Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Fiiday , April 5 , 1 S 72 . Thc Editor will bc glad to havc notice from Secretaries of Lodges and Chapters of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATUHDAY , MARCH 30 . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Alarquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . C . S . Dilley , Preceptor Sphinx Lodge of Instruction ( 1329 ) , Stirling Castle , Camberwell , at 7 * , Bros . Thomas and Woithington , Preceptors . Mount Sini . i Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Airstreet , at S ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
MONDAY , APRIL 1 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 62 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . ,, 72 , Roval . Jubilee , Andertons's Hotel , Fleet-st .
„ 144 , St . Luke ' s , Masons' llall , Basinghall-street . „ iSS , Joppa , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . ,, 256 , Unions , Freemasons' I lull . „ 1319 , Asaph , Freemasons' llall . Chapter 28 . Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' I kill . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Hallway Tavern ,
renchurch-strect Station , at 7 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Hro . James Terry , Preceptor . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , 1 laverstock-hill , at 8 : Bro . T . A . Adams , Precentor .
Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 05 ) , Royal Hotel , Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendshi p Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for 8 , St . James's Union Lodgeof Instruction ( 180 ) , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street , ( opposite the Pantheon ) ,
Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey , Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Willey , P . M . 1155 , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 I , Gun Tavern , Hig h-street , Wapping , at 7 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , Preceptor .
f I'liSDAY , A I'll 11 . 2 . Colonial Board at 3 o ' clock . Lodge 7 , Royal York of Perse * , erancc , Freemasons' llall , „ 1 ) , Albion , Freemasons' I lull . „ iS , Old Dundee , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st .
,, IOI , Temple , Ship aud Tuitle , Leadeuhall-stu-el . „ 217 , Stability , Anderton's Hotel , Flcct-sireet . ,. i d-,. * - ¦ '• James's . ,, 1357 , Grosvenor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan Dist . Railway , Pimlico . ,, 12511 , Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern ,
Bowroad . „ 1261 , Golden Rule , . Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue . ,, i 2 ijS , Royal Standard , Marcpiess Tavern , Canonbury . Chapter 145 , Prudent Brethren , Ficemasons' llall . „ ifxj , Temperance , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Poitugal Hotel , Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tav ., Gios \ cnorpark , Camberwell , at - ,. ; , o . liro . John Thomas , Pieceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Refreshment Rooms , Vietoria-st .
( opposite Westminster Palace Hotel ( at 8 ; Bio . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 75 . ;) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s Wood ; Bro . I- ' . G .
Baker , Preceptor . Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 .. 50 . Bro . J . Saunders , Preceptor . S ydney Lodge of Instruction ( 821 )) , Cambridge Hotel , Upper Norwood , at 7 ... 0 . Ben Johnson Lodge of Instruction , Ben Johnson , Goodnian's-yard , at 8 .
Florence Nightingale Lodgeof Instruction , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . Prosperity l . odge of Instruction , Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . Within , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Bolton , ( W . AL 1237 ) , Preceptor . St . Marylebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1305 ) , British Stores Tavern , New-street , St . John's Wood , al 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor .
WlillNKSIl . VY , Al'llll . 3 . Lodge 511 , Zetland , Audeitou's Hotel , Fleet-street . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 71 ;) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; Bro . J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 228 ) , Ihe Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales' Road , Kentish Town , at 8 1
Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globe-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . New Concord l . odge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Iloxton , at 8 .
Confidence l . odge of Instruction , Railway lav ., London street , City , at 7 . 30 . lioyal Union Lodge of Instruction , 1 lorse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 . Bro . T . A , Adams , Preceptor .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodgeof Instruction , Thicket Hotel , * Ancrl y a 7 . 30 . p . m . ; Bro . II , W . Lindus , Preceptor .
1 111 HSDAV , Al'llll . 4 . Lodge 10 ,. Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons' llall . ,, 27 , Egyptian , Andeiton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . „ 45 . Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell . „ 136 , Good Report , City Terminus I Ictel , Cannon-st .
,, 227 , Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 231 , St . Andrew's , Freemasons' Hall . " , i . i 4 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . ,, 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall . „ 1155 , Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road . ,, 13 . 51 , ?>* Clement Danes , 265 , Strand . Chapter 2 , St . James ' s Freemasons' I fall .
