Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Hall in Norwich , New , 309 „ „ at Sheffield , 310 „ Institution r-. Grocer ' s Company , 394 lewcllerv . Extensive Robbery of , 262
„ Jurisprudencj , No . 1 , Election of W . M ., 8 „ Love of Law Courts , a , 14 6 „ Meeting at Dublin , thc , 232 „ Orphan Schools , Dublin , 212 , 220
„ Presentation to Sir Watkin Williams W ) 1111 , 433 „ Progress , 114 „ Royal Benevolent Institution , 5 , 8 , 14 , 27 , Go , 64 , ' b 6 , 69 , 56 , 109 , 149 , 191 , 199 , 2 ^ 6 , 243 , 293 , 299 , 32 S , 378 , 419 , 49 6
„ Royal Institution for Boys , 18 , 24 , 29 , 54 , 84 , 99 , 144 , 154 , 183 , 231 , 243 . 257 , 2 G 3 , 272 , 278 , 29 . ? i 303 , 332 , 348 , 353 , 367 , 41 S . 433 . 43 » , 4 61 , 476 , 481 , 490 , 504 , 518 „ Koyal Institution for Girls , 7 , 2 _ , 35 , 4 ° . 75 . ' 38 ' 153168 , 170 , 175 , 185 , 18 S , 222 , 253 , 265 ,
, 302 , 309 , 328 , 359 , 439 . 454 > 5 ' „ „ Festival of the , 188 It „ Twelfth Night ' s Entertainment , 18 „ Secresy , 74 , 378 „ Sermon , 509
„ Songs , 535 „ Thoughts of Christmas , 55 0 „ Uncharitablencss , 311 Masonry in Germany , Statistics of , 104 Masonry and Masons , 378 „ in Quite a New Lig ht , 461 „ a Religion , 114
„ The Statistics of , 7 Masons' Streets , 327 Meeting of Grand Chapter , the Last , 320 „ of Grand Lodge , 534 Members of the Royal Family and Freemasonry , thc , 14 G Memorial to Stephenson , 440 Theatre at Stratfordthc Shakespeare , 16 5
, Messrs . Sp iers and Pond ' s New Hotel , 476 Metropolitan Charities , Our Great , 310
„ and City Police Orphanage , thc , 137 „ Masonic Benevolent Association , 481 „ Police , the , 361 Middlesex , Prov . G . L . of 307 Mighty Kind , 17 Mizpah Lodge ( 1671 ) , Consecration of the , 124 Monde Maconnique , the , 221 , 522
„ „ and thc" Freemason , " 126 , 557 n „ and Ourselves , 267 Monmouthshire , Consecration of the Prov . G . Mark Lodge of . 145 , - , Grand Chapter of , 298 „ „ Lodge of , 307 Moons of Mars , the , 416
Mornington Lodge ( 1672 ) , Consecration of thc , 172 Movements of Our Royal G . M ., 56 , 146 , 15 6 , 166 , 17 6 , 188 , 403 Multum in Parvo , or Masonic Notes and Queries , 28 , 47 , 5 6 , 78 , 88 , 107 , 129 , 146 . 158 . 7 . > / <> > ' 88 , 198 1 209 , 33 ' . 352 , 403 . 4 « 2 , 435- 449 . 494 . 519 Mysterious Mirror , the , Speculum Sapient ** -, Speculum of Wisdom , 85
N National Finances , our , 137 „ Reformer , 550 Needed Reform , a , 67 New Brunswick , Grand Lodgeof , 309 New Buxton Lodge ( 1688 ) , Consecration ofthe , 408 New Concord Chapter , Consecration of the , 246 „ Finsbury Park Lodge Consecration of the , 408 „ Grand Chaplain , the , 507 ,, „ Officers , the , 177
„ „ Secretary for Scotland , thc , 127 „ Lodges , 22 , 518 „ Masonic Hall at Hamilton , 494 „ Masonic Hall at Norwich , 309 „ Masonic Hall at Sheffield , 310 „ Menu , a , 245 .
