Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' " It is intended to give in it a monthly digest of Freemasonry in all its branches , and to judge by the current number , it admirably fulfils this
design . "—Bath Express , August 2 . " Judging from the first number , the periodical is likely to * have a large circulation among Freemasons . "—Bath and Cheltenham Gazette , July 16 .
"It is well printed , and the contents are such as are calculated to interest the brethren . In Masonic circles we should say that this addition to the literature of the Craft will be warmly welcomed . "—Banbury Guardian , July , 31 .
" The usefulness and importance of the Masonic Life are temperately inculcated in a leading article . S ome verses on the late Earl of Zetland are a proper and fitting tribute to an excellent man . *'—Bell ' s Life , August 36 th .
" Its articles are well written , very instructive and interesting to all those who have the interest of Freemasonry at heart . We would recommend all Freemasons to obtain a copy and judge for themselves . "—Berks Telegram , July 18 .
" The list of contributors is a sufficient guarantee that the magazine will fulfill its purpose , No Freemason should be without it . *'—Bolton Guardian , July 12 . "The contents of the first number will be
especially appreciated by Freemasons . —Bolton Weekly Journal , July . 12 . "The magazine contains a variety of valuable
articles concerning the Craft in all its branches , and we doubt not that it will become a publication highly prized amongst Masons . *'—Borough of Hackney Express , August 2 .
" It will no doubt interest every member ot the Order . "—Brechin Advertiser , July Sth . " We recommend our Alasonic readers to subscribe to the magazine . It is well got up for six-pence . "—Brecon County Times , July 26 .
" It will be welcomed by the brethren of the Craft as an acceptable addition to Masontc periodical literature , and in some sort as an organ of the ancient Order . The ' Masonic Magazine ' bids fair for an extended circulation within the
limits of its sphere of usefulness . "—Brighton Examiner , July 22 . " It is neatly printed , ancl contains matter interesting to members of the Craft all over the
world . It contains , amongt the list of contributors , men eminent in Masonry , and we have no doubt it will be largely patronised by members ofthe' Mystic Tie . —Cashel Gazet / e , July 12 th .
" From the distinguished names given as its ' patrons , ' it promises to bo well supported . "Coventry Standard , July j 6 th . "We wonder whether the ladies will be curious to catch from its pages some glimpses of
the life , which is so great and often so irritating a mystery to them , and from which the } ' often resent their exclusion . There is a careful sketch of the progress of the Craft , of its various developments , of its charitable institutions , kc . "Deif y nnd Chesterfield Repotler , Aug . ist .
" We trust that it will continue to prosper as well as it has begun . The list of contributors comprises several leading names of distinguished Masons , such as must promise well for the success of the undertaking . The number for
August is not less interesting and attractive than its predecessor ( July ) , and contains some valuable articles on various subjects connected with the Craft . "—DiMiaisler , Nottingham , and Lincoln Gnxette , August Sth .
" Alter reading with much interest the articles contained in it we recommend its perusal by those interested in the literature of Freemasonry . " *—Jewish Chronicle , Aug . Sth .
" It deserves to become exceedingly popular . " —Clifton Chronicle , July 16 th . " It will be hailed with delight by all who feel interested in the wide-spread progress of the
grand principles of the Order , or require information en its beneficent and mysterious tinfoldings and developments . It afiords interesting subjects for consideration to the general reader . "—Draper , July iSth .
"We confidently recommend this periodical to the notice of our Masonic readers . It is truly marvellous how such a beautifully printed work can be produced at the price , and to ensure a profitable retuin to the proprietor , it will lequire , ami we do not doubt it will achieve , an extensive ciiculation . "—Dunfermline Journal , July 26 th .
"It is very ably edited , and amongst its contributors are many of the most eminent English and foreign writers onFreemasonry . "—Eversham Journal ., July 19 th . " A cartful impaction of its contents justifies
the expectation that it will be well supported . It is cheap , neatly got up , and smartly written , while all subjects of interest to Masons , seem to receive full attention . "—Gitlloifiii / Gaxelte , July 12 th .
" AVe are satisfied , that it is edited by a gentleman that displays great literary ability , combined with a most thorough and masterly treatment of his subject . We repeat , we have derived great pleasure and information from the perusal of
this clever magazine , and have therefore every confidence in recommending it to onr readers . 'Gateshead Observer , July 26 th . "The first number is a most creditable specimen , and if succeeding issues are as good , the
'Magazine will have a satisfactory circulation . " —Grantham Journal , July 19 th . " The new monthly opens well with an interesting paper on the present position of English Freemasonry , & c . "—Gravesend Journal , July 19 .
" It is launched into the world with a long list nf worthy contributors . I'he ' leading' article , so we may call it , 'The Present Position of English Freemasonry , ' is extremely instructive . "Hackney and Kingsland Gazelle , July 12 th .
