Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF GIBRALTAR. Page 1 of 1 Article WINES AND SPIRITS (Foreign) on Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vest of the Royal Family . " Song , " God Bless the n * ice ' of Wales . " Toast , "The R . W . the Pro G . M ., the r " . of Carnarvon , " proposed by the W . M . " The R . W . ,, G . M . Bro . Col . Charles Lyne , " " Thc V . W . thc D . P . G . M . n ' -i ' Captain S . G . Homfray . " "The Bishop and Clergy ni ' Ministers of all Denominations , " by Bro . W . Davis , ' ., jj . 1098 . Responded to by Bro . Rev . E . Jones , Chaplain
on q and Bvo . Rev . J . II . Hughes , 1098 . The Installing Master , Bvo . G . A . Brown , P . M . 99 8 , P . Prov . G . R . Mon . ^ ¦ nd 109 8 . " Responded toby Bro . Brown . " The W . M ., " by livo . Movgan , I . P . M . Responded to by the W . M . " The Past Masters of the Lodge" was given by the W . M ., and Bvo . )• Lewis responded . "The Lodges of the Province "
was proposed by Bro . H . Hale , and replied to by Bro . W . 1 loyd . Bl' ° - O . A . Brown gave " The Visitors , " and expressed the pleasure he felt nt seeing so lnrge a muster from distant places . Bro . Spooner , who had only recently returned from Australia , replied to the toast . Bro . R . Lnybourne . rave"The Chapters of the Province . " The toast of "The Officers of the Lodge" was proposed by the' jW . M . Bro .
lt . Spencer responded , and m a few felicitous remarks concluded an allusion to his old friend , thc W . M ' ., as follows : if his eloquence will not adorn the chair , I am ( mite sure his princip les will . "The Tyler ' s" toast was proposed by Bro , G . A . Browne . Bro . Golding presided at the piano , and some capital songs were contributed by Bvos . Lloyd , Brown ,
North , J- Morgan , ! . Spencer , and others . Bro . J . Spooner presented a handsome Masonic jewel to the W . M ., Bro . Sw ' ulenbank . Accompanying the jewel was a letter , the contents of which were supposed to have reference to the continual kindness shown by the W . M . towards the near relatives of the writer during thc long years of the absence of the latter in Australia . This closed a purely Masonic
evening , at an early hour . M'i'ntoi'oi . rrAN LODGE ( NO . 1507 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this young lodge was held on the 21 st inst ., nt the Metropolitan Club . 269 , Pentonville-road , under the presidency of Bro . James Willing , jun ., W . M . Among the other brethren present were Bros . Michael , S . W . ; Williams I . W . ; Tims , P . M . Treasurer ; Child , S . D . ;
Kingham , J-D . ; Douglas , I . G . ; Stiles , Scale , Side , Cheek , W . B . Clarke , J . Pomeroy , W . M . 723 ; J . S . Wilkes , 177 ; Harris , and Croaker . Bros . Culls , Hopton , Jones , Cook , and Carter were raised ; Bros . Gilbert , Dunmore , Cox , Trimmings , Brumell , Bunkill . and Easey were passed ; nnd Messrs . Tims , Hatton , and Horton were initiated . Bros . Abbott Smith , and T . J . Cadett were balloted for as joining members ; and the W . Master's motion "That a Lodge of
Instruction be attached to the lodge , under the presidency of t ' ne W . M . " was brought on and carried . Banquet was afterwards provided , to which 41 brethren sat down ; and t ! i ¦ toasts weve afterwards honoured . Bro . Tims , P . M ., proposed " The VV . Master ' s Health , " and in reply , Bro . Willing referred to thc great prosperity of the lodge in this , its first year ; everything the lodge possessed being paid for , and the Treasurer having in hand £ (> o .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BARNSTAPLE . —CIIAPTEH ot- LOYALTY AND VIHTUE ( N ' o . 251 ) . —On Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., thc annual meeting of this chapter was held at thc Masonic Hall , Quc . n Ann ' s-walk , when , after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the officers for thc ensuing year were -appointed as follows : —Comps . F , Symons , Z . ; VV . II . Brewer , II . ; W . Britton , f . ; Joseph Harper , P . Z . ; E . Furse , Scribe , E . ; J . T . Shapland , Scribe ,
N . ; Wm . Oliver , Principal Sojourner ; J . T . Widgcry , Assistant Sojourner ; John List , Treasurer ; J . Edwards , Organist ; A . Bater and H . J . Hancock , Janitors . After some brethren had been proposed for exaltation , the chapter was closed according to ancient custom . The companions then adjourned to the ltoyal and Fortescue Hotel , where a banquet was prepared by Comp . May , and a most pleasant evening was spent under the very able presidency of Co mp Brewer .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . A special meeting of the P . G . L . of the Province was held on the 14 th inst ., in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street . I he R . W . M ., Bro . W . Montgomerie Neilson , presided , supported b y Bros . J . Baird , R . Robb , J . B . Walker , J . Fraser , J . Balfour , T . Halkett , J . Gillies , A . Allison , and G . J ballon . The lodge having been duly opened , the
