Article The RESURRECTION of the DEAD. Page 1 of 1 Article The RESURRECTION of the DEAD. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND CHAPTER OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND CHAPTER OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION of the SCIENCE MARK LODGE, No. 128, at WINCANTON. Page 1 of 1
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The Resurrection Of The Dead.
The resurrection of the dead is the most important subject that can occupy the attention of mortal man . It is a theme the most lofty upon which man can write or speak , and therefore I think it a mistake to speculate upon the subject merely as an abstract principle instead
of one that has been brought to light by the glories of revelation . The state of the whole world , seven centuries before the Christian era , is graphically depicted by the prophet , " Behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people , " and then he immediately
adds , " But Jehovah shall arise upon thee ; and his glory shall be seen upon thee ; and the Gentiles shall come to thy light , and kings to the brightness of thy rising . " The ideas of the after life of man in his state of immortality were among all peoples of the ancient world most gross
and sensual , yet expressed by a most beautiful language in all the refined terms of scholarship and philosophic thought , so that as described by St . Paul ( a perfect scholar of his age ) , to the Corinthians , in whose capital was a school of theology and philosophy , "That the world by
wisdom knew not God , " The same authority also declared " That life and immortality had been brought to light through the gospel , " the light evidently predicted by tlie prophet . If so , then as Masons , who conspicuously acknowledge the authority of the Sacred Law , I think then we
are bound to draw our inferences and mode of thought from that source alone . If so , the conclusion I arrive at is , that tlie word death , as we use it in common , is a misnomer ; in fact , there is no such thing as natural death— - . a spiritual death there most certainly is . Death signifies
tlie cessation of any particular state or quality . Man is said to be dead when in the bloom of health and activity , when within him there is a cessation of the principles of honour , integrity , or noble feelings . He is then said to have no life of goodness in him ; but the separation of
the body from the spirit is only a continuation of life in a new state , either of weal or woe , for as the tree falls so it lies . Tlie works done IN the body will go with him , and the dust shall return to the earth as it was , but the spirit unto God who gave it . In the volume of the Sacred Law
the resurrection of the body is never even alluded to , it not being a fact ; but a resurrection from a grave of iniquity is a constant theme , "And you . hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and in sins . " The resurrection of the dead , then , can take place only in this world , and
not in the world to come . 'Die real man , that is his spirit , is imprisoned , while in this world , in a covering of clay , and from which whether he is conscious of it or not , he is continually attempting to escape , which sometimes lie does by his own violence . Man , while on earth , can never
realize his hopes ; "Man never is , but always TO HE , blest . His constant cry is " excelsior , " and the wisest among men , whose glory is the theme of emulation , at the close of an unprecedented career of glory confessed , with saddened experience , " AH has been vanity . " " Call no one
happy till he is dead , said the heathen sage to the then supposed richest monarch on the earth , and the Christian sage may say , " call no one happy till the resurrection of the soul from the grave of this body of tlesh , which shall be on his last day in this world . " Take the example of the
resurrection of the warbler from the grave of his shell to his introduction to the world of light . The egg is a beautiful and vivid illustration of the resurrection of the dead . In that prison of the shell , from the pulpy and edible matter which it contains , are formed the bones , muscles ,
feathers , & c , to prepare it for its future life . The shell will be left behind and scattered to its native elements , as man shall leave behind him the shell of his body to be disposed of according to natural laws . The spirit is now in the spiritual world and obedient to spiritual
laws ; but here the comparison terminates . The feathered beauty enjoys his little clay in the possession of sun and light , and the active tie congenial to its nature , busies itself in preparing for its progeny , and soon ceases to be an unit in the creation . Not so man : his resurrection
The Resurrection Of The Dead.
has been to life eternal . All his aspirations , while in the grave of his body , will be set free . No longer pent up , " cabin'd , cribb'd , and confined , " he can enter into the fulness of those
delights of love and chanty which he yearned for here . He has hungered and thirsted after the happiness of being , and doing , good ; he is now satisfied . "Behold the fowls of the air . are ye not much better than they ?" W . B . ( 742 . )
Grand Chapter Of England.
