Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —This ancient lodge held its usual monthly meeting ( the last of the season ) on Monday , 24 th inst ., at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . S . Burls , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . In consequence of the unavoidable
absence of the candidates , no work was done , an event which has not happened in this lodge for many years . A resolution was unanimously carried that a letter of condolence be sent to the highly-respected S . W ., Bro . C . Nash , on the loss he had that day sustained in the death of his wife . This event cast a gloom over the meeting , more particularly at the festive board . One pound was
given to a poor brother hailing from Scotland . The lodge was closed until Monday , September 25 th . There were present Bros . Roberts , S . D . ; Munyard , J . D . ; Shaw I . G . ; W . West Smith , P . M ., D . C ; J . H . H . Doughney . P . M ., Sec ; T . Perridge , P . M ., Partridge , Wilkins , Dussec , & c , and amongst other visitors were Bros . F . Walters , H . Keeble , H . Bagshaw , and A . Stevens .
Lodge of United Strength , No . 228 . —The last meeting of the season of this flourishing old lodge was held on Tuesday , the nth inst ., at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Bro . B . Robards , W . M ., opened the lodge , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Three members of the Finsbury Park Lodge , 12 S 8 , viz ., Bros . T . Goode , jun .,
F . Rothschild , and F . W . Simmonds , were introduced , two were passed and the other raised by the W . M ., Bro . Robards . The ceremonies were performed in a correct manner , as is usual in this lodge , which can boast of having amongst its members at least half a dozen P . M . ' s capable of working the Fifteen Sections . Business having been disposed of , the brethren sat down to one of Bro . Wickens' excellent banquets . Toasts and songs followed
in most agreeable style . Bro . Terry responded for the P . M . 's and Bro . F . Walters for the visitors . There were present : Bros . Winsland , P . M ., Treas . ; Crump , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Terry and E . Davis , P . M . ' s ; J . Hillhouse , S . D . j J . White , J . D . ; W . Smith , D . C ; R . Griggs , and many others . Visitors : Bros . F . Walters , J . Newton , and T . Meekham , P . M . ' s ; J . Goode , F . Rothschild , F . W . Simmonds , G . De Maid , & c .
New Concord Lodge , No . Si 3 . —The first meeting of this flourishing lodge since the iinstallation was held on Friday , the 21 st inst ., at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Atkins , supported by Bros . Salisbury , S . W . ; Denny , J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Main , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Hill , S . D . ; Mountford , J . D . ; C . Hill , I . G . ; Sinclair ,
D . C . ; Faucquez , W . S . ; and several others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot proved unanimous in favour of a candidate for initiation . Two brethren were passed , all the officers doing their several parts of the ceremony in an excellent manner . An eloquent appeal for votes for a widow ( Mrs . Carvell ) , who is a candidate for the annuity fund , was made
by Bro . Wilson , and met with a good response . The lodge was then closed , and supper was served under the superintendence of the host , Bro . Gabb , who , as usual , was unremitting in his endeavours to make every one comfortable . A very pleasant evening was spent . Bro . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 , responded for the visitors , one of whom was Bro . J . Terry , P . M . 22 S , P . G . S . B . Herts .
Rose of Denmark Lodge No . 975 . —This flourishing lodge met at the White Hart , Barnes , Surrey , on Friday , the 21 st inst . Bro . C . A . Smith , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . W . II . Barnard , S . W . ; S . H . Stephens , J . W . ; G . T . Noyce , P . M . and Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . M . and Sec . ; R . B . Huddleston , S . D . ; C . Butcher , J . D . ; T . Farrell , W . S . ; II . Potter , P . M . ; W .
Hamlyn , H . N . Hewett , J . Ayles , J . T . Clipson , W . Hayes , P . Davis , S . Curtis , Harris , Phillips , C . Wiilcox , T . T . Wiilcox , Spittle , Makepeace , Parr , Tyler , Brooks , and S . Harris , with a large number of visitors , including Bros . Bond , Stean , and Fabian , P . M ' s . Five brethren were raised to the third degree , the ceremony being admirably rendered by the W . M . and his officers . Mr . W .
