Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ORIGINAL C ORRESPONDENCE , continucel—„ Duties of Stewards , 27 „ Eclectic Lodge , 3 8 , 4 . 7 „ Enemies of thc Order , 246 „ Exclusion of Jews in Germany , 97 the Hebrews , 68 , 78 , 87 , 18 9 , 201 ,
' - _ .- > „ Girls School Elec-i-n , 107 , 201 ., Grand Lodge of . ill Indi ., 342 German Question and Knights Templar , 5 84
„ G . L . of Italy , 391 Grand Masonic Installation Picture , 8 Grand Orient of France and the Grand Ledge of England , 281 , 401 , 411 Hebrew Ques-. ion 128 , ...
,, Hungarian Brethren , 107 „ Installation at Abcrdare , 158 „ ,, Picture , 168 , 176 , 211 , 33 T , 342 ,
401 , 451 „ Late Bro . Dr . Goldsboro , 78 ,, Mace Fund , 202 , 235 , 494 „ Masonic Charity , 179 „ „ Girls' School , 97 , 107 ,, Moons of Mars , 43 8 ,, Obelisk , 451 „ Oldest Mason in England , 117
„ Orders of Architecture , 246 , 256 ,, Organ at Grand Lodge , 178 ,, Past Master ' s Jewels , 401 „ Polish National Lodge , 27 , 3 8 „ Presentation of Diamond Rings to Ladies by Mas ns , 292 „ Printed Report of the House Committee of the Boys' School , and the Expenditure for 18 7 6 , 582
„ Recent Incident in Paris , 255 ,, Respective Columns , 281 Rev . J . Martyn , M . A ., P . G . C , and Bro . Cox ' s son , 148 „ Right of Visiting , 235 „ Roman Catholics and Freemasonry , 59 .. Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the
„ Province of Devon , 8 „ Royal Oriental Order of Sikha and Sjt B'Hai , 43 7 i 466 ,, Scottish Freemason , 118 ,, Shakespearian Controversy , 314 ,. Struggle in France , 202
„ Surrey Masonic Club , 493 . 1 II Hall , 313 ., Templars in Ireland , 4 80 „ Testimonial to Mr . Allport , ofthe Midland Railway , 3 62 ,, Third Class by all Trains , 314 , 352 , 371 , 493 To Bro . Beigle , Vienna , 234
Hungarian Brethren , 107 True Masonic Charity , 17 S Tynewydci Colliers , 352 Uniformity in Ritual , J 94 United Giand Lodge , 107 Very Unmasonic Conduct , 342 Votes for the Masonic Chatitie-, 292
War Victims , 423 Washington , 8 Wot Yorkshire , and the Boys' School , 30 .:, 321 What Consl ' tutes a Consecrated Lodge- 402 ,, Doe-s it all Mean , 522 Our Bays , 184 , 392 „ Cliaiit . blc Returns , 16
,, English Craft , the Progress of , 43 6 ,, Grand Lodge and thc Grand Orient of France , 520 „ Great Hospitals , 320 ,, Lite Gi-Jnd Chaplain , 370 „ Lodge Meetings , 47 8 „ Xnl'oual Finances , 1 ¦* , - ]
„ Royal Gran ! Master , Movements of , 146 , 1 ^ G , 176 , ' 88 , 403 „ Royal Grand Master ' s Vi it to Malta , 126 , 136 „ Worshipful Masters , 126 Oxfiwd and Cambridge Boat Race , 127 Oxford , the Apollo Lodge , 377 Oxfordshire , Provincial Grand Lodge of , 242
P Paris , a recent Incident in , 245 Paris Exhibition for 1878 , 5 68 Past and Present Freemasonry , 134 Past Provincial Grand Pursuivant , 478 Paxton Lodge ( 168 G ) Consecration of thc , 283 Peace , 188 Peace on Earth , 557
Perfectly Right , 291 Perfection , a Justification of , 4 G 4 Peru , The Earthquake in , 281 Philadelphia , First Things in , 105 Phcenix Chapter , ( 173 ) Consecration of the , 148 Pleasant June , 233 POETRY : —
Angel of Mercy , 564 Christmas , 564 Christmas Tree , 5 64 Masons' Jewels , 5 64 Passwords for the Craft , 56 9 The Grasp of Friendship ' s Hand , 5 Police Report , a , 332 Politics again , 282
„ keep Clear of , 3 60 Pope and The Empress Eugenie , the , 25 Position of Freemasonry in France and Belgium , 410 Presentation to Bro . Bradstock , 3 88 ,. „ Gover , W . S ., 114
