Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 319 Scotland 319 Consecration of a New Lodge at Blackpool 320 Consecration of a New Lodge atDalston 322 CORRESPONDENCE : — Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 323
The Melrose Lodge 323 Templarism and Red Crossism in Edinburgh and Glasgow 323 Fantastic Proceedings 324 The Masonic Club 325 The Masonic Magazine 325
Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin 325 District Grand Lodge of New South Wales 327 Notesand Queries 328 Tasmanian Masonic Benevolent Fund 32 S Lodge of Benevolence 328 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 328 Lodge Meetings for next week 329 Advertisements 317 318 324 329 330 331 332
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft jgfasoitrg . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 209 ) . —The last monthly meeting of the session was held at the Masonic Hall , St . Alban ' sstreet , Windsor , on the 5 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . G . W . Dixon , was supported by a large number of the brethren of the lodge and visitors ,
amongst whom were Bros . J . P . Carter , J . W . ; Denne , S . D . ; Crowhurst , J . D . ; Heme , D . C . ; Strange , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; L . Bryett , P . M . ; Duffield , Baker , Hiscock , Webster , Pears , Christian , Lovegrove , and others . Visitors Bros . Bingham , W . M . 771 ; Guisebrook , I . P . M . 771
( acting S . W . ); Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Rev . J . Cave , 771 ; Cantrell , 771 ; Veal , W . M ., Dobie Lodge , and others . The lodge was duly opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . After the usual interrogation Bros . Clay and Ferrey were entrusted with the
pass , grip , and word , and retired to be properly prepared . On their return to the lodge tkey were raised to the degree of F . C ., by the W . M . The next business was raising Bro . Hawker to the sublime degree of M . M . After some routine business had been disposed of , the lodge was
closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel for refreshment . PANMURE LODCE ( No . 720 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Balham Hotel , on Monday the 18 th inst ., and was well attended by members and visitors . The
W . M . Bro . Thomas Poore , opened the lodge punctually at three o ' clock in the aflernoon and was supported by Bros . Payne , S . W . ; Pulman , J . W . ; II . Hunl ' ley , P . M ., Secretary ; Whithall , S . D . ; Truster , J . D . ; Lane , I . G . ; R . Huntley , Cole , Dr . Moore , Richardson . Lilley , Broadwood ,
Broadbridge , Burgess , and Woolfe . Amongst the visitors were Bros . James Stcvenr-, P . M ., 720 , 1216 , and W . M . 1426 ; G . Neall , P . M . J ; II . N . Field , Burgoyne Lodge ; W . Barber , 1426 ; Lewis Lewis , 1426 ; Coc , J . D . ; Stockwell Lodge ; W . Heller , Southern Star Lodge , and others . Messrs . Biddlescombe and
Keartland , as candidates for initiation , were balloted for and duly elected , and Bro . Biddlecombe , being in attendance was admitted to the first degree . The lodge having been passed to the second degree , Bro . Stevens presented Bro . Payne , as W . M . elect , who was installed into the chair of K . S . in a most able and efficient manner
by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Poore , whose admirable working of the beautiful ceremony of installation , was highly appreciated , and called forth expressions of well deserved enconium . The officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follows : —Bros . Pulman , S . W . ; R . Huntley ,
Treas . ; H . F . Huntley , P . M ., Sec . ; F . Truskr , S . D . ; Lane , J . D . ; Burgess , I . G . ; Broadbridge . W . S . Bro . T . Poore , I . P . M ., was invested as D . C , and then proceeded to deliver the respective addresses to officers and brethren . Bro . Keartland was introduced and duly initiated by
the new W . M ., and some business matters relating to the lodge having been disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The customary toasts were duly honoured and Bro . Poore , I . P . M ., received at the
hands of the W . M ., a handsome P . M . ' s jewel . The evening ' s proceedings were enlivened bv song and recitation , and closed at a reasonable hour with satisfaction to all present . M ANCHESTER . —De Grey and Ripon Ludm
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( No . 1161 ) . —The St . John ' s festival and in = stallation of the Worshipful Master of this lodge was held at the Corporation Hotel on Friday 22 nd inst . Amongst the company present were—Bros . Bowen , Prov . G . Chaplain , East Lancashire ; Last , P . P . G . D . C ., East Lancashire ;
Hind , P . M . 204 ; Parker , P . M . 501 ; Barker , P . M . ; Yates , P . M . ; and Allison , W . M . 99 , 3 . The ceremony was ably performed by Bro . S . P . Bidder , P . M ., assisted by Bro . East . Afterwards the brethren repaired to a splendid banquet prepared in the Ardwick Town Hall ,
presided over by the W . M . Bro . John Hayes , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were g iven and responded to . Bro . Bowen replying on behalf of the P . G . Lodge , gave some most interesting incidents of the value of Freemasonry in various parts of the world visited by him . In
proposing the toast of " The I . P . M ., Bro . John Hinchliffe , " Bro . Parker presented him , in the name of the brethren , a very handsome 18-carat gold jewel for his able , zealous , and faithful performance of the duties of Worshipful Master
which was most feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Hinchliffe . At nine o ' clock the ladies of brethren arrived , at the invitation of the Master , to a soiree of a most agreeable character , dancing being kept up with much spirit till two o ' clock .