Palmer was then initiated , and the resignation of Bro . Claridge was announced . Pursuant to notice of motion , it was proposed , seconded and carried unanimously that the sum of five guineas be voted to the "Wentworth Little Testimonial" fund , and Bro . Noyce , P . M ., Treas ., as the seconder , spoke in the highest terms of Bro . Little ' s services to the Craft , and to the Rose of Denmark Lodge in particular , during the last eight years . The lodge was
then closed , and the brethren sat down to a substantial repast , when the evening was enlivened with several good speeches and songs . The W . M . is evidently a Mason of the right stamp , who can perform his duties well both in the lodge and at the festive board , and now that the " Rose of Denmark " has become a summer lodge , an even greater share of prosperity may be expected to attend its future career .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —One of the regular monthly meetings of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on the 20 th inst ., when there were present : Bros . T . II . Hubbard , W . M ., in the
chair ; W . B . Smith , P . M . and Treas ., as S . W . ; Charles Johnson , P . M . and Org ., as J . W . ; A . Sargeant , as Sec . ; E . Mace , I . G . ; J . G . Thorp , C . Whittakcr , W . T . Rowlett , Dr . Clifton , A . Ross , C . B . Lange , R . V . JJarrcrs , and C . Bembridge ( Tyler ) . Visitors : Bros . C . Wiedc , Germany j J . M , Moore , J . W . 1085 , Derby ; J , II . John-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ston , P . M . 129 and P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland ; and W . E . S . Stacey , M . R . C . S ., A . Palmer , R . W . Widdowson , George Stafham , and L . S . Atwood , of No . 279 . Apologies were made for the unusual absence of so many of the officers , theP . G . M ., the I . P . M ., S . W ., Secretary , and S . D . having gone to Birmingham to pay a return
visit to the officers of the Rose of Sharon Conclave of the Red Cross Order , and the J . W . being in ill health . After the preliminary duties had been performed , Bros . Dr . Clifton and Barrow were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . There being no further business before meeting , the lodge was closed down and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MANCHESTER . — Yarborough Lodge No . 633 . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , 011 the 191 I 1 inst . Bro . W . H . Hopkins , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . Williams , S . W . ; Sussman , J . W . ; Openheine , S . D . ; Orton , J . D . ; and Linck , I . G . There were about thirty brethren present , including Bros . Lieben , P . M . ; Goplett , P . M . ;
Sallon , P . M . ; Nathan , P . M . ; Schlesenger , Treas . ; Philips , Sec , and several visiting brethren . Bros . Hugo Goetz and R . Wilson was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . s , and Bro . J . G . Wilson having answered the necessary questions were passed to the second degree . Too much praise cannot be given to the W . M . and his officers for the masterly manner in which the ceremonies
of this lodge are worked . After the business of the evening , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , provided in the hail by Miss Nelson in her usual praiseworthy style . STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge , No . 726 . —The anniversary festival of St . John the Evangelist of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons
was held on Tuesday , the nth inst ., at the Vine Hotel . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . John Bodenham , who read several letters apologising for the absence of various brethren , amongst them being one from the Provincial D . G . M ., G . Singleton Tudor . The lodge having been raised to the third degree , the installation of Bro . J . Pilling took place as Worshipful Master
for the year ensuing , in the presence of several Past Masters , the other brethren having previously retired . On their re-admission to the lodge room , the W . M .-elect was declared to have been elected in the usual form , and he then proceeded to the appointment of his various officers , namely , Bros . James Senior , S . W . ; Arthur Gee , J . W . ; Thomas Moore , S . D . ; James C . Marson , J . D . ; Henry
Woodhouse , Treas . ; N . Joyce , Sec . ; Henry Fairhead , I . G . ; F . Greatrex and John T . Cox , Stewards ; and William Dibb , Tyler ; after which the lodge was closed . The customary banquet took place at five o ' clock , the W . M . presiding . Amongst those present were : Bros . C . Marsh , P . M ., W . M . 460 ; John Bodenham , P . M . ; George Spilsbury , P . M . ; George Gordon Warren , P . M . ;
