Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
RtrnR-is or MASONIC MEETINGS : — (' raft Masonry 2 I 7 Koval Arch = ' 7 Red Cross of Constantine 218 provincial Grand Lotige of Last Lancashire 219 provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cheshire anil North Wales 319 ravin' ? the Memorial Stone of Ihe New Public Halls , 219
Glasgow Masonic Tidings 32 ° I ' ovrd Masonic Institution for Girls 221 The Pope antl ihe Freemasons 222 Our Brethren in Scotland 222 j \' r . Ilcckethom's Opinion of Freemasonry 232 The Krcimanrer Zeituug 223 ( alKRESl'OXDEXCE I —
The Guild Theory , 233 Lord Carnarvon's Speech 223 The Girls'School Festival 224 Iiallot for Girls' School 224 The Hoys' School 234 jUnsonic Notes and Queries 224 i .-reeinasonrv in India 224
i-recmnsDiiry in Jamaica 224 I ' rc-ninsonry in Smyrna 224 Koval Masonic Benevolent Institution 235 Grand Lodge Balance Sheet 235 ' -. oval Masonic Institution for Hoys 225 Loil-re Meetings for next week 236 Atlverliseni'ints i , ii . iii , iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ISteimra .
METROPOLITAN . Si'ilisx I . OIIGE ( No . 1329 ) . —This lodge met at the Bridge House Hotel on Saturday , May 15 th , Bro . I . ILVockins , W . M ., presiding , antl Bro . Nairne acting as S . W . Bros . C . A . Read , J . II . Walker , A . S . Striding , antl W . C . Gleadall were raised to the Sublime Degree ; Bro . R . J . Voiscy was passetl , and Mr . VV m . I . awey l ' ermewan was
initiated . The removal of the lodge to the Surrey Masonic Hall , already resolved , was delayed until the arrangements were finally completed . Bro . Reynolds moved , and it was unanimously resolved , to present each of the charities in rotation with the sum of five guineas at each halt-yearly collection . The brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . Spencer , who was present , and enthusiastically toasted .
PROVINCIAL . ROCHDALE . —HOPE LOI . OE ( NO . 54 . )—The monthly meeting of this lotige was held on Wednesday , May 12 th , at Ihe Spread Eagle Inn , Rochdale , and there was a good attendance of the brethren . The officers present were Bros . Richard Simpson , W . M . ; Ab . Barker , S . W . ; James Burnish , J . W . ; Dan Mitchell , P . M . Secretary ; R .
Colling--vcod , S . D .-, C . 11 . Bintlifi , l . G . ; James Midgley , P . M ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form and with •ii ' lcn ' m prayer nt O . 15 p . m ., and the minutes of the prclious lodges were read and confirmed . The lotige was ilien opened in the Second Degree . Bros . James Metcalf and John ThomasWorlh , candidates for the Third Degree , were then called upon to show their proficiency in the
former degrees , and , having satisfied the brethren , they were entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree . Bro . James Metcalf was then admitted and duly raised by P . M . Wm . Davies ; Bro . J . T . Worth was also admitted and duly raisetl by T . B . Ashworth , P . M . The lodge was then closed in the Third Degree . The lodge was also closed in the Second Degree .
liro . Edward Clcgg , the late Treasurer , having departed Ihis life , Ben . Collinge , P . M ., was unanimously elected Treasurer in his stead . The Secretary ' s salary was next determined on . There being no other business the lodge was finally closed at 7 . 45 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which was provided by P . M . Win . Ashworth antl his wife in their usual elegant style .
Altertheclotli was removed the W . M . gave the usual toasts , commencing with " The Queen and the Royal Family . " lie next proposed "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . Grand Master of England . " "The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , " was next given . Among Hie toasts of the evening " The newly-raised Brethren " i'as given . Bros . Metcalf and Worth responded in a very
V'easing manner . The usual closing toast was given , and the brethren separated after having spent a very pleasant evening . SUNDERLAND . —WILLIAMSON- Loiit . i ; ( No . 949 ) . — The meeting for the installation of the W . M ., Sec , was lield in the lodge-room , at the Royal Hotel , Sunderland , wi Monday , May 10 th , when upwards of 70 votaries of
nr mystic science attended to pay their respects to the VV . M . elect . Among those present wc noticed Bros . II . J . Turnbiill , W . M . 80 ; T . Surtees , W . M . 94 ; T . Younger , U ' . M . I , ; ; J . B . Wells , W . M . din ( Seaham ); J . J . Clay , ' '•M . i ) 7 ; T . Henderson , P . M . 94 ; J . Riseborough , P . M .
