Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article FREEMASONRY IN BERKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
Bro . 'Jenks to assist him , but , as a matter of fact , he should think that he assisted Bro . Jenks by putting a few questions . After Bros . E . R . T . Croxall , S . D ., and Jenks , had suitably and modestly replied , the Tyler ' s toast closed the official portion of the proceedings , and a pleasant evening relapsed into a more homely form of amusement-. A capital programme of vocal and instrumental music was furnished by Bro . Jam ; s Kift , Miss Edith Blanchard , Bro . Arthur Strugnell , Bro . Jas . A . Hamilton , Bro . H . J . Baynton , and Bro . Ophermien .
St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 225 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . S . SPARKES . The annual installation festival and anniversary of St . John was duly observed by the brethren of the above lodge at the Masonic Hall , Soane-street , Ipswich , on the 12 th inst ., and the event passed off with an eclat never surpassed in the history of the lodge . The fourth oldest lodge in the Province of Suffolk , St . Luke ' s for several years has been making , rapid progress , both financially and numerically , but the year just ended has
been one of unparalleled success , and Bro . H . J . Brook ( who accepted the W . M . 's chair in unexpected circumstances ) is to be congratulated upon his year of office having proved a record one—so much so that the lodge was on this occasion enabled to vote out of its funds 50 guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . There was a crowded attendance of members and visiting brethren to witness the installation of the popular S . W . of the lodge , Bro . Sergt .-Major Sparkes , and , in addition to the lorlge officers and 30 members , the following Past Masters signed the presence
book : Bros . G . Abbott , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . Talbot , P . P . G . S . B . ; S . Snow ; A . W . Cook , P . P . G . P . ; J . A . Pettit , P . P . G . S . of W . ; G . P . Price , P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . J . Whitehead , P . P . G . P . ; W . H . Cook , P . A . G . P . ; S . Skerritt , P . G . Stwd . ; W . Rumsby ; and G . W . Senton , P . G . Std . Br . The visitors included the following : Bros . V . D . Colchester , W . M . 114 , P . P . S . G . D . ; C . E . Tempest , Sec . 114 , P . P . J . G . D . ; F .
G . Bond , 114 ; G . Turner , 37 6 , P . P . J . G . D . ; G . R . Chilver , 37 6 ; A . C . Hayward , 37 6 ; E . G . Dale , 37 6 ; C . Grayson , W . M . 959 ; E . Hills , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . F . Odium , W . Watson , R . H . Unsworth , P . P . G . S . of W . ; C . E . Whitmarsh , A . Goff , A . T . Shepherd , and G . A . Aylward , all of 959 ; and C . A . Brasted 2063 . The esteemed Prov . G . Sec , Bro . N . Tracy , and several other well-known brethren were unavoidably absent .
The lodge being duly opened , Bro . S . Sparkes was installed into the W . M . ' s chair by Bro . Walter Rumsby , who discharged his onerous task with much ability . The newlyelected W . M . then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . H . J . Brook , I . P . M . j R . Miller , S . W .: Jas . Howlett , J . W . j J . Talbot , P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . j G . P . Price , P . P . G . Std . Br ., Sec . ; R . D . Taylor , S . D . j W . J . Christie , J . D . ; A . W . Cook , P . P . G . P ., D . of C ; W . Parker , Org . ; A . E . Senton , Asst . Org . ; A . Mills , I . G . j E . B . Lewcock , H . B . Clarke , F . G . Fisk , J . Burkitt , A . J . Howard , W . W . Fulcher , and C . A . Cundall , Stwds ; and George Gould , Tyler .