Presentation to Hannah , Bro . J , 109 „ „ a Liverpool Brother , 373 „ „ Captain Mcrcier , 523 „ ,, Newman , 279 ,, ,, Walters , 49 Prince Leopold Lodge ( 1669 ) , Consecration of , 159 of Wales and The Lancashire Freemasons , 18
„ „ Arrival of the , 232 Princes Lodge at Glasgow , Consecration of the , 420 Princesses Theatre , 378 Private Enquiries , 5 68 Profession and Practice , 479 Progress of our English Craft , 436 1 , Time , 555
Propagation of Error the , 116 Proposed Freemason ' s Hall at Barnard Castle , 333 „ Increase of the Boys' School , 9 6 „ New Masonic Hall in Liverpool , 318 Provincial Grand Chapter of Cornwall , 88 „ ,, Cumberland and Westmoreland , 439 „ „ Devonshire , 440
,. „ Dorset , 523 „ „ East Lancashire , 179 „ „ Hertfordshire , 129 ,, ,, Leicestershire , 179 „ „ Monmouthshire , 298 ^„ „ West Lancashire , 145 , 152 „ „ Yorkshire , 461
„ „ West 1 orkshire , 242 Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks , 273 „ „ Cornwall , 286 Cheshire , 397 „ „ Cumberland anel Westmoreland , 175
183 , 407 , 439 Devon , 152 , 35 6 ,, „ Dorsetshire , 199 , 207 ,, „ East Lancashire , 231 „ ,, Essex , 26 5 „ ,, Hampshire and Isle of Wight , 336 ,
4 " 3 „ „ Herts , 322 ,, ,, Kent , 219 , 278 , 286 ,, ,, Lanarkshire , 372 „ „ Leicestershire and Rutland , 298 , 53 6 „ „ Lincolnshire , 242 ,, „ Middlesex , 307
„ ., Monmouthshire , 307 „ ,, Norths , and Hunts ., 271 ,, ,, North Wales and Shrops ., 570 ,, ., Oxfordshire , 242 ,, „ Queensland , 138 ,, ,, Somerset , 5 7 „ „ South Wales , 372
Suffolk , 28 7 1 . 11 Sussex , 229 , 241 , 388 11 11 Warwickshire , 134 , 143 , 413 ,, ,, West India Islands , 293 „ ,, Weit Lincashirc , 417 ,, „ Wiltshire , 480
,, „ Worcestershire , 252 „ ,, Yorkshire , 144 , 242 , 418 ,, Mark Lodge of Cumberland and Wtstmoreland , 481 „ „ „ Devonsl ire , 447 ,, „ ,, Hampshire and Isle of Wight , 293
11 JI 11 Lincolnshire , 532 , 551 „ ,, ,, Middlesex and Surrey , 129 , 3 _ S ,. „ ., Monmouthshire , 152 „ „ „ Noith Wales and Cheshire , 223 ,, „ ,, Somersetshire , 489
„ Master ef South Wales , Ir . st-llaiion of Sir G . Eliiolt , M . P ., 142 Prime AMUSEMENTSAlhambra , 50 5 Drury Lane , 420 Globe , 505 , 51 9
Her Majesty ' s , 476 , 505 National , 4 62 Olympic , 420 Royalty , 279 St . George ' s Hall , 462 Surrey , 4 62 Punjab , Freemasonry in the , 292
Q Quarterly Communication , the Last , 97 , 232 , 244 , 370 , 376 , 380 Quarterl y Court of Boy's School , 156 , 380 Queen and thc Royal Family , the , 403 , 409 , 423 , 427 , 433 Queensland , Prov . G . L . of , 138 Queries , 535 Quite Unnecessary , 147
R Rambler and Ancient L . at Kelso , 519 Recent Catastrophe in the Channel , 391 „ Incident in Paris , A , 245 „ Struggle in France , 255 „ Resolution of the Irish Grand Lodge the , 492 RED CROSS
CONCLAVES—1 Premier , 95 , 229 , 544 8 Concord , 104 , 44 6 35 Naval and Military , 132 , 286 , 579 36 Dykes , 251 , 345 , 544 55 Liverpool , 316 1 20 White Rose of York , 460 128 Cambridge University , 113
Red Cross of Constantive in the United States , 138 , 466 Registered Letters . 462 Relic , a , 292 Reminiscences of St . John ' s Lodge , ( 58 ) , Kelso , N . B . 508 Re-port on Christ ' s Hospital , 340
Result of the Elections , 157 , 226 Returns for the late Anniversary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 76 Returrs of our Chari'ies , 7 Rubens Tercentenary , 552
REVIEWSA Brief M . moir of the Rev . R . Morehead , 247 A Connection between the Templars and the Freemasons of the City of York , 435 A Manual of the Historical Development of Art , 138 A Portrait of Mr . Gladstone , 449 A Selection of Masonic Songs set to Popular Airs , 223 A Selection of Scarce and Valuable Books on Mas .