< H \ J . S . Pearson , P . M . 94 ; II . Fryer , S . W . 97 ; A . funic , J . W . 97 ; D . P . Huntley , J . W . 80 , ccc . Bro . Jas . "•Ccialcs officiated as Installing Master , and rendered '' e ceremony in an extremely efficient manner . Bro . ( jl '' y , having been duly placed in the chair of K . S ., ap-I'l'Mitcd and invested the officers , of which the followiutr
' - a list -. —Bros . Alfred Gray , W . M . ; Robert Shadforth , '•I'M . ; John Eggleslon , S . W . ; G . 11 . Hall , J . W . ; II . W . " ¦ 'ilfni glu , Trea ' s . ; John Barlow , Sec . ; N . Taylor , S . D . ; ¦ I- Macbeth , J . D . ; D . Macdonald , l . G . ; Geo . Porteous , ' ¦ •C . ; S . Hell , Org . ; | . Thompson , Tyler . IIARKOW-IN-FURNESS . —HAIITINCITOS Lontn- ( No .
' ° -0- —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on 'I'mdav , 1 ah May , the proceedings deriving their highest ''•^ restfrom the presentation of a magnificent Past Prov . •-viiiin- Grand Warden's Jewel , subscribed for by the breth-^' . to Bro . Sir James Ramsden , I . P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . for "•Lancashire , in recognition of the valuable support given •u the lodge , during the term of his Mastership for two con-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
secutive years , 1873 and 1874 . It was intended that this pleasing ceremony should have taken place at the previous lodge , when Bro . Henry Cook , P . M . 1021 , 119 , P . P . G . R ., Sec . for C . and W ., was presented with a beautiful jewel ( P . Prov . G . S . of Works for C and W ) , which had been heartily subscribed for by the brethren in token of their fraternal regard and esteem for the many services rendered to
the Craft since his residence in the town . The jewels were manufactured by Bro . Geo . Kenning , and were greatly admired by all . ROCK . FERRY . —ROCK LOOGE ( NO . 1289 ) . —The last meeting of this flourishing lodge , prior to the summer vacation , took place on Friday , 14 th inst , and , in spite of the beautiful weather and numerous outtloor attractions
was very numerously attended . Bro . Ellis , W . M ., was supported by Bros . Bolton , S . W . ; Paton , M . D ., J . W . ; Wallace and Stanton , Deacons ; Townsend , l . G . ; Stevenson , Treas . and P . M . ; S . Lewis , P . M . ; E . Friend , P . M ., Sec . Visitors—Bros . Wilson , W . M . 537 ; Dutton , Grundy , Lcighton , and others . The usual routine of business having taken place , the ballot was taken for Mr . John
Moffat , and proving unanimous he was duly initiated by Bro . F ' riend . Bro . Ellis , W . M ., then resumed the chair antl passed a candidate to the Second Degree . Before the lotige was closetl those brethren who had been present at the Installation of the M . W . G . M . having been requested to state their experience , took the opportunity of urging
the younger * - brethren to constant attention to their Masonic duties , which would in time qualify them to visit Grand Lodge themselves as members of our Masonic Parliament . Candidates for initiation and joining having been proposed the lodge was closetl , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and a most agreeable evening
ensued . HAMPTON . —LEBANON- LODGE ( NO . 1326 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodgo was held at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion-square , Thames-street , Hampton , on Saturday , May 1 r-th , 1871 ; . Bro . William Hammond . P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1512 , W . M . and W . M . elect , presided . There were present Bros . Col .
Francis Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex ; 11 . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , P . M . 142 ? , S . W . ; J . W . Jackson , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , 871 , and 1 309 , Secretary ; E . Gilbert , S . D . ; C . W . Fox , l . G . ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; J . T . Moss , P . G . Reg ., Middlesex , l . P . M . ; and some forty other members . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . J . Barnett , 87 ;
T . C . Walls , l . G . 141 ; H . Faija , 1423 j W . A . Simmons , W . S . 1423 ; J . A . Moore , 1423 ; Trew , 359 ; F . W . Kent , 1512 ; Arnold , 1512 ; and others whose names we could not ascertain . As the W . M . elect was the W . M . he was not reinstalled . After the minutes had been unanimously confirmed , the W . M ., Bro . W . Hammond ; appointed and invested as his officers Bros . £ . ' Gilbert , S . W . ; C . W .
Fox , J . W . ; S . Wickens , P . M . Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . P ., Middlesex , P . M . Sec . ( reinvested 5 th time ); R . W . Williams , S . D . ; John Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; J . W . Baldwin , W . M . 1423 , I . G . ; W . Stanton , D . C , •H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; H . Gloster , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middlesex , Tyler . He then initiated Mr . W . Crush ; passed Bros . C . Lucop and F . II . Davis , 1423 ; and raised Bros .
