Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Allied Masonic Degrees. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION BANQUET TO BRO CAPTAIN GEORGE LAMBERT, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B. Page 1 of 2 Article PRESENTATION BANQUET TO BRO CAPTAIN GEORGE LAMBERT, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LEYTONSTONE . —Ley Spring Chapter ( No . t ^ gS ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Red Lion , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., when the Following companions were present : Comps . G . J . Anning , M . EiZ . ; W . H . Myers , H . ; Wm . McDonald , j . ; P . A . Bianchi , P . Z . and Treas . ; Walter C . Claridge , P . Z ., S . E . ; F . H . Spiller , S . N . ; J . A . Robson , P . S . ; J . Seigenberg ,
1 st A . S . ; W . Sampson , H . Seymour Clarke , and S . Lewis . Visitors : Comps . Jas . Boulton , 933 ; A . McDowall , P . Z . 948 , P . P . G . S . B . Berks and Bucks ; T . O . Harding , 15 S 9 ; and E . Anderson , 255 . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed , and the Auditors' report received . The installation of the Principals and officers for the ensuing year then took place , and Comp . W . H . Myers , M . E . Z . elect ,
was duly installed , after which Comp . W . McDonald was installed into the chair of H ., and Comp . F . H . Spiller into the chair of J . The other officers invested were Comps . Bianchi , Treas . ; Claridge , S . E . ; Robson , S . M . ; Seigenberg , P . S ., who appointed Comps . C . H . Spiller and Sampson his Assistants . Comp . Anning , P . Z ., was presented with a handsome P . Z's jewel in recognition of his services during his year of office .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
OLD KENT LODGE ( T . I . )—A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhallstreet , E . G ., on Wednesday , the 12 th inst . Bro . J . L . Mather , VV . M ., presided , and among those present were Bros . J . Ramsey , S . W . ; T . Keene , J . W . ; E . C . Mather , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Dicketts , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Venn , P . M . ; J . Moon , P . M . ; and visitors Bros . W . A . Scurrah , C . F . Hogard , C . F . Matier , A . Millar , A . G . Beale , and J . M .
Piper . After the minutes of previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . James Willing , jun ., W . M . 19 S 7 , and VV . M . Stiles , W . M . 1744 , having been successively balloted for and elected , were advanced to the degree in a most careful and painstaking manner by the W . M . The usual banquet followed , and everything passed off most enjoyably .
ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 1 ) . —The installation meeting was held on the 4 th inst . Present : Bros . E . L . Shepherd , W . M . ; Dr . Whiteway Wilkinson , I . P . M . ; Major Williams , S . W . ; Peter . L . Simmonds , J . W . ; Thomas Cohu , S . O . ; Major Dunbar , J . O . ; George Powell , Treas . ; H . Sirley , Reg . ; E . H . Thiellay , Sec . ; j . ) . Thomas , S . D . ; J . Cutbush . J . D . ; S . J . Humfress , I . G . ; J . Lacklanacting Tyler ; also Bros . 1 . Cubitt , H .
, A . Reeves , G . V . Schofield , H . Lovegrove , Geo . Kenning , J . Rowe , Wm . Bohm , R . B . Croft , Rev . C Harvey , Joseph Hunt . Visitors : Bros . C . F . Matier , W . Weiss , J . Tomkins , Wm . Causton , and Dr . R . Gooding . The Auditors' report having been read and approved , a ballot took place for Bro . Richard Benyon Croft as a joining member , after which Bro . Major Williams was installed W . M . the officers in rotation receiving a step of promotion ,
, Bros . Reeves and Bohm being appointed I . G . and Steward respectively . A jewel , manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , was presented to Bro . Shepherd , I . P . M ., and £ 2 2 s . voted to " The Mrs . Dewar Fund . " The Secretary read a communication from Grand Mark Secretary respecting the approaching Mark Festival , and Bro . Major Williams was engaged to represent the St . Mark ' s as Steward .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 234 ) . —The installation meeting of this excellent lodge took place on Saturday , the Sth inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , under the supervision of its W . M ., Bro . George James Dunckly , supported by his Wardens and Overseers . There were present Bros . J . T . Holliday , W . M . elect ; C . J . Axfurd , J . VV . ; Johnston , M . O . ; Cotterson , S-O . ; Storr , J . O . ; Geo . Clark , jun ., I . P . M . ; also Bros . C . Kipperly , P . M . ; ] .