sonrj , 118 An Introduction to Logic , 382 Cassell ' s Household Guide to every Department of Practical life , 79 Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of the Nine Muses , 223 Dame Europa ' s Remonstrance and her Ultimatum ,
203 Death of Saul and other Eistedfodd Prize Poems , 352 Debrett ' s Illustrated Peerage Baronetage , and Knightage , 68 Deeds of Daring Library . —Thj Victoria Cross in the Crimea , 352 Dick Radclyffe ' s Nursery Gardener , 55 Die Geheim Statutea , des Ordeus her Templehuren ,
363 Digest of the Elementary Education Act , 7 East Anglian Hand-book , 7 Eight Years a Blue Coat Boy , or Dundalker ' s School Days . 352 Eloge de Voltaire , 402 English Banners and Flags , 282
Figaro at Hastings and St . Leonards , 382 Garden Requisites and Horticultural Decorations , 412 Geoffrey Olivant ' s Folly , 382 Grand Commandery of Knights Templars of Pennsylvania , 79 Hidden Springs , 68 History of the Pianoforte , 7
„ „ Dunmow Flitch of Bacon , 342 Illustrated Catalogue of Dutch Flower Roots , 463 Industry and Idleness , a Moral Contrast , 352 Kaiten und plane zur Topographic des alten Jerusalem , 402 La Chaine d'Union , 190 , 331 , 382 L'Art , Revue hebdomadaire illustre , A . Batier , Paris ,
editeur , 342 Later Lyrics , 463 Lectures delivered in Grand Lodge of Instruction Ireland , by Bro . J . H . Townsend , LL . D ., 491 Leicestershire and Rutland , 85 London , What to see , 85 Masonic Music , 20 ?
Meeh .-al Examine-, 3 S 2 Mirth , 477 Mettoes and Aphorisms from Shakcspear * , 519 Nignt and Day , 402 Official Directory far Provincial Grand Lodge , 203 Proceedings of the Grand Loelge of Pennsylvania ,
477 Proceedings of the Liverpool Architectural Society , 79 S . ollish Masonic Ca endar for 1877 , 7 Some Account of Masonic Charily and a Proposal for Extension , 268 Tales , Poems , and Masonic Paper ? . 304 The Blue Coat Boy , or School life iu Christ ' s Hospital ,
342-„ Canadian Craftsman , 308 ., Church of England Pulpit and Ecclesias'ical „ Review , 352 „ Commission Agent , 85 ,, Cosmo Masonic Calendar , 449 , 585 „ Craftsman , 402
„ Dietetic Reformer , 491 ,, First Page of a Lodge History , 391 ,, Freemasons' Calendar for 1877 , 85 ,, „ 1 , for Dorset , 85 „ History of Coaches , 343 „ Illustrated Guide for Amateur Gardeners , 159 ,, Leather Trades' Circular , 79
„ Liberal Freemason , 282 „ Masonic Advocate , 203 ,, „ Eclectic , 402 ,, „ Magazine , 412 „ „ Record for Western India , 85 „ Monde Maconnique , 367 „ Mysteries of the Bible Dates Solved by the Grca Pyramid , 491
,, New Shakesperian Dictionary of Quotations , 4 ,, Poet's Magazine , 282 ,, Prince of Wales Lodge ( 259 ) , 55-,, Rosicrucian , 7 9 , 247 „ Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia , part xxx , 118 „ Scottish Freemason , 99 , 118 , 203 „ Voice of Masoniy 282 „ Westminster Papers , 477
,, Wonders of Operative Masonry , 268 Ridiculous Excuses , 157 Right Estimate of Freemasonry , 327 „ of Visiting , 3 81 Robbery of Foreign Bonds , 368
„ of Masonic Jewellery , extensive , 262 Roman Catholic Authorities , A few Words to the , 350 - ,. ,, Church , Intolerance of the , 220 , 288 , 339
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ORIGINAL C ORRESPONDENCE , continucel—„ Duties of Stewards , 27 „ Eclectic Lodge , 3 8 , 4 . 7 „ Enemies of thc Order , 246 „ Exclusion of Jews in Germany , 97 the Hebrews , 68 , 78 , 87 , 18 9 , 201 ,
' - _ .- > „ Girls School Elec-i-n , 107 , 201 ., Grand Lodge of . ill Indi ., 342 German Question and Knights Templar , 5 84
„ G . L . of Italy , 391 Grand Masonic Installation Picture , 8 Grand Orient of France and the Grand Ledge of England , 281 , 401 , 411 Hebrew Ques-. ion 128 , ...
