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*W\/¥fIF¥MliTTYC! FOR THE TEETH . QdM &* BREATH-* . A ^ ft A [* Jy C ! I Hpiv ] Isy OR , pEF ^ pJ rvi EH FOR ROWLAND ' SODONTO .
ffURNITURE ¦ •« COX & Co ., FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , CHISWELL ST ., LONDON , E . C . f COX & Co * s . CATALOG UE , Showing the advantages of their Cash System , Forwarded Post l *" ree . A Four-roomed Mouse furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six-ioomcd , including Drawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A ¦"•ingle Pat lour , do . 300 A Drawing-ioom , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom ofsolid Mahogany , do . 13 o o All aiticles warranted , aud of the best workmanship . A single article of Fumituie at equally low prices . The only house in the trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom .
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S J " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . ' AGUA AM A BELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , 110 matter at what age . TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully pcrlumeil and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR IOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT VOU HAVE NONE OTHER than their I-KNUINI : Aiticles . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angel i-assa ^ c , y . j , Upper Thamcs-st , Loudon .
AJ EL LIN'S EXTRACT LI ERIC'S FOol ^ RM-v -INFANTS . HTHE only genuint . substitute for Mother ' s Milk , and reeomiiHnded hy the hie . h *> t "Medical Authorities , as the best Food for Int .-nis anil Imaiids . SOLD AT 55 , CHARING CROSS . Opposite NCIMMI' * - Monument . OROVIDENT SURGICAL APPLIANCE SOCIETY , 2 i , li .-irlliolnmc-v-cl-i .- -c , K . C , ( near Si . Bartholomew ' s Hospital ) . The object ol tliis Soeiely is to |> nn ' nle the \ Yoikiiii * -elnsses nn . l persons of small means with r-us-es , liandugc-, Klastie Moekiiief , Spinal Instninieiits , and all kinds ol' appaaiues , with Mirf-knl Advice , nt a ic . iMtiiable price anil on easy terms of pn \ nient . No letter of veeoinineiuhuion rc (| uiic * d . Ollice hours Irani 10 a . ni . to Span . * - ' ure . eon in atlc-i-lame to see patients Itom 10 till 12 in the 11101 nine , and Irom ( 1 10 S in the e veiling . 1 . i' , CESAR , Secretary .
NOW READY , Piice 2 s . dil . ; Post Free , 2 s . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL COLOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , Fiut . i Ma . stei Ma-am totne . * J 0 tb Degite ( im-lushe ,. l ' ublisi i-, i iij l > , o . s > Ei ) iuiK K UNVISII , 108 . Fleet-street , London , L . C ., and may be na . ' ol all Mnukselleis anil Nc-ws \ e . ots . i >\* inning adiliess 0 '|) iil ) li .. liii ) g elfice .
S . YARDLEY , ( KSTAIII . ISIII * : I > iS . io ) SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , AM ' A . ir Tight Show Case Manufacturer , 8 , Li . nM-. lt Wtlill ) SI REET , CI . ER KENU'LLL . LONDON , K . C . Kieiv ilcs < iipt ' nm o '< iiuin ** :- ni . niui'uniic . i i ' or Jewellers , f ' utleis Staiioiieis ., Otli . o , Ut . Lj > ei ? , Mn-i-mib , li . uik * -, ' Libra , ic * , Outfitters and JfuHeiN Fancy Iradc ^ tec l Uns ami listitn . iics pnn idcii l"i simp fronts aiul internal fitlinub , in Town or any prut ol the Country . OutbUlc Lamns ( silver plated ) l > oin 28 s . Ditto , with ann > and littings complete , from facia , from 42 b . Superior Jewellers' ditto , witli extra illuminating power , from $ s $ . Ditto with arms and linings complete , fvom fnria , fiom 50 & .
Bro . WILLIAMS . . MASONIC EMBLEMS Litlingi ( il < l 'V Artist Y ¦ ' Designed mill Engraved ENGKAVEII JN -j ~^ e ~ x STONE , \\ ' 0 ( JD , WOOD . ^ X'Jf *^ A-AA' "' VELLUM . 48 , KINGS / ^ r \ CROSS RD , K .