J . A . Moore , 1423 ; Arnold , 1512 ; and F . W . Kent , 1512 . The work was well done . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Other important business being done , the lodge was closed . Over fifty brethren sat down to the banquet . KINGSBRIDGE . —DUNCOMIIE LOIIGE ( No . i 486 ) . — The annual meeting of th e Duncombc Lodge took place on
Monday , 10 th . inst , at Kingsbridge , when Bro . James Haynes was installed as W . Master . The ceremony was impressively carried out by V . W . Bros . S . Tew , P . M . 10 ^ , and i 486 P . P . G . T . ; and J . B . Gover , P . M ., 70 , 1247 , and " 486 P . P . G . A . D . C , in the presence of the R . W . Bro . L . P . Metham , P . G . D . England , D . P . G . M . Devon , and a board of installed Masters . The music during the ceremony was
efficiently performed by Bros . Cranch , Emery , antl Hart , The W . M ., Bro . Haynes , invested as officers for the year W . Bro . Chas . Fox , l . P . M . ; Bros . John Tucker , S . W . ; James T . Partridge , J . W . '; 'Joseph Foale , Treasurer ; Joseph Crancli , Secretary ; Uev . E . A . Lester , M . A ., Chaplain ; Rev . VV . S . Evans , P . P . G . C , Organist ; Bros . II . Gribbcn , S . D . ' ; II . Lamble , J . D . ; G . White ,. D . C . ; E . Hammett
I . G . ; Charles Elliott , S . S . ; John Rogers , J . S . ; John Lee , Tyler . The banquet was provided-at the King ' s Arms I Iotel by Bro . Robert Foale , one of the founders of the lodge . It was of a very recherche character , reflecting great credit on the cuisine of the establishment , and the liberality of the host and hostess , to whom a vote of thanks was accorded . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were
duly , honoured . In replying for that of the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . Master , Bro . Metham spoke in glowing terms of the Installation in Albert Hall , and said , however much Masons regretted ( at the time ) the secession of the Marquis of Ripon from the Craft , that scene in London was an answer to the world that the solid basis of the Order could not be shaken . V . W . Bro . Col . Ridgeway ,
P . P . G . S . W ., responded for the Prov . Grand Master , R . W . Bro . Rev . J . lluyshe , whose extended rule over the Province had been so conducive to its welfare . Whether as a clergyman , a magistrate , an old English gentleman , or a Freemason , his conduct had gained for him the admiration and esteem of all who had the honour and , pleasure of being associated with him . W . Bro . Fox , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the D . Prov . G . Master , " who replied ,
antl concluded by proposing "The 1 Iealth of the Master , Bro . Haynes , " trusting that his long experience and zeal for the Order would conduce to the prosperity of lodge i 486 , now under his guidance . Bro . Haynes warmly thanked the proposer and brethren for the honour , assuring them that nothing should be wanting on his part to preserve harmony and charity amongst the members . The banquet was much enlivened by the excellent instrumental and vocal music of Bros . Cranch ; G . Emery , 105 ; Hart ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
1205 ; antl Evans , i 486 , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Letters of regret for their absence were sent by several brethren , including V . W . Bro . Latimer , P . I . G . W ., and W . Bros . Nicholls , Westacott , Vcn . Archdeacon Eaile , Bro . Gard , and amongst those present , in addition to those named , were V . W . Bros . Major Bewes , P . M ., P . P . G ., S . B . ; Twose , P . M ., io ; ; Heath , 710 ; Leal , 710 ; Bcachey
H . W . Thomas , S . W ., 70 ; R . Bird , J . W ., 70 ; E . T . Tarratt , J . D ., 70 ; Thornc , 70 ; Leal , 710 ; Toms , 1091 ; Holland ; Sawyer , V . W . ; It . Rodd , P . M ., P . P . G . R . HAMPTON . —FHANCIS BUKDETT LODGE ( No . 1503 ) . —The last regular meeting for the season of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , Hampton , in the rooms of the Lebanon and Hemming Lodges , by the kind permission
of their W . M ., Bro . Hammond , P . G . S . of Middlesex . There were present , Bros . Col . Wigginton , W . M ,, P . Prov . G . D . C . of Worcestershire ; Saunders , S . W . ; Horsley , P . Prov . G . R . of Middlesex , tec , acting J . W . ; Hammond , W . M . 1326 and 1512 , & c , acting l . P . M . ; Walls , acting J . D . ; Palmer ( Burdett ) , acting Secretary . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the
W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , raised Bro . Taylor to the Third Degree . The solemn and impressive ceremony was exceedingly well carried out . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Ramsay , Confidence , and A . Taylor , La Estabilidad Caracas , Venezuela , as joining members , and declared unanimous . Bro . Buchill , P . M ., & c , etc ., proposed , and Bro . Wigginton , W . M ., seconded , that Mr .
