Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. E. JONES' DISTRIBUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICAN NOTES. Page 1 of 1
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United Grand Lodge.
The following is the agenda of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday next : — The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 3 rd March for confirmation . The minutes of the Grand Festival of the 28 th April for confirmation . The M . W . Grand Master will propose that the thanks of
Grand Lodge be given to the Committee appointed by the Board of General Purposes to assist the Grand Director of Ceremonies in carrying out the arrangements for the Installation of the Grand Master on the 28 th of April , including Sir Albert W . Woods , Garter , Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Thomas Fenn , Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies , specially appointed to assist him , and the Executive generally for their exertions on the
occasion . Election of Trustees of Grand Lodge Funds . Election of members of the Board of General Purposes . Election of members of Colonial Board . Election of members for the Committee of Management of the " Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . " Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last Quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants ,
.: — A Brother of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , No . 12 , London £ 100 o o A Brother of the St . Paul ' s Lodge , No . 374 , Montreal , Canada East 50 o o
The Widow of a Brother of the Lotige of Sincerity , No . 189 , East Stonehouse ... 150 o o The Widow of a Brother of the Bclgrave Lodge , No . 749 , London 50 o o A Brother of the St . Thomas ' s Lodge , No .
142 , London i °° o o Report of the Board of General Purposes , to the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . "The Board of General Purposes have to report as
follows : — " It appeared from the return of its members made to the Grand Secretary by a Provincial Lodge , that the names of initiates were withheld from such return . This being in contravention of the Constitutions ( Art . 14 , page 66 ) , the attention of the lodge was called to the circumstance , and an explanation requested , and it was stated in
reply ( and upon investigation the board have every reason to be satisfied with the bona fides of the statement ) , that the belief had always prevailed in the lodge that members ought not to be returned until raised to the Third Degree . The Board have received the strongest expressions of regret that such a mistake should have occurred , and have admonished the lodge in respect of it .
" It is thought right to report the matter to Grand Lodge , as a warning to other lodges in case a similar misappre . hension prevails elsewhere . ( Signed ) "J B . MONCKTON , President . " Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . " 18 th May , 1875 . "
At the meeting of the Board held on Tuesday , the 18 th instant , after the ordinary business had been disposed of , it was unanimously resolved , " That the thanks of the Board be given to the President , Bro . John B . Monckton , for the urbanity and unvarying courtesy which he has displayed , and the very able and satisfactory way in which he has conducted the business of the Board during the past
eventful year . " ( Signed ) PETER D . L . LONCI , Vice-President . To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 14 th day of May instant , shewing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 3883 17 s . 8 d . ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary ,
for petty cash , £ 75 ; and for servants * wages , £ 06 15 s . API'EAL . Appeal of a brother of the Bulwer Lodge , No . 891 , Constantinople , against the ruling of the Deputy District Grand Master , relative to the resignation and subsequent election of Bro . Tay lor as Master of the lodge , and also
against his ( the appellant ' s ) suspension from his Masonic privileges . N . B . The papers relating to this appeal will be in the Grand Secretary ' s Office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours .
PROPOSED MOTIONS . 1 . —By Brother J . H . Wynne , No . 101 and 554 : —That this Grand Lodge recommend from the funds of Grand Lodge that five pounds be given to each unsuccessful candidate at the election for annuitants of old men and women , belonging to the Craft of Freemasons , held on the 21 st May , 1875 .
. ... „„ ,, . . .... 2 . —By Brother Benjamin Head , P . G . D .: —That the sum of £ 70 be given from the Fund of General Purposes . That the money be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Frcemasctis and Widows of Freemasons , to supply the inmates at Croy don with coals during the winter
season . 3 . —Bro . Fretlcrick Binckes , P . M . Grand Stewards ' Lodge , on confirmation of minutes , will move—That the two hundred pounds awarded by the Board of Benevolence , and confirmed by Grand Lodge in March last , to a lirother , be placed in the hands of three brethren , in trust , for the benefit of the said brother .