" Members of the Craft will doubtless find it full of interesting matter . "—Hampshire Advertiser , July 12 th . " It will be sure to be widely circulated amongst the brethren . " — Deal , Walmer , und Sandwich Meiiiiri ) , Aug . oth .
" The contents go to make up such a cheap and interesting sixpenny worth , as ought to secure a place for this magazine . "—Hampshire Independent , August J 9 th .
" ' There are very few of this class of periodicals extant , and we have no doubt that the praiseworthy efforts of the publisher will be properly valued by the brotherhood . "—Hawick Advertiser , July 12 th .
" We can safel y predict that its advent will be hailed with deli ght wherever Freemasonry is known , and the English language spoken : and
we can congratulate the members of the Craft in having such an organ devoted exclusively to themselves . As the cost is but sixpence monthly , it may be said to be within the- reach of all . "Jerseii Observer , July ioth .
"It appears to be ably conducted , and tin : adherents of Freemasonry ought to give it theii hearty support . "—John 0 ' Groat ' s Journal , | ul \ 17 th . ' " '
" The articles are all excellent , and we feel assured that those of our readers who may peruse the magazine , will join in supporting our high opinion of it . "—Kelso Clirjii ' wle , Aug . 22 nd .
"The numerous and respectable lodges of Freemasons in this country required a magazine of this kind to give them their proper literary position in the land . This is the first number ( July ) of a new monthly , and begins well . "Hastings ancl St . Leonard's News , July 25 th .
" The magazine is worthy of the position to which it aspires , both as regards its outward appearance and its contents . Able articles maybe expected , and if the contents of this month ' s ( July ) magazine may be taken as a specimen , of what is to follow , the expectation will not be disappointed . "—Kelso Courier , July nth .
" With the contributors they have on the staff " , the Masonic Magazine will always be worth reading . Wishing * it success we commend it to
our brethren . "—Kelso Mail , July 9 th . "This is a monthly publication that has been much needed by Craft Alasons , and from the contents of the first number we feel sure it will
be welcome to all brethren . —Kent and . Sussex Courier , July 25 th . " Altogether the new magazine is a very interesting one , and we heartily commend it to the notice and support of Freemasons . "—Leigh Times , July 12 th .
"Aluch editorial judgment and taste are displayed in the selection and arrangements of the contents ; and the individual articles are characterised by great ability and thorough Knowledge of the matter in hand . "—Leith Burghs Pilot , July , 19 th .
"We have perused with much pleasure this , the first number of the Masonic Magazine , and recommend it to the Craft generally . On looking at the list of contributors , we cannot but think and heartily desire it to be a success . "Louth Advertiser , July 19 th .
" We earnestly recommend it to the Craft . It contains valuable matter of the history , rise , and progress of Freemasonry . Among the list of contributors are names recognised as workers in and for the Craft and Arch . "—Lowestoft . Observer , ftily 12 th .
" It is full of promise and full of interest . Such a magazine will supply a great want in the Alasonic world . The list of contributors comprises the names of mam * , who are not only high
in the Craft , but well known in literature . "Lymington and South Hants Chronicle , July nth . " We should judge that the periodical would prove a valuable addition to the literature of the Craft . "—Neivbiirti Weekly News , July 1 rth .
" It is devoted to the interests of the ' Order , ' and gives promise of considerable ability . "Northern Ensign , July 17 th . " We hail a new magazine , devoted to the
noble purpose of improving the knowledge and enunciating the principles of Freemasonry , with a fraternal greeting . The present work is well got up and ably edited , and the cost sixpence per month . "—Pembrokeshire Advertiser , July 17 th .
" This magazine will be welcomed by all Masons as containing a monthl y digest of Freemasonry in all its branches . "—Peterborough Advertiser , July 19 th . "lt fills up a space , that has been gaping long .
From the appearance of the first number , it deserves to be well supported . We advise all our Alasonic readers to support the new undertaking in connection with the "Craft" as it deserves . " —South I fit Is Express , July 22 th .
" We commend the magazine to the notice of all who have the objects of Freemasonry at heart . "—Ross Gazelle , July , 10 th .
" Alasonic brethren have no need to feel ashamed of the latest addition to their class literature . It certainly seems to merit patronage . "—Soul It hurt News , luly 12 th .
. OM ICKS . — London , 19 S , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place- Dublin , 26 , Grafton-street •Glasgow , 10 S , Renfield-street . Printed and Published l , y lhe l-n-priet .-r , Urotlicr C „ -OK , ; K IVEXX .-N , * , HI his Olliees ; i ., S Fleet-strect , and 2 ; 3 , and 4 , Utile Britain- in the City of London ; and . ; Momim-n ^ dac- . Liverpool " iTith . "~ County of Lancaster , —SATURDAY- AI-OOT JO , 1873 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' " It is intended to give in it a monthly digest of Freemasonry in all its branches , and to judge by the current number , it admirably fulfils this
design . "—Bath Express , August 2 . " Judging from the first number , the periodical is likely to * have a large circulation among Freemasons . "—Bath and Cheltenham Gazette , July 16 .
