Article MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK. Page 1 of 1 Article HISTORY OF CLEVELAND AND ITS VICINAGE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Music In Stock.
AT Bro . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . The Red Cross Knig ht ; composed by Bro . H . Parker , ¦ words by Bro . R . " W . Little 3 / 0 What Better Theme than Masonry ? words by Bro . James Stevens ; music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ... 4 / 0 Brotherly Love , Relief and Truth ; written by Bro .
Sewell ; composed by Bro . J . Rhodes 4 / 0 The Final Toast ; written by D . L . Richardson ; music by Bro . Edwin J . Crow 3 / 0 The E . A . Song ; arranged by the late Bro . Parry , of lhe " Lodge of Antiquity , " No . 2 6 d . Masonic Harmonia 9 / 0 Masonic Music , compiled for the use of the " Merchant
Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . H . Younghusband , P . M ., P . Z , P . E . C ., and P . Prov . J . G . W . West Lancashire 6 d . The Freemason ( Tell me the Sign John ) ; written by George Palmer ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 Three Times Three ; composed by Bro . Harroway , "Royal York Lodge , " Brighton 3 / c The Shake of the Hand ( in G & B flat ) composed by
John Blockley 3 / 0 The Freemasons' Festival March and Masonic Hymn , by Bro . W . B . Tolputt ( Past Master of the " Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) 3 / 0 The Freemason Quadrilles ; inscribed ( by permission ) to the Rig ht Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G . ; by Bro . Joshua Marshall ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) ,
Solo or Duet 4 / 0 Music for the Ceremony of Advancement to the Mark Degree ; composed by Bro . Edwin J . Crow , dedicated to the Grand Master , Bro . Rev . G . Portal 3 / 0 Here ' s to His Health in a Song ; written by J . J . Bealey ; composed by J . M . Bentley 4 / 0 Hird ' s Masonic Quadrille , by C . T . Hird 4 / 0
So Mote it Be , by Bro . Jno . P . Nunn 2 / 6 Masonic Mischief , the new Masonic Song , by G . Grant 3 / 0 Men of the Trowel , answer to Masonic Mischief ... 3 / 0 The Mystic Tie , song with quartett chorus , written by Wm . Carpenter , Esq ., composed by Jas . C .
Baker , Mus . D . 4 / 0 " Welcome , " a Masonic song , written by Bro . Win . Carpenter , composed by Bro Jas . C . Baker . ... 4 / 0 The RIark Masons' Song ; dedicated to the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Percy , M . P ., M . W . G . M-M . By Bro . T . B . Yeoman 3 / 0
AU the al-ove Half-Price . Dr . Spark ' s Freemasons' Liber Musicus—Parts 1 to 12 ( each ) 5 / ° The Freemasons' March , for the Pianoforte , composed by Selmar Kahienbcrg 2 / 0 Masonic Ode , written by Bro . G . Passenger ; composed by Bro . B . Sharpe 5 / 0
The Masonic Minstrel ; being a complete collection of upwards of 200 Masonic Songs , Odes , Anthems , & c , with a list of Toasts and Sentiments . 3 s . Od . cloth , 4 s . roan , gilt edges Melodia Masonica : Five Songs and a Trio , set to Music and arranged by Bro . C . 11 . Purdey , new edition ... 3 / 0
Two Chants and an Anthem , set to music and composed by Bro . G . F . Taylor , for the use of Mark Masters' Lodges 2 / 0 Masonic Musical Service , by Dr . J . C . Baker , No . 241 ! / 6 Music for the Masonic Ceremonies ; by Bros . I ' .. J . Crow and R . Limpus . Parts I .. JL . iV 111 . ( each ) 6 d ,
History Of Cleveland And Its Vicinage.
being an Uistoiical . Topographical , and Statistiacl Account of the past and present state of each Parish , Township , and Hamlet within the Wapentake of Lanburgh , and ( he Boroughs of Whitby ami Stockton-on-Tees ; the Soil , Produce , Manufactures , Antiquities , Natural Cutio .
sates and nencut Societies ; with copious Pedigrees of the principal Families . Memoirs of Memorable Men , careful Chronicles of the most Bemaikable Events , Notices of the Manners and Customs , Sports and Pastimes , Legends and Supcrsitions , and a Glossaty of the North Votk Dialect .