/gffigfc,SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATmA, ^ 7 fe ^ fej ?^ T ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . ( Il lw ^ )*) ^^ arantee d Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture * u-A E : ^ . :- $ - /*/ I ' lii- * unique pure preparation is pronounced hv the Faculty " the most nutritions perfectly digestible be ver *¦ *¦ * . ^^ vpg ^ w ' v a . ' * fov BREAKFAST , LUNCH EON , or SUPPER , and invaluable for Invalids and Children . " \ OV ^^^^^ V ^ li is made in ^ Tanuoush- with boi . ini ; water or milk ; being withont sugar it suits all palates . > -vPA * t 3- *^ I" t ' packets at is- 6 d ., 3 s ., & c . By Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Rt ' tzirtcred Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices , lt is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfe digestible , and made instantaneously . SOLE PROPRIETORS : W . SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , ADAM-STREET ., ADELPHI , LONDON .
GASSTOVES FOR WARMING OR FOR COOKING . The most Cheerful , Economical and the Best Manufactured in the World , at BRO .PHILLIPS'S, The Original Inventor and Manufacturer , 25 , BARBICAN , LONDON , E . G ., Close to Aldersgate-street Station .
p EORGE REES ' VJ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot . flEORGE REE 1 T ^ First - class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . f ^ EORGE REES * *** CMROMOS , from the Best Masters , nt reduced prices . 57 , DKURy . L-. NE , VV . C , opposite Drur- ' -lane Tbeatn
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . I ' ricc One . Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and tho Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) HP HIS work is a perfect handbook of the *** princip les of Freemasonry , founded on thc Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentl y practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Bro . Gro . KENNINO , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C . Till ! LondonRestaurant, ( Next Door to the Piince of Wales ' s Theatre ) CLAYTON SQUARE , LIVERPOOL . BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUPPERS , & c . Wines , Liqueurs , Spirits , & c . RonuRT WooLXOur-. il , Proprietor .
COLLINS AND CAPELL HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS . French and Brussels Glove Importers , SHIRT AND COLLAR MANUI-ACTUREPS , Kugs , Portmanteaus , Umbrellas , SCARF AND TIE EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , Near tlie Washington Motel . BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for the pocket , Price 7 / 6 .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , tonic , Doric antl Corinthian , Emblematicall y Arranged foy UOirsliipfvl Master , Senior and J tuiiur IfOardens . 6 s . per setol *• one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , A . 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET E . C .
TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTFARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 43 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " hut sufficiently large for any * person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house lithe Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A viuit will , at all times , be very much appreciated . NOW READV . Vol . V . of THE FREEMASON , From January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with richly embossed device on cover . . Price 15 Shillings . The above forms a first-class Reference and Chronology of the leading events in Masonry dining the past year . OFFICII : 108 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICAL and THEATRICAL REVIEW Price One l'cnny . Used as a piiwramme at tlie principal j London and Provincial Music Halls . [ 'he Entr ' acte enjoys an extent .. ve circulation , and gets into thc hands ol' every theatrical and music-hall artiste , lt contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Sub fibers can be supplied by post at i , S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 3 , Urydges-¦ street , Covent Garden , W . C . j Established 1852—Enlarged to pages 1873 . { THE LEIGH CHRONICLE : TYLDESLEY , j ATHERTON , & DISTRICT , & SOUTH LANCASHIRE 1 ADVERTISER , l'ublished every Satur . lay , 8 pages , Price One | Penny . 'i'he Chronicle is a First-class Local and Family Newspaper ; I takes no prominent part in Political or Religious Controversies . 'Original Papers of great interest appear weekly in its columns . No ellorl i ; . spared to maintain tor the Chronicle the high position it has hehl lor years . The Chronicle is reail by all ; it is supported by nearly every person of influence in the district ; circulates largely among the tradespeople ; and receives the support of the operative c . asses . Its Columns oiler one of the BFaT ADVERTISING MEDIUMS in South Lancashire . Ollice , Victoria Place , LciRh . Pro . anil Ed . J HSIAH ROE .
THIRD EDITION . —JUST READY . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : on , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium H ' lth an Ernblemutiyut Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are ' allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the principles of the Order . j Price One Shilling , Past-free for Thirteen Stamps . j Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Charles Dickens . The ori g inal autograph and testimonial , wiittcn and presented by the Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , July 3 , 18 73 , is exhibited . Admission is . Children under ten , 6 d . Extra Rooms , 6 d , Open from ten a . m . till ten p . m .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG Dedicated by permission to the Rig ht Hon . the Earl Percy , M . l \ , 30 ° , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master ; of Freemasons for Noithuniberlan '* Mo _ t Worship ful Giand Maik Master Mason of England . Woids by Bro . T . Buidett , Yeoman , Oiiginal Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bio . Heniy 1 'aiker , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , Fleet-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place . Glasgow 108 , Renfield-st .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
*W\/¥fIF¥MliTTYC! FOR THE TEETH . QdM &* BREATH-* . A ^ ft A [* Jy C ! I Hpiv ] Isy OR , pEF ^ pJ rvi EH FOR ROWLAND ' SODONTO .