After the closing of the lodge , the members and visitors adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a most enjoyable evening was spent , under Bro . Sparkes ' s presidency . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the W . M . mentioning , in proposing " The Queen and the Craft , " that he had now served her Majesty for 37 years . Bros . Senton , P . M ., and G . Abbott , P . M ., responded for " The Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . "
Bro . Rumsby , in felicitous terms , proposed "The Worshipful Master , " who happily responded , and toasted "The Installing Master " in suitable terms . Responding for " The Masonic Charities , " ably submitted by Bro . G . Abbott , P . M ., Bro . G . P . Price , P . P . G . Std . Br ., P . M ., Sec , expatiated on the value of Charity votes to lodges , and said he hoped , with the 50 guineas which the lodge had so generously voted that evening , to present a sum of 100 guineas when he went up to London in February as Charity Steward of St . Luke's . ( Applause . )
The toast ot " The Visitors " was acknowledged by Bros . V . D . Colchester , G . R . Chilver , C A . Brasted , and F . G . Bond , the latter paying a well-deserved tribute to the services rendered by the W . M . to the Ipswich Companies of the ist V . B . S . R . " The I . P . M . " and "The Officers ot St . Luke ' s Lodge" were also honoured and responded to , the following brethren contrib uting to the harmony ot the proceedings : Bros . . Copeland , Brasted , Abbott , Talbot , Unsworth , Chilver , and H . Anderson ( accompanist ) .
Empress Lodge , No . 2581 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . G . D . COLEMAN . The members of this lodge were surrounded by a large and influential gathering of visitors at the installation meeting , held at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , on the 12 th instant . During its short career the Empress Lodge has enjoyed considerable success , and from the very character of the proceedings under notice there seems every prospect ot a continuance in the future . - After the opening of the lodge and the confirmation of the minutes , the Audit Report , which showed a very healthy financial state , was unanimously adopted . Bro . tne Mastertnen inscaiiea ioieman tne
Uhas . 1 . Kiralty , retiring , aoiy oro . u . u . _ . as w . Master for the ensuing year . The following officers were appointed : Bros . G . C . Breeze , S . W . j J . S . Bhumgara , J . W . j Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; Percival Dixon , Sec . j G . R . Blades , S . D . j G . G . Kirchener , J . D . ; N . F . Bhumgara , D . C . ; W . H . Bond , I . G . j W . F . Allvey , B . Dawson , M . D ., and W . H . Jeffcoat , Stwds . j . ^ 1 . C f 7 IKe * Tul « r ftrn P I Kiralfv . I . P . M .. was nrf , «» nfp # ? with 9 hanrfcnmi . Pad
Master ' s jewel , in recognition of his valuable services in the chair . Bro . Kirchener was heartily welcomed back to the lodge after a serious _ illness , and expressed his acknowledgments for the sympathy and kindness shown to bim . An interesting letter was read from Bro . Will Chapman , P . M ., in South Africa , which was ordered to be inserted on the minutes . A resolution affecting the bye-laws was adopted , and the lodge was closed .
After banquet , the customary toasts were proceeded with , " The Queen and the Craft" being first heartily received . In giving " H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., Pro G . M ., Dep . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M . said they were favoured that evening with the presence of . some of the most illustrious lights in Freemasonry . He coupled with the toast the names of Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., an honorary member of the lodge , and Bro . Loveland Loveland , a very old friend . Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., in his response , said the toast included something
that seemed incongruous— ' the rest of the Grand Officers . " They had no rest , being always bustled about . The brethren could never go to a good lodge meeting held in a good restaurant , but they found the Grand Officers well to the front . He would siy one word about the W . M . Four or five years ago a small parcel was sent from Madras to England and arrived at the Royal Masonic Girls' School . That parcel contained a little girl which was taken care of by the W . M . and his wife , and she was now growing up and doing well . This only showed what a good Mason the W . M . was , but he would make no further remarks on this subject , fearing to take the wind out of the sails of . the
I . P . M . Bro . Loveland Loveland , President of the Board of Genera ) Purposes , said he had known the W . M . for many years , and was proud to see him in his present position—the chair of a vtry fine lodge—a pest which he would fill admirably . The W . M . alwavs did everything thoroughly , and he congratulated Bro . Coleman and the lodge on their
respective positions . Bro . Charles I . Kiralfy , I . P . M ., then proposed "The W . M ., " and said the lodge considered itself extremely fortunate in having such a man for W . M . as Bro . Coleman . Both in and out of Masonry , Bro . Coleman was one who carried Masonry with him thiough his daily life , being entirely imbued with the spirit of it . To sum up his good qualities-, he was the right man in the right place , and everything he did was done with a grace and a certain am-iunt of modesty that was most delightful to observe .