., y , Moriah , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-st . The R . A . Chapter of Improvement , Freemasons' llall . at 7 ; Coni )> . Brett , Pieccptor . Ceremony , explanation of R . A . Jewel and Solids , part sections . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 2 ) , Goat and Compasses .
Euston-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Panmure Lodge of Instruction ( 720 ) , Balham I lotcl , Balham , at 7 ; Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . Finsbury Lodge of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , Bath-street , City-road ; Bro . Stean , Preceptor . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes
Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . St . George's Lodge of Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Mill , Greenwich , at 8 . Whittington Lodge of Instruction ( 862 ) , Crown Tavern , Holborn , at 8 : Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . M . 18 S , Preceptor . Chigwell Lodge of Instruction , Bald-faced Stag f lotcl , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 . 30 .
Fill DAY , Al'llll . 5 . l . odge 742 , Crystal Pnlacv , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . ., Soo , Hornsey , Andeiton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st . Chapter 251 J , Prince of Wales ' s , Willis's Rooms , St . James ' s . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' llall , at 7 .
Metropolitan l . odge of Instruction , Poitugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Pieccptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of AVellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor . Doric l . odge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Stability l . odge of Instruction , Guildhall Tavern , •;¦; ,
Gresham-street , at fi : Bro . Muggeridge , Preceptor . Robeit Burns l . odge of Instruction , Union Tavern , Airslieet , Regent-st ., at H ; Bro . W . Watson , Preceptor . Burgovne Lodge of Instruction , Grafton Anns , Prince of ' Walcs ' -ioad , X . W ., at 8 .
St . Luke ' s l . odge of Instruction ( 144 ) , Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-road , S . W . United Pilgrims l . odge of Instruction , Duke of Edinburgh , Shephei'd ' s-laiie , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., Piece ] ) tor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instructiou , Silver Lion ,
Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James' Lodgeof Instruction , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road , Berr . innd-ey , at < j . Temperance Lodge of In-. | ruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 . Burdett Coulls Lodge of Instruction ( 127 H ') , Approach
'I avern , Approaeh-roail , \' ictona-park , at 8 ; Bro . Geo . W . Verry , Preceptor . Clapton Lodge of Instruction , White Iiarl , Clapton , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Saunders , Preceptor . Poval Standard l . odge of Instruction ( 12 <) S ) , The Castle
Tavern , I lolloway , at 8 ; Bro . li . Lee , ( P . M . 103 , W . M . 1 2 i > S , ) Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Piince , of Orange , Greenwich-road , at 8 : Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor .
; 3 & bcrtiscincnt 5 . NOV , ' Rir . UlY , DR . SPARK'S LIBER MUSICUS , A Collection of MASONIC MUSIC . Part I ., 5 s . To Subscribers , 106 for three Monthly Paits , or . ( . 2 / 0 tin Complete Work . London : G . Mctzlcr * v Co ., , 57 , Great Marlborou ^ h-street ; George Kennine - , 2 , . ; , and 4 , Little Biitain , 11 ) 8 , l'leet-st ., and 2 , Monument-place l . iu-rpoo ) . Alay be ordered of any Hook or . Music Seller . I'ait II . will be read y early in April .
F . I . I-X'TION— . MAY , 1 S 72 . P OYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION iV FOR AGED FREEMASON'S AND THE WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . —The favour of your vote and interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of Thomas Cartwright , Aged 77 Years . I lc was initiated into tbe Temperance Lodge , No . 169 , in 18 51 , exalted in the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , and has continued a subscribing member up to this time . Some years since he retired from business as a stevedore , with a moderate competency , but unwisely again embarked in business as a timber merchant , and through the recklessness of others has lost all his means , and now lives by the joint cxeitions of his aged wife by mangling clothes ; he is sadly afflicted with deafness . Was a- subscribing member to this Institution for some years .
D OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR - * -V ( MRI . S . The \" otes ancl interest of the Governors ami Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of BEATRICE MARY WRAY , A ( Ji-i ) 8 . Her Father . Pro . William Wray , formerly a Shipbuilder at Hurton Strather , Lincolnshire , wns a Subscribing Member of the Humber Lotlge , No . 57 , Huh , aud the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , died suddenly of apoplexy on tiie 5 th of June , I 1 S 71 . His widow is left with Nine Children , all under 14 years of age ( another shortly expected , ) with very inadequate means to educate and support them . The Case is strongly recommended by the Provincial Grand Hoard of IJenevolence of the North and Last Hidings of Yorkshire , and the following brethren : — | . P . liell , M . H ., D . P . G . M . North and Kast York , Hull . t M . C . Peck , P . G . Secretarv North and Kast York , Hull . C . C . Roberts , 1010 , P . Prov . G . R . Hull W . I- * . West , 2 = 0 , Hull . Nathaniel Hast on , 57 and 1010 , Hull . t J . Knight , 4 ( 10 , P . AI ,, Ncwcastle-under-Lyne . ( i . K . Swithinbank , 24 , Newcastle-on-Tyne , J . W . lie Caux , 100 , Great Yarmouth t William Holt , 0 , South Ouav , Great Yarmouth . T William Cas > , P . Prov . S ' . G . ' W . We .-t York , Lincoln . The brethren marked thus ( f ) will be happy to receive voting papers , which , with anv communication or assistance , will be thankfully received bv liro . John Walker , 56 , Lister-street , Hull , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works North and Last York .
APRIL KI . ECTIOX , 1 S 73 . * J ? OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR HOYS . —Your Yules and Interest are earnest Iv solicited un behalf of Frederick Charles Gates , Aged 7 i Years , Son ol" tlie late Iho . J AMK- HAYOKX G . vn : s , of Clapham , Surrey , liuilder , who died iu June , JN 71 , alter a long and painful illness , leaving a Widow ami Seven Children totally unprovided lor , his severe sutlerings from hereditary disease having , during the previous two years , incapaciled him Irom attending to his business pursuits . ' Hro . dates was initiated in the Pa tun u re l . odge , 720 , served the offices and passed the Chair of that lodge , and also Past 11 . of the Chapter attached thereto . WinJet in a position to do so , he faithtully discharged his Masonic duties , and supported the Charitable Institutions by eery means in his power . The case is strongly recommended by the following brethren : The Kev . Wentworth A . liowyer , Kector of Clapham , P . G . C . ; Thc Kcctorv , Clapham Common , S . W . Conrad (' . ' Pumas (<; . ; P . A . G . C , Prov . G . S . W . Surrey , P . M . 4 6 and 410 , V . Z . 107 and 410 ; Clapham Common , S . \ Y . Sir Charles Forbes , Hart ., Jiroom Wood , Clapham . J . C . Parkinson ( v . i-. ) , P . M . 1 S 1 , P . Z . 2511 , J . G . W . Mk ., & c . ; The . Manor House , Collier ' s Wood , . Merton , Surrey . George . \ I \ er * -, 'v . i-A , P . M . ios , \; c ., iVc . ; l > clvedere-road , Lambeth , S . K . ' | . Neal York , P . M . SS , JOSS , P . Z ., kc , P . P . G . W . Cambridgeshire ; Newmarket . George Kenning , ' v . P . ) , P . M . tg 2 , lion . Sec . 1203 , M . li . Z . 192 , S . N iiif 4 , P . G . D . Middlesex , t ' pper Svdenham , S . K . K . S . Warrington ((; . ) , P . G . S ., P . M . it )? , P . Z . 8 , J . 14 ? , ; 23 , Garru'k-stieet , London , W . C | ohn Walker ; . A , P . M ., P . / . = 7 . IU \< r . Supt . of Wks . N . and K . Yoikshire , P . M . ( Mark ) 12 , P . G . O ., -S . C ; ; 0 , Lister-street , Hull . Sigismnnd Rosenthal (¦; . ; , P . M . 43 s , Sec . ; Ked Lion Stjunre , W . C C K . Amos ( ii . ) , P . M . 410 , P . P . G . W . Snrrev ; Cedars-road , Clapham , S . W . \ V . B . Heath fi . 0 , P . M . i-yS , 504 , P . P . G . S . W . Herts . ; 54 , Threadneedle-street , K . C *\\ . C Lcwmdcr to . ) , P . M . 507 . 633 , and () 2 S , P . Z . 720 , M . K . Z . 76 , P . P . G . S . D . Wilts . ; 37 ( 1 , Wandsworth-road , S . W . ? John Read ( u . ; , 1316 , P . M . 720 , P . Z . 7 : 0 ; India Ofiice , Westminster . * Kdward Moody , W . M . 12 S 7 ; 22 , Sonierleyton-road , Brixton , S . W Kdward Worthington , P . M . = 07 , P . Z . 720 ; Loughborough Park , S . W . W . S . II ; , II * , 534 ; Alexandra Hotel , Clapham Common . Kugcnc Cronin ( L ., \ M . l ) . Treas , 121 O ; Old Manor House , Clapham , S . W . * John Thomas ( ii . ; , P . M . tc P . Z . 507 & 720 , P . G . D . C , G . C , & r . 20 , Denmark-street , Camberwell , S . K . * Jas . Stevens (<; . ) , P . M . 25 , 720 , i 2 i <> , P . M . Mark 104 , W . M . Mark LVJ . P . G . O ., -iix . ; Clapham Common . Proxies will be thankfully received by the brethren marked thus (*) and bv the Widow , 4 , Phu-nix-teriaie , Wirtemberg-street , Clapham , S . W . ( Y . P . ; Yice Presidents of the Institution . ' ( G . ) Life Governor . { L . ) Lite Subscriber .
