Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ST. HUGH LODGE, No. 1386, LINCOLN. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ST. HUGH LODGE, No. 1386, LINCOLN. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTCH MARK MASONRY IN LANCASHIRE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
11 . W . Eddis , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; T . R . Parker , Prov . G . P . ; and Bros . S . C . Dibdin , P . M . 7 j C . C . Dumas , S . AV . 7 ; J . Strachan , 104 ; J . AV . Dawson , P . AI . 8 ; E . Drewett , P . P . S . D . ; J . Faulkner , 86 ; J . J . Lowenthal , 8 j
J ohn Boyd , 1 ; Hy de Pullen , AV . Piatt , P . AL 8 ; M . D . Loewenstarke , 86 ; Capt . Burgess , S . O . 7 ; R . I . Moore , M . O . 7 ; C . P . Ward , S . AA ' " . 144 ; G . States , Barton , 1 ; Henlev , 8 G . Neall , 118 ; C . A . Cottebrune , 8 j AV . Worrell , 104 ; S . C . Davison , M . O . 1 ; & c .
Letters of apology for absence Avere received from the R . AV . Bro . Iiarl Percy , and Bros . Neilds , Prov . J . O . ; Elkins , Prov . M . O . ; Smallpiece , Prov . G . Treas . j Vichers , Magnus Ohren , Harvey , King , Piggott , and several other brethren .
Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the minutes of the meeting for the constitution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Guildford , on the 2 nd of June , 1871 , Avere confirmed . The report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee then appointed to consider
and arrange the bye-laws was submitted , and the bye-laws having been read , the report and the subsequent proposition for their adoption , were confirmed- The roll of Lodges was called over , from which it appeared that thirteen lodges , under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Loelge ,
are now in working order . The roll of Provincial Grand Officers was then read , and the R . AV . Provincial Grand Alaster made several appointments , and invested Brethren tlu-n present . Bro . C . H . Levander required information as to Avhether or not the whole of the lodges working in Aliddlesex and Surrey , induing those in the
Aletropolitan District , Avere intended to be placed nnder the jurisdiction of this province , and the Provincial Grand Alaster , in reply , stated that for the present that that question remained undecided , but that a referencewouldbemadeto Grand Alark Lodge on the subject , and to ascertain if a home district would be constituted as in the Craft . Some further business of minor detail
having been disposed of , the Provincial Grand Alaster intimated that the ensuing meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would he held at Richmond , in June next . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and the meeting adjourned .
At the banquet which followed , the Provincial Brethren were joined by the members of the neAvly created Grosvenor Lodge , and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by a considerable number of Alark Alaster Masons , who testified to the great success of the afternoon ' s proceedings .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
BOLTOX - . —St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . —The regular meeting of this encampment was held on Alonday , the 18 th Alarch , at the Freemason ' s Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , Avhen there were present the following Sir Knights : — AV . II . AVright , V . E . 1 ) . Prov . G . Commander
Lancashire j G . P . Brockbank , First Grand Captain , Prov . G . Chancellor ; Thomas Alorris , Prov * . G . AVarden of Regalia ; Blain , Brown , Bromley , Newton , Horrocks , Chatwood , Flitcroft , Entwisle , Rostron , Rev . Thomas AVilson ; also Sir Kni ght Stephen Smith , of the Jerusalem Encampment ,
Alanchestcr , P . Prov . G . Treasurer . The li . C , Sir Knight John Fletcher , was unfortunatel y unable to be present , he being engaged in London on important business , and in his absence Sir Knight AA . H . AVright presided . The encampment being opened , the ballot was taken for Comp . A \ m . Green , of St . John ' s Chapter , No .
221 , Bolton , ns a candidate for installation , the result being that he was unanimousl y elected . Comp . Robert Grime , of St . John ' s Chapter , No . 221 , who had been previously elected , was duly installed a Knight of the Order b y Sir Knight AV . H . AVright , the duties of Expert being performed b y Sir Kni ght Brockbank . Sir Knight Wright was re-elected Treasurer of the
Knights Templar.
