Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF ESSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF ESSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex was held on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Romford , under the Banner of the Hope and Unity Lodge , No . 214 . There was a large attendance of Essex brethren and some visitors , but as regards these latter the number
was small , considering the proximity of Romford to the Metropolis . Precisely at two o ' clock the lodge of Hope and Unity was opened , Bro . the Rev . Thos . Cochrane , P . Prov . G . Chap . Oxon , and W . M . 214 occupying the chair of K . S . ; and Grand
, Lodge having been announced , was received in due form . In the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the R . W . P . G . M . ( Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw ) , the throne was occupied by the Worshi pful Bro . Matthew E . Clark , D . P . G . M ., who was then
saluted in ancient form . Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in form , the roll call ot the lodges in the Province , now numbering 16 , producing upwards of 100 representatives . Letters expressing regret at their inability to attend were received from the R . W . P . G . M . of
Suffolk , ( Bro . Lord Waveney ) ; the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold , Grand Chap , of England , D . P . G . M ., Surrey ; W . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Sec , & c . The Auditors' Report having been read and approved , the W . D . P . G . M . proposed and the V . W . Bro . the Rev . S . R .
Wigram , Past . G . Chap . Eng ., seconded the re-election of the W . Bro . Joseph Burton as Treasurer for the ensuingyear , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Burton in returning thanks mentioned that it was the thirteenth time this honour had been conferred upon him .
The Grand Officers of the year were then invested as follows : — Rev . T . Cochrane , W . M . 214 / Prov . S . G . W . George Corbie , W . M . 453 ... Prov . J . G . W . The Rev . J . H . Bridge , 1 , 343 . Prov . G . Chaplain . Joseph Burton , P . M . 376 ... Prov- G . Treasurer .
T . J . Railing , W-M . elect . j 1 . Prov . G . Secretary . E . Hunt Carter , I . P . M . 276 .. Prov . G . Registrar . W . P . Lewis , P . M . 51 Prov . G . S . D . D . Reed , W . M . 14 ^ 7 Prov . G . J . D . T . G . Day , W . M . elect i 437 . Prov . G . S . of W .
A . Lucking , P . M . 1000 Prov . G . D . C . J . A . Wardell , P . M . 1000 . Prov . G . A . D . C . B . B . Brayshaw , W . M . 1437 . Prov . G . S . B . W . W . Brown , 214 Prov . G . O . W . F . Francis , W . M . 1024 ... Prov . G . P .
W . I . Chignell , 1000 Prov . G . S . C . F . Jones , 1000 Prov . G . S . G . W . Patmore , 1437 Prov . G . S . A . Manning , 1437 Prov . G . S . I J- P . Sarel , P . M . 27 6 Prov . G . T .
At three o ' clock , Prov . Grand Lodge was adjourned , and having been marshalled in procession , proceeded to St . Edward's Church , which had been kindly placed at the disposal of Grand Lodge by the Vicar , Bro . the Rev . E . Fox . Evening prayers were said by Bvo . the
Rev . T . Cochrane , Prov . S . G . W ., W . M . 214 , and Proper Lessons ( r Chron . xxix . and S . James v . ) were read by Bro . the Rev . S . R . Wi gram , P . G . C , W . M . 1000 and P . M . 214 . An able and practical sermon was preached by
the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rev . J . H . Bridge , from Luke xi ., 26 . At the close of the service 'he procession reformed , and marched back to the lod ge room , where some interesting matters connected with the Craft in Essex were
discussed ; and a vote of thanks to the brethren of Lod ge Hope and Unity for their very complete and admirable arrangements for the reception of 1 rovincial Grand Lodge was passed . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the ui * Lending LibraryRomfordand was
sult-, , ry acknowled ged by Bro . the Rev . E . Flox , Vicar . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed m due form and with solemn prayer . -pearly one hundred brethren afterwards par' 00 k of a sumptuous banquet at the Corn Exv --f » . wv * uo uouuui . 1 ai w *^ vuui xu A-
cnange , which had been handsomely decorated anQ transformed into a most comfortable banking hall . The W . D . P . G . M . presided j and ie usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly noured , the various speeches being interspersed / .. some capital vocal and instrumental music ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
under the direction of Bro . W . W . Brown , Prov . G . O . A most successful and pleasant meeting was brought to a close shortly before nine o ' clock .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of the Girls School was held on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . A . H . Tattershall in the chair . There were likewise present Bros . Rev . J . M . Vaughan , R . B . Webster , H . Daarsley * H . Massey
( Freemason . ) ; H . A . Dubois , S . Rosenthal , H , Potter , Col . Peters , A . H . Diaper , and R . W Little , Secretary . After the reading of the minutes £ 1 $ was granted to apprentice one of the girls leaving the Institution .
