Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SEPTEMBER NUMBER , now ready . Price Sixpence . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , A Monthly Digest of Freemasonry in all its Branches . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro .. W . ViNER-BED , OLFE -M . D . . " - Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., P . S . G-D . \ ' Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . BRO .- W . BURROUGHES ; A . M ., Calcutta . ' ' Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE ' , 30 Bro . GEORGE MARKHAM TWEDDELL . Bro . J . G . FINDEL . Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A ., P . G . tl . Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ¦ Bro . EMRA HOLMES , 31 ° Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . J OSEPH H . WOODWORTH . BIO . HUBERT . Bro . J ACOB NORTON . Brn . T . B . YEOMAN . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z ., G . D . ' CONTENTS : Original Coat of Arms for the " Grafte and Fellowshippe of Masons . " Monthl y Masonic Summary . Benefits of Advertising . Ancient Masonic Lodges . Ancient Craft Masonry . Under a Mash . ' The Good Fellow . , . ....... . . . . Masonic Archeology . . , . , * < Brotherl y Love" J Fri g ht and his Trial . ¦ ¦ ¦ Unveiled . Poetry—Difficulty of Ascertaining ihe Age of undated old Masonic The Old Masonic Poem , ¦¦ • ¦ Manuscripts . The New Morality . . , ,,... Lei there be Li g hl . The Season . Our Archaeological Corner . The Spri g of Acacia . How he Lost her . . " Jam Satis Est . " . . Old and New Lod g es . Tired . The Masonic Magazine will be forwarded from the Office of Publication , throughout the United Kingdom , on the following terms — ' s . d . ... ' - Twelve months ... ... ... ... 7 0 Sis . „ ... ... ... ... 36 ''' , " ,, , One Copy ' ... ... ... ... 0 7 For Foreign parts , postage on 4 oz . Magazine must be added .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS I Oil € r ; i ft fob fie * , OP SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN TURKU UU AL IT 1 ES , BRO . GEORGE KENNING , ( . " UMJ'KI ^ INti Three IVdcMnls . One Onkov Mahoi ; auv Kneeling Three Cam ! leblkkF # Oak orMa- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the Kast ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- 'lli ' ml lH-nrci * Nlicc-I . Iioganv . IJible . with Name ami No . of S . \ V . ' Tfiangk-, in Oak or Lutl ^ c in ( I I I . Maintain \ vith (! ill Tripoli , S'jtiarc ami (' oinpass in Case . Pulley Mocks and WiinMa .-s Ciifliion for bible . and Koujjhand Perfect Asb- Ten OflicciV Collars . lars . Ten Ollicers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Iiox , ami I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , PJaleil ( J . O . Swonl . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set ol" Kight Hooks ' . One „ „ Maul . Three Soumliut ; Bonnie . One „ ,, Pallot , Two Pairs nl'Slippers . Hox and Halls . Tlnrc Cable Tow * . One pair ,, \ Vand < . Two Hoodwink * . Three Tracing Hoards . Three Cardies with JimblemA hd Qy £ 6 ° > and £ 100 . Chairs , Hais , Tesselated Carpeting , Hanners , & c , & c . on the mr >» t moderate term . * , according to material , style , Sec . I ' nv Pergonal Insignia , see Lint ot Clothing ami Jewels .
GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . ) ier lb Gilt Plain 3 / u „ Ctimpcd , ... ,,. 4 / u tiilvercd Plain 4 / 6 „ Crimped 5 / O The above on i , 2 , and 40 Z . rccN , also in bags , iGs 22 S ., 245 ., and 3 0 s . per o-ross bags . Manufactured by GKOKGIi KENNING , London , Liver-Jiool and Glasgow .
