Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO OUR READERS . The FREEMASON is a Weekly Newspaper , price 2 d . It is published every Friday morning , and contains the most important , interesting , and useful information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscription , including postage : United America , India , Inelia , China , & c
Kingelom . thc Continent , S : c . viaBmiehsi . Twelve Months ios . 6 d . 12 s . od . 17 s . 4 d . Six „ 5 s . 3 d . 6 s . 6 d . 8 s . 8 d . Three „ 2 s . 8 d . 3 s . 3 d . 4 s . 6 d . Subscriptions may be paid for in stamps , but Post Office Orders or Cheques are preferred , the former payable to
GEORGE KENNING , CHIEF OFFICE , LONDON , the latter crossed London and Joint Stock Bank . Advertisements and other business communications should be addressed to the Publisher . Communications on literary subjects and books for
review are to be forwarded to the Editor . Anonymous correspondence will be wholly disregarded , and the return of rejected MSS . cannot be guaranteed . Further information will be supplied o . application to the Publisher , 108 , Fleet-street , London .
IMPORTANT NOTICE . COLONIAL and FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS are informed that acknowledgments of remittances received are published in the first number of every month .
It is very necessary for our readers to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from the United States of America and India j otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them .
NOTICE . To prevent delay or miscarriage , it is particularly requested that ALL communications for the FREEMASON , may be addressed to the Office , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
TO ADVERTISERS . Ihe F HEEM _ has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe , its advantages as an advertising medium can therefore scarcely be overrated . ADVERTISEMENTS to ensure insertion in current -week's issue should reach the Oflice , 198 , Fleet-street , by 12 o ' clock on "Wednesdays .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " The Garden Oracle , " " Hebrew Leader , " " Keystone , " " New York Dispatch , " " Scottish Freemason , " " Tweddell's North of England Illustrated Annual , " " Episodes of a Life , " " Cataract , and other Eye Affections , " by Bro . Jabez Hogg , " Bi-Centenary Memorial of the Lodge Canongate , Kilwinning . "
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . 6 d . for announcements , not exceed ing four lines , under this heading . ] BIRTHS . GALE . —On the 21 st inst ., at Cheltenham , the wife of C . F . Gale , Esq ., of a daughter . STANLEY-SMITH —On the 20 th inst ., at Remington House , Powls-squarc , Brighton , Mrs . J . Stanley-Smith , of a son ( still born ) .
MARRIAGE . CLUTTEBB - CK—MOKGAN . —On the 7 th ult ., at St . James ' s Anaikullee , Punjab , Capt . Thomas St . Quintin Clutterbuck , 29 th Punjab Regt . Native Infantry , to Nellie , daughter of Col . W . D . Morgan , Commandant 32 nd Punjab Pioneers .
DEATHS . FELLOWES . —On thc 23 rd inst ., at Shotcsham Park , Norfolk , Evelyn Marcella , daughter of R . Fellowes , Esq . FILDES . —On the 25 th inst ., Philip Luke , son of Luke and Fanny Fildes , of Melbury-road , Holland Park , Kensington , W ., aged one year . GALLOWAV . —On the 22 nd inst ., at Hyde Park-square ,
Richard Hodgson Galloway , Esq ., aged 08 . PAYTON . —On the 24 th ult ., at Mogadore , Morocco , Joseph Payton , aged 38 . SMITH . —On the ifith inst ., at Menlone , Edmund Dtnmar ,, Smith , Capt . 3 rd Goorkha Rtgt ., Bengal Army , aged 3 6 . STAPLES . —On the 23 rd inst ., at High-street , Fulham , Klleu Hrice , wife of C . A . Staples , aged 61 .
SUTCLIFFE . —On the 24 th inst ., at his residence , Stallingboro' House , John Sutcliffe , R . W . P . G . M . M . of Lincolnshire , aged 6 3 years . WOODFOHDK . —On the 23 rd inst ., at Ansford , Castle Cary , Somerset , George Augustus Woodforde , aged 7 6 . WOOF . —On the 13 th inst ., Richard Woof , Esq ., F . S . A ., aged -. 6 .
The Freemason . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 29 , 1 S 77 .
1877 .
With this , our concluding Frcctiasoii for 1877 , we think it well to call the attention of our readers to the Masonic events of the past twelve months , trusting that they may find some pleasant reminiscences , and some seasonable thoughts in this remarkable record of another twelve months of M ? . sonic life , of
Masonic labour . And though we-leave 1 S 77 , as far as Anglo-Saxon Masonry is concerned , with every feeling of satisfaction ancl confidence , we feel bound to admit that in respsct of many sections of Foreign Freemasonry , our voice is and must be a voice of reprobation , of warning , and of mistrust .