Bio . G . D . Coleman , W . M ., in his reply , said that , as they might imagine , after the veiy hi arty reception given him , he felt nervous in getting on his legs to return thanks . He thanked the I . P . M . for the very kind and far too flattering manner in which he had spoken of him , and the bretnren for receiving the toast so well . He should , indeed , be the wrong man in the wrong place if he did not appreciate the kindly sentiments of his predecessors . He felt this so thoroughly that he had forgotten what be ought to say . The task he had before him in that chair was a difficult one , for , un-
Craft Masonry.
fortunately for him , his predecessors had done their duty exceedingly well , { a succeeding them he had qualms of conscience , but he would do his best , and if he could give them satisfaction he should satisfy himself . The I . P . M . had said so many kind things of him that he was afraid they would expect far more from him in the work than- he-could , fulfil . He would ,, however , do his best , and thanked them heartily , for he felt more than he could say after their hearty reception . The W . M . then eave"The I . P . M ., " remarking that Bro . C . Kiralfy had
proved himself a worthy son of a distinguished - father . . They ¦ had excellent work from Bro . Imre Kiralfy , and his son had taken note of that good example . ' Bro . Chas . Kiralty , I . P . M ., had worked the Degrees with that ability which inspired confidence in his officers . The I . P . M . carried with him the affectionate remembrance of all the officers , and it the rest of the Masters of the lodge were as good the . lodge would continue to prosper . Bro . C I . Kiralfy , I . P . M ., thanked the VIM . ' for their support , and took this opportunity of thanking them for the beautiful jewel presented to him that evening .
lt would not only be a memento of the lodge and its associations , but a souvenir of the brethren individually and collectively . It would be an individual souvenir of the W . M . as having come from the W . M . ' s hands , and he would prize it as such . It would be a souvenir of the officers for the able , pleasing , and delightful way in which they "had supported him . It would be a souvenir of the initiates he had brought into
Freemasonry . The soldier valued his Victoria Cross , the sportsman his blue riband , and the Past Master his jewel as something beyond everything else .. Life was made up of sunshine and storm , and it was just such a souvenir as this , when they were far away , that the signification of the emblem reminded them that they could not be friendless . On such an occasion it would be an encouragement to try and leave the world a little better than he found it .
For "The Visitors" Bros . Glaiser , P . M . 34 ; Dr . Beresford Ryley , P . P . G . W . Middx . ; and Sir Montagu Nelson responded . Bros . Sir Joseph Dimsdale , M . P ., P . M ., and Imre Kiralfy , P . M ., Treas ., answered for " The Past Masters , " and Bro . Breese , S . W ., for " The Officers . " A pleasant entertainment was given under the direction of Bro . James Kift , assisted by Miss Ethel Bevan , Miss Ethel Marsh , and Bros . Walter Churcher , Franklin Clive , and Fred Russell . Amongst the large company present were Bros . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . ; J
H . Matthews , President of the Board of Benevolence j Frank Richardson , P . G . D . j J . L . Thomas , P . A . G . D . C . j R . Clay Sudlow , P . G . S . B . j Thomas Fenn , P . G . W . j R . Loveland Loveland , President of the Board of the General Purposes ; T , Poultney Griffin , P . G . D . j Gordon Miller , P . G . D . ; Sir Arthur Trendell , P . A . G . D . C . ; Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C . ; Dr . j . Beresford Ryley , P . P . G . W . ; C E . Birch , P . P . G . W . ; A . R . Bilby , P . P . G . W . j Sir Montagu Nelson , T . Fraser , W . M . 2488 ; W . S . Hooper , P . M . , * A . Tite , A . J . Thomas , P . M . ; J . H . Dimsdale , P . M . ; E . C . Fisk , W . M . 2323 ; G . Greiner , P . M . ; F . A . Nash , J . W . 1768 j Dr . R . J . Maitland Coffin , P . M . j F . W . Barrett , and many others .