The following is the business paper for the next convocation on Wednesday , the 3 rd May : — The regulations for the government of the Supreme Grand Chapter during the time of public linisness to be read .
The minutes of the last quarterly convocation to be read for confirmation . Installation of Principals , and appointment and investiture of officers for the ensuing year . Election of the Committee of General Purposes for the ensuing twelve months .
Report of the Committee of General Purposes . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 18 th January , 1871 , to the 18 th April , 1871 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : To balance iSth January ... , £ 343 9 7 „ subsequent receipts ... 315 1 8
£ 658 11 3 By disbursements during the quarter ^ 241 iS 8 By balance 416 12 7 ^ 6 S 11 3
which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee beg also to report that they have again considered the question on which they reported to the last Grand Chapter , and which was referred back to them for further consideration and
report , viz . : " as to the eligibility of a companion who had served as a Principal of a chapter acting under a foreign Constitution to be a Principal of an English chapter , he not having served the office of Worshipful Master in an English lodge . " The Committee have not been able to alter the view they
took 01 the question , and they therefore respectfully adhere to their report of the iSth January , ' . 871 . The Committee refer Grand Chapter to the fact that the laws have been frequently relaxed in favour of companions in the colonies , but decline to offer any opinion as to the expediency of making any alteration on this question .
The Committee have received tlie following petitions : — 1 st . From Companions James Mackay Cunningham as Z ., Thomas Lane as H ., Walter Kirkland as J , and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Hartington Lodge , No . 916 , Eastbourne , to
be called 1 he Hartington Chapter , and to meet at tlie Sussex Hotel , Eastbourne , Sussex . 2 nd . From Companions Alfred John Hancocks as Z ., James Fitzgerald as H ., William Lea Faucctt as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Hope and Charity , No . 377 ,
Kidderminster , to be called "The Chapter of Hope and Charity , " and to meet at the Lion Hotel , Kidderminster , Worcestershire . 3 rd . From Companions Charles Henry Rogers-Harrison as Z ., William 13 . Hambley as H ., George Shuck as J „ and six others , for a chapter to be
attached to the St . Mark s Lodge , No . 857 , Brixton , to be called "The St . Mark's Chapter , " and to meet at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel , Shcpherd ' s-lanc , Brixton , Surrey . 4 . From Companions John Thomas Barnes asZ ., John Geeves Stevens as H ., George Morris Elliott
Snow as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Doric Lodge , No . 933 , London , to be called " The Doric Chapter , " and to meet at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , in thecity of London , 5 . From Companions Joseph Smith as ' / .., John
Albert Farnfield as H ., Rev . Joseph Maryclmrch Vaughan as J ., and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Royal Albert Lodge , No . 907 , London , to be called " The Royal Albert Chapter , " and to meet at the White Hart Tavern , Abchurchlanc , in the city of London .
The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have also received a petition from the Eureka Chapter , praying to be detached from the Southern Cross Lodge , No . 793 , meeting at
Grand Chapter Of England.
Maldon , Victoria , and to be attached to the Mount Alexander Lodge , No . 692 , meeting at Castlemaine , in the same colony . Both lodges having given their consent , the Committee recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted , subject to the approval of the District Grand Superintendent ,
which does not accompany the petition . In consequence of the very insufficient manner in which many chapters make their returns to the Supreme Grand Chapter , the Committee beg further to report that they have passed the following resolution : " That all chapters be required to make a
return annually of their subscribing members , ane the rank each member holds in the chapter . " ( Signed ) W . PULTENEY SCOTT , President . Resolved— "That the best thanks of the Committee be given to the President , Companion William Pulteney Scott , not only for the great attention
he has devoted to the business of Royal Arch Masonry , and for the admirable manner in which he has conducted the duties of the office he has so long and ably filled , but also for the urbanity and kindness with which he has presided over its meetings . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 19 th April , 1871 .