„ South Wales , Freemasonry in , 98 „ Telegraph Instrument , 393 . „ Town Hall at Stonehouse , laying the foundation stone of , New Year' the , 6 „ Zealand Archaeological , 352 District Grand Lodge of , 203
„ „ „ „ Freemasonry in , 54 , 109 , 308 , 324 , 385 , 481 „ „ Mark Masonry in , 122 „ „ The Rose Croix degree in , 339 News from Sweden , 5 7 Newton Lodge ( 1661 ) , Consecration of the , 231 Noble Deed , a , 4 G 8
Non-Reading Masons , 5 6 3 North Wales and Cheshire , the Prov . G . L . of , 223 Norths and Hunts Prov . G . L . of , 271 Not Bad , 220 II True , 57 Notes on Art , 349 , 364 , 373 , 379 , 389 , 399 . 409 . 420 , 434 . 449 . 4 3 > 477 . 49 « i 5 " 9 i 533 . 547 i 5 9 J
o Obelisk , the 451 OuiTL-Anv : — Baker , W , R , 1 G 0 Beatty , M ., ,, 33 Beeby , . Uv . w ., 230 Bono , G . A . 252 Dodisoii , R ., 252 Ellen , _ ., 223 Emmens , J ., 319 , 333
Dini-AHY C ONTINUED : Francis , W . H ., 25 Goodall , 524 Gouley , G . F ., 191 Gundiy , J ., 4 5 Harris , E ., 419 Herniman , R ., 585
Hunt , G . W ., 319 Kibble , W ., 344 Lane , W ., Go Leleioholi ) , W . P . 318 Matthews , H . T ., 6 5 McLean , Sir D ., 109 Molt , Superintendent , ^ 2 4
Myatt , W ., 55 8 Newman , Henry , 318 Onslow , W . L ., 3 68 Palmer , H . V ., 333 Pilsworth , Lieut .-Col ., 262 Pattison , F ., 213 Pullen , J . ., 192
Purshon , VV ., 547 Ramsay , Major H ., 19 8 Redfern , J ., 84 Scott , M ., i ; o Shrewsbury , Earl of , 19 S Spiers , R . J ., 4 ' 3 Thomas , M ., 393
'Jhornton , J ., 3 G 8 Vaughan , R . S . M ., 120 Vigne , C . J ., 223 Wheeler , G . W ., 4 6 3 Whittle , Dr ., 413 W illiams , Thos ., 19 Objection to Secresy , g 6
On the Mountains , 545 Opening cf a New Lodge at Winchester , 4 S 1 „ of theNew Masonic HaU at Sh . UieM , 311 ,, of the Walker Art Gallery , 376 Oreler of the Temple , 576 Our St . John ' s , 557 OKIGINAI . CORRESPONDENCE : —
A Correction , 28 , 38 , 107 , 190 , 234 , 302 , 314 A Disgraceful Occurence , 168 A Feminine Resolution , 522 A Good Case , 87 A Little Mistake , 78 A Masonic Query , 341 A Needful Correction , 382 A New Definition of Fieemasomy , 268 A Query , 17 , 190 , 202 , 256 , 352 , 371 , 372 , 423 ,
5 ° 7 A Recent Incident in P _ ris , 268 A Suggestion , 107 A Very Delicate Question , 381 AnAppea ' , 371 , 412 , 522 An Erratum , 235 An Impostor , 246
An Intrusion , 3 62 An Old Mason i c Speech , 17 An Urgent Appeal , 371 Anacalypsis , 27 Analysis of Stewards' Lists , 292 Annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls' , 138
Apollo University Lodge , 584 Are Exchanges Wiong ? 245 Art in Hospitals , 59 , 7 8 Atrocities , 341 , 342 Boys' School Festival , 292 Bro . Burgess , Major , 38 „ and the Mark Degree , 5 8
„ Constable ' s Drawing , 235 ,, Desmons of Paris , 5 84 „ Higgins , 27 „ Kenning ' s Masonic Cyclopadia , 148 Bro . Shakespeare , 282 Caxton . Exhibition , 3 G 2 Charity Lotteries , 2 G 7 , 281 Charity Organization Rcfonn , 313
