Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONR, Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births ,Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE ONWARD PROGRESS OF ENGLISH FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now I o-v . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . 'Voi . I ., bcund in cbth is .- 61 ' . Voi . 1 ! ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . "<> l . s ili ., IV ., V and AT cadi i , -r > ,. oil . Reading Cases to hold - ; 2 numbers ... 2 . ' . Oil . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
Onited Slates of America ' . ' THE IMISEMASON < . S de-liicrcd ficc in any part of tie United States for HE . per annum , payable in advance . Tile Freemason is 'mbliUial on ^ alunlay Mornings in time for the early trains . Tlie price of the I > rc-e ;> inson is Tuopeiics per wee ? : ; annual siibscrip ; ion , 10 s . ( payable in ailvnnce . ) All communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed to the Editor , iqS , Fleet-street , li . C . Ihe Editor will j , riy careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , but cannot undertake to i-elurn them unlessnccompanied hy posl .-. ;; - stamus . Nov .- Ready . INDEX to Vol . VI . of "Tin : FREEMASON . " May be had at the Publishing O . iice , 19 S , Flcctstrc-. t .
The History Of Freemasonr,
mveettgations . BY J . G . ' FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . One ; ol ,, Hoo pages Svc , with an Index . Cloth gilt . Pi ice , ios . Od . " Tnis book I .- . 1 sfiictly historical one , Irnm which all is excluded that is not based upon , -,-- -.-i'ii ; ti : i . v' - : ¦ -obable fact . - — Isuihh r . "Of its value to Fic-cina-on :. . . ;• • • ii-a'i . i , i hi :-toiy of : heh iir . jili ' . ritooii . il i ¦ ¦ < " pes : ¦< - - < ¦ ,-cak too highly . "Pel-lit-. (; , ; : ' .-. " 0 /' . FROM ITS ORIGIN TO TIIE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent
' T'he . ' . luh' . i ' Seiaiis to ii . i \ e faiily c . sliaustcJ the subject . "—Tin Athenaeum . "The edition we are now consi'lcring is a second English edition , which had the gieat advantage of Bro . D . M . Lyon's able superintendence and editorship in its English dress . Theie can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro . Findel ' s work is tlic moi-t complete work on Freemasonry which has yet appeared , and that he deserves the greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence on tlie subject , and for his honest desiie after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view le lias so cleatly and
consistently put foith our early Masonic r . istmy . the oloer theory of the Homan Colleges , & c , and limits the origin of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , and as then arising from the operative Masons , and specially the " Steinmeitzen" and " Bauhutlcu" of Germany . Bro . Findel gives us a good deal of evidence on this head , and one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons were , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , anil with outward regulations and inner ceremonies peculiar to the Craft . Bro . Findel rejects all the views which have been from time to time put forward of a Templar or a Kosicrucian origin . Whether or no Bro . Findel ' s theoiy of the date of the lise of Freemasonry be corrcet , matters very little : wc do not ourselves profess to accept it ; but this we can fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is marked from first to last by the most remarkable token of industry , ability , and care , of patient research , and of skilful criticism . We know of no work which so clearly sets 01 louie time
oetoreus our amount iinowienge up present on the great question of Masonic Aicha ? ology , and there can be little doubt that what Preston ' s work is to English Fi eemasoury , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense , with it , and it is a perfect storehouse Loth of Masonic evidence and Masonic illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will lisc from the perusal of its pages without a higher u ! ca both ol the liistoiical truth and iniiini-ic value
of Fi-.-cmasoiiiy . anil of liatemal regard and recognition to the late t anil net the least well-inl ' oiined or effective of our Masonic bi-tnrians . Tlie present century has produced tin such tipial , in nv . tr . otity and us-. fulness , to the great work of our Bro . Findel , and we wish him and it , in all of ' ratemal sympathy anil kindly intent , many earnest iiade's , and more grateful ttw . lcuts . " — j ' lic J / aso / t . c Magazine . "This volume is the l . i .-. toiy of Masonry par excellence Livery interested person may regan i :, iherefore , as the present text-book 0 : 1 the subject . "—Muncla-stL ,- ( riKtyil'un-Lor . d .-n : GKUKGK KKNNING , lyS , Flee' :, nee ,..