Freemasonry In Berkshire.
One of the oldest structures in the ancient town of Newbury , which , can trace its Mayoral list back unbroken to the days of Queen Elizabeth , has been in the hands of the builders and restorers for some time past , having been purchased by the Loyal Berkshire Lodge , and converted into a handsome Masonic Hall , with a convenient suite of ante-rooms . The premises originally formed an oak-panelled house of superior character ,, which stood !
in its own grounds , near the main thoroughfare now known as Northbrookstreet , so named from a rippling brook which . formerly ran . dowiri the north side of the street , but which for many years has been covered over and lost to sight . For a lengthened period the premises in question , which are approached by a flight of stone steps leading to a hall , from which a handsome oaken staircase connects the basement with the upper floors , were
occupied by successive legal firms , and prior to the erection of the present block of Municipal buildings in the Market-place , were regularly used for police court purposes by the county justices . The conversion of the structure has been carried out in accordance with the Masonic ritual , and the hall is to be dedicated early in the new year by the Deputy Prov . G . M . of Berkshire , Bro . Morland ( Mayor of Abingdon ) .
Bros . Lord Wantage , V . C , John W . Martin , Prov . G . Sec . ; C . E . Keyser , P . G . D . ; and other distinguished members of the Craft will also take part in the inauguration ceremony . The position of W . M . of the lodge has been held for two years by Bro , Col . Gerald Ricardo , who , however , has been represented by the I . P . M ., Bro . Stephen Knight , jun ., during the past 12 months , having been on duty with the Berks Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 238 , A meeting of this lodge was convened at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 20 th ult . Among those present were : Bros . E . Bond , W . M . j E . Hawkins , S , W . ; F . F . Bonney , J . W . ; the Rev . R . C Fillingham , M . A ., P . M ., Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls . P . G . S . B ., P . M ., Sec ; G . Newel ) , S . D . j A . Tisley , P . A . G . D . C , P . M ., * T . fl ! Dodson , P . M . j F . W . Driver , P . G S ., P . M . ( hon . mem . j ; Bro . Walter Crombie was a visitor . • • ¦ *
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . W . Crombie for joining , and for Bro . Chapman of the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 855 , for advancemenc , and it was unanimous , but the latter , through indisposition , was unable to be present . Communications regretting inability to attend were received from Bros . J . V . Sherrin , M . O . j I * . L . Pewtress , S . O . j and
A . Read , J . O . The lodge was then closed . A banquet followed . After the removal of ihe cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . Bros . A . Tisley and F . W . Driver responded on behalf of "The Grand Officers . " r , . ' " ! £ .. ealth ° l the W . M . " was proposed , in flittering terms , by Bro , Dodson , P . M . - ¦ - . ,.
-lheW . M ., in reply , regretted that the candidate for advancement bad not been able to attend that evening . The Prince Leopold Lodge , although numerically smalt , was a most happy institution . He always looked forward to its meetings , and he felt confident that , every other member did . There was such a spirit of good fellowship manifested , and long : might that continue . . ' - '' The toast of " i'he Joining Member " followed . .. - . *' Bro . W . Crombie , in reply , expressed his great acknowledgment to his proposer and seconder . He hoped to be of some service to the lodge . He had a greatdesiro to in
progress Freemasonry , and he had to thank one of their members for so kindly assisting him to achieve that end . o T r i'j ° i ? ? " * i S Past Ma 5 tl ! rs" followed , and was coupled with the name of Bro . 1 . B . Dodson , P . M ., who made a humorous reply in response . " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary * ' followed . Bro . the Rev . R . C . Fillingham , in reply , brielly said that he quite on-braed the remarks of the W . M ., who , in the earlier part of the evening , hid spjSenof ths harmony and good-lcllowship which always attended the mertings of N 0 . 2 38 . Personally he felt proud of belonging to it , and it was one of thoss Misonic b jdiss that he should be very sorry to leive . Bros . Hawkins and Newell having replie J to the toast of " The O . ficers , " the proceedings terminated . —
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Bro . 'Jenks to assist him , but , as a matter of fact , he should think that he assisted Bro . Jenks by putting a few questions . After Bros . E . R . T . Croxall , S . D ., and Jenks , had suitably and modestly replied , the Tyler ' s toast closed the official portion of the proceedings , and a pleasant evening relapsed into a more homely form of amusement-. A capital programme of vocal and instrumental music was furnished by Bro . Jam ; s Kift , Miss Edith Blanchard , Bro . Arthur Strugnell , Bro . Jas . A . Hamilton , Bro . H . J . Baynton , and Bro . Ophermien .