ffURNITURE ¦ •« COX & Co ., FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , CHISWELL ST ., LONDON , E . C . f COX & Co * s . CATALOG UE , Showing the advantages of their Cash System , Forwarded Post l *" ree . A Four-roomed Mouse furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six-ioomcd , including Drawing-room , do . 26 6 6 A ¦"•ingle Pat lour , do . 300 A Drawing-ioom , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom ofsolid Mahogany , do . 13 o o All aiticles warranted , aud of the best workmanship . A single article of Fumituie at equally low prices . The only house in the trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom .
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S J " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . ' AGUA AM A BELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , 110 matter at what age . TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully pcrlumeil and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR IOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT VOU HAVE NONE OTHER than their I-KNUINI : Aiticles . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angel i-assa ^ c , y . j , Upper Thamcs-st , Loudon .
AJ EL LIN'S EXTRACT LI ERIC'S FOol ^ RM-v -INFANTS . HTHE only genuint . substitute for Mother ' s Milk , and reeomiiHnded hy the hie . h *> t "Medical Authorities , as the best Food for Int .-nis anil Imaiids . SOLD AT 55 , CHARING CROSS . Opposite NCIMMI' * - Monument . OROVIDENT SURGICAL APPLIANCE SOCIETY , 2 i , li .-irlliolnmc-v-cl-i .- -c , K . C , ( near Si . Bartholomew ' s Hospital ) . The object ol tliis Soeiely is to |> nn ' nle the \ Yoikiiii * -elnsses nn . l persons of small means with r-us-es , liandugc-, Klastie Moekiiief , Spinal Instninieiits , and all kinds ol' appaaiues , with Mirf-knl Advice , nt a ic . iMtiiable price anil on easy terms of pn \ nient . No letter of veeoinineiuhuion rc (| uiic * d . Ollice hours Irani 10 a . ni . to Span . * - ' ure . eon in atlc-i-lame to see patients Itom 10 till 12 in the 11101 nine , and Irom ( 1 10 S in the e veiling . 1 . i' , CESAR , Secretary .
NOW READY , Piice 2 s . dil . ; Post Free , 2 s . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL COLOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , Fiut . i Ma . stei Ma-am totne . * J 0 tb Degite ( im-lushe ,. l ' ublisi i-, i iij l > , o . s > Ei ) iuiK K UNVISII , 108 . Fleet-street , London , L . C ., and may be na . ' ol all Mnukselleis anil Nc-ws \ e . ots . i >\* inning adiliess 0 '|) iil ) li .. liii ) g elfice .
S . YARDLEY , ( KSTAIII . ISIII * : I > iS . io ) SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , AM ' A . ir Tight Show Case Manufacturer , 8 , Li . nM-. lt Wtlill ) SI REET , CI . ER KENU'LLL . LONDON , K . C . Kieiv ilcs < iipt ' nm o '< iiuin ** :- ni . niui'uniic . i i ' or Jewellers , f ' utleis Staiioiieis ., Otli . o , Ut . Lj > ei ? , Mn-i-mib , li . uik * -, ' Libra , ic * , Outfitters and JfuHeiN Fancy Iradc ^ tec l Uns ami listitn . iics pnn idcii l"i simp fronts aiul internal fitlinub , in Town or any prut ol the Country . OutbUlc Lamns ( silver plated ) l > oin 28 s . Ditto , with ann > and littings complete , from facia , from 42 b . Superior Jewellers' ditto , witli extra illuminating power , from $ s $ . Ditto with arms and linings complete , fvom fnria , fiom 50 & .
Bro . WILLIAMS . . MASONIC EMBLEMS Litlingi ( il < l 'V Artist Y ¦ ' Designed mill Engraved ENGKAVEII JN -j ~^ e ~ x STONE , \\ ' 0 ( JD , WOOD . ^ X'Jf *^ A-AA' "' VELLUM . 48 , KINGS / ^ r \ CROSS RD , K .
