Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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R EPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 579 Instruction 579 Roval Arch S 79 Mark Masonry £ 79 Knights Templars 559 Ancient and Accepted Kite S °° Who shall be Greatest ? 5 » o Royal Masonic Institution for Girls S Masonic and General Tidings 58 *
1877 '" - The Closing Year S * 3 Christmas among the Poor S » 4 C ORRESPONDENCE : — The Grand Lodge of England and the G . Orient of France 5 S . 1 Freemasonry in Jamaica—A New Theory 5 S 4 Apollo University LoJge S 84 Bro . Desmons of Paris 584 The German Question and Knight Templars 584
Consecration ofthe Windrush Lodge , Nn . 1703 , Witney , Oxon £ SJ Testimonial to Bro . George Abbott , P . M . 192 585 Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism 585 Reviews 5 8 5 Obituary S % 5 Civil and Mechanical Engineers Society 586 Lodge Meetings for Next Week J 8 < j Advertisements i . ii . iii . ix . v . vi . vii . viii .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Ulasonm RYE--Welling . on Lodge ( No . 341 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the Cinque Ports Arms Hotel , on Thursday , the 20 th inst . Present : Bros . F . J . Rubie , W . M ., in the chair ; Wm . Dawes , I . P . M . and Hon . Sec , P . P . G . R ., Sussex ; J . N . Masters , P . M ., S . W . ; M . Hatch , J . W . ; I " . Fuller , P . M ., Treas . ; C . J . Hatcher , as S . D . ; F . Milson , as J . O . ; R . C . N . Davies , I . G . ; C .
Hetcher , Tyler , & c . The lodge having becn duly opened , and a ballot having been taken with unanimous approval as the result , Mr . Wm . Cowtan was regularly and duly initiated into Freemasonry . The ceremony was very ably performed by the W . M . ; the I . P . M . delivering the charge . The Hon . Sec . then by command of thc W . M ,, read from the Freemason of 8 lh Dec . the report of the speech of the
M . W . Pro . G . M . at the last Quarterly Court of Grand Lodge , on the recent action by Grand Orient of France . The brethren expressed their admiration at the clear explanation therein given of that action and the valuable advice as to their present conduct in the matter accompanying it , and hearty thanks were tendered to the W . M . for having caused it to be read . Some other business
having been enacted , the lodge was duly closed . SOUTHAMPTON . —The Peace and Harmony Lodge ( No . 359 ) has elected Bro . W . H . Martin W . M ., for the coming year and reelected P . M . J . R ., Weston , Treasurer . The new Worshipful Master , Bro . G . J . Telling , of the Clausentium lodge , No . 1461 , at Woolston , a suburb of Southampton , has been installed by the
D . P . G . M . of Hants , and the Isle of Wight , ( Bro . W . Hickman , P . M . ) , the charges at thc respective chairs being impressively given by Bro . T . P . Payne , P . M . Bro . Tilling invested his officers as follows : —Bros . F . A . Rosoman , I . P . M ; Richard Rosoman , S . W . : Andrews , J . W . j Capt . Evans , Treas . Walter Bowyer , P . M ., Sec . ; Chapman , S . D . ; James Methuen , J . D . ; Walters P . M ., D . C . ; Robert
Ekless , I . G . ; and Vare , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed , a cordial vote of thanks for his attendance and valuable services was tendered to the D . P . G . M ., who , in response , expressed the interest he felt in the work , and congratulated the lodge on the position it had already attained . The annual dinner , supplied by Bro . Dartnall , was subsequently held at Woolston College , thc hall ot which was
very pleasingly decorated for the occasion , and was well attended . Many congratulations were exchanged on the progress of Masonry in the province and the excellent prospect of thc lodge possessing a hall of it own at a not distant period . LIVERPOOL . —Prince Arthur Lodge ( No . 1570 ) . —The annual celebration of the festival of St . John
in connection with this lodge , took place on I ucsday afternoon , the 18 th inst ,, at the Masons' Rooms , North Hill-street , Liverpool , where there was one of the largest and most influential gatherings seen for a long time to assist at the installation of Bro . Archibald Morrison , S . W ., the W . M , elect , chosen to that position by thc unanimous vote of the brethren . The meeting was called for 2 . 30 ,
and punctual to the time , Bro . Thomas Goans , W . M ., took the chair , and began business . There were no fewer than twenty-four installed Masters present , and these embraced about a dozen P . G . Lodge officers , past and present . The Tyler's book showed the following brethren were present , who are attached to the " Prince Arthur , " : Bros . H . S . Alpass , P . M ., P . G . Sec ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ;
A . Morrison , S . W . ; S . Hickins , J . W . ; Robt Roberts , Secretary ; H . Worthington , S . D . ; R . Webster ; J . D . Walter W . Thomas , I . G . ; J . H . Davies , S . ; J . Seeley , J . Wainwright , J . C . Jones , J . Webster , J . Lawson , W . P . Vines , T . Senar , J . Pye , J . Morgan , J . H . Carter , J . Parker , C . Cockcroft , J . Meddlicott , and T . Smitton . Amongst the numerous visitors present were : Bros .
