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Masonic Meetings In Glasgow.
Wednesday , September 3 . Lodge 4 , Kilwinning , 170 , Buchanan-st . „ 117 , St . Mary's , Freemasons' Hall , Patrick . „ 128 , St . John , Shettlestone . „ 334 , Caledonian Railway , 2 T 3 , Buchanan-st . „ 166 , St . John ' s , 29 , Graham-street , Airdrie . Thursday , September 4 .
Lodge 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-street . „ 3 60 , Commercial , 19 , Croy-place . ,, 4 65 , St . Andrew's , Garngad Road ; „ 370 , Renfrew , Hi gh-street , Paisley . Friday , September R .
Lodge 275 , Shamrock and Thistle , 22 , Struthers-st . „ 408 , Clyde , 170 Buchanan-st . „ 116 , Royal Arch , Council Hall , Rutherglen . ,, 372 , Thorntree , Thornliebank . Saturday , September 6 th . Lodge 43 8 , St . John ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Busby .
fbbcrtisements . rnHE ADVERTISER , a Master Mason , a A Member of a South African Lodge , is in imminent want of £ 35 to stave off his creditors , to whom he owes about £ 16 , and enable his wife to open a little business . Hc has five litt ' e children , two of whom arc seriously ill , hc would also be thankful if he could get employment either as Collector , Timekeeper , Messenger , or Sorter , & c ., hc hay no wish to return to the Cape should he be successful . Being without friends here , he trusts the Craft will assist him out of his difficulties . Contiibutions will be thankfull y acknowledged by W . E . J ., 103 , Lcfevre . road , Victorianark .
To Parents , Teachers , and Students . English History made Easy . Dedicated , by Permission , to thc Ri ghr Hon . Earl Bective . CROWTHER ' S MNEMONICS . Cloth , Post Free , 2 s . Extremely useful for easily imprinting upon the memory ( he dales of the chief Historical Events . The system is likely to be very popular , young children are fond of it ; and advanced students greatly value it . " A most useful little work , the study of which would prevent common mistakes . "—The Bookseller . " Such a book cannot but be acceptable to everyone . " — Barron- Pilot . " There are more dates in Mr . Crowther ' s little two shilling book than ever a lad is taught at school ; more than he could commit to memory in a twelvemonth ; and yet , if he could enter into thc system heartily , hc would know the whole lot of dates in one week in such a way that most of them hc would never forget .- '—IhtthlersfieUI . H- ' eekhj Neu-s . London : Moffatt & Co ., 6 , Paternoster-buildings , E . C QHEAPEST GAS BATH £ 6 r . ' . s . oil . ( advance * , io per iviu . * ¦ ! Gas Conservatory Hollers . Gas Ovens , ( . Vo ' Gas Inside ' . } U . SHREWSBURY . 59 . Old Bailey . L-aetory < A Banim-ton road , East Brixton .
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTUR ER GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER . £ !*iltr^/va:[mc'\**^%^ fH W ( LO »\ ° \ _ J § en . ' - ' ¦* •' 1 . Strong Silver Watches from i o o Silver English Levers ( own mala- ) from . ** , to ci Ladies'Gold English Levers , from 990 Gent's Gold English Levers from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , txc , made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . Manufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .,
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Stucents' Hall , Theological anil Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Chemical Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , large Swimming Bath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : BRO . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VicF . Pitiscii'Ai .: Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A . MASTERS : Rev . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History .
Mr . H . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . HYMERS J ACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German .
Mr . J . RociiFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , and Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CLIFFORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . FLOYD , C . E ., Land Surveying and Levelling with the use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . Mr . W . I-I . Jos ES , Music ( Organ and Piano ) and Singing .
Mr . R . NICIIOI ., Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , and Swim ming . There arc in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , and tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for thc Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxford , Cambridge , London
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictly Protestant Principles , in accordance vvith the Doctrines and Liturgy of the Church of England . Students requiring a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . Thc year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , thc only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the terms . No Extras of any kind .
The High School—Students from lb to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students tinder 12 years oi age . The College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirehf ilislinct , lui contiguous ) Boys are well grounded in the elements of a sound English Education , with French and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for the learned professions ) , and prepared for thc
High or Middle School . In thc Hi gh School thc course of study is a preparation for the Universities and thc various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such subjects as will qualify thom for scientific and commercial pursuits .
Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Preston , and half a mile from Longridge Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an houi ' s ride of the chief watering dlaccs on thc western coast of Lancashire , and is considered by Medical Professors to be in onc of thc healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by thc
remarkably good health enjoyed by the studcifs and regularly confirmed by thc half-yearly medical reports . Extensive Cricket Grounds are attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious covered Gymnasium and Student's Hall , available for recreation , drill , kc , adjoin . Reports of all examinations , together with thc names of those students who have distinguished themselves at thc
College and the Universities , as Exhibitioners , Medalists and Prizemen , also the repoits of the late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and all necessary information , forwarded on application to the Rector , or to GEORGE CLIFFORD , Secretary . References kindly permitted to Bro . Masons , and to thc
late Examiners : Rev . I . 11 . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L . ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examiner to I Icr Majesty ' s Civil Service Commission , Crawford Cottage , Epsom ; T . W . Errc Evans , Est ] ., I . L . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale Villa , Lower Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Professor Pagel , Liverpool ; If . Routledge , Esq ., H . S . F . C . S ., . Manchester ; also Ihe Protestant Clergy , Nobility , and Professional Gentlemen ( parents of present pupils ) in Lon ' on ,
i \ anchester , Liverpool , Birmn g . iani , Leeds , Bradford , tognor , Preston , Burnley , Chester , Lancaster , Boston ( Lincoln ) , Wigan , Ifari-ovvgnte , Accrington , Haslingden , Kendal , Southport , Todmorden , iVc , and various other towns ; the Continent of Fuiope , the colonies , New Votk , and the United States , L . azil , Cuba , ivc , who can bear ample testimony to the merits and success of this College . Next term commences the } th August , 1873 ,
BRO .GEORGEKENNING, P . M ., P . Z ., Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T ., R . C . K ., R . O . S ., 30 ° . 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . C 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : •< 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . ( . 108 , Renfield-street , Glasgow . MASOMTDEPOT. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THK WORLD ov J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , Tracing Boards , And every Requisite for all . Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C . Pvicc ^ ists on application . NAVAL&~MIL_TARY* WAREHOUSE. Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroidery , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos . Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c . & c . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C $ ricc wistu m application . GEORGEKENNING, 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . ( 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCH RS : - < a , Moiwment-place , Liverpool . ( , 108 , Renfield-street , Glasgow .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow.
Wednesday , September 3 . Lodge 4 , Kilwinning , 170 , Buchanan-st . „ 117 , St . Mary's , Freemasons' Hall , Patrick . „ 128 , St . John , Shettlestone . „ 334 , Caledonian Railway , 2 T 3 , Buchanan-st . „ 166 , St . John ' s , 29 , Graham-street , Airdrie . Thursday , September 4 .
Lodge 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-street . „ 3 60 , Commercial , 19 , Croy-place . ,, 4 65 , St . Andrew's , Garngad Road ; „ 370 , Renfrew , Hi gh-street , Paisley . Friday , September R .
Lodge 275 , Shamrock and Thistle , 22 , Struthers-st . „ 408 , Clyde , 170 Buchanan-st . „ 116 , Royal Arch , Council Hall , Rutherglen . ,, 372 , Thorntree , Thornliebank . Saturday , September 6 th . Lodge 43 8 , St . John ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Busby .
fbbcrtisements . rnHE ADVERTISER , a Master Mason , a A Member of a South African Lodge , is in imminent want of £ 35 to stave off his creditors , to whom he owes about £ 16 , and enable his wife to open a little business . Hc has five litt ' e children , two of whom arc seriously ill , hc would also be thankful if he could get employment either as Collector , Timekeeper , Messenger , or Sorter , & c ., hc hay no wish to return to the Cape should he be successful . Being without friends here , he trusts the Craft will assist him out of his difficulties . Contiibutions will be thankfull y acknowledged by W . E . J ., 103 , Lcfevre . road , Victorianark .