Six petitioners were placed on the list for election ; fifty children were declared to be on that list , and ten vacancies were declared . Bro . R . B . Webster gave notice of motion for next quarterly meeting — " That twenty-five extra children be admitted at next election , " in October . The Committee then adjourned .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
It will please not a few readers to learn that the first edition of the Volume of Prayers by the late Bro . Dawson has alreaely been sold , and that a second edition is in preparation . It is a good sign of the times that such a book should have been taken up so readily . It will also be an encouragement to Mrs . Dawson to proceed as speedily as possible with the Memoir and Volume
of Sermons understood to be in preparation . The hi gh appreciation in which Bro . Dawson was held by his congregation is shown in a most striking manner V )) ' the fact that wholly amongst themselves they have subscribed two thousand guineas as a gift to Mrs . Dawson and family . PAXTON LODGE , No . 1685 . —The consecration of this lodre takes place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham . The ceremonies , which
are to commence at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely , will be performed by Bro . H . E . Frances , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Suirey and Bro . the Rev . It . J . Simpson , M " . A ., P . G . Chaplain . A report will appear in our next . We are authorised to state that the second State Concert will take place at Buckingham Palace , on Friday , July 6 , and the second State Ball on Wednesday , July 11 . The " Craftsman and Canadian Masonic
Record " has been disposed of to R . W . Bro . J . B . Trayes , of Port Hope , Ontaiio . All communications should therefore be addressed "The Canadian Craftsman , " Port Hope , Ontario , Carada . The Provincial Grand Chapter of
Monmouthshire will be held on Wednesday , July nth , 1877 , at the Masonic Hall , Newport , at 3 o ' clock p . m . ; installation of the St . Wool ' s Chapter will take place at 4 p . m ., and the ceremony performed by Captain S . George Homfray , P . S . B ., G . C . and P . G . H ., Monmouthshire .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire will be held on Thursday , July 12 th , 1877 , at the Masonic Hall , Newport , under the banner of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge , 1429 , at 12 o ' clock , noon . A procession will be formed , and the brethren will proceed to St . Woolos Church , where a sermon will be preached by the Rev . J . Osman , Provincial Grand Chaplain .
A meeting of lhe Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will be held on Thursday next , at Portsmouth Lodge , St . Mary ' s-street , Portsmouth . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for Middlesex and Surrey will be held at the new Town Hall , at Twickenham , on Fiiday , 13 th July , commencing at 3 o ' clock .
Bro . C . Lord , late manager of the Cannonstreet Hotel , has taken the Palatine Hotel , Manchester . On the morning of Midsummer day , ( June 24 th ) says the Birmingham Post , there was a rather sharp frost in the neighbourhood of Bromsgrove , and the potatoes in some gardens were much cut down by it . The new subway under the Thames , between
the town and Arsenal of Woolwich , on the south bank of the river and North Woolwich , the works of which are actively in progress , will be completed , and the tunnel opened for traffic , about the end of the present year . The marriage of Mr . W . H . Basden to Miss Kate C . Gover , the youngest daughter of Bro . W . S . Gover , CC , is arranged to take place in July .
The University College Hospital has received a donation of £ 1000 from Major Dennis Moriarty , oi Plymouth , in aid of the funds . CATTLE PLAGUE . —In Tuesday night ' s Gazelle a report of tbe Privy Council states that no
further outbreak of cattle plague in Great Britain has been recorded since May 22 . The places lately infected are now declared free from cattle plague . Mr . Bright ' s visit to Bradford to unveil the statue of Richard Cobden , in the Royal Exchange , has been definitely fixed for Wednesday , July 25 .
Masonic And General Tidings.
" BELL ' LIFE IN LONDON " THE " OBSERVER . —On Tuesday last the splendid premises in which the editing , printing , and publishing of these two oldestablished journals ( Bell's Life was started in 1820 and The Observer as far back as 1791 ) have so long and successfully been carried on , were put up to public auction , and , after a very spirited contest , they were purchased by the proprietors of The Country for nearly £ 7000 . This
large purchase may be accepted , we presume , as an evidence of the substantial success which has attended the youngest of our sporting journals . We regret to state that the illness of the First Lord of the Admiralty is causing much uneasiness . Bro . Hunt was removed to Woolwich yesterday morning , and there embarked on board her Majesty ' s steamer Vivid , en route to Homburg , from the waters of which place it is hoped he may derive benefit .