We notice that Messrs . Feltoe and Sons , the Proprietors of the Spe ' cialite Sherry , have removed to more extensive premises , No . 27 , Albemarie-street , facing the Royal Institution .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of the subscribers of this Insti . tution met on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Major John Creaton , V . P ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . II . Browse , Benj . Head , John Symonds , Joshua Nunn , Griffiths Smith , Thomas VV . White , John A . Rucker , W . Paas , C . F . Hogard , Robert B .
Webster , Samuel Tomkms , Grand Treasurer , Treasurer of the Institution , S . L . Tomkins , Past Grand Deacon , Geo . Kenning , E . H . Thiellay , W . F . C . Moutrie , A . D . Loewenstark , E . Harris , H . Massey ( Freemason ); H . M . Levy , Rev . J . M . Vaughan , A . H . Tattershall , A . H , Draper , Col . Peters , H . Phythian , Thomas Cubitt , W . H . Hemsworth , W . H . Swallow . A . A . Pendlebury , II . G . Buss ,
F . Binckes , Raynham W . Stewart , J . T . Moss , R . Ramsay , H . A . Dubois , Charles Hammerton , E . Barron , Major Finney , Col . Burdett , and Robt . Wentworth Little , Sec . The minutes of former meeting were read and confirmed , and the minutes of the House Committee , which were read for information , conveyed the intelligence that on the election of a new head governess of the Girls' School , Miss
Moss , the second governess , had been chosen in place of Miss Davis , who resigns at Midsummer . A gift of one hundred guineas was voted by the House Committee to Miss Davis for the faithful discharge of her duties during her long occupancy of the office of Head Governess , and the gift was recommended to the next Quarterly Court . ( Cheers ) . The election of
Miss Moss , as Head Governess , was confirmed . The Surgeon of the Institution , Bro . Howell , having declined to receive his fees , the thanks of the House Committee were voted to him with a recommendation that the rank of Vice-President of the Institution should be conferred upon him . The brethren then proceeded with the election of
members of the House Committee , the election being conducted under the new rule , scrutineers of votes being appointed , and the poll being kept open till five o'clock , Bros . Thiellay , Webster , and Moutrie were chosen scrutineers . While this was proceeding the petitions were read , and six children were placed on the list for next election in October .
Bro . F . Binckes said ; That with respect to the recommendation to the Quarterly Court concerning Miss Davis , he did not wish for a single moment to interfere with the Committee of Management , though he wished to say something on the subject . When a change was made in the head mistresship of the Girls' School , now many years ago , he , with Bro . Symonds and Bro . Lyall , were appointed to
enquire into the best course of conducting the school , and they gave elaborate reports , when they were fortunate enough to find the lady to preside over the institution , who hail since conducted it so admirably . They were very sorry now to lose the services of that admirable lady , and he meant to ask whether , though the recommendation of a gift to her had been made by the committee , some
testimonial should not be added to it in the shape of an emblazoned vote on a neat piece of vellum , framed and glazed , expressing , not in fulsome language , but in a simple concise statement of why the testimonial was presented and embodying the appreciation which the committee , and , indeed , all friends of the institution , entertained of Miss Davis ' s services . Remembering as vividly
and so well as he did all the circumstances which occured when that lady was elected , he could not allow this opportunity to pass without asking to be allowed to add what he had proposed to the notice of motion already given for the Quarterly Court . The Chairman said he could see no object on at all to Bro . Binckes making the above mentionied
addition to the notice of motion , and every one would concur in it . He then read from the' minutes : — " Notice for the Quarterly General Court—Gratuity £ 105 to Miss Davis . " Bro . Binckes said he would then add the words , " accompanied by a presentation of a testimonial on vellum and framed , embodying the sense of the appreciation of
the committee of the services rendered b y Miss Davis . " ( Hear , hear ) . At five o'clock the voting papers for members of the House Committee were read out by the Chairman , when the following were found to have been elected , with the number of votes set against their names : Bro . Thomas W . White 48 „ Joshua Nunn ... 47
„ Griffiths Smith 46 „ J . A . Rucker 45 „ A . H . Tattershall 45 „ W . Paas 39 „ Rev . J . M . Vaughan ^ „ Benjamin Head 38 „ H . Browse , i
„ Colonel Peters 32 „ Raynham W . Stewart ' 31 „ H . A . Dubois 29 The undermentioned brethren were nominated to be on the Audit Committee for the year 1875-76 at the General Committee , Thursday , 28 th April , 1875 , and no others
being named : —Bros . John G . Chancellor , Henry C . Levander , II . M . Levy , John G . Marsh , Joshua Nunn , William Paas , William Roebuck , John Symonds , and Robert B . Webster , remain the Audit Committee for the year . Votes of thanks to the Chairman and Scrutineers closed the ] proceedings .