Duncan Ross , 823 ; ( Everton Lodge ); Rev . T . W . Richardson , W .-M . ; 1380 ; John . E . Jackson , P . M . 667 , P . G . Steward of West Lancashire ; W . Pughe , S . W ., W . M . elect P . M . 1182 ; J . W . Thurley , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . J . Chapman , W . M . 1609 ; L . Courtney , S . VV . 1609 ; J . B . Mc . Kenzie , J , W . 1609 ; H . Leslie , 1609 ; A . Woolrich , J . W . 1356 ; Trea . surer 1609 Henry Eves , 66 7 ; R . P . France , I . P . M . 594 ; H . Firth , J . W . 667 ; E . Paull , Treasurer , 13-. 6 ; J . Edgiiipton ,
P . M . i 182 ; J . H . Gregory , Sec . 66 7 ; J . P . Rea , I . G . 1182 ; J . S . Houghton . S . W . 1182 ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O . ; W . Woods , W . M . 1620 ; A . Winkup , P . M . 66 7 ; J . Hartley , 594 ; W , Avis , Org . 1299 , I . P . M . ; Arthur , P . M . 1086 ; W . Doyle , P . P . G . J . D . ; Capt . J . F . Ainscow , 1393 and 370 ; J . Williams , W . M . 1182 ; J . W . Williams , S . W . 1356 ; F . Nickson , W . M . 1356 ; W . Peacock , 594 ; H . Burrows , W . M . 673 ; H . Jones , I . G . 1289 ; T . Holden , 1182 ; D .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Morris , 1182 ; John Lecombtr , W . M . 594 ; J . D . Thomas 594 ; F . Boswell , J . W . 594 ; B . B . Marson , P . G . J . D . ; W . M . Asher , 477 ; A . B . Fraser , 1473 ; P . Asken , 135 6 ; F . Sutton , 1380 ; J . Hughes , 16 75 ; E . Benedict , 820 ; J . G . Griffiths , 1393 ; and W . S . Tines , P . G . D . C . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . T . Evans , W . M ., proceeded , in an excellent
manner , to instal Bro . A . Morrison , as his successor in the chair of W . M ., and the " hearty good wishes " of about a score of representatives from other ledges proved how popular the new occupant of the chair was . The newly installed W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Evans , P . M . Treasurer ; H . S . Alpass , P . M ., P . G . Sec ; W . Lee , Dir . of Ceremonies ;
Samuel Hikins , S . W . ; Robert Roberts , J . W . ; Henry Worthington , S .-cretary ; Ralph Webster , S . D . ; Walter W . Thomas , J . D . ; Edward Jarvis , I . G . ; John H . Davis , S . S . ; and William P . Vine , J . S . Between fifty and sixty brethren , after business , banquetted in the lodge ronm under the presidency of Bro . A Morrison , W . M ., the catering being in the capable keeping of Bro . W . S . Vines , W . M .
1299 , P . G . D . C . The ordinary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to during the pleasant evening's proceedings . Not the least interesting of the items on the programme was the presentation of a chaste and valuable electro plated tea and coffee service to Bro . T . Evans , I . P . M ., for the valuable services which he had rendered to the Prince Arthur Lodge in particular and Masonry in general .
The presentation was made by Bro . Alpass , P . G . Sec , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Evans . Songs and recitations were given during the evening by the various brethren . TWICKENHAM . —Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 ) . —The last meeting of this provincial lodge was held ac the Albany Hotel , on Wednesday , the 12 th
inst , when there were present amongst others Bros . S . H . Knaggs , W . M . ; Court , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . jTomlinson , P . P . G . D . of Norfolk , Treasurer ; W Wigginton , P . P . G . S . of Works , Middlesex , Secret . ry ; W . H . Saunders , P . G S . of Middlesex , I . P . M . ; Vaughan , S . D . ; Ashley , J . D . ; Palmer , I . G . ; Walls , P . G O ., Middlesex , D . C , ( Freemason ) ; Briggs , Steward ; Ricknall , W . S . ;
Court , jun ., Assistant Organist ; C . Horsley , P . P . G . R . of Middlesex , and others . The minutes of the installation meeting in November last , having b .-en read an . l confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , passed Bro . Newtonand initiated Mr . | Bollard , both ceremonies being most ably and impressively performed . There being no other business before the lodge it was duly
closed , and the brethren adjourned to a collation . ihe cloth having been removed , the W . M . gave the time-honoured preliminary Royal and Craft toasts , tersely but to the point . " Thc D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and the rest of the P . G . O . ' s Present and Past , " was acknowledged in fitting teims by Bros . C . Horsley , W . Wigginton , and T . C . Walls . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the
I . P . M ., who congratulared Bro . Knaggs upon the excellent manner in which he had conducted the proceedings that day . In the course of his speech he a ' so touched upon the great interest that the W . M . had always evinced in the welfare of the " Francis Burdelt , " and stated that he believed that his year of office would be as pleasurable to himself as it would be to every member of the lodge .