Chairman said that , as they were aware , this was a special meeting , called for the purpose of nominating office-bearers of the lod ge for the Masonic year 1875 . According to custom , the members of the P . G . L . Committee had met an hour previous for tlie purpose of preparing nnd commending to their approval a list of names of brethren whom they consielered elicible to hold the respective offices to be
"' led up , and thnt list the Secretary , Bro . M'Taggnrt , would now put before them . The Secretary accordingly did so , w ; ih the result that in almost every case the nominee of the committee wns approved of item . con . The " ' 'lowing is the list of those who were thus defuclo elected : — . I- B . Walker , Treasurer ; J . Gillies , S . D . ; G . Thallon , ¦ - 'J- * , J . Ritchie . P . G . Architect : H . Robb . P . G . Marsh .-il :
. !¦ l ' raser , Assistant Marshal ; A . Allison , P . G . Jeweller ; A- Bain , P . G . B . B . ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . of C ; ' j . Miller , 1 G . Dir . of Music ; W . Phillips , P . G . Swordbearer ; A . £ mck Smith , P . G . Inner Guard ; J . B . Hardie , P . G . Outcv uard ; G . Sinclair , Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund . It
• is agreed , on the recommendation of the Committee , ' '"* al' » y of the O . G . be £ 5 a year , and also that the initial levy on the province for the support of P . G . L . be "• j ' . lmucd ** . t the rate- of £ 2 . Thereafter , the Chairman I , ' ,. ™ t with reference to his own commissioned office"tai-ers ( viz ., the D . M ., S . M ., S . W ., and J . W . ) , he was not
¦ - ¦ aiing to name them just yet . He had been for some time in communication , with a very influential gentleman in Glasgow—one , too , with plenty of money—whom he ( the Chairman ) wanted to come ami take office amon g them , and put his hand to the work nnd help them . That wns
his reason for not being that night prepared to name his office-bearers ; but he hoped by next meeting night to present a list that vvould meet their approval . After some discussion regarding the forthcoming festival of all thc lodges in the province , to be held on Friday next in the City Hall , the lodge was duly closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . , *¦; . )—This most prosperous lodge held their regular bi-monthly meeting in their loelge voom , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 19 th inst . Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., in the chair . Bros . John Young , S . W . ; David Morn , J . W . ; R . B . Dalzell , Treasurer ; John Dick , Secretary ; P . Brownlie-, S . D . ; John Reid , J . D . ; nnd thc remaining officers in their places ;
there were also present : Bros . Thomas Fletcher , P . M . ; J . B . Walker , P . M . ; W . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) ; and a large gathering of the members of thc lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M . ; minutes rend and confirmed . Letters of application were read to admit the following gentlemen into the Order ( duly proposed and seconded ) , viz : —J ohn F . McFariane , Robt . Boyle ,
jun . ; James Paterson , and Daniel Montgomery ; there being no objection , the candidates entered and received the Entered Apprentice Degree . The lodge was then raised to Fellow Craft , when the following brethren received that degree , viz : Jas . Paterson , John F . M . Farlane , Robt . Boyle , jun . ; Daniel Montgomery , James Buttle , and Andrew Cameron . The ceremony of both degrees being
performed in a most able manner ; the 1 st degree by the R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Bell ; and the 2 nd degree by the Secretary , Bro . John Dick . Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., reminded the brethren of the festival of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , to take place in City Hall , on Friday , 22 nd inst , the proceeds of which was to be devoted in aid of the benevolent fund . He therefore hoped that as many
members of St . John ' s as possible would endeavour to be present on thnt occasion . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , where it remained in harmony until hi gh twelve , recalled to labour and closed hVdue form . COLTNESS . —LODGE ST . MARY ( NO . 31 ) . —Ata general meeting of this lodge , held in Scott's Commercial Hall , the following office-bearers were duly installed for the ensuing
year : Bros . Robert Kelso , R . W . M . ; Charles Gilchrist , P . M . ; Alexander Marshall , D . M . ; Robert Scott , S . M . ; It . Laurie , S . W . ; James Wyllie , J . W . ; P . Pearson , Secretary , James Scott , Treasurer ; Wm . Forrest , Chaplain ; Thomas Fulton , B . B . ; James Barr , S . D . ; Robert M'Killop , J . D . ; Wm . Snndilnnds , S . S . ; John Lyle , J . S . ; David Dalziel , S . B . ; II . Naismith , I . G . ; J . Braidwooil , Ty ler .