Emmett and the Rev . Mr . D'Orsey should be members for initiation at the next meeting . Several names were then submitted as members for joining and initiation , and some minor business having been transacted , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Hammond for the kind use of the Lebanon Lodge room and furniture , and the lodge was duly closed . At the cold collation which followed labour ,
Bros . Saunders and Walls presided , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . The usual Royal and Craft toasts were duly honoured , and the " National Anthem" sung by the S . W . and l . G . " The Health of Bro . Col . Wigginton" was proposed by P . M . Bro . Horsley in fitting terms , and replied to by Bro . Saunders , in the absence of the W . M . Bros . Horsley and Hammond replied to the toast of " The
Grand Officers of the Province . " Bro . Saunders gave " The Health of the Visitors , " among whom were Bros . Hammond , Jordan , Lebanon , and Hemming ; Palmer , Burdett ; Court , Unanimity ; Taylor , La Estabilidad . This toast was heartily received and acknowledged by Bro . Hammond , who , in the course of his reply , reverted to the very flattering manner in which his name had been mentioned
in connection with the Lebanon by the W . M . in the lodge that afternoon , and concluded by stating that his humble services were always at the . disposal of the brethren of'the Francis Burdett . Bro . Harnmond then gave "The Health of the S . W ; , 'BrOi Saunders , " and complimented him upon the able manner in which he had presided at the convivial board . Bro . Saunders made a suitable reply , and said
that should the brethren ever deem him worthy to fulfil the duties of W . M . of the Francis Burdett Lodge , it would be his great desire and aim to discharge the responsibilities of the position ~ satisfactorily ; and he had to thank them very kindly for the hearty manner in which his health had
been received . The S . W . then proposed " the Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . Walls . Between the toasts , Bros . Saunders , Walls and Court , jun ., contributed several vocal effusions . The proceedings terminated at a comparatively early hour , and the brethren separated until September next .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PAX MI * HE CHAPTER ( NO . 720 ) . — The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Hornd Tavern , Kennington , S . E ., on Monday , the 10 th inst ., and was largely attended by members and visitors . The chapter was opened by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Henry Smith , assisted by E . Comps . C . Hammerton , H . ; trie Rev . W . B . Church , J . ; James Stevens , P . Z . Scribe , E . ;' . H . C .
Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; John Read , P . Z . ; Joseph Nunn , P . Z . ; R . II . Harvey , P . Z . ; William Watson , ' P . Z . ; and William Worrell , P . Z . Amongst the companion ^ present were George Waterall , Scribe , N . ; M . S . Larlham , P . S . ; Thos . Poore , 1 st A . S . ; R . N . Field , 2 nd AS . ; F . W . Levander , T . Jones , W . H . Van Baerle , G . H . Newington Bridges , A . C . Bradley , C . C . Gibbs , A . C . "
Burrell , A . Vpungman , John Gilbert , & c . ; and visitors M . E . Comp . Charles IJorsley , Past Prov . Grand Registrar , Middlesex and Surrey ; E . Comps . F . W . Laxton , Hy , Royal Middlesex Chapter ; Herbert Dicketts , . P . Z ., 145 ; Percival A . Nairne , P . Z . 176 ; antl H . A . Frances , P . Z . 857 . The minutes of the previous regular convocation , as also those of an emergency meeting held' in April ,
having been read and confirmed , and several apologies for non-attendance having been received , E . Comp . John Read , P . Z . as acting JM . E . Z ., proceeded to instal successively Comps . Charles Hammerton , as Z . ; the Rev . W . B . Church , as H . ; and George II . Newington Bridges , as J . ; and the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . Henry Smith , was invested as I . P . Z . The respective ceremonies were performed with
all that perfect and able working for which our Ex . Comp . John Read is celebrated in this Supreme Degree , and well merited the cordial and unanimous vote of thanks which th * : chapter subsequently accorded to him by acctaMpririrTf ** 6 ni . the re-admission of companions below the chairs"ijie " following officers were invested with the collars of their ' respective
offices , viz . : —E . Comp . James Stevens , P . Z ., as Scribe , E . ( seventh re-appointnient ); Comp . G . Waterall , Scribe , N . Ex . Comp . II . C . Levander , P . Z ., as Treasurer ( sixth re-appointment ) ; Comp . M . S . Larlham , P . S ., who appointed ; Comps . T . Poore and R , N . Field as his assistants ; A . C . Burrell as D . C , ; F . W . Levander and W . H . Van Baerle as Stewards . The newly installed M . E . Z . then presented
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
RtrnR-is or MASONIC MEETINGS : — (' raft Masonry 2 I 7 Koval Arch = ' 7 Red Cross of Constantine 218 provincial Grand Lotige of Last Lancashire 219 provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cheshire anil North Wales 319 ravin' ? the Memorial Stone of Ihe New Public Halls , 219
Glasgow Masonic Tidings 32 ° I ' ovrd Masonic Institution for Girls 221 The Pope antl ihe Freemasons 222 Our Brethren in Scotland 222 j \' r . Ilcckethom's Opinion of Freemasonry 232 The Krcimanrer Zeituug 223 ( alKRESl'OXDEXCE I —
The Guild Theory , 233 Lord Carnarvon's Speech 223 The Girls'School Festival 224 Iiallot for Girls' School 224 The Hoys' School 234 jUnsonic Notes and Queries 224 i .-reeinasonrv in India 224
i-recmnsDiiry in Jamaica 224 I ' rc-ninsonry in Smyrna 224 Koval Masonic Benevolent Institution 235 Grand Lodge Balance Sheet 235 ' -. oval Masonic Institution for Hoys 225 Loil-re Meetings for next week 236 Atlverliseni'ints i , ii . iii , iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ISteimra .
