Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Province Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
ji ' L'XI ) iOR Till ! ]>" , N'EI '' lT Ol ' TiiH \\' l )) OW Ol ' Till ! C ' . T . P vV " . BKO . J . R . STI' . HIIING , P-G . D IENCLANH ) AND D . Prow G . M . i . . i £ Sii ) J-: xv . —Tin Right "Worshipful W . VV . ij . l ! iii-: cn , Al P .. IVnhicia ! Grand Master .
^ -. i a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , . -icently held at Landport , it was unanimously ;•• solved that a Committee be appointed for the •¦ ¦ crpose of raising a fund , to provide a suitable ¦ ' ' •¦ cmorial to our laic dee ^ iy-lamented Bro .
etebbmrj ' . in pursuance , of the foregoing resolution , a ¦ neeting was held at Southampton , which was largely attended , ivhen the following resolutions wire unanimously adopted : —
" That the Ledges and Chapters of the Province and Freemasons generally be solicited to subscribe to a fund , to be appropriated ; 's the Committee shall determine , for the benefit of the Widow of our late lamented Bro . j . R . Slebbing , whose circumstances at the lime of his decease render this appeal absolutely
necessary . " Th : -- copieu ot ' these , resolutive : i be forwardr : ' 10 each Ljdge and Chapter :: i the : Y .: \ ince , inviling - their co-operation , as well . ' .: that of .., jthren and Companions generally , i : i obtaining subscriptions lo One fund . "
I hat a circular stating the circumstances be also transmitted to all other Lodges and Chapters in England . " The . name , of the late Bio . j . R . Sleb ' u ' uvi ; ?•; so well known in all Masonic circles mat il sveniy unnecessary to set forth at length his
long and valuable . services . For many years he v ...:.. - ; constant attendant at Grand Lodge and ih'and Chapter , assisting the interests of the -Jullncii and Companions . He was Yicci ' i' -siilent of tlle Boatd of General Purposes in - n 1861 , 1862 and iSrtl . and alsoan active
inem'iii" 01 the Building Committee of the present iTicniasons' Hall , London . He was rarely absent from Ihe elections in , ; die various Charities , giving his valuable aid to j , 'he poor and distressed y . niongst the brethren ' i ml their relatives , contributinc Irani his means
I ¦ ' ' the advancement of those charities , in which ij ¦' " ' I'ail ijiialiiied as Yice-Patron of Ihe Boys ' I !' ii iol , Life Governor of the Girls' School , and I i ' ' Goveino .- of the Benevolent Institution ; I : ln ' ' it is sincerel y hoped that the Widow of one I '¦ '•' ;' 't ) was so actively en .-r .-iged for ihe benc'ir . o {
I ' 'ine .-s ( herself a Lite-Governor of the Boys ' jj ' ¦ ' nnnjl ) shouli be p laced in circumstances % '• 'iir . h v . ill ass st her in her present unexpected \^ " -lent . I ' ' --scr : ptiors in aid of this fund may be
r . i :- ¦•¦ ' . iiittcd to the Treasurer , Aldermoor House , I V ;' - ^ eiiiLhamjuon ; or to his bankers , Messrs . ^; - ' - | ! ison , A . herly , Hankinson , and Darwin . I '• - " - ' " ' . ii ' . ;; toi :.. s W . Hie ! - , , Treasurer . I ! . E . Lu I ' i- ; u \ 'KM , Secretary .
M . AS 0 Z 11 C Ei- ! . & i 7 E ! ' / : i ; . ¦>¦ ' ' ¦ v ..: ' i '! . ' . ' ' : L . i ' -. '¦/ L > :.- . i-. O . ' .. ' . '" ' ... Vi ' , i '" . . .- > , ,. ' i i 77 . ,,.-. i .., ! - ' ,. v . 1 ,.- -.- p , " 1 -- ' . (• : " -- ' - - - '( ,.- . ; ¦ ¦ ' , " ' ' : "; , -i" !• . : s :-n- ' «' . ' ¦• if ,-. !' . i- eis . i ; . ' ' ¦ : ¦¦¦<> ei' -o-i'"' • ' inc-il n - K iTiM . ii . dJ-..