St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 225 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . S . SPARKES . The annual installation festival and anniversary of St . John was duly observed by the brethren of the above lodge at the Masonic Hall , Soane-street , Ipswich , on the 12 th inst ., and the event passed off with an eclat never surpassed in the history of the lodge . The fourth oldest lodge in the Province of Suffolk , St . Luke ' s for several years has been making , rapid progress , both financially and numerically , but the year just ended has
been one of unparalleled success , and Bro . H . J . Brook ( who accepted the W . M . 's chair in unexpected circumstances ) is to be congratulated upon his year of office having proved a record one—so much so that the lodge was on this occasion enabled to vote out of its funds 50 guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . There was a crowded attendance of members and visiting brethren to witness the installation of the popular S . W . of the lodge , Bro . Sergt .-Major Sparkes , and , in addition to the lorlge officers and 30 members , the following Past Masters signed the presence
book : Bros . G . Abbott , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . Talbot , P . P . G . S . B . ; S . Snow ; A . W . Cook , P . P . G . P . ; J . A . Pettit , P . P . G . S . of W . ; G . P . Price , P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . J . Whitehead , P . P . G . P . ; W . H . Cook , P . A . G . P . ; S . Skerritt , P . G . Stwd . ; W . Rumsby ; and G . W . Senton , P . G . Std . Br . The visitors included the following : Bros . V . D . Colchester , W . M . 114 , P . P . S . G . D . ; C . E . Tempest , Sec . 114 , P . P . J . G . D . ; F .
G . Bond , 114 ; G . Turner , 37 6 , P . P . J . G . D . ; G . R . Chilver , 37 6 ; A . C . Hayward , 37 6 ; E . G . Dale , 37 6 ; C . Grayson , W . M . 959 ; E . Hills , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . F . Odium , W . Watson , R . H . Unsworth , P . P . G . S . of W . ; C . E . Whitmarsh , A . Goff , A . T . Shepherd , and G . A . Aylward , all of 959 ; and C . A . Brasted 2063 . The esteemed Prov . G . Sec , Bro . N . Tracy , and several other well-known brethren were unavoidably absent .
The lodge being duly opened , Bro . S . Sparkes was installed into the W . M . ' s chair by Bro . Walter Rumsby , who discharged his onerous task with much ability . The newlyelected W . M . then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . H . J . Brook , I . P . M . j R . Miller , S . W .: Jas . Howlett , J . W . j J . Talbot , P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . j G . P . Price , P . P . G . Std . Br ., Sec . ; R . D . Taylor , S . D . j W . J . Christie , J . D . ; A . W . Cook , P . P . G . P ., D . of C ; W . Parker , Org . ; A . E . Senton , Asst . Org . ; A . Mills , I . G . j E . B . Lewcock , H . B . Clarke , F . G . Fisk , J . Burkitt , A . J . Howard , W . W . Fulcher , and C . A . Cundall , Stwds ; and George Gould , Tyler .