WAVERTREK . —Duke nf Edinburgh Lodge , ( No . 11 S 2 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 20 th instant , at the Coffee House , Wavertree , near Liverpool . Bro . J . Watkin Williams , W . M ., was in the chair of K . S ., and the other members
present were Bros . W . Pughe , P . M . ( acting as T . W . ) ; j . Thornton , P . M . ; S . Cookson , P . M . ; W . Woods , P . M . ( acting ns S . D . ) ; J . A . Edgington , S . W . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; T . Davis , I . G . ; G . Masker , Steward ; Peter M . Larscn , P . M . 1564 ( actuxr as Tyler , in the absence ,
through serious illness , of Bro . W . Crawford the respected Tyler of the lodge ) ; Bros . Smel son , A . D . Hesketh , J . Haslam , S . Lincoln S . Whitfield , W . Thomason , J . Jones , J Codings , J . York , D . Norris , G . Bowring , U Jones , G . H . Samuell , S . Newbold , and J . B
Mackenzie . The visitors present were Bros . G . W . Chirnside , 1325 ; J . Dawson , 1299 ; G . Wilson , Sec , 1 , 393 ; and R . Hulme , 6 y ; i During the meeting , Bros . Norris , Samuell , and Lincoln , were passed to the degree of F . C ., bv the W . M ., in a most efficient manner , and
before the lodge was closed a vote of money for a deserving case of charity was made unanimously and heartily . The brethren present subsequently sat down to a very excellent repast , provided in her well-known style by Airs . Wright , the W . M . occupying the position of
president , A very pleasant evening was spent , toasts and songs being given with great zest . POTTERS' BAR . —Acacia Lodge ( No . J . 309 . ) —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Potters' Bar , on Saturday , May 2 . 3 rd , 1874 . Bro . Frederick
Walters , P . G . Steward Middlesex , P . M ., Sec , opened the lodge . There were present Bros . R . Limpus , P . G . Organist , J . W . ; J . If , Webster , I . G . ; J . W . George , S . Budgett , A . Gould , R . P . Tebb , E . W . Collins , F . II . Butten ,
P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , P . M . ; C . Horsley , P . P . G . R ., Middlesex , P . M . Visitors , strange to say , none were present . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots , taken separately , were unanimous in favour of the admission of all the
candidates for initiation . Messrs . H . D . Upstone , J . A . Murray , and Charles Paulson , were introduced separately and duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bro . R . P . Tebb , was raised to the third degree . The elections proved unanimous in favour of Bros R . Limpus , P . G . Org .,
Middlesex , as W . M . ; E . Sillifant , P . P . G . D ., Middlesex , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer for the fifth time ; W . Y . Laing , P . M ., re-elected Tyler ; and for Stewards to represent the lodge at the Festivals in 1871 ; , namely Charles Horsley , P . P . G . Registrar , Middlesex , P . M ., for Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons ; R . Limpus , P . G . Org ., Middlesex , W . M . elect , for Royal Masonic Institution fur !! r > vs ; and John Henry Butten , P . G . A . D . C , Middlesex , fur Royal Masonic Institution for Giils . It was carried item con that no more meetings be held
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
at Potters Bar . Some candidates were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour . HATMTTOX COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 142 . 3 ) . —An emergency meeting of this well-established lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel ,
Hampton Court , on I ' rulay , May 22 nd , 1874 . Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . G . Steward Mid ., W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S . There were present Bros . J . W . Baldwin , S . W . ; J . Baxter Landey , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward Mid ., P . M . Sec . ; Rev . A . P . M . Holden , Chaplain ; T .