IJV BRO . GEORGE MARKIIAM TWEDDELL , Fellow of tlie Royal Historical Society ; > if the Societies of Antiquaries of Scotland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; of the Roval Society of Northern Antiquaries , Copenhagen ,
'lobe completed 11132 Paits at Od . each ( or by Bookpo't 7 ( 1 ) . In addition to nearly all the fine Woodcuts given in Ord ' s History , the Woik is Illustrated by numerous other Engiavings , executed specially for it ; is neatly ptinted . with . 1 new type , on good paper ; and coi tains all the information to be deiited from previous histories of tlic
tli'ttict , with a mass of other curious pniticulars telating both to lhe Past ami to the Present , collected by the A 1 . tt . 0 r ( luring the last tliitty years , A chapter on the Geology of Cleveland has been kindly contributed by P 10-fessor Phillips , an 1 the manuscript information collected bv the late Mr . Justice Temple for his long-projected
History of Cleveland ( incliidmg some useful conimttriiea . tinns by the late learned Archdeacon Todd ) , has been obligingly placed at the Autlii I ' S disposal . Subsetlhcrs' names rcceixed by l ' .::.: s , TwKo : > r . i . i . and Sos-s , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices , Rtol . csley .
QOMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony ^ card ' s new material ! Peculiarly Pre ; .. mi ! Porpoise Skin . . Soft as silk , shines like patent , never ' cracks , becomes softer and liner in wear , a perie-t durable luxury ' and superlative specialty . H , I ' mv l . ane , ( 'hcap-iile , K . C . Ladies oruVis gkiltully executed , One trial insure * sulUi ' aciiun .
Masonic Books In Stock
ENGLISH . History of Freemasonry , 2 nd Edition ( Findel ) ... 10 / 6 History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Lyon ) ... 31 / G Life of Constantine ... ... ... ... 5 / 0 Encyclopaedia of Masonry and its Kindred
Sciences ( Mackcy ) 38 / 0 Sloane Manuscript ( Woodford ) ... ... ... 2 / 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . Taylor , P M . ... 5 / 0 Reflected Rays of Light , 4 th Edition ( Garey ) ... 1 / 0 Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ( Paton ) ... */ o The Freemason , Vol . I . ... ... ... ... 4 / 6
Vol . 11 7 / 6 „ „ Vol . III . IV . & V . ( each ) ... 15 / 0 Red Cross Statutes 1 / 6 Knight Templar Sermon ( Ross ) 6 d . S . G . C . Regulations 1 / 6
Royal Arch 2 / 6 G . L . Constitutions with Charge and E . A . Song ... 2 / 0 Mark Constitutions 2 / 6 Statutes Convent General 3 / 6 and 12 / 6 Craft , Mark , R . A ., R . C , R . > J < . K . T . Books Grand Lodge Calendar ... ... ... ... 2 / 0
Lodge Bibles 15 / 0 , 21 / 0 , 42 / 0 Chapter Bibles 13 / 0 , 21 / 0 , 42 / 0 Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland 3 / 0 The Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons ... 2 / 6 The Freemason ( Weekly ) ... ... ... ... 2 d . The Masonic Magazine ( Monthly ) Gd . Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary ( annually ) 2 / 0
AMERICAN . Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look . „ ... ... J / 6 Sickel ' s Ahiman Rczcn ( cloth ) ... O / 9 „ Freemasons' Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... O / 9 R . A . Companion ... ... .,. ,,, ... 4 / 6 Guide to the Chapter ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Manual of the Chapter „ 3 / 0