"It is well printed , and the contents are such as are calculated to interest the brethren . In Masonic circles we should say that this addition to the literature of the Craft will be warmly welcomed . "—Banbury Guardian , July , 31 .
" The usefulness and importance of the Masonic Life are temperately inculcated in a leading article . S ome verses on the late Earl of Zetland are a proper and fitting tribute to an excellent man . *'—Bell ' s Life , August 36 th .
" Its articles are well written , very instructive and interesting to all those who have the interest of Freemasonry at heart . We would recommend all Freemasons to obtain a copy and judge for themselves . "—Berks Telegram , July 18 .
" The list of contributors is a sufficient guarantee that the magazine will fulfill its purpose , No Freemason should be without it . *'—Bolton Guardian , July 12 . "The contents of the first number will be
especially appreciated by Freemasons . —Bolton Weekly Journal , July . 12 . "The magazine contains a variety of valuable
articles concerning the Craft in all its branches , and we doubt not that it will become a publication highly prized amongst Masons . *'—Borough of Hackney Express , August 2 .
" It will no doubt interest every member ot the Order . "—Brechin Advertiser , July Sth . " We recommend our Alasonic readers to subscribe to the magazine . It is well got up for six-pence . "—Brecon County Times , July 26 .
" It will be welcomed by the brethren of the Craft as an acceptable addition to Masontc periodical literature , and in some sort as an organ of the ancient Order . The ' Masonic Magazine ' bids fair for an extended circulation within the
limits of its sphere of usefulness . "—Brighton Examiner , July 22 . " It is neatly printed , ancl contains matter interesting to members of the Craft all over the
world . It contains , amongt the list of contributors , men eminent in Masonry , and we have no doubt it will be largely patronised by members ofthe' Mystic Tie . —Cashel Gazet / e , July 12 th .
" From the distinguished names given as its ' patrons , ' it promises to bo well supported . "Coventry Standard , July j 6 th . "We wonder whether the ladies will be curious to catch from its pages some glimpses of
the life , which is so great and often so irritating a mystery to them , and from which the } ' often resent their exclusion . There is a careful sketch of the progress of the Craft , of its various developments , of its charitable institutions , kc . "Deif y nnd Chesterfield Repotler , Aug . ist .
" We trust that it will continue to prosper as well as it has begun . The list of contributors comprises several leading names of distinguished Masons , such as must promise well for the success of the undertaking . The number for
August is not less interesting and attractive than its predecessor ( July ) , and contains some valuable articles on various subjects connected with the Craft . "—DiMiaisler , Nottingham , and Lincoln Gnxette , August Sth .
" Alter reading with much interest the articles contained in it we recommend its perusal by those interested in the literature of Freemasonry . " *—Jewish Chronicle , Aug . Sth .
" It deserves to become exceedingly popular . " —Clifton Chronicle , July 16 th . " It will be hailed with delight by all who feel interested in the wide-spread progress of the
grand principles of the Order , or require information en its beneficent and mysterious tinfoldings and developments . It afiords interesting subjects for consideration to the general reader . "—Draper , July iSth .
"We confidently recommend this periodical to the notice of our Masonic readers . It is truly marvellous how such a beautifully printed work can be produced at the price , and to ensure a profitable retuin to the proprietor , it will lequire , ami we do not doubt it will achieve , an extensive ciiculation . "—Dunfermline Journal , July 26 th .
"It is very ably edited , and amongst its contributors are many of the most eminent English and foreign writers onFreemasonry . "—Eversham Journal ., July 19 th . " A cartful impaction of its contents justifies
the expectation that it will be well supported . It is cheap , neatly got up , and smartly written , while all subjects of interest to Masons , seem to receive full attention . "—Gitlloifiii / Gaxelte , July 12 th .
" AVe are satisfied , that it is edited by a gentleman that displays great literary ability , combined with a most thorough and masterly treatment of his subject . We repeat , we have derived great pleasure and information from the perusal of
this clever magazine , and have therefore every confidence in recommending it to onr readers . 'Gateshead Observer , July 26 th . "The first number is a most creditable specimen , and if succeeding issues are as good , the
'Magazine will have a satisfactory circulation . " —Grantham Journal , July 19 th . " The new monthly opens well with an interesting paper on the present position of English Freemasonry , & c . "—Gravesend Journal , July 19 .
" It is launched into the world with a long list nf worthy contributors . I'he ' leading' article , so we may call it , 'The Present Position of English Freemasonry , ' is extremely instructive . "Hackney and Kingsland Gazelle , July 12 th .