Consecration Of The Science Mark Lodge, No. 128, At Wincanton.
A special Mark Lodge was held at Wincanton , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., in the National Schoolroom , by the very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Somerset , Bro .
Capt . F . G . Irwin , and his officers from Westonsuper-Mare . Bro . the W . D . P . G . M . appointed Bros . F . Vizard , S . W . ; W . H . Davies , J . W . : Rev . R . H . Bigsbv , Chap . ; Jones , M . O . ; Thomas Clarke , S . O . ; A W . Butter , J . O . ; Benjamin Cox , Sec . ; R . C . Else
S . D . ; W . S . Gillard , J . D . ; Dr . Swete , Org . ; Major Vizard , I . G ., as his officers pro tern ., and proceeded to open the lodge , when the following brethren , having been approved of by ballot , were advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master : —Bros . Charles R . Shepherd , W . M . 437 ; Rev . R . H .
Wingfield Digby , P . M . 1168 , and P . P . G . C , Dorset ; Benjamin Atwell , P . M . 437 ; Wm . H . Hannen , S . W . 437 ; Dr . James Johnstone Luce , P . M . 437 ; John Fry , 437 ; Rev . Wm . J . E . Percy , Chap . 1168 , and f' . I ' . G . C . Dorset ; Ernest Baker , 1168 ; Win . Cro .-ui . 116 S ; John Rumsey , Org . 1168 ; Frederick
Fo : in . 446 ; John Himbury , 1168 ; John Chaffin , S . W . 329 ; and Walter Dowding , 437 . Nine other brethren were approved of by ballot but could not attend . The ceremony of consecration was then proceeded with . Bro . F . Vizard , W . M . 102 , then presented
liro . William Salter Gillard , of Sherborne , 'W . M . of Craft Lodi'e 1168 , for installation , and he having answered the usual queries , all brethren below the chair were requested to retire , when Bro . Gillard was installed as W . M . of the new lodge , who appointed the following brethren as his officers for the
ensuing year : —Bros . 1 \ Vizard , P . M . ; Charles R . Shepherd , S . W . ; John Howe Farley , J . W . ; Rev . W . J . E . Percy , Chap . ; Benjamin Atwell , Treas . ; W . H . Hannen , Sec . ; Dr . J . J . Luce , Registrar of Marks ; A . W . Butter , M . O . ; Ernest Baker , S . O . ; John Fry , J . O . ; John Chaffin , D . C . ; John Rumsey ,
Org . ; Walter Dowding , S . D . ; F . Foan , J . D . ; John Himbury , I . G . ; William Croad , Steward . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , the W . M . proposed , in feeling terms , a very cordial vote of thanks to the D . P . G . M . and his officers for the perfect manner in which the ceremonies had been
worked , which was suitably acknowledged . The business being concluded , thirty of the brethren adjourned to the Greyhound Hotel , where a banquet was prepared , which was presided over by the ncsv W . M ., who was well supported right
and left . This bids fair to be a very strong lodge of Mark Master Masons , as , in addition to the 23 brethren approved by ballot , 14 Mark Master Masons were admitted as membeis of the lodge .
A PATRON of a certain newspaper once said to the publisher : " Mr . Printer , how is it you have never called on ine for pay for your paper ? ' ' "Oh , " said the man of types , " we never ask a gentleman for money . " "Indeed , " replied the patron , "how do you manage to get along when they don ' t pay vou ? " "Whv , " said the editor .
" after a certain time we conclude he is no gentleman , and wc ask him . " "Oh—ah—yes—I see . Mr . Editor , please give me a receipt , " and hands him a V . " Make my name all right on your hooks . "—Keystone .