John Storcr , P . M . ; W . Clarke , J . T . Cox , W . Dibb , II . Fairhead , A . Gee , F . Greatrix , G . W . Hodgkinson , J . R . Jones , J . C . Marson , and James Senior . The dinner was sumptuous and well served . The toast of "The Queen and the Craft , " followed by others , were given , and drunk with Masonic honours . —The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., who
observed that amongst the many pleasurable duties which his official year had brought about , none had afforded him greater pleasure than that day engaging in the installation of Bro . Pilling as the W . M . of their lodge . His regular and admirable discharge of all previous appointments , and the very hearty manner in which he had taken an interest in Masonry , pointed him out as a brother every
way worthy of the honour which had been conferred on him ; and he believed that the gavel of the lodge would pass from him with the hearty good feeling of Masonry kept up , and its interests in every way promoted . —The W . M . assured the brethren that no duty should be neglected by him , and he hoped , with the assistance of his officers and the Past Masters of the lodge , to maintain
the honour of Masonry and the prosperity of the lodge . — In the course of the evening , Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., called attention to the various Masonic charities , suggesting a plan by which a more certain and regular revenue could be secured . Bro . Bodcnham ' s idea is , that by the payment of a guinea per year by twenty brethren , four life memberships could be obtained the first year , and the continuation of the payment for five years would' secure ,
in a comparatively easy way , a life membership for each of the twenty brethren in either the Aged Freemasons ' and Widows' Institution , or the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and at the same time ensure a more permanent source of revenue to the charities . —The suggestion was most favourably received , and will be likely to meet with general adoption . —The "Tyler ' s toast" brought the proceedings of a pleasurable evening to a close .
ROCHESTER . —Guiidulph Lodge , No . 1050 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the King's Head Hotel , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , Bro . Ransom , when there was a very large assembly of the Craft . The W . M ., Bro . Rei Fry , having opened the lodge to the second degree , called upon Bro . G . Ashdown , P . M . 1050 and P . P . G . Purst , Kent ,
to perform the ceremony , which he carried through in that most excellent and impressive manner which characterize all his Masonic work . After the W . M . had been placed in the chair of K . S . and regularly saluted , he appointed the following as his officers for the following year : Bros . Rei Fry , I . P . M .: G . Watson , S . W . ; R . Bruce , T . W . ; J . 0 . Moore , Treas . ; J . Nicholls , Sec ; G . Sollilt ,
S . D . ; G . Curel , J . D . ; W . Newton , I . G . ; W , Colson , D . C ; A . Bryant , Organist ; W . Curel and J . P . Griffen , Stewards ; and Fearn , Tyler . The W . M . then presented in very complimentary terms a splendid solid gold P . M . ' s jewel ,, subscribed for privately by the brethren of the lodge , to Bro . P . M . Fry , for the satisfactory manner in which he had performed the duties of W . M . during the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
past year , and as a mark of their respect and esteem . — Bro . Fry thanked the brethren in a very feeling manner , and assured them that as long as life lasted he should place a very high value on their present , and said that having received his Masonic birth in the Gundulph , and after filling various offices ( particularly that of W . M . ) , it was most gratifying to him to feel that he still had their
confidence and esteem , and that they had shown it m such a marked manner . Bro . Fry then presented to the lodge a W . M . 's gavil with the wish that each successive W . M . mig ht with it command that attention and respect which his high position entitles him to . ( The gavil is of ebony and ivory , inlaid with a silver tablet bearing a suitable inscription . It was supplied by Bro . George Kenning ,
Little Britain , London , and was greatly admired . )—The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet presided over by the W . M ., supported on his right by the Rev . Bro . Robinson , P . P . G . Chaplain Cambridgeshire , and on his left by Bro . Rei Fry , I . P . M . There there were about fifty present . The usual Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to . Bro P . M .
