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ELECTION—i * , th OCTOBER , 1 S 73 . T > OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR *** BOYS . The Votes aud Interests of Governors anil Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of DAVID DOVE . AoEnNixi * , \ N * n HAU * YEANS . His Father , Hro . Davkl Dove , formerly a Uuihlt-v , at Scarboro , was for near 10 vears a Subseribini * "Member ol tile Old Globe Lodge No . : oo , Scarboro . Through failure in business be left Scarboro , antl «* as subsei'iicnth * appointed Inspector of Buildings on tbe North Eastern Railway , awl after a short illness died ( inllamation of the lungs broughton by exposure in the discharge of bis duties ) on the 16 th Xov . 1 N 70 . The boy ' s mother has Mine deserted him , as also two other children , a ' nd tbey are entirely dependant on friends for support . The case is stronelv recommended bv tbe following Brethren : — liro . Christopher Sykes , j ; . /' ., P . I ' rov . S . C . W ., X . and H . York , Brantineiiam , Thorpe . „ (' . M . Norwood . ;•;;) I / . /' ., Lon . Ion . „ John I \ Bell , M . li ., c ? . P . S . G . D . England , Hull . „ i . l . XV . I . ongstail ' , I ' .-M . 1010 , , ' . /' ., P . S . Prov . <; . \ V ., X . and 1 * :. York , Mull . „ John Dalton Holmes , IOIO , Hull . „ Francis lackson , 2 : 0 Hull , 'She-ill of llnU * . „ George Hardv , P . M . 2-0 , P . Prov . S . G . D ., X . and E . Y ' ork , Hull „ 1 . W . Woodall , I ' . M . 200 , P . Prov . S . G . D ., X . and E . York , Hull . And several brethren and lodges in this province . Voting Papers and anv assistance will be thankfullv received bv HRO . JOHN WALKER , P . M . 57 . ' P . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks ., X . and Ei York , jd . Lister-street , Hull .
q-O PARENTS AND GUARDIANS . An Architect and Surveyor ( a W . M . and R . A . Mason ) has a vacancy for a well educated youth as at tided pupil . A premium required . Address , R . T . E .. Westbourne Villa , Hamilton Wick , S W . THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS . £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ¦ - •3 3 ° Annnal Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Mcmbi'ip residing and carrying on business at a distance of tilty miles and upwards fiom London , Mercham-Cnptains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o The room is well supplied . villi newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-oiYice , l ' oste Kestaiite , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & r . ; also copving machines for the use ot" Subscribers . Hro . | 0 HN H . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M .. P , 2 ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & e . » Manager
NOW READY . Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s \ , Post . Free 2 s . 2 d . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR, DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1873 . CONTAINING Lists of Lodges ; Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils and Encampments , with the Names of Officers in England and Wales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece . Turkey . New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , Peru , Canada , America , South America , etc . May be hail of - all Booksellers , Tylers , Janitors , Sentinels , Eqtirrrir . t , & c , Publishing Office , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Royal Polytechnic . 'Hie ENCHANTED GI . EN j this successful Entertainment has """' . I'c-en rcp-cscmc- 'l 167 times ! Nc-ySon-js anil a new GHOST 1 -M'ECTin the Incantation Scene , bv the Author . Daily at 4 ami Q 1 Wednesday excc-it-d ) , by Mr . OSCAR II EAKTWHLI .. —The < . KEAT EXHIMttON , hy . Mr . . M A 1 . 1 , ¦¦ - . * , v Im lias just returned rum Vienna . —The SI I All aud the PERSIANS ; with Original lersian Music , 1 > V Mr . J . 1 .. KINU .-A'N * 1 CK I . lit Tl'RK by J ¦ r ' ' tessor ( JAKI-N- * - * . —Open daily , irnivi 12 to 5 , and 7 to io . Admission is .