After the closing of the lodge , the members and visitors adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a most enjoyable evening was spent , under Bro . Sparkes ' s presidency . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the W . M . mentioning , in proposing " The Queen and the Craft , " that he had now served her Majesty for 37 years . Bros . Senton , P . M ., and G . Abbott , P . M ., responded for " The Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . "
Bro . Rumsby , in felicitous terms , proposed "The Worshipful Master , " who happily responded , and toasted "The Installing Master " in suitable terms . Responding for " The Masonic Charities , " ably submitted by Bro . G . Abbott , P . M ., Bro . G . P . Price , P . P . G . Std . Br ., P . M ., Sec , expatiated on the value of Charity votes to lodges , and said he hoped , with the 50 guineas which the lodge had so generously voted that evening , to present a sum of 100 guineas when he went up to London in February as Charity Steward of St . Luke's . ( Applause . )
The toast ot " The Visitors " was acknowledged by Bros . V . D . Colchester , G . R . Chilver , C A . Brasted , and F . G . Bond , the latter paying a well-deserved tribute to the services rendered by the W . M . to the Ipswich Companies of the ist V . B . S . R . " The I . P . M . " and "The Officers ot St . Luke ' s Lodge" were also honoured and responded to , the following brethren contrib uting to the harmony ot the proceedings : Bros . . Copeland , Brasted , Abbott , Talbot , Unsworth , Chilver , and H . Anderson ( accompanist ) .
Empress Lodge , No . 2581 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . G . D . COLEMAN . The members of this lodge were surrounded by a large and influential gathering of visitors at the installation meeting , held at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , on the 12 th instant . During its short career the Empress Lodge has enjoyed considerable success , and from the very character of the proceedings under notice there seems every prospect ot a continuance in the future . - After the opening of the lodge and the confirmation of the minutes , the Audit Report , which showed a very healthy financial state , was unanimously adopted . Bro . tne Mastertnen inscaiiea ioieman tne
Uhas . 1 . Kiralty , retiring , aoiy oro . u . u . _ . as w . Master for the ensuing year . The following officers were appointed : Bros . G . C . Breeze , S . W . j J . S . Bhumgara , J . W . j Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; Percival Dixon , Sec . j G . R . Blades , S . D . j G . G . Kirchener , J . D . ; N . F . Bhumgara , D . C . ; W . H . Bond , I . G . j W . F . Allvey , B . Dawson , M . D ., and W . H . Jeffcoat , Stwds . j . ^ 1 . C f 7 IKe * Tul « r ftrn P I Kiralfv . I . P . M .. was nrf , «» nfp # ? with 9 hanrfcnmi . Pad
Master ' s jewel , in recognition of his valuable services in the chair . Bro . Kirchener was heartily welcomed back to the lodge after a serious _ illness , and expressed his acknowledgments for the sympathy and kindness shown to bim . An interesting letter was read from Bro . Will Chapman , P . M ., in South Africa , which was ordered to be inserted on the minutes . A resolution affecting the bye-laws was adopted , and the lodge was closed .
After banquet , the customary toasts were proceeded with , " The Queen and the Craft" being first heartily received . In giving " H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., Pro G . M ., Dep . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M . said they were favoured that evening with the presence of . some of the most illustrious lights in Freemasonry . He coupled with the toast the names of Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., an honorary member of the lodge , and Bro . Loveland Loveland , a very old friend . Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., in his response , said the toast included something
that seemed incongruous— ' the rest of the Grand Officers . " They had no rest , being always bustled about . The brethren could never go to a good lodge meeting held in a good restaurant , but they found the Grand Officers well to the front . He would siy one word about the W . M . Four or five years ago a small parcel was sent from Madras to England and arrived at the Royal Masonic Girls' School . That parcel contained a little girl which was taken care of by the W . M . and his wife , and she was now growing up and doing well . This only showed what a good Mason the W . M . was , but he would make no further remarks on this subject , fearing to take the wind out of the sails of . the
I . P . M . Bro . Loveland Loveland , President of the Board of Genera ) Purposes , said he had known the W . M . for many years , and was proud to see him in his present position—the chair of a vtry fine lodge—a pest which he would fill admirably . The W . M . alwavs did everything thoroughly , and he congratulated Bro . Coleman and the lodge on their
respective positions . Bro . Charles I . Kiralfy , I . P . M ., then proposed "The W . M ., " and said the lodge considered itself extremely fortunate in having such a man for W . M . as Bro . Coleman . Both in and out of Masonry , Bro . Coleman was one who carried Masonry with him thiough his daily life , being entirely imbued with the spirit of it . To sum up his good qualities-, he was the right man in the right place , and everything he did was done with a grace and a certain am-iunt of modesty that was most delightful to observe .