Carr , Treas . ; J . Baldwin , Sec , P . M . 139 ; J . Wyatt , G . Smith , R . H . Coulton , T . Crook , and Thomas Poore , P . M ., & c ; J . Steve , A . Wotton , M- La rlham , P . M . ; E . Clark and J . H . Hawkins , 169 ; Bridges Kinton , and Cusworth , 236 . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed and other preliminary matters completed , the W . M . wishing before vacating the honoured position he
had held during his year of office to thank the brethren in goodly terms for the excellent support they had given him , and assured one and all that his endeavours to promote the interest of the lodge as I . P . M . should be , if possible , more strenuous than before . Our worthy and indefatigable Installing Master , Bro . George Clark , jun ., I . P . M ., P . G . S . IS ., & c , then proceeded to install the incoming VV . M .. Bro . I . T . Holliday ,
assisted by Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . G . J . O ., as Uir . of Cers ., and supported by our most excellent and ever dear paternal Bro . Thomas Poore , P . G . I . G . ; Bros . Chas . P . McKay , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; Mark Larlham . and Keppely , P . M ., thus forming a goodly Board of Installing Masters . Bro . James T . Holliday was duly installed into the chair of A . J ., in a most masterly and impressive manner , and invested Bro . George James Dunckly , I . P . M ., with
the collar of his office . The usual salutations of the Installing Masters having been given , the brethren below the chair were admiited , and under the able direction of Bro . James Stevens saluted the W . M . in true Masonic Mark Master ' s style . The newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Charles J . Axford , S . W . ; Johnston , J . W . ; Cotterson , M . O . ; E . Storr , S . O . ; G . b . Smith , J . O . ; Charles P . McKayP . M . P . P . G . J . D .
, , , Sec ; J . C . Carr , Treas . ; Ed . Clark , R . M . ; VV . IT' T ; D-J and A ' Scuine » > -G . . After " hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed , and Wivi is" ad J 0 Urned t 0 an excellent banquet , the VV . M ., Bro . James S . Holliday , presiding , having on his right our time-honoured Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., and on iV .. ' Sros- George Dunckly , I . P . M . ; Thomas Poore ,
nl u ? ' McKay » P . M . ; and George Clark , jun . ihe brethre n one and all seemed to be well pleased with the good things provided , for them and the excellent manner in which the new W . M . handled the reins of government of the Brixton Mark Lodge , No . 234 . Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , Bro . Jas . Stevens , P . M ., contributed materially
Mark Masonry.
to the edification of the brethren with his descriptive eulogy of Masonic rites , and Bro . P . M . Thomas Poore's recitation was received with much enthusiasm . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . G . Dunckly , I . P . M ., who spoke in high terms of his dear old friend and brother . Bro . Holliday in responding asked for the earnest help and regular attendance of all his officers , Past Masters , and brethren , so as to make the ensuing year one of great
success . Other toasts were duly responded to , and after spending a very pleasant evening the brethren dispersed in love and harmony . TWICKENHAM . —Sir Francis Burdett Lodge
( No . 1 S 1 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on the 19 th inst . at the Albany Hotel . Among those present were Bros . Handel , VV . M . ; Fisher , S . W . ; Briggs , J . VV . ; VV . Hammond , P . G . S ., P . M ., and Sec . ; Briggs , M . O . ; H . Higgins , J . O . ; Kohler , S . D . ; Bailey , J . D . ; Simmonds , I . G . ; Porter , Org . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . of VV . Middx .,
P . M . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . Middx ., I . P . M ., and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Thomas , who had been previously balloted for , was then duly advanced to the degree of a M . M . M . by Bro . Walls . The election of officers for the
year ensuing then took place with the following result Bros . Fisher , W . M . ; VV . Taylor , Treasurer ; and Harrison , Tyler . The Audit Committee having been appointed , and the bye-laws read , a Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Handel . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . A few toasts followed .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
A meeting of the Grand Council of this degree was held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on the 21 st inst . Among those present were Bros . i ' . C . Walls , P . G . I . M ., in the chair ; T . Poore , P . G . C . W ., as S . W . ; C . F . Matier , P . D . G . M ., acting Recorder ; F . Richardson , Raymond Thrupp , Loveland-Loveland ; T . Cubitt , Major Dunbar , Hawkins , VV . Lynes , J . L . Mather , Bryant , H . J . Lardner , VV . B . Williamson , E . F . Storr , Cama , H . H . Shirley , the
Rev . S . Maude , and others . The Grand Council having been opened in due form , Bro . Matier announced that the M . P . G . M ., the Rev . Canon Portal , had appointed Bro . Walls his Deputy for the year ensuing , and , having assumed the chair , he duly installed Bro . Walls . Bro . Frederick Davison having been re-elected Treasurer the following appointments and investments were then made : Bros . Raymond Thrupp ,