" Members of the Craft will doubtless find it full of interesting matter . "—Hampshire Advertiser , July 12 th . " It will be sure to be widely circulated amongst the brethren . " — Deal , Walmer , und Sandwich Meiiiiri ) , Aug . oth .
" The contents go to make up such a cheap and interesting sixpenny worth , as ought to secure a place for this magazine . "—Hampshire Independent , August J 9 th .
" ' There are very few of this class of periodicals extant , and we have no doubt that the praiseworthy efforts of the publisher will be properly valued by the brotherhood . "—Hawick Advertiser , July 12 th .
" We can safel y predict that its advent will be hailed with deli ght wherever Freemasonry is known , and the English language spoken : and
we can congratulate the members of the Craft in having such an organ devoted exclusively to themselves . As the cost is but sixpence monthly , it may be said to be within the- reach of all . "Jerseii Observer , July ioth .
"It appears to be ably conducted , and tin : adherents of Freemasonry ought to give it theii hearty support . "—John 0 ' Groat ' s Journal , | ul \ 17 th . ' " '
" The articles are all excellent , and we feel assured that those of our readers who may peruse the magazine , will join in supporting our high opinion of it . "—Kelso Clirjii ' wle , Aug . 22 nd .
"The numerous and respectable lodges of Freemasons in this country required a magazine of this kind to give them their proper literary position in the land . This is the first number ( July ) of a new monthly , and begins well . "Hastings ancl St . Leonard's News , July 25 th .
" The magazine is worthy of the position to which it aspires , both as regards its outward appearance and its contents . Able articles maybe expected , and if the contents of this month ' s ( July ) magazine may be taken as a specimen , of what is to follow , the expectation will not be disappointed . "—Kelso Courier , July nth .
" With the contributors they have on the staff " , the Masonic Magazine will always be worth reading . Wishing * it success we commend it to
our brethren . "—Kelso Mail , July 9 th . "This is a monthly publication that has been much needed by Craft Alasons , and from the contents of the first number we feel sure it will
be welcome to all brethren . —Kent and . Sussex Courier , July 25 th . " Altogether the new magazine is a very interesting one , and we heartily commend it to the notice and support of Freemasons . "—Leigh Times , July 12 th .
"Aluch editorial judgment and taste are displayed in the selection and arrangements of the contents ; and the individual articles are characterised by great ability and thorough Knowledge of the matter in hand . "—Leith Burghs Pilot , July , 19 th .
"We have perused with much pleasure this , the first number of the Masonic Magazine , and recommend it to the Craft generally . On looking at the list of contributors , we cannot but think and heartily desire it to be a success . "Louth Advertiser , July 19 th .
" We earnestly recommend it to the Craft . It contains valuable matter of the history , rise , and progress of Freemasonry . Among the list of contributors are names recognised as workers in and for the Craft and Arch . "—Lowestoft . Observer , ftily 12 th .
" It is full of promise and full of interest . Such a magazine will supply a great want in the Alasonic world . The list of contributors comprises the names of mam * , who are not only high
in the Craft , but well known in literature . "Lymington and South Hants Chronicle , July nth . " We should judge that the periodical would prove a valuable addition to the literature of the Craft . "—Neivbiirti Weekly News , July 1 rth .
" It is devoted to the interests of the ' Order , ' and gives promise of considerable ability . "Northern Ensign , July 17 th . " We hail a new magazine , devoted to the
noble purpose of improving the knowledge and enunciating the principles of Freemasonry , with a fraternal greeting . The present work is well got up and ably edited , and the cost sixpence per month . "—Pembrokeshire Advertiser , July 17 th .
" This magazine will be welcomed by all Masons as containing a monthl y digest of Freemasonry in all its branches . "—Peterborough Advertiser , July 19 th . "lt fills up a space , that has been gaping long .
From the appearance of the first number , it deserves to be well supported . We advise all our Alasonic readers to support the new undertaking in connection with the "Craft" as it deserves . " —South I fit Is Express , July 22 th .
" We commend the magazine to the notice of all who have the objects of Freemasonry at heart . "—Ross Gazelle , July , 10 th .
" Alasonic brethren have no need to feel ashamed of the latest addition to their class literature . It certainly seems to merit patronage . "—Soul It hurt News , luly 12 th .
. OM ICKS . — London , 19 S , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place- Dublin , 26 , Grafton-street •Glasgow , 10 S , Renfield-street . Printed and Published l , y lhe l-n-priet .-r , Urotlicr C „ -OK , ; K IVEXX .-N , * , HI his Olliees ; i ., S Fleet-strect , and 2 ; 3 , and 4 , Utile Britain- in the City of London ; and . ; Momim-n ^ dac- . Liverpool " iTith . "~ County of Lancaster , —SATURDAY- AI-OOT JO , 1873 ,