VISIT OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF JW ALES TO SHEFFIELD . —We are pleased to learn that a commemorative medal in connection with the above event has been designed by our W . Bro . John Chapman , Prov . G . J . D . ( Devon ) , and that the Mayor of Sheffield ( Mark Firth Esq . ) , has accepted the design , and given a large order for the medal in bronze and white metal for distribution .
Bro. E. Jones' Distribution.
The following numbers were successful in the ballot for Life Subscribers—Boys'School : —1614 , sold by J . Rollins ; 895 , F . Quinton ; 988 , J . G . Chillingworth ; ' 1640 , F . . Jackson ; 497 , H . Milton ; 806 , G . Mace ; 16- ; 7 , J . Cook .
1160 , T . Gardener ; 642 , 8 . Jenkins ; 1134 , H . Milton , ' •SSP E - Jones ; 1286 , J . Newman ; 1433 , H . Bom . The Committee of Management were : —Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . ; E . Roberts , P . M . ; J . Reeves , P . M . There were £ 6 9 worth sold .
American Notes.
The centennial of the battle of Bunker Hill will be celebrated in Boston , on June 17 th next , with the greatest enthusiasm . The Masonic Fraternity has been invited to participate in the celebration , through a communication addressed to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts . Mozart Lodge , No , 4 , 6 , of Philadelohia . was full of
" work " at its recent stated meeting , last when we looked in upon the brethren for a little while All the degrees were conferred , and there were also several brethren who desired to sit for a brief space in the chair of King Solomon . "Mozart" was never more prosperous than just now . THE CRAFT IN * LOUISIANA . —Grand Master Girard
reports that throughout the entire jurisdiction of Louisiana , notwithstanding the calamities that have befallen many brethren , and the general prostration of business , lour beloved Fraternity is in a prosperous condition . Although there has not been as much work done as in other years . it is even in a much better condition than for years past . 'Tis true the numbers may have been lessened but
that loss has been a real gain . A number of drones only have been stricken from the hives , a number of loiterers have been taught that they could no longer eat their bread in idleness and be welcome . A new vigor has been thereby instilled in the body of Masonry in Louisiana , and much less ot its strength will be wasted on bad material that has now become useless rubbish . From the reoorts of the
Committee of Work , through R . W . Bro . J . C . Gordy , who visited every part of the State , and of D . D . G . M . 's , tidings come corroborative of this statement , and commendatory of the experiment in District Lodge of Instruction . In 1801 a golden urn containing a lock of Washington ' s hair , was presented to Grantl Master Dunn , of Massachusetts , at his installation ; and at every succeeding installation since it
has been confided to the care and custody of the incoming Grand Master , with solemn and imperative injunctions to carefully preserve it , and at the expiration of his term of office , to transmit it to his successor , with the like charge . In December last , the urn was delivered to Grand Master Everett . Mount Lebanon Lodge , Boston , has contributed to its Grand Lod ge a portrait of Past Grand Master Bro . Simon
W . Robinson , who sat in the Grand East in 1846-7 . 8 , and died in 1864 . It was painted by Bro . J . Harvey Young , of Joseph Warren Lodge , Boston . St . John ' s Day , December 27 th , was celebrated in 17 ^ 2 by the brethren of the first lodge in Boston , " with that beauty and harmony of parts so peculiar to the Ancient and Honourable Craft , " —so the ancient minutes express it .
The Right Rev . Bro . Edward Bass , D . D ., the first Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts , officiated as Grand Chaplain in 1768 , at the institution of Bro . John Rowe , as Provincial Grand Master of New England . The New England Freemason , for March , contains a very fine stcel-engraved portrait " of its able editor , Bro , Sereno D . Nickerson , Past Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts ; also a number of interesting and valuable Masonic articles .