G . I . M . ; Frank Richardson , G . P . C . of W . ; the Rev . F . VV . Lemon and the Rev . S . Maude , G . Chaps . ; F . Davison , G . Treas . ; C . F . Matier , G . Recorder ; R . Berridge , G . M . of C . ; W . Williamson , G . C . of G . ; W . Glynes , G . C . of C . ; B . R . Bryant , G . Lecturer ; VV . J . Cunliffe , E . F . Storr , and H . Halker , G . Marshals ; A . McDowall and H . H . Shirley , Stwds . ; and H . J . Lardner ,
G . Sentinel . The Grand Recorder then reported the progress of tlve Rite in this country , which , on the whole , is in a satisfactory condition . The sum of five guineas was voted to the list of Bro . C . F . Matier , as Steward at the next festival of the Mark Benevolent . Bros . J . L . Mather and Major Dunbar having been appointed Auditors , the Grand Council was closed and the brethren adjourned . There was no banquet .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
FOUR KINGS COUNCIL ( No . 7 ) . —A meeting of the above council was held on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , SA , Red Lion-square . Among those present were Bros , Charles H . Driver , G . S . W ., W . M . ; James Moon , G . Treas ., S . W . ; John Ramsey , J . VV . ; J . L . Mather , G . S . W ., P . M . ; A . F . Godson , A . M . Broadley , Henry Venn , George Kenning , C . Fitzgerald
Matier , P . D . G . M ., Grand Sec , Hon . Sec , J . S . Hawkins , W . A . Scurrah , Harris , Frederick Binckes , and F . VV . Driver , M . A . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . S . Hawkins was received into the hol y order of Grand High Priest . Bros . Scurrah , Harris , and 1 ehan were admitted to the Orders of St . Lawrence and Knights of
Constantinople . Bro . James Moon , Grand Treas ., was installed as VV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Moon then appointed Bros . Ramsey , S . W . ; Stephen Barton Wilson , J . W . ; C . F . Matier , Treas . and Sec . The Auditors' report was received and adopted . The brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where an enjoyable evening was spent under the gavel the newly-installed VV . M ., Bro . James Moon .
Presentation Banquet To Bro Captain George Lambert, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B.
On Friday , the 21 st inst ., a goodly number of the friends of our respected Bro . Capt . George Lambert , as well as ot those institutions of which he has shown himself to beso constant and munificent a supporter , assembled in the Venetian Room of the Holborn Restaurant for the purpose of entertaining him at banquet , and presenting to him some slight
token of the respect and affection in which they hold him . It is given to few men to enjoy the means and opportunities of doing service to others which have fallen to Captain Lambert during his long and brilliant career ; and it is given to fewer still to turn those means and opportunities to such admirable account . As regards our worthy brother in his private capacity , we have nothing further to say than
that he is a noble exemplar in whose footsteps it will do well for others to follow . As regards his connection with many of our public institutions , we may remark that his munificence toward the Goldsmiths' Benevolent Institution , the Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Institution , the French Hospital , and the Brompton Hospital , and , considering
whom we are addressing , we may well be pardoned for saying , above all , our three great Masonic Charitable Institutions , is so generally known , that even to allude to it is almost , if not quite , unnecessary . No wonder , then , that the friends and well-wishers of our brother should have resolved on making the opportunity , as they did on Friday
Presentation Banquet To Bro Captain George Lambert, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B.
last , of evincing for him their deep sense not only of his generous kindness to all in need of sympathy and assistance , but likewise of that personal geniality and warmth of heart , which has so endeared him to them all . No wonder also that they should have selected the banquet , and a simple form of a testimonial , as being the best calculated to effect their object . There is nothing like a good dinner to bring out the kindlier feelings of our nature , and a
testimonial is never so acceptable as when its simplicity , next to the genuineness of feeling which prompted its bestowal , is its most conspicuous feature , and the manner in which it is presented is uninfluenced by mere flattery , and devoid of all ostentation . In entertaining so worthy a guest , we may be sure the company was as representative as it was numerous , and that no effort was spared in order to ensure the perfect
appropriateness of all the surroundings . Ihe hall was handsomely decorated for the occasion , and after dinner the presence of ladies added greatly to the pleasure of the meeting . Bro . Alderman Savory presided , and among those present were the following brethren and other gentlemen : Alderman De Keyser , Lieut .-Ct > l . Sir J . Robinson , Bart ., H . Graves , the Rev . T . Huntingdon , Barrmv Emanuel , M . A ., Col . G . Adams , H . Lambert , J . M .