, „ Voting 189 211 , 222 , 234 , 268 , 437 „ „ organization , 222 „ „ Reform , 437 Christ ' s Hospital , 301 Churchwardens' Receipts , 342 Cleopatra ' s Needle , 423 , 451 Close Tyled , 411
Commemorative Life-boats , 178 Completion of the Installation Engra-ving , 391 Curtailed Reports , 246 Design , 282 Disconsolate Cats , 382 Discrepancies between English and American Freemasonry , 234 Duties of Stewards , 38
Drink for the Thirsty , 437 Election of Provincial Candidates to the Masonic Charities , 189 , 201 Encouragement to the Ladies , 282 , 302 Exclusion of the Hebrews , 168 , 201 Freemason Indian Famine Fund , 407 , 452 , 437 Freemasonry and Masonic Literature , 46 5 in America 8
, „ Fiance and Belgium , 391 Jamaica , 584
„ Peru , 202 „ South Africa , 178 „ The Law Courts , 255 , 25 6 „ Vancouver ' s Island , 147 Freemasons ' s Club , 148 French and English Masonry , 302 Girls School Election , 313 „ Festival , 211
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE , continued—Good Sen-ice lo thc Country , 3 82 Giand Lodge far all India , 342 „ „ Meeting , 372 ,, ., of Cuba , 3 61 ,, „ „ Munster , 222 „ „ „ Rome , 27
„ Masters of thc Ancie-nt Masons , 1 28 „ Orient of France , 479 , 522 Grumbling , 10 , 522 Hampshire and tlie Boys School , 301 " High Falutin , " 47 H . R . H . Prince Leopold , 201 Historical Accuracy , 97
History of Freemasonry in France , ;! , 77 Honorary Past Master , 47 Honour Bestowed Worthily , \ 79 How can we improve Masonry in Scotland , 37 , 57 Hungarian Freemasons , 117 If a body , 314 Ignorance of thc Book of Constitution , 268
Illegitimacy and Freemasonry , 211 , 221 , 234 , 25 ' ., Interesting and Novel Information , 128 Irish Masonic News , 222 Is Free-masonry Materialism , 6 7 Itinerant Masons , 331 Kni ghts Templar , 8 , 87 /¦ if 1 fj 'l-i n * l ¦¦» ' » of Ireland 522
„ „ , Lausanne Congress and their bearing upon Freemasonry , 212 , 234 Lion and Lamb Lodge , 321 Lodges at Hotels , 521 Little Britain , 301 Lodges at Taverns , 423 , 437 , 480 , 494 , 507
Lodge of Instruction and Preceptors , 493 , 522 „ Israel , 77 London Roughs , 424 Loose Reception of Candidate ? , 4 G 5 , 480 , 507 Lord Chesterfield , 17 , 2 g Masonic Anecdote of the King cf Prussia , 54 , GS ,, Building Society , 341
„ Canvassing , 313 , 331 „ Charitable Association , 18 „ Clubs , 202 „ History , 190 „ Jurispruelence , 59 „ Lotteries , 282 , 291 , 313 „ Queries , 17 , 3 8 , 47 , 5 8 , 68 , 78 , So , 97 , 107 ,
117 , 128 , 138 , 147 , 222 „ Secresy , 392 „ Tokens , by Bro . W . J . Hughan , 8 Masons' Marks , 211 , 246 , 26 7 Meetings of Committees of our Charitable Institutions , 97
Metropolitan Charity Voting , 168 Misuse of Masonic Emblems , 234 , 246 Mothers-in-Law , 3 82 , 392 My Little Review , 211 Names of New Lodges , 361 National Benevolent Institution , 451 Notices of Motion , -135
Objection to publication , 480 Operative Masons , 502 Our Great Metropolitan Hospitals , 351 Our Luncheon , 291 Palestine Exploration Fund , 201 Past Grand Pursuivant , 451 , 493 , 535 „ Rank , 423 , 437 , 4 G 5