¦ degree of IHost ( LKcHcnt , § op { , Select a lib j ?»]? cr = 6 * TcHciit Itliisrcr . Meetings , under the Authority of the GRANO COUNCIL or ENGLAND AND WALKS , to confer the above Degrees , will be held at the new Lodge Rooms , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , on the second and fourth Wednesday in every month . Fee ; c 2 2 s . Ten days' notice of attendance must be sent to tlic undersigned , iroiii- whom ail particulars may be obtained . Candidates must be qualified as Royal Arch and Mark Mfsler Masons . FKLDERICK BINCKES , Grand Recorder . Oiliee , — 2 , Red Lion-square , W . C . June 8 , 1 S 74 . MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED IN iSOS . ' i " iii ' . s C ( i ; ii )) . i : iv was the first to adopt the new ami popular system uf POSITIVE ASSURANCE . Tlic policies being payable lo bearer , lender assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , unnecessary , anil they liave at all times an immediate purchasable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK WGG , P . M .. Manager .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSU RANGE COMPANY . Capital—A Mnarlcr 01 a Million . 0 i- ' . i : .--- . ULULN STIIKKT PI . UI :, LONDON , E . G . NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT , May , 187 . 1 . New lJus ' m :.. ; . 2 ,, ; o 7 Policies for X ' - | . cG , 6 , $ o . New Annual Iiu-onic , £ 12 , 236 . 1 fj- Death Claims paid , . £ ' , 33 , 111 . 26 Claims on Manned Policies , Jt . ' 2 , <) S' 7 . Paid fur sunenilers , /_ . ' 2 , o 02 . Laid by in year , , C | . | ., or >; r . In finee , 1 < j , 1 ii Policies for £ ' 3 , 30 ( 1 , 33 $ . Ar . njal Premium Income , £ 104 , yy 6 . Paid for Policy Claims and Bonuses during- nineteen jeais , £ 255 , ( 12 . 1 . 011 1 , 584 Policies . Acumiulalcd Fund increased to . £ ' 355 , 202 . M . nLi ^ i , !^ D : ucl » r ai ;< l slaua . y — William Sutton Gover , EM | ., F . siS ., I- ' . I . A .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE A S S O C I A T I O N . EsTAIH . lSlll-I ) 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . Tor Insuring ; against ACCIDENTAL DEATH Wit ! Coxiipensa ' uon for Personal injury , Caused by Accidents Ci : ii OF . MI- .-I-S— ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . "i :. i « is : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . S . i- . retaiy : CIIAIU . FS Ii . OILMAN , Esq . London M'lnager : ilr . Giuiaas Powiii . r .. ^\ " C : ClDEf \ 'T " INSURANCE ~ COMP AN Y ( Limited ) , 7 , Dank lJiiiliiings , Luthbuiy , E . C . Gene : ; . ! Accidents . 1 Personal Juiuri'is . ltail-. v .-iy Accidents . | Deaths by Accidents . C . HAHl . r > JC , Manager . ];/[ ' - ' ' - " ' - .- - ¦ i . v . 7 i ,, 'i craiited im . u - ; i ; t , ie-y .- ¦ ' - : ! "¦[ ,. ' . ' .. ''" . ' . ' -. ' - - '^'" . ' - ' . :: r , ; 7 v- ¦¦" 'i' : ;" - '' ' , r ; ' : ; " ¦;•' - ' ;¦ C ^^ l-r- ii ' . iish ^; : ; :- ^ " ° " b ; o . J . C ! I' ' . ' . Ki-. ii , j ' . V-. ille StieM , Nei .-ea ^ ili-\ ,.,.,,. , VV ........ .
BO ^ 'S CLOTHING . r ? MOSES and SON beg to call attention JU ' to their vast Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING , which embraces all the Newest Styles and Materials , and will be found to maintain their reputation for excellence and cheapness . Addresses below .
npHE PERFECTION OF CLOTHING . English Clotbintr is justly regarded as the best in the worK and K . MOS ' liS and SON'S as the best in England . Ail t .-ic Neves : £ yi ;„ c .-.-. i : Fattens for Sur . imcr , Sea-sidc and Travelling - Suits in great variety . Charges based on the Kcady-Moncy system . Every aiticle marked in plain figures . Lists of Prices , Kulcs for Seif-Measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet gratis and post free . P MOSES and SON'S Establishments are dosed every Friday evening at su : ; sct , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . E . MOSES and SON , Meiehant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . T ' . lmoiics and Aldgate , New Oxfoid-streef , Tottenham-Corn t-road , And liiadford , Voikshire .
jyj O U R N I N G . E . MOSES and tCN h ? . ve always on hand a large Stock of . Mo'iniin ^ - Attire for Adults and Juveniles . ¦ ' i : Assortment to select from will be s"nt at any time j on jeccipt e' a letter or telegram , or tlic articles required can L" '; ia : ie to IKCUSUIC at a very shot notice , E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes-, LONDON . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham Court-road , And liradford , Yorkshiie .