,, Hungarian Brethren , 107 „ Installation at Abcrdare , 158 „ ,, Picture , 168 , 176 , 211 , 33 T , 342 ,
401 , 451 „ Late Bro . Dr . Goldsboro , 78 ,, Mace Fund , 202 , 235 , 494 „ Masonic Charity , 179 „ „ Girls' School , 97 , 107 ,, Moons of Mars , 43 8 ,, Obelisk , 451 „ Oldest Mason in England , 117
„ Orders of Architecture , 246 , 256 ,, Organ at Grand Lodge , 178 ,, Past Master ' s Jewels , 401 „ Polish National Lodge , 27 , 3 8 „ Presentation of Diamond Rings to Ladies by Mas ns , 292 „ Printed Report of the House Committee of the Boys' School , and the Expenditure for 18 7 6 , 582
„ Recent Incident in Paris , 255 ,, Respective Columns , 281 Rev . J . Martyn , M . A ., P . G . C , and Bro . Cox ' s son , 148 „ Right of Visiting , 235 „ Roman Catholics and Freemasonry , 59 .. Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the
„ Province of Devon , 8 „ Royal Oriental Order of Sikha and Sjt B'Hai , 43 7 i 466 ,, Scottish Freemason , 118 ,, Shakespearian Controversy , 314 ,. Struggle in France , 202
„ Surrey Masonic Club , 493 . 1 II Hall , 313 ., Templars in Ireland , 4 80 „ Testimonial to Mr . Allport , ofthe Midland Railway , 3 62 ,, Third Class by all Trains , 314 , 352 , 371 , 493 To Bro . Beigle , Vienna , 234
Hungarian Brethren , 107 True Masonic Charity , 17 S Tynewydci Colliers , 352 Uniformity in Ritual , J 94 United Giand Lodge , 107 Very Unmasonic Conduct , 342 Votes for the Masonic Chatitie-, 292
War Victims , 423 Washington , 8 Wot Yorkshire , and the Boys' School , 30 .:, 321 What Consl ' tutes a Consecrated Lodge- 402 ,, Doe-s it all Mean , 522 Our Bays , 184 , 392 „ Cliaiit . blc Returns , 16
,, English Craft , the Progress of , 43 6 ,, Grand Lodge and thc Grand Orient of France , 520 „ Great Hospitals , 320 ,, Lite Gi-Jnd Chaplain , 370 „ Lodge Meetings , 47 8 „ Xnl'oual Finances , 1 ¦* , - ]
„ Royal Gran ! Master , Movements of , 146 , 1 ^ G , 176 , ' 88 , 403 „ Royal Grand Master ' s Vi it to Malta , 126 , 136 „ Worshipful Masters , 126 Oxfiwd and Cambridge Boat Race , 127 Oxford , the Apollo Lodge , 377 Oxfordshire , Provincial Grand Lodge of , 242
P Paris , a recent Incident in , 245 Paris Exhibition for 1878 , 5 68 Past and Present Freemasonry , 134 Past Provincial Grand Pursuivant , 478 Paxton Lodge ( 168 G ) Consecration of thc , 283 Peace , 188 Peace on Earth , 557
Perfectly Right , 291 Perfection , a Justification of , 4 G 4 Peru , The Earthquake in , 281 Philadelphia , First Things in , 105 Phcenix Chapter , ( 173 ) Consecration of the , 148 Pleasant June , 233 POETRY : —
Angel of Mercy , 564 Christmas , 564 Christmas Tree , 5 64 Masons' Jewels , 5 64 Passwords for the Craft , 56 9 The Grasp of Friendship ' s Hand , 5 Police Report , a , 332 Politics again , 282
„ keep Clear of , 3 60 Pope and The Empress Eugenie , the , 25 Position of Freemasonry in France and Belgium , 410 Presentation to Bro . Bradstock , 3 88 ,. „ Gover , W . S ., 114
Presentation to Hannah , Bro . J , 109 „ „ a Liverpool Brother , 373 „ „ Captain Mcrcier , 523 „ ,, Newman , 279 ,, ,, Walters , 49 Prince Leopold Lodge ( 1669 ) , Consecration of , 159 of Wales and The Lancashire Freemasons , 18
„ „ Arrival of the , 232 Princes Lodge at Glasgow , Consecration of the , 420 Princesses Theatre , 378 Private Enquiries , 5 68 Profession and Practice , 479 Progress of our English Craft , 436 1 , Time , 555