THlvLIFrt OF CONS ' JV .. NTJ :: ¦ :-. $ •; .. Written in Grid ; , by E SEJILS I ' . V :-.. IL-.-::, iE . s . io , ) 01 Ciesarea , in Paic : aini * i , l . ' -ii" into English 00111 that edition , set foith b y YAI . USIUS , ami |> iiotc-n in Pans in tlv * y < - ' » r lO ^ tj . 1 ' ieface by Bios . i ' . Wei tvortli Litt ' c , Tieas . Gen . and the Ilev . A . I \ \ . Woodlord . Past Grand Chaplain , With Engravings of Con : rantim ¦; tbe Duke of Sussex , P . G . Sov . ; Eon ! Uai-iralfe , P . G . Sov . : Eail Bet- 'ive , M . S' .. P . G . S : iv . ; Sir Fiedeiick iilaitin WilJiami :., 'jait ., M . l ' ., M . I .. G . Sov ., Col . Francis Bt' . rdeti , N ' . l . C . S . Gn :. ; Robert Wentwcrth Uttle , J . G . T ., & c . > u-lQ .-: : GKOitGE KLNNiNG , n / d , F : ceu . ;' .: eei , i
Published ¦ under the Patronage o H . R . H . the . PRINCE OF vVAi . KS , K . G .. Patron of the-Order . : - In Imperial-Octavo ,, hound in g l-. cloth , richly o .-aracntcd , HISTORY OF ' THE ^' LODGE OF EDINBURGH ( MARY'S CHAPEL ) No . t . CMISRACING AN ACCLIUNT OF TliK RISE AND PilOGRESS OF FiliCEMASONRY IX SCOTLANU . By Br . o . DAY 1 !) MURRAY LYON . With Tv , enly-s : x l- ' acsimil-.-s of Ancient Statutes , MinutiS of vaiious Lo lees , Seals , and Orders , 6 > c , and Authentic l'oitraits aid Autogiaphs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and piescnt time . London : GEORGE KENNING , inS , Fleet-street , E . C 4 th ICdition , now ready , pi ice is ., post , free is . id . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEM ASONR Y . OR TIIE FREEMASONS' POCKET COMPENDIUM . Willi E 111 ble 1 iKitic . il Fniiitisoicci ' . A handbook if the piinciples of Freemasonry , and Pocket Y ' adc Mccum , and guide to the * various L-c ; cmoi ; ics connected with Craft Masonry , so . ' . r as the same' a'c allowed to be eonnnunic . ibii ; in accordance wit ' n the piinciples of the Order . London : GEORGE KENNING , 19 S , Fleet-street , E . C .
Ke-issue , price , "js ., post free 5 s . 4 d . MASONIC GATHERINGS . Edited hy Bro . GEOIKI ; -: Tvvi . on . Containing liistoiical Keconls of FieciiiaMiniy from the earliest to the iiic--nt time , . Vc . Londcn : GiiOi' . GE KENNING , 10 S , Fieet- t-e . t , E . C . Xi -., leady , 12 . 11 .., 20 S p-. ' . ges , hamU . imtly bound in il . th . pi ice 2 S- Od ., post fue 2 s . Sd . THE ISRAELHES FlHJNi ^ IN TIIE ANC ; - ::. ONS . The 'Pen Tiihes suppo-ed t 1 have been lo ; t traced fiom the land of their crptivity to tlicir occupation of me I ., ies of tiie Sea . With an exhibition of it <; -.- traits of character and national ciiaracleriitics assigned to Israel in the Books of the ! lebrevv P opha-. , by P-. o . \\ M . CAKI-KS ri-. u , Author of " Scienlia Bibiic-i , " " r-rriptuic Natuial I listoiy , " " Guide to the Reading ol the Liblc , " ' l . eetuu-s on SJiblical Criticism and lutcrpietation , " "A Popular Introduction to the Bible , " "The Biblical Compatiion , " •' Ciitica Biblica , " " Calendaiium Palei-tiii . e , " " An li . tto . luction to the Reading and Study oi the English Bible , and Editor of the fifth large edition of " Cahnit's Dictionary of tile-Bible , " and of the abiidgeiiient of the sunt , etc ., etc , etc . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , i «; S , FleLt-t-tiett , E . C .