METROPOLITAN . Si'ilisx I . OIIGE ( No . 1329 ) . —This lodge met at the Bridge House Hotel on Saturday , May 15 th , Bro . I . ILVockins , W . M ., presiding , antl Bro . Nairne acting as S . W . Bros . C . A . Read , J . II . Walker , A . S . Striding , antl W . C . Gleadall were raised to the Sublime Degree ; Bro . R . J . Voiscy was passetl , and Mr . VV m . I . awey l ' ermewan was
initiated . The removal of the lodge to the Surrey Masonic Hall , already resolved , was delayed until the arrangements were finally completed . Bro . Reynolds moved , and it was unanimously resolved , to present each of the charities in rotation with the sum of five guineas at each halt-yearly collection . The brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . Spencer , who was present , and enthusiastically toasted .
PROVINCIAL . ROCHDALE . —HOPE LOI . OE ( NO . 54 . )—The monthly meeting of this lotige was held on Wednesday , May 12 th , at Ihe Spread Eagle Inn , Rochdale , and there was a good attendance of the brethren . The officers present were Bros . Richard Simpson , W . M . ; Ab . Barker , S . W . ; James Burnish , J . W . ; Dan Mitchell , P . M . Secretary ; R .
Colling--vcod , S . D .-, C . 11 . Bintlifi , l . G . ; James Midgley , P . M ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form and with •ii ' lcn ' m prayer nt O . 15 p . m ., and the minutes of the prclious lodges were read and confirmed . The lotige was ilien opened in the Second Degree . Bros . James Metcalf and John ThomasWorlh , candidates for the Third Degree , were then called upon to show their proficiency in the
former degrees , and , having satisfied the brethren , they were entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree . Bro . James Metcalf was then admitted and duly raised by P . M . Wm . Davies ; Bro . J . T . Worth was also admitted and duly raisetl by T . B . Ashworth , P . M . The lodge was then closed in the Third Degree . The lodge was also closed in the Second Degree .
liro . Edward Clcgg , the late Treasurer , having departed Ihis life , Ben . Collinge , P . M ., was unanimously elected Treasurer in his stead . The Secretary ' s salary was next determined on . There being no other business the lodge was finally closed at 7 . 45 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which was provided by P . M . Win . Ashworth antl his wife in their usual elegant style .
Altertheclotli was removed the W . M . gave the usual toasts , commencing with " The Queen and the Royal Family . " lie next proposed "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . Grand Master of England . " "The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , " was next given . Among Hie toasts of the evening " The newly-raised Brethren " i'as given . Bros . Metcalf and Worth responded in a very
V'easing manner . The usual closing toast was given , and the brethren separated after having spent a very pleasant evening . SUNDERLAND . —WILLIAMSON- Loiit . i ; ( No . 949 ) . — The meeting for the installation of the W . M ., Sec , was lield in the lodge-room , at the Royal Hotel , Sunderland , wi Monday , May 10 th , when upwards of 70 votaries of
nr mystic science attended to pay their respects to the VV . M . elect . Among those present wc noticed Bros . II . J . Turnbiill , W . M . 80 ; T . Surtees , W . M . 94 ; T . Younger , U ' . M . I , ; ; J . B . Wells , W . M . din ( Seaham ); J . J . Clay , ' '•M . i ) 7 ; T . Henderson , P . M . 94 ; J . Riseborough , P . M .