Fry , in proposing the health of the W . M ., expressed the gratification he felt in doing so . He was truly pleased that his mantle had fallen on so worthy a brother ; he had been closely associated with him for many years , and was convinced that he was imbued with those great Masonic principles which would enable him to carry out his duties to his own credit and to the honour of the lodge . —The
W . M . thanked them in a very neat speech for the cordial reception he had received at their hands ; he would endeavour to the utmost of his ability to carry out his duties to their satisfaction , and trusted that at the expiration of his year of office he might still retain their esteem . — After spending a most pleasant evening the brethem separated at an early hour .
HAMPTON . COURT . —Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 . —This lodge met at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the 22 nd inst ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . R . Wentworth Little , who was supported by Bros . Col . Burdett , P . G . M ., I . P . M . ; R . Kenyon , S . W . ; J . Self , M . D ., as J . W . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . M . Prov . G . Chaplain ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . ; D . R . Adams ,
P . M . ; S . Rosenthal , P . M ., Major E . H . Finney , E . H . Finney , jun ., R . Kotzenburg , C . Smethurst , II . Phythian , and by several visiting brethren , including Bros . T . H . Edmands , G . Steward , W . M . S ; J . Bond , P . M . 145 ; W . Tinkler , W . M . ; D . C . M . Gordon , E . Kimber , and D . Spcilmann . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Frederic
Kelly , and the same proving favourable , he was then initiated into the Order . Bro . Phythian , a candidate for the third degree , was examined , after which the W . M . vacated the chair in order to allow Bro . Adams , P . M ., to perform the ceremony of raising his friend at his special request . The lodge was afterwards resumed in the first degree , whenajoiningmember wasproposed . Bro . the Rev .
D . Shaboe presented the lodge with a handsome charity box , and expressed a hope that through its instrumentality the lodge might soon become a Life Governor of all the Masonic charities . —A vote of thanks was heartily awarded to Bro . Shaboe for his very appropriate gift , and Bro . Rosenthal then intimated his intention to present the Deacons' wards . —All business having been concluded ,
the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the social board . —After the cloth was cleared , the W . M . gave the usual toasts , Bro . Edmands responding for the Grand Officers , and Bros . Shaboe and BuSs for the Prov . Grand Officers . —The W . M . ' s health was then proposed by the I . P . M ., Col . Burdett , and warmly received , and after due honour had been paid to the
" Initiate , Bro . Little proposed the health of the I . P . M ., Col . Francis Burdett , P . G . M ., and in the course of his observations placed upon the gallant brother ' s breast a magnificent iS-carat gold jewel , upon the ribbon of which was a shield bearing the arms of the Burdett family beautifully engraved . The presentation was greeted with immense applause , and the R . W . brother returned thanks
in most appreciative terms , saying that he should value the P . M . ' s jewel of the Burdett Lodge as the proudest decoration he could wear . —The toast of "The Visitors" was given with great unction by the W . M ., who particularly noticed them all , but specially coupled with the toast the name of an esteemed P . M ., Bro . John Boyd , of the Prudent Brethren and Polish National Lodges . —Bro .
Boyd responded in handsome terms for the compliment , and expressed himself highly pleased both with the working and the hospitality of the lodge . —Bro . E . Kimber then gave one of his inimitable parodies of the speeches made by Hon . Members of "The House , " when presenting petitions , and his talented exertions were hailed with unanimous demonstrations of approval . —For the Officers
Bro . Kenyon , S . W ., replied , and hoped all would do their duty and maintain the prestige of the lodge . —Bro . Major Finney expressed the acknowledgments of the " lay members " for the honour done them in proposing and drinking their healths , and the charity box having been sent round and the Tyler ' s toast given , the brethren departed to catch the 9 . 20 train to town .
Royal Arch.