This toast having been most warmly received , the W . M . made a modest reply , and immediately afterwards proposed " The Health of the Initiate , " who briefly acknowledged the compliment paid him . " The Past Masters " was proposed in complimentary terms by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Saunders and Wigginton . In introducing " The Officers " the W . M . spoke very highly
of the important services rendered to the lodge by Bro . Wigginton as founder , Master and Secretary , and also of the great interest taken in the fortunes of No . 1503 , by Bro . Tomlinson , in the dual capacity of founder and Treasurer . The other working officials were also entitled to every praise for the manner in which thev had hitherto
discharged their duties , and he trusted that their zeal would in due time be rewarded , by their being successively elected to occupy the proud position which he then held . This toast having been duly acknowledged , the brethren shortly afterwards separated , until thc second Wednesday in February next .
INSTRUCTION . WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The annual dinner of this flourishing lodge of instruction was held on the 17 th inst ., at the New Market Hotel , King-street , Snow Hill , E . C . Bro . W . T . Adams , W . M . 1623 , presided , supported by the following brethren : Bros . G . H . Stephens , S . W . ; H . J . Lardner . J . W . ; W .
Pennefather , P . M ., Preceptor ; E . Mallett , W . M . 141 , acting Secretary , in the absence of Bro . F \ Walters . The lodge was opened with prayer , and the minutes of last lodge meeting read and confirmed . Bro . G . H . Stephens being elected W . M . for the ensuing week , the lodge closed with prayer , and adjourned to the bauquet room , where a splendid dinner was served by Bro . T . Butr , the host , in
his best style . Thc usual loyal and Craft toasts follow . 'I the banquet , and were suitably honoured . The toasts of " The W M ., " "The Preceptor , " and "The Acting Secretary , " were received with great enthusiasm , and were responded to in a most happy ^ manner by the W . M ., T . W . Adams ; W . Pernefather , Preceptor ; and E . Mallett , acting Secretary . " The Visitors" was also greeted with hearty expressions of goodwill , and responded to by Bre > . Larking
and others . In answer to an appeal from the chair , the sum of over £ 4 was collected in aid of the lodge charitable fund . Having passed the evening in a manner which augurs well for the future of the lodge , the br . th . ren separated , having enjoyed some excellent songs during the evening , which was thoroughly successful throughout . There were present besides those already named Bros . Pearson , Faija , Combie , Stevens , Butt , Howes , Davis ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Snow , Moirison , Stuart , Smjthe , Fairbari l- , Adams , C * l Her , Ue-lefobs , Chapman , Barth , and Larking .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BARNSTAPLE . —Chapter of Loyalty and Virtue ( No . 251 ) . —The fifty-seventh annual meeting of this old and flourishing chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Oueen Ann ' s-walk , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., for the purpose of electing officers for the year ensuing . The Principals' chairs were filled by Comp ? . Wm . Britton , Z . ; J . T . Shapland , H . ; and J . C . Oliver , J . Thc
meeting was well attended , and after the usual preliminary businiss was transacted , the following were elected orficers for thc year ensuing : —Comps . J . T . Shapland , Z . ; W . C . Oliver , II . ; Jno . Brewer , J . ; Wm . Britton , P . Z . ; W . H . Toller , S . E . ; E . Holmes , S . N . ; T . Hancock , P . S . ; Wm . Boyle , ist A . S . ; Wm . Young , 2 nd A . S ; W . J . List , Treas ; Wm . Curtis , Reg . ; O . J . Nicklin , Sw . B . ; C .
