK BIGG , Manager and Actuary . 9 , New Bridge-street , E . C .
THE R 03 T . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . for Middlesex , &> c ., & "c , TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons' Halt . LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Chairman . „ The Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Underley , Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable the EARL OF JERSEY , Middleton Park , Bicester . „ Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart , M . P ., Goonvrca . „ Sir GILBERT CAMPBELL , Bart ., 18 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . W . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk . „ Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albury Rectory , Guildford . „ Major FINNEY , Woburn Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jcwin-crescent , Cripplegate . „ JOHN BOYD , 98 , Buckingham Paltce Road , Pimlico . „ W . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEWIS , 3 6 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OHREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ W . R . WOODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . ., EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES WILLING , JUN ., 366 , Gray ' s Inn Road . „ EDWARD CLARK , 19 , Buckingham-street , Strand . „ T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 46 , Colveston-crescent , St . Martin's-square , West Hackney . „ JOHN W . BARRETT , Ramsfort-place , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-street . ,, W . ROEBUCK , 21 , Ellington-street , Arundel-square . „ JAMES WEAVER , 45 , Howland-street , Fitzroy-square . „ S . ROSENTHAL , 2 , Red Lion Square . „ J . L . THOMAS , 26 , Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILLIFANT , 24 , Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydendam . With power to add to their number . The form of the Testimonial , which must in some measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to the Subscribers , together with due notice of the day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON . In order to ensure success it is hoped that every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . JOHN THOS , MOSS , W . M . 132 G , P . M . 160 , ¦) 38 , Gracechurch-street , London . \ Hon , II . C . LEVANDER , W . M . 507 , P . M . 6 32 , fSecys 376 , Wandiworth-road , S . W . )
The Freemason ' s LIBER MUSICUS , A Complete Library of THE CHOICEST ENGLISH AND FOREIGN COMPOSITIONS , Ancient ' , Traditional and Modern , both Vocal and Instrumental by ihe best Composers ; Comprising Masonic Anthems , Installation Odes , Dedication Music , Responses , Opening , Closing and Intermediate Music for all the Degrees ; Thanksgivings , Funeral Odes , Marches , Songs , Duets , Banquet Music . Programmes , and general Musical Directions arranged for Voices and Organ , Pianoforte , or Harmonium , by Brother WILLIAM SPARK , MUS . D ., P . P . G . O . IKY ., &* c . Fidelity , 2 S 9 , Leeds . THE FREEMASON'S LIBER MUSICUS will appear under the Distinguished Patronage and support of The Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England and Wales , The Right Hon . the Earl DE GREY AND Kiro . v , K . G . ; The Grand Master of Scotland , The Right Hon . the EARL OF ROSSLVN ; The Past Grand Master of Scotland . The Right Hon . the EARL OF DALHOUSIK , K . T ., K . C . B . ; The Grand Master of Ireland , His Grace the DUKE OF LEINSTER . It will be issued with the concurrence of many influential Lodges , and will be dedicated , by permission , to H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . The FREEMASON ' S LIBER MUSICUS will form a Complete Library of the choicest and rarest Masonic Music ; in a word , a Book indispensable in all Masonic Lodges . The Kditor , moreover , will have the valuable co-operation and assistance of many distinguished and experienced Composers and Organists Members of the Craft . The work will be brought out in the highest style of Art ; will be printed from large engraved music plates , and will forma Handsome Folio Volume , Lound in cloth . Price , to Subscribers ^ , £ 200 „ to Non-Subscribers .. .., £ 300 Springfield Villa , Leeds , 1871 . Form of Amplication far Copies . To DR . STARK , LEEDS , Please insert my Name in your List of Subscribers , for copies of " The Freemason's Liber Musicus . " Signed , Address , Date , 18 7 .
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BRO . Hex . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., to whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
MUSIC . BURNS'S FAREWELL . ' Adieu ! a heart-fond warm ac'icu Song to the St . James' Lodge , Tarbolton . Music by JOHN A . SHAW . Post-free 19 stamps . ASDREW NIM . MO , Publisher , 3 , Wigmore-street , Cavendish-square , W .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London ; Post-free 19 stamps .
Auction and Estate Oflices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTONX viLLK ROAD , ISI . INC . TON , to a more central position , No . 54 , LONDON WALL , MOORGATE STREET , CITY . W . HENRY BETTS .