Second Edition , Now Read ) , i / f > . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE In the key of C . for A ., T ., T „ ii . Opening aud Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal A roll Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BY DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 108 , Fleet-.-licet ; and 1 , 2 , and 3 , Little Biitain . ,, 11 . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVEHPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCIII-STKII . —li . Henry eV Co ., IJIJ , Deansgate . DUUI . IN . —C . Heilgcloiig , 26 , Grafton-street . GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Aigylc-stieet . ~~ THE MARK . MASONS' SONG . " COME , BRETHREN OF THE MYSTIC TIE . " Dedicated by perniisiion to tbe Ri ght Hon . the Earl Percy , M . P ., 3 a , Right U ' oishipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumbeiland Mast Won-hinful Grand Mark Master Ma ; in of i . e iand . Words by Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman , Ori ginal ? , ) .- . , ¦ ; I .. dgc No . 1 ., r-j . apo ;> cd by Bro . lleniy Paikei , Oiiginai . del , '; I : - ' , •¦ : ; . '•• , :, Ollice , njii , i'lcct-stici ' . In : ' ..:: i ' i ¦ . £ .:. 'J'hiril Edition . licvi-. ei ! and Tnlr ricii . Pri . •_• is . I . ' ' . A ii . ll Colour ,. 0 b ^ o ' -. o !' . VJASONiiJ CLOT' .-nN' -v' ' . l \ T .-)! -. ? : 'Ki :-. Fr-m /•' - _ ¦ ;¦ - . - :. . _ : .- ' : .. a-.- 3 oti' Degree inclusive . I . jiuioii , GEORGE Mi ' . NNIXG , ly . S , Fleet-slrec ' ..
MADAME TUSSAUD'S ~ £ XHIB 1 TI 0 N BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of tin ; CZAR OF RUSSIA , SIR GAKNET VVO / .-K / . KY , ; 1 , ¦ 'O-. r .-c ; u .: ;; i-s in the Tiehborne Tii ; . ' , f ' o' -l-. biuu , ' ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ N .-e . ;¦ ' ¦¦ : ; -.: . , me Sii .- . 'i of 1 'ci -j . a , Ai / o . ; K : ; , ' . !¦ ...- ; . i , ii .,,,, . .. i . : i .... . , , ami tiie late J- " r . Cli . -. r ! --. ; Uickeus . Ad-v : h : k- ; i is . Ciiikiren e . iiuei : eo , od . Extra Rooms , 6 d . 0 _ : ; - ' . i : io-n ecu u . ni . to ten p . m .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
All Conir . iuiii' :: iii . i ! i" . Adv ' . 'its-er . iei . fs , cer .., intended fo nscition in the Ni !; rbc of the following Saturday , nuis each tlic Ooicc ne : laier than 6 o ' clock on ' wc . inertia } veiling . The following stand over : —L ' .-tteis from M . J . M ., Repoit ; of Lodges JO .- ! , 2 in , Chap . ( So , and b ' f . ? Jungo Encampmeat , Glasgow .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
' DEATH . llAiii'fii ! . —At Roe-ton , Massachusetts , U . S . A ., suddenly , of beau disease ' , Bro . Thos . Harper , of 3 6 , Ukiomsbunsquare . He was tiie son ol the late Bro . Ed wart' Harper , for many years Grand Secretary , in coeijunctim wiih Bro . White .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , AUOUST 20 , 1 S 74 .
The Onward Progress Of English Freemasonry.
\ t this dull season of the Masonic year , wht-ii almost all our London aud many of our country lodges are in recess , ,.. ' brother Paterfamilias " has taken our sister , the partner of his bosom ,
and his I . ; : ! ¦ " Lewis , " aud many other little Masonic ' .. ! -...--. nii :.. , u , .--onir seaside haven , to p-awns anil s . iud , suei tiu . ik . j ; ,, and di ppings 111 tlie sea , we want something to write about .
The heat ot the d , i ;; d . iys is over , August ami grou .-i : have come in , 1 J -L ! I " sluclily " thie ; , iar , and September and pjitridges are close ac hand . What sh . 1 ! , ve "disenar .-j" about ? It isdilKcult
. 0 oe eioijiUiit wlieii one has nothing to say , aud listless to coiiipose lejJei'S , when you have little to l .-. l . And yet we must say something .