Whickham , St . B . ; T . S . Herbert , M . C . ; J . Edwards , Org . ; R . P . Morrison , Steward ; J . Hancock , fan . Comp . Thomas Galway , of Chapter 4 6 , Comber , C . Down , Ireland , was unanimously elected a joining member Chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to , the Geilden Lion Hotel , and partook of a splendid banquet got up by Mrs . Marsh , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MARYPORT . —Whitwell Lodge ( No . 151 ) . — The ordinary monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 20 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Maryport . On account of butiness and other engagements , there was only a limited attendance , the W . M ., Bro . T . Mandle , P . G . S . W ., being absent at Liverpool . Amongst those present were Bros . J . Gardiner ,
P . M ., P . G . M . O . ; Jos . Nicholson , P . M . and Treasurer P . P . G . S . W . ; J . H . Banks , J . W ., P . G . I . G . ; Jas . Quay , S-. c ; J . W . Robinson , R . M . ; E . G . Mitchell , S . D . ; J . W . Thompson , J . D . ; J . Smith , Org , P . P . G . Org . ; W . T , Lamonby , P . G . A . D . C , as Chaplain ( Freemason ) ; J . Stoddart , and J . Harris , Tyler . There being a candidate to ballot for and advance , ( Bro . John Mclmore , Lodge of Per
servance , No . 371 , ) most of the officer ' s posts had to be doubled . After the lodge had been opened in form by Bro Gardiner , P . M ., the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed , after which the candidate was balloted for and approved , whereupon , Bro . J . H . Banks , J . W ., ascended the dais , and performed the whole ceremony of advancement in first-class style . The lodge was then closed in form .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
PORTSMOUTH . —Naval and Military Conclave ( No 35 ) . —This conclave , met on Monday , Dec . 17 th . The conclave was opsned by the P . M . S ., John Harrison , at 6 p . m ., The minutes of former conclave of Sept . 25 th and emergency of Nov . 15 th were adopted . The ballot was taken separately for Bros . Slaiter and Captain J . Andrews , Hants Volun'eer Artillery , and proved
unanimously in their favour . Bros . Slaiter being in attendance was entrusted , installed and proclaimed . The annual balance sheet was passed . Sir . Kts . Dixon , Biick , Richardson , and Reed signed and received their G . Con . certificates . Sir . Kt . Harrison the retiring M . P . S . expressed his acknowledgements to the officers and members for their attention to duties and punctual attendance during
the past year . The Recorder presented Em . Sir . Kt . G . A . Green Past K . to thc presiding officer , to receive the honour of enthronement as M . P . S . ; for the coming year ; and , he , having assented to the several questions contained in G . Statutes ; Sir . Kt . Adams was presented as Vy . elect fo » the purpose of consecration as Eusebius . All thc Sir . Kts . below the grade of Viceroy having- retired , a college of
Viceroy ' s was opened in ancient form , Sir . Kt . Adams was entrusted , admitted and consecrated . The college was closed . All the Sir Kts . below the grade of M . P . S . having retired , a Senate of Sovereigns was opened in ample form , Sir Kt . Green was distrusted , introduced and enthroned . The senate was closed , and the members re-admitted , when the M . P . S . invested his officers : Sir Kt . C . G . Adam " ,
Viceroy ; A . Nance , Jr . Sen . Gen . ; W . Tuck , Jun . Gen . ; J . Lillywhite , H . P . ; J . Clav , P . S ., Treas . ; A . R . Robinson , P . S ., Rec ; R . Osborne , Prefect ; W . C . Redward , Sub-Prefect ; G . Watson , Org . ; G . Reading . Sen . Aide ; A . M . Dixon , Jun . Aide ; J . W . Stroud , Herald ; and G . Copus , Sentinel . The M . P . S . stated that he would present four collars in addition to those already in use , and possibly
some future M . P . S . or companion would append the required jewels . Thanks were unanimously expressed for this gift . The Int . Gen . proposed that thc chair should be endowed with £ 10 ios . in part payment of the required sum to render the M . P . S . for the time being a life governor or vice-patron of the Masonic Instiution for Girls , and associate the act with the name of the respected retiring
M . P . S . , who at a considerable ; acrifice of both time and money had frequently travelled long distances to fill his place in the conclave ever since his installation into the Order . This was also carried , when Sir Kt . Harrison acknowledged the pleasure it gave him to see this so enthusiastically appr > vrd , and most feelingly dilated upon this compliment , which he valued more highly than anything else possibly could be .