Book A . and A . Rite „ ... 22 / 6 R . and S . M . Council Monitor ... 4 / 3 Swedenborg Rite ... ... ... ... O / o Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... ... ... 9 / 6 Macoy ' s Manual E . Star ... ... ... ... 4 / 3 Simon's Book of the Commandery ( tucks ) ... 4 / O Origin of Masonry ... ... ... ... 4 / 6
Chase ' s Digest of Masonic Law ... ... ... 0 / 9 Pierson's Traditions ... ... ... ... 9 / 0 Signet of King Solomon ... ... ... ... O / o Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... ... 6 ) 9 Simon's Jurisprudence ... ... ... ... O / 9 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... ... 11 / 3 Obituary Rites 1 / 9 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) 4 / 0
Lockwood's Masonic Law ... ... ... 5 / 0 Webb ' s Monitor ( tricks ) 4 / 6 Drew ' s Handbook 4 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moial Design ... ... ... ... 4 / ° Woodruff's Masonic Code 3 / 0 Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) 8 / 0 Cross True Masonic Chart ... ... ... O / o Mystic Tie ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Ritual of Freemasonry ... ... , „ ... 18 / 0
Now Heady , price // - post-fro 1 / 1 . CART E DE YISITES Of T 111 C l'OI . I . OWING Masonic Celebrities . The Mcr ^ t thin , tlic Mari | iic * s of Ripon , tlic M . W . Grand Master . Ailair . Cnl ., l ' . l' . G . M ., Sinrn .-rr . ct . Adams . | as P . M ., l ' . Z . Ad . anl , l- ' rcilcrkk , l ' . l ' . t i . O . C , Ksscx . llaohaw , K . | ., l ' . G . M ., 1- ' . < M .- \ . Ucach , W . YV . I ' .., . 1 / . / ' ., l ' . G . M ., Hants , nineties , Frolic ., Sec . K . M . I . Ncvs . liimlett , fnl . 1- ' ., Prov . G . M ., Miililx . I ' dstii , Mr . Michael , -, j , P . G . O Dnliic , A ., l' . l' . G . M ., Surrey . Dumas , f . f ., l' . P . A . G . D . f . Kihvanls . T . II ., I ' . tM , S . r . ix ; i " ., Saivini > l , r . M . Klint , l . onl , P . G . W . Ilnvslre , Kcv . | no ., l ' . G . M ., Devon . Limerick , Karl nf , l' . G . M ., llristol . Mav , Sainncl , P . G . Stcwanl . Mcjwv , | ., I' . G . Stcwanl Momktrm , J . I ! ., P . G . I ) . Moore , Kcv ! T . K ., P . C . I . M n ^ ciid ^ i .-, Hcnn . O ' . iren . Majmiis , l' . ' M ., M . K . Z . ; J . G . W ., Snrrev l ' i . lt ,. | . Plan , [ . !' ., M . W / .. I ' ullcn , llvilc ,. y-, I' . G . S . li . Roebuck . \ V \ , I ' . l ' . G . S . ]! . Surrey . Shalioc . Rev . !) ., l' . l ' . G . fhap ., MiuMs Sniilll , Augustus , P . Pror . G . M . Cor-mvall . Sleuart , kawilram \ V „ I ' . G . Il Slohwasscr , | ., P . M ., I' / A . Sir ; ne'er , | . Stone , W ' ., P . M ., K . T . Stuart , W ., P . if . t Giaiul Ma-ter KT Small , \ V ., P . Z . Ni . ex ' , P . M . Sv ... n , f ., ! ' . ! ' G . s . ll ., Herts . l . M . ill , I ., P . G . D . Vernon , Col ., l ' . l ' . G . M ., Slailorilshire . Walters , l- ' reilk ., P . M ., p / .. London : GEORGE KENNING , 1 y 8 , Fleet-street , E . C .
MEN OF THE TROWEL . New Kdition of the celebrated Song-, by Waters . Post free 18 stamps . LONDON : WliliKES and Co ., iO , Hanover-street , W .