Mount Sion Chapter , No . 22 . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the loth inst ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . The chapter was presided over by Comps . Cox , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; R . Wright , II . ; and Bryant , J . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . It being Easter week and so
many of the Companions away at Brighton , no work was done . A P . Z . 's jewel was voted to another old P . Z . for past services . Some other business having been disposed of the chapter was closed until Monday , October tlie 9 th . Supper followed . Pythagorean Chapter , No . 79 . —The anniversary meet-
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —This ancient lodge held its usual monthly meeting ( the last of the season ) on Monday , 24 th inst ., at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . S . Burls , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . In consequence of the unavoidable
absence of the candidates , no work was done , an event which has not happened in this lodge for many years . A resolution was unanimously carried that a letter of condolence be sent to the highly-respected S . W ., Bro . C . Nash , on the loss he had that day sustained in the death of his wife . This event cast a gloom over the meeting , more particularly at the festive board . One pound was
given to a poor brother hailing from Scotland . The lodge was closed until Monday , September 25 th . There were present Bros . Roberts , S . D . ; Munyard , J . D . ; Shaw I . G . ; W . West Smith , P . M ., D . C ; J . H . H . Doughney . P . M ., Sec ; T . Perridge , P . M ., Partridge , Wilkins , Dussec , & c , and amongst other visitors were Bros . F . Walters , H . Keeble , H . Bagshaw , and A . Stevens .
Lodge of United Strength , No . 228 . —The last meeting of the season of this flourishing old lodge was held on Tuesday , the nth inst ., at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Bro . B . Robards , W . M ., opened the lodge , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Three members of the Finsbury Park Lodge , 12 S 8 , viz ., Bros . T . Goode , jun .,
F . Rothschild , and F . W . Simmonds , were introduced , two were passed and the other raised by the W . M ., Bro . Robards . The ceremonies were performed in a correct manner , as is usual in this lodge , which can boast of having amongst its members at least half a dozen P . M . ' s capable of working the Fifteen Sections . Business having been disposed of , the brethren sat down to one of Bro . Wickens' excellent banquets . Toasts and songs followed
in most agreeable style . Bro . Terry responded for the P . M . 's and Bro . F . Walters for the visitors . There were present : Bros . Winsland , P . M ., Treas . ; Crump , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Terry and E . Davis , P . M . ' s ; J . Hillhouse , S . D . j J . White , J . D . ; W . Smith , D . C ; R . Griggs , and many others . Visitors : Bros . F . Walters , J . Newton , and T . Meekham , P . M . ' s ; J . Goode , F . Rothschild , F . W . Simmonds , G . De Maid , & c .
New Concord Lodge , No . Si 3 . —The first meeting of this flourishing lodge since the iinstallation was held on Friday , the 21 st inst ., at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Atkins , supported by Bros . Salisbury , S . W . ; Denny , J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Main , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Hill , S . D . ; Mountford , J . D . ; C . Hill , I . G . ; Sinclair ,
D . C . ; Faucquez , W . S . ; and several others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot proved unanimous in favour of a candidate for initiation . Two brethren were passed , all the officers doing their several parts of the ceremony in an excellent manner . An eloquent appeal for votes for a widow ( Mrs . Carvell ) , who is a candidate for the annuity fund , was made
by Bro . Wilson , and met with a good response . The lodge was then closed , and supper was served under the superintendence of the host , Bro . Gabb , who , as usual , was unremitting in his endeavours to make every one comfortable . A very pleasant evening was spent . Bro . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 , responded for the visitors , one of whom was Bro . J . Terry , P . M . 22 S , P . G . S . B . Herts .
Rose of Denmark Lodge No . 975 . —This flourishing lodge met at the White Hart , Barnes , Surrey , on Friday , the 21 st inst . Bro . C . A . Smith , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . W . II . Barnard , S . W . ; S . H . Stephens , J . W . ; G . T . Noyce , P . M . and Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . M . and Sec . ; R . B . Huddleston , S . D . ; C . Butcher , J . D . ; T . Farrell , W . S . ; II . Potter , P . M . ; W .
Hamlyn , H . N . Hewett , J . Ayles , J . T . Clipson , W . Hayes , P . Davis , S . Curtis , Harris , Phillips , C . Wiilcox , T . T . Wiilcox , Spittle , Makepeace , Parr , Tyler , Brooks , and S . Harris , with a large number of visitors , including Bros . Bond , Stean , and Fabian , P . M ' s . Five brethren were raised to the third degree , the ceremony being admirably rendered by the W . M . and his officers . Mr . W .