THE "EXPRESS " GENERAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE , TKAI-TOKIJ-STRKKT , HULME , M A N CUES T E R , S . W . T > RO . MASON bc * gs fo state that he can forward HUNTING to any address in the country , car-, riage paid . 100 Cards i / C > , 2 / 0 , 2 / 33 / 0 and 3 / 6 5 , 000 Handbills 12 / 6 , 20 / 0 , 25 / 0 , 34 / 0 to 50 / 0 12 Funeral Cards i / C > , 2 / 0 ; 24 ditto , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 100 Posting Hills 5 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 , 12 / 6 , 15 / 0 , 20 / 0 1 . 0 , 000 Wake's or l ' aulden's Annual Circulars ... £ 87 / 10 Gentlemen ' s or Ladies' Private Cards 50 for 2 / 6 ; 100 3 / 6 12 Window Hills 1 / 0 , 1 / 6 , 2 / 6 , 5 / 0 , 10 7 / 6 5 , 000 Billheads , at per 1 , 000 5 / 0 , 6 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 ¦ Society Hules , 16 pages , 30 / 0 , 35 / 0 , 40 / 0 , 45 / 0 , 10 105 / 0 ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Fiiday , April 5 , 1 S 72 . Thc Editor will bc glad to havc notice from Secretaries of Lodges and Chapters of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATUHDAY , MARCH 30 . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Alarquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . C . S . Dilley , Preceptor Sphinx Lodge of Instruction ( 1329 ) , Stirling Castle , Camberwell , at 7 * , Bros . Thomas and Woithington , Preceptors . Mount Sini . i Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Airstreet , at S ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
MONDAY , APRIL 1 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 62 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . ,, 72 , Roval . Jubilee , Andertons's Hotel , Fleet-st .
„ 144 , St . Luke ' s , Masons' llall , Basinghall-street . „ iSS , Joppa , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . ,, 256 , Unions , Freemasons' I lull . „ 1319 , Asaph , Freemasons' llall . Chapter 28 . Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' I kill . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Hallway Tavern ,
renchurch-strect Station , at 7 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Hro . James Terry , Preceptor . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , 1 laverstock-hill , at 8 : Bro . T . A . Adams , Precentor .
Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 05 ) , Royal Hotel , Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendshi p Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for 8 , St . James's Union Lodgeof Instruction ( 180 ) , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street , ( opposite the Pantheon ) ,
Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey , Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Willey , P . M . 1155 , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 I , Gun Tavern , Hig h-street , Wapping , at 7 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , Preceptor .
f I'liSDAY , A I'll 11 . 2 . Colonial Board at 3 o ' clock . Lodge 7 , Royal York of Perse * , erancc , Freemasons' llall , „ 1 ) , Albion , Freemasons' I lull . „ iS , Old Dundee , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st .
,, IOI , Temple , Ship aud Tuitle , Leadeuhall-stu-el . „ 217 , Stability , Anderton's Hotel , Flcct-sireet . ,. i d-,. * - ¦ '• James's . ,, 1357 , Grosvenor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan Dist . Railway , Pimlico . ,, 12511 , Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern ,
Bowroad . „ 1261 , Golden Rule , . Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue . ,, i 2 ijS , Royal Standard , Marcpiess Tavern , Canonbury . Chapter 145 , Prudent Brethren , Ficemasons' llall . „ ifxj , Temperance , White Swan Tavern , Deptford .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Poitugal Hotel , Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tav ., Gios \ cnorpark , Camberwell , at - ,. ; , o . liro . John Thomas , Pieceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Refreshment Rooms , Vietoria-st .