PROPOSED SECOND ENGLISH VOLUNTEER VISIT TO FRANCE . —A meeting of Volunteers took place on Saturday at the studio of Captain Mercier , for the purpose of receiving and considering an invitation from the Socie ' te ' Havreuse de Tir to English marksmen in the voluntcei service to participate in the shooting competition for prizes to be offered by the society at the latter end of July .
Lieutenant-Colonel E . T . Gourley , M . P ., presided . After some discussion it was resolved that , subject to a sufficient number of volunteers entering their names by the 6 th June , the invitation shall be accepted ; that a committee should be appointed to carry out all necessary arrangements ; and that in the event of a sufficient number of names being entered by the time specifiedto take part in the visit , the
committee shall be empowered to make application to the Secretary of State for War for a similar sanction to that given last year for the visit of the volunteers to France to be made . It was further resolved that the entrance fee should be the same as last year , 12 s . 6 d . ; that the general arrangements of the previous visit having proved so
successful , they be followed as nearly as possible , and that the number of entries to be accepted should be limited to 300 . Lieutenant Chiffey , of the 3 rd London Rifles , having consented to act as honorary secretary pro tern ., it was resolved that all applications for entry should be addressed to him , care of Captain Mercier , 12 , Albert-terrace , Hydepark . The meeting adjourned till ^ Saturday , the 6 th proximo .
HOLLOWAV s PILLS AND OINTMENT . —No one should treat the present changes in the weather with indifference , for they undoubtedly have a great cll ' ect upon the human body . It is necessary for every one to be cautious and watchful . Cautious as regards clothing and exposure , and watchfulness as regards the elfect on the body . The skin , nervous svstein , and breathing organs often sillier severely , as is evidenced by Krysipelas , Rheumatism , Colds , Sore 'Jbroats , & c . When , therefore , symptoms of anv ' ofl'ihe above diseases show themselves , thev should be at oace aitentled to . The Ointment should be rubbed into the part ' s attfeted , and the l'ills taken according to the printed directions ; this treatment soon eradicates the disease and restores the genera' health . —ABVT
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
The following is the agenda of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday next : — The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 3 rd March for confirmation . The minutes of the Grand Festival of the 28 th April for confirmation . The M . W . Grand Master will propose that the thanks of
Grand Lodge be given to the Committee appointed by the Board of General Purposes to assist the Grand Director of Ceremonies in carrying out the arrangements for the Installation of the Grand Master on the 28 th of April , including Sir Albert W . Woods , Garter , Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Thomas Fenn , Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies , specially appointed to assist him , and the Executive generally for their exertions on the
occasion . Election of Trustees of Grand Lodge Funds . Election of members of the Board of General Purposes . Election of members of Colonial Board . Election of members for the Committee of Management of the " Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . " Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last Quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants ,
.: — A Brother of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , No . 12 , London £ 100 o o A Brother of the St . Paul ' s Lodge , No . 374 , Montreal , Canada East 50 o o
The Widow of a Brother of the Lotige of Sincerity , No . 189 , East Stonehouse ... 150 o o The Widow of a Brother of the Bclgrave Lodge , No . 749 , London 50 o o A Brother of the St . Thomas ' s Lodge , No .
142 , London i °° o o Report of the Board of General Purposes , to the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . "The Board of General Purposes have to report as
follows : — " It appeared from the return of its members made to the Grand Secretary by a Provincial Lodge , that the names of initiates were withheld from such return . This being in contravention of the Constitutions ( Art . 14 , page 66 ) , the attention of the lodge was called to the circumstance , and an explanation requested , and it was stated in
reply ( and upon investigation the board have every reason to be satisfied with the bona fides of the statement ) , that the belief had always prevailed in the lodge that members ought not to be returned until raised to the Third Degree . The Board have received the strongest expressions of regret that such a mistake should have occurred , and have admonished the lodge in respect of it .