To Parents , Teachers , and Students . English History made Easy . Dedicated , by Permission , to thc Ri ghr Hon . Earl Bective . CROWTHER ' S MNEMONICS . Cloth , Post Free , 2 s . Extremely useful for easily imprinting upon the memory ( he dales of the chief Historical Events . The system is likely to be very popular , young children are fond of it ; and advanced students greatly value it . " A most useful little work , the study of which would prevent common mistakes . "—The Bookseller . " Such a book cannot but be acceptable to everyone . " — Barron- Pilot . " There are more dates in Mr . Crowther ' s little two shilling book than ever a lad is taught at school ; more than he could commit to memory in a twelvemonth ; and yet , if he could enter into thc system heartily , hc would know the whole lot of dates in one week in such a way that most of them hc would never forget .- '—IhtthlersfieUI . H- ' eekhj Neu-s . London : Moffatt & Co ., 6 , Paternoster-buildings , E . C QHEAPEST GAS BATH £ 6 r . ' . s . oil . ( advance * , io per iviu . * ¦ ! Gas Conservatory Hollers . Gas Ovens , ( . Vo ' Gas Inside ' . } U . SHREWSBURY . 59 . Old Bailey . L-aetory < A Banim-ton road , East Brixton .
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTUR ER GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER . £ !*iltr^/va:[mc'\**^%^ fH W ( LO »\ ° \ _ J § en . ' - ' ¦* •' 1 . Strong Silver Watches from i o o Silver English Levers ( own mala- ) from . ** , to ci Ladies'Gold English Levers , from 990 Gent's Gold English Levers from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , txc , made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . Manufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .,
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Stucents' Hall , Theological anil Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Chemical Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , large Swimming Bath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : BRO . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VicF . Pitiscii'Ai .: Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A . MASTERS : Rev . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History .
Mr . H . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . HYMERS J ACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German .
Mr . J . RociiFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , and Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CLIFFORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . FLOYD , C . E ., Land Surveying and Levelling with the use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . Mr . W . I-I . Jos ES , Music ( Organ and Piano ) and Singing .
Mr . R . NICIIOI ., Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , and Swim ming . There arc in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , and tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for thc Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxford , Cambridge , London
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictly Protestant Principles , in accordance vvith the Doctrines and Liturgy of the Church of England . Students requiring a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . Thc year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , thc only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the terms . No Extras of any kind .
The High School—Students from lb to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students tinder 12 years oi age . The College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirehf ilislinct , lui contiguous ) Boys are well grounded in the elements of a sound English Education , with French and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for the learned professions ) , and prepared for thc
High or Middle School . In thc Hi gh School thc course of study is a preparation for the Universities and thc various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such subjects as will qualify thom for scientific and commercial pursuits .
Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Preston , and half a mile from Longridge Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an houi ' s ride of the chief watering dlaccs on thc western coast of Lancashire , and is considered by Medical Professors to be in onc of thc healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by thc
remarkably good health enjoyed by the studcifs and regularly confirmed by thc half-yearly medical reports . Extensive Cricket Grounds are attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious covered Gymnasium and Student's Hall , available for recreation , drill , kc , adjoin . Reports of all examinations , together with thc names of those students who have distinguished themselves at thc
College and the Universities , as Exhibitioners , Medalists and Prizemen , also the repoits of the late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and all necessary information , forwarded on application to the Rector , or to GEORGE CLIFFORD , Secretary . References kindly permitted to Bro . Masons , and to thc
late Examiners : Rev . I . 11 . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L . ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examiner to I Icr Majesty ' s Civil Service Commission , Crawford Cottage , Epsom ; T . W . Errc Evans , Est ] ., I . L . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale Villa , Lower Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Professor Pagel , Liverpool ; If . Routledge , Esq ., H . S . F . C . S ., . Manchester ; also Ihe Protestant Clergy , Nobility , and Professional Gentlemen ( parents of present pupils ) in Lon ' on ,
i \ anchester , Liverpool , Birmn g . iani , Leeds , Bradford , tognor , Preston , Burnley , Chester , Lancaster , Boston ( Lincoln ) , Wigan , Ifari-ovvgnte , Accrington , Haslingden , Kendal , Southport , Todmorden , iVc , and various other towns ; the Continent of Fuiope , the colonies , New Votk , and the United States , L . azil , Cuba , ivc , who can bear ample testimony to the merits and success of this College . Next term commences the } th August , 1873 ,
BRO .GEORGEKENNING, P . M ., P . Z ., Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T ., R . C . K ., R . O . S ., 30 ° . 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . C 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : •< 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . ( . 108 , Renfield-street , Glasgow . MASOMTDEPOT. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THK WORLD ov J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , Tracing Boards , And every Requisite for all . Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C . Pvicc ^ ists on application . NAVAL&~MIL_TARY* WAREHOUSE. Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroidery , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos . Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c . & c . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C $ ricc wistu m application . GEORGEKENNING, 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . ( 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCH RS : - < a , Moiwment-place , Liverpool . ( , 108 , Renfield-street , Glasgow .