„ Provincial Grand Puisuivant , 4 S 0 „ Master ' s jewels , 55 8 Prince Humbert and Prince Louis Napoleon , 59 Proposed Testimonial to Mr . Allport , of the Midland Railway , 37 G Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire , 437 „ „ Pursuivants , 4 G 5
Purely Masonic Purposes , 402 Qualifications of the Candidates for the Schools , 1 S 9 Receipt Stamp Duty on Lodge Dues , 157 Red Tape , 480 Roll of Lodges , 314 , 321 Royal Jiasonic Benevolent Institution , 78 , 212 „ Institution for Boys , 13 S , 235 , 291 ,
.. « .. 1 3 / 2 i 45 i Royal Masonic Institution for GirU-, 117 128 , 148 , 176 , 189 , 201 , 212 , 372 St . John of Jerusalem , and thc Holy Sepulchre , 47 Seaside Manners , 371 Seasonable Advice , 371 Sergeants' Inn , 107 Shakespeare and Freemasonry , 292 , 301 , 321 , 331 ,
34 i Some Corrections , 3 61 Staffordshire Masonic Benevolent Association , 8 , 17 Stamped Receipts for Members' Subscriptions , 147 Stamps on Receipts for Lodge Dues , 97 Statistics of the Craft , 17
Tall Talk , 281 Teach Them to Swim , 411 Temple Bar , 3 G 2 The Abduction of William Morgan , 58 „ Ancient Cornish Tongue , 292 „ Ancient Freemasons as Operative Mac _ .-. s _ -. d Relig ious Builders , 221
„ Boys and Girls School entrance by pur _! , a-- _ , 371 „ Boys School , 451 „ British Orphan Asylum , 522 ,, Burglary Season , 43 8 „ Case of Captain Williams , 302
„ Commemoration Life Boats , 138 , 147 , 178 ,, " Cosmo , " 480 , 550 „ Dignity of Opposition , 381 „ Dundee MS ., 128 I ., „ Work , 138
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Hall in Norwich , New , 309 „ „ at Sheffield , 310 „ Institution r-. Grocer ' s Company , 394 lewcllerv . Extensive Robbery of , 262
„ Jurisprudencj , No . 1 , Election of W . M ., 8 „ Love of Law Courts , a , 14 6 „ Meeting at Dublin , thc , 232 „ Orphan Schools , Dublin , 212 , 220
„ Presentation to Sir Watkin Williams W ) 1111 , 433 „ Progress , 114 „ Royal Benevolent Institution , 5 , 8 , 14 , 27 , Go , 64 , ' b 6 , 69 , 56 , 109 , 149 , 191 , 199 , 2 ^ 6 , 243 , 293 , 299 , 32 S , 378 , 419 , 49 6
„ Royal Institution for Boys , 18 , 24 , 29 , 54 , 84 , 99 , 144 , 154 , 183 , 231 , 243 . 257 , 2 G 3 , 272 , 278 , 29 . ? i 303 , 332 , 348 , 353 , 367 , 41 S . 433 . 43 » , 4 61 , 476 , 481 , 490 , 504 , 518 „ Koyal Institution for Girls , 7 , 2 _ , 35 , 4 ° . 75 . ' 38 ' 153168 , 170 , 175 , 185 , 18 S , 222 , 253 , 265 ,
, 302 , 309 , 328 , 359 , 439 . 454 > 5 ' „ „ Festival of the , 188 It „ Twelfth Night ' s Entertainment , 18 „ Secresy , 74 , 378 „ Sermon , 509
„ Songs , 535 „ Thoughts of Christmas , 55 0 „ Uncharitablencss , 311 Masonry in Germany , Statistics of , 104 Masonry and Masons , 378 „ in Quite a New Lig ht , 461 „ a Religion , 114
„ The Statistics of , 7 Masons' Streets , 327 Meeting of Grand Chapter , the Last , 320 „ of Grand Lodge , 534 Members of the Royal Family and Freemasonry , thc , 14 G Memorial to Stephenson , 440 Theatre at Stratfordthc Shakespeare , 16 5