GLASGOW . —LODGE THISTLE ( No . 87 ) . —The members of this lodge met in their lodge-room , No . 12 , Trongate , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . J . VV . Burns , R . W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . Jas . Booth , S . W . ; Wm .. Wilson , J . W . ; John Miller , P . M . ; C . K . Jenkins , D . M . ; Jas . Love , S . M . ; Thos . Paton , Treasurer ; D . Mc Dougall , Secretary ; W . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) ; and a
goodly number of brethren and visitors . Thc lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., and the minutes of last meeting and applications from candidates for admittance into the Order read and confirmed . There being no objections to the candidates , Mv . H . Palmer and G . H . Barton received the first degree . Bros . J . Robertson , J . Brown , C . C .
Lapsley , and John Lindsay' were then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and raised to the degree of Master Mason , the ceremonies being carried out in a most impressive manner—the first degree by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . W . Bums , thc two last by P . M . John Miller . The lodge was then closed in dm : form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION ( NO . 332 ) met in their lodge-room , 170 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , the 18 th inst ., it being their regular bi-monthly meeting . Bro . J . B . Macnair occupied the chair , and there were also present Bros . D . McKcidy , S . W . ; J . Fash acting as J . W . ; It . Mitchell , P . M . ; Jas . Balfour , W . 11 . Bickerton , ( Freemason ) ; and a goodly number of brethren . The minutes
of last meeting having been read and some private matters connected with the lodge discussed , applications for admittance to the Order were read from Mr . Wm . Goudie , II , Veysey , A . E . Bartlett , and R . Williams , their application being received unanimously . During the absence of the candidates in the adjacent room , Bro . Balfour gave notice of motion for the raising of the fees of the lodge . The
candidates then entered , Mr . Wm . Goudie receiving thc ist degree , and II . Veysey , A . li . Bartlett , and R . Williams the three degrees , they having been certified as about to leave Scotland on Friday , 22 nd inst . The ceremony of the whole three degrees being performed in a most able and and impressive manner ; the first degree by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . B . Macnair ; the second by Bro . Fash ; the third
by J . Dobbie , S . M . There being no further business , the lodge wns closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMEHCIAI . ( NO . 360 ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , 30 , Hope-street , Glasgow , on Friday , the i-jth inst ., Bro . John Munro , R . W . M ., in the chair ; Bros , j ) M . Olliver , S . W . ; Wm . Finlay , acting J . W . ; J . Erode ,
P . M . ; Wm . Bell , R . W . M . Lodge St . John , No . 3 bis . Deputations from Lodge Thistle , No . 87 , and Lodge Union , No . 332 ; Bro . W . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) , and a goodly number of brethren . Thc lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The R . W . M ., Bro . J . Munro , gave a Masonic
reading in a most impressive and masterly style , to the great delight of all those present . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form . CAMBUSNETHAN . —LODGE ST . CI . AIU ( No . 427)—The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on thc 15 th inst . in their lodge room , when thc follow-
ing office-beavers were duly installed : —Wm . Smith , R . W . M . ; Thomas Gillespie , D . M . ; W . M'Gibbon , S . M . ; Wnlter Gibbs , Secretary ; Anthony Muir , Clerk ; David Johnstone , Treasurer ; Henry Hamilton , S . W . ; William Johnstone , J . . ; George Kirk , Chaplain ; Wm . Stark , S . D . ; W . Brown , J . D . ; Andrew M'Creddic , S . S . ; John Frame , J . S . ; James Nichol , I . G . ; John Nelson , S . B . ; P .