J ANUARY witnessed , as most befitting the commencement of a new Masonic year of light and beneficence , the vote of ^ 4000 by the Grand Lodge—an especial Grand Lodge—to establish two lifeboats in perpetuation of the safe return of our Royal Grand Master from
India , and to assuage in some fitting measure the often stormy waves of human destruction and human sorrow . In this month we also gladly note that New Year entertainments were given at the three great Metropolitan charitable Institutions , to the inmates , a goodly custom always
to be carefully observed . We remember also that in January , the Starkie Lodge , No . 1634 , was consecrated , and th ? t the New Temple of St . John ' s Lodge , Antigua , 492 , was dedicated . A grand Masonic ball in Liverpool was also given , which was marked by equal success , in
aid of the Provincial Charity ancl the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , and by a numerous and pleasant meeting . FEBRUARY . We had the usual meeting of the Grand Chapter of England , though no important business was transacted . In this month
the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution took place , over which Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold was to have presided , but was prevented by indisposition . His absence , though most deeply regretted on every account , was admirably filled up by our lamented Bro .
the Earl of Shrewsbury . The noble sum of _ £ i 2 , 900 in round numbers , was collected , much to the gratification of all supporters of that excellent Institution , and to the great credit of all concerned in the arrangement and management of that mo , t
admirable charity of our Order . We believe that since that time other lists have come in , making the amount i £ 16 , 300 in round numbers . Bro . Sir George Elliot was appointed Provincial Grand Master for the Eastern Division of South Wales , and our respected Bro . R . W . Little , Deputy Prov .
Grand Master for Middlesex and Bro . David Murray Lyon announced himself as candidate for the vacant oflice of Grand Secretary for Scotland . We have to record in this month the happy consecration of the Aldersgate Lodge , i 6 c 7 , under some striking circumstances , as well
as the Wolsey Lodge , 16 5 6 . Bro . Walters , P . P . G . J . D . Middlesex , was presented in February , with a purse of £ 180 , and a silver inkstand , value __ 2 o . February also witnessed the laying the foundation stone of a Masonic Hall at Bournemouth . We had also to announce
that in February the first annual meeting of the Leeds Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution was held . MARCH , always a busy month for English Freemasons , beheld the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , when the previous grant
of __? 4000 was confirmed , and a picture of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., by Bro . Louis Desanges , was presented to Grand Lodge by the Lodge of Friendship , and heartily accepted . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was unanimously confirmed and proclaimed Grand
Master of English Freemasonry . Our worthy Bro . Samuel Tomkins was unanimously reelected Grand Treasurer . At the Provincial Grand Chapter for Cornwall held this month , Bro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe -was installed as Provincial Grand Superintendent . We had to note during this month the conse-
cration of the Stuart Lodge . 1632 ¦ of the Beaconsfield Lodge , 1662 ; of the Skelmersdale Lodge , 1658 ; of the Mizpah Lodge , 16 71 ; as well as of the Croydon Mark Lodge , 198 . In this month Bro . D . Murray Lyon was elected b y a large majority , Grand Secretary of the Grand
Lodge of Scotland . He is emphatically the ri ght man in the ri ght place , and will , we teel sure , gradually restore confidence and raise the prestige of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . In March also , the annual meeting of the Belfast Mnsonic Charity Fund , and Masonic Widows' Fund took
place , as well as ihe first anniversary meeting of the Langthorne Masonic Charitable Association . ArRiL witnessed the Annual Festival of the English Grand Lodge , when their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold were appointed the two Grand Wardens .