THE COMPLETE FURNITUPE AND APPOINTMENTS roit llonal % u \ t Cljafters , OF SUPERIOR DESIGN & WORKMANSHIP ; MANUFACTURED , IN THREE QUALITIES , BV COMP . GEORGE KENNING , COMPRISING Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Five Large Banners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Officers * Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten ,, Jewels Three Small ditto Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Ballot Box Crowbar Bible Pickaxe Cushion for ditto Shovel Scripture Extracts Parchment Scroll Set of Five Books Set of Life Lines £ 5 ° > £ 100 , and £ 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , Sec . ( if required ) on the most moder . ate terms , according to material , style , & c Fnr Personal Insignia , see Lists ol Clothing and Jewels .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOlt ferftfobges , OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE QUALITIES , HY BRO . GEORGE KENNING , COMPRISING Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) , Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hogany . Bihle , with Name and No . of S . W . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square and Compass in Case . Pulley Blocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and Rough and Perfect Ash- Ten Officers * Collars , lars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Eight Books . One „ ,, " Maul . Three Sounding Boards . One „ M Ballot Two Pairs of Slippers . Box and Balls . Three Cable Tows . One pair ,, Wands . Two Hoodwinks . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . > 43 ° > 0 ° > and £ * oo . Chairs , Dais , Tcsselated Carpeting , Banners , & c , & c . j on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , See . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and Jewels .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in I'hotogfiaphy , for framing-, representing a volume of tlic Scripture , opened at Chapter 0 of tbe 1 st Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICHARDSON , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln' s-mn-fields .
GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS 10 it FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . per lb . Gilt Plain 3 / b „ Crimped 4 / 6 Silvered Plain 4 / 6 ,, Crimped 5 / 6 The above on 1 , 2 , and 40 / .. reels , also in bags , 16 s . 22 S-, 24 s ., and 30 s . per gross bags . Manufactured by GEORGE ( CUNNING , London , Liverpool , and Glasgow .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STHEET , LONDON , E . C . TKRVS . C s . d Knirance Fee ... ... ... ... ,., 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 330 Membets residing and carrying on brsincss at a distance of lilty miles and upwards horn London , Mcrehant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee * I 1 o The room is well supplied . vith newspapers , telegrams , and bonks of reference . It includes a Post-ollice , Poste Uestautc , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , Uc . ; also copying machines lor tbe use of Subscribers . Bro . JOHN II . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . L . C ,, P . P . J . G . W . fcee , Manager .
HEALTH FOR ALL . PRESTON'S PURIFYING PILLS—THE BLOOD MLDIC 1 NK . S-nlo in buxesat 7 . U ., i * . i . M ., and 2 . -. <> il . . Sent lice cm receipt ol" S , 14 , or $ 3 stamps . 'I his tine 1 U . OUD Medicine is warranted not to contain a simile particle of M 1 . 1 . 11 uv , or : ; nv other Mineral , but to consist eni ' iieiy ol Medicinal Lalsams I L'KI ' . LV VLGLTABLfC . One trial will coin ince anyone of their cflUacy in nil diseases « f the Head , ( lust , Heart , Lungs Kidnejs , Liver , Bowels , and likewise in Skin di > eases . The ^ e Pills create new , licit , and pine blood , ami expel all impurities . ' 1 hey give IMMKHIAT I' : reii-.: t , and vcrv ijuickly cure , as a single box will prove . ' 1 hey si lengthen the constitution , improve the health , ami greatly prolong life . There is considerable living in buying the larger boxes , ns a 2 s . od . box contain : ; too pill : ; . As a family medicine they are greatly io be preferred as they do not act upon the bowels , and arc not in the slightest degree opening . Prepared onlv bv THOMAS PUKS'IO . N , M . B ., at the Cilv Medical Hall , S 3 , Long Lane , Smiihlield , London . * * * The Government Stamp is . on eve IT box .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Music In Stock.
AT Bro . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . The Red Cross Knig ht ; composed by Bro . H . Parker , ¦ words by Bro . R . " W . Little 3 / 0 What Better Theme than Masonry ? words by Bro . James Stevens ; music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ... 4 / 0 Brotherly Love , Relief and Truth ; written by Bro .