Hastings Miller , P . M ., Organist ; J . S . Swea « ev , S . D . ; E . W . Devereux , I . G . ; S . Woolf , M-C ! ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , P . G . Chaplain Mid ., P . M ; J . T . Moss , P . P . G . S . D . Mid ., P . M . , C . Raab , i-T . Faija , W . M . Matthews , E . King , G . A . Blacey , F . A . foice , E . II . Thiellav . R .
Liebmann , D . Sullivan , G . W . Malim , A . Hartmann , G . A . L . Hohly , W . A . Simmons , M . Underwood , W . Monday , L . Thornhill , D . D . Weinhausen , E . W . _ Mackney , P . M ., and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . f . Chynoweth , W . M . 4 ; Captain W . Andrews , 78 4 ; C . Cann ,
192 ; W . Hammond , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 201 , and others . The W . M . in an admirable manner , for force , impressiveness , and correctness , initiated Messrs . S . W . Seldner , M . Underwood , W . Munday , L . Thornhill and D . D . Weiiihausen . E . W . Mackney , P . M . 134 , took the chair , and
in his happy correct style passed Bro . IT . Faija , raised Bros . G . W . Malim , E . King , F . B . Joyce , G . A . L . Hobby , and G . A . Black . The lodge was closed ; refreshment followed labour . IVY LODGE ( 1 V 0 . 1441 ) . —This young and very successful lodge , having completed its first
session , stood adjourned until Ssptember next ; but several highly qualified candidates for admission into Freemasonry having expressed their anxiety for an early initiation , and other brethren being in intermediate stages of the Order , the W . M ., felt justified in calling the lodge together
on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the usual meeting place , the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road . The meeting was very fairly attended , and the only officer absent was the Treasurer . The W . M ., Bro . C . Smith , presided throughout the whole of the meeting , supported by Bros . J . Noke , P . M ., as I . P . M . ; G . Mattock ,
S . W . ; J . J . C . mtle , J . W . ; C . S . Jolly , Sec . ; C . F . Ponpard . S . D . ; L . Cornelisscn , J . D . ; W . Ashwell , I . G . ; andG . T . Fox , P . M ., Tyler . Many private members and Bros . Knox , No . 22 ; Laing , P . M . No . 4 /;; Farwig , No . 180 ; and R . Welsford , P . M . and Treasurer No . 54 S , as visitors . There were four candidates for
raisingnamed 111 the summons , viz . : —Four for the third degree , two for the second , and four for initiation ; of these appeared Bros . J . S . Dane , W . Doherty , and G . Ploek . for the former ; Bro . C . J . Shenton , to be crafted ; and Messrs . J . Burgess , of Charing-cross , and A . Vernon , of
Finsbury-park , as initiates . The three ceremonies were most admirably worked by Bro . Smith , and his excellent staff , each candidate being separately introduced , and the ancient charge most impressively delivered to the newcomers by the W . M . When the lodge was
closed most ol the brethren departed , but a few remained , not for the purpose of speeehmaking or song singing , but for interchange of Masonic thought , analytical and critical , and the time passed so delightfully that the summons to
depart was quite a surprise , the time had passed so quickly . Tins meeting of the Ivy Lodge and its agreeable associations will long dwell in the memory of those who had the good fortune to be present . The iodge stands adjourned until the third Tuesday in September .
Scotland .
Gi . \ suow . —Si Mitniin Encampment met at 213 , Buchanan-street . Glasgow , ou Monday , May 18 th , at . 3 , 3 0 , Sir Knight R . Bell , M . N . C ., presiding , assisted by Sir Knights J . Tweed , D . C . ; J . C . Spears , CO . ; G . W . ' Wheeler , Reco-dcr . acting Prelate ; R . Hunter , C . C . ; C .