In celebration of the return of Bro . Brassey , M . P ., with Mrs . Brassey and family , from their voyage round the world , a banquet was given on Wednesday last in the pavilion on the pier at Hastings . About 300 ladies and gentlemen sat down , the Mayor , Mr . Alderman Gansden presiding , Sir U . J . Kay-Shuttleworth , Bart ., M . P ., and Lady Kay-Shuttleworth were among the as
semblage . In responding to the toast of the evening Bio . Brassey gave some interesting particulars of his voyage , and spoke highly of British enterprise and prestige . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire , which was to have been held on the 4 th of July , has been postponed a fortnight , and will , therefore , be held on Wednesdav , the 18 th of July , at the Freemasons' New Hall , Sheffield .
A new cemetery has been completed at Canterbury at a cost of £ 10 . 000 . The thirty-ninth anniversary of the coronation of her Majesty was celebrated on Thursday . The bells of St . George ' s Chapel and St . John's Church rang merrily at intervals in honour nf the occasion .
At a special meeting of the Sheffield Corporation , held on Thursday morning , a resolution inviting General Grant to pay a visit to the town was unanimously adopted . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS .
—The total of the subscriptions received for this Institution up to Thursday mid-day , amounted to £ 13 , 248 17 s . 6 d . with 1 g lists still to come in . Bro . Shackleton , W . M . 1524 , Sec , Guelph Lodge , No : 1685 , & c ; has had the misfortune to lose both Father and Mother within the short period of five weeks , the former having died through the great grief caused by the loss of his wife . Bro . Shackleton has our sympathy in his misfortune .
Bro . Robert Bradley of Reading , has been appointed Grand Secretary to the Provincial Grand Lodge for Berks and Bucks , in the room of Bro . Biggs who has lately retired from that office . Bro . Bradley has been a member of the Craft for many years and is well fitted for the pos'ticn . In the list of subscriptions to the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys which is given in another page , we notice rather an extraordinary donation , that is an amount of £ \ 15 ios . from a lodge that has yet to be formally consecrated . This we think augurs well for the Charities . Newton watching the fall of the apple , Franklin observing the little boy flying a kite in a thunder-storm ,
and a dozen other examples rise al once to the mind as proofs of the valuable results to be obtained by an intelligent observation of the operations of nature . Recently the Society of Arts was the means of introducing another and very valuable instance of this kind . It is well known that the woodmen and other inhabitants of pine forests are exceptionally healthy ; well known also that the planting
of pine woods in marshy districts will change their character , and render them salubrious ; well known , also , that all trees of this class secrete oils rich in hydro-carbons , and known as terpenes , whence turpentine , and by oxidation certain resinous substances such as camphor . Putting the known facts together , Mr . Kingzett , F . C . S ., formed certain theories , and after several years of laborious
experiment he actually succeeded , in conjunction with Mr . Maximilian Zingler , in isolating the " health piinciple " of the pine and eucalyptus tree , and by a simple process , in lmVation of nature , produced a solution , to which he has given the name of " Sanitas , " containing the antiseptic and disinfectant principles of a pine forest . Few chemists have ever achieved a greater triumph , or
one more pregnant with good to humanity , without any attendant curse , for already experiment has proved , and the most eminent medical and sanitary authorities have confirmed the proof , that "Sanitas " is the most valuable and efficacious antiseptic and disinfectant yet discovered . While giving all credit to the labours of previous investigators who have made known
to us the antiseptic properties of various substances , it must be admitted that to all of these there were in actual use some very powerful objections . Some are poisonous , some destroyed the fabrics with which they came in contact , some'had an acrid and disagreeable odour , hardly preferable to the noxious vapours they were intended to destroy , and which rendered them useless for the preservation of food . " Sanitas " is free from all these objections , and as a
company has been formed 31 57 , Moorgate-street , for its s upply , and it is not more costly than its unpleasant rivals , we may expect soon to see " Sanitas" in universal use in hospitals , asylums , schools , workshops , and private dwellings , in our streets and dustpits , in drains and cesspools , and , in short , wherever there is contagion to be found or guarded against , meat to be preserved , or water to be purified ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex was held on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Romford , under the Banner of the Hope and Unity Lodge , No . 214 . There was a large attendance of Essex brethren and some visitors , but as regards these latter the number
was small , considering the proximity of Romford to the Metropolis . Precisely at two o ' clock the lodge of Hope and Unity was opened , Bro . the Rev . Thos . Cochrane , P . Prov . G . Chap . Oxon , and W . M . 214 occupying the chair of K . S . ; and Grand
, Lodge having been announced , was received in due form . In the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the R . W . P . G . M . ( Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw ) , the throne was occupied by the Worshi pful Bro . Matthew E . Clark , D . P . G . M ., who was then
saluted in ancient form . Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in form , the roll call ot the lodges in the Province , now numbering 16 , producing upwards of 100 representatives . Letters expressing regret at their inability to attend were received from the R . W . P . G . M . of
Suffolk , ( Bro . Lord Waveney ) ; the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold , Grand Chap , of England , D . P . G . M ., Surrey ; W . Bro . John Hervey , Grand Sec , & c . The Auditors' Report having been read and approved , the W . D . P . G . M . proposed and the V . W . Bro . the Rev . S . R .