Burns , 1 ylcr . GLASGOW . —LODGE . MARIE STUART ( No . 541 ) . —In the Freemason of the 9 th inst ., we reported the first of a series of three meetings of instruction , organized by the R . W . M . of this young and prosperous lodge , Bro . J . D . Porteous , and held in the Queen's Park Rooms , Crossbill , on 2 ist ult . On that occasion , as local readers will
remember , the ceremonial of initiation was performed in an impressive manner b y Bro . Julius Erode , S . M . of the lodge . On Monday , nth inst , the second meeting of the series was held in the same place . In the absence * , through indisposition , of thc R . W . M ., Bro . Erode presided , nnd of the other Office-bearers there were present Bros . VV . Mc G . Mason , S . W . ; Jns . Stamm , J . W . ; S . Findlater , Treasurer :
and R . A . Buchanan , Secretary . On the dais , supporting the chairman , were Bros . Walkev , Chaplain ; William Gillies , P . M . of the lodge ; and John Munro , R . W . M . 3 60 . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros . Willinm Wilson , J . W . 87 ; a deputation from Lodge 347 ( St . J ohn ' s Operative , Rutherglen ) , consisting of Bros . John Cunningham , R . W . M . ; David Smart , S . M . ; and John Murdoch ,
S . W . ; Bros . D . Lamb , D . M . 3 60 , and J . Stewart , Freemason . The lodge having been opened in the E . A . degree , the Chairman first called attention to a pair of nimble ashlars , one rough hewed and the other polished , laid on the table before him , and then read a letter from the donor , Bro . Stamm , J . W ., in which he said 1— " In presenting these emblems to Lodge Marie Stuart 541 , I have been
asked to say a few words , both from nn operative nnd speculative point of view . First , from an operative point of view , wc are all aware that a stone as it comes from the quarry is unfit for the use of the builder until it is put under the hands of the persevering craftsman who , with maul , chisel , square , and compass , and thc Architect ' s plan on thc trestle-board , transforms it into a thing of beauty
in order to adorn the building for which it is intended . We , however , as speculative masons look upon these emblems from a much higher and nobler stand point . First , all men are born into this world on the level , all are as rough stones from the quarry , and according ns the light of education dawns upon them , so is the first application of the chisel which may make them statesmen ,
or suit them to move in whatever capacity they may be placed in this life , and with their mind divested of all impurities , prepares them for those mansions , not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . With these few remarks , brethren , I beg to hand over these emblems to Lodge Marie Stuart and to the care of the present R . W . M . and to his successors in office in perpetuity , and trust they may
not suffer the fate of their predecessors . The chairman then introduced Bro . Munro , R . W . M . Lodge Commercial ( 360 ) , who , he said , would perform thc work of the evening , and from whose instructions he trusted they vvould all derive benefit that night . Bro . Munro then entered upon a lengthy and interesting lecture , in which , while tracing the origin and objects of F ' reemasonry generally , he
referred in particular to the nature and obligations of the second , or Fellow-Craft , degree . He thereafter passed Bro . Peter Martin from the E . A . degree to that of Fellow-Craft in unusually complete and impressive form , the ceremonial including music vocal and instrumental , under
the superintendence of Bro . Schob , Organist of No . 541 . The third and concluding meeting of the series is announced for Monday , 22 nd . prox ., when the ceremonial of raising to sublime degree , with service of music from Mendelssohn's "Antigone , " will bc performed by the accomplished R . W . M . of the lodge , Bro . J . D . Porteous .
District Grand Lodge Of Gibraltar.
The regular half-yearly meeting of this lodge , was held on Monday , 28 th December last , at the rooms of the Lodge of Friendship , and was presided over by the R . W . D . G . M ., Bro . Cornwcll , supported by the R . W . Deputy D . G . M ., Bro . Capt . Gibbard . The minutes ofthe last meeting were read
and confirmed , as also thc financial statement for thc past year . The oflicers for thc ensuing year were appointed and invested by thc District Grand Master . It was resolved that the thanks of the lodge , as also a testimonial , be presented to Bro . It . B . Hcppcr , the District Grand Secretary , for his constant efforts in furthering its
welfare , and for thc great skill and ability displayed by him in designing and arranging thc books and documents connected with the records of the lodge . After a few words cf friendly counsel from the Grand Master to the various lodges , the Grand Lodge was closed in due form .
Wines And Spirits (Foreign) On
WINES AND SPIRITS ( Foreign ) on
which Duty was paid iu Lonelon by some of the principal firms during the past year . WINES ( FOREIGN ) SPIRITS ( FOREIBN ) Gallons Gallons VV & A Gilbcy 886 , 298 VV & A Gilbcy 348 , '\ 14 Dingwall , Portal & Co 130 , 632 Twiss & Rrovviiin-z ... 193 , 211 F VV Cosens 115 , 800 Daniel Taylor & Sons 165 , 005 R Hooper & Sons ... 103 , 095 Trower & Lawson ... 163 , 687 Max Gregcr 8 : Co .., 100 , 166 Dingwall , Pnrtnl & Co 136 , 794