Encampment , and I < rater Wm . Dawson , Equerry . Sir Knight AVri ght , in the name of the E . C , then appointed the following officers of the encampment for the ensuing year , viz . : —Sir Knights Rev . Thomas AVilson , Prelate ; AVilliam Blain , First Captain ; James Brown , Second
Captain ; G . P . Brockbank , Registrar ; AV . H . AVright , Treasurer ; J . AV . Taylor , Almoner ; James Newton , Expert ; Robert Harwood , First Standard-Bearer ; James Horrocks , Second Standard-Bearer ; Samuel Chatwood , Captain of Lines ;
John Bromley , First Herald ; J . AL Rutter , Second Herald ; and Frater AVilliam Dawson , Equerry . The business being concluded , the encampment was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to refreshment .
MANCHESTER . — Jerusalem Encampment . — The Knights of this encampment met at thc Alasonic Hall , Alanchestcr , on Alonday , the nth instant ; under command of their E . G ., Sir Knight J . McDonald Smith . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed ,
and the muster roll called over , Comps . Charles H . AVilson and Henry Smith were exalted to the degree of Knights Templar . The throne was then occupied by the V . E . D . P . G . C ., Sir Knight AV . H . AVri ght , who proceeded to instal Sir Knight James Arthur Birch , as Eminent
Commander for the ensuing year . The ceremony was exceedingly interesting throughout . The following Sir Knights were appointed to the various offices : —Rev . J . L . Figgins , Prelate ; T . R . AVilliams , First Captain ; IT . Nicholls , Second Captain ; ) . AL AVike , P . E . C , Director
of Ceremonies ; J . Chadwick , P . E . C , Treasurer ; P . H . Jenkins , Registrar ; John Smith , Expert ; G . Brett , F'irst Standard-Bearer ; B . Smith , Second Standard-Bearer ; AV . O . Walker , Almoner ; C . H . Coates , Captain of Lines ; P . Chorlton , First Herald ; | . H . Hooper , Seconel
Herald . Among the visitors were Sir Knights AV . H . AVright , A ' . K . D . P . G . C ; Brockbank , P . G . Chan ., First G . C . of England ; AVoodcock , Prov . G . Chan ., Cheshire ; Pratt , P . E . C ; AVarren , P . E . C . ; and Beresford , Prov . G . Aid ., Cheshire .
At the conclusion of business , the Sir Knights sat down to a most excellent banquet , after which the usual loyal and heraldic toasts were proposed and responeled to , and a very enjoyable eveniii "* spent , the proceedings being enlivened by appropriate music and songs .
Consecration Of The St. Hugh Lodge, No. 1386, Lincoln.
There was a large assemblage of the brethren at the Alasonic Hall , * Grantham-street , Lincoln , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., to witness the constitution and dedication of the St . Hugh Lodge , No . 1386 .
A lodge was formed at 5 . 30 , p . m ., by the AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster of Lincolnshire , Bro . AV . I-I . Smyth , AVIIO elected the officers for the occasion * . —Bros . R . J . Ward , AV . AL 279 , as S . AV . ; E . J . Cullen , SAV . 297 , as JAS ' . F . R . Larken , P . Prov . G . S . B ., P . M . 297 , as Registrar and D . C . ; Rev . Haskett Smith ,
Chaplain 297 , 11 s Chaplain ; J . AI . Read 297 , as Sec ; Jno . Norton , P . Prov . G . P ., P . M . 297 , as S . D . ; C Pocklington 272 , P . Prov . G . D ., as J . D . ; J . T . Tomlinson 588 , P . G . A . D . C , as P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AV . AVatkins , P . G . Supt . of AVorks , LP . AL 297 , as I . G . ; Baraclough 297 , as Organist ; and Box , P . G . Tyler , as Tyler .