SMALL-POX , FEVERS , AND SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented by Liniplough's Pyretic Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects are remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and the maker , H . Lamplou ^ h , 113 , Holbom-liill . —[ Advt . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Resurrection Of The Dead.
The resurrection of the dead is the most important subject that can occupy the attention of mortal man . It is a theme the most lofty upon which man can write or speak , and therefore I think it a mistake to speculate upon the subject merely as an abstract principle instead
of one that has been brought to light by the glories of revelation . The state of the whole world , seven centuries before the Christian era , is graphically depicted by the prophet , " Behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people , " and then he immediately
adds , " But Jehovah shall arise upon thee ; and his glory shall be seen upon thee ; and the Gentiles shall come to thy light , and kings to the brightness of thy rising . " The ideas of the after life of man in his state of immortality were among all peoples of the ancient world most gross
and sensual , yet expressed by a most beautiful language in all the refined terms of scholarship and philosophic thought , so that as described by St . Paul ( a perfect scholar of his age ) , to the Corinthians , in whose capital was a school of theology and philosophy , "That the world by
wisdom knew not God , " The same authority also declared " That life and immortality had been brought to light through the gospel , " the light evidently predicted by tlie prophet . If so , then as Masons , who conspicuously acknowledge the authority of the Sacred Law , I think then we
are bound to draw our inferences and mode of thought from that source alone . If so , the conclusion I arrive at is , that tlie word death , as we use it in common , is a misnomer ; in fact , there is no such thing as natural death— - . a spiritual death there most certainly is . Death signifies
tlie cessation of any particular state or quality . Man is said to be dead when in the bloom of health and activity , when within him there is a cessation of the principles of honour , integrity , or noble feelings . He is then said to have no life of goodness in him ; but the separation of
the body from the spirit is only a continuation of life in a new state , either of weal or woe , for as the tree falls so it lies . Tlie works done IN the body will go with him , and the dust shall return to the earth as it was , but the spirit unto God who gave it . In the volume of the Sacred Law
the resurrection of the body is never even alluded to , it not being a fact ; but a resurrection from a grave of iniquity is a constant theme , "And you . hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and in sins . " The resurrection of the dead , then , can take place only in this world , and
not in the world to come . 'Die real man , that is his spirit , is imprisoned , while in this world , in a covering of clay , and from which whether he is conscious of it or not , he is continually attempting to escape , which sometimes lie does by his own violence . Man , while on earth , can never
realize his hopes ; "Man never is , but always TO HE , blest . His constant cry is " excelsior , " and the wisest among men , whose glory is the theme of emulation , at the close of an unprecedented career of glory confessed , with saddened experience , " AH has been vanity . " " Call no one
happy till he is dead , said the heathen sage to the then supposed richest monarch on the earth , and the Christian sage may say , " call no one happy till the resurrection of the soul from the grave of this body of tlesh , which shall be on his last day in this world . " Take the example of the
resurrection of the warbler from the grave of his shell to his introduction to the world of light . The egg is a beautiful and vivid illustration of the resurrection of the dead . In that prison of the shell , from the pulpy and edible matter which it contains , are formed the bones , muscles ,
feathers , & c , to prepare it for its future life . The shell will be left behind and scattered to its native elements , as man shall leave behind him the shell of his body to be disposed of according to natural laws . The spirit is now in the spiritual world and obedient to spiritual
laws ; but here the comparison terminates . The feathered beauty enjoys his little clay in the possession of sun and light , and the active tie congenial to its nature , busies itself in preparing for its progeny , and soon ceases to be an unit in the creation . Not so man : his resurrection
The Resurrection Of The Dead.
has been to life eternal . All his aspirations , while in the grave of his body , will be set free . No longer pent up , " cabin'd , cribb'd , and confined , " he can enter into the fulness of those
delights of love and chanty which he yearned for here . He has hungered and thirsted after the happiness of being , and doing , good ; he is now satisfied . "Behold the fowls of the air . are ye not much better than they ?" W . B . ( 742 . )
Grand Chapter Of England.