Mackenzie , S C . R ., R . Cum- * . J ( . ' ; . J . Outfield , W . ; J Dunbar , 1 st A . dj C T : u encampment having been regularly open-d , petitions were read from Comps . R . S . ISro . vn , James Walker , H . MacphtTson , and William B . issett , the ballot proving unanimous they were admitted , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 319 Scotland 319 Consecration of a New Lodge at Blackpool 320 Consecration of a New Lodge atDalston 322 CORRESPONDENCE : — Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 323
The Melrose Lodge 323 Templarism and Red Crossism in Edinburgh and Glasgow 323 Fantastic Proceedings 324 The Masonic Club 325 The Masonic Magazine 325
Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin 325 District Grand Lodge of New South Wales 327 Notesand Queries 328 Tasmanian Masonic Benevolent Fund 32 S Lodge of Benevolence 328 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 328 Lodge Meetings for next week 329 Advertisements 317 318 324 329 330 331 332
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft jgfasoitrg . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 209 ) . —The last monthly meeting of the session was held at the Masonic Hall , St . Alban ' sstreet , Windsor , on the 5 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . G . W . Dixon , was supported by a large number of the brethren of the lodge and visitors ,
amongst whom were Bros . J . P . Carter , J . W . ; Denne , S . D . ; Crowhurst , J . D . ; Heme , D . C . ; Strange , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; L . Bryett , P . M . ; Duffield , Baker , Hiscock , Webster , Pears , Christian , Lovegrove , and others . Visitors Bros . Bingham , W . M . 771 ; Guisebrook , I . P . M . 771
( acting S . W . ); Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Rev . J . Cave , 771 ; Cantrell , 771 ; Veal , W . M ., Dobie Lodge , and others . The lodge was duly opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . After the usual interrogation Bros . Clay and Ferrey were entrusted with the
pass , grip , and word , and retired to be properly prepared . On their return to the lodge tkey were raised to the degree of F . C ., by the W . M . The next business was raising Bro . Hawker to the sublime degree of M . M . After some routine business had been disposed of , the lodge was
closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel for refreshment . PANMURE LODCE ( No . 720 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Balham Hotel , on Monday the 18 th inst ., and was well attended by members and visitors . The
W . M . Bro . Thomas Poore , opened the lodge punctually at three o ' clock in the aflernoon and was supported by Bros . Payne , S . W . ; Pulman , J . W . ; II . Hunl ' ley , P . M ., Secretary ; Whithall , S . D . ; Truster , J . D . ; Lane , I . G . ; R . Huntley , Cole , Dr . Moore , Richardson . Lilley , Broadwood ,
Broadbridge , Burgess , and Woolfe . Amongst the visitors were Bros . James Stcvenr-, P . M ., 720 , 1216 , and W . M . 1426 ; G . Neall , P . M . J ; II . N . Field , Burgoyne Lodge ; W . Barber , 1426 ; Lewis Lewis , 1426 ; Coc , J . D . ; Stockwell Lodge ; W . Heller , Southern Star Lodge , and others . Messrs . Biddlescombe and
Keartland , as candidates for initiation , were balloted for and duly elected , and Bro . Biddlecombe , being in attendance was admitted to the first degree . The lodge having been passed to the second degree , Bro . Stevens presented Bro . Payne , as W . M . elect , who was installed into the chair of K . S . in a most able and efficient manner
by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Poore , whose admirable working of the beautiful ceremony of installation , was highly appreciated , and called forth expressions of well deserved enconium . The officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follows : —Bros . Pulman , S . W . ; R . Huntley ,
Treas . ; H . F . Huntley , P . M ., Sec . ; F . Truskr , S . D . ; Lane , J . D . ; Burgess , I . G . ; Broadbridge . W . S . Bro . T . Poore , I . P . M ., was invested as D . C , and then proceeded to deliver the respective addresses to officers and brethren . Bro . Keartland was introduced and duly initiated by
the new W . M ., and some business matters relating to the lodge having been disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The customary toasts were duly honoured and Bro . Poore , I . P . M ., received at the
hands of the W . M ., a handsome P . M . ' s jewel . The evening ' s proceedings were enlivened bv song and recitation , and closed at a reasonable hour with satisfaction to all present . M ANCHESTER . —De Grey and Ripon Ludm
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( No . 1161 ) . —The St . John ' s festival and in = stallation of the Worshipful Master of this lodge was held at the Corporation Hotel on Friday 22 nd inst . Amongst the company present were—Bros . Bowen , Prov . G . Chaplain , East Lancashire ; Last , P . P . G . D . C ., East Lancashire ;
Hind , P . M . 204 ; Parker , P . M . 501 ; Barker , P . M . ; Yates , P . M . ; and Allison , W . M . 99 , 3 . The ceremony was ably performed by Bro . S . P . Bidder , P . M ., assisted by Bro . East . Afterwards the brethren repaired to a splendid banquet prepared in the Ardwick Town Hall ,
presided over by the W . M . Bro . John Hayes , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were g iven and responded to . Bro . Bowen replying on behalf of the P . G . Lodge , gave some most interesting incidents of the value of Freemasonry in various parts of the world visited by him . In
proposing the toast of " The I . P . M ., Bro . John Hinchliffe , " Bro . Parker presented him , in the name of the brethren , a very handsome 18-carat gold jewel for his able , zealous , and faithful performance of the duties of Worshipful Master
which was most feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Hinchliffe . At nine o ' clock the ladies of brethren arrived , at the invitation of the Master , to a soiree of a most agreeable character , dancing being kept up with much spirit till two o ' clock .