Palmer was then initiated , and the resignation of Bro . Claridge was announced . Pursuant to notice of motion , it was proposed , seconded and carried unanimously that the sum of five guineas be voted to the "Wentworth Little Testimonial" fund , and Bro . Noyce , P . M ., Treas ., as the seconder , spoke in the highest terms of Bro . Little ' s services to the Craft , and to the Rose of Denmark Lodge in particular , during the last eight years . The lodge was
then closed , and the brethren sat down to a substantial repast , when the evening was enlivened with several good speeches and songs . The W . M . is evidently a Mason of the right stamp , who can perform his duties well both in the lodge and at the festive board , and now that the " Rose of Denmark " has become a summer lodge , an even greater share of prosperity may be expected to attend its future career .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —One of the regular monthly meetings of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on the 20 th inst ., when there were present : Bros . T . II . Hubbard , W . M ., in the
chair ; W . B . Smith , P . M . and Treas ., as S . W . ; Charles Johnson , P . M . and Org ., as J . W . ; A . Sargeant , as Sec . ; E . Mace , I . G . ; J . G . Thorp , C . Whittakcr , W . T . Rowlett , Dr . Clifton , A . Ross , C . B . Lange , R . V . JJarrcrs , and C . Bembridge ( Tyler ) . Visitors : Bros . C . Wiedc , Germany j J . M , Moore , J . W . 1085 , Derby ; J , II . John-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ston , P . M . 129 and P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland ; and W . E . S . Stacey , M . R . C . S ., A . Palmer , R . W . Widdowson , George Stafham , and L . S . Atwood , of No . 279 . Apologies were made for the unusual absence of so many of the officers , theP . G . M ., the I . P . M ., S . W ., Secretary , and S . D . having gone to Birmingham to pay a return
visit to the officers of the Rose of Sharon Conclave of the Red Cross Order , and the J . W . being in ill health . After the preliminary duties had been performed , Bros . Dr . Clifton and Barrow were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . There being no further business before meeting , the lodge was closed down and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MANCHESTER . — Yarborough Lodge No . 633 . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , 011 the 191 I 1 inst . Bro . W . H . Hopkins , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . Williams , S . W . ; Sussman , J . W . ; Openheine , S . D . ; Orton , J . D . ; and Linck , I . G . There were about thirty brethren present , including Bros . Lieben , P . M . ; Goplett , P . M . ;
Sallon , P . M . ; Nathan , P . M . ; Schlesenger , Treas . ; Philips , Sec , and several visiting brethren . Bros . Hugo Goetz and R . Wilson was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . s , and Bro . J . G . Wilson having answered the necessary questions were passed to the second degree . Too much praise cannot be given to the W . M . and his officers for the masterly manner in which the ceremonies
of this lodge are worked . After the business of the evening , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , provided in the hail by Miss Nelson in her usual praiseworthy style . STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge , No . 726 . —The anniversary festival of St . John the Evangelist of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons
was held on Tuesday , the nth inst ., at the Vine Hotel . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . John Bodenham , who read several letters apologising for the absence of various brethren , amongst them being one from the Provincial D . G . M ., G . Singleton Tudor . The lodge having been raised to the third degree , the installation of Bro . J . Pilling took place as Worshipful Master
for the year ensuing , in the presence of several Past Masters , the other brethren having previously retired . On their re-admission to the lodge room , the W . M .-elect was declared to have been elected in the usual form , and he then proceeded to the appointment of his various officers , namely , Bros . James Senior , S . W . ; Arthur Gee , J . W . ; Thomas Moore , S . D . ; James C . Marson , J . D . ; Henry
Woodhouse , Treas . ; N . Joyce , Sec . ; Henry Fairhead , I . G . ; F . Greatrex and John T . Cox , Stewards ; and William Dibb , Tyler ; after which the lodge was closed . The customary banquet took place at five o ' clock , the W . M . presiding . Amongst those present were : Bros . C . Marsh , P . M ., W . M . 460 ; John Bodenham , P . M . ; George Spilsbury , P . M . ; George Gordon Warren , P . M . ;