D Taylor & Sons 86 , 555 Galbraith , Gram & Co 91 , 828 Dent , Unvick & Co ... 79 , 791 It Hooper & Sons ... 84 , 264 CunlltTe and Co 78 , 251 E S Pick & Co 65 , 362 T VV Staplcton & Co ... 76 , 834 R Burnett & Son ... 58 , 6 91 W I Murray 76 , 292 Daun & Valle-nlin ... 56 , 329 H 1 * Maylielu * 73 , 665 Osmond & Co 56 , 181 C G Phillips k Co ... 72 , 002 Fulcher & Robinson ... 4 6 , 549 Besides the preceding there were about 200 firms who paid duty on Wines and Sp irits in less quantities than those above mentioned . — I 17 ne Trade Review , itlh January 1874 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vest of the Royal Family . " Song , " God Bless the n * ice ' of Wales . " Toast , "The R . W . the Pro G . M ., the r " . of Carnarvon , " proposed by the W . M . " The R . W . ,, G . M . Bro . Col . Charles Lyne , " " Thc V . W . thc D . P . G . M . n ' -i ' Captain S . G . Homfray . " "The Bishop and Clergy ni ' Ministers of all Denominations , " by Bro . W . Davis , ' ., jj . 1098 . Responded to by Bro . Rev . E . Jones , Chaplain
on q and Bvo . Rev . J . II . Hughes , 1098 . The Installing Master , Bvo . G . A . Brown , P . M . 99 8 , P . Prov . G . R . Mon . ^ ¦ nd 109 8 . " Responded toby Bro . Brown . " The W . M ., " by livo . Movgan , I . P . M . Responded to by the W . M . " The Past Masters of the Lodge" was given by the W . M ., and Bvo . )• Lewis responded . "The Lodges of the Province "
was proposed by Bro . H . Hale , and replied to by Bro . W . 1 loyd . Bl' ° - O . A . Brown gave " The Visitors , " and expressed the pleasure he felt nt seeing so lnrge a muster from distant places . Bro . Spooner , who had only recently returned from Australia , replied to the toast . Bro . R . Lnybourne . rave"The Chapters of the Province . " The toast of "The Officers of the Lodge" was proposed by the' jW . M . Bro .
lt . Spencer responded , and m a few felicitous remarks concluded an allusion to his old friend , thc W . M ' ., as follows : if his eloquence will not adorn the chair , I am ( mite sure his princip les will . "The Tyler ' s" toast was proposed by Bro , G . A . Browne . Bro . Golding presided at the piano , and some capital songs were contributed by Bvos . Lloyd , Brown ,
North , J- Morgan , ! . Spencer , and others . Bro . J . Spooner presented a handsome Masonic jewel to the W . M ., Bro . Sw ' ulenbank . Accompanying the jewel was a letter , the contents of which were supposed to have reference to the continual kindness shown by the W . M . towards the near relatives of the writer during thc long years of the absence of the latter in Australia . This closed a purely Masonic
evening , at an early hour . M'i'ntoi'oi . rrAN LODGE ( NO . 1507 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this young lodge was held on the 21 st inst ., nt the Metropolitan Club . 269 , Pentonville-road , under the presidency of Bro . James Willing , jun ., W . M . Among the other brethren present were Bros . Michael , S . W . ; Williams I . W . ; Tims , P . M . Treasurer ; Child , S . D . ;
Kingham , J-D . ; Douglas , I . G . ; Stiles , Scale , Side , Cheek , W . B . Clarke , J . Pomeroy , W . M . 723 ; J . S . Wilkes , 177 ; Harris , and Croaker . Bros . Culls , Hopton , Jones , Cook , and Carter were raised ; Bros . Gilbert , Dunmore , Cox , Trimmings , Brumell , Bunkill . and Easey were passed ; nnd Messrs . Tims , Hatton , and Horton were initiated . Bros . Abbott Smith , and T . J . Cadett were balloted for as joining members ; and the W . Master's motion "That a Lodge of
Instruction be attached to the lodge , under the presidency of t ' ne W . M . " was brought on and carried . Banquet was afterwards provided , to which 41 brethren sat down ; and t ! i ¦ toasts weve afterwards honoured . Bro . Tims , P . M ., proposed " The VV . Master ' s Health , " and in reply , Bro . Willing referred to thc great prosperity of the lodge in this , its first year ; everything the lodge possessed being paid for , and the Treasurer having in hand £ (> o .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BARNSTAPLE . —CIIAPTEH ot- LOYALTY AND VIHTUE ( N ' o . 251 ) . —On Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., thc annual meeting of this chapter was held at thc Masonic Hall , Quc . n Ann ' s-walk , when , after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the officers for thc ensuing year were -appointed as follows : —Comps . F , Symons , Z . ; VV . II . Brewer , II . ; W . Britton , f . ; Joseph Harper , P . Z . ; E . Furse , Scribe , E . ; J . T . Shapland , Scribe ,
N . ; Wm . Oliver , Principal Sojourner ; J . T . Widgcry , Assistant Sojourner ; John List , Treasurer ; J . Edwards , Organist ; A . Bater and H . J . Hancock , Janitors . After some brethren had been proposed for exaltation , the chapter was closed according to ancient custom . The companions then adjourned to the ltoyal and Fortescue Hotel , where a banquet was prepared by Comp . May , and a most pleasant evening was spent under the very able presidency of Co mp Brewer .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . A special meeting of the P . G . L . of the Province was held on the 14 th inst ., in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street . I he R . W . M ., Bro . W . Montgomerie Neilson , presided , supported b y Bros . J . Baird , R . Robb , J . B . Walker , J . Fraser , J . Balfour , T . Halkett , J . Gillies , A . Allison , and G . J ballon . The lodge having been duly opened , the