Sewell ; composed by Bro . J . Rhodes 4 / 0 The Final Toast ; written by D . L . Richardson ; music by Bro . Edwin J . Crow 3 / 0 The E . A . Song ; arranged by the late Bro . Parry , of lhe " Lodge of Antiquity , " No . 2 6 d . Masonic Harmonia 9 / 0 Masonic Music , compiled for the use of the " Merchant
Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . H . Younghusband , P . M ., P . Z , P . E . C ., and P . Prov . J . G . W . West Lancashire 6 d . The Freemason ( Tell me the Sign John ) ; written by George Palmer ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 Three Times Three ; composed by Bro . Harroway , "Royal York Lodge , " Brighton 3 / c The Shake of the Hand ( in G & B flat ) composed by
John Blockley 3 / 0 The Freemasons' Festival March and Masonic Hymn , by Bro . W . B . Tolputt ( Past Master of the " Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) 3 / 0 The Freemason Quadrilles ; inscribed ( by permission ) to the Rig ht Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G . ; by Bro . Joshua Marshall ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) ,
Solo or Duet 4 / 0 Music for the Ceremony of Advancement to the Mark Degree ; composed by Bro . Edwin J . Crow , dedicated to the Grand Master , Bro . Rev . G . Portal 3 / 0 Here ' s to His Health in a Song ; written by J . J . Bealey ; composed by J . M . Bentley 4 / 0 Hird ' s Masonic Quadrille , by C . T . Hird 4 / 0
So Mote it Be , by Bro . Jno . P . Nunn 2 / 6 Masonic Mischief , the new Masonic Song , by G . Grant 3 / 0 Men of the Trowel , answer to Masonic Mischief ... 3 / 0 The Mystic Tie , song with quartett chorus , written by Wm . Carpenter , Esq ., composed by Jas . C .
Baker , Mus . D . 4 / 0 " Welcome , " a Masonic song , written by Bro . Win . Carpenter , composed by Bro Jas . C . Baker . ... 4 / 0 The RIark Masons' Song ; dedicated to the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Percy , M . P ., M . W . G . M-M . By Bro . T . B . Yeoman 3 / 0
AU the al-ove Half-Price . Dr . Spark ' s Freemasons' Liber Musicus—Parts 1 to 12 ( each ) 5 / ° The Freemasons' March , for the Pianoforte , composed by Selmar Kahienbcrg 2 / 0 Masonic Ode , written by Bro . G . Passenger ; composed by Bro . B . Sharpe 5 / 0
The Masonic Minstrel ; being a complete collection of upwards of 200 Masonic Songs , Odes , Anthems , & c , with a list of Toasts and Sentiments . 3 s . Od . cloth , 4 s . roan , gilt edges Melodia Masonica : Five Songs and a Trio , set to Music and arranged by Bro . C . 11 . Purdey , new edition ... 3 / 0
Two Chants and an Anthem , set to music and composed by Bro . G . F . Taylor , for the use of Mark Masters' Lodges 2 / 0 Masonic Musical Service , by Dr . J . C . Baker , No . 241 ! / 6 Music for the Masonic Ceremonies ; by Bros . I ' .. J . Crow and R . Limpus . Parts I .. JL . iV 111 . ( each ) 6 d ,
History Of Cleveland And Its Vicinage.
being an Uistoiical . Topographical , and Statistiacl Account of the past and present state of each Parish , Township , and Hamlet within the Wapentake of Lanburgh , and ( he Boroughs of Whitby ami Stockton-on-Tees ; the Soil , Produce , Manufactures , Antiquities , Natural Cutio .
sates and nencut Societies ; with copious Pedigrees of the principal Families . Memoirs of Memorable Men , careful Chronicles of the most Bemaikable Events , Notices of the Manners and Customs , Sports and Pastimes , Legends and Supcrsitions , and a Glossaty of the North Votk Dialect .
IJV BRO . GEORGE MARKIIAM TWEDDELL , Fellow of tlie Royal Historical Society ; > if the Societies of Antiquaries of Scotland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; of the Roval Society of Northern Antiquaries , Copenhagen ,
'lobe completed 11132 Paits at Od . each ( or by Bookpo't 7 ( 1 ) . In addition to nearly all the fine Woodcuts given in Ord ' s History , the Woik is Illustrated by numerous other Engiavings , executed specially for it ; is neatly ptinted . with . 1 new type , on good paper ; and coi tains all the information to be deiited from previous histories of tlic
tli'ttict , with a mass of other curious pniticulars telating both to lhe Past ami to the Present , collected by the A 1 . tt . 0 r ( luring the last tliitty years , A chapter on the Geology of Cleveland has been kindly contributed by P 10-fessor Phillips , an 1 the manuscript information collected bv the late Mr . Justice Temple for his long-projected
History of Cleveland ( incliidmg some useful conimttriiea . tinns by the late learned Archdeacon Todd ) , has been obligingly placed at the Autlii I ' S disposal . Subsetlhcrs' names rcceixed by l ' .::.: s , TwKo : > r . i . i . and Sos-s , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices , Rtol . csley .
QOMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony ^ card ' s new material ! Peculiarly Pre ; .. mi ! Porpoise Skin . . Soft as silk , shines like patent , never ' cracks , becomes softer and liner in wear , a perie-t durable luxury ' and superlative specialty . H , I ' mv l . ane , ( 'hcap-iile , K . C . Ladies oruVis gkiltully executed , One trial insure * sulUi ' aciiun .
Masonic Books In Stock
ENGLISH . History of Freemasonry , 2 nd Edition ( Findel ) ... 10 / 6 History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Lyon ) ... 31 / G Life of Constantine ... ... ... ... 5 / 0 Encyclopaedia of Masonry and its Kindred
Sciences ( Mackcy ) 38 / 0 Sloane Manuscript ( Woodford ) ... ... ... 2 / 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . Taylor , P M . ... 5 / 0 Reflected Rays of Light , 4 th Edition ( Garey ) ... 1 / 0 Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ( Paton ) ... */ o The Freemason , Vol . I . ... ... ... ... 4 / 6
Vol . 11 7 / 6 „ „ Vol . III . IV . & V . ( each ) ... 15 / 0 Red Cross Statutes 1 / 6 Knight Templar Sermon ( Ross ) 6 d . S . G . C . Regulations 1 / 6
Royal Arch 2 / 6 G . L . Constitutions with Charge and E . A . Song ... 2 / 0 Mark Constitutions 2 / 6 Statutes Convent General 3 / 6 and 12 / 6 Craft , Mark , R . A ., R . C , R . > J < . K . T . Books Grand Lodge Calendar ... ... ... ... 2 / 0
Lodge Bibles 15 / 0 , 21 / 0 , 42 / 0 Chapter Bibles 13 / 0 , 21 / 0 , 42 / 0 Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland 3 / 0 The Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons ... 2 / 6 The Freemason ( Weekly ) ... ... ... ... 2 d . The Masonic Magazine ( Monthly ) Gd . Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary ( annually ) 2 / 0
AMERICAN . Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look . „ ... ... J / 6 Sickel ' s Ahiman Rczcn ( cloth ) ... O / 9 „ Freemasons' Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... O / 9 R . A . Companion ... ... .,. ,,, ... 4 / 6 Guide to the Chapter ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Manual of the Chapter „ 3 / 0
Book A . and A . Rite „ ... 22 / 6 R . and S . M . Council Monitor ... 4 / 3 Swedenborg Rite ... ... ... ... O / o Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... ... ... 9 / 6 Macoy ' s Manual E . Star ... ... ... ... 4 / 3 Simon's Book of the Commandery ( tucks ) ... 4 / O Origin of Masonry ... ... ... ... 4 / 6
Chase ' s Digest of Masonic Law ... ... ... 0 / 9 Pierson's Traditions ... ... ... ... 9 / 0 Signet of King Solomon ... ... ... ... O / o Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... ... 6 ) 9 Simon's Jurisprudence ... ... ... ... O / 9 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... ... 11 / 3 Obituary Rites 1 / 9 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) 4 / 0
Lockwood's Masonic Law ... ... ... 5 / 0 Webb ' s Monitor ( tricks ) 4 / 6 Drew ' s Handbook 4 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moial Design ... ... ... ... 4 / ° Woodruff's Masonic Code 3 / 0 Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) 8 / 0 Cross True Masonic Chart ... ... ... O / o Mystic Tie ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Ritual of Freemasonry ... ... , „ ... 18 / 0