" It is thought right to report the matter to Grand Lodge , as a warning to other lodges in case a similar misappre . hension prevails elsewhere . ( Signed ) "J B . MONCKTON , President . " Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . " 18 th May , 1875 . "
At the meeting of the Board held on Tuesday , the 18 th instant , after the ordinary business had been disposed of , it was unanimously resolved , " That the thanks of the Board be given to the President , Bro . John B . Monckton , for the urbanity and unvarying courtesy which he has displayed , and the very able and satisfactory way in which he has conducted the business of the Board during the past
eventful year . " ( Signed ) PETER D . L . LONCI , Vice-President . To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 14 th day of May instant , shewing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 3883 17 s . 8 d . ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary ,
for petty cash , £ 75 ; and for servants * wages , £ 06 15 s . API'EAL . Appeal of a brother of the Bulwer Lodge , No . 891 , Constantinople , against the ruling of the Deputy District Grand Master , relative to the resignation and subsequent election of Bro . Tay lor as Master of the lodge , and also
against his ( the appellant ' s ) suspension from his Masonic privileges . N . B . The papers relating to this appeal will be in the Grand Secretary ' s Office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours .
PROPOSED MOTIONS . 1 . —By Brother J . H . Wynne , No . 101 and 554 : —That this Grand Lodge recommend from the funds of Grand Lodge that five pounds be given to each unsuccessful candidate at the election for annuitants of old men and women , belonging to the Craft of Freemasons , held on the 21 st May , 1875 .
. ... „„ ,, . . .... 2 . —By Brother Benjamin Head , P . G . D .: —That the sum of £ 70 be given from the Fund of General Purposes . That the money be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Frcemasctis and Widows of Freemasons , to supply the inmates at Croy don with coals during the winter
season . 3 . —Bro . Fretlcrick Binckes , P . M . Grand Stewards ' Lodge , on confirmation of minutes , will move—That the two hundred pounds awarded by the Board of Benevolence , and confirmed by Grand Lodge in March last , to a lirother , be placed in the hands of three brethren , in trust , for the benefit of the said brother .
We notice that Messrs . Feltoe and Sons , the Proprietors of the Spe ' cialite Sherry , have removed to more extensive premises , No . 27 , Albemarie-street , facing the Royal Institution .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of the subscribers of this Insti . tution met on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Major John Creaton , V . P ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . II . Browse , Benj . Head , John Symonds , Joshua Nunn , Griffiths Smith , Thomas VV . White , John A . Rucker , W . Paas , C . F . Hogard , Robert B .
Webster , Samuel Tomkms , Grand Treasurer , Treasurer of the Institution , S . L . Tomkins , Past Grand Deacon , Geo . Kenning , E . H . Thiellay , W . F . C . Moutrie , A . D . Loewenstark , E . Harris , H . Massey ( Freemason ); H . M . Levy , Rev . J . M . Vaughan , A . H . Tattershall , A . H , Draper , Col . Peters , H . Phythian , Thomas Cubitt , W . H . Hemsworth , W . H . Swallow . A . A . Pendlebury , II . G . Buss ,
F . Binckes , Raynham W . Stewart , J . T . Moss , R . Ramsay , H . A . Dubois , Charles Hammerton , E . Barron , Major Finney , Col . Burdett , and Robt . Wentworth Little , Sec . The minutes of former meeting were read and confirmed , and the minutes of the House Committee , which were read for information , conveyed the intelligence that on the election of a new head governess of the Girls' School , Miss
Moss , the second governess , had been chosen in place of Miss Davis , who resigns at Midsummer . A gift of one hundred guineas was voted by the House Committee to Miss Davis for the faithful discharge of her duties during her long occupancy of the office of Head Governess , and the gift was recommended to the next Quarterly Court . ( Cheers ) . The election of
Miss Moss , as Head Governess , was confirmed . The Surgeon of the Institution , Bro . Howell , having declined to receive his fees , the thanks of the House Committee were voted to him with a recommendation that the rank of Vice-President of the Institution should be conferred upon him . The brethren then proceeded with the election of
members of the House Committee , the election being conducted under the new rule , scrutineers of votes being appointed , and the poll being kept open till five o'clock , Bros . Thiellay , Webster , and Moutrie were chosen scrutineers . While this was proceeding the petitions were read , and six children were placed on the list for next election in October .