The Dep . Int . Gen . then rose , and requested permission to introduce a motion which had been discuss * d in the Perm . Council of No . 35 with satisfaction . and which he was confident would receive the approval and support of the members , viz ., "That the continuous services of their valued Recorder , Sir Kt . Robinson , P . S ., was deserving of some substantial acknowledgment , he was an active found'r , who was unremitting in his exertions in founding
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R EPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 579 Instruction 579 Roval Arch S 79 Mark Masonry £ 79 Knights Templars 559 Ancient and Accepted Kite S °° Who shall be Greatest ? 5 » o Royal Masonic Institution for Girls S Masonic and General Tidings 58 *
1877 '" - The Closing Year S * 3 Christmas among the Poor S » 4 C ORRESPONDENCE : — The Grand Lodge of England and the G . Orient of France 5 S . 1 Freemasonry in Jamaica—A New Theory 5 S 4 Apollo University LoJge S 84 Bro . Desmons of Paris 584 The German Question and Knight Templars 584
Consecration ofthe Windrush Lodge , Nn . 1703 , Witney , Oxon £ SJ Testimonial to Bro . George Abbott , P . M . 192 585 Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism 585 Reviews 5 8 5 Obituary S % 5 Civil and Mechanical Engineers Society 586 Lodge Meetings for Next Week J 8 < j Advertisements i . ii . iii . ix . v . vi . vii . viii .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Ulasonm RYE--Welling . on Lodge ( No . 341 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the Cinque Ports Arms Hotel , on Thursday , the 20 th inst . Present : Bros . F . J . Rubie , W . M ., in the chair ; Wm . Dawes , I . P . M . and Hon . Sec , P . P . G . R ., Sussex ; J . N . Masters , P . M ., S . W . ; M . Hatch , J . W . ; I " . Fuller , P . M ., Treas . ; C . J . Hatcher , as S . D . ; F . Milson , as J . O . ; R . C . N . Davies , I . G . ; C .
Hetcher , Tyler , & c . The lodge having becn duly opened , and a ballot having been taken with unanimous approval as the result , Mr . Wm . Cowtan was regularly and duly initiated into Freemasonry . The ceremony was very ably performed by the W . M . ; the I . P . M . delivering the charge . The Hon . Sec . then by command of thc W . M ,, read from the Freemason of 8 lh Dec . the report of the speech of the
M . W . Pro . G . M . at the last Quarterly Court of Grand Lodge , on the recent action by Grand Orient of France . The brethren expressed their admiration at the clear explanation therein given of that action and the valuable advice as to their present conduct in the matter accompanying it , and hearty thanks were tendered to the W . M . for having caused it to be read . Some other business
having been enacted , the lodge was duly closed . SOUTHAMPTON . —The Peace and Harmony Lodge ( No . 359 ) has elected Bro . W . H . Martin W . M ., for the coming year and reelected P . M . J . R ., Weston , Treasurer . The new Worshipful Master , Bro . G . J . Telling , of the Clausentium lodge , No . 1461 , at Woolston , a suburb of Southampton , has been installed by the
D . P . G . M . of Hants , and the Isle of Wight , ( Bro . W . Hickman , P . M . ) , the charges at thc respective chairs being impressively given by Bro . T . P . Payne , P . M . Bro . Tilling invested his officers as follows : —Bros . F . A . Rosoman , I . P . M ; Richard Rosoman , S . W . : Andrews , J . W . j Capt . Evans , Treas . Walter Bowyer , P . M ., Sec . ; Chapman , S . D . ; James Methuen , J . D . ; Walters P . M ., D . C . ; Robert
Ekless , I . G . ; and Vare , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed , a cordial vote of thanks for his attendance and valuable services was tendered to the D . P . G . M ., who , in response , expressed the interest he felt in the work , and congratulated the lodge on the position it had already attained . The annual dinner , supplied by Bro . Dartnall , was subsequently held at Woolston College , thc hall ot which was
very pleasingly decorated for the occasion , and was well attended . Many congratulations were exchanged on the progress of Masonry in the province and the excellent prospect of thc lodge possessing a hall of it own at a not distant period . LIVERPOOL . —Prince Arthur Lodge ( No . 1570 ) . —The annual celebration of the festival of St . John
in connection with this lodge , took place on I ucsday afternoon , the 18 th inst ,, at the Masons' Rooms , North Hill-street , Liverpool , where there was one of the largest and most influential gatherings seen for a long time to assist at the installation of Bro . Archibald Morrison , S . W ., the W . M , elect , chosen to that position by thc unanimous vote of the brethren . The meeting was called for 2 . 30 ,
and punctual to the time , Bro . Thomas Goans , W . M ., took the chair , and began business . There were no fewer than twenty-four installed Masters present , and these embraced about a dozen P . G . Lodge officers , past and present . The Tyler's book showed the following brethren were present , who are attached to the " Prince Arthur , " : Bros . H . S . Alpass , P . M ., P . G . Sec ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ;
A . Morrison , S . W . ; S . Hickins , J . W . ; Robt Roberts , Secretary ; H . Worthington , S . D . ; R . Webster ; J . D . Walter W . Thomas , I . G . ; J . H . Davies , S . ; J . Seeley , J . Wainwright , J . C . Jones , J . Webster , J . Lawson , W . P . Vines , T . Senar , J . Pye , J . Morgan , J . H . Carter , J . Parker , C . Cockcroft , J . Meddlicott , and T . Smitton . Amongst the numerous visitors present were : Bros .