After duly opening the lodge , the AN ' . D . Prov . G . AL , Avith praiseworthy ability conducted thc whole of the ceremonial in a most impressive and marked Alasonic manner , the responses and anthems having musical accompaniments . He then delivered to the brethren present an excellent and well versed oration on the true principles
and virtues of Freemasonry , and immediately afterwards rehearsed the charges , and installed Bro . Jno . Glein Bayles , P . G . O ., as the first AV . M . of the Saint Hugh Loelge . The brethren then congratulated the new AIaster , and reappointed the following officers , viz . r—Bros . Frederick and Henry AVatson , S . and J . W . ' sj W . AVatkins , D . C ; Henry Hill , Sec .: C Hay-
Consecration Of The St. Hugh Lodge, No. 1386, Lincoln.
ward , S . D . ; Dr . G . M . Lowe , J . D . ; and J . AI Read , I . G . Bro . F . R . Larken , P . Prov . G . S . B ., P . AL 297 , rehearsed Avith Avell rendered effect the charges to the Wardens . Bro . J . AI . Woodall , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., North and East Riding , Yorkshire , delivered a pleasing congratulatory address to the neAv lodge .
Two new candidates for Freemasonry , and six joining brethren Avere proposed , which , with the ; thirty petition brethren , form a goodly number for the Saint Hugh Lodge , to commence * with .
The AV . AL proposedthatthebest fraternal thanks ofthe members present be accorded to the AN . D . ProA * . G . AL , for his courtesy and attendance , and for the truly Alasonic manner in which he had so ably conducted the ceremonial . This Avas received with a hearty and unanimous response
by the brethren . The lodge was then closed , and about forty of the brethren adjourned at 7 . 30 to the Great Northern Hotel , to a sumptuous banquet prepared b y Bro . Prickett , with his well knoAvn cuisine effect . The chair Avas occupied by the AV . AL and
he Avas supported by the W . D . P . G . M . and Prov Grand Officers . The usual loyal Alasonic , and clerical toasts , Avere duly honoured , able speeches being made b y the AV . AL , and Provincial Grand Officers , and responded to with eclat . At intervals songs Avere sung , and thus passed a \* ery
enjoyable and convivial Alasonic evening . The brethren retired at 11 . 30 p . m . In addition to those already named there Avere present at the lodge and banquet : —Bros . R . Hnll , P . AL 297 , P . Prov . G . AV . ; Dr . Harrison . P . AL 297 , P . G . J . W . 5 R . C . Carline , P . AL , P . Prov . G . A . D . C ; S . A . Arrnitage , 248 , P . G . S . AV . ; AL Crowder , AV . AL
838 , P . G . S . B . AV . Cass 1010 , P . Prov . G . D ., N . and E . Riding Yorkshire ; YX . Alason 297 , P . Prov . G . O . ; A . Bode , Bestandig Kelt Lodge , Berlin ; J . Laughton , P . AL 422 , P . G . S . D . ; and Rev . I . C . K . Saunders , Bayon s Lodge , 1286 , The number in the lodge was upwards of 60 , and such full y demonstrated the necessity of new lodge rooms being provided in this ancient city .
This question of new lodge rooms has been taken up with a commendable spirit by the Lincoln Freemasons , for they , seeing the necessity of pioving a good public concert room , have formed and started a limited liability company in 800
with a capital of ^ 4000 £$ shares , feir the building of spacious lodge rooms , a large concert hall , capable of seating 700 persons , specially designed for [ acoustic effect , Avith choir , a smaller hall , and the requisite accessory rooms .
Judging from the present appearance of the works in progress , which are situated in Newland , the directors of the limited company may congratulate themselves upon securing for the shareholders , ample per centage for the outlay .
AVhen these new masonic hall buildings are complete , 1 hope to communicate more full y thereon , for then the AVitham , 297 , anel Saint Hugh 1386 Lodges , will be transferred to it from the Old Hall in Grantham Street .
Scotch Mark Masonry In Lancashire.
The usual quarterly meeting of the Alark Lodge of St . Andrew , No . 22 , S . C , Avas held on the 12 th . inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper Street , Alanchestcr . There AVIIS not a numerous muster of the brethren . Onl y two of the candidates on the circular for advancement came forward .
Ihe ceremony Avas performed by Bro . C . F , Alatier , R . AV . D . ' P . G . AL , S . C , in his customary able manner . At the close of the business Bro . J . G . Smith , initiated a conversation on the desirability of this loelge effecting a union with their brethren
working under the Grand Lodge of Al . AI . Alasons in England . Bro . J . G . Smith said there was a very unanimous feeling amongst the brethren of this loelge in favour of the union so much talked of and so long unnecessarily delayed . The brethren were getting weary of the policy of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
11 . W . Eddis , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; T . R . Parker , Prov . G . P . ; and Bros . S . C . Dibdin , P . M . 7 j C . C . Dumas , S . AV . 7 ; J . Strachan , 104 ; J . AV . Dawson , P . AI . 8 ; E . Drewett , P . P . S . D . ; J . Faulkner , 86 ; J . J . Lowenthal , 8 j
J ohn Boyd , 1 ; Hy de Pullen , AV . Piatt , P . AL 8 ; M . D . Loewenstarke , 86 ; Capt . Burgess , S . O . 7 ; R . I . Moore , M . O . 7 ; C . P . Ward , S . AA ' " . 144 ; G . States , Barton , 1 ; Henlev , 8 G . Neall , 118 ; C . A . Cottebrune , 8 j AV . Worrell , 104 ; S . C . Davison , M . O . 1 ; & c .
Letters of apology for absence Avere received from the R . AV . Bro . Iiarl Percy , and Bros . Neilds , Prov . J . O . ; Elkins , Prov . M . O . ; Smallpiece , Prov . G . Treas . j Vichers , Magnus Ohren , Harvey , King , Piggott , and several other brethren .
Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the minutes of the meeting for the constitution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Guildford , on the 2 nd of June , 1871 , Avere confirmed . The report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee then appointed to consider
and arrange the bye-laws was submitted , and the bye-laws having been read , the report and the subsequent proposition for their adoption , were confirmed- The roll of Lodges was called over , from which it appeared that thirteen lodges , under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Loelge ,
are now in working order . The roll of Provincial Grand Officers was then read , and the R . AV . Provincial Grand Alaster made several appointments , and invested Brethren tlu-n present . Bro . C . H . Levander required information as to Avhether or not the whole of the lodges working in Aliddlesex and Surrey , induing those in the
Aletropolitan District , Avere intended to be placed nnder the jurisdiction of this province , and the Provincial Grand Alaster , in reply , stated that for the present that that question remained undecided , but that a referencewouldbemadeto Grand Alark Lodge on the subject , and to ascertain if a home district would be constituted as in the Craft . Some further business of minor detail
having been disposed of , the Provincial Grand Alaster intimated that the ensuing meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would he held at Richmond , in June next . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and the meeting adjourned .
At the banquet which followed , the Provincial Brethren were joined by the members of the neAvly created Grosvenor Lodge , and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by a considerable number of Alark Alaster Masons , who testified to the great success of the afternoon ' s proceedings .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
BOLTOX - . —St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . —The regular meeting of this encampment was held on Alonday , the 18 th Alarch , at the Freemason ' s Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , Avhen there were present the following Sir Knights : — AV . II . AVright , V . E . 1 ) . Prov . G . Commander
Lancashire j G . P . Brockbank , First Grand Captain , Prov . G . Chancellor ; Thomas Alorris , Prov * . G . AVarden of Regalia ; Blain , Brown , Bromley , Newton , Horrocks , Chatwood , Flitcroft , Entwisle , Rostron , Rev . Thomas AVilson ; also Sir Kni ght Stephen Smith , of the Jerusalem Encampment ,
Alanchestcr , P . Prov . G . Treasurer . The li . C , Sir Knight John Fletcher , was unfortunatel y unable to be present , he being engaged in London on important business , and in his absence Sir Knight AA . H . AVright presided . The encampment being opened , the ballot was taken for Comp . A \ m . Green , of St . John ' s Chapter , No .
221 , Bolton , ns a candidate for installation , the result being that he was unanimousl y elected . Comp . Robert Grime , of St . John ' s Chapter , No . 221 , who had been previously elected , was duly installed a Knight of the Order b y Sir Knight AV . H . AVright , the duties of Expert being performed b y Sir Kni ght Brockbank . Sir Knight Wright was re-elected Treasurer of the
Knights Templar.