QENliRAL POST Ol'lTCK ( Within a few yards of ; . —To Let an eniire house , havinj . a iVonlae'e of aliont itjfl . and conijtrisinii i ; round ll . or lined with plate lel . iss front , haseinenl , aad llnee upjier Hours , uith . or wilhout an extensive r . ' ilih'c ol loiir-sloiey liri ' ek-hiiil ! preinises and lareee vaf < l , enclr > sed h >' ilouhle entrance i ; al . es ; ( he whole co \ erini ^' an ' area of ahout 5 , ; ooll . Flaiis . and parliculars at IMCSMS . Dehenhani , Tewson , ami Farmer , Si > , ilu . al . side . ¦ ' ' ' ¦
THE COMl'LETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS ron $ opl . glrrf ) (! l [) apfc 6 , Ol'SUPlilUOU DESIGN & WORKMANSHIP . MANUFACTURED , IN THREE DUALITIES , 11 Y COMI ' . GEORGE KENNING , COMFKISING Floor (' loth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of l . cllci ' . 'i Three Holies for I ' lincijMlj Fire Fare : e Bauueis v . hh Foles Three Sceplres „ and Stands Three Surplices Filleen Smalldillu Ten Ollicers'Collars Three l . ari : c-Candletlichs Ten „ | e \ vels Three Small ditto lanilur ' s Swonl Six Ornamental Candles llallol liux I ' rowliar Iiihle Pickaxe Cushion fur ditto Shovel Scripture Kxlracls ' Farclimenl Scroll Set of Five Uooks Set ol Life Fines £ < jo , £ \ 00 , and . £ . 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , Sec . ( if rei |( iire < l an the most moderaie terms , according lomalerial , style , Sec For Personal lnsi |; nia , see Lists of Clothing aud Jewels .
WHIGHT AND ¦ MANN'S , LOCKSTITCH SOWING MACHINESWANTED IN EVERY HOME . f » 1 \ Tlic " l'Rl . MA DONNA , " , fl " ] t , — ' ~ , ~ ^ New Lockstitch and Shuttle ^ yf ^— ^~ - > Machine , does every kind of ij . r ^ ~ / family sewing . Price 4 J X , w th-l sui , ieas - _ I * C ^ . __ fSr 'f- — £ ' ' \ Improietl Machines for IflF . 'JJ- - ' - * >" ' , Manufacturers , Boot-makcrs , I /?? y ?_^> \ ^ ^ J Tailors , & c , at the lowest fvx f '~ ^ _ — *; |) ossible prices compatible j ' -Td **?? " _ with good workmanship . ! WHIGHT & MANET , 143 , HOLBORN BAES j
r pO LET . —The upper part of a House in Flivl-slrcct , loiulloois . I'ai'ticulars lo he had of . Messrs . I Uebsuliam , 'i ' ewson , and Farmer , So , UieajisMs , '
Now Ready . , . A MASONIC CALENDAR / kc , , . FOU THE 1 ' ' . PROVINCE OK DURHAM . Containing a . Calendar for 1874 . Shewing tlic KocIgcB and Chapters that nWcCnn each date , and also Lislsof the Present an'l • Past Ollicers ol each Lodge and Chapter in the Province , with . 1 ¦ massof" other useful information . Price One Shilling , free by post One . Shilling ami One Penny . May be had of JAS . H . COATES , 24 , Ilolmesule , Sunderland , and through any bookseller .
pATON'S J URISPRUDENCE OF FREEx MASONRY . SVO . ^ I DS . 6 d . PATON'S KJtliEMASONRY : Its Syrhbolism , Keligious Nature , and Law of Perfection . 8 vo ., cloth , ¦¦ - ios . Od . PATON'rs OKlGiN OK KHKEMASONRY , or the 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Heevcs and Turner , iq (> , Strand , London ,
HPHE SCRIPTURAL DOCTRINE of MADliS ; or , tlie Stale ami Abode of the Dead . By Brother fie Kev . GliORGK B / VUTLE , D . D ., D . C . L . Fourth Edition . 5 s . "A book of profound thrilling' interest . " - —Christian Age- London : Longmans and Co ., Paternoster-row .