, Messrs . Sp iers and Pond ' s New Hotel , 476 Metropolitan Charities , Our Great , 310
„ and City Police Orphanage , thc , 137 „ Masonic Benevolent Association , 481 „ Police , the , 361 Middlesex , Prov . G . L . of 307 Mighty Kind , 17 Mizpah Lodge ( 1671 ) , Consecration of the , 124 Monde Maconnique , the , 221 , 522
„ „ and thc" Freemason , " 126 , 557 n „ and Ourselves , 267 Monmouthshire , Consecration of the Prov . G . Mark Lodge of . 145 , - , Grand Chapter of , 298 „ „ Lodge of , 307 Moons of Mars , the , 416
Mornington Lodge ( 1672 ) , Consecration of thc , 172 Movements of Our Royal G . M ., 56 , 146 , 15 6 , 166 , 17 6 , 188 , 403 Multum in Parvo , or Masonic Notes and Queries , 28 , 47 , 5 6 , 78 , 88 , 107 , 129 , 146 . 158 . 7 . > / <> > ' 88 , 198 1 209 , 33 ' . 352 , 403 . 4 « 2 , 435- 449 . 494 . 519 Mysterious Mirror , the , Speculum Sapient ** -, Speculum of Wisdom , 85
N National Finances , our , 137 „ Reformer , 550 Needed Reform , a , 67 New Brunswick , Grand Lodgeof , 309 New Buxton Lodge ( 1688 ) , Consecration ofthe , 408 New Concord Chapter , Consecration of the , 246 „ Finsbury Park Lodge Consecration of the , 408 „ Grand Chaplain , the , 507 ,, „ Officers , the , 177
„ „ Secretary for Scotland , thc , 127 „ Lodges , 22 , 518 „ Masonic Hall at Hamilton , 494 „ Masonic Hall at Norwich , 309 „ Masonic Hall at Sheffield , 310 „ Menu , a , 245 .
„ South Wales , Freemasonry in , 98 „ Telegraph Instrument , 393 . „ Town Hall at Stonehouse , laying the foundation stone of , New Year' the , 6 „ Zealand Archaeological , 352 District Grand Lodge of , 203
„ „ „ „ Freemasonry in , 54 , 109 , 308 , 324 , 385 , 481 „ „ Mark Masonry in , 122 „ „ The Rose Croix degree in , 339 News from Sweden , 5 7 Newton Lodge ( 1661 ) , Consecration of the , 231 Noble Deed , a , 4 G 8
Non-Reading Masons , 5 6 3 North Wales and Cheshire , the Prov . G . L . of , 223 Norths and Hunts Prov . G . L . of , 271 Not Bad , 220 II True , 57 Notes on Art , 349 , 364 , 373 , 379 , 389 , 399 . 409 . 420 , 434 . 449 . 4 3 > 477 . 49 « i 5 " 9 i 533 . 547 i 5 9 J
o Obelisk , the 451 OuiTL-Anv : — Baker , W , R , 1 G 0 Beatty , M ., ,, 33 Beeby , . Uv . w ., 230 Bono , G . A . 252 Dodisoii , R ., 252 Ellen , _ ., 223 Emmens , J ., 319 , 333
Dini-AHY C ONTINUED : Francis , W . H ., 25 Goodall , 524 Gouley , G . F ., 191 Gundiy , J ., 4 5 Harris , E ., 419 Herniman , R ., 585
Hunt , G . W ., 319 Kibble , W ., 344 Lane , W ., Go Leleioholi ) , W . P . 318 Matthews , H . T ., 6 5 McLean , Sir D ., 109 Molt , Superintendent , ^ 2 4
Myatt , W ., 55 8 Newman , Henry , 318 Onslow , W . L ., 3 68 Palmer , H . V ., 333 Pilsworth , Lieut .-Col ., 262 Pattison , F ., 213 Pullen , J . ., 192
Purshon , VV ., 547 Ramsay , Major H ., 19 8 Redfern , J ., 84 Scott , M ., i ; o Shrewsbury , Earl of , 19 S Spiers , R . J ., 4 ' 3 Thomas , M ., 393