( opposite Westminster Palace Hotel ( at 8 ; Bio . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 75 . ;) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s Wood ; Bro . I- ' . G .
Baker , Preceptor . Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 .. 50 . Bro . J . Saunders , Preceptor . S ydney Lodge of Instruction ( 821 )) , Cambridge Hotel , Upper Norwood , at 7 ... 0 . Ben Johnson Lodge of Instruction , Ben Johnson , Goodnian's-yard , at 8 .
Florence Nightingale Lodgeof Instruction , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . Prosperity l . odge of Instruction , Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . Within , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Bolton , ( W . AL 1237 ) , Preceptor . St . Marylebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1305 ) , British Stores Tavern , New-street , St . John's Wood , al 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor .
WlillNKSIl . VY , Al'llll . 3 . Lodge 511 , Zetland , Audeitou's Hotel , Fleet-street . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 71 ;) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; Bro . J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 228 ) , Ihe Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales' Road , Kentish Town , at 8 1
Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globe-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . New Concord l . odge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Iloxton , at 8 .
Confidence l . odge of Instruction , Railway lav ., London street , City , at 7 . 30 . lioyal Union Lodge of Instruction , 1 lorse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 . Bro . T . A , Adams , Preceptor .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodgeof Instruction , Thicket Hotel , * Ancrl y a 7 . 30 . p . m . ; Bro . II , W . Lindus , Preceptor .
1 111 HSDAV , Al'llll . 4 . Lodge 10 ,. Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons' llall . ,, 27 , Egyptian , Andeiton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . „ 45 . Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell . „ 136 , Good Report , City Terminus I Ictel , Cannon-st .
,, 227 , Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 231 , St . Andrew's , Freemasons' Hall . " , i . i 4 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . ,, 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall . „ 1155 , Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road . ,, 13 . 51 , ?>* Clement Danes , 265 , Strand . Chapter 2 , St . James ' s Freemasons' I fall .
., y , Moriah , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-st . The R . A . Chapter of Improvement , Freemasons' llall . at 7 ; Coni )> . Brett , Pieccptor . Ceremony , explanation of R . A . Jewel and Solids , part sections . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 2 ) , Goat and Compasses .
Euston-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Panmure Lodge of Instruction ( 720 ) , Balham I lotcl , Balham , at 7 ; Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . Finsbury Lodge of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , Bath-street , City-road ; Bro . Stean , Preceptor . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes
Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . St . George's Lodge of Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Mill , Greenwich , at 8 . Whittington Lodge of Instruction ( 862 ) , Crown Tavern , Holborn , at 8 : Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . M . 18 S , Preceptor . Chigwell Lodge of Instruction , Bald-faced Stag f lotcl , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 . 30 .
Fill DAY , Al'llll . 5 . l . odge 742 , Crystal Pnlacv , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . ., Soo , Hornsey , Andeiton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st . Chapter 251 J , Prince of Wales ' s , Willis's Rooms , St . James ' s . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' llall , at 7 .
Metropolitan l . odge of Instruction , Poitugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Pieccptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of AVellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor . Doric l . odge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Stability l . odge of Instruction , Guildhall Tavern , •;¦; ,
Gresham-street , at fi : Bro . Muggeridge , Preceptor . Robeit Burns l . odge of Instruction , Union Tavern , Airslieet , Regent-st ., at H ; Bro . W . Watson , Preceptor . Burgovne Lodge of Instruction , Grafton Anns , Prince of ' Walcs ' -ioad , X . W ., at 8 .
St . Luke ' s l . odge of Instruction ( 144 ) , Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-road , S . W . United Pilgrims l . odge of Instruction , Duke of Edinburgh , Shephei'd ' s-laiie , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., Piece ] ) tor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instructiou , Silver Lion ,
Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James' Lodgeof Instruction , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road , Berr . innd-ey , at < j . Temperance Lodge of In-. | ruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 . Burdett Coulls Lodge of Instruction ( 127 H ') , Approach
'I avern , Approaeh-roail , \' ictona-park , at 8 ; Bro . Geo . W . Verry , Preceptor . Clapton Lodge of Instruction , White Iiarl , Clapton , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Saunders , Preceptor . Poval Standard l . odge of Instruction ( 12 <) S ) , The Castle
Tavern , I lolloway , at 8 ; Bro . li . Lee , ( P . M . 103 , W . M . 1 2 i > S , ) Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Piince , of Orange , Greenwich-road , at 8 : Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor .
; 3 & bcrtiscincnt 5 . NOV , ' Rir . UlY , DR . SPARK'S LIBER MUSICUS , A Collection of MASONIC MUSIC . Part I ., 5 s . To Subscribers , 106 for three Monthly Paits , or . ( . 2 / 0 tin Complete Work . London : G . Mctzlcr * v Co ., , 57 , Great Marlborou ^ h-street ; George Kennine - , 2 , . ; , and 4 , Little Biitain , 11 ) 8 , l'leet-st ., and 2 , Monument-place l . iu-rpoo ) . Alay be ordered of any Hook or . Music Seller . I'ait II . will be read y early in April .
F . I . I-X'TION— . MAY , 1 S 72 . P OYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION iV FOR AGED FREEMASON'S AND THE WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . —The favour of your vote and interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of Thomas Cartwright , Aged 77 Years . I lc was initiated into tbe Temperance Lodge , No . 169 , in 18 51 , exalted in the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , and has continued a subscribing member up to this time . Some years since he retired from business as a stevedore , with a moderate competency , but unwisely again embarked in business as a timber merchant , and through the recklessness of others has lost all his means , and now lives by the joint cxeitions of his aged wife by mangling clothes ; he is sadly afflicted with deafness . Was a- subscribing member to this Institution for some years .
D OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR - * -V ( MRI . S . The \" otes ancl interest of the Governors ami Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of BEATRICE MARY WRAY , A ( Ji-i ) 8 . Her Father . Pro . William Wray , formerly a Shipbuilder at Hurton Strather , Lincolnshire , wns a Subscribing Member of the Humber Lotlge , No . 57 , Huh , aud the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , died suddenly of apoplexy on tiie 5 th of June , I 1 S 71 . His widow is left with Nine Children , all under 14 years of age ( another shortly expected , ) with very inadequate means to educate and support them . The Case is strongly recommended by the Provincial Grand Hoard of IJenevolence of the North and Last Hidings of Yorkshire , and the following brethren : — | . P . liell , M . H ., D . P . G . M . North and Kast York , Hull . t M . C . Peck , P . G . Secretarv North and Kast York , Hull . C . C . Roberts , 1010 , P . Prov . G . R . Hull W . I- * . West , 2 = 0 , Hull . Nathaniel Hast on , 57 and 1010 , Hull . t J . Knight , 4 ( 10 , P . AI ,, Ncwcastle-under-Lyne . ( i . K . Swithinbank , 24 , Newcastle-on-Tyne , J . W . lie Caux , 100 , Great Yarmouth t William Holt , 0 , South Ouav , Great Yarmouth . T William Cas > , P . Prov . S ' . G . ' W . We .-t York , Lincoln . The brethren marked thus ( f ) will be happy to receive voting papers , which , with anv communication or assistance , will be thankfully received bv liro . John Walker , 56 , Lister-street , Hull , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works North and Last York .