Bio . G . D . Coleman , W . M ., in his reply , said that , as they might imagine , after the veiy hi arty reception given him , he felt nervous in getting on his legs to return thanks . He thanked the I . P . M . for the very kind and far too flattering manner in which he had spoken of him , and the bretnren for receiving the toast so well . He should , indeed , be the wrong man in the wrong place if he did not appreciate the kindly sentiments of his predecessors . He felt this so thoroughly that he had forgotten what be ought to say . The task he had before him in that chair was a difficult one , for , un-
Craft Masonry.
fortunately for him , his predecessors had done their duty exceedingly well , { a succeeding them he had qualms of conscience , but he would do his best , and if he could give them satisfaction he should satisfy himself . The I . P . M . had said so many kind things of him that he was afraid they would expect far more from him in the work than- he-could , fulfil . He would ,, however , do his best , and thanked them heartily , for he felt more than he could say after their hearty reception . The W . M . then eave"The I . P . M ., " remarking that Bro . C . Kiralfy had
proved himself a worthy son of a distinguished - father . . They ¦ had excellent work from Bro . Imre Kiralfy , and his son had taken note of that good example . ' Bro . Chas . Kiralty , I . P . M ., had worked the Degrees with that ability which inspired confidence in his officers . The I . P . M . carried with him the affectionate remembrance of all the officers , and it the rest of the Masters of the lodge were as good the . lodge would continue to prosper . Bro . C I . Kiralfy , I . P . M ., thanked the VIM . ' for their support , and took this opportunity of thanking them for the beautiful jewel presented to him that evening .
lt would not only be a memento of the lodge and its associations , but a souvenir of the brethren individually and collectively . It would be an individual souvenir of the W . M . as having come from the W . M . ' s hands , and he would prize it as such . It would be a souvenir of the officers for the able , pleasing , and delightful way in which they "had supported him . It would be a souvenir of the initiates he had brought into
Freemasonry . The soldier valued his Victoria Cross , the sportsman his blue riband , and the Past Master his jewel as something beyond everything else .. Life was made up of sunshine and storm , and it was just such a souvenir as this , when they were far away , that the signification of the emblem reminded them that they could not be friendless . On such an occasion it would be an encouragement to try and leave the world a little better than he found it .
For "The Visitors" Bros . Glaiser , P . M . 34 ; Dr . Beresford Ryley , P . P . G . W . Middx . ; and Sir Montagu Nelson responded . Bros . Sir Joseph Dimsdale , M . P ., P . M ., and Imre Kiralfy , P . M ., Treas ., answered for " The Past Masters , " and Bro . Breese , S . W ., for " The Officers . " A pleasant entertainment was given under the direction of Bro . James Kift , assisted by Miss Ethel Bevan , Miss Ethel Marsh , and Bros . Walter Churcher , Franklin Clive , and Fred Russell . Amongst the large company present were Bros . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . ; J
H . Matthews , President of the Board of Benevolence j Frank Richardson , P . G . D . j J . L . Thomas , P . A . G . D . C . j R . Clay Sudlow , P . G . S . B . j Thomas Fenn , P . G . W . j R . Loveland Loveland , President of the Board of the General Purposes ; T , Poultney Griffin , P . G . D . j Gordon Miller , P . G . D . ; Sir Arthur Trendell , P . A . G . D . C . ; Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C . ; Dr . j . Beresford Ryley , P . P . G . W . ; C E . Birch , P . P . G . W . ; A . R . Bilby , P . P . G . W . j Sir Montagu Nelson , T . Fraser , W . M . 2488 ; W . S . Hooper , P . M . , * A . Tite , A . J . Thomas , P . M . ; J . H . Dimsdale , P . M . ; E . C . Fisk , W . M . 2323 ; G . Greiner , P . M . ; F . A . Nash , J . W . 1768 j Dr . R . J . Maitland Coffin , P . M . j F . W . Barrett , and many others .