WAVERTREK . —Duke nf Edinburgh Lodge , ( No . 11 S 2 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 20 th instant , at the Coffee House , Wavertree , near Liverpool . Bro . J . Watkin Williams , W . M ., was in the chair of K . S ., and the other members
present were Bros . W . Pughe , P . M . ( acting as T . W . ) ; j . Thornton , P . M . ; S . Cookson , P . M . ; W . Woods , P . M . ( acting ns S . D . ) ; J . A . Edgington , S . W . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; T . Davis , I . G . ; G . Masker , Steward ; Peter M . Larscn , P . M . 1564 ( actuxr as Tyler , in the absence ,
through serious illness , of Bro . W . Crawford the respected Tyler of the lodge ) ; Bros . Smel son , A . D . Hesketh , J . Haslam , S . Lincoln S . Whitfield , W . Thomason , J . Jones , J Codings , J . York , D . Norris , G . Bowring , U Jones , G . H . Samuell , S . Newbold , and J . B
Mackenzie . The visitors present were Bros . G . W . Chirnside , 1325 ; J . Dawson , 1299 ; G . Wilson , Sec , 1 , 393 ; and R . Hulme , 6 y ; i During the meeting , Bros . Norris , Samuell , and Lincoln , were passed to the degree of F . C ., bv the W . M ., in a most efficient manner , and
before the lodge was closed a vote of money for a deserving case of charity was made unanimously and heartily . The brethren present subsequently sat down to a very excellent repast , provided in her well-known style by Airs . Wright , the W . M . occupying the position of
president , A very pleasant evening was spent , toasts and songs being given with great zest . POTTERS' BAR . —Acacia Lodge ( No . J . 309 . ) —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Potters' Bar , on Saturday , May 2 . 3 rd , 1874 . Bro . Frederick
Walters , P . G . Steward Middlesex , P . M ., Sec , opened the lodge . There were present Bros . R . Limpus , P . G . Organist , J . W . ; J . If , Webster , I . G . ; J . W . George , S . Budgett , A . Gould , R . P . Tebb , E . W . Collins , F . II . Butten ,
P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , P . M . ; C . Horsley , P . P . G . R ., Middlesex , P . M . Visitors , strange to say , none were present . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots , taken separately , were unanimous in favour of the admission of all the
candidates for initiation . Messrs . H . D . Upstone , J . A . Murray , and Charles Paulson , were introduced separately and duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bro . R . P . Tebb , was raised to the third degree . The elections proved unanimous in favour of Bros R . Limpus , P . G . Org .,
Middlesex , as W . M . ; E . Sillifant , P . P . G . D ., Middlesex , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer for the fifth time ; W . Y . Laing , P . M ., re-elected Tyler ; and for Stewards to represent the lodge at the Festivals in 1871 ; , namely Charles Horsley , P . P . G . Registrar , Middlesex , P . M ., for Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons ; R . Limpus , P . G . Org ., Middlesex , W . M . elect , for Royal Masonic Institution fur !! r > vs ; and John Henry Butten , P . G . A . D . C , Middlesex , fur Royal Masonic Institution for Giils . It was carried item con that no more meetings be held
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
at Potters Bar . Some candidates were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour . HATMTTOX COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 142 . 3 ) . —An emergency meeting of this well-established lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel ,
Hampton Court , on I ' rulay , May 22 nd , 1874 . Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . G . Steward Mid ., W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S . There were present Bros . J . W . Baldwin , S . W . ; J . Baxter Landey , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward Mid ., P . M . Sec . ; Rev . A . P . M . Holden , Chaplain ; T .