APRIL KI . ECTIOX , 1 S 73 . * J ? OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR HOYS . —Your Yules and Interest are earnest Iv solicited un behalf of Frederick Charles Gates , Aged 7 i Years , Son ol" tlie late Iho . J AMK- HAYOKX G . vn : s , of Clapham , Surrey , liuilder , who died iu June , JN 71 , alter a long and painful illness , leaving a Widow ami Seven Children totally unprovided lor , his severe sutlerings from hereditary disease having , during the previous two years , incapaciled him Irom attending to his business pursuits . ' Hro . dates was initiated in the Pa tun u re l . odge , 720 , served the offices and passed the Chair of that lodge , and also Past 11 . of the Chapter attached thereto . WinJet in a position to do so , he faithtully discharged his Masonic duties , and supported the Charitable Institutions by eery means in his power . The case is strongly recommended by the following brethren : The Kev . Wentworth A . liowyer , Kector of Clapham , P . G . C . ; Thc Kcctorv , Clapham Common , S . W . Conrad (' . ' Pumas (<; . ; P . A . G . C , Prov . G . S . W . Surrey , P . M . 4 6 and 410 , V . Z . 107 and 410 ; Clapham Common , S . \ Y . Sir Charles Forbes , Hart ., Jiroom Wood , Clapham . J . C . Parkinson ( v . i-. ) , P . M . 1 S 1 , P . Z . 2511 , J . G . W . Mk ., & c . ; The . Manor House , Collier ' s Wood , . Merton , Surrey . George . \ I \ er * -, 'v . i-A , P . M . ios , \; c ., iVc . ; l > clvedere-road , Lambeth , S . K . ' | . Neal York , P . M . SS , JOSS , P . Z ., kc , P . P . G . W . Cambridgeshire ; Newmarket . George Kenning , ' v . P . ) , P . M . tg 2 , lion . Sec . 1203 , M . li . Z . 192 , S . N iiif 4 , P . G . D . Middlesex , t ' pper Svdenham , S . K . K . S . Warrington ((; . ) , P . G . S ., P . M . it )? , P . Z . 8 , J . 14 ? , ; 23 , Garru'k-stieet , London , W . C | ohn Walker ; . A , P . M ., P . / . = 7 . IU \< r . Supt . of Wks . N . and K . Yoikshire , P . M . ( Mark ) 12 , P . G . O ., -S . C ; ; 0 , Lister-street , Hull . Sigismnnd Rosenthal (¦; . ; , P . M . 43 s , Sec . ; Ked Lion Stjunre , W . C C K . Amos ( ii . ) , P . M . 410 , P . P . G . W . Snrrev ; Cedars-road , Clapham , S . W . \ V . B . Heath fi . 0 , P . M . i-yS , 504 , P . P . G . S . W . Herts . ; 54 , Threadneedle-street , K . C *\\ . C Lcwmdcr to . ) , P . M . 507 . 633 , and () 2 S , P . Z . 720 , M . K . Z . 76 , P . P . G . S . D . Wilts . ; 37 ( 1 , Wandsworth-road , S . W . ? John Read ( u . ; , 1316 , P . M . 720 , P . Z . 7 : 0 ; India Ofiice , Westminster . * Kdward Moody , W . M . 12 S 7 ; 22 , Sonierleyton-road , Brixton , S . W Kdward Worthington , P . M . = 07 , P . Z . 720 ; Loughborough Park , S . W . W . S . II ; , II * , 534 ; Alexandra Hotel , Clapham Common . Kugcnc Cronin ( L ., \ M . l ) . Treas , 121 O ; Old Manor House , Clapham , S . W . * John Thomas ( ii . ; , P . M . tc P . Z . 507 & 720 , P . G . D . C , G . C , & r . 20 , Denmark-street , Camberwell , S . K . * Jas . Stevens (<; . ) , P . M . 25 , 720 , i 2 i <> , P . M . Mark 104 , W . M . Mark LVJ . P . G . O ., -iix . ; Clapham Common . Proxies will be thankfully received by the brethren marked thus (*) and bv the Widow , 4 , Phu-nix-teriaie , Wirtemberg-street , Clapham , S . W . ( Y . P . ; Yice Presidents of the Institution . ' ( G . ) Life Governor . { L . ) Lite Subscriber .
THE "EXPRESS " GENERAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE , TKAI-TOKIJ-STRKKT , HULME , M A N CUES T E R , S . W . T > RO . MASON bc * gs fo state that he can forward HUNTING to any address in the country , car-, riage paid . 100 Cards i / C > , 2 / 0 , 2 / 33 / 0 and 3 / 6 5 , 000 Handbills 12 / 6 , 20 / 0 , 25 / 0 , 34 / 0 to 50 / 0 12 Funeral Cards i / C > , 2 / 0 ; 24 ditto , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 100 Posting Hills 5 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 , 12 / 6 , 15 / 0 , 20 / 0 1 . 0 , 000 Wake's or l ' aulden's Annual Circulars ... £ 87 / 10 Gentlemen ' s or Ladies' Private Cards 50 for 2 / 6 ; 100 3 / 6 12 Window Hills 1 / 0 , 1 / 6 , 2 / 6 , 5 / 0 , 10 7 / 6 5 , 000 Billheads , at per 1 , 000 5 / 0 , 6 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 ¦ Society Hules , 16 pages , 30 / 0 , 35 / 0 , 40 / 0 , 45 / 0 , 10 105 / 0 ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION .