Article PROPOSED CENTRAL MASONIC HALL FOR GLASGOW. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE VISIT OF THE PRINCE OF WALES TO GLASGOW. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proposed Central Masonic Hall For Glasgow.
have anv heart in Freemasonry to come forward and put their hands to the work , in the formation of a central committee , and to write to him direct that he may be able at once to make the necessary arrangements . If the brethren decline to adopt the scheme , the property referred to will be sold , the P . G . Master bearing any loss tbat ~ . v result from the transaction ; and , with great regret ,
he says he will be obliged to abandon all hopes of his fond expectations being realised —of seeing Freemasonry in Glasgow elevated to the honourable position it holds elsewhere . On receipt of the communication embodying the scheme of which the above is an outline , a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was summoned r Ifc / -nnsideratinn . Ihe result heinsr thc formation of a
committee for the furtherance of the object , said committee consisting of all the Masters of lodges within the province , together with the Prov . Grand Depute and Subsiitute Masters , P . G . Senior and Junior Wardens , and the P . G . Secretary , Bro . John Baird , P . G . S . M ., being
appointed convener . Meantime the committee have instructed the Masters of the various lodges in the province to bring the matter at once before the members , and endeavour to obtain an expression of their feeling on the subject , so that the same may be fully reported at the next meeting of the committee .
Arrangements For The Visit Of The Prince Of Wales To Glasgow.
A meeting of the Lord Provost and Magistrates was held on the 26 th inst . in the City Chambers for the purpose of making final arrangements for the visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . The meeting was nrivate , but we understand that a complete scheme of the
arrangements was agreed to . As no communication has been received from His Royal Highness to the contrary , it was taken for granted that the date or the visit would be Tuesday , the 17 th October . On the previous evening the Prince and Princess , with two cf the Royal children , will be the guests of Bro . Col . Campbell , M . P ., at . Blythswood . Leaving Blythswood on Tuesday morning , their Royal
Highnesses will come by train to St . Enoch Station ofthe Union Railway , arriving there at a quarter-past ten o'clock . Previous to that lime St . Enoch-square , and the approach to it from Argyle-street , will be lined by the Hussars and the 26 th Cameronians . Their Royal Highnesses will be received at the station by the Lord Provost and Sir Edward Colebrooke , Lord-Lieutenant of the county ,
along with Sheriff Dickson . The Lord Provost and Mag istrates will wear their official robes , and his Lordship will present the Magistrates to their Royal Hi ghnesses . The Prince of Wales' charger is to be brought from London to bear his Royal Highness , but we understand it will be suggested to thc Prince that he should enter the Royal carriage at the station with the Princess and their
children , and drive to the Green , where the review of the Y ' olunteers will immediately take place , His Royal Highness , in the dress of a Field-Marshal , there mounting his charger , and reviewing the troops , while the Princess will , it is expected , be accommodated on a portion of a grand stand' to be erected , where seats will also be provided for a select company . After the review their Royal
Highnesses , accompanied by their suite and thc L _ rd Provost , will proceed along Argyle-street , Main-street , Anderston , and Elderslie-strctt to th ? residence of the Lord Provost , where they will partake of luncheon . In the meantime the Grand Lodge of Freemasons will open the lodge in Bumbank Hall , and dressed in the icgalia of the Order , will proceed to his lordshio ' s residence
and accompany the Prince and Princess of Wales and suite and the Lord Provost along Woodside Crescent , Sauchichall-str'ct , and St . George's Square . Entering the tquare by St . Vincent Place , the Royal party will then proceed along Queen-street and Gcorge-slreet , to thenortheast corner cf the square . From this point a platform covered with an awnine , and ha vine a stand en either side
lor spectators , will run along the whole east side of the square to that pari of thc new Post Oflice where the foundation stone is to be laid . At the George-street end of the platform , His Royal Highness will be received by the Lord Provost , and conducted along the covered way to the Post Office , where thc Freemasons will already have taken up their position , it having been
arranged that they shall leave the . procession ai the corner of St . Vincent-place and Queen-street , and march along St . Vincent-street to the Post Oflice . Immediatel y on the Prince ' s arrival there , he will be presented by the Lord Provost , in name of the Corporation , with a loyal and dutiful address , and thereafter His Royal Highness will ] ay the foundation stone with Masonic honours .