Garrard , H . Lee , G . VV . Adams , Brand ( the Comptroller ) , F . B . Thomas , A . V . Godson , J . Messent , E . Tidswell , J . Lee , J . F . Meston , H . J . Adams , N . Sherwood , H . Webb , C . Sharpe , Col . Scrivener , R . Clout , H . Parsons , C . Lambert , S . Smith , Col . Bramble , Dr . Cross , C . J . Shoppee , A . White , E . G . Johnson , Capt . Ritchie , R . A ., E . Morris , G . Mead , Hunter , N . J . Ryle , C . S . Burton , J . Terry , W . H . Brougham , T . C . Probert , 1 . Edmonds ,
Magnus Ohren , F . Norton , J . Hooper , E . Maas , J . Challis , R . Hodd , jun ., B . Maskell , J . Swinson , J . Troup , C Whelpton , E . Baxter , F . Adlard , A . G . Browning , F . J . Nash , J . R . Cassell , C G . Smithers , VV . Summers , J . Cutbush , B . S . Williams , C . Sleight , D . Nicholson , P . Jackson , W . M . Bywater , A . J . Beer , Major Joseph , C . C , J . Hubbard , J . Pearson , VV . Eckstein , T . H . Hill , T . Barringer , M . D . ; R . Hovenden , B . Starling , Martin Palmer ,
R . Clowes , H . B . Tidswell , VV . B . Tidswell , J . Archer , E . J . Tidswell , F . J . Freeman , T . Simpson , H . J . Lardner , J . VV . Mather , H . Melton , H . Dobbin , VV . Johnson , T . H . May , George Kenning , H . Ovey , W . H . Addis , W . H . Newton , Addis , jun ., G . Stagg , R . B . Lewis , E . Lambert , A . H . Jones , Shipway , M . Goldstein , R . P . Spice , C . E ., P . Tocher , Edgar Bowyer , J . M . Faulkner , C . K . Matier . H . Western , S . Hill , G . Cowell , M . R . C . S ., R . VV . Williams ,
G . Cooper , F . VV . Brind , J . C . Carr , H . II . Bartlett , Fred . Binckes , A . J . Cross , T . Johnson , E . J . Thompson , J . L . Reeve , H . M . Collier , V . Orchard , A . Painter , C E . Keyser , C . Painter , W . H . Rowe , R . Rowel ] , R . VV . Rogers , G . N . Watts , G . B . Smallpiece , VV . Goodwin , T . Rowe , J . Winter , T . F . Peacock , the Rev . T . Hatch , E . R . Cutler ( lion , secretary ) , and Wm . Lake ( Freemason ) . Alter the usual loyal toasts had been honoured , the
CHAIRMAN , in proposing the toast of the evening , "Our Honoured Guest and Friend , Bro . G . Lambert , F . S . A ., " said he would have to detain them a long time if he were to relate the distinguished biography of their friend . He was born in the same house which he now occupied , and , in fact , in the room in which he now slept . ( Laughter . ) In every path of life Bro . Lambert had distinguished himself , and his efforts had been crowned with success . His attention to
business had , as was always the case , commanded success . " He that is diligent in his business shall stand before kings . " Not only in the path of business had Bro . George Lambert won a wreath of laurel , but in other paths also . For 24 years he had been a gallant officer of "the Queen ' s " Westminster . He was a Freemason , and had been a Master of no less than six lodges , being now a Grand Officer of England . ( Cheers . ) He ( the chairman ) was present
the previous night at the Girls Orphan School at Clapham , and the name of Bro . George Lambert was a well-known name there . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt with the poet , that " affliction ' s sons are brothers in distress , " and to relieve a brother in distress how exquisite was the bliss . One special reason why they had met that evening was to express their deep sense of the munilicentjiberality of Bro . George Lambert to the various institutions with which he was
connected —( cheers)—and also to express their deep sense of the kindliness , good feeling , and courtesy which he had always shown to those with whom he was brought in contact , ( Hear , hear . ) The Goldsmiths' Benevolent Institution he had been connected with for no less a period than 87 years , and by his munificent liberality he had immensely contributed to its permanent success . ( Hear , hear . ) Assibted by Mr . Thomas and Mr . Smith , he had
been mainly instrumental in securing for the Society the use of the Goldsmiths' Hall . Bro . Capt . Lambert had also been president of the Goldsmiths and Jewellers' Annuity Institution for a period of 19 years , and he had greatly promoted the prosperity of the Society . On a recent occasion his friend took the chair at the dinner of a very meritorious institution—the City Waiters' Provident—and on that occasion he gave them a donation of 100 guineas . (
Applause . ) The treasurer and several representatives of the Society were present as a deputation to express their gratitude for the munificence and kindnessof their excellent triend . The poet said" VVe live in deeds , not words ; In thoughts , not breaths ;
We should count time by heart throbs . He lives most who thinks most , Acts the noblest , thinks the best . " ( Cheers . ) He was suie he only expressed the feelings which animated his excellent friend when he said Captain Lambert
" Counts that day lost whose slow descending sun Sees from his hand no worthy action done . " ( Cheers . ) It was now his pleasing duty to present to Captain Lambert an illuminated address . It bore the following inscription : " This address , together with a gold snuffbox , was presented to Geo . Lambert , Esq ., F . S . A ., by many friends , at a banquet given in his honour on Friday , November 21 st , 18 S 4 , to express their sense of the personal interest and noble support he has so long bestowed upon
the various charities of London , and in recognition of the unvarying kindness and courtesy he has always shown to those with whom he has been associated . " ( Loud cheers . ) He asked Captain Lambert to accept the address and snuffbox as a token of their esteem and gratitude , and observed that many letters had been received from gentlemen expressing regret at being unable to be present . Lord Kinnaird said he hardly dare look back to the year when he first become acquainted with Bro . G . Lambert .