Propagation of Error the , 116 Proposed Freemason ' s Hall at Barnard Castle , 333 „ Increase of the Boys' School , 9 6 „ New Masonic Hall in Liverpool , 318 Provincial Grand Chapter of Cornwall , 88 „ ,, Cumberland and Westmoreland , 439 „ „ Devonshire , 440
,. „ Dorset , 523 „ „ East Lancashire , 179 „ „ Hertfordshire , 129 ,, ,, Leicestershire , 179 „ „ Monmouthshire , 298 ^„ „ West Lancashire , 145 , 152 „ „ Yorkshire , 461
„ „ West 1 orkshire , 242 Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks , 273 „ „ Cornwall , 286 Cheshire , 397 „ „ Cumberland anel Westmoreland , 175
183 , 407 , 439 Devon , 152 , 35 6 ,, „ Dorsetshire , 199 , 207 ,, „ East Lancashire , 231 „ ,, Essex , 26 5 „ ,, Hampshire and Isle of Wight , 336 ,
4 " 3 „ „ Herts , 322 ,, ,, Kent , 219 , 278 , 286 ,, ,, Lanarkshire , 372 „ „ Leicestershire and Rutland , 298 , 53 6 „ „ Lincolnshire , 242 ,, „ Middlesex , 307
„ ., Monmouthshire , 307 „ ,, Norths , and Hunts ., 271 ,, ,, North Wales and Shrops ., 570 ,, ., Oxfordshire , 242 ,, „ Queensland , 138 ,, ,, Somerset , 5 7 „ „ South Wales , 372
Suffolk , 28 7 1 . 11 Sussex , 229 , 241 , 388 11 11 Warwickshire , 134 , 143 , 413 ,, ,, West India Islands , 293 „ ,, Weit Lincashirc , 417 ,, „ Wiltshire , 480
,, „ Worcestershire , 252 „ ,, Yorkshire , 144 , 242 , 418 ,, Mark Lodge of Cumberland and Wtstmoreland , 481 „ „ „ Devonsl ire , 447 ,, „ ,, Hampshire and Isle of Wight , 293
11 JI 11 Lincolnshire , 532 , 551 „ ,, ,, Middlesex and Surrey , 129 , 3 _ S ,. „ ., Monmouthshire , 152 „ „ „ Noith Wales and Cheshire , 223 ,, „ ,, Somersetshire , 489
„ Master ef South Wales , Ir . st-llaiion of Sir G . Eliiolt , M . P ., 142 Prime AMUSEMENTSAlhambra , 50 5 Drury Lane , 420 Globe , 505 , 51 9
Her Majesty ' s , 476 , 505 National , 4 62 Olympic , 420 Royalty , 279 St . George ' s Hall , 462 Surrey , 4 62 Punjab , Freemasonry in the , 292
Q Quarterly Communication , the Last , 97 , 232 , 244 , 370 , 376 , 380 Quarterl y Court of Boy's School , 156 , 380 Queen and thc Royal Family , the , 403 , 409 , 423 , 427 , 433 Queensland , Prov . G . L . of , 138 Queries , 535 Quite Unnecessary , 147
R Rambler and Ancient L . at Kelso , 519 Recent Catastrophe in the Channel , 391 „ Incident in Paris , A , 245 „ Struggle in France , 255 „ Resolution of the Irish Grand Lodge the , 492 RED CROSS
CONCLAVES—1 Premier , 95 , 229 , 544 8 Concord , 104 , 44 6 35 Naval and Military , 132 , 286 , 579 36 Dykes , 251 , 345 , 544 55 Liverpool , 316 1 20 White Rose of York , 460 128 Cambridge University , 113
Red Cross of Constantive in the United States , 138 , 466 Registered Letters . 462 Relic , a , 292 Reminiscences of St . John ' s Lodge , ( 58 ) , Kelso , N . B . 508 Re-port on Christ ' s Hospital , 340
Result of the Elections , 157 , 226 Returns for the late Anniversary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 76 Returrs of our Chari'ies , 7 Rubens Tercentenary , 552
REVIEWSA Brief M . moir of the Rev . R . Morehead , 247 A Connection between the Templars and the Freemasons of the City of York , 435 A Manual of the Historical Development of Art , 138 A Portrait of Mr . Gladstone , 449 A Selection of Masonic Songs set to Popular Airs , 223 A Selection of Scarce and Valuable Books on Mas .