Such an unusual coincidence of three Royal brethren high in office , reminded old Masons of olden d _ ys of Royal patronage and pres _ nce . In April the following consecrations of lodges took place , namely , of the Southern Cross Lodge , 1590 , Africa ; the Amatole Lodge , 16 40 :
the Ancient Britons' Lodge , 167 5 ; the Samson Lodge , 1661 ; the Adelphi Lodge , 1670 ; the Scarlet Mark Lodge , 1 S 4 ; and the Phoenix Chapter , 173 . April which welcomed the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodges of West Yorkshire , Warwickshire , Queensland , and the
Provincial Grand Chapter of Wesfc Lancashire , also beheld the consecration of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Monmouthshire . In this month Bro . Lord Lei gh , amid a numerous assemblage , laid the foundation stone of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre , at
Stratfordupon- Avon , and a concert was given successfully in aid of the Upper Norwood Masonic Benevolent Fund . In May the Supreme Grand Chapter met , and we note also the assembl y of the Provincial Grand Chapter of East Lancashire and Leicestershire . The Provincial Grand Lodges
of Cumberland and Westmoreland also assembled , and Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., was appointed P . G . M . of Sussex , Bro . M . J . Guest was installed Provincial G . M . of Dorsetshire , and Bro . W . J . Hammond , District G . M . of Jamaica . The Annual Festival of the Girls '
School under the presidency of Lord Suffield took place , when the large amount of £ 9 800 , in round numbers , which sum has been since slightly increased , was collected . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught presided in May at two meetings of the Masonic
Orphan School , Dublin , with great kindness , and made a truly Masonic speech . During May the anniversary of the Stability Lodge of Instruction was held , and our esteemed Bro . Henry Muggeridge greatly lauded for his faithful Masonic
labours . In this month the Exeter Masonic Hall -was dedicated , and the following lodges were consecrated : —Mornington Lodge , 1672-Henry Muggeridge Lodge , 16 79 ; while the two chapters , Felicity , 438 , and Stratford , 4 6 4 ,
were properly dedicated . The Centennial of the Grand Lodge of Massachusets was duly and Masonically celebrated . In J , at the meeting of the Grand Lodge , Bro . Lord Donoughmore made an able report as to the two life boats which the Life Boat
Institution had agreed to establish for the £ 4000 voted by Grand Lodge . During J une H . K . H . Prince Leopold presided at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire , and Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., was installed Prov . Grand Master of Sussex . Bro . Lord Suffield , P . G . M .
for Norfolk , presided at the distribution of the prizes to the students in our Girls' School . June witnessed the consecration of the Newton Lodge , 1661 j Tonbridge Lodge , 1678 ; Crusaders Lodge , 1677 ; Guelph Lodge , 16 S 5 ; and the Hervey Lodge , 1692 . The Annual
Festival of the Boys' School was celebrated at the Alexandra Palace , our fair sisters gracing the festive board , when the goodly return of £ 13 , , in round numbers , , vas announced j this amount has reached since then , we
understand , £ 13 . 500 . Thus the year of grace and light 1877 beheld the unexampled sum of nearly £ 40 , 000 collected for our great Metropolitan Charities—all honour to our Craft . The whole returns for the charities for the close of 1877 are very promising . The Centenary Festival of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO OUR READERS . The FREEMASON is a Weekly Newspaper , price 2 d . It is published every Friday morning , and contains the most important , interesting , and useful information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscription , including postage : United America , India , Inelia , China , & c
Kingelom . thc Continent , S : c . viaBmiehsi . Twelve Months ios . 6 d . 12 s . od . 17 s . 4 d . Six „ 5 s . 3 d . 6 s . 6 d . 8 s . 8 d . Three „ 2 s . 8 d . 3 s . 3 d . 4 s . 6 d . Subscriptions may be paid for in stamps , but Post Office Orders or Cheques are preferred , the former payable to
GEORGE KENNING , CHIEF OFFICE , LONDON , the latter crossed London and Joint Stock Bank . Advertisements and other business communications should be addressed to the Publisher . Communications on literary subjects and books for
review are to be forwarded to the Editor . Anonymous correspondence will be wholly disregarded , and the return of rejected MSS . cannot be guaranteed . Further information will be supplied o . application to the Publisher , 108 , Fleet-street , London .
IMPORTANT NOTICE . COLONIAL and FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS are informed that acknowledgments of remittances received are published in the first number of every month .
It is very necessary for our readers to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from the United States of America and India j otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them .
NOTICE . To prevent delay or miscarriage , it is particularly requested that ALL communications for the FREEMASON , may be addressed to the Office , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
TO ADVERTISERS . Ihe F HEEM _ has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe , its advantages as an advertising medium can therefore scarcely be overrated . ADVERTISEMENTS to ensure insertion in current -week's issue should reach the Oflice , 198 , Fleet-street , by 12 o ' clock on "Wednesdays .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " The Garden Oracle , " " Hebrew Leader , " " Keystone , " " New York Dispatch , " " Scottish Freemason , " " Tweddell's North of England Illustrated Annual , " " Episodes of a Life , " " Cataract , and other Eye Affections , " by Bro . Jabez Hogg , " Bi-Centenary Memorial of the Lodge Canongate , Kilwinning . "
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . 6 d . for announcements , not exceed ing four lines , under this heading . ] BIRTHS . GALE . —On the 21 st inst ., at Cheltenham , the wife of C . F . Gale , Esq ., of a daughter . STANLEY-SMITH —On the 20 th inst ., at Remington House , Powls-squarc , Brighton , Mrs . J . Stanley-Smith , of a son ( still born ) .