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Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LEYTONSTONE . —Ley Spring Chapter ( No . t ^ gS ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Red Lion , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., when the Following companions were present : Comps . G . J . Anning , M . EiZ . ; W . H . Myers , H . ; Wm . McDonald , j . ; P . A . Bianchi , P . Z . and Treas . ; Walter C . Claridge , P . Z ., S . E . ; F . H . Spiller , S . N . ; J . A . Robson , P . S . ; J . Seigenberg ,
1 st A . S . ; W . Sampson , H . Seymour Clarke , and S . Lewis . Visitors : Comps . Jas . Boulton , 933 ; A . McDowall , P . Z . 948 , P . P . G . S . B . Berks and Bucks ; T . O . Harding , 15 S 9 ; and E . Anderson , 255 . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed , and the Auditors' report received . The installation of the Principals and officers for the ensuing year then took place , and Comp . W . H . Myers , M . E . Z . elect ,
was duly installed , after which Comp . W . McDonald was installed into the chair of H ., and Comp . F . H . Spiller into the chair of J . The other officers invested were Comps . Bianchi , Treas . ; Claridge , S . E . ; Robson , S . M . ; Seigenberg , P . S ., who appointed Comps . C . H . Spiller and Sampson his Assistants . Comp . Anning , P . Z ., was presented with a handsome P . Z's jewel in recognition of his services during his year of office .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
OLD KENT LODGE ( T . I . )—A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhallstreet , E . G ., on Wednesday , the 12 th inst . Bro . J . L . Mather , VV . M ., presided , and among those present were Bros . J . Ramsey , S . W . ; T . Keene , J . W . ; E . C . Mather , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Dicketts , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Venn , P . M . ; J . Moon , P . M . ; and visitors Bros . W . A . Scurrah , C . F . Hogard , C . F . Matier , A . Millar , A . G . Beale , and J . M .
Piper . After the minutes of previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . James Willing , jun ., W . M . 19 S 7 , and VV . M . Stiles , W . M . 1744 , having been successively balloted for and elected , were advanced to the degree in a most careful and painstaking manner by the W . M . The usual banquet followed , and everything passed off most enjoyably .
ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 1 ) . —The installation meeting was held on the 4 th inst . Present : Bros . E . L . Shepherd , W . M . ; Dr . Whiteway Wilkinson , I . P . M . ; Major Williams , S . W . ; Peter . L . Simmonds , J . W . ; Thomas Cohu , S . O . ; Major Dunbar , J . O . ; George Powell , Treas . ; H . Sirley , Reg . ; E . H . Thiellay , Sec . ; j . ) . Thomas , S . D . ; J . Cutbush . J . D . ; S . J . Humfress , I . G . ; J . Lacklanacting Tyler ; also Bros . 1 . Cubitt , H .
, A . Reeves , G . V . Schofield , H . Lovegrove , Geo . Kenning , J . Rowe , Wm . Bohm , R . B . Croft , Rev . C Harvey , Joseph Hunt . Visitors : Bros . C . F . Matier , W . Weiss , J . Tomkins , Wm . Causton , and Dr . R . Gooding . The Auditors' report having been read and approved , a ballot took place for Bro . Richard Benyon Croft as a joining member , after which Bro . Major Williams was installed W . M . the officers in rotation receiving a step of promotion ,
, Bros . Reeves and Bohm being appointed I . G . and Steward respectively . A jewel , manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , was presented to Bro . Shepherd , I . P . M ., and £ 2 2 s . voted to " The Mrs . Dewar Fund . " The Secretary read a communication from Grand Mark Secretary respecting the approaching Mark Festival , and Bro . Major Williams was engaged to represent the St . Mark ' s as Steward .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 234 ) . —The installation meeting of this excellent lodge took place on Saturday , the Sth inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , under the supervision of its W . M ., Bro . George James Dunckly , supported by his Wardens and Overseers . There were present Bros . J . T . Holliday , W . M . elect ; C . J . Axfurd , J . VV . ; Johnston , M . O . ; Cotterson , S-O . ; Storr , J . O . ; Geo . Clark , jun ., I . P . M . ; also Bros . C . Kipperly , P . M . ; ] .