< H \ J . S . Pearson , P . M . 94 ; II . Fryer , S . W . 97 ; A . funic , J . W . 97 ; D . P . Huntley , J . W . 80 , ccc . Bro . Jas . "•Ccialcs officiated as Installing Master , and rendered '' e ceremony in an extremely efficient manner . Bro . ( jl '' y , having been duly placed in the chair of K . S ., ap-I'l'Mitcd and invested the officers , of which the followiutr
' - a list -. —Bros . Alfred Gray , W . M . ; Robert Shadforth , '•I'M . ; John Eggleslon , S . W . ; G . 11 . Hall , J . W . ; II . W . " ¦ 'ilfni glu , Trea ' s . ; John Barlow , Sec . ; N . Taylor , S . D . ; ¦ I- Macbeth , J . D . ; D . Macdonald , l . G . ; Geo . Porteous , ' ¦ •C . ; S . Hell , Org . ; | . Thompson , Tyler . IIARKOW-IN-FURNESS . —HAIITINCITOS Lontn- ( No .
' ° -0- —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on 'I'mdav , 1 ah May , the proceedings deriving their highest ''•^ restfrom the presentation of a magnificent Past Prov . •-viiiin- Grand Warden's Jewel , subscribed for by the breth-^' . to Bro . Sir James Ramsden , I . P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . for "•Lancashire , in recognition of the valuable support given •u the lodge , during the term of his Mastership for two con-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
secutive years , 1873 and 1874 . It was intended that this pleasing ceremony should have taken place at the previous lodge , when Bro . Henry Cook , P . M . 1021 , 119 , P . P . G . R ., Sec . for C . and W ., was presented with a beautiful jewel ( P . Prov . G . S . of Works for C and W ) , which had been heartily subscribed for by the brethren in token of their fraternal regard and esteem for the many services rendered to
the Craft since his residence in the town . The jewels were manufactured by Bro . Geo . Kenning , and were greatly admired by all . ROCK . FERRY . —ROCK LOOGE ( NO . 1289 ) . —The last meeting of this flourishing lodge , prior to the summer vacation , took place on Friday , 14 th inst , and , in spite of the beautiful weather and numerous outtloor attractions
was very numerously attended . Bro . Ellis , W . M ., was supported by Bros . Bolton , S . W . ; Paton , M . D ., J . W . ; Wallace and Stanton , Deacons ; Townsend , l . G . ; Stevenson , Treas . and P . M . ; S . Lewis , P . M . ; E . Friend , P . M ., Sec . Visitors—Bros . Wilson , W . M . 537 ; Dutton , Grundy , Lcighton , and others . The usual routine of business having taken place , the ballot was taken for Mr . John
Moffat , and proving unanimous he was duly initiated by Bro . F ' riend . Bro . Ellis , W . M ., then resumed the chair antl passed a candidate to the Second Degree . Before the lotige was closetl those brethren who had been present at the Installation of the M . W . G . M . having been requested to state their experience , took the opportunity of urging
the younger * - brethren to constant attention to their Masonic duties , which would in time qualify them to visit Grand Lodge themselves as members of our Masonic Parliament . Candidates for initiation and joining having been proposed the lodge was closetl , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and a most agreeable evening
ensued . HAMPTON . —LEBANON- LODGE ( NO . 1326 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodgo was held at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion-square , Thames-street , Hampton , on Saturday , May 1 r-th , 1871 ; . Bro . William Hammond . P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1512 , W . M . and W . M . elect , presided . There were present Bros . Col .
Francis Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex ; 11 . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , P . M . 142 ? , S . W . ; J . W . Jackson , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , 871 , and 1 309 , Secretary ; E . Gilbert , S . D . ; C . W . Fox , l . G . ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; J . T . Moss , P . G . Reg ., Middlesex , l . P . M . ; and some forty other members . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . J . Barnett , 87 ;
T . C . Walls , l . G . 141 ; H . Faija , 1423 j W . A . Simmons , W . S . 1423 ; J . A . Moore , 1423 ; Trew , 359 ; F . W . Kent , 1512 ; Arnold , 1512 ; and others whose names we could not ascertain . As the W . M . elect was the W . M . he was not reinstalled . After the minutes had been unanimously confirmed , the W . M ., Bro . W . Hammond ; appointed and invested as his officers Bros . £ . ' Gilbert , S . W . ; C . W .
Fox , J . W . ; S . Wickens , P . M . Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . P ., Middlesex , P . M . Sec . ( reinvested 5 th time ); R . W . Williams , S . D . ; John Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; J . W . Baldwin , W . M . 1423 , I . G . ; W . Stanton , D . C , •H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; H . Gloster , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middlesex , Tyler . He then initiated Mr . W . Crush ; passed Bros . C . Lucop and F . II . Davis , 1423 ; and raised Bros .