"What better tlie me than Masonry : says a go od old poeiie brother , now , ahi ;;! no longer to ihe fore , and our worth y brother , P . M . Tim MeCiniie , alluded to recently in the "
Masonic Magazine , " chimes in , " I'll tell ye what ; write something unto about the Order , and put in a little poethry In make the prose rowl down asier ! " So I . illowin _ r alike the advice of our
poetic and our pr . Msy oioJier , we have composed tiie following article , ( without , however , any poetry in it ) , which we carefully commend to the notice and the patience of our many and sull ' ering
brethren . We have been perusing the quarterl y papers and returns of Grand Lodge , and wo are struck
with this fact , that between the ;•••;¦¦ -thy of J ane and September , since I ha last . lU-nterl y ccnuui :-nication in fact , nr . e ! oti ' .:. i i : r . ve i c <; r . r . e ' :. e z .
our l . ijgiisl : I ' - . us'e :- -- ' JU , .: fieri ; / M f- : < wt . no . iilni'My , . -. i-o en tho IW : o 7 . - u ^ u :: i : \ .-f . i : - i . f . i . i " . io . ipv . j . And e . - e . i th ; : t yiainbeVA / o .-. <' . ' iei ' .-iii . e-it i Lel ^ e . 'o cir : e . s :.-ct itui' :: ey . hav . si- ih-j Cn ' onco ; -. ¦ ; :
since this return v / an printed other v / im .. aw , i . a-- - proLabiy ! ee : a ' ;•¦ " .,. ie : r ! , ami a : ; vve otirt-elves ' .: niy :, . iijolieations are being maiii : almost daily
for warrant : ; fur new ioei ^ es . Wliat a v . - t-i-d-.: rfu - fact in itself does this increase of our lodges present for our re . 'leciion and consideration . At the beginning of the : present century the 1 : umber
of lodges " returned b y Grand Lodge , " we are told ; r . ihe July number of tlie "Masonic Magazine , " for io ' / , 3 , amounted to jS . j ., an increase o f
224 lodges in thirty-four years . And now , ¦" 1874 , despite a large number removed , desp ite erasings and renumbcrings , we have 1510 names
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now I o-v . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . 'Voi . I ., bcund in cbth is .- 61 ' . Voi . 1 ! ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . "<> l . s ili ., IV ., V and AT cadi i , -r > ,. oil . Reading Cases to hold - ; 2 numbers ... 2 . ' . Oil . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
Onited Slates of America ' . ' THE IMISEMASON < . S de-liicrcd ficc in any part of tie United States for HE . per annum , payable in advance . Tile Freemason is 'mbliUial on ^ alunlay Mornings in time for the early trains . Tlie price of the I > rc-e ;> inson is Tuopeiics per wee ? : ; annual siibscrip ; ion , 10 s . ( payable in ailvnnce . ) All communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed to the Editor , iqS , Fleet-street , li . C . Ihe Editor will j , riy careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , but cannot undertake to i-elurn them unlessnccompanied hy posl .-. ;; - stamus . Nov .- Ready . INDEX to Vol . VI . of "Tin : FREEMASON . " May be had at the Publishing O . iice , 19 S , Flcctstrc-. t .
The History Of Freemasonr,
mveettgations . BY J . G . ' FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . One ; ol ,, Hoo pages Svc , with an Index . Cloth gilt . Pi ice , ios . Od . " Tnis book I .- . 1 sfiictly historical one , Irnm which all is excluded that is not based upon , -,-- -.-i'ii ; ti : i . v' - : ¦ -obable fact . - — Isuihh r . "Of its value to Fic-cina-on :. . . ;• • • ii-a'i . i , i hi :-toiy of : heh iir . jili ' . ritooii . il i ¦ ¦ < " pes : ¦< - - < ¦ ,-cak too highly . "Pel-lit-. (; , ; : ' .-. " 0 /' . FROM ITS ORIGIN TO TIIE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent
' T'he . ' . luh' . i ' Seiaiis to ii . i \ e faiily c . sliaustcJ the subject . "—Tin Athenaeum . "The edition we are now consi'lcring is a second English edition , which had the gieat advantage of Bro . D . M . Lyon's able superintendence and editorship in its English dress . Theie can be no doubt but , that so far , Bro . Findel ' s work is tlic moi-t complete work on Freemasonry which has yet appeared , and that he deserves the greatest credit for his careful and accurate treatment of all evidence on tlie subject , and for his honest desiie after truth . Bro . Findel gives up in the view le lias so cleatly and