GKA'I EFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'S COCOA . BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and . nutrition , and bj a cirefill application of the line propeities of v ; ll selected cuca , Iilr . Iii > i ! 3 has provided our breakfast tables with . a delica-ely flavoured bev . rage whkh may save us man ; l : ta . \ v ilocturs' bills "—Civil Sen ice Gazette . " We will now gi \ e an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . "Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or mill :. Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS ir Co ., HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadncedle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London . Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled .. Works—Euston-road and Ca . iideu-town , London .
ARMS , CR " . STS AND MOTTOES FOUND , ^ s Sketched in Pen :: nd Ink 4 / 6 ^¦ ¦ ^ ^ VX ^ O * Or in Heraldic Colours 7 / 0 ^ ^ - ' -. ^ iVv V v ^* ^' Engraved on Copper 21 / ^ ^< ' \ J ^ - ^^ ' ^ Crests on Rings 7 / 0 ea . ^ , « - """ TxVp ^^^ cl ., r ,, „ on Spoons ^ - ^\\\ ) ^^ r / onerdot : ^ - ^ . h ^^^ DIES c ; PRESSES ^< M \^ i ^* ^ ' ^ NO'PE PAPER STAMPING " 07 >^' ' Bro - JAMES B . SLY , 3 RATHDONE P ' JACE , OXFORD-ST ., 'O JCN ;\ V V' * TMV : " : LT . < , Hr- ' . n-J ; ' .-y : tun < -: 7 c ' cr . d Z : l--ev '' EniSicid-iy . F ' rrs' i . " s . res . ; : econil ¦ 1 : ¦•; , 1 s . ; thini c-iass , 10 s . p-r -. see ! :. Il . - . as , t' . ^ o a-m :, . ? o p 111 . Apprentiers r-. ! : en , tern : rhiv ; ' , ¦ : •!; . Api :. y ' ' /) ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Province Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
ji ' L'XI ) iOR Till ! ]>" , N'EI '' lT Ol ' TiiH \\' l )) OW Ol ' Till ! C ' . T . P vV " . BKO . J . R . STI' . HIIING , P-G . D IENCLANH ) AND D . Prow G . M . i . . i £ Sii ) J-: xv . —Tin Right "Worshipful W . VV . ij . l ! iii-: cn , Al P .. IVnhicia ! Grand Master .
^ -. i a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , . -icently held at Landport , it was unanimously ;•• solved that a Committee be appointed for the •¦ ¦ crpose of raising a fund , to provide a suitable ¦ ' ' •¦ cmorial to our laic dee ^ iy-lamented Bro .
etebbmrj ' . in pursuance , of the foregoing resolution , a ¦ neeting was held at Southampton , which was largely attended , ivhen the following resolutions wire unanimously adopted : —
" That the Ledges and Chapters of the Province and Freemasons generally be solicited to subscribe to a fund , to be appropriated ; 's the Committee shall determine , for the benefit of the Widow of our late lamented Bro . j . R . Slebbing , whose circumstances at the lime of his decease render this appeal absolutely
necessary . " Th : -- copieu ot ' these , resolutive : i be forwardr : ' 10 each Ljdge and Chapter :: i the : Y .: \ ince , inviling - their co-operation , as well . ' .: that of .., jthren and Companions generally , i : i obtaining subscriptions lo One fund . "
I hat a circular stating the circumstances be also transmitted to all other Lodges and Chapters in England . " The . name , of the late Bio . j . R . Sleb ' u ' uvi ; ?•; so well known in all Masonic circles mat il sveniy unnecessary to set forth at length his
long and valuable . services . For many years he v ...:.. - ; constant attendant at Grand Lodge and ih'and Chapter , assisting the interests of the -Jullncii and Companions . He was Yicci ' i' -siilent of tlle Boatd of General Purposes in - n 1861 , 1862 and iSrtl . and alsoan active
inem'iii" 01 the Building Committee of the present iTicniasons' Hall , London . He was rarely absent from Ihe elections in , ; die various Charities , giving his valuable aid to j , 'he poor and distressed y . niongst the brethren ' i ml their relatives , contributinc Irani his means
I ¦ ' ' the advancement of those charities , in which ij ¦' " ' I'ail ijiialiiied as Yice-Patron of Ihe Boys ' I !' ii iol , Life Governor of the Girls' School , and I i ' ' Goveino .- of the Benevolent Institution ; I : ln ' ' it is sincerel y hoped that the Widow of one I '¦ '•' ;' 't ) was so actively en .-r .-iged for ihe benc'ir . o {
I ' 'ine .-s ( herself a Lite-Governor of the Boys ' jj ' ¦ ' nnnjl ) shouli be p laced in circumstances % '• 'iir . h v . ill ass st her in her present unexpected \^ " -lent . I ' ' --scr : ptiors in aid of this fund may be
r . i :- ¦•¦ ' . iiittcd to the Treasurer , Aldermoor House , I V ;' - ^ eiiiLhamjuon ; or to his bankers , Messrs . ^; - ' - | ! ison , A . herly , Hankinson , and Darwin . I '• - " - ' " ' . ii ' . ;; toi :.. s W . Hie ! - , , Treasurer . I ! . E . Lu I ' i- ; u \ 'KM , Secretary .