HHHE HATTER & UMBRELLA TRADE - * - JOURNAL . An Illustrated Monthly Trade Journal . - 'Pub fishetl on the ir 4 of each month . Subscription ' 5 s . per annum post tree , payable in advance . Single eopiesSixpunce . i The Hatter is extensively circulated among the Retail Matters , I Mat Manufacturers , and Shippers of Hats hi ( j rcat JJritain , awl I thvo \ igho \ rt the English-speaking world . , An Jilegant Illustrated Fashion Card of Hats and Caps , with the J ' ortrait ol' . some Leading Celebrity , by one ol * the first artists given with each Number . Cheques and Post-oHice Orders to be made payable to WHEN CAVK , cTHSscd GLYNN & Co . Otlice , 4 K , Paternoster-row ,
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C . . , MANUFACTURER OF THE NEW Mis UMBRELLA , Combining' increased shelter with increased strength , an elegant shape , and a convenient walking length , RIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c . |
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SEPTEMBER NUMBER , now ready . Price Sixpence . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , A Monthly Digest of Freemasonry in all its Branches . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro .. W . ViNER-BED , OLFE -M . D . . " - Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., P . S . G-D . \ ' Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . BRO .- W . BURROUGHES ; A . M ., Calcutta . ' ' Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE ' , 30 Bro . GEORGE MARKHAM TWEDDELL . Bro . J . G . FINDEL . Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . A ., P . G . tl . Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ¦ Bro . EMRA HOLMES , 31 ° Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . J OSEPH H . WOODWORTH . BIO . HUBERT . Bro . J ACOB NORTON . Brn . T . B . YEOMAN . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z ., G . D . ' CONTENTS : Original Coat of Arms for the " Grafte and Fellowshippe of Masons . " Monthl y Masonic Summary . Benefits of Advertising . Ancient Masonic Lodges . Ancient Craft Masonry . Under a Mash . ' The Good Fellow . , . ....... . . . . Masonic Archeology . . , . , * < Brotherl y Love" J Fri g ht and his Trial . ¦ ¦ ¦ Unveiled . Poetry—Difficulty of Ascertaining ihe Age of undated old Masonic The Old Masonic Poem , ¦¦ • ¦ Manuscripts . The New Morality . . , ,,... Lei there be Li g hl . The Season . Our Archaeological Corner . The Spri g of Acacia . How he Lost her . . " Jam Satis Est . " . . Old and New Lod g es . Tired . The Masonic Magazine will be forwarded from the Office of Publication , throughout the United Kingdom , on the following terms — ' s . d . ... ' - Twelve months ... ... ... ... 7 0 Sis . „ ... ... ... ... 36 ''' , " ,, , One Copy ' ... ... ... ... 0 7 For Foreign parts , postage on 4 oz . Magazine must be added .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS I Oil € r ; i ft fob fie * , OP SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN TURKU UU AL IT 1 ES , BRO . GEORGE KENNING , ( . " UMJ'KI ^ INti Three IVdcMnls . One Onkov Mahoi ; auv Kneeling Three Cam ! leblkkF # Oak orMa- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the Kast ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- 'lli ' ml lH-nrci * Nlicc-I . Iioganv . IJible . with Name ami No . of S . \ V . ' Tfiangk-, in Oak or Lutl ^ c in ( I I I . Maintain \ vith (! ill Tripoli , S'jtiarc ami (' oinpass in Case . Pulley Mocks and WiinMa .-s Ciifliion for bible . and Koujjhand Perfect Asb- Ten OflicciV Collars . lars . Ten Ollicers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Iiox , ami I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , PJaleil ( J . O . Swonl . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set ol" Kight Hooks ' . One „ „ Maul . Three Soumliut ; Bonnie . One „ ,, Pallot , Two Pairs nl'Slippers . Hox and Halls . Tlnrc Cable Tow * . One pair ,, \ Vand < . Two Hoodwink * . Three Tracing Hoards . Three Cardies with JimblemA hd Qy £ 6 ° > and £ 100 . Chairs , Hais , Tesselated Carpeting , Hanners , & c , & c . on the mr >» t moderate term . * , according to material , style , Sec . I ' nv Pergonal Insignia , see Lint ot Clothing ami Jewels .
GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . ) ier lb Gilt Plain 3 / u „ Ctimpcd , ... ,,. 4 / u tiilvercd Plain 4 / 6 „ Crimped 5 / O The above on i , 2 , and 40 Z . rccN , also in bags , iGs 22 S ., 245 ., and 3 0 s . per o-ross bags . Manufactured by GKOKGIi KENNING , London , Liver-Jiool and Glasgow .