TESSELA / ED CARPETING FOlt Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Feet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN AND 198 , FLEET STREET E . C .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt thc new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , tec ., unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchaseable value . Sec detailetl prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager . _
TJRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE XJ COMPANY . 4 , Qucen-street-place , London , E . C . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 2 , 190 policies for £ 3 80 , 0 : 50 . New annual income , , £ ' 11 , 613 r ?; death claims paid for £ 29 , 905 . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 302 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid by in year , £ 41 , 043 . In force , 18 , 084 policies for £ 3 , 109 , 215 . Annual premium income , £ 1 ) 7 , 402 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 963 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 314 , 116 .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused hy Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LO . NUON : 49 , MOORGATK-ST . Secretary : CHAHI . ES II . GII . MAN , Est ) . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB , WITH THE CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTSTF ALL KINDS PllOflDED fOIi BV A POLICV OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 lo £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out of every Twelve Annual Policy Holders becoming a Claimant EACH YEAR . For particulars apply to tbe Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNHILL , am } 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . V 1 AN , Secretary
] y [ O N E Y . —LOANS granted immediatel y fr"m £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Foar , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANGE CO ., ( Established -807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
OO ~ 0 GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion anil nutiition , antl by a careful application of the line propeities of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills" —Civil Seivice Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps aim Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " — Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Thveadneeulc-strcet , ami 170 , Piccadilly . 1 Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London .
MIDSUMMER HOLIDAYS . P MOSES and SON have made special * preparations , on a scale commensurate with the constantly increasing * demand at this season of the year , for BOYS' C < OTH ING for Seaside and Country w .: ar . p LOTHING FOR BOYS . ^ Every description of CLOTHING for BOYS can be obtained , ready-made or made to measure , at E . MOSES and SON'S . pLOTHING FOR BOYS . V - ' E . MOSES and SON'S STOCK of CLOTHING for BOYS comprises all the most popular styles for home and school wear , and they venture to assert that it is unequalled as well in magnitude and variety as in excellence and durability of materials and workmanship . p LOTHING FOR BOYS . ^ E . MOSES and SOX beg to state that the Departments for BOYS'CLOTHING in their establishments are quite distinct , which will be found a great convenience ; particularly by ladies accompanying their sons . pLOTHING FOR BOYS . ^ E . MOSES and SON forward PRICE LIST , Patterns , Fashion Sheet , and Rules for Self-Measure , gratis ana post free . Country orders promptly and carefully executed . ( -LOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ^ E . MOSES and SON'S vast Stock is divided into distinct Departments , as follows;—Ready-made Clothing for Adults . Ready-made Clothing for Juveniles . Ready-made Clothing for Sailors antl Mechanics . Clothing made to Order . Hosiery and Drapery . Mantles , Shawls , and Ladies' Underclothing . Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Outfits for Sea or Shore . T ? MOSES and SON beg to state that every " article in their Establishments is marked in plaii * . figures , and that any article not approved of will ( if not worn or injured ) he exchanged , or the amount paid for it will be retuttted . P MOSES and SON'S Establishments are " closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is iesumed ui . til il o'clock . Tlie following * are the only Addresses oi E . MOSES and SON : — LoVDON . Corner of Minories and Aldgate ( opposite Aldgate Church . ) New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner ofTottenham-Court-road , and Euston-road . CoUNTBV B'lANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
MOURNINGROSETTES FOR APRONS AND COLLARS . Regulation size and pattern , 6 s . and 9 s . Dozen , AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 198 , Fleet-street , and Little Britain , London . 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . 108 , Renfield-street , Glasgow .