Now Heady , price // - post-fro 1 / 1 . CART E DE YISITES Of T 111 C l'OI . I . OWING Masonic Celebrities . The Mcr ^ t thin , tlic Mari | iic * s of Ripon , tlic M . W . Grand Master . Ailair . Cnl ., l ' . l' . G . M ., Sinrn .-rr . ct . Adams . | as P . M ., l ' . Z . Ad . anl , l- ' rcilcrkk , l ' . l ' . t i . O . C , Ksscx . llaohaw , K . | ., l ' . G . M ., 1- ' . < M .- \ . Ucach , W . YV . I ' .., . 1 / . / ' ., l ' . G . M ., Hants , nineties , Frolic ., Sec . K . M . I . Ncvs . liimlett , fnl . 1- ' ., Prov . G . M ., Miililx . I ' dstii , Mr . Michael , -, j , P . G . O Dnliic , A ., l' . l' . G . M ., Surrey . Dumas , f . f ., l' . P . A . G . D . f . Kihvanls . T . II ., I ' . tM , S . r . ix ; i " ., Saivini > l , r . M . Klint , l . onl , P . G . W . Ilnvslre , Kcv . | no ., l ' . G . M ., Devon . Limerick , Karl nf , l' . G . M ., llristol . Mav , Sainncl , P . G . Stcwanl . Mcjwv , | ., I' . G . Stcwanl Momktrm , J . I ! ., P . G . I ) . Moore , Kcv ! T . K ., P . C . I . M n ^ ciid ^ i .-, Hcnn . O ' . iren . Majmiis , l' . ' M ., M . K . Z . ; J . G . W ., Snrrev l ' i . lt ,. | . Plan , [ . !' ., M . W / .. I ' ullcn , llvilc ,. y-, I' . G . S . li . Roebuck . \ V \ , I ' . l ' . G . S . ]! . Surrey . Shalioc . Rev . !) ., l' . l ' . G . fhap ., MiuMs Sniilll , Augustus , P . Pror . G . M . Cor-mvall . Sleuart , kawilram \ V „ I ' . G . Il Slohwasscr , | ., P . M ., I' / A . Sir ; ne'er , | . Stone , W ' ., P . M ., K . T . Stuart , W ., P . if . t Giaiul Ma-ter KT Small , \ V ., P . Z . Ni . ex ' , P . M . Sv ... n , f ., ! ' . ! ' G . s . ll ., Herts . l . M . ill , I ., P . G . D . Vernon , Col ., l ' . l ' . G . M ., Slailorilshire . Walters , l- ' reilk ., P . M ., p / .. London : GEORGE KENNING , 1 y 8 , Fleet-street , E . C .
MEN OF THE TROWEL . New Kdition of the celebrated Song-, by Waters . Post free 18 stamps . LONDON : WliliKES and Co ., iO , Hanover-street , W .
THE COMPLETE FURNITUPE AND APPOINTMENTS roit llonal % u \ t Cljafters , OF SUPERIOR DESIGN & WORKMANSHIP ; MANUFACTURED , IN THREE QUALITIES , BV COMP . GEORGE KENNING , COMPRISING Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Five Large Banners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Officers * Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten ,, Jewels Three Small ditto Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Ballot Box Crowbar Bible Pickaxe Cushion for ditto Shovel Scripture Extracts Parchment Scroll Set of Five Books Set of Life Lines £ 5 ° > £ 100 , and £ 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , Sec . ( if required ) on the most moder . ate terms , according to material , style , & c Fnr Personal Insignia , see Lists ol Clothing and Jewels .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOlt ferftfobges , OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE QUALITIES , HY BRO . GEORGE KENNING , COMPRISING Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) , Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hogany . Bihle , with Name and No . of S . W . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square and Compass in Case . Pulley Blocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and Rough and Perfect Ash- Ten Officers * Collars , lars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Eight Books . One „ ,, " Maul . Three Sounding Boards . One „ M Ballot Two Pairs of Slippers . Box and Balls . Three Cable Tows . One pair ,, Wands . Two Hoodwinks . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . > 43 ° > 0 ° > and £ * oo . Chairs , Dais , Tcsselated Carpeting , Banners , & c , & c . j on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , See . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and Jewels .
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GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS 10 it FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . per lb . Gilt Plain 3 / b „ Crimped 4 / 6 Silvered Plain 4 / 6 ,, Crimped 5 / 6 The above on 1 , 2 , and 40 / .. reels , also in bags , 16 s . 22 S-, 24 s ., and 30 s . per gross bags . Manufactured by GEORGE ( CUNNING , London , Liverpool , and Glasgow .
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