MARRIAGE . CLUTTEBB - CK—MOKGAN . —On the 7 th ult ., at St . James ' s Anaikullee , Punjab , Capt . Thomas St . Quintin Clutterbuck , 29 th Punjab Regt . Native Infantry , to Nellie , daughter of Col . W . D . Morgan , Commandant 32 nd Punjab Pioneers .
DEATHS . FELLOWES . —On thc 23 rd inst ., at Shotcsham Park , Norfolk , Evelyn Marcella , daughter of R . Fellowes , Esq . FILDES . —On the 25 th inst ., Philip Luke , son of Luke and Fanny Fildes , of Melbury-road , Holland Park , Kensington , W ., aged one year . GALLOWAV . —On the 22 nd inst ., at Hyde Park-square ,
Richard Hodgson Galloway , Esq ., aged 08 . PAYTON . —On the 24 th ult ., at Mogadore , Morocco , Joseph Payton , aged 38 . SMITH . —On the ifith inst ., at Menlone , Edmund Dtnmar ,, Smith , Capt . 3 rd Goorkha Rtgt ., Bengal Army , aged 3 6 . STAPLES . —On the 23 rd inst ., at High-street , Fulham , Klleu Hrice , wife of C . A . Staples , aged 61 .
SUTCLIFFE . —On the 24 th inst ., at his residence , Stallingboro' House , John Sutcliffe , R . W . P . G . M . M . of Lincolnshire , aged 6 3 years . WOODFOHDK . —On the 23 rd inst ., at Ansford , Castle Cary , Somerset , George Augustus Woodforde , aged 7 6 . WOOF . —On the 13 th inst ., Richard Woof , Esq ., F . S . A ., aged -. 6 .
The Freemason . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 29 , 1 S 77 .
1877 .
With this , our concluding Frcctiasoii for 1877 , we think it well to call the attention of our readers to the Masonic events of the past twelve months , trusting that they may find some pleasant reminiscences , and some seasonable thoughts in this remarkable record of another twelve months of M ? . sonic life , of
Masonic labour . And though we-leave 1 S 77 , as far as Anglo-Saxon Masonry is concerned , with every feeling of satisfaction ancl confidence , we feel bound to admit that in respsct of many sections of Foreign Freemasonry , our voice is and must be a voice of reprobation , of warning , and of mistrust .
J ANUARY witnessed , as most befitting the commencement of a new Masonic year of light and beneficence , the vote of ^ 4000 by the Grand Lodge—an especial Grand Lodge—to establish two lifeboats in perpetuation of the safe return of our Royal Grand Master from
India , and to assuage in some fitting measure the often stormy waves of human destruction and human sorrow . In this month we also gladly note that New Year entertainments were given at the three great Metropolitan charitable Institutions , to the inmates , a goodly custom always
to be carefully observed . We remember also that in January , the Starkie Lodge , No . 1634 , was consecrated , and th ? t the New Temple of St . John ' s Lodge , Antigua , 492 , was dedicated . A grand Masonic ball in Liverpool was also given , which was marked by equal success , in
aid of the Provincial Charity ancl the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , and by a numerous and pleasant meeting . FEBRUARY . We had the usual meeting of the Grand Chapter of England , though no important business was transacted . In this month
the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution took place , over which Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold was to have presided , but was prevented by indisposition . His absence , though most deeply regretted on every account , was admirably filled up by our lamented Bro .
the Earl of Shrewsbury . The noble sum of _ £ i 2 , 900 in round numbers , was collected , much to the gratification of all supporters of that excellent Institution , and to the great credit of all concerned in the arrangement and management of that mo , t
admirable charity of our Order . We believe that since that time other lists have come in , making the amount i £ 16 , 300 in round numbers . Bro . Sir George Elliot was appointed Provincial Grand Master for the Eastern Division of South Wales , and our respected Bro . R . W . Little , Deputy Prov .