The Princess and Princess and suite will afterwards return to the residence of the Lord Provost , where they will be tntertained to dinner along with a select party who are to receive invitations . The Lord Provost and Magistrates "aye agreed to recommend thc inhabitants of the locality
«< - ] oining his lordshi p ' s residence ; as well as thc University authorities , to illuminate their buildings in the evening , while their Royal Highnesses take their departure to the train b y which they will leave the city . he Lord Provost and Magistrates also agree to recommend the cilizens to observe the day as a general holiday .
The annual banquet of the Duke of Connaught "dge of Instruction , No . 1524 , will be held at the Have-CK ilav em , AVbion-road , Dal . ton , on Wednesday , 4 th Hr , i . 'i . r L seven P > m * Br 0 - T- - Chapman , P . G . Slwd . H'tts , W . M . , 524 , will preside . KH o " ? ° uncil of [ the Illustrious Knights Sonar - ? . * " * heW at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden R . & ~ Wednesday , | Oct . nth week w ™ . 7 ° >' e was installed , on Thursday «•* , W . M . of the Burdett Coutts Lodge , No . , 278 .
Obituary .
BRO . FREDERICK GOODYER , P . P . G . S . W . LEICESTERSHIRE . The sad and unexpected intelligence of thc death of Frederick Goodyer , Esq ., the Chief Constable of Leicestershire , on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , from disease of the heart , was received throughout the county with a feeling of regret at once deep and wide-spread . Only a few weeks have elapsed since this gentleman , -who was so
well-known and deservedly respected , tendered to the county magistrates his resignation of that responsible and important position , which he had filled for nearly forty years with such conspicuous ability ; and intimated his intention to retire from his public duties , in order to gain that rest he had so , well earned ; but before he had been permitted to relieve himself from the labours and
cares inseparable from his high official position it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to call him to the Grand Lodge above , with a suddenness quite startling . Our deceased brother was in his sixty-eighth year . Bro . Goodyer was of an ancient and respectable family , long seated in the south of England ; his great grandfather , Mr . John Goodyer , having been Mayor of Guildford , in Surrey , about the vear i * -2 Q
Bro . Goodyer ' s grandfather served as a captain in the British army during the American war . This gentleman " got through" much of the family property . His son , Mr . Landera Goodyer ( the late Bro . Goodyer's father ) , held a responsible post in the Phcenix Fire Office . He was the father * of a large family , his youngest son being the subject of this notice ; the eldest held a commission in the
Spanish Legion , and died , in active service , in Spain . The eldest daughter became the second wife of Benjamin Hick , Esq ., of Bolton , whose son , John Hick , Esq ., now sits as one of the members for that town in the House of Commons . The only surviving issue of Bro . Goodyer ' s parents is Mrs . Godfrey , wife of John Godfrey , E $ q ., of Northampton . No male descendant now remains of the once
numerous family of Mr . Landera Goodyer . Our deceased brother was for many years an active and esteemed member of the Craft . Bro . Goodyer was initiated into Masonry ( together with five other candidates , one of them being the present Clerk of the Peace for the county , Bro . W . Napier Reeve ) on the 26 th March , 1846 , at the first meeting ( under dispensation ) of the John of Gaunt Lodge ,
then No . 766 , now 523 , under the Mastership of Bro . Kelly , now P . P . G . Master . After passing through subordinate offices and the Wardens' chairs , Bro , Goodyer was elected W . M . of his lodge in the year 1854 , and performed his duties with zeal and ability . He had also held several offices in the Provincial Grand Lodge . In 1854 he succeeded Bro . Kelly in the Prov . Grand Secretaryship ,
and after discharging the duties most carefully and efficiently for three years , he was promoted to the rank of P . G . S . W . in 1859 . After being exalted in the Chapter of St . Augustine , formerly attached to the John of Gaunt Lodge , on the removal of the warrant to the lodge at Ashby de-la-Zouch he joined the Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 , in which , in the year 1866 , he