The following is the business paper for the next convocation on Wednesday , the 3 rd May : — The regulations for the government of the Supreme Grand Chapter during the time of public linisness to be read .
The minutes of the last quarterly convocation to be read for confirmation . Installation of Principals , and appointment and investiture of officers for the ensuing year . Election of the Committee of General Purposes for the ensuing twelve months .
Report of the Committee of General Purposes . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 18 th January , 1871 , to the 18 th April , 1871 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : To balance iSth January ... , £ 343 9 7 „ subsequent receipts ... 315 1 8
£ 658 11 3 By disbursements during the quarter ^ 241 iS 8 By balance 416 12 7 ^ 6 S 11 3
which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee beg also to report that they have again considered the question on which they reported to the last Grand Chapter , and which was referred back to them for further consideration and
report , viz . : " as to the eligibility of a companion who had served as a Principal of a chapter acting under a foreign Constitution to be a Principal of an English chapter , he not having served the office of Worshipful Master in an English lodge . " The Committee have not been able to alter the view they
took 01 the question , and they therefore respectfully adhere to their report of the iSth January , ' . 871 . The Committee refer Grand Chapter to the fact that the laws have been frequently relaxed in favour of companions in the colonies , but decline to offer any opinion as to the expediency of making any alteration on this question .
The Committee have received tlie following petitions : — 1 st . From Companions James Mackay Cunningham as Z ., Thomas Lane as H ., Walter Kirkland as J , and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Hartington Lodge , No . 916 , Eastbourne , to
be called 1 he Hartington Chapter , and to meet at tlie Sussex Hotel , Eastbourne , Sussex . 2 nd . From Companions Alfred John Hancocks as Z ., James Fitzgerald as H ., William Lea Faucctt as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Hope and Charity , No . 377 ,
Kidderminster , to be called "The Chapter of Hope and Charity , " and to meet at the Lion Hotel , Kidderminster , Worcestershire . 3 rd . From Companions Charles Henry Rogers-Harrison as Z ., William 13 . Hambley as H ., George Shuck as J „ and six others , for a chapter to be
attached to the St . Mark s Lodge , No . 857 , Brixton , to be called "The St . Mark's Chapter , " and to meet at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel , Shcpherd ' s-lanc , Brixton , Surrey . 4 . From Companions John Thomas Barnes asZ ., John Geeves Stevens as H ., George Morris Elliott
Snow as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Doric Lodge , No . 933 , London , to be called " The Doric Chapter , " and to meet at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , in thecity of London , 5 . From Companions Joseph Smith as ' / .., John
Albert Farnfield as H ., Rev . Joseph Maryclmrch Vaughan as J ., and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Royal Albert Lodge , No . 907 , London , to be called " The Royal Albert Chapter , " and to meet at the White Hart Tavern , Abchurchlanc , in the city of London .
The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have also received a petition from the Eureka Chapter , praying to be detached from the Southern Cross Lodge , No . 793 , meeting at
Grand Chapter Of England.
Maldon , Victoria , and to be attached to the Mount Alexander Lodge , No . 692 , meeting at Castlemaine , in the same colony . Both lodges having given their consent , the Committee recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted , subject to the approval of the District Grand Superintendent ,
which does not accompany the petition . In consequence of the very insufficient manner in which many chapters make their returns to the Supreme Grand Chapter , the Committee beg further to report that they have passed the following resolution : " That all chapters be required to make a
return annually of their subscribing members , ane the rank each member holds in the chapter . " ( Signed ) W . PULTENEY SCOTT , President . Resolved— "That the best thanks of the Committee be given to the President , Companion William Pulteney Scott , not only for the great attention
he has devoted to the business of Royal Arch Masonry , and for the admirable manner in which he has conducted the duties of the office he has so long and ably filled , but also for the urbanity and kindness with which he has presided over its meetings . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 19 th April , 1871 .