Carr , Treas . ; J . Baldwin , Sec , P . M . 139 ; J . Wyatt , G . Smith , R . H . Coulton , T . Crook , and Thomas Poore , P . M ., & c ; J . Steve , A . Wotton , M- La rlham , P . M . ; E . Clark and J . H . Hawkins , 169 ; Bridges Kinton , and Cusworth , 236 . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed and other preliminary matters completed , the W . M . wishing before vacating the honoured position he
had held during his year of office to thank the brethren in goodly terms for the excellent support they had given him , and assured one and all that his endeavours to promote the interest of the lodge as I . P . M . should be , if possible , more strenuous than before . Our worthy and indefatigable Installing Master , Bro . George Clark , jun ., I . P . M ., P . G . S . IS ., & c , then proceeded to install the incoming VV . M .. Bro . I . T . Holliday ,
assisted by Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . G . J . O ., as Uir . of Cers ., and supported by our most excellent and ever dear paternal Bro . Thomas Poore , P . G . I . G . ; Bros . Chas . P . McKay , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; Mark Larlham . and Keppely , P . M ., thus forming a goodly Board of Installing Masters . Bro . James T . Holliday was duly installed into the chair of A . J ., in a most masterly and impressive manner , and invested Bro . George James Dunckly , I . P . M ., with
the collar of his office . The usual salutations of the Installing Masters having been given , the brethren below the chair were admiited , and under the able direction of Bro . James Stevens saluted the W . M . in true Masonic Mark Master ' s style . The newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Charles J . Axford , S . W . ; Johnston , J . W . ; Cotterson , M . O . ; E . Storr , S . O . ; G . b . Smith , J . O . ; Charles P . McKayP . M . P . P . G . J . D .
, , , Sec ; J . C . Carr , Treas . ; Ed . Clark , R . M . ; VV . IT' T ; D-J and A ' Scuine » > -G . . After " hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed , and Wivi is" ad J 0 Urned t 0 an excellent banquet , the VV . M ., Bro . James S . Holliday , presiding , having on his right our time-honoured Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., and on iV .. ' Sros- George Dunckly , I . P . M . ; Thomas Poore ,
nl u ? ' McKay » P . M . ; and George Clark , jun . ihe brethre n one and all seemed to be well pleased with the good things provided , for them and the excellent manner in which the new W . M . handled the reins of government of the Brixton Mark Lodge , No . 234 . Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , Bro . Jas . Stevens , P . M ., contributed materially
Mark Masonry.
to the edification of the brethren with his descriptive eulogy of Masonic rites , and Bro . P . M . Thomas Poore's recitation was received with much enthusiasm . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . G . Dunckly , I . P . M ., who spoke in high terms of his dear old friend and brother . Bro . Holliday in responding asked for the earnest help and regular attendance of all his officers , Past Masters , and brethren , so as to make the ensuing year one of great
success . Other toasts were duly responded to , and after spending a very pleasant evening the brethren dispersed in love and harmony . TWICKENHAM . —Sir Francis Burdett Lodge
( No . 1 S 1 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on the 19 th inst . at the Albany Hotel . Among those present were Bros . Handel , VV . M . ; Fisher , S . W . ; Briggs , J . VV . ; VV . Hammond , P . G . S ., P . M ., and Sec . ; Briggs , M . O . ; H . Higgins , J . O . ; Kohler , S . D . ; Bailey , J . D . ; Simmonds , I . G . ; Porter , Org . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . of VV . Middx .,
P . M . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . Middx ., I . P . M ., and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Thomas , who had been previously balloted for , was then duly advanced to the degree of a M . M . M . by Bro . Walls . The election of officers for the
year ensuing then took place with the following result Bros . Fisher , W . M . ; VV . Taylor , Treasurer ; and Harrison , Tyler . The Audit Committee having been appointed , and the bye-laws read , a Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Handel . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . A few toasts followed .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
A meeting of the Grand Council of this degree was held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on the 21 st inst . Among those present were Bros . i ' . C . Walls , P . G . I . M ., in the chair ; T . Poore , P . G . C . W ., as S . W . ; C . F . Matier , P . D . G . M ., acting Recorder ; F . Richardson , Raymond Thrupp , Loveland-Loveland ; T . Cubitt , Major Dunbar , Hawkins , VV . Lynes , J . L . Mather , Bryant , H . J . Lardner , VV . B . Williamson , E . F . Storr , Cama , H . H . Shirley , the
Rev . S . Maude , and others . The Grand Council having been opened in due form , Bro . Matier announced that the M . P . G . M ., the Rev . Canon Portal , had appointed Bro . Walls his Deputy for the year ensuing , and , having assumed the chair , he duly installed Bro . Walls . Bro . Frederick Davison having been re-elected Treasurer the following appointments and investments were then made : Bros . Raymond Thrupp ,