filled the office of Second Principal , but did not proceed to the first chair . In Mark Masonry he was one of the founders of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , having , with a few other Leicester brethren , been advanced in the old Newstead Mark lodge , at Nottingham , early in 1838 , and was nominated in the warrant as Senior Warden of the Fowke Lodge , the VV . M . being Bro . Kelly , the Provincial Grand
Master of that degree for Leicestershire . Bro . Goodyer was also one of the founders of St . Peter ' s ( Craft ) Lodge , No . 1330 , at Market Harborough , and a few months ago he joined the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 15 C 0 , lately established at Leicester , but had not been able to be present at any of its meetings . We believe his last attendance in Masonry was at the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of
YVales as G . M . at the Albert Hall . The remains of our lamented brother were interred in the Leicester Cemetery on Monday , the 18 th inst ., a large number of spectators being present both along the streets through which the procession passed , and at the cemetery . The funeral arrangements were simple and unostentatious in character , the mourners wearing neither hat-bands nor scarves . At the
head of the cortege marched seventy-six members of the County Constabulary , four abreast , followed by Deputy Chief Constable Bail , and five superintendents . After the mourning coach containing the chief mourners came a carriage containing four superannuated superintendents of the police force . At thc principal entrance to the cemetery , which was reached in the midst of a drenching
downpour of rain , the procession was joined by a considerable number of members of the Order , headed by the Past Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Kelly , by whom , as before mentioned , the deceased was , thirty years ago , initiated into Masonry . Among many others present were Bros . Toller , P . P . G . S . YV . ; Partridge , P . G . Sec ; Rev . J . Owen Pictor , B . A . ( rector of Desford ) , P . P . G . Chaplain , by whom the funeral
service was peiformed ; Major Freer , P . P . G . S . B . ( who , together with his colleague , T . T . Paget , Esq ., chairman of the Leicester Bench , attended as representing the country magistrates ) ; Rev . C . II . Wood , W . Napier Reeve ( Clerk of the Peace for the county ); Dr . Buck , P . P . G . J . W . ; Charles Morris , P . P . G . S . W . ( clerk to the Leicester Bench ); Joseph Haines , P . P . G . T . ; Edwin Clephan ,
P . P . G . J . YV . ; and others ; also Richard Toller , Esq ., Clerk of the Peace for the ( borough ; G . Harrison , Esq ., Borough Coroner ; many members of the Town Council , and other leading inhabitants both , of the town and county . After the ceremony in thc chapel , the solemn service was completed at the grave in the midst of brilliant sunshine , and a last sad farewell was then taken by his sorrowing
relatives , brcmren , and Inends ( mclucJing the numerous body of police , who had lost in him a kind and considerate chief ) of the earthly remains of the departed . The inscription on the coffin was , " Frederick Goodyer , born 17 th March , 1808 , died 12 th Septembir , " i 876 . " Peace to his remains . ^
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of Subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls met on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . H . A . Dubois ( in the chair ) , Lieut .-Col . Creaton , John Boyd , Herbert Dicketts , R . B . Webster , Raynham W . Stewart , Thos . Massa , Henry Venn , F . G . Baker , Hyde Pullen ,
H . Massey ( "Freemason" ) , Peter De L . Long , and R , Wentworth Little ; Sec . Colonel Creaton gave notice of motion for the next Quarterly Court that the Chairman of . the Building Committee should sign cheques for the works in progress at the school . This arose out of the circumstance that the House Committee had lately signed a cheque for £ rooo for the
builder , and the House Committee has no power to deal with the funds of the institution except for servants' wages , A third Assistant Governess was then appointed , on account of the increased number of the children in the school . Col . Creaton moved that Bro . Muggeridge , who has resigned his office of collector to the institution , should