Chairman said that , as they were aware , this was a special meeting , called for the purpose of nominating office-bearers of the lod ge for the Masonic year 1875 . According to custom , the members of the P . G . L . Committee had met an hour previous for tlie purpose of preparing nnd commending to their approval a list of names of brethren whom they consielered elicible to hold the respective offices to be
"' led up , and thnt list the Secretary , Bro . M'Taggnrt , would now put before them . The Secretary accordingly did so , w ; ih the result that in almost every case the nominee of the committee wns approved of item . con . The " ' 'lowing is the list of those who were thus defuclo elected : — . I- B . Walker , Treasurer ; J . Gillies , S . D . ; G . Thallon , ¦ - 'J- * , J . Ritchie . P . G . Architect : H . Robb . P . G . Marsh .-il :
. !¦ l ' raser , Assistant Marshal ; A . Allison , P . G . Jeweller ; A- Bain , P . G . B . B . ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . of C ; ' j . Miller , 1 G . Dir . of Music ; W . Phillips , P . G . Swordbearer ; A . £ mck Smith , P . G . Inner Guard ; J . B . Hardie , P . G . Outcv uard ; G . Sinclair , Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund . It
• is agreed , on the recommendation of the Committee , ' '"* al' » y of the O . G . be £ 5 a year , and also that the initial levy on the province for the support of P . G . L . be "• j ' . lmucd ** . t the rate- of £ 2 . Thereafter , the Chairman I , ' ,. ™ t with reference to his own commissioned office"tai-ers ( viz ., the D . M ., S . M ., S . W ., and J . W . ) , he was not
¦ - ¦ aiing to name them just yet . He had been for some time in communication , with a very influential gentleman in Glasgow—one , too , with plenty of money—whom he ( the Chairman ) wanted to come ami take office amon g them , and put his hand to the work nnd help them . That wns
his reason for not being that night prepared to name his office-bearers ; but he hoped by next meeting night to present a list that vvould meet their approval . After some discussion regarding the forthcoming festival of all thc lodges in the province , to be held on Friday next in the City Hall , the lodge was duly closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . , *¦; . )—This most prosperous lodge held their regular bi-monthly meeting in their loelge voom , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 19 th inst . Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., in the chair . Bros . John Young , S . W . ; David Morn , J . W . ; R . B . Dalzell , Treasurer ; John Dick , Secretary ; P . Brownlie-, S . D . ; John Reid , J . D . ; nnd thc remaining officers in their places ;
there were also present : Bros . Thomas Fletcher , P . M . ; J . B . Walker , P . M . ; W . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) ; and a large gathering of the members of thc lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M . ; minutes rend and confirmed . Letters of application were read to admit the following gentlemen into the Order ( duly proposed and seconded ) , viz : —J ohn F . McFariane , Robt . Boyle ,
jun . ; James Paterson , and Daniel Montgomery ; there being no objection , the candidates entered and received the Entered Apprentice Degree . The lodge was then raised to Fellow Craft , when the following brethren received that degree , viz : Jas . Paterson , John F . M . Farlane , Robt . Boyle , jun . ; Daniel Montgomery , James Buttle , and Andrew Cameron . The ceremony of both degrees being
performed in a most able manner ; the 1 st degree by the R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Bell ; and the 2 nd degree by the Secretary , Bro . John Dick . Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., reminded the brethren of the festival of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , to take place in City Hall , on Friday , 22 nd inst , the proceeds of which was to be devoted in aid of the benevolent fund . He therefore hoped that as many
members of St . John ' s as possible would endeavour to be present on thnt occasion . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , where it remained in harmony until hi gh twelve , recalled to labour and closed hVdue form . COLTNESS . —LODGE ST . MARY ( NO . 31 ) . —Ata general meeting of this lodge , held in Scott's Commercial Hall , the following office-bearers were duly installed for the ensuing
year : Bros . Robert Kelso , R . W . M . ; Charles Gilchrist , P . M . ; Alexander Marshall , D . M . ; Robert Scott , S . M . ; It . Laurie , S . W . ; James Wyllie , J . W . ; P . Pearson , Secretary , James Scott , Treasurer ; Wm . Forrest , Chaplain ; Thomas Fulton , B . B . ; James Barr , S . D . ; Robert M'Killop , J . D . ; Wm . Snndilnnds , S . S . ; John Lyle , J . S . ; David Dalziel , S . B . ; II . Naismith , I . G . ; J . Braidwooil , Ty ler .