M . AS 0 Z 11 C Ei- ! . & i 7 E ! ' / : i ; . ¦>¦ ' ' ¦ v ..: ' i '! . ' . ' ' : L . i ' -. '¦/ L > :.- . i-. O . ' .. ' . '" ' ... Vi ' , i '" . . .- > , ,. ' i i 77 . ,,.-. i .., ! - ' ,. v . 1 ,.- -.- p , " 1 -- ' . (• : " -- ' - - - '( ,.- . ; ¦ ¦ ' , " ' ' : "; , -i" !• . : s :-n- ' «' . ' ¦• if ,-. !' . i- eis . i ; . ' ' ¦ : ¦¦¦<> ei' -o-i'"' • ' inc-il n - K iTiM . ii . dJ-..
¦ degree of IHost ( LKcHcnt , § op { , Select a lib j ?»]? cr = 6 * TcHciit Itliisrcr . Meetings , under the Authority of the GRANO COUNCIL or ENGLAND AND WALKS , to confer the above Degrees , will be held at the new Lodge Rooms , 2 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , on the second and fourth Wednesday in every month . Fee ; c 2 2 s . Ten days' notice of attendance must be sent to tlic undersigned , iroiii- whom ail particulars may be obtained . Candidates must be qualified as Royal Arch and Mark Mfsler Masons . FKLDERICK BINCKES , Grand Recorder . Oiliee , — 2 , Red Lion-square , W . C . June 8 , 1 S 74 . MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED IN iSOS . ' i " iii ' . s C ( i ; ii )) . i : iv was the first to adopt the new ami popular system uf POSITIVE ASSURANCE . Tlic policies being payable lo bearer , lender assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , unnecessary , anil they liave at all times an immediate purchasable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK WGG , P . M .. Manager .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSU RANGE COMPANY . Capital—A Mnarlcr 01 a Million . 0 i- ' . i : .--- . ULULN STIIKKT PI . UI :, LONDON , E . G . NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT , May , 187 . 1 . New lJus ' m :.. ; . 2 ,, ; o 7 Policies for X ' - | . cG , 6 , $ o . New Annual Iiu-onic , £ 12 , 236 . 1 fj- Death Claims paid , . £ ' , 33 , 111 . 26 Claims on Manned Policies , Jt . ' 2 , <) S' 7 . Paid fur sunenilers , /_ . ' 2 , o 02 . Laid by in year , , C | . | ., or >; r . In finee , 1 < j , 1 ii Policies for £ ' 3 , 30 ( 1 , 33 $ . Ar . njal Premium Income , £ 104 , yy 6 . Paid for Policy Claims and Bonuses during- nineteen jeais , £ 255 , ( 12 . 1 . 011 1 , 584 Policies . Acumiulalcd Fund increased to . £ ' 355 , 202 . M . nLi ^ i , !^ D : ucl » r ai ;< l slaua . y — William Sutton Gover , EM | ., F . siS ., I- ' . I . A .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE A S S O C I A T I O N . EsTAIH . lSlll-I ) 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . Tor Insuring ; against ACCIDENTAL DEATH Wit ! Coxiipensa ' uon for Personal injury , Caused by Accidents Ci : ii OF . MI- .-I-S— ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . "i :. i « is : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . S . i- . retaiy : CIIAIU . FS Ii . OILMAN , Esq . London M'lnager : ilr . Giuiaas Powiii . r .. ^\ " C : ClDEf \ 'T " INSURANCE ~ COMP AN Y ( Limited ) , 7 , Dank lJiiiliiings , Luthbuiy , E . C . Gene : ; . ! Accidents . 1 Personal Juiuri'is . ltail-. v .-iy Accidents . | Deaths by Accidents . C . HAHl . r > JC , Manager . ];/[ ' - ' ' - " ' - .- - ¦ i . v . 7 i ,, 'i craiited im . u - ; i ; t , ie-y .- ¦ ' - : ! "¦[ ,. ' . ' .. ''" . ' . ' -. ' - - '^'" . ' - ' . :: r , ; 7 v- ¦¦" 'i' : ;" - '' ' , r ; ' : ; " ¦;•' - ' ;¦ C ^^ l-r- ii ' . iish ^; : ; :- ^ " ° " b ; o . J . C ! I' ' . ' . Ki-. ii , j ' . V-. ille StieM , Nei .-ea ^ ili-\ ,.,.,,. , VV ........ .