Grand Master for Middlesex and Bro . David Murray Lyon announced himself as candidate for the vacant oflice of Grand Secretary for Scotland . We have to record in this month the happy consecration of the Aldersgate Lodge , i 6 c 7 , under some striking circumstances , as well
as the Wolsey Lodge , 16 5 6 . Bro . Walters , P . P . G . J . D . Middlesex , was presented in February , with a purse of £ 180 , and a silver inkstand , value __ 2 o . February also witnessed the laying the foundation stone of a Masonic Hall at Bournemouth . We had also to announce
that in February the first annual meeting of the Leeds Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution was held . MARCH , always a busy month for English Freemasons , beheld the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , when the previous grant
of __? 4000 was confirmed , and a picture of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., by Bro . Louis Desanges , was presented to Grand Lodge by the Lodge of Friendship , and heartily accepted . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was unanimously confirmed and proclaimed Grand
Master of English Freemasonry . Our worthy Bro . Samuel Tomkins was unanimously reelected Grand Treasurer . At the Provincial Grand Chapter for Cornwall held this month , Bro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe -was installed as Provincial Grand Superintendent . We had to note during this month the conse-
cration of the Stuart Lodge . 1632 ¦ of the Beaconsfield Lodge , 1662 ; of the Skelmersdale Lodge , 1658 ; of the Mizpah Lodge , 16 71 ; as well as of the Croydon Mark Lodge , 198 . In this month Bro . D . Murray Lyon was elected b y a large majority , Grand Secretary of the Grand
Lodge of Scotland . He is emphatically the ri ght man in the ri ght place , and will , we teel sure , gradually restore confidence and raise the prestige of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . In March also , the annual meeting of the Belfast Mnsonic Charity Fund , and Masonic Widows' Fund took
place , as well as ihe first anniversary meeting of the Langthorne Masonic Charitable Association . ArRiL witnessed the Annual Festival of the English Grand Lodge , when their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Prince Leopold were appointed the two Grand Wardens .
Such an unusual coincidence of three Royal brethren high in office , reminded old Masons of olden d _ ys of Royal patronage and pres _ nce . In April the following consecrations of lodges took place , namely , of the Southern Cross Lodge , 1590 , Africa ; the Amatole Lodge , 16 40 :
the Ancient Britons' Lodge , 167 5 ; the Samson Lodge , 1661 ; the Adelphi Lodge , 1670 ; the Scarlet Mark Lodge , 1 S 4 ; and the Phoenix Chapter , 173 . April which welcomed the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodges of West Yorkshire , Warwickshire , Queensland , and the
Provincial Grand Chapter of Wesfc Lancashire , also beheld the consecration of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Monmouthshire . In this month Bro . Lord Lei gh , amid a numerous assemblage , laid the foundation stone of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre , at
Stratfordupon- Avon , and a concert was given successfully in aid of the Upper Norwood Masonic Benevolent Fund . In May the Supreme Grand Chapter met , and we note also the assembl y of the Provincial Grand Chapter of East Lancashire and Leicestershire . The Provincial Grand Lodges
of Cumberland and Westmoreland also assembled , and Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., was appointed P . G . M . of Sussex , Bro . M . J . Guest was installed Provincial G . M . of Dorsetshire , and Bro . W . J . Hammond , District G . M . of Jamaica . The Annual Festival of the Girls '
School under the presidency of Lord Suffield took place , when the large amount of £ 9 800 , in round numbers , which sum has been since slightly increased , was collected . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught presided in May at two meetings of the Masonic
Orphan School , Dublin , with great kindness , and made a truly Masonic speech . During May the anniversary of the Stability Lodge of Instruction was held , and our esteemed Bro . Henry Muggeridge greatly lauded for his faithful Masonic
labours . In this month the Exeter Masonic Hall -was dedicated , and the following lodges were consecrated : —Mornington Lodge , 1672-Henry Muggeridge Lodge , 16 79 ; while the two chapters , Felicity , 438 , and Stratford , 4 6 4 ,
were properly dedicated . The Centennial of the Grand Lodge of Massachusets was duly and Masonically celebrated . In J , at the meeting of the Grand Lodge , Bro . Lord Donoughmore made an able report as to the two life boats which the Life Boat
Institution had agreed to establish for the £ 4000 voted by Grand Lodge . During J une H . K . H . Prince Leopold presided at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire , and Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., was installed Prov . Grand Master of Sussex . Bro . Lord Suffield , P . G . M .
for Norfolk , presided at the distribution of the prizes to the students in our Girls' School . June witnessed the consecration of the Newton Lodge , 1661 j Tonbridge Lodge , 1678 ; Crusaders Lodge , 1677 ; Guelph Lodge , 16 S 5 ; and the Hervey Lodge , 1692 . The Annual
Festival of the Boys' School was celebrated at the Alexandra Palace , our fair sisters gracing the festive board , when the goodly return of £ 13 , , in round numbers , , vas announced j this amount has reached since then , we
understand , £ 13 . 500 . Thus the year of grace and light 1877 beheld the unexampled sum of nearly £ 40 , 000 collected for our great Metropolitan Charities—all honour to our Craft . The whole returns for the charities for the close of 1877 are very promising . The Centenary Festival of