Encampment , and I < rater Wm . Dawson , Equerry . Sir Knight AVri ght , in the name of the E . C , then appointed the following officers of the encampment for the ensuing year , viz . : —Sir Knights Rev . Thomas AVilson , Prelate ; AVilliam Blain , First Captain ; James Brown , Second
Captain ; G . P . Brockbank , Registrar ; AV . H . AVright , Treasurer ; J . AV . Taylor , Almoner ; James Newton , Expert ; Robert Harwood , First Standard-Bearer ; James Horrocks , Second Standard-Bearer ; Samuel Chatwood , Captain of Lines ;
John Bromley , First Herald ; J . AL Rutter , Second Herald ; and Frater AVilliam Dawson , Equerry . The business being concluded , the encampment was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to refreshment .
MANCHESTER . — Jerusalem Encampment . — The Knights of this encampment met at thc Alasonic Hall , Alanchestcr , on Alonday , the nth instant ; under command of their E . G ., Sir Knight J . McDonald Smith . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed ,
and the muster roll called over , Comps . Charles H . AVilson and Henry Smith were exalted to the degree of Knights Templar . The throne was then occupied by the V . E . D . P . G . C ., Sir Knight AV . H . AVri ght , who proceeded to instal Sir Knight James Arthur Birch , as Eminent
Commander for the ensuing year . The ceremony was exceedingly interesting throughout . The following Sir Knights were appointed to the various offices : —Rev . J . L . Figgins , Prelate ; T . R . AVilliams , First Captain ; IT . Nicholls , Second Captain ; ) . AL AVike , P . E . C , Director
of Ceremonies ; J . Chadwick , P . E . C , Treasurer ; P . H . Jenkins , Registrar ; John Smith , Expert ; G . Brett , F'irst Standard-Bearer ; B . Smith , Second Standard-Bearer ; AV . O . Walker , Almoner ; C . H . Coates , Captain of Lines ; P . Chorlton , First Herald ; | . H . Hooper , Seconel
Herald . Among the visitors were Sir Knights AV . H . AVright , A ' . K . D . P . G . C ; Brockbank , P . G . Chan ., First G . C . of England ; AVoodcock , Prov . G . Chan ., Cheshire ; Pratt , P . E . C ; AVarren , P . E . C . ; and Beresford , Prov . G . Aid ., Cheshire .
At the conclusion of business , the Sir Knights sat down to a most excellent banquet , after which the usual loyal and heraldic toasts were proposed and responeled to , and a very enjoyable eveniii "* spent , the proceedings being enlivened by appropriate music and songs .
Consecration Of The St. Hugh Lodge, No. 1386, Lincoln.
There was a large assemblage of the brethren at the Alasonic Hall , * Grantham-street , Lincoln , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., to witness the constitution and dedication of the St . Hugh Lodge , No . 1386 .
A lodge was formed at 5 . 30 , p . m ., by the AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster of Lincolnshire , Bro . AV . I-I . Smyth , AVIIO elected the officers for the occasion * . —Bros . R . J . Ward , AV . AL 279 , as S . AV . ; E . J . Cullen , SAV . 297 , as JAS ' . F . R . Larken , P . Prov . G . S . B ., P . M . 297 , as Registrar and D . C . ; Rev . Haskett Smith ,
Chaplain 297 , 11 s Chaplain ; J . AI . Read 297 , as Sec ; Jno . Norton , P . Prov . G . P ., P . M . 297 , as S . D . ; C Pocklington 272 , P . Prov . G . D ., as J . D . ; J . T . Tomlinson 588 , P . G . A . D . C , as P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AV . AVatkins , P . G . Supt . of AVorks , LP . AL 297 , as I . G . ; Baraclough 297 , as Organist ; and Box , P . G . Tyler , as Tyler .
After duly opening the lodge , the AN ' . D . Prov . G . AL , Avith praiseworthy ability conducted thc whole of the ceremonial in a most impressive and marked Alasonic manner , the responses and anthems having musical accompaniments . He then delivered to the brethren present an excellent and well versed oration on the true principles
and virtues of Freemasonry , and immediately afterwards rehearsed the charges , and installed Bro . Jno . Glein Bayles , P . G . O ., as the first AV . M . of the Saint Hugh Loelge . The brethren then congratulated the new AIaster , and reappointed the following officers , viz . r—Bros . Frederick and Henry AVatson , S . and J . W . ' sj W . AVatkins , D . C ; Henry Hill , Sec .: C Hay-
Consecration Of The St. Hugh Lodge, No. 1386, Lincoln.
ward , S . D . ; Dr . G . M . Lowe , J . D . ; and J . AI Read , I . G . Bro . F . R . Larken , P . Prov . G . S . B ., P . AL 297 , rehearsed Avith Avell rendered effect the charges to the Wardens . Bro . J . AI . Woodall , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., North and East Riding , Yorkshire , delivered a pleasing congratulatory address to the neAv lodge .