Wigram , Past . G . Chap . Eng ., seconded the re-election of the W . Bro . Joseph Burton as Treasurer for the ensuingyear , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Burton in returning thanks mentioned that it was the thirteenth time this honour had been conferred upon him .
The Grand Officers of the year were then invested as follows : — Rev . T . Cochrane , W . M . 214 / Prov . S . G . W . George Corbie , W . M . 453 ... Prov . J . G . W . The Rev . J . H . Bridge , 1 , 343 . Prov . G . Chaplain . Joseph Burton , P . M . 376 ... Prov- G . Treasurer .
T . J . Railing , W-M . elect . j 1 . Prov . G . Secretary . E . Hunt Carter , I . P . M . 276 .. Prov . G . Registrar . W . P . Lewis , P . M . 51 Prov . G . S . D . D . Reed , W . M . 14 ^ 7 Prov . G . J . D . T . G . Day , W . M . elect i 437 . Prov . G . S . of W .
A . Lucking , P . M . 1000 Prov . G . D . C . J . A . Wardell , P . M . 1000 . Prov . G . A . D . C . B . B . Brayshaw , W . M . 1437 . Prov . G . S . B . W . W . Brown , 214 Prov . G . O . W . F . Francis , W . M . 1024 ... Prov . G . P .
W . I . Chignell , 1000 Prov . G . S . C . F . Jones , 1000 Prov . G . S . G . W . Patmore , 1437 Prov . G . S . A . Manning , 1437 Prov . G . S . I J- P . Sarel , P . M . 27 6 Prov . G . T .
At three o ' clock , Prov . Grand Lodge was adjourned , and having been marshalled in procession , proceeded to St . Edward's Church , which had been kindly placed at the disposal of Grand Lodge by the Vicar , Bro . the Rev . E . Fox . Evening prayers were said by Bvo . the
Rev . T . Cochrane , Prov . S . G . W ., W . M . 214 , and Proper Lessons ( r Chron . xxix . and S . James v . ) were read by Bro . the Rev . S . R . Wi gram , P . G . C , W . M . 1000 and P . M . 214 . An able and practical sermon was preached by
the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rev . J . H . Bridge , from Luke xi ., 26 . At the close of the service 'he procession reformed , and marched back to the lod ge room , where some interesting matters connected with the Craft in Essex were
discussed ; and a vote of thanks to the brethren of Lod ge Hope and Unity for their very complete and admirable arrangements for the reception of 1 rovincial Grand Lodge was passed . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the ui * Lending LibraryRomfordand was
sult-, , ry acknowled ged by Bro . the Rev . E . Flox , Vicar . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed m due form and with solemn prayer . -pearly one hundred brethren afterwards par' 00 k of a sumptuous banquet at the Corn Exv --f » . wv * uo uouuui . 1 ai w *^ vuui xu A-
cnange , which had been handsomely decorated anQ transformed into a most comfortable banking hall . The W . D . P . G . M . presided j and ie usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly noured , the various speeches being interspersed / .. some capital vocal and instrumental music ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
under the direction of Bro . W . W . Brown , Prov . G . O . A most successful and pleasant meeting was brought to a close shortly before nine o ' clock .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of the Girls School was held on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . A . H . Tattershall in the chair . There were likewise present Bros . Rev . J . M . Vaughan , R . B . Webster , H . Daarsley * H . Massey
( Freemason . ) ; H . A . Dubois , S . Rosenthal , H , Potter , Col . Peters , A . H . Diaper , and R . W Little , Secretary . After the reading of the minutes £ 1 $ was granted to apprentice one of the girls leaving the Institution .