consistently put foith our early Masonic r . istmy . the oloer theory of the Homan Colleges , & c , and limits the origin of Freemasonry to about the twelfth century , and as then arising from the operative Masons , and specially the " Steinmeitzen" and " Bauhutlcu" of Germany . Bro . Findel gives us a good deal of evidence on this head , and one thing is clear from his work , that the German Freemasons were , at a very early period , organized into lodges with a Master over them , anil with outward regulations and inner ceremonies peculiar to the Craft . Bro . Findel rejects all the views which have been from time to time put forward of a Templar or a Kosicrucian origin . Whether or no Bro . Findel ' s theoiy of the date of the lise of Freemasonry be corrcet , matters very little : wc do not ourselves profess to accept it ; but this we can fairly say of Bro Findel ' s work , it is marked from first to last by the most remarkable token of industry , ability , and care , of patient research , and of skilful criticism . We know of no work which so clearly sets 01 louie time
oetoreus our amount iinowienge up present on the great question of Masonic Aicha ? ology , and there can be little doubt that what Preston ' s work is to English Fi eemasoury , Findel ' s work is to cosmopolitan Freemasonry . Indeed no student in Masonry can now dispense , with it , and it is a perfect storehouse Loth of Masonic evidence and Masonic illustrations . We earnestly recommend all the lodges in this country to obtain a copy for the lodge library before the work is bought up for America ; and we believe that no Mason will lisc from the perusal of its pages without a higher u ! ca both ol the liistoiical truth and iniiini-ic value
of Fi-.-cmasoiiiy . anil of liatemal regard and recognition to the late t anil net the least well-inl ' oiined or effective of our Masonic bi-tnrians . Tlie present century has produced tin such tipial , in nv . tr . otity and us-. fulness , to the great work of our Bro . Findel , and we wish him and it , in all of ' ratemal sympathy anil kindly intent , many earnest iiade's , and more grateful ttw . lcuts . " — j ' lic J / aso / t . c Magazine . "This volume is the l . i .-. toiy of Masonry par excellence Livery interested person may regan i :, iherefore , as the present text-book 0 : 1 the subject . "—Muncla-stL ,- ( riKtyil'un-Lor . d .-n : GKUKGK KKNNING , lyS , Flee' :, nee ,..
THlvLIFrt OF CONS ' JV .. NTJ :: ¦ :-. $ •; .. Written in Grid ; , by E SEJILS I ' . V :-.. IL-.-::, iE . s . io , ) 01 Ciesarea , in Paic : aini * i , l . ' -ii" into English 00111 that edition , set foith b y YAI . USIUS , ami |> iiotc-n in Pans in tlv * y < - ' » r lO ^ tj . 1 ' ieface by Bios . i ' . Wei tvortli Litt ' c , Tieas . Gen . and the Ilev . A . I \ \ . Woodlord . Past Grand Chaplain , With Engravings of Con : rantim ¦; tbe Duke of Sussex , P . G . Sov . ; Eon ! Uai-iralfe , P . G . Sov . : Eail Bet- 'ive , M . S' .. P . G . S : iv . ; Sir Fiedeiick iilaitin WilJiami :., 'jait ., M . l ' ., M . I .. G . Sov ., Col . Francis Bt' . rdeti , N ' . l . C . S . Gn :. ; Robert Wentwcrth Uttle , J . G . T ., & c . > u-lQ .-: : GKOitGE KLNNiNG , n / d , F : ceu . ;' .: eei , i
Published ¦ under the Patronage o H . R . H . the . PRINCE OF vVAi . KS , K . G .. Patron of the-Order . : - In Imperial-Octavo ,, hound in g l-. cloth , richly o .-aracntcd , HISTORY OF ' THE ^' LODGE OF EDINBURGH ( MARY'S CHAPEL ) No . t . CMISRACING AN ACCLIUNT OF TliK RISE AND PilOGRESS OF FiliCEMASONRY IX SCOTLANU . By Br . o . DAY 1 !) MURRAY LYON . With Tv , enly-s : x l- ' acsimil-.-s of Ancient Statutes , MinutiS of vaiious Lo lees , Seals , and Orders , 6 > c , and Authentic l'oitraits aid Autogiaphs of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and piescnt time . London : GEORGE KENNING , inS , Fleet-street , E . C 4 th ICdition , now ready , pi ice is ., post , free is . id . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEM ASONR Y . OR TIIE FREEMASONS' POCKET COMPENDIUM . Willi E 111 ble 1 iKitic . il Fniiitisoicci ' . A handbook if the piinciples of Freemasonry , and Pocket Y ' adc Mccum , and guide to the * various L-c ; cmoi ; ics connected with Craft Masonry , so . ' . r as the same' a'c allowed to be eonnnunic . ibii ; in accordance wit ' n the piinciples of the Order . London : GEORGE KENNING , 19 S , Fleet-street , E . C .