John Storcr , P . M . ; W . Clarke , J . T . Cox , W . Dibb , II . Fairhead , A . Gee , F . Greatrix , G . W . Hodgkinson , J . R . Jones , J . C . Marson , and James Senior . The dinner was sumptuous and well served . The toast of "The Queen and the Craft , " followed by others , were given , and drunk with Masonic honours . —The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., who
observed that amongst the many pleasurable duties which his official year had brought about , none had afforded him greater pleasure than that day engaging in the installation of Bro . Pilling as the W . M . of their lodge . His regular and admirable discharge of all previous appointments , and the very hearty manner in which he had taken an interest in Masonry , pointed him out as a brother every
way worthy of the honour which had been conferred on him ; and he believed that the gavel of the lodge would pass from him with the hearty good feeling of Masonry kept up , and its interests in every way promoted . —The W . M . assured the brethren that no duty should be neglected by him , and he hoped , with the assistance of his officers and the Past Masters of the lodge , to maintain
the honour of Masonry and the prosperity of the lodge . — In the course of the evening , Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., called attention to the various Masonic charities , suggesting a plan by which a more certain and regular revenue could be secured . Bro . Bodcnham ' s idea is , that by the payment of a guinea per year by twenty brethren , four life memberships could be obtained the first year , and the continuation of the payment for five years would' secure ,
in a comparatively easy way , a life membership for each of the twenty brethren in either the Aged Freemasons ' and Widows' Institution , or the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and at the same time ensure a more permanent source of revenue to the charities . —The suggestion was most favourably received , and will be likely to meet with general adoption . —The "Tyler ' s toast" brought the proceedings of a pleasurable evening to a close .
ROCHESTER . —Guiidulph Lodge , No . 1050 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the King's Head Hotel , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , Bro . Ransom , when there was a very large assembly of the Craft . The W . M ., Bro . Rei Fry , having opened the lodge to the second degree , called upon Bro . G . Ashdown , P . M . 1050 and P . P . G . Purst , Kent ,
to perform the ceremony , which he carried through in that most excellent and impressive manner which characterize all his Masonic work . After the W . M . had been placed in the chair of K . S . and regularly saluted , he appointed the following as his officers for the following year : Bros . Rei Fry , I . P . M .: G . Watson , S . W . ; R . Bruce , T . W . ; J . 0 . Moore , Treas . ; J . Nicholls , Sec ; G . Sollilt ,
S . D . ; G . Curel , J . D . ; W . Newton , I . G . ; W , Colson , D . C ; A . Bryant , Organist ; W . Curel and J . P . Griffen , Stewards ; and Fearn , Tyler . The W . M . then presented in very complimentary terms a splendid solid gold P . M . ' s jewel ,, subscribed for privately by the brethren of the lodge , to Bro . P . M . Fry , for the satisfactory manner in which he had performed the duties of W . M . during the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
past year , and as a mark of their respect and esteem . — Bro . Fry thanked the brethren in a very feeling manner , and assured them that as long as life lasted he should place a very high value on their present , and said that having received his Masonic birth in the Gundulph , and after filling various offices ( particularly that of W . M . ) , it was most gratifying to him to feel that he still had their
confidence and esteem , and that they had shown it m such a marked manner . Bro . Fry then presented to the lodge a W . M . 's gavil with the wish that each successive W . M . mig ht with it command that attention and respect which his high position entitles him to . ( The gavil is of ebony and ivory , inlaid with a silver tablet bearing a suitable inscription . It was supplied by Bro . George Kenning ,
Little Britain , London , and was greatly admired . )—The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet presided over by the W . M ., supported on his right by the Rev . Bro . Robinson , P . P . G . Chaplain Cambridgeshire , and on his left by Bro . Rei Fry , I . P . M . There there were about fifty present . The usual Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to . Bro P . M .