GLASGOW . —LODGE THISTLE ( No . 87 ) . —The members of this lodge met in their lodge-room , No . 12 , Trongate , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . J . VV . Burns , R . W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . Jas . Booth , S . W . ; Wm .. Wilson , J . W . ; John Miller , P . M . ; C . K . Jenkins , D . M . ; Jas . Love , S . M . ; Thos . Paton , Treasurer ; D . Mc Dougall , Secretary ; W . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) ; and a
goodly number of brethren and visitors . Thc lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., and the minutes of last meeting and applications from candidates for admittance into the Order read and confirmed . There being no objections to the candidates , Mv . H . Palmer and G . H . Barton received the first degree . Bros . J . Robertson , J . Brown , C . C .
Lapsley , and John Lindsay' were then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and raised to the degree of Master Mason , the ceremonies being carried out in a most impressive manner—the first degree by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . W . Bums , thc two last by P . M . John Miller . The lodge was then closed in dm : form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION ( NO . 332 ) met in their lodge-room , 170 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , the 18 th inst ., it being their regular bi-monthly meeting . Bro . J . B . Macnair occupied the chair , and there were also present Bros . D . McKcidy , S . W . ; J . Fash acting as J . W . ; It . Mitchell , P . M . ; Jas . Balfour , W . 11 . Bickerton , ( Freemason ) ; and a goodly number of brethren . The minutes
of last meeting having been read and some private matters connected with the lodge discussed , applications for admittance to the Order were read from Mr . Wm . Goudie , II , Veysey , A . E . Bartlett , and R . Williams , their application being received unanimously . During the absence of the candidates in the adjacent room , Bro . Balfour gave notice of motion for the raising of the fees of the lodge . The
candidates then entered , Mr . Wm . Goudie receiving thc ist degree , and II . Veysey , A . li . Bartlett , and R . Williams the three degrees , they having been certified as about to leave Scotland on Friday , 22 nd inst . The ceremony of the whole three degrees being performed in a most able and and impressive manner ; the first degree by the R . W . M ., Bro . J . B . Macnair ; the second by Bro . Fash ; the third
by J . Dobbie , S . M . There being no further business , the lodge wns closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMEHCIAI . ( NO . 360 ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , 30 , Hope-street , Glasgow , on Friday , the i-jth inst ., Bro . John Munro , R . W . M ., in the chair ; Bros , j ) M . Olliver , S . W . ; Wm . Finlay , acting J . W . ; J . Erode ,
P . M . ; Wm . Bell , R . W . M . Lodge St . John , No . 3 bis . Deputations from Lodge Thistle , No . 87 , and Lodge Union , No . 332 ; Bro . W . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) , and a goodly number of brethren . Thc lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The R . W . M ., Bro . J . Munro , gave a Masonic
reading in a most impressive and masterly style , to the great delight of all those present . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form . CAMBUSNETHAN . —LODGE ST . CI . AIU ( No . 427)—The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on thc 15 th inst . in their lodge room , when thc follow-
ing office-beavers were duly installed : —Wm . Smith , R . W . M . ; Thomas Gillespie , D . M . ; W . M'Gibbon , S . M . ; Wnlter Gibbs , Secretary ; Anthony Muir , Clerk ; David Johnstone , Treasurer ; Henry Hamilton , S . W . ; William Johnstone , J . . ; George Kirk , Chaplain ; Wm . Stark , S . D . ; W . Brown , J . D . ; Andrew M'Creddic , S . S . ; John Frame , J . S . ; James Nichol , I . G . ; John Nelson , S . B . ; P .