Consecration Of The Science Mark Lodge, No. 128, At Wincanton.
A special Mark Lodge was held at Wincanton , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., in the National Schoolroom , by the very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Somerset , Bro .
Capt . F . G . Irwin , and his officers from Westonsuper-Mare . Bro . the W . D . P . G . M . appointed Bros . F . Vizard , S . W . ; W . H . Davies , J . W . : Rev . R . H . Bigsbv , Chap . ; Jones , M . O . ; Thomas Clarke , S . O . ; A W . Butter , J . O . ; Benjamin Cox , Sec . ; R . C . Else
S . D . ; W . S . Gillard , J . D . ; Dr . Swete , Org . ; Major Vizard , I . G ., as his officers pro tern ., and proceeded to open the lodge , when the following brethren , having been approved of by ballot , were advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master : —Bros . Charles R . Shepherd , W . M . 437 ; Rev . R . H .
Wingfield Digby , P . M . 1168 , and P . P . G . C , Dorset ; Benjamin Atwell , P . M . 437 ; Wm . H . Hannen , S . W . 437 ; Dr . James Johnstone Luce , P . M . 437 ; John Fry , 437 ; Rev . Wm . J . E . Percy , Chap . 1168 , and f' . I ' . G . C . Dorset ; Ernest Baker , 1168 ; Win . Cro .-ui . 116 S ; John Rumsey , Org . 1168 ; Frederick
Fo : in . 446 ; John Himbury , 1168 ; John Chaffin , S . W . 329 ; and Walter Dowding , 437 . Nine other brethren were approved of by ballot but could not attend . The ceremony of consecration was then proceeded with . Bro . F . Vizard , W . M . 102 , then presented
liro . William Salter Gillard , of Sherborne , 'W . M . of Craft Lodi'e 1168 , for installation , and he having answered the usual queries , all brethren below the chair were requested to retire , when Bro . Gillard was installed as W . M . of the new lodge , who appointed the following brethren as his officers for the
ensuing year : —Bros . 1 \ Vizard , P . M . ; Charles R . Shepherd , S . W . ; John Howe Farley , J . W . ; Rev . W . J . E . Percy , Chap . ; Benjamin Atwell , Treas . ; W . H . Hannen , Sec . ; Dr . J . J . Luce , Registrar of Marks ; A . W . Butter , M . O . ; Ernest Baker , S . O . ; John Fry , J . O . ; John Chaffin , D . C . ; John Rumsey ,
Org . ; Walter Dowding , S . D . ; F . Foan , J . D . ; John Himbury , I . G . ; William Croad , Steward . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , the W . M . proposed , in feeling terms , a very cordial vote of thanks to the D . P . G . M . and his officers for the perfect manner in which the ceremonies had been
worked , which was suitably acknowledged . The business being concluded , thirty of the brethren adjourned to the Greyhound Hotel , where a banquet was prepared , which was presided over by the ncsv W . M ., who was well supported right
and left . This bids fair to be a very strong lodge of Mark Master Masons , as , in addition to the 23 brethren approved by ballot , 14 Mark Master Masons were admitted as membeis of the lodge .
A PATRON of a certain newspaper once said to the publisher : " Mr . Printer , how is it you have never called on ine for pay for your paper ? ' ' "Oh , " said the man of types , " we never ask a gentleman for money . " "Indeed , " replied the patron , "how do you manage to get along when they don ' t pay vou ? " "Whv , " said the editor .
" after a certain time we conclude he is no gentleman , and wc ask him . " "Oh—ah—yes—I see . Mr . Editor , please give me a receipt , " and hands him a V . " Make my name all right on your hooks . "—Keystone .
SMALL-POX , FEVERS , AND SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented by Liniplough's Pyretic Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects are remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and the maker , H . Lamplou ^ h , 113 , Holbom-liill . —[ Advt . ]