Bro . F . Binckes said ; That with respect to the recommendation to the Quarterly Court concerning Miss Davis , he did not wish for a single moment to interfere with the Committee of Management , though he wished to say something on the subject . When a change was made in the head mistresship of the Girls' School , now many years ago , he , with Bro . Symonds and Bro . Lyall , were appointed to
enquire into the best course of conducting the school , and they gave elaborate reports , when they were fortunate enough to find the lady to preside over the institution , who hail since conducted it so admirably . They were very sorry now to lose the services of that admirable lady , and he meant to ask whether , though the recommendation of a gift to her had been made by the committee , some
testimonial should not be added to it in the shape of an emblazoned vote on a neat piece of vellum , framed and glazed , expressing , not in fulsome language , but in a simple concise statement of why the testimonial was presented and embodying the appreciation which the committee , and , indeed , all friends of the institution , entertained of Miss Davis ' s services . Remembering as vividly
and so well as he did all the circumstances which occured when that lady was elected , he could not allow this opportunity to pass without asking to be allowed to add what he had proposed to the notice of motion already given for the Quarterly Court . The Chairman said he could see no object on at all to Bro . Binckes making the above mentionied
addition to the notice of motion , and every one would concur in it . He then read from the' minutes : — " Notice for the Quarterly General Court—Gratuity £ 105 to Miss Davis . " Bro . Binckes said he would then add the words , " accompanied by a presentation of a testimonial on vellum and framed , embodying the sense of the appreciation of
the committee of the services rendered b y Miss Davis . " ( Hear , hear ) . At five o'clock the voting papers for members of the House Committee were read out by the Chairman , when the following were found to have been elected , with the number of votes set against their names : Bro . Thomas W . White 48 „ Joshua Nunn ... 47
„ Griffiths Smith 46 „ J . A . Rucker 45 „ A . H . Tattershall 45 „ W . Paas 39 „ Rev . J . M . Vaughan ^ „ Benjamin Head 38 „ H . Browse , i
„ Colonel Peters 32 „ Raynham W . Stewart ' 31 „ H . A . Dubois 29 The undermentioned brethren were nominated to be on the Audit Committee for the year 1875-76 at the General Committee , Thursday , 28 th April , 1875 , and no others
being named : —Bros . John G . Chancellor , Henry C . Levander , II . M . Levy , John G . Marsh , Joshua Nunn , William Paas , William Roebuck , John Symonds , and Robert B . Webster , remain the Audit Committee for the year . Votes of thanks to the Chairman and Scrutineers closed the ] proceedings .
VISIT OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF JW ALES TO SHEFFIELD . —We are pleased to learn that a commemorative medal in connection with the above event has been designed by our W . Bro . John Chapman , Prov . G . J . D . ( Devon ) , and that the Mayor of Sheffield ( Mark Firth Esq . ) , has accepted the design , and given a large order for the medal in bronze and white metal for distribution .
Bro. E. Jones' Distribution.
The following numbers were successful in the ballot for Life Subscribers—Boys'School : —1614 , sold by J . Rollins ; 895 , F . Quinton ; 988 , J . G . Chillingworth ; ' 1640 , F . . Jackson ; 497 , H . Milton ; 806 , G . Mace ; 16- ; 7 , J . Cook .
1160 , T . Gardener ; 642 , 8 . Jenkins ; 1134 , H . Milton , ' •SSP E - Jones ; 1286 , J . Newman ; 1433 , H . Bom . The Committee of Management were : —Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . ; E . Roberts , P . M . ; J . Reeves , P . M . There were £ 6 9 worth sold .
American Notes.