Duncan Ross , 823 ; ( Everton Lodge ); Rev . T . W . Richardson , W .-M . ; 1380 ; John . E . Jackson , P . M . 667 , P . G . Steward of West Lancashire ; W . Pughe , S . W ., W . M . elect P . M . 1182 ; J . W . Thurley , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . J . Chapman , W . M . 1609 ; L . Courtney , S . VV . 1609 ; J . B . Mc . Kenzie , J , W . 1609 ; H . Leslie , 1609 ; A . Woolrich , J . W . 1356 ; Trea . surer 1609 Henry Eves , 66 7 ; R . P . France , I . P . M . 594 ; H . Firth , J . W . 667 ; E . Paull , Treasurer , 13-. 6 ; J . Edgiiipton ,
P . M . i 182 ; J . H . Gregory , Sec . 66 7 ; J . P . Rea , I . G . 1182 ; J . S . Houghton . S . W . 1182 ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O . ; W . Woods , W . M . 1620 ; A . Winkup , P . M . 66 7 ; J . Hartley , 594 ; W , Avis , Org . 1299 , I . P . M . ; Arthur , P . M . 1086 ; W . Doyle , P . P . G . J . D . ; Capt . J . F . Ainscow , 1393 and 370 ; J . Williams , W . M . 1182 ; J . W . Williams , S . W . 1356 ; F . Nickson , W . M . 1356 ; W . Peacock , 594 ; H . Burrows , W . M . 673 ; H . Jones , I . G . 1289 ; T . Holden , 1182 ; D .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Morris , 1182 ; John Lecombtr , W . M . 594 ; J . D . Thomas 594 ; F . Boswell , J . W . 594 ; B . B . Marson , P . G . J . D . ; W . M . Asher , 477 ; A . B . Fraser , 1473 ; P . Asken , 135 6 ; F . Sutton , 1380 ; J . Hughes , 16 75 ; E . Benedict , 820 ; J . G . Griffiths , 1393 ; and W . S . Tines , P . G . D . C . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . T . Evans , W . M ., proceeded , in an excellent
manner , to instal Bro . A . Morrison , as his successor in the chair of W . M ., and the " hearty good wishes " of about a score of representatives from other ledges proved how popular the new occupant of the chair was . The newly installed W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Evans , P . M . Treasurer ; H . S . Alpass , P . M ., P . G . Sec ; W . Lee , Dir . of Ceremonies ;
Samuel Hikins , S . W . ; Robert Roberts , J . W . ; Henry Worthington , S .-cretary ; Ralph Webster , S . D . ; Walter W . Thomas , J . D . ; Edward Jarvis , I . G . ; John H . Davis , S . S . ; and William P . Vine , J . S . Between fifty and sixty brethren , after business , banquetted in the lodge ronm under the presidency of Bro . A Morrison , W . M ., the catering being in the capable keeping of Bro . W . S . Vines , W . M .
1299 , P . G . D . C . The ordinary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to during the pleasant evening's proceedings . Not the least interesting of the items on the programme was the presentation of a chaste and valuable electro plated tea and coffee service to Bro . T . Evans , I . P . M ., for the valuable services which he had rendered to the Prince Arthur Lodge in particular and Masonry in general .
The presentation was made by Bro . Alpass , P . G . Sec , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Evans . Songs and recitations were given during the evening by the various brethren . TWICKENHAM . —Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 ) . —The last meeting of this provincial lodge was held ac the Albany Hotel , on Wednesday , the 12 th
inst , when there were present amongst others Bros . S . H . Knaggs , W . M . ; Court , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . jTomlinson , P . P . G . D . of Norfolk , Treasurer ; W Wigginton , P . P . G . S . of Works , Middlesex , Secret . ry ; W . H . Saunders , P . G S . of Middlesex , I . P . M . ; Vaughan , S . D . ; Ashley , J . D . ; Palmer , I . G . ; Walls , P . G O ., Middlesex , D . C , ( Freemason ) ; Briggs , Steward ; Ricknall , W . S . ;
Court , jun ., Assistant Organist ; C . Horsley , P . P . G . R . of Middlesex , and others . The minutes of the installation meeting in November last , having b .-en read an . l confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , passed Bro . Newtonand initiated Mr . | Bollard , both ceremonies being most ably and impressively performed . There being no other business before the lodge it was duly
closed , and the brethren adjourned to a collation . ihe cloth having been removed , the W . M . gave the time-honoured preliminary Royal and Craft toasts , tersely but to the point . " Thc D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and the rest of the P . G . O . ' s Present and Past , " was acknowledged in fitting teims by Bros . C . Horsley , W . Wigginton , and T . C . Walls . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the
I . P . M ., who congratulared Bro . Knaggs upon the excellent manner in which he had conducted the proceedings that day . In the course of his speech he a ' so touched upon the great interest that the W . M . had always evinced in the welfare of the " Francis Burdelt , " and stated that he believed that his year of office would be as pleasurable to himself as it would be to every member of the lodge .