Freemasonry In Berkshire.
One of the oldest structures in the ancient town of Newbury , which , can trace its Mayoral list back unbroken to the days of Queen Elizabeth , has been in the hands of the builders and restorers for some time past , having been purchased by the Loyal Berkshire Lodge , and converted into a handsome Masonic Hall , with a convenient suite of ante-rooms . The premises originally formed an oak-panelled house of superior character ,, which stood !
in its own grounds , near the main thoroughfare now known as Northbrookstreet , so named from a rippling brook which . formerly ran . dowiri the north side of the street , but which for many years has been covered over and lost to sight . For a lengthened period the premises in question , which are approached by a flight of stone steps leading to a hall , from which a handsome oaken staircase connects the basement with the upper floors , were
occupied by successive legal firms , and prior to the erection of the present block of Municipal buildings in the Market-place , were regularly used for police court purposes by the county justices . The conversion of the structure has been carried out in accordance with the Masonic ritual , and the hall is to be dedicated early in the new year by the Deputy Prov . G . M . of Berkshire , Bro . Morland ( Mayor of Abingdon ) .
Bros . Lord Wantage , V . C , John W . Martin , Prov . G . Sec . ; C . E . Keyser , P . G . D . ; and other distinguished members of the Craft will also take part in the inauguration ceremony . The position of W . M . of the lodge has been held for two years by Bro , Col . Gerald Ricardo , who , however , has been represented by the I . P . M ., Bro . Stephen Knight , jun ., during the past 12 months , having been on duty with the Berks Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 238 , A meeting of this lodge was convened at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 20 th ult . Among those present were : Bros . E . Bond , W . M . j E . Hawkins , S , W . ; F . F . Bonney , J . W . ; the Rev . R . C Fillingham , M . A ., P . M ., Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls . P . G . S . B ., P . M ., Sec ; G . Newel ) , S . D . j A . Tisley , P . A . G . D . C , P . M ., * T . fl ! Dodson , P . M . j F . W . Driver , P . G S ., P . M . ( hon . mem . j ; Bro . Walter Crombie was a visitor . • • ¦ *
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . W . Crombie for joining , and for Bro . Chapman of the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 855 , for advancemenc , and it was unanimous , but the latter , through indisposition , was unable to be present . Communications regretting inability to attend were received from Bros . J . V . Sherrin , M . O . j I * . L . Pewtress , S . O . j and
A . Read , J . O . The lodge was then closed . A banquet followed . After the removal of ihe cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . Bros . A . Tisley and F . W . Driver responded on behalf of "The Grand Officers . " r , . ' " ! £ .. ealth ° l the W . M . " was proposed , in flittering terms , by Bro , Dodson , P . M . - ¦ - . ,.
-lheW . M ., in reply , regretted that the candidate for advancement bad not been able to attend that evening . The Prince Leopold Lodge , although numerically smalt , was a most happy institution . He always looked forward to its meetings , and he felt confident that , every other member did . There was such a spirit of good fellowship manifested , and long : might that continue . . ' - '' The toast of " i'he Joining Member " followed . .. - . *' Bro . W . Crombie , in reply , expressed his great acknowledgment to his proposer and seconder . He hoped to be of some service to the lodge . He had a greatdesiro to in
progress Freemasonry , and he had to thank one of their members for so kindly assisting him to achieve that end . o T r i'j ° i ? ? " * i S Past Ma 5 tl ! rs" followed , and was coupled with the name of Bro . 1 . B . Dodson , P . M ., who made a humorous reply in response . " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary * ' followed . Bro . the Rev . R . C . Fillingham , in reply , brielly said that he quite on-braed the remarks of the W . M ., who , in the earlier part of the evening , hid spjSenof ths harmony and good-lcllowship which always attended the mertings of N 0 . 2 38 . Personally he felt proud of belonging to it , and it was one of thoss Misonic b jdiss that he should be very sorry to leive . Bros . Hawkins and Newell having replie J to the toast of " The O . ficers , " the proceedings terminated . —