receive a pension of £ 1 t ; o a year from the ist January next . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart seconded the motion , which was put and carried unanimously . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart gave notice of motion for next Quarterly Court that the office of collector be abolished and an additional clerk be appointed in tbe Secretary ' s office . He also gave notice of motion for next General Committee that the salary of the Secretary be
increased by £ 100 a year . The brethren then proceeded to consider the petitions of candidates for election , and placed two cases on the list . Authority was given to the Chairman to sign cheques for salaries , & c , to the amount of £ 354 . The House Committee was appointed as the committee to enquire into the office and duties of collector , and a vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
PRINCE LEOPOLD ' VISIT TO ST . ANDREWS —Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold arrived on Tuesday at Mount Melville , near St . Andrews , the residence of Bro . John Whyte Melville . The Prince , who since Monday has been the guest of Mr . W . B . Skene , of Pitlourjourney . d by way of Cupar in a carriage and four , with two postilions The day was observed as a holiday , and the Roval visitor
was accorded a cordial welcome . The streets were lined by the Volunteers and Fife Light-Horse while His Royal Highniss was passing through . The annual banquet of the Constitutional Lodge of [ Instruction , No . 55 , will be held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand-court , Holborn , on Tuesday , 3 rd Oct ., at seven p . m . Bro . A . J . Melhuish , S . W . of the mother
lodge , will preside . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , R . W . P . G . M . North and East Riding , of Yorkshire , laid the memorial stone of the Public Institute at Grangemouth on Tuesday last . We learn that the Earl of Limerick , M . W . G . M . M . M ., has fixed to hold a movable meeting of the
Grand Lodge of Mark Masters ( for the second time ) at Leicester , on Wednesday , October 25 th , on which occasion a new Mark Lodge , the Simon de Montford , No . 194 , will be consecrated , and the Mayor of Leicester , Bro . Barfoot , installed as the first W . M . The R . W . Prov . G . Mark Master , Bro . Kelly , summoned a meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge for the 28 th inst ., to make the
necessary arrangements . The ceremony of consecration will be rehearsed on Monday evening , Oct . 9 th , by Bro . Terry , at seven o ' clock , at the Marquis of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst Road , Hackney . Bro . Win . Stephens , P . M ., will perform the Installation ceremony on this occasion . Brethren are requested to appear in full Masonic clothing .
Bro . S . C . Hall , in a preface to a new edition of his " Book of Afemories , " states that he is occupied in preparing a volume of " Recollections of a Long Life . " He published a book so long ago as 1820 , was intimately acquainted with Ireland so far back as 1816 ; and commenced the " Art Journal " in 1839 ; having been an editor upwards of 53 years . THE VATICAN . —The " Berlin Post " states
that the Pope has determined to solemnize the anniversary of the humiliating punishment inflicted centuries ago upon the German Emperor Henry IV . at Canossa . The "Masonic Magazine , " containing the dedication to " Long Livers , " and a reference to some Herd mctic Grades , is out , and can be obtained at 198 ,
Fleetstreet . RE-OPENING O _ THE ABERDEEN MASONIC HALL . —The decorations of the Aberdeen Masonic Institute , in Exchange-street , for whicha considerable sum was raised by means of a bazaar some months ago , is now completed and the re-opening of the rooms for the use 'of the
brethren of the Craft for club and meeting purposes , was inaugurated last evening by an appropriate ceremony , in which the several city lodges took part . A report of the proceedings will appear next week . The students of the Islington School of Science and Art on Wednesday evening received the Queen ' s prizes at the hands of Bro . Sir John Bennett .