Hastings Miller , P . M ., Organist ; J . S . Swea « ev , S . D . ; E . W . Devereux , I . G . ; S . Woolf , M-C ! ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , P . G . Chaplain Mid ., P . M ; J . T . Moss , P . P . G . S . D . Mid ., P . M . , C . Raab , i-T . Faija , W . M . Matthews , E . King , G . A . Blacey , F . A . foice , E . II . Thiellav . R .
Liebmann , D . Sullivan , G . W . Malim , A . Hartmann , G . A . L . Hohly , W . A . Simmons , M . Underwood , W . Monday , L . Thornhill , D . D . Weinhausen , E . W . _ Mackney , P . M ., and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . f . Chynoweth , W . M . 4 ; Captain W . Andrews , 78 4 ; C . Cann ,
192 ; W . Hammond , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 201 , and others . The W . M . in an admirable manner , for force , impressiveness , and correctness , initiated Messrs . S . W . Seldner , M . Underwood , W . Munday , L . Thornhill and D . D . Weiiihausen . E . W . Mackney , P . M . 134 , took the chair , and
in his happy correct style passed Bro . IT . Faija , raised Bros . G . W . Malim , E . King , F . B . Joyce , G . A . L . Hobby , and G . A . Black . The lodge was closed ; refreshment followed labour . IVY LODGE ( 1 V 0 . 1441 ) . —This young and very successful lodge , having completed its first
session , stood adjourned until Ssptember next ; but several highly qualified candidates for admission into Freemasonry having expressed their anxiety for an early initiation , and other brethren being in intermediate stages of the Order , the W . M ., felt justified in calling the lodge together
on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the usual meeting place , the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road . The meeting was very fairly attended , and the only officer absent was the Treasurer . The W . M ., Bro . C . Smith , presided throughout the whole of the meeting , supported by Bros . J . Noke , P . M ., as I . P . M . ; G . Mattock ,
S . W . ; J . J . C . mtle , J . W . ; C . S . Jolly , Sec . ; C . F . Ponpard . S . D . ; L . Cornelisscn , J . D . ; W . Ashwell , I . G . ; andG . T . Fox , P . M ., Tyler . Many private members and Bros . Knox , No . 22 ; Laing , P . M . No . 4 /;; Farwig , No . 180 ; and R . Welsford , P . M . and Treasurer No . 54 S , as visitors . There were four candidates for
raisingnamed 111 the summons , viz . : —Four for the third degree , two for the second , and four for initiation ; of these appeared Bros . J . S . Dane , W . Doherty , and G . Ploek . for the former ; Bro . C . J . Shenton , to be crafted ; and Messrs . J . Burgess , of Charing-cross , and A . Vernon , of
Finsbury-park , as initiates . The three ceremonies were most admirably worked by Bro . Smith , and his excellent staff , each candidate being separately introduced , and the ancient charge most impressively delivered to the newcomers by the W . M . When the lodge was
closed most ol the brethren departed , but a few remained , not for the purpose of speeehmaking or song singing , but for interchange of Masonic thought , analytical and critical , and the time passed so delightfully that the summons to
depart was quite a surprise , the time had passed so quickly . Tins meeting of the Ivy Lodge and its agreeable associations will long dwell in the memory of those who had the good fortune to be present . The iodge stands adjourned until the third Tuesday in September .
Scotland .
Gi . \ suow . —Si Mitniin Encampment met at 213 , Buchanan-street . Glasgow , ou Monday , May 18 th , at . 3 , 3 0 , Sir Knight R . Bell , M . N . C ., presiding , assisted by Sir Knights J . Tweed , D . C . ; J . C . Spears , CO . ; G . W . ' Wheeler , Reco-dcr . acting Prelate ; R . Hunter , C . C . ; C .
Mackenzie , S C . R ., R . Cum- * . J ( . ' ; . J . Outfield , W . ; J Dunbar , 1 st A . dj C T : u encampment having been regularly open-d , petitions were read from Comps . R . S . ISro . vn , James Walker , H . MacphtTson , and William B . issett , the ballot proving unanimous they were admitted , and