Six petitioners were placed on the list for election ; fifty children were declared to be on that list , and ten vacancies were declared . Bro . R . B . Webster gave notice of motion for next quarterly meeting — " That twenty-five extra children be admitted at next election , " in October . The Committee then adjourned .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
It will please not a few readers to learn that the first edition of the Volume of Prayers by the late Bro . Dawson has alreaely been sold , and that a second edition is in preparation . It is a good sign of the times that such a book should have been taken up so readily . It will also be an encouragement to Mrs . Dawson to proceed as speedily as possible with the Memoir and Volume
of Sermons understood to be in preparation . The hi gh appreciation in which Bro . Dawson was held by his congregation is shown in a most striking manner V )) ' the fact that wholly amongst themselves they have subscribed two thousand guineas as a gift to Mrs . Dawson and family . PAXTON LODGE , No . 1685 . —The consecration of this lodre takes place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham . The ceremonies , which
are to commence at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely , will be performed by Bro . H . E . Frances , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Suirey and Bro . the Rev . It . J . Simpson , M " . A ., P . G . Chaplain . A report will appear in our next . We are authorised to state that the second State Concert will take place at Buckingham Palace , on Friday , July 6 , and the second State Ball on Wednesday , July 11 . The " Craftsman and Canadian Masonic
Record " has been disposed of to R . W . Bro . J . B . Trayes , of Port Hope , Ontaiio . All communications should therefore be addressed "The Canadian Craftsman , " Port Hope , Ontario , Carada . The Provincial Grand Chapter of
Monmouthshire will be held on Wednesday , July nth , 1877 , at the Masonic Hall , Newport , at 3 o ' clock p . m . ; installation of the St . Wool ' s Chapter will take place at 4 p . m ., and the ceremony performed by Captain S . George Homfray , P . S . B ., G . C . and P . G . H ., Monmouthshire .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire will be held on Thursday , July 12 th , 1877 , at the Masonic Hall , Newport , under the banner of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales Lodge , 1429 , at 12 o ' clock , noon . A procession will be formed , and the brethren will proceed to St . Woolos Church , where a sermon will be preached by the Rev . J . Osman , Provincial Grand Chaplain .
A meeting of lhe Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will be held on Thursday next , at Portsmouth Lodge , St . Mary ' s-street , Portsmouth . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for Middlesex and Surrey will be held at the new Town Hall , at Twickenham , on Fiiday , 13 th July , commencing at 3 o ' clock .
Bro . C . Lord , late manager of the Cannonstreet Hotel , has taken the Palatine Hotel , Manchester . On the morning of Midsummer day , ( June 24 th ) says the Birmingham Post , there was a rather sharp frost in the neighbourhood of Bromsgrove , and the potatoes in some gardens were much cut down by it . The new subway under the Thames , between
the town and Arsenal of Woolwich , on the south bank of the river and North Woolwich , the works of which are actively in progress , will be completed , and the tunnel opened for traffic , about the end of the present year . The marriage of Mr . W . H . Basden to Miss Kate C . Gover , the youngest daughter of Bro . W . S . Gover , CC , is arranged to take place in July .
The University College Hospital has received a donation of £ 1000 from Major Dennis Moriarty , oi Plymouth , in aid of the funds . CATTLE PLAGUE . —In Tuesday night ' s Gazelle a report of tbe Privy Council states that no
further outbreak of cattle plague in Great Britain has been recorded since May 22 . The places lately infected are now declared free from cattle plague . Mr . Bright ' s visit to Bradford to unveil the statue of Richard Cobden , in the Royal Exchange , has been definitely fixed for Wednesday , July 25 .
Masonic And General Tidings.
" BELL ' LIFE IN LONDON " THE " OBSERVER . —On Tuesday last the splendid premises in which the editing , printing , and publishing of these two oldestablished journals ( Bell's Life was started in 1820 and The Observer as far back as 1791 ) have so long and successfully been carried on , were put up to public auction , and , after a very spirited contest , they were purchased by the proprietors of The Country for nearly £ 7000 . This
large purchase may be accepted , we presume , as an evidence of the substantial success which has attended the youngest of our sporting journals . We regret to state that the illness of the First Lord of the Admiralty is causing much uneasiness . Bro . Hunt was removed to Woolwich yesterday morning , and there embarked on board her Majesty ' s steamer Vivid , en route to Homburg , from the waters of which place it is hoped he may derive benefit .