'Jhornton , J ., 3 G 8 Vaughan , R . S . M ., 120 Vigne , C . J ., 223 Wheeler , G . W ., 4 6 3 Whittle , Dr ., 413 W illiams , Thos ., 19 Objection to Secresy , g 6
On the Mountains , 545 Opening cf a New Lodge at Winchester , 4 S 1 „ of theNew Masonic HaU at Sh . UieM , 311 ,, of the Walker Art Gallery , 376 Oreler of the Temple , 576 Our St . John ' s , 557 OKIGINAI . CORRESPONDENCE : —
A Correction , 28 , 38 , 107 , 190 , 234 , 302 , 314 A Disgraceful Occurence , 168 A Feminine Resolution , 522 A Good Case , 87 A Little Mistake , 78 A Masonic Query , 341 A Needful Correction , 382 A New Definition of Fieemasomy , 268 A Query , 17 , 190 , 202 , 256 , 352 , 371 , 372 , 423 ,
5 ° 7 A Recent Incident in P _ ris , 268 A Suggestion , 107 A Very Delicate Question , 381 AnAppea ' , 371 , 412 , 522 An Erratum , 235 An Impostor , 246
An Intrusion , 3 62 An Old Mason i c Speech , 17 An Urgent Appeal , 371 Anacalypsis , 27 Analysis of Stewards' Lists , 292 Annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls' , 138
Apollo University Lodge , 584 Are Exchanges Wiong ? 245 Art in Hospitals , 59 , 7 8 Atrocities , 341 , 342 Boys' School Festival , 292 Bro . Burgess , Major , 38 „ and the Mark Degree , 5 8
„ Constable ' s Drawing , 235 ,, Desmons of Paris , 5 84 „ Higgins , 27 „ Kenning ' s Masonic Cyclopadia , 148 Bro . Shakespeare , 282 Caxton . Exhibition , 3 G 2 Charity Lotteries , 2 G 7 , 281 Charity Organization Rcfonn , 313
, „ Voting 189 211 , 222 , 234 , 268 , 437 „ „ organization , 222 „ „ Reform , 437 Christ ' s Hospital , 301 Churchwardens' Receipts , 342 Cleopatra ' s Needle , 423 , 451 Close Tyled , 411
Commemorative Life-boats , 178 Completion of the Installation Engra-ving , 391 Curtailed Reports , 246 Design , 282 Disconsolate Cats , 382 Discrepancies between English and American Freemasonry , 234 Duties of Stewards , 38
Drink for the Thirsty , 437 Election of Provincial Candidates to the Masonic Charities , 189 , 201 Encouragement to the Ladies , 282 , 302 Exclusion of the Hebrews , 168 , 201 Freemason Indian Famine Fund , 407 , 452 , 437 Freemasonry and Masonic Literature , 46 5 in America 8
, „ Fiance and Belgium , 391 Jamaica , 584
„ Peru , 202 „ South Africa , 178 „ The Law Courts , 255 , 25 6 „ Vancouver ' s Island , 147 Freemasons ' s Club , 148 French and English Masonry , 302 Girls School Election , 313 „ Festival , 211
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE , continued—Good Sen-ice lo thc Country , 3 82 Giand Lodge far all India , 342 „ „ Meeting , 372 ,, ., of Cuba , 3 61 ,, „ „ Munster , 222 „ „ „ Rome , 27
„ Masters of thc Ancie-nt Masons , 1 28 „ Orient of France , 479 , 522 Grumbling , 10 , 522 Hampshire and tlie Boys School , 301 " High Falutin , " 47 H . R . H . Prince Leopold , 201 Historical Accuracy , 97
History of Freemasonry in France , ;! , 77 Honorary Past Master , 47 Honour Bestowed Worthily , \ 79 How can we improve Masonry in Scotland , 37 , 57 Hungarian Freemasons , 117 If a body , 314 Ignorance of thc Book of Constitution , 268