/gffigfc,SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATmA, ^ 7 fe ^ fej ?^ T ANTI-DYSPEPTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . ( Il lw ^ )*) ^^ arantee d Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture * u-A E : ^ . :- $ - /*/ I ' lii- * unique pure preparation is pronounced hv the Faculty " the most nutritions perfectly digestible be ver *¦ *¦ * . ^^ vpg ^ w ' v a . ' * fov BREAKFAST , LUNCH EON , or SUPPER , and invaluable for Invalids and Children . " \ OV ^^^^^ V ^ li is made in ^ Tanuoush- with boi . ini ; water or milk ; being withont sugar it suits all palates . > -vPA * t 3- *^ I" t ' packets at is- 6 d ., 3 s ., & c . By Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Rt ' tzirtcred Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices , lt is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfe digestible , and made instantaneously . SOLE PROPRIETORS : W . SCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , ADAM-STREET ., ADELPHI , LONDON .
GASSTOVES FOR WARMING OR FOR COOKING . The most Cheerful , Economical and the Best Manufactured in the World , at BRO .PHILLIPS'S, The Original Inventor and Manufacturer , 25 , BARBICAN , LONDON , E . G ., Close to Aldersgate-street Station .
p EORGE REES ' VJ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot . flEORGE REE 1 T ^ First - class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . f ^ EORGE REES * *** CMROMOS , from the Best Masters , nt reduced prices . 57 , DKURy . L-. NE , VV . C , opposite Drur- ' -lane Tbeatn
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . I ' ricc One . Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and tho Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) HP HIS work is a perfect handbook of the *** princip les of Freemasonry , founded on thc Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentl y practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Bro . Gro . KENNINO , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C . Till ! LondonRestaurant, ( Next Door to the Piince of Wales ' s Theatre ) CLAYTON SQUARE , LIVERPOOL . BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUPPERS , & c . Wines , Liqueurs , Spirits , & c . RonuRT WooLXOur-. il , Proprietor .
COLLINS AND CAPELL HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS . French and Brussels Glove Importers , SHIRT AND COLLAR MANUI-ACTUREPS , Kugs , Portmanteaus , Umbrellas , SCARF AND TIE EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , Near tlie Washington Motel . BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for the pocket , Price 7 / 6 .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , tonic , Doric antl Corinthian , Emblematicall y Arranged foy UOirsliipfvl Master , Senior and J tuiiur IfOardens . 6 s . per setol *• one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , A . 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET E . C .
TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTFARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 43 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " hut sufficiently large for any * person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house lithe Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A viuit will , at all times , be very much appreciated . NOW READV . Vol . V . of THE FREEMASON , From January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with richly embossed device on cover . . Price 15 Shillings . The above forms a first-class Reference and Chronology of the leading events in Masonry dining the past year . OFFICII : 108 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICAL and THEATRICAL REVIEW Price One l'cnny . Used as a piiwramme at tlie principal j London and Provincial Music Halls . [ 'he Entr ' acte enjoys an extent .. ve circulation , and gets into thc hands ol' every theatrical and music-hall artiste , lt contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Sub fibers can be supplied by post at i , S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 3 , Urydges-¦ street , Covent Garden , W . C . j Established 1852—Enlarged to pages 1873 . { THE LEIGH CHRONICLE : TYLDESLEY , j ATHERTON , & DISTRICT , & SOUTH LANCASHIRE 1 ADVERTISER , l'ublished every Satur . lay , 8 pages , Price One | Penny . 'i'he Chronicle is a First-class Local and Family Newspaper ; I takes no prominent part in Political or Religious Controversies . 'Original Papers of great interest appear weekly in its columns . No ellorl i ; . spared to maintain tor the Chronicle the high position it has hehl lor years . The Chronicle is reail by all ; it is supported by nearly every person of influence in the district ; circulates largely among the tradespeople ; and receives the support of the operative c . asses . Its Columns oiler one of the BFaT ADVERTISING MEDIUMS in South Lancashire . Ollice , Victoria Place , LciRh . Pro . anil Ed . J HSIAH ROE .
THIRD EDITION . —JUST READY . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : on , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium H ' lth an Ernblemutiyut Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are ' allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the principles of the Order . j Price One Shilling , Past-free for Thirteen Stamps . j Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Charles Dickens . The ori g inal autograph and testimonial , wiittcn and presented by the Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , July 3 , 18 73 , is exhibited . Admission is . Children under ten , 6 d . Extra Rooms , 6 d , Open from ten a . m . till ten p . m .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG Dedicated by permission to the Rig ht Hon . the Earl Percy , M . l \ , 30 ° , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master ; of Freemasons for Noithuniberlan '* Mo _ t Worship ful Giand Maik Master Mason of England . Woids by Bro . T . Buidett , Yeoman , Oiiginal Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bio . Heniy 1 'aiker , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , Fleet-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place . Glasgow 108 , Renfield-st .