HERALDIC , WRITJNG & MONOGRAM ENGRAVING EXECUTE- . 'PON SUver Gold , Metals , Gems , and Stones ( far Stali ? ig ) f In the vcrv highest style of art and workmanship ; also upon STEELDl ' ES , iorStampingNotc Paper and Envelopes ; OFFICIAL SEALS designed , marie and fitted ruto Presses ., for Public Companies and Societies ; PERFORA'L -iD ( or pierced ) and CARVED CRESTS , LETTERS , or MASONIC EMBLEMS made for Roc * ¦ Ctvcrs , Ci . ; ar Cases , Albums , & c ; and every branch connected with En *** ravin }; , all executed ON THE PREMISES , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S 9 , RATHB 0 NE 1 PLACE , OXFORD-ST ., LONDON / W
Will shortly be ready . CARTES DE VISITE or Masonic Celebrities , To be had at the Masonic Depots , 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION—i * , th OCTOBER , 1 S 73 . T > OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR *** BOYS . The Votes aud Interests of Governors anil Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of DAVID DOVE . AoEnNixi * , \ N * n HAU * YEANS . His Father , Hro . Davkl Dove , formerly a Uuihlt-v , at Scarboro , was for near 10 vears a Subseribini * "Member ol tile Old Globe Lodge No . : oo , Scarboro . Through failure in business be left Scarboro , antl «* as subsei'iicnth * appointed Inspector of Buildings on tbe North Eastern Railway , awl after a short illness died ( inllamation of the lungs broughton by exposure in the discharge of bis duties ) on the 16 th Xov . 1 N 70 . The boy ' s mother has Mine deserted him , as also two other children , a ' nd tbey are entirely dependant on friends for support . The case is stronelv recommended bv tbe following Brethren : — liro . Christopher Sykes , j ; . /' ., P . I ' rov . S . C . W ., X . and H . York , Brantineiiam , Thorpe . „ (' . M . Norwood . ;•;;) I / . /' ., Lon . Ion . „ John I \ Bell , M . li ., c ? . P . S . G . D . England , Hull . „ i . l . XV . I . ongstail ' , I ' .-M . 1010 , , ' . /' ., P . S . Prov . <; . \ V ., X . and 1 * :. York , Mull . „ John Dalton Holmes , IOIO , Hull . „ Francis lackson , 2 : 0 Hull , 'She-ill of llnU * . „ George Hardv , P . M . 2-0 , P . Prov . S . G . D ., X . and E . Y ' ork , Hull „ 1 . W . Woodall , I ' . M . 200 , P . Prov . S . G . D ., X . and E . York , Hull . And several brethren and lodges in this province . Voting Papers and anv assistance will be thankfullv received bv HRO . JOHN WALKER , P . M . 57 . ' P . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks ., X . and Ei York , jd . Lister-street , Hull .
q-O PARENTS AND GUARDIANS . An Architect and Surveyor ( a W . M . and R . A . Mason ) has a vacancy for a well educated youth as at tided pupil . A premium required . Address , R . T . E .. Westbourne Villa , Hamilton Wick , S W . THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS . £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ¦ - •3 3 ° Annnal Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Mcmbi'ip residing and carrying on business at a distance of tilty miles and upwards fiom London , Mercham-Cnptains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o The room is well supplied . villi newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-oiYice , l ' oste Kestaiite , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & r . ; also copving machines for the use ot" Subscribers . Hro . | 0 HN H . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M .. P , 2 ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & e . » Manager
NOW READY . Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s \ , Post . Free 2 s . 2 d . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR, DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1873 . CONTAINING Lists of Lodges ; Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils and Encampments , with the Names of Officers in England and Wales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece . Turkey . New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , Peru , Canada , America , South America , etc . May be hail of - all Booksellers , Tylers , Janitors , Sentinels , Eqtirrrir . t , & c , Publishing Office , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Royal Polytechnic . 'Hie ENCHANTED GI . EN j this successful Entertainment has """' . I'c-en rcp-cscmc- 'l 167 times ! Nc-ySon-js anil a new GHOST 1 -M'ECTin the Incantation Scene , bv the Author . Daily at 4 ami Q 1 Wednesday excc-it-d ) , by Mr . OSCAR II EAKTWHLI .. —The < . KEAT EXHIMttON , hy . Mr . . M A 1 . 1 , ¦¦ - . * , v Im lias just returned rum Vienna . —The SI I All aud the PERSIANS ; with Original lersian Music , 1 > V Mr . J . 1 .. KINU .-A'N * 1 CK I . lit Tl'RK by J ¦ r ' ' tessor ( JAKI-N- * - * . —Open daily , irnivi 12 to 5 , and 7 to io . Admission is .