BO ^ 'S CLOTHING . r ? MOSES and SON beg to call attention JU ' to their vast Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING , which embraces all the Newest Styles and Materials , and will be found to maintain their reputation for excellence and cheapness . Addresses below .
npHE PERFECTION OF CLOTHING . English Clotbintr is justly regarded as the best in the worK and K . MOS ' liS and SON'S as the best in England . Ail t .-ic Neves : £ yi ;„ c .-.-. i : Fattens for Sur . imcr , Sea-sidc and Travelling - Suits in great variety . Charges based on the Kcady-Moncy system . Every aiticle marked in plain figures . Lists of Prices , Kulcs for Seif-Measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet gratis and post free . P MOSES and SON'S Establishments are dosed every Friday evening at su : ; sct , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . E . MOSES and SON , Meiehant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . T ' . lmoiics and Aldgate , New Oxfoid-streef , Tottenham-Corn t-road , And liiadford , Voikshire .
jyj O U R N I N G . E . MOSES and tCN h ? . ve always on hand a large Stock of . Mo'iniin ^ - Attire for Adults and Juveniles . ¦ ' i : Assortment to select from will be s"nt at any time j on jeccipt e' a letter or telegram , or tlic articles required can L" '; ia : ie to IKCUSUIC at a very shot notice , E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes-, LONDON . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham Court-road , And liradford , Yorkshiie .
GKA'I EFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'S COCOA . BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and . nutrition , and bj a cirefill application of the line propeities of v ; ll selected cuca , Iilr . Iii > i ! 3 has provided our breakfast tables with . a delica-ely flavoured bev . rage whkh may save us man ; l : ta . \ v ilocturs' bills "—Civil Sen ice Gazette . " We will now gi \ e an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . "Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or mill :. Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS ir Co ., HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadncedle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London . Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled .. Works—Euston-road and Ca . iideu-town , London .
ARMS , CR " . STS AND MOTTOES FOUND , ^ s Sketched in Pen :: nd Ink 4 / 6 ^¦ ¦ ^ ^ VX ^ O * Or in Heraldic Colours 7 / 0 ^ ^ - ' -. ^ iVv V v ^* ^' Engraved on Copper 21 / ^ ^< ' \ J ^ - ^^ ' ^ Crests on Rings 7 / 0 ea . ^ , « - """ TxVp ^^^ cl ., r ,, „ on Spoons ^ - ^\\\ ) ^^ r / onerdot : ^ - ^ . h ^^^ DIES c ; PRESSES ^< M \^ i ^* ^ ' ^ NO'PE PAPER STAMPING " 07 >^' ' Bro - JAMES B . SLY , 3 RATHDONE P ' JACE , OXFORD-ST ., 'O JCN ;\ V V' * TMV : " : LT . < , Hr- ' . n-J ; ' .-y : tun < -: 7 c ' cr . d Z : l--ev '' EniSicid-iy . F ' rrs' i . " s . res . ; : econil ¦ 1 : ¦•; , 1 s . ; thini c-iass , 10 s . p-r -. see ! :. Il . - . as , t' . ^ o a-m :, . ? o p 111 . Apprentiers r-. ! : en , tern : rhiv ; ' , ¦ : •!; . Api :. y ' ' /) ,