Fry , in proposing the health of the W . M ., expressed the gratification he felt in doing so . He was truly pleased that his mantle had fallen on so worthy a brother ; he had been closely associated with him for many years , and was convinced that he was imbued with those great Masonic principles which would enable him to carry out his duties to his own credit and to the honour of the lodge . —The
W . M . thanked them in a very neat speech for the cordial reception he had received at their hands ; he would endeavour to the utmost of his ability to carry out his duties to their satisfaction , and trusted that at the expiration of his year of office he might still retain their esteem . — After spending a most pleasant evening the brethem separated at an early hour .
HAMPTON . COURT . —Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 . —This lodge met at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the 22 nd inst ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . R . Wentworth Little , who was supported by Bros . Col . Burdett , P . G . M ., I . P . M . ; R . Kenyon , S . W . ; J . Self , M . D ., as J . W . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . M . Prov . G . Chaplain ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . ; D . R . Adams ,
P . M . ; S . Rosenthal , P . M ., Major E . H . Finney , E . H . Finney , jun ., R . Kotzenburg , C . Smethurst , II . Phythian , and by several visiting brethren , including Bros . T . H . Edmands , G . Steward , W . M . S ; J . Bond , P . M . 145 ; W . Tinkler , W . M . ; D . C . M . Gordon , E . Kimber , and D . Spcilmann . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Frederic
Kelly , and the same proving favourable , he was then initiated into the Order . Bro . Phythian , a candidate for the third degree , was examined , after which the W . M . vacated the chair in order to allow Bro . Adams , P . M ., to perform the ceremony of raising his friend at his special request . The lodge was afterwards resumed in the first degree , whenajoiningmember wasproposed . Bro . the Rev .
D . Shaboe presented the lodge with a handsome charity box , and expressed a hope that through its instrumentality the lodge might soon become a Life Governor of all the Masonic charities . —A vote of thanks was heartily awarded to Bro . Shaboe for his very appropriate gift , and Bro . Rosenthal then intimated his intention to present the Deacons' wards . —All business having been concluded ,
the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the social board . —After the cloth was cleared , the W . M . gave the usual toasts , Bro . Edmands responding for the Grand Officers , and Bros . Shaboe and BuSs for the Prov . Grand Officers . —The W . M . ' s health was then proposed by the I . P . M ., Col . Burdett , and warmly received , and after due honour had been paid to the
" Initiate , Bro . Little proposed the health of the I . P . M ., Col . Francis Burdett , P . G . M ., and in the course of his observations placed upon the gallant brother ' s breast a magnificent iS-carat gold jewel , upon the ribbon of which was a shield bearing the arms of the Burdett family beautifully engraved . The presentation was greeted with immense applause , and the R . W . brother returned thanks
in most appreciative terms , saying that he should value the P . M . ' s jewel of the Burdett Lodge as the proudest decoration he could wear . —The toast of "The Visitors" was given with great unction by the W . M ., who particularly noticed them all , but specially coupled with the toast the name of an esteemed P . M ., Bro . John Boyd , of the Prudent Brethren and Polish National Lodges . —Bro .
Boyd responded in handsome terms for the compliment , and expressed himself highly pleased both with the working and the hospitality of the lodge . —Bro . E . Kimber then gave one of his inimitable parodies of the speeches made by Hon . Members of "The House , " when presenting petitions , and his talented exertions were hailed with unanimous demonstrations of approval . —For the Officers
Bro . Kenyon , S . W ., replied , and hoped all would do their duty and maintain the prestige of the lodge . —Bro . Major Finney expressed the acknowledgments of the " lay members " for the honour done them in proposing and drinking their healths , and the charity box having been sent round and the Tyler ' s toast given , the brethren departed to catch the 9 . 20 train to town .
Royal Arch.
Mount Sion Chapter , No . 22 . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the loth inst ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . The chapter was presided over by Comps . Cox , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; R . Wright , II . ; and Bryant , J . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . It being Easter week and so
many of the Companions away at Brighton , no work was done . A P . Z . 's jewel was voted to another old P . Z . for past services . Some other business having been disposed of the chapter was closed until Monday , October tlie 9 th . Supper followed . Pythagorean Chapter , No . 79 . —The anniversary meet-