sonrj , 118 An Introduction to Logic , 382 Cassell ' s Household Guide to every Department of Practical life , 79 Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of the Nine Muses , 223 Dame Europa ' s Remonstrance and her Ultimatum ,
203 Death of Saul and other Eistedfodd Prize Poems , 352 Debrett ' s Illustrated Peerage Baronetage , and Knightage , 68 Deeds of Daring Library . —Thj Victoria Cross in the Crimea , 352 Dick Radclyffe ' s Nursery Gardener , 55 Die Geheim Statutea , des Ordeus her Templehuren ,
363 Digest of the Elementary Education Act , 7 East Anglian Hand-book , 7 Eight Years a Blue Coat Boy , or Dundalker ' s School Days . 352 Eloge de Voltaire , 402 English Banners and Flags , 282
Figaro at Hastings and St . Leonards , 382 Garden Requisites and Horticultural Decorations , 412 Geoffrey Olivant ' s Folly , 382 Grand Commandery of Knights Templars of Pennsylvania , 79 Hidden Springs , 68 History of the Pianoforte , 7
„ „ Dunmow Flitch of Bacon , 342 Illustrated Catalogue of Dutch Flower Roots , 463 Industry and Idleness , a Moral Contrast , 352 Kaiten und plane zur Topographic des alten Jerusalem , 402 La Chaine d'Union , 190 , 331 , 382 L'Art , Revue hebdomadaire illustre , A . Batier , Paris ,
editeur , 342 Later Lyrics , 463 Lectures delivered in Grand Lodge of Instruction Ireland , by Bro . J . H . Townsend , LL . D ., 491 Leicestershire and Rutland , 85 London , What to see , 85 Masonic Music , 20 ?
Meeh .-al Examine-, 3 S 2 Mirth , 477 Mettoes and Aphorisms from Shakcspear * , 519 Nignt and Day , 402 Official Directory far Provincial Grand Lodge , 203 Proceedings of the Grand Loelge of Pennsylvania ,
477 Proceedings of the Liverpool Architectural Society , 79 S . ollish Masonic Ca endar for 1877 , 7 Some Account of Masonic Charily and a Proposal for Extension , 268 Tales , Poems , and Masonic Paper ? . 304 The Blue Coat Boy , or School life iu Christ ' s Hospital ,
342-„ Canadian Craftsman , 308 ., Church of England Pulpit and Ecclesias'ical „ Review , 352 „ Commission Agent , 85 ,, Cosmo Masonic Calendar , 449 , 585 „ Craftsman , 402
„ Dietetic Reformer , 491 ,, First Page of a Lodge History , 391 ,, Freemasons' Calendar for 1877 , 85 ,, „ 1 , for Dorset , 85 „ History of Coaches , 343 „ Illustrated Guide for Amateur Gardeners , 159 ,, Leather Trades' Circular , 79
„ Liberal Freemason , 282 „ Masonic Advocate , 203 ,, „ Eclectic , 402 ,, „ Magazine , 412 „ „ Record for Western India , 85 „ Monde Maconnique , 367 „ Mysteries of the Bible Dates Solved by the Grca Pyramid , 491
,, New Shakesperian Dictionary of Quotations , 4 ,, Poet's Magazine , 282 ,, Prince of Wales Lodge ( 259 ) , 55-,, Rosicrucian , 7 9 , 247 „ Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia , part xxx , 118 „ Scottish Freemason , 99 , 118 , 203 „ Voice of Masoniy 282 „ Westminster Papers , 477
,, Wonders of Operative Masonry , 268 Ridiculous Excuses , 157 Right Estimate of Freemasonry , 327 „ of Visiting , 3 81 Robbery of Foreign Bonds , 368
„ of Masonic Jewellery , extensive , 262 Roman Catholic Authorities , A few Words to the , 350 - ,. ,, Church , Intolerance of the , 220 , 288 , 339