This toast having been most warmly received , the W . M . made a modest reply , and immediately afterwards proposed " The Health of the Initiate , " who briefly acknowledged the compliment paid him . " The Past Masters " was proposed in complimentary terms by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Saunders and Wigginton . In introducing " The Officers " the W . M . spoke very highly
of the important services rendered to the lodge by Bro . Wigginton as founder , Master and Secretary , and also of the great interest taken in the fortunes of No . 1503 , by Bro . Tomlinson , in the dual capacity of founder and Treasurer . The other working officials were also entitled to every praise for the manner in which thev had hitherto
discharged their duties , and he trusted that their zeal would in due time be rewarded , by their being successively elected to occupy the proud position which he then held . This toast having been duly acknowledged , the brethren shortly afterwards separated , until thc second Wednesday in February next .
INSTRUCTION . WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The annual dinner of this flourishing lodge of instruction was held on the 17 th inst ., at the New Market Hotel , King-street , Snow Hill , E . C . Bro . W . T . Adams , W . M . 1623 , presided , supported by the following brethren : Bros . G . H . Stephens , S . W . ; H . J . Lardner . J . W . ; W .
Pennefather , P . M ., Preceptor ; E . Mallett , W . M . 141 , acting Secretary , in the absence of Bro . F \ Walters . The lodge was opened with prayer , and the minutes of last lodge meeting read and confirmed . Bro . G . H . Stephens being elected W . M . for the ensuing week , the lodge closed with prayer , and adjourned to the bauquet room , where a splendid dinner was served by Bro . T . Butr , the host , in
his best style . Thc usual loyal and Craft toasts follow . 'I the banquet , and were suitably honoured . The toasts of " The W M ., " "The Preceptor , " and "The Acting Secretary , " were received with great enthusiasm , and were responded to in a most happy ^ manner by the W . M ., T . W . Adams ; W . Pernefather , Preceptor ; and E . Mallett , acting Secretary . " The Visitors" was also greeted with hearty expressions of goodwill , and responded to by Bre > . Larking
and others . In answer to an appeal from the chair , the sum of over £ 4 was collected in aid of the lodge charitable fund . Having passed the evening in a manner which augurs well for the future of the lodge , the br . th . ren separated , having enjoyed some excellent songs during the evening , which was thoroughly successful throughout . There were present besides those already named Bros . Pearson , Faija , Combie , Stevens , Butt , Howes , Davis ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Snow , Moirison , Stuart , Smjthe , Fairbari l- , Adams , C * l Her , Ue-lefobs , Chapman , Barth , and Larking .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BARNSTAPLE . —Chapter of Loyalty and Virtue ( No . 251 ) . —The fifty-seventh annual meeting of this old and flourishing chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Oueen Ann ' s-walk , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., for the purpose of electing officers for the year ensuing . The Principals' chairs were filled by Comp ? . Wm . Britton , Z . ; J . T . Shapland , H . ; and J . C . Oliver , J . Thc
meeting was well attended , and after the usual preliminary businiss was transacted , the following were elected orficers for thc year ensuing : —Comps . J . T . Shapland , Z . ; W . C . Oliver , II . ; Jno . Brewer , J . ; Wm . Britton , P . Z . ; W . H . Toller , S . E . ; E . Holmes , S . N . ; T . Hancock , P . S . ; Wm . Boyle , ist A . S . ; Wm . Young , 2 nd A . S ; W . J . List , Treas ; Wm . Curtis , Reg . ; O . J . Nicklin , Sw . B . ; C .