J . A . Moore , 1423 ; Arnold , 1512 ; and F . W . Kent , 1512 . The work was well done . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Other important business being done , the lodge was closed . Over fifty brethren sat down to the banquet . KINGSBRIDGE . —DUNCOMIIE LOIIGE ( No . i 486 ) . — The annual meeting of th e Duncombc Lodge took place on
Monday , 10 th . inst , at Kingsbridge , when Bro . James Haynes was installed as W . Master . The ceremony was impressively carried out by V . W . Bros . S . Tew , P . M . 10 ^ , and i 486 P . P . G . T . ; and J . B . Gover , P . M ., 70 , 1247 , and " 486 P . P . G . A . D . C , in the presence of the R . W . Bro . L . P . Metham , P . G . D . England , D . P . G . M . Devon , and a board of installed Masters . The music during the ceremony was
efficiently performed by Bros . Cranch , Emery , antl Hart , The W . M ., Bro . Haynes , invested as officers for the year W . Bro . Chas . Fox , l . P . M . ; Bros . John Tucker , S . W . ; James T . Partridge , J . W . '; 'Joseph Foale , Treasurer ; Joseph Crancli , Secretary ; Uev . E . A . Lester , M . A ., Chaplain ; Rev . VV . S . Evans , P . P . G . C , Organist ; Bros . II . Gribbcn , S . D . ' ; II . Lamble , J . D . ; G . White ,. D . C . ; E . Hammett
I . G . ; Charles Elliott , S . S . ; John Rogers , J . S . ; John Lee , Tyler . The banquet was provided-at the King ' s Arms I Iotel by Bro . Robert Foale , one of the founders of the lodge . It was of a very recherche character , reflecting great credit on the cuisine of the establishment , and the liberality of the host and hostess , to whom a vote of thanks was accorded . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were
duly , honoured . In replying for that of the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . Master , Bro . Metham spoke in glowing terms of the Installation in Albert Hall , and said , however much Masons regretted ( at the time ) the secession of the Marquis of Ripon from the Craft , that scene in London was an answer to the world that the solid basis of the Order could not be shaken . V . W . Bro . Col . Ridgeway ,
P . P . G . S . W ., responded for the Prov . Grand Master , R . W . Bro . Rev . J . lluyshe , whose extended rule over the Province had been so conducive to its welfare . Whether as a clergyman , a magistrate , an old English gentleman , or a Freemason , his conduct had gained for him the admiration and esteem of all who had the honour and , pleasure of being associated with him . W . Bro . Fox , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the D . Prov . G . Master , " who replied ,
antl concluded by proposing "The 1 Iealth of the Master , Bro . Haynes , " trusting that his long experience and zeal for the Order would conduce to the prosperity of lodge i 486 , now under his guidance . Bro . Haynes warmly thanked the proposer and brethren for the honour , assuring them that nothing should be wanting on his part to preserve harmony and charity amongst the members . The banquet was much enlivened by the excellent instrumental and vocal music of Bros . Cranch ; G . Emery , 105 ; Hart ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
1205 ; antl Evans , i 486 , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Letters of regret for their absence were sent by several brethren , including V . W . Bro . Latimer , P . I . G . W ., and W . Bros . Nicholls , Westacott , Vcn . Archdeacon Eaile , Bro . Gard , and amongst those present , in addition to those named , were V . W . Bros . Major Bewes , P . M ., P . P . G ., S . B . ; Twose , P . M ., io ; ; Heath , 710 ; Leal , 710 ; Bcachey
H . W . Thomas , S . W ., 70 ; R . Bird , J . W ., 70 ; E . T . Tarratt , J . D ., 70 ; Thornc , 70 ; Leal , 710 ; Toms , 1091 ; Holland ; Sawyer , V . W . ; It . Rodd , P . M ., P . P . G . R . HAMPTON . —FHANCIS BUKDETT LODGE ( No . 1503 ) . —The last regular meeting for the season of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , Hampton , in the rooms of the Lebanon and Hemming Lodges , by the kind permission
of their W . M ., Bro . Hammond , P . G . S . of Middlesex . There were present , Bros . Col . Wigginton , W . M ,, P . Prov . G . D . C . of Worcestershire ; Saunders , S . W . ; Horsley , P . Prov . G . R . of Middlesex , tec , acting J . W . ; Hammond , W . M . 1326 and 1512 , & c , acting l . P . M . ; Walls , acting J . D . ; Palmer ( Burdett ) , acting Secretary . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the
W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , raised Bro . Taylor to the Third Degree . The solemn and impressive ceremony was exceedingly well carried out . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Ramsay , Confidence , and A . Taylor , La Estabilidad Caracas , Venezuela , as joining members , and declared unanimous . Bro . Buchill , P . M ., & c , etc ., proposed , and Bro . Wigginton , W . M ., seconded , that Mr .