DAYLIGHT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy piomotcd by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors , — Manufactory , 69 , Fleet-street , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proposed Central Masonic Hall For Glasgow.
have anv heart in Freemasonry to come forward and put their hands to the work , in the formation of a central committee , and to write to him direct that he may be able at once to make the necessary arrangements . If the brethren decline to adopt the scheme , the property referred to will be sold , the P . G . Master bearing any loss tbat ~ . v result from the transaction ; and , with great regret ,
he says he will be obliged to abandon all hopes of his fond expectations being realised —of seeing Freemasonry in Glasgow elevated to the honourable position it holds elsewhere . On receipt of the communication embodying the scheme of which the above is an outline , a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was summoned r Ifc / -nnsideratinn . Ihe result heinsr thc formation of a
committee for the furtherance of the object , said committee consisting of all the Masters of lodges within the province , together with the Prov . Grand Depute and Subsiitute Masters , P . G . Senior and Junior Wardens , and the P . G . Secretary , Bro . John Baird , P . G . S . M ., being
appointed convener . Meantime the committee have instructed the Masters of the various lodges in the province to bring the matter at once before the members , and endeavour to obtain an expression of their feeling on the subject , so that the same may be fully reported at the next meeting of the committee .
Arrangements For The Visit Of The Prince Of Wales To Glasgow.
A meeting of the Lord Provost and Magistrates was held on the 26 th inst . in the City Chambers for the purpose of making final arrangements for the visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . The meeting was nrivate , but we understand that a complete scheme of the
arrangements was agreed to . As no communication has been received from His Royal Highness to the contrary , it was taken for granted that the date or the visit would be Tuesday , the 17 th October . On the previous evening the Prince and Princess , with two cf the Royal children , will be the guests of Bro . Col . Campbell , M . P ., at . Blythswood . Leaving Blythswood on Tuesday morning , their Royal
Highnesses will come by train to St . Enoch Station ofthe Union Railway , arriving there at a quarter-past ten o'clock . Previous to that lime St . Enoch-square , and the approach to it from Argyle-street , will be lined by the Hussars and the 26 th Cameronians . Their Royal Highnesses will be received at the station by the Lord Provost and Sir Edward Colebrooke , Lord-Lieutenant of the county ,
along with Sheriff Dickson . The Lord Provost and Mag istrates will wear their official robes , and his Lordship will present the Magistrates to their Royal Hi ghnesses . The Prince of Wales' charger is to be brought from London to bear his Royal Highness , but we understand it will be suggested to thc Prince that he should enter the Royal carriage at the station with the Princess and their
children , and drive to the Green , where the review of the Y ' olunteers will immediately take place , His Royal Highness , in the dress of a Field-Marshal , there mounting his charger , and reviewing the troops , while the Princess will , it is expected , be accommodated on a portion of a grand stand' to be erected , where seats will also be provided for a select company . After the review their Royal
Highnesses , accompanied by their suite and thc L _ rd Provost , will proceed along Argyle-street , Main-street , Anderston , and Elderslie-strctt to th ? residence of the Lord Provost , where they will partake of luncheon . In the meantime the Grand Lodge of Freemasons will open the lodge in Bumbank Hall , and dressed in the icgalia of the Order , will proceed to his lordshio ' s residence
and accompany the Prince and Princess of Wales and suite and the Lord Provost along Woodside Crescent , Sauchichall-str'ct , and St . George's Square . Entering the tquare by St . Vincent Place , the Royal party will then proceed along Queen-street and Gcorge-slreet , to thenortheast corner cf the square . From this point a platform covered with an awnine , and ha vine a stand en either side
lor spectators , will run along the whole east side of the square to that pari of thc new Post Oflice where the foundation stone is to be laid . At the George-street end of the platform , His Royal Highness will be received by the Lord Provost , and conducted along the covered way to the Post Office , where thc Freemasons will already have taken up their position , it having been
arranged that they shall leave the . procession ai the corner of St . Vincent-place and Queen-street , and march along St . Vincent-street to the Post Oflice . Immediatel y on the Prince ' s arrival there , he will be presented by the Lord Provost , in name of the Corporation , with a loyal and dutiful address , and thereafter His Royal Highness will ] ay the foundation stone with Masonic honours .