G . I . M . ; Frank Richardson , G . P . C . of W . ; the Rev . F . VV . Lemon and the Rev . S . Maude , G . Chaps . ; F . Davison , G . Treas . ; C . F . Matier , G . Recorder ; R . Berridge , G . M . of C . ; W . Williamson , G . C . of G . ; W . Glynes , G . C . of C . ; B . R . Bryant , G . Lecturer ; VV . J . Cunliffe , E . F . Storr , and H . Halker , G . Marshals ; A . McDowall and H . H . Shirley , Stwds . ; and H . J . Lardner ,
G . Sentinel . The Grand Recorder then reported the progress of tlve Rite in this country , which , on the whole , is in a satisfactory condition . The sum of five guineas was voted to the list of Bro . C . F . Matier , as Steward at the next festival of the Mark Benevolent . Bros . J . L . Mather and Major Dunbar having been appointed Auditors , the Grand Council was closed and the brethren adjourned . There was no banquet .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
FOUR KINGS COUNCIL ( No . 7 ) . —A meeting of the above council was held on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , SA , Red Lion-square . Among those present were Bros , Charles H . Driver , G . S . W ., W . M . ; James Moon , G . Treas ., S . W . ; John Ramsey , J . VV . ; J . L . Mather , G . S . W ., P . M . ; A . F . Godson , A . M . Broadley , Henry Venn , George Kenning , C . Fitzgerald
Matier , P . D . G . M ., Grand Sec , Hon . Sec , J . S . Hawkins , W . A . Scurrah , Harris , Frederick Binckes , and F . VV . Driver , M . A . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . S . Hawkins was received into the hol y order of Grand High Priest . Bros . Scurrah , Harris , and 1 ehan were admitted to the Orders of St . Lawrence and Knights of
Constantinople . Bro . James Moon , Grand Treas ., was installed as VV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Moon then appointed Bros . Ramsey , S . W . ; Stephen Barton Wilson , J . W . ; C . F . Matier , Treas . and Sec . The Auditors' report was received and adopted . The brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where an enjoyable evening was spent under the gavel the newly-installed VV . M ., Bro . James Moon .
Presentation Banquet To Bro Captain George Lambert, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B.
On Friday , the 21 st inst ., a goodly number of the friends of our respected Bro . Capt . George Lambert , as well as ot those institutions of which he has shown himself to beso constant and munificent a supporter , assembled in the Venetian Room of the Holborn Restaurant for the purpose of entertaining him at banquet , and presenting to him some slight
token of the respect and affection in which they hold him . It is given to few men to enjoy the means and opportunities of doing service to others which have fallen to Captain Lambert during his long and brilliant career ; and it is given to fewer still to turn those means and opportunities to such admirable account . As regards our worthy brother in his private capacity , we have nothing further to say than
that he is a noble exemplar in whose footsteps it will do well for others to follow . As regards his connection with many of our public institutions , we may remark that his munificence toward the Goldsmiths' Benevolent Institution , the Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Institution , the French Hospital , and the Brompton Hospital , and , considering
whom we are addressing , we may well be pardoned for saying , above all , our three great Masonic Charitable Institutions , is so generally known , that even to allude to it is almost , if not quite , unnecessary . No wonder , then , that the friends and well-wishers of our brother should have resolved on making the opportunity , as they did on Friday
Presentation Banquet To Bro Captain George Lambert, F.S.A., P.G. Swd. B.
last , of evincing for him their deep sense not only of his generous kindness to all in need of sympathy and assistance , but likewise of that personal geniality and warmth of heart , which has so endeared him to them all . No wonder also that they should have selected the banquet , and a simple form of a testimonial , as being the best calculated to effect their object . There is nothing like a good dinner to bring out the kindlier feelings of our nature , and a
testimonial is never so acceptable as when its simplicity , next to the genuineness of feeling which prompted its bestowal , is its most conspicuous feature , and the manner in which it is presented is uninfluenced by mere flattery , and devoid of all ostentation . In entertaining so worthy a guest , we may be sure the company was as representative as it was numerous , and that no effort was spared in order to ensure the perfect
appropriateness of all the surroundings . Ihe hall was handsomely decorated for the occasion , and after dinner the presence of ladies added greatly to the pleasure of the meeting . Bro . Alderman Savory presided , and among those present were the following brethren and other gentlemen : Alderman De Keyser , Lieut .-Ct > l . Sir J . Robinson , Bart ., H . Graves , the Rev . T . Huntingdon , Barrmv Emanuel , M . A ., Col . G . Adams , H . Lambert , J . M .