Emmett and the Rev . Mr . D'Orsey should be members for initiation at the next meeting . Several names were then submitted as members for joining and initiation , and some minor business having been transacted , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Hammond for the kind use of the Lebanon Lodge room and furniture , and the lodge was duly closed . At the cold collation which followed labour ,
Bros . Saunders and Walls presided , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . The usual Royal and Craft toasts were duly honoured , and the " National Anthem" sung by the S . W . and l . G . " The Health of Bro . Col . Wigginton" was proposed by P . M . Bro . Horsley in fitting terms , and replied to by Bro . Saunders , in the absence of the W . M . Bros . Horsley and Hammond replied to the toast of " The
Grand Officers of the Province . " Bro . Saunders gave " The Health of the Visitors , " among whom were Bros . Hammond , Jordan , Lebanon , and Hemming ; Palmer , Burdett ; Court , Unanimity ; Taylor , La Estabilidad . This toast was heartily received and acknowledged by Bro . Hammond , who , in the course of his reply , reverted to the very flattering manner in which his name had been mentioned
in connection with the Lebanon by the W . M . in the lodge that afternoon , and concluded by stating that his humble services were always at the . disposal of the brethren of'the Francis Burdett . Bro . Harnmond then gave "The Health of the S . W ; , 'BrOi Saunders , " and complimented him upon the able manner in which he had presided at the convivial board . Bro . Saunders made a suitable reply , and said
that should the brethren ever deem him worthy to fulfil the duties of W . M . of the Francis Burdett Lodge , it would be his great desire and aim to discharge the responsibilities of the position ~ satisfactorily ; and he had to thank them very kindly for the hearty manner in which his health had
been received . The S . W . then proposed " the Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . Walls . Between the toasts , Bros . Saunders , Walls and Court , jun ., contributed several vocal effusions . The proceedings terminated at a comparatively early hour , and the brethren separated until September next .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PAX MI * HE CHAPTER ( NO . 720 ) . — The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Hornd Tavern , Kennington , S . E ., on Monday , the 10 th inst ., and was largely attended by members and visitors . The chapter was opened by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Henry Smith , assisted by E . Comps . C . Hammerton , H . ; trie Rev . W . B . Church , J . ; James Stevens , P . Z . Scribe , E . ;' . H . C .
Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; John Read , P . Z . ; Joseph Nunn , P . Z . ; R . II . Harvey , P . Z . ; William Watson , ' P . Z . ; and William Worrell , P . Z . Amongst the companion ^ present were George Waterall , Scribe , N . ; M . S . Larlham , P . S . ; Thos . Poore , 1 st A . S . ; R . N . Field , 2 nd AS . ; F . W . Levander , T . Jones , W . H . Van Baerle , G . H . Newington Bridges , A . C . Bradley , C . C . Gibbs , A . C . "
Burrell , A . Vpungman , John Gilbert , & c . ; and visitors M . E . Comp . Charles IJorsley , Past Prov . Grand Registrar , Middlesex and Surrey ; E . Comps . F . W . Laxton , Hy , Royal Middlesex Chapter ; Herbert Dicketts , . P . Z ., 145 ; Percival A . Nairne , P . Z . 176 ; antl H . A . Frances , P . Z . 857 . The minutes of the previous regular convocation , as also those of an emergency meeting held' in April ,
having been read and confirmed , and several apologies for non-attendance having been received , E . Comp . John Read , P . Z . as acting JM . E . Z ., proceeded to instal successively Comps . Charles Hammerton , as Z . ; the Rev . W . B . Church , as H . ; and George II . Newington Bridges , as J . ; and the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . Henry Smith , was invested as I . P . Z . The respective ceremonies were performed with
all that perfect and able working for which our Ex . Comp . John Read is celebrated in this Supreme Degree , and well merited the cordial and unanimous vote of thanks which th * : chapter subsequently accorded to him by acctaMpririrTf ** 6 ni . the re-admission of companions below the chairs"ijie " following officers were invested with the collars of their ' respective
offices , viz . : —E . Comp . James Stevens , P . Z ., as Scribe , E . ( seventh re-appointnient ); Comp . G . Waterall , Scribe , N . Ex . Comp . II . C . Levander , P . Z ., as Treasurer ( sixth re-appointment ) ; Comp . M . S . Larlham , P . S ., who appointed ; Comps . T . Poore and R , N . Field as his assistants ; A . C . Burrell as D . C , ; F . W . Levander and W . H . Van Baerle as Stewards . The newly installed M . E . Z . then presented