The Princess and Princess and suite will afterwards return to the residence of the Lord Provost , where they will be tntertained to dinner along with a select party who are to receive invitations . The Lord Provost and Magistrates "aye agreed to recommend thc inhabitants of the locality
«< - ] oining his lordshi p ' s residence ; as well as thc University authorities , to illuminate their buildings in the evening , while their Royal Highnesses take their departure to the train b y which they will leave the city . he Lord Provost and Magistrates also agree to recommend the cilizens to observe the day as a general holiday .
The annual banquet of the Duke of Connaught "dge of Instruction , No . 1524 , will be held at the Have-CK ilav em , AVbion-road , Dal . ton , on Wednesday , 4 th Hr , i . 'i . r L seven P > m * Br 0 - T- - Chapman , P . G . Slwd . H'tts , W . M . , 524 , will preside . KH o " ? ° uncil of [ the Illustrious Knights Sonar - ? . * " * heW at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden R . & ~ Wednesday , | Oct . nth week w ™ . 7 ° >' e was installed , on Thursday «•* , W . M . of the Burdett Coutts Lodge , No . , 278 .
Obituary .
BRO . FREDERICK GOODYER , P . P . G . S . W . LEICESTERSHIRE . The sad and unexpected intelligence of thc death of Frederick Goodyer , Esq ., the Chief Constable of Leicestershire , on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , from disease of the heart , was received throughout the county with a feeling of regret at once deep and wide-spread . Only a few weeks have elapsed since this gentleman , -who was so
well-known and deservedly respected , tendered to the county magistrates his resignation of that responsible and important position , which he had filled for nearly forty years with such conspicuous ability ; and intimated his intention to retire from his public duties , in order to gain that rest he had so , well earned ; but before he had been permitted to relieve himself from the labours and
cares inseparable from his high official position it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to call him to the Grand Lodge above , with a suddenness quite startling . Our deceased brother was in his sixty-eighth year . Bro . Goodyer was of an ancient and respectable family , long seated in the south of England ; his great grandfather , Mr . John Goodyer , having been Mayor of Guildford , in Surrey , about the vear i * -2 Q
Bro . Goodyer ' s grandfather served as a captain in the British army during the American war . This gentleman " got through" much of the family property . His son , Mr . Landera Goodyer ( the late Bro . Goodyer's father ) , held a responsible post in the Phcenix Fire Office . He was the father * of a large family , his youngest son being the subject of this notice ; the eldest held a commission in the
Spanish Legion , and died , in active service , in Spain . The eldest daughter became the second wife of Benjamin Hick , Esq ., of Bolton , whose son , John Hick , Esq ., now sits as one of the members for that town in the House of Commons . The only surviving issue of Bro . Goodyer ' s parents is Mrs . Godfrey , wife of John Godfrey , E $ q ., of Northampton . No male descendant now remains of the once
numerous family of Mr . Landera Goodyer . Our deceased brother was for many years an active and esteemed member of the Craft . Bro . Goodyer was initiated into Masonry ( together with five other candidates , one of them being the present Clerk of the Peace for the county , Bro . W . Napier Reeve ) on the 26 th March , 1846 , at the first meeting ( under dispensation ) of the John of Gaunt Lodge ,
then No . 766 , now 523 , under the Mastership of Bro . Kelly , now P . P . G . Master . After passing through subordinate offices and the Wardens' chairs , Bro , Goodyer was elected W . M . of his lodge in the year 1854 , and performed his duties with zeal and ability . He had also held several offices in the Provincial Grand Lodge . In 1854 he succeeded Bro . Kelly in the Prov . Grand Secretaryship ,
and after discharging the duties most carefully and efficiently for three years , he was promoted to the rank of P . G . S . W . in 1859 . After being exalted in the Chapter of St . Augustine , formerly attached to the John of Gaunt Lodge , on the removal of the warrant to the lodge at Ashby de-la-Zouch he joined the Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 , in which , in the year 1866 , he