In celebration of the return of Bro . Brassey , M . P ., with Mrs . Brassey and family , from their voyage round the world , a banquet was given on Wednesday last in the pavilion on the pier at Hastings . About 300 ladies and gentlemen sat down , the Mayor , Mr . Alderman Gansden presiding , Sir U . J . Kay-Shuttleworth , Bart ., M . P ., and Lady Kay-Shuttleworth were among the as
semblage . In responding to the toast of the evening Bio . Brassey gave some interesting particulars of his voyage , and spoke highly of British enterprise and prestige . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire , which was to have been held on the 4 th of July , has been postponed a fortnight , and will , therefore , be held on Wednesdav , the 18 th of July , at the Freemasons' New Hall , Sheffield .
A new cemetery has been completed at Canterbury at a cost of £ 10 . 000 . The thirty-ninth anniversary of the coronation of her Majesty was celebrated on Thursday . The bells of St . George ' s Chapel and St . John's Church rang merrily at intervals in honour nf the occasion .
At a special meeting of the Sheffield Corporation , held on Thursday morning , a resolution inviting General Grant to pay a visit to the town was unanimously adopted . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS .
—The total of the subscriptions received for this Institution up to Thursday mid-day , amounted to £ 13 , 248 17 s . 6 d . with 1 g lists still to come in . Bro . Shackleton , W . M . 1524 , Sec , Guelph Lodge , No : 1685 , & c ; has had the misfortune to lose both Father and Mother within the short period of five weeks , the former having died through the great grief caused by the loss of his wife . Bro . Shackleton has our sympathy in his misfortune .
Bro . Robert Bradley of Reading , has been appointed Grand Secretary to the Provincial Grand Lodge for Berks and Bucks , in the room of Bro . Biggs who has lately retired from that office . Bro . Bradley has been a member of the Craft for many years and is well fitted for the pos'ticn . In the list of subscriptions to the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys which is given in another page , we notice rather an extraordinary donation , that is an amount of £ \ 15 ios . from a lodge that has yet to be formally consecrated . This we think augurs well for the Charities . Newton watching the fall of the apple , Franklin observing the little boy flying a kite in a thunder-storm ,
and a dozen other examples rise al once to the mind as proofs of the valuable results to be obtained by an intelligent observation of the operations of nature . Recently the Society of Arts was the means of introducing another and very valuable instance of this kind . It is well known that the woodmen and other inhabitants of pine forests are exceptionally healthy ; well known also that the planting
of pine woods in marshy districts will change their character , and render them salubrious ; well known , also , that all trees of this class secrete oils rich in hydro-carbons , and known as terpenes , whence turpentine , and by oxidation certain resinous substances such as camphor . Putting the known facts together , Mr . Kingzett , F . C . S ., formed certain theories , and after several years of laborious
experiment he actually succeeded , in conjunction with Mr . Maximilian Zingler , in isolating the " health piinciple " of the pine and eucalyptus tree , and by a simple process , in lmVation of nature , produced a solution , to which he has given the name of " Sanitas , " containing the antiseptic and disinfectant principles of a pine forest . Few chemists have ever achieved a greater triumph , or
one more pregnant with good to humanity , without any attendant curse , for already experiment has proved , and the most eminent medical and sanitary authorities have confirmed the proof , that "Sanitas " is the most valuable and efficacious antiseptic and disinfectant yet discovered . While giving all credit to the labours of previous investigators who have made known
to us the antiseptic properties of various substances , it must be admitted that to all of these there were in actual use some very powerful objections . Some are poisonous , some destroyed the fabrics with which they came in contact , some'had an acrid and disagreeable odour , hardly preferable to the noxious vapours they were intended to destroy , and which rendered them useless for the preservation of food . " Sanitas " is free from all these objections , and as a
company has been formed 31 57 , Moorgate-street , for its s upply , and it is not more costly than its unpleasant rivals , we may expect soon to see " Sanitas" in universal use in hospitals , asylums , schools , workshops , and private dwellings , in our streets and dustpits , in drains and cesspools , and , in short , wherever there is contagion to be found or guarded against , meat to be preserved , or water to be purified ,