Ke-issue , price , "js ., post free 5 s . 4 d . MASONIC GATHERINGS . Edited hy Bro . GEOIKI ; -: Tvvi . on . Containing liistoiical Keconls of FieciiiaMiniy from the earliest to the iiic--nt time , . Vc . Londcn : GiiOi' . GE KENNING , 10 S , Fieet- t-e . t , E . C . Xi -., leady , 12 . 11 .., 20 S p-. ' . ges , hamU . imtly bound in il . th . pi ice 2 S- Od ., post fue 2 s . Sd . THE ISRAELHES FlHJNi ^ IN TIIE ANC ; - ::. ONS . The 'Pen Tiihes suppo-ed t 1 have been lo ; t traced fiom the land of their crptivity to tlicir occupation of me I ., ies of tiie Sea . With an exhibition of it <; -.- traits of character and national ciiaracleriitics assigned to Israel in the Books of the ! lebrevv P opha-. , by P-. o . \\ M . CAKI-KS ri-. u , Author of " Scienlia Bibiic-i , " " r-rriptuic Natuial I listoiy , " " Guide to the Reading ol the Liblc , " ' l . eetuu-s on SJiblical Criticism and lutcrpietation , " "A Popular Introduction to the Bible , " "The Biblical Compatiion , " •' Ciitica Biblica , " " Calendaiium Palei-tiii . e , " " An li . tto . luction to the Reading and Study oi the English Bible , and Editor of the fifth large edition of " Cahnit's Dictionary of tile-Bible , " and of the abiidgeiiient of the sunt , etc ., etc , etc . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , i «; S , FleLt-t-tiett , E . C .
Second Edition , Now Read ) , i / f > . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE In the key of C . for A ., T ., T „ ii . Opening aud Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal A roll Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BY DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 108 , Fleet-.-licet ; and 1 , 2 , and 3 , Little Biitain . ,, 11 . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVEHPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCIII-STKII . —li . Henry eV Co ., IJIJ , Deansgate . DUUI . IN . —C . Heilgcloiig , 26 , Grafton-street . GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Aigylc-stieet . ~~ THE MARK . MASONS' SONG . " COME , BRETHREN OF THE MYSTIC TIE . " Dedicated by perniisiion to tbe Ri ght Hon . the Earl Percy , M . P ., 3 a , Right U ' oishipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumbeiland Mast Won-hinful Grand Mark Master Ma ; in of i . e iand . Words by Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman , Ori ginal ? , ) .- . , ¦ ; I .. dgc No . 1 ., r-j . apo ;> cd by Bro . lleniy Paikei , Oiiginai . del , '; I : - ' , •¦ : ; . '•• , :, Ollice , njii , i'lcct-stici ' . In : ' ..:: i ' i ¦ . £ .:. 'J'hiril Edition . licvi-. ei ! and Tnlr ricii . Pri . •_• is . I . ' ' . A ii . ll Colour ,. 0 b ^ o ' -. o !' . VJASONiiJ CLOT' .-nN' -v' ' . l \ T .-)! -. ? : 'Ki :-. Fr-m /•' - _ ¦ ;¦ - . - :. . _ : .- ' : .. a-.- 3 oti' Degree inclusive . I . jiuioii , GEORGE Mi ' . NNIXG , ly . S , Fleet-slrec ' ..