Two new candidates for Freemasonry , and six joining brethren Avere proposed , which , with the ; thirty petition brethren , form a goodly number for the Saint Hugh Lodge , to commence * with .
The AV . AL proposedthatthebest fraternal thanks ofthe members present be accorded to the AN . D . ProA * . G . AL , for his courtesy and attendance , and for the truly Alasonic manner in which he had so ably conducted the ceremonial . This Avas received with a hearty and unanimous response
by the brethren . The lodge was then closed , and about forty of the brethren adjourned at 7 . 30 to the Great Northern Hotel , to a sumptuous banquet prepared b y Bro . Prickett , with his well knoAvn cuisine effect . The chair Avas occupied by the AV . AL and
he Avas supported by the W . D . P . G . M . and Prov Grand Officers . The usual loyal Alasonic , and clerical toasts , Avere duly honoured , able speeches being made b y the AV . AL , and Provincial Grand Officers , and responded to with eclat . At intervals songs Avere sung , and thus passed a \* ery
enjoyable and convivial Alasonic evening . The brethren retired at 11 . 30 p . m . In addition to those already named there Avere present at the lodge and banquet : —Bros . R . Hnll , P . AL 297 , P . Prov . G . AV . ; Dr . Harrison . P . AL 297 , P . G . J . W . 5 R . C . Carline , P . AL , P . Prov . G . A . D . C ; S . A . Arrnitage , 248 , P . G . S . AV . ; AL Crowder , AV . AL
838 , P . G . S . B . AV . Cass 1010 , P . Prov . G . D ., N . and E . Riding Yorkshire ; YX . Alason 297 , P . Prov . G . O . ; A . Bode , Bestandig Kelt Lodge , Berlin ; J . Laughton , P . AL 422 , P . G . S . D . ; and Rev . I . C . K . Saunders , Bayon s Lodge , 1286 , The number in the lodge was upwards of 60 , and such full y demonstrated the necessity of new lodge rooms being provided in this ancient city .
This question of new lodge rooms has been taken up with a commendable spirit by the Lincoln Freemasons , for they , seeing the necessity of pioving a good public concert room , have formed and started a limited liability company in 800
with a capital of ^ 4000 £$ shares , feir the building of spacious lodge rooms , a large concert hall , capable of seating 700 persons , specially designed for [ acoustic effect , Avith choir , a smaller hall , and the requisite accessory rooms .
Judging from the present appearance of the works in progress , which are situated in Newland , the directors of the limited company may congratulate themselves upon securing for the shareholders , ample per centage for the outlay .
AVhen these new masonic hall buildings are complete , 1 hope to communicate more full y thereon , for then the AVitham , 297 , anel Saint Hugh 1386 Lodges , will be transferred to it from the Old Hall in Grantham Street .
Scotch Mark Masonry In Lancashire.
The usual quarterly meeting of the Alark Lodge of St . Andrew , No . 22 , S . C , Avas held on the 12 th . inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper Street , Alanchestcr . There AVIIS not a numerous muster of the brethren . Onl y two of the candidates on the circular for advancement came forward .
Ihe ceremony Avas performed by Bro . C . F , Alatier , R . AV . D . ' P . G . AL , S . C , in his customary able manner . At the close of the business Bro . J . G . Smith , initiated a conversation on the desirability of this loelge effecting a union with their brethren
working under the Grand Lodge of Al . AI . Alasons in England . Bro . J . G . Smith said there was a very unanimous feeling amongst the brethren of this loelge in favour of the union so much talked of and so long unnecessarily delayed . The brethren were getting weary of the policy of the