The centennial of the battle of Bunker Hill will be celebrated in Boston , on June 17 th next , with the greatest enthusiasm . The Masonic Fraternity has been invited to participate in the celebration , through a communication addressed to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts . Mozart Lodge , No , 4 , 6 , of Philadelohia . was full of
" work " at its recent stated meeting , last when we looked in upon the brethren for a little while All the degrees were conferred , and there were also several brethren who desired to sit for a brief space in the chair of King Solomon . "Mozart" was never more prosperous than just now . THE CRAFT IN * LOUISIANA . —Grand Master Girard
reports that throughout the entire jurisdiction of Louisiana , notwithstanding the calamities that have befallen many brethren , and the general prostration of business , lour beloved Fraternity is in a prosperous condition . Although there has not been as much work done as in other years . it is even in a much better condition than for years past . 'Tis true the numbers may have been lessened but
that loss has been a real gain . A number of drones only have been stricken from the hives , a number of loiterers have been taught that they could no longer eat their bread in idleness and be welcome . A new vigor has been thereby instilled in the body of Masonry in Louisiana , and much less ot its strength will be wasted on bad material that has now become useless rubbish . From the reoorts of the
Committee of Work , through R . W . Bro . J . C . Gordy , who visited every part of the State , and of D . D . G . M . 's , tidings come corroborative of this statement , and commendatory of the experiment in District Lodge of Instruction . In 1801 a golden urn containing a lock of Washington ' s hair , was presented to Grantl Master Dunn , of Massachusetts , at his installation ; and at every succeeding installation since it
has been confided to the care and custody of the incoming Grand Master , with solemn and imperative injunctions to carefully preserve it , and at the expiration of his term of office , to transmit it to his successor , with the like charge . In December last , the urn was delivered to Grand Master Everett . Mount Lebanon Lodge , Boston , has contributed to its Grand Lod ge a portrait of Past Grand Master Bro . Simon
W . Robinson , who sat in the Grand East in 1846-7 . 8 , and died in 1864 . It was painted by Bro . J . Harvey Young , of Joseph Warren Lodge , Boston . St . John ' s Day , December 27 th , was celebrated in 17 ^ 2 by the brethren of the first lodge in Boston , " with that beauty and harmony of parts so peculiar to the Ancient and Honourable Craft , " —so the ancient minutes express it .
The Right Rev . Bro . Edward Bass , D . D ., the first Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts , officiated as Grand Chaplain in 1768 , at the institution of Bro . John Rowe , as Provincial Grand Master of New England . The New England Freemason , for March , contains a very fine stcel-engraved portrait " of its able editor , Bro , Sereno D . Nickerson , Past Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts ; also a number of interesting and valuable Masonic articles .
PROPOSED SECOND ENGLISH VOLUNTEER VISIT TO FRANCE . —A meeting of Volunteers took place on Saturday at the studio of Captain Mercier , for the purpose of receiving and considering an invitation from the Socie ' te ' Havreuse de Tir to English marksmen in the voluntcei service to participate in the shooting competition for prizes to be offered by the society at the latter end of July .
Lieutenant-Colonel E . T . Gourley , M . P ., presided . After some discussion it was resolved that , subject to a sufficient number of volunteers entering their names by the 6 th June , the invitation shall be accepted ; that a committee should be appointed to carry out all necessary arrangements ; and that in the event of a sufficient number of names being entered by the time specifiedto take part in the visit , the
committee shall be empowered to make application to the Secretary of State for War for a similar sanction to that given last year for the visit of the volunteers to France to be made . It was further resolved that the entrance fee should be the same as last year , 12 s . 6 d . ; that the general arrangements of the previous visit having proved so
successful , they be followed as nearly as possible , and that the number of entries to be accepted should be limited to 300 . Lieutenant Chiffey , of the 3 rd London Rifles , having consented to act as honorary secretary pro tern ., it was resolved that all applications for entry should be addressed to him , care of Captain Mercier , 12 , Albert-terrace , Hydepark . The meeting adjourned till ^ Saturday , the 6 th proximo .
HOLLOWAV s PILLS AND OINTMENT . —No one should treat the present changes in the weather with indifference , for they undoubtedly have a great cll ' ect upon the human body . It is necessary for every one to be cautious and watchful . Cautious as regards clothing and exposure , and watchfulness as regards the elfect on the body . The skin , nervous svstein , and breathing organs often sillier severely , as is evidenced by Krysipelas , Rheumatism , Colds , Sore 'Jbroats , & c . When , therefore , symptoms of anv ' ofl'ihe above diseases show themselves , thev should be at oace aitentled to . The Ointment should be rubbed into the part ' s attfeted , and the l'ills taken according to the printed directions ; this treatment soon eradicates the disease and restores the genera' health . —ABVT