Garrard , H . Lee , G . VV . Adams , Brand ( the Comptroller ) , F . B . Thomas , A . V . Godson , J . Messent , E . Tidswell , J . Lee , J . F . Meston , H . J . Adams , N . Sherwood , H . Webb , C . Sharpe , Col . Scrivener , R . Clout , H . Parsons , C . Lambert , S . Smith , Col . Bramble , Dr . Cross , C . J . Shoppee , A . White , E . G . Johnson , Capt . Ritchie , R . A ., E . Morris , G . Mead , Hunter , N . J . Ryle , C . S . Burton , J . Terry , W . H . Brougham , T . C . Probert , 1 . Edmonds ,
Magnus Ohren , F . Norton , J . Hooper , E . Maas , J . Challis , R . Hodd , jun ., B . Maskell , J . Swinson , J . Troup , C Whelpton , E . Baxter , F . Adlard , A . G . Browning , F . J . Nash , J . R . Cassell , C G . Smithers , VV . Summers , J . Cutbush , B . S . Williams , C . Sleight , D . Nicholson , P . Jackson , W . M . Bywater , A . J . Beer , Major Joseph , C . C , J . Hubbard , J . Pearson , VV . Eckstein , T . H . Hill , T . Barringer , M . D . ; R . Hovenden , B . Starling , Martin Palmer ,
R . Clowes , H . B . Tidswell , VV . B . Tidswell , J . Archer , E . J . Tidswell , F . J . Freeman , T . Simpson , H . J . Lardner , J . VV . Mather , H . Melton , H . Dobbin , VV . Johnson , T . H . May , George Kenning , H . Ovey , W . H . Addis , W . H . Newton , Addis , jun ., G . Stagg , R . B . Lewis , E . Lambert , A . H . Jones , Shipway , M . Goldstein , R . P . Spice , C . E ., P . Tocher , Edgar Bowyer , J . M . Faulkner , C . K . Matier . H . Western , S . Hill , G . Cowell , M . R . C . S ., R . VV . Williams ,
G . Cooper , F . VV . Brind , J . C . Carr , H . II . Bartlett , Fred . Binckes , A . J . Cross , T . Johnson , E . J . Thompson , J . L . Reeve , H . M . Collier , V . Orchard , A . Painter , C E . Keyser , C . Painter , W . H . Rowe , R . Rowel ] , R . VV . Rogers , G . N . Watts , G . B . Smallpiece , VV . Goodwin , T . Rowe , J . Winter , T . F . Peacock , the Rev . T . Hatch , E . R . Cutler ( lion , secretary ) , and Wm . Lake ( Freemason ) . Alter the usual loyal toasts had been honoured , the
CHAIRMAN , in proposing the toast of the evening , "Our Honoured Guest and Friend , Bro . G . Lambert , F . S . A ., " said he would have to detain them a long time if he were to relate the distinguished biography of their friend . He was born in the same house which he now occupied , and , in fact , in the room in which he now slept . ( Laughter . ) In every path of life Bro . Lambert had distinguished himself , and his efforts had been crowned with success . His attention to
business had , as was always the case , commanded success . " He that is diligent in his business shall stand before kings . " Not only in the path of business had Bro . George Lambert won a wreath of laurel , but in other paths also . For 24 years he had been a gallant officer of "the Queen ' s " Westminster . He was a Freemason , and had been a Master of no less than six lodges , being now a Grand Officer of England . ( Cheers . ) He ( the chairman ) was present
the previous night at the Girls Orphan School at Clapham , and the name of Bro . George Lambert was a well-known name there . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt with the poet , that " affliction ' s sons are brothers in distress , " and to relieve a brother in distress how exquisite was the bliss . One special reason why they had met that evening was to express their deep sense of the munilicentjiberality of Bro . George Lambert to the various institutions with which he was
connected —( cheers)—and also to express their deep sense of the kindliness , good feeling , and courtesy which he had always shown to those with whom he was brought in contact , ( Hear , hear . ) The Goldsmiths' Benevolent Institution he had been connected with for no less a period than 87 years , and by his munificent liberality he had immensely contributed to its permanent success . ( Hear , hear . ) Assibted by Mr . Thomas and Mr . Smith , he had
been mainly instrumental in securing for the Society the use of the Goldsmiths' Hall . Bro . Capt . Lambert had also been president of the Goldsmiths and Jewellers' Annuity Institution for a period of 19 years , and he had greatly promoted the prosperity of the Society . On a recent occasion his friend took the chair at the dinner of a very meritorious institution—the City Waiters' Provident—and on that occasion he gave them a donation of 100 guineas . (
Applause . ) The treasurer and several representatives of the Society were present as a deputation to express their gratitude for the munificence and kindnessof their excellent triend . The poet said" VVe live in deeds , not words ; In thoughts , not breaths ;
We should count time by heart throbs . He lives most who thinks most , Acts the noblest , thinks the best . " ( Cheers . ) He was suie he only expressed the feelings which animated his excellent friend when he said Captain Lambert
" Counts that day lost whose slow descending sun Sees from his hand no worthy action done . " ( Cheers . ) It was now his pleasing duty to present to Captain Lambert an illuminated address . It bore the following inscription : " This address , together with a gold snuffbox , was presented to Geo . Lambert , Esq ., F . S . A ., by many friends , at a banquet given in his honour on Friday , November 21 st , 18 S 4 , to express their sense of the personal interest and noble support he has so long bestowed upon
the various charities of London , and in recognition of the unvarying kindness and courtesy he has always shown to those with whom he has been associated . " ( Loud cheers . ) He asked Captain Lambert to accept the address and snuffbox as a token of their esteem and gratitude , and observed that many letters had been received from gentlemen expressing regret at being unable to be present . Lord Kinnaird said he hardly dare look back to the year when he first become acquainted with Bro . G . Lambert .