QENliRAL POST Ol'lTCK ( Within a few yards of ; . —To Let an eniire house , havinj . a iVonlae'e of aliont itjfl . and conijtrisinii i ; round ll . or lined with plate lel . iss front , haseinenl , aad llnee upjier Hours , uith . or wilhout an extensive r . ' ilih'c ol loiir-sloiey liri ' ek-hiiil ! preinises and lareee vaf < l , enclr > sed h >' ilouhle entrance i ; al . es ; ( he whole co \ erini ^' an ' area of ahout 5 , ; ooll . Flaiis . and parliculars at IMCSMS . Dehenhani , Tewson , ami Farmer , Si > , ilu . al . side . ¦ ' ' ' ¦
THE COMl'LETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS ron $ opl . glrrf ) (! l [) apfc 6 , Ol'SUPlilUOU DESIGN & WORKMANSHIP . MANUFACTURED , IN THREE DUALITIES , 11 Y COMI ' . GEORGE KENNING , COMFKISING Floor (' loth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of l . cllci ' . 'i Three Holies for I ' lincijMlj Fire Fare : e Bauueis v . hh Foles Three Sceplres „ and Stands Three Surplices Filleen Smalldillu Ten Ollicers'Collars Three l . ari : c-Candletlichs Ten „ | e \ vels Three Small ditto lanilur ' s Swonl Six Ornamental Candles llallol liux I ' rowliar Iiihle Pickaxe Cushion fur ditto Shovel Scripture Kxlracls ' Farclimenl Scroll Set of Five Uooks Set ol Life Fines £ < jo , £ \ 00 , and . £ . 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , Sec . ( if rei |( iire < l an the most moderaie terms , according lomalerial , style , Sec For Personal lnsi |; nia , see Lists of Clothing aud Jewels .
WHIGHT AND ¦ MANN'S , LOCKSTITCH SOWING MACHINESWANTED IN EVERY HOME . f » 1 \ Tlic " l'Rl . MA DONNA , " , fl " ] t , — ' ~ , ~ ^ New Lockstitch and Shuttle ^ yf ^— ^~ - > Machine , does every kind of ij . r ^ ~ / family sewing . Price 4 J X , w th-l sui , ieas - _ I * C ^ . __ fSr 'f- — £ ' ' \ Improietl Machines for IflF . 'JJ- - ' - * >" ' , Manufacturers , Boot-makcrs , I /?? y ?_^> \ ^ ^ J Tailors , & c , at the lowest fvx f '~ ^ _ — *; |) ossible prices compatible j ' -Td **?? " _ with good workmanship . ! WHIGHT & MANET , 143 , HOLBORN BAES j
r pO LET . —The upper part of a House in Flivl-slrcct , loiulloois . I'ai'ticulars lo he had of . Messrs . I Uebsuliam , 'i ' ewson , and Farmer , So , UieajisMs , '
Now Ready . , . A MASONIC CALENDAR / kc , , . FOU THE 1 ' ' . PROVINCE OK DURHAM . Containing a . Calendar for 1874 . Shewing tlic KocIgcB and Chapters that nWcCnn each date , and also Lislsof the Present an'l • Past Ollicers ol each Lodge and Chapter in the Province , with . 1 ¦ massof" other useful information . Price One Shilling , free by post One . Shilling ami One Penny . May be had of JAS . H . COATES , 24 , Ilolmesule , Sunderland , and through any bookseller .
pATON'S J URISPRUDENCE OF FREEx MASONRY . SVO . ^ I DS . 6 d . PATON'S KJtliEMASONRY : Its Syrhbolism , Keligious Nature , and Law of Perfection . 8 vo ., cloth , ¦¦ - ios . Od . PATON'rs OKlGiN OK KHKEMASONRY , or the 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Heevcs and Turner , iq (> , Strand , London ,
HPHE SCRIPTURAL DOCTRINE of MADliS ; or , tlie Stale ami Abode of the Dead . By Brother fie Kev . GliORGK B / VUTLE , D . D ., D . C . L . Fourth Edition . 5 s . "A book of profound thrilling' interest . " - —Christian Age- London : Longmans and Co ., Paternoster-row .
HHHE HATTER & UMBRELLA TRADE - * - JOURNAL . An Illustrated Monthly Trade Journal . - 'Pub fishetl on the ir 4 of each month . Subscription ' 5 s . per annum post tree , payable in advance . Single eopiesSixpunce . i The Hatter is extensively circulated among the Retail Matters , I Mat Manufacturers , and Shippers of Hats hi ( j rcat JJritain , awl I thvo \ igho \ rt the English-speaking world . , An Jilegant Illustrated Fashion Card of Hats and Caps , with the J ' ortrait ol' . some Leading Celebrity , by one ol * the first artists given with each Number . Cheques and Post-oHice Orders to be made payable to WHEN CAVK , cTHSscd GLYNN & Co . Otlice , 4 K , Paternoster-row ,
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C . . , MANUFACTURER OF THE NEW Mis UMBRELLA , Combining' increased shelter with increased strength , an elegant shape , and a convenient walking length , RIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c . |