Burns , 1 ylcr . GLASGOW . —LODGE . MARIE STUART ( No . 541 ) . —In the Freemason of the 9 th inst ., we reported the first of a series of three meetings of instruction , organized by the R . W . M . of this young and prosperous lodge , Bro . J . D . Porteous , and held in the Queen's Park Rooms , Crossbill , on 2 ist ult . On that occasion , as local readers will
remember , the ceremonial of initiation was performed in an impressive manner b y Bro . Julius Erode , S . M . of the lodge . On Monday , nth inst , the second meeting of the series was held in the same place . In the absence * , through indisposition , of thc R . W . M ., Bro . Erode presided , nnd of the other Office-bearers there were present Bros . VV . Mc G . Mason , S . W . ; Jns . Stamm , J . W . ; S . Findlater , Treasurer :
and R . A . Buchanan , Secretary . On the dais , supporting the chairman , were Bros . Walkev , Chaplain ; William Gillies , P . M . of the lodge ; and John Munro , R . W . M . 3 60 . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros . Willinm Wilson , J . W . 87 ; a deputation from Lodge 347 ( St . J ohn ' s Operative , Rutherglen ) , consisting of Bros . John Cunningham , R . W . M . ; David Smart , S . M . ; and John Murdoch ,
S . W . ; Bros . D . Lamb , D . M . 3 60 , and J . Stewart , Freemason . The lodge having been opened in the E . A . degree , the Chairman first called attention to a pair of nimble ashlars , one rough hewed and the other polished , laid on the table before him , and then read a letter from the donor , Bro . Stamm , J . W ., in which he said 1— " In presenting these emblems to Lodge Marie Stuart 541 , I have been
asked to say a few words , both from nn operative nnd speculative point of view . First , from an operative point of view , wc are all aware that a stone as it comes from the quarry is unfit for the use of the builder until it is put under the hands of the persevering craftsman who , with maul , chisel , square , and compass , and thc Architect ' s plan on thc trestle-board , transforms it into a thing of beauty
in order to adorn the building for which it is intended . We , however , as speculative masons look upon these emblems from a much higher and nobler stand point . First , all men are born into this world on the level , all are as rough stones from the quarry , and according ns the light of education dawns upon them , so is the first application of the chisel which may make them statesmen ,
or suit them to move in whatever capacity they may be placed in this life , and with their mind divested of all impurities , prepares them for those mansions , not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . With these few remarks , brethren , I beg to hand over these emblems to Lodge Marie Stuart and to the care of the present R . W . M . and to his successors in office in perpetuity , and trust they may
not suffer the fate of their predecessors . The chairman then introduced Bro . Munro , R . W . M . Lodge Commercial ( 360 ) , who , he said , would perform thc work of the evening , and from whose instructions he trusted they vvould all derive benefit that night . Bro . Munro then entered upon a lengthy and interesting lecture , in which , while tracing the origin and objects of F ' reemasonry generally , he
referred in particular to the nature and obligations of the second , or Fellow-Craft , degree . He thereafter passed Bro . Peter Martin from the E . A . degree to that of Fellow-Craft in unusually complete and impressive form , the ceremonial including music vocal and instrumental , under
the superintendence of Bro . Schob , Organist of No . 541 . The third and concluding meeting of the series is announced for Monday , 22 nd . prox ., when the ceremonial of raising to sublime degree , with service of music from Mendelssohn's "Antigone , " will bc performed by the accomplished R . W . M . of the lodge , Bro . J . D . Porteous .
District Grand Lodge Of Gibraltar.
The regular half-yearly meeting of this lodge , was held on Monday , 28 th December last , at the rooms of the Lodge of Friendship , and was presided over by the R . W . D . G . M ., Bro . Cornwcll , supported by the R . W . Deputy D . G . M ., Bro . Capt . Gibbard . The minutes ofthe last meeting were read
and confirmed , as also thc financial statement for thc past year . The oflicers for thc ensuing year were appointed and invested by thc District Grand Master . It was resolved that the thanks of the lodge , as also a testimonial , be presented to Bro . It . B . Hcppcr , the District Grand Secretary , for his constant efforts in furthering its
welfare , and for thc great skill and ability displayed by him in designing and arranging thc books and documents connected with the records of the lodge . After a few words cf friendly counsel from the Grand Master to the various lodges , the Grand Lodge was closed in due form .
Wines And Spirits (Foreign) On
WINES AND SPIRITS ( Foreign ) on
which Duty was paid iu Lonelon by some of the principal firms during the past year . WINES ( FOREIGN ) SPIRITS ( FOREIBN ) Gallons Gallons VV & A Gilbcy 886 , 298 VV & A Gilbcy 348 , '\ 14 Dingwall , Portal & Co 130 , 632 Twiss & Rrovviiin-z ... 193 , 211 F VV Cosens 115 , 800 Daniel Taylor & Sons 165 , 005 R Hooper & Sons ... 103 , 095 Trower & Lawson ... 163 , 687 Max Gregcr 8 : Co .., 100 , 166 Dingwall , Pnrtnl & Co 136 , 794
D Taylor & Sons 86 , 555 Galbraith , Gram & Co 91 , 828 Dent , Unvick & Co ... 79 , 791 It Hooper & Sons ... 84 , 264 CunlltTe and Co 78 , 251 E S Pick & Co 65 , 362 T VV Staplcton & Co ... 76 , 834 R Burnett & Son ... 58 , 6 91 W I Murray 76 , 292 Daun & Valle-nlin ... 56 , 329 H 1 * Maylielu * 73 , 665 Osmond & Co 56 , 181 C G Phillips k Co ... 72 , 002 Fulcher & Robinson ... 4 6 , 549 Besides the preceding there were about 200 firms who paid duty on Wines and Sp irits in less quantities than those above mentioned . — I 17 ne Trade Review , itlh January 1874 .