Illegitimacy and Freemasonry , 211 , 221 , 234 , 25 ' ., Interesting and Novel Information , 128 Irish Masonic News , 222 Is Free-masonry Materialism , 6 7 Itinerant Masons , 331 Kni ghts Templar , 8 , 87 /¦ if 1 fj 'l-i n * l ¦¦» ' » of Ireland 522
„ „ , Lausanne Congress and their bearing upon Freemasonry , 212 , 234 Lion and Lamb Lodge , 321 Lodges at Hotels , 521 Little Britain , 301 Lodges at Taverns , 423 , 437 , 480 , 494 , 507
Lodge of Instruction and Preceptors , 493 , 522 „ Israel , 77 London Roughs , 424 Loose Reception of Candidate ? , 4 G 5 , 480 , 507 Lord Chesterfield , 17 , 2 g Masonic Anecdote of the King cf Prussia , 54 , GS ,, Building Society , 341
„ Canvassing , 313 , 331 „ Charitable Association , 18 „ Clubs , 202 „ History , 190 „ Jurispruelence , 59 „ Lotteries , 282 , 291 , 313 „ Queries , 17 , 3 8 , 47 , 5 8 , 68 , 78 , So , 97 , 107 ,
117 , 128 , 138 , 147 , 222 „ Secresy , 392 „ Tokens , by Bro . W . J . Hughan , 8 Masons' Marks , 211 , 246 , 26 7 Meetings of Committees of our Charitable Institutions , 97
Metropolitan Charity Voting , 168 Misuse of Masonic Emblems , 234 , 246 Mothers-in-Law , 3 82 , 392 My Little Review , 211 Names of New Lodges , 361 National Benevolent Institution , 451 Notices of Motion , -135
Objection to publication , 480 Operative Masons , 502 Our Great Metropolitan Hospitals , 351 Our Luncheon , 291 Palestine Exploration Fund , 201 Past Grand Pursuivant , 451 , 493 , 535 „ Rank , 423 , 437 , 4 G 5
„ Provincial Grand Puisuivant , 4 S 0 „ Master ' s jewels , 55 8 Prince Humbert and Prince Louis Napoleon , 59 Proposed Testimonial to Mr . Allport , of the Midland Railway , 37 G Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire , 437 „ „ Pursuivants , 4 G 5
Purely Masonic Purposes , 402 Qualifications of the Candidates for the Schools , 1 S 9 Receipt Stamp Duty on Lodge Dues , 157 Red Tape , 480 Roll of Lodges , 314 , 321 Royal Jiasonic Benevolent Institution , 78 , 212 „ Institution for Boys , 13 S , 235 , 291 ,
.. « .. 1 3 / 2 i 45 i Royal Masonic Institution for GirU-, 117 128 , 148 , 176 , 189 , 201 , 212 , 372 St . John of Jerusalem , and thc Holy Sepulchre , 47 Seaside Manners , 371 Seasonable Advice , 371 Sergeants' Inn , 107 Shakespeare and Freemasonry , 292 , 301 , 321 , 331 ,
34 i Some Corrections , 3 61 Staffordshire Masonic Benevolent Association , 8 , 17 Stamped Receipts for Members' Subscriptions , 147 Stamps on Receipts for Lodge Dues , 97 Statistics of the Craft , 17
Tall Talk , 281 Teach Them to Swim , 411 Temple Bar , 3 G 2 The Abduction of William Morgan , 58 „ Ancient Cornish Tongue , 292 „ Ancient Freemasons as Operative Mac _ .-. s _ -. d Relig ious Builders , 221
„ Boys and Girls School entrance by pur _! , a-- _ , 371 „ Boys School , 451 „ British Orphan Asylum , 522 ,, Burglary Season , 43 8 „ Case of Captain Williams , 302
„ Commemoration Life Boats , 138 , 147 , 178 ,, " Cosmo , " 480 , 550 „ Dignity of Opposition , 381 „ Dundee MS ., 128 I ., „ Work , 138