filled the office of Second Principal , but did not proceed to the first chair . In Mark Masonry he was one of the founders of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , having , with a few other Leicester brethren , been advanced in the old Newstead Mark lodge , at Nottingham , early in 1838 , and was nominated in the warrant as Senior Warden of the Fowke Lodge , the VV . M . being Bro . Kelly , the Provincial Grand
Master of that degree for Leicestershire . Bro . Goodyer was also one of the founders of St . Peter ' s ( Craft ) Lodge , No . 1330 , at Market Harborough , and a few months ago he joined the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 15 C 0 , lately established at Leicester , but had not been able to be present at any of its meetings . We believe his last attendance in Masonry was at the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of
YVales as G . M . at the Albert Hall . The remains of our lamented brother were interred in the Leicester Cemetery on Monday , the 18 th inst ., a large number of spectators being present both along the streets through which the procession passed , and at the cemetery . The funeral arrangements were simple and unostentatious in character , the mourners wearing neither hat-bands nor scarves . At the
head of the cortege marched seventy-six members of the County Constabulary , four abreast , followed by Deputy Chief Constable Bail , and five superintendents . After the mourning coach containing the chief mourners came a carriage containing four superannuated superintendents of the police force . At thc principal entrance to the cemetery , which was reached in the midst of a drenching
downpour of rain , the procession was joined by a considerable number of members of the Order , headed by the Past Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Kelly , by whom , as before mentioned , the deceased was , thirty years ago , initiated into Masonry . Among many others present were Bros . Toller , P . P . G . S . YV . ; Partridge , P . G . Sec ; Rev . J . Owen Pictor , B . A . ( rector of Desford ) , P . P . G . Chaplain , by whom the funeral
service was peiformed ; Major Freer , P . P . G . S . B . ( who , together with his colleague , T . T . Paget , Esq ., chairman of the Leicester Bench , attended as representing the country magistrates ) ; Rev . C . II . Wood , W . Napier Reeve ( Clerk of the Peace for the county ); Dr . Buck , P . P . G . J . W . ; Charles Morris , P . P . G . S . W . ( clerk to the Leicester Bench ); Joseph Haines , P . P . G . T . ; Edwin Clephan ,
P . P . G . J . YV . ; and others ; also Richard Toller , Esq ., Clerk of the Peace for the ( borough ; G . Harrison , Esq ., Borough Coroner ; many members of the Town Council , and other leading inhabitants both , of the town and county . After the ceremony in thc chapel , the solemn service was completed at the grave in the midst of brilliant sunshine , and a last sad farewell was then taken by his sorrowing
relatives , brcmren , and Inends ( mclucJing the numerous body of police , who had lost in him a kind and considerate chief ) of the earthly remains of the departed . The inscription on the coffin was , " Frederick Goodyer , born 17 th March , 1808 , died 12 th Septembir , " i 876 . " Peace to his remains . ^
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of Subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls met on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . H . A . Dubois ( in the chair ) , Lieut .-Col . Creaton , John Boyd , Herbert Dicketts , R . B . Webster , Raynham W . Stewart , Thos . Massa , Henry Venn , F . G . Baker , Hyde Pullen ,
H . Massey ( "Freemason" ) , Peter De L . Long , and R , Wentworth Little ; Sec . Colonel Creaton gave notice of motion for the next Quarterly Court that the Chairman of . the Building Committee should sign cheques for the works in progress at the school . This arose out of the circumstance that the House Committee had lately signed a cheque for £ rooo for the
builder , and the House Committee has no power to deal with the funds of the institution except for servants' wages , A third Assistant Governess was then appointed , on account of the increased number of the children in the school . Col . Creaton moved that Bro . Muggeridge , who has resigned his office of collector to the institution , should