TESSELA / ED CARPETING FOlt Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Feet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN AND 198 , FLEET STREET E . C .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt thc new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , tec ., unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchaseable value . Sec detailetl prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager . _
TJRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE XJ COMPANY . 4 , Qucen-street-place , London , E . C . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 2 , 190 policies for £ 3 80 , 0 : 50 . New annual income , , £ ' 11 , 613 r ?; death claims paid for £ 29 , 905 . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 302 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid by in year , £ 41 , 043 . In force , 18 , 084 policies for £ 3 , 109 , 215 . Annual premium income , £ 1 ) 7 , 402 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 963 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 314 , 116 .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused hy Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LO . NUON : 49 , MOORGATK-ST . Secretary : CHAHI . ES II . GII . MAN , Est ) . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB , WITH THE CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTSTF ALL KINDS PllOflDED fOIi BV A POLICV OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 lo £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out of every Twelve Annual Policy Holders becoming a Claimant EACH YEAR . For particulars apply to tbe Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , CORNHILL , am } 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . V 1 AN , Secretary
] y [ O N E Y . —LOANS granted immediatel y fr"m £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Foar , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANGE CO ., ( Established -807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
OO ~ 0 GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion anil nutiition , antl by a careful application of the line propeities of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills" —Civil Seivice Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps aim Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " — Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Thveadneeulc-strcet , ami 170 , Piccadilly . 1 Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London .
MIDSUMMER HOLIDAYS . P MOSES and SON have made special * preparations , on a scale commensurate with the constantly increasing * demand at this season of the year , for BOYS' C < OTH ING for Seaside and Country w .: ar . p LOTHING FOR BOYS . ^ Every description of CLOTHING for BOYS can be obtained , ready-made or made to measure , at E . MOSES and SON'S . pLOTHING FOR BOYS . V - ' E . MOSES and SON'S STOCK of CLOTHING for BOYS comprises all the most popular styles for home and school wear , and they venture to assert that it is unequalled as well in magnitude and variety as in excellence and durability of materials and workmanship . p LOTHING FOR BOYS . ^ E . MOSES and SOX beg to state that the Departments for BOYS'CLOTHING in their establishments are quite distinct , which will be found a great convenience ; particularly by ladies accompanying their sons . pLOTHING FOR BOYS . ^ E . MOSES and SON forward PRICE LIST , Patterns , Fashion Sheet , and Rules for Self-Measure , gratis ana post free . Country orders promptly and carefully executed . ( -LOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ^ E . MOSES and SON'S vast Stock is divided into distinct Departments , as follows;—Ready-made Clothing for Adults . Ready-made Clothing for Juveniles . Ready-made Clothing for Sailors antl Mechanics . Clothing made to Order . Hosiery and Drapery . Mantles , Shawls , and Ladies' Underclothing . Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Outfits for Sea or Shore . T ? MOSES and SON beg to state that every " article in their Establishments is marked in plaii * . figures , and that any article not approved of will ( if not worn or injured ) he exchanged , or the amount paid for it will be retuttted . P MOSES and SON'S Establishments are " closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is iesumed ui . til il o'clock . Tlie following * are the only Addresses oi E . MOSES and SON : — LoVDON . Corner of Minories and Aldgate ( opposite Aldgate Church . ) New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner ofTottenham-Court-road , and Euston-road . CoUNTBV B'lANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
MOURNINGROSETTES FOR APRONS AND COLLARS . Regulation size and pattern , 6 s . and 9 s . Dozen , AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 198 , Fleet-street , and Little Britain , London . 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . 108 , Renfield-street , Glasgow .
HERALDIC , WRITJNG & MONOGRAM ENGRAVING EXECUTE- . 'PON SUver Gold , Metals , Gems , and Stones ( far Stali ? ig ) f In the vcrv highest style of art and workmanship ; also upon STEELDl ' ES , iorStampingNotc Paper and Envelopes ; OFFICIAL SEALS designed , marie and fitted ruto Presses ., for Public Companies and Societies ; PERFORA'L -iD ( or pierced ) and CARVED CRESTS , LETTERS , or MASONIC EMBLEMS made for Roc * ¦ Ctvcrs , Ci . ; ar Cases , Albums , & c ; and every branch connected with En *** ravin }; , all executed ON THE PREMISES , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S 9 , RATHB 0 NE 1 PLACE , OXFORD-ST ., LONDON / W
Will shortly be ready . CARTES DE VISITE or Masonic Celebrities , To be had at the Masonic Depots , 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London ,