Whickham , St . B . ; T . S . Herbert , M . C . ; J . Edwards , Org . ; R . P . Morrison , Steward ; J . Hancock , fan . Comp . Thomas Galway , of Chapter 4 6 , Comber , C . Down , Ireland , was unanimously elected a joining member Chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to , the Geilden Lion Hotel , and partook of a splendid banquet got up by Mrs . Marsh , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MARYPORT . —Whitwell Lodge ( No . 151 ) . — The ordinary monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 20 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Maryport . On account of butiness and other engagements , there was only a limited attendance , the W . M ., Bro . T . Mandle , P . G . S . W ., being absent at Liverpool . Amongst those present were Bros . J . Gardiner ,
P . M ., P . G . M . O . ; Jos . Nicholson , P . M . and Treasurer P . P . G . S . W . ; J . H . Banks , J . W ., P . G . I . G . ; Jas . Quay , S-. c ; J . W . Robinson , R . M . ; E . G . Mitchell , S . D . ; J . W . Thompson , J . D . ; J . Smith , Org , P . P . G . Org . ; W . T , Lamonby , P . G . A . D . C , as Chaplain ( Freemason ) ; J . Stoddart , and J . Harris , Tyler . There being a candidate to ballot for and advance , ( Bro . John Mclmore , Lodge of Per
servance , No . 371 , ) most of the officer ' s posts had to be doubled . After the lodge had been opened in form by Bro Gardiner , P . M ., the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed , after which the candidate was balloted for and approved , whereupon , Bro . J . H . Banks , J . W ., ascended the dais , and performed the whole ceremony of advancement in first-class style . The lodge was then closed in form .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
PORTSMOUTH . —Naval and Military Conclave ( No 35 ) . —This conclave , met on Monday , Dec . 17 th . The conclave was opsned by the P . M . S ., John Harrison , at 6 p . m ., The minutes of former conclave of Sept . 25 th and emergency of Nov . 15 th were adopted . The ballot was taken separately for Bros . Slaiter and Captain J . Andrews , Hants Volun'eer Artillery , and proved
unanimously in their favour . Bros . Slaiter being in attendance was entrusted , installed and proclaimed . The annual balance sheet was passed . Sir . Kts . Dixon , Biick , Richardson , and Reed signed and received their G . Con . certificates . Sir . Kt . Harrison the retiring M . P . S . expressed his acknowledgements to the officers and members for their attention to duties and punctual attendance during
the past year . The Recorder presented Em . Sir . Kt . G . A . Green Past K . to thc presiding officer , to receive the honour of enthronement as M . P . S . ; for the coming year ; and , he , having assented to the several questions contained in G . Statutes ; Sir . Kt . Adams was presented as Vy . elect fo » the purpose of consecration as Eusebius . All thc Sir . Kts . below the grade of Viceroy having- retired , a college of
Viceroy ' s was opened in ancient form , Sir . Kt . Adams was entrusted , admitted and consecrated . The college was closed . All the Sir Kts . below the grade of M . P . S . having retired , a Senate of Sovereigns was opened in ample form , Sir Kt . Green was distrusted , introduced and enthroned . The senate was closed , and the members re-admitted , when the M . P . S . invested his officers : Sir Kt . C . G . Adam " ,
Viceroy ; A . Nance , Jr . Sen . Gen . ; W . Tuck , Jun . Gen . ; J . Lillywhite , H . P . ; J . Clav , P . S ., Treas . ; A . R . Robinson , P . S ., Rec ; R . Osborne , Prefect ; W . C . Redward , Sub-Prefect ; G . Watson , Org . ; G . Reading . Sen . Aide ; A . M . Dixon , Jun . Aide ; J . W . Stroud , Herald ; and G . Copus , Sentinel . The M . P . S . stated that he would present four collars in addition to those already in use , and possibly
some future M . P . S . or companion would append the required jewels . Thanks were unanimously expressed for this gift . The Int . Gen . proposed that thc chair should be endowed with £ 10 ios . in part payment of the required sum to render the M . P . S . for the time being a life governor or vice-patron of the Masonic Instiution for Girls , and associate the act with the name of the respected retiring
M . P . S . , who at a considerable ; acrifice of both time and money had frequently travelled long distances to fill his place in the conclave ever since his installation into the Order . This was also carried , when Sir Kt . Harrison acknowledged the pleasure it gave him to see this so enthusiastically appr > vrd , and most feelingly dilated upon this compliment , which he valued more highly than anything else possibly could be .
The Dep . Int . Gen . then rose , and requested permission to introduce a motion which had been discuss * d in the Perm . Council of No . 35 with satisfaction . and which he was confident would receive the approval and support of the members , viz ., "That the continuous services of their valued Recorder , Sir Kt . Robinson , P . S ., was deserving of some substantial acknowledgment , he was an active found'r , who was unremitting in his exertions in founding