receive a pension of £ 1 t ; o a year from the ist January next . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart seconded the motion , which was put and carried unanimously . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart gave notice of motion for next Quarterly Court that the office of collector be abolished and an additional clerk be appointed in tbe Secretary ' s office . He also gave notice of motion for next General Committee that the salary of the Secretary be
increased by £ 100 a year . The brethren then proceeded to consider the petitions of candidates for election , and placed two cases on the list . Authority was given to the Chairman to sign cheques for salaries , & c , to the amount of £ 354 . The House Committee was appointed as the committee to enquire into the office and duties of collector , and a vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
PRINCE LEOPOLD ' VISIT TO ST . ANDREWS —Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold arrived on Tuesday at Mount Melville , near St . Andrews , the residence of Bro . John Whyte Melville . The Prince , who since Monday has been the guest of Mr . W . B . Skene , of Pitlourjourney . d by way of Cupar in a carriage and four , with two postilions The day was observed as a holiday , and the Roval visitor
was accorded a cordial welcome . The streets were lined by the Volunteers and Fife Light-Horse while His Royal Highniss was passing through . The annual banquet of the Constitutional Lodge of [ Instruction , No . 55 , will be held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand-court , Holborn , on Tuesday , 3 rd Oct ., at seven p . m . Bro . A . J . Melhuish , S . W . of the mother
lodge , will preside . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , R . W . P . G . M . North and East Riding , of Yorkshire , laid the memorial stone of the Public Institute at Grangemouth on Tuesday last . We learn that the Earl of Limerick , M . W . G . M . M . M ., has fixed to hold a movable meeting of the
Grand Lodge of Mark Masters ( for the second time ) at Leicester , on Wednesday , October 25 th , on which occasion a new Mark Lodge , the Simon de Montford , No . 194 , will be consecrated , and the Mayor of Leicester , Bro . Barfoot , installed as the first W . M . The R . W . Prov . G . Mark Master , Bro . Kelly , summoned a meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge for the 28 th inst ., to make the
necessary arrangements . The ceremony of consecration will be rehearsed on Monday evening , Oct . 9 th , by Bro . Terry , at seven o ' clock , at the Marquis of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst Road , Hackney . Bro . Win . Stephens , P . M ., will perform the Installation ceremony on this occasion . Brethren are requested to appear in full Masonic clothing .
Bro . S . C . Hall , in a preface to a new edition of his " Book of Afemories , " states that he is occupied in preparing a volume of " Recollections of a Long Life . " He published a book so long ago as 1820 , was intimately acquainted with Ireland so far back as 1816 ; and commenced the " Art Journal " in 1839 ; having been an editor upwards of 53 years . THE VATICAN . —The " Berlin Post " states
that the Pope has determined to solemnize the anniversary of the humiliating punishment inflicted centuries ago upon the German Emperor Henry IV . at Canossa . The "Masonic Magazine , " containing the dedication to " Long Livers , " and a reference to some Herd mctic Grades , is out , and can be obtained at 198 ,
Fleetstreet . RE-OPENING O _ THE ABERDEEN MASONIC HALL . —The decorations of the Aberdeen Masonic Institute , in Exchange-street , for whicha considerable sum was raised by means of a bazaar some months ago , is now completed and the re-opening of the rooms for the use 'of the
brethren of the Craft for club and meeting purposes , was inaugurated last evening by an appropriate ceremony , in which the several city lodges took part . A report of the proceedings will appear next week . The students of the Islington School of Science and Art on Wednesday evening received the Queen ' s prizes at the hands of Bro . Sir John Bennett .
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