MADAME TUSSAUD'S ~ £ XHIB 1 TI 0 N BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of tin ; CZAR OF RUSSIA , SIR GAKNET VVO / .-K / . KY , ; 1 , ¦ 'O-. r .-c ; u .: ;; i-s in the Tiehborne Tii ; . ' , f ' o' -l-. biuu , ' ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ N .-e . ;¦ ' ¦¦ : ; -.: . , me Sii .- . 'i of 1 'ci -j . a , Ai / o . ; K : ; , ' . !¦ ...- ; . i , ii .,,,, . .. i . : i .... . , , ami tiie late J- " r . Cli . -. r ! --. ; Uickeus . Ad-v : h : k- ; i is . Ciiikiren e . iiuei : eo , od . Extra Rooms , 6 d . 0 _ : ; - ' . i : io-n ecu u . ni . to ten p . m .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
All Conir . iuiii' :: iii . i ! i" . Adv ' . 'its-er . iei . fs , cer .., intended fo nscition in the Ni !; rbc of the following Saturday , nuis each tlic Ooicc ne : laier than 6 o ' clock on ' wc . inertia } veiling . The following stand over : —L ' .-tteis from M . J . M ., Repoit ; of Lodges JO .- ! , 2 in , Chap . ( So , and b ' f . ? Jungo Encampmeat , Glasgow .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
' DEATH . llAiii'fii ! . —At Roe-ton , Massachusetts , U . S . A ., suddenly , of beau disease ' , Bro . Thos . Harper , of 3 6 , Ukiomsbunsquare . He was tiie son ol the late Bro . Ed wart' Harper , for many years Grand Secretary , in coeijunctim wiih Bro . White .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , AUOUST 20 , 1 S 74 .
The Onward Progress Of English Freemasonry.
\ t this dull season of the Masonic year , wht-ii almost all our London aud many of our country lodges are in recess , ,.. ' brother Paterfamilias " has taken our sister , the partner of his bosom ,
and his I . ; : ! ¦ " Lewis , " aud many other little Masonic ' .. ! -...--. nii :.. , u , .--onir seaside haven , to p-awns anil s . iud , suei tiu . ik . j ; ,, and di ppings 111 tlie sea , we want something to write about .
The heat ot the d , i ;; d . iys is over , August ami grou .-i : have come in , 1 J -L ! I " sluclily " thie ; , iar , and September and pjitridges are close ac hand . What sh . 1 ! , ve "disenar .-j" about ? It isdilKcult
. 0 oe eioijiUiit wlieii one has nothing to say , aud listless to coiiipose lejJei'S , when you have little to l .-. l . And yet we must say something .
"What better tlie me than Masonry : says a go od old poeiie brother , now , ahi ;;! no longer to ihe fore , and our worth y brother , P . M . Tim MeCiniie , alluded to recently in the "
Masonic Magazine , " chimes in , " I'll tell ye what ; write something unto about the Order , and put in a little poethry In make the prose rowl down asier ! " So I . illowin _ r alike the advice of our
poetic and our pr . Msy oioJier , we have composed tiie following article , ( without , however , any poetry in it ) , which we carefully commend to the notice and the patience of our many and sull ' ering
brethren . We have been perusing the quarterl y papers and returns of Grand Lodge , and wo are struck
with this fact , that between the ;•••;¦¦ -thy of J ane and September , since I ha last . lU-nterl y ccnuui :-nication in fact , nr . e ! oti ' .:. i i : r . ve i c <; r . r . e ' :. e z .
our l . ijgiisl : I ' - . us'e :- -- ' JU , .: fieri ; / M f- : < wt . no . iilni'My , . -. i-o en tho IW : o 7 . - u ^ u :: i : \ .-f . i : - i . f . i . i " . io . ipv . j . And e . - e . i th ; : t yiainbeVA / o .-. <' . ' iei ' .-iii . e-it i Lel ^ e . 'o cir : e . s :.-ct itui' :: ey . hav . si- ih-j Cn ' onco ; -. ¦ ; :
since this return v / an printed other v / im .. aw , i . a-- - proLabiy ! ee : a ' ;•¦ " .,. ie : r ! , ami a : ; vve otirt-elves ' .: niy :, . iijolieations are being maiii : almost daily
for warrant : ; fur new ioei ^ es . Wliat a v . - t-i-d-.: rfu - fact in itself does this increase of our lodges present for our re . 'leciion and consideration . At the beginning of the : present century the 1 : umber
of lodges " returned b y Grand Lodge , " we are told ; r . ihe July number of tlie "Masonic Magazine , " for io ' / , 3 , amounted to jS . j ., an increase o f
224 lodges in thirty-four years . And now , ¦" 1874 , despite a large number removed , desp ite erasings and renumbcrings , we have 1510 names