Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 , held its first meeting of the present session in the lodge-room , at Radley's Hotel , Blackfriars , ( Rro . J . Hart ' s ) , on Tuesday , when the AV . Bro . Chambevlin , the respected Master of this most flourishing lodge , initiated into the mysteries of the Craft Mr . Joseph Mawbey , passed Bros . Kippenhagen and Cohen , and
raised to the degree of M . M ., Bro . George Purnell . The W . M . was ably assisted by his very competent officers , Bros . Kmanuel , S . AV . ; Havris , J . W . ; A . M . Cohen , P . M ., Sec . ; Turner , S . D . ; Vander Bosch , J . D . ; Hogard , I . G ., and the Worshipful Past Masters , Stanton-Jones , Lazarus , Coote , Littaur and Harris , the visitors were , Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., ( 73 , & c ) , Barnett ( 25 ) , Cooper ( 254 ) ,
Wintlec . ( 548 ) . Hollymao . ( 754 ) Pollitzer ( 1017 ) , and Connell , of the Lodge of St . Nicholas . Aberdeen . At the banquet table in an eloquent speech by Bro . Cohen , the hard-working Hon . Sec ., ( who by special request returned thanks fur the toast of the P . M . ' s ) , advocated the cause of Bro . Sacqui , the Father ot the lodge , as a candidate for
the benefits of The Royal Masonic Bevevolent Institution , which resulted in numerous members becoming subscribers to the amount of 10 s . each , the I . G . 20 s ., another brother , 21 s ., aud a resolution to carry his election . The W . Bro . Walters returned thanks for the visitors in a very happy speech , and after the ordinary toasts the meeting adjourned .
United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 228 . — We have had the pleasure of visiting this popular lodge of instruction—held at Bro G . Garratt ' s , the Bull and Gate , Kentish Town , every Wednesday night at 8 o ' clock—and would advise all those who are desirous of learning the ceremonies and ritual to attend this lodge , where they will have an excellent opportunity of acquiring Masonic
information . It is under the preceptorship of Bro . J . N . Frost , an old P . M . of the parent lodge , aud who evinces the greatest desire of imparting knowledge to aspirants to office in their several lodges . Beadon Lodge , No . 619 , met on Wednesday se ' nnight at Bro . W . Middlecott ' s , the Greyhound , Dulwich , when the brethren bad an opportunity of seeing the admirable
performance of the ceremonies of passing and raising by the W . M ., Bro . Alfred Avery . Bro . W . J . Edwards was passed , and Bro . Dr . J . J . Barrett raised . A P . M . came forward and offered himself as Steward for iho Lodge at the next Festival of the Benevolent Institution , and the brethren consented to support him . Tho lodge was
then closed , and a banquet , to which between thirty and forty brethren sat down , followed . The customory toasts were given , Bro . AV . Farnfield , P . A . G . S ., responding for the Graud Officers , and Bros , . lames ( 19 ) and F . Walters ( 73 ) for "The Visitors . " Bros . J . Hill ( P . M . S 7 ) , J . AVhi < fin ( P . M . 147 ) , W . B Roberts ( P . M . 181 ) , and Lassam ( 1269 ) were the other visitors who attended .
Bclgravc Lodge , No . 719 . —The first meeting of tho season of this flourishing lodgo took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . Bro . Bourne , W . M ., was supported by Bros . Pyman , S . W ., P . Parsons , J . W ., S . Honewood , S . D ., E . ilarper , J . D ., T . Carter , I . G ., J . H . Froud , P . M ., Treas ., II . Garrod , P . M ., Sec . ; P . M . ' s Runting , Ough , and G . P . Woodstock ;
Bros . T . Ship , Scott , Mackrill , Wilson , Knight , and about forty other brethren . The lodge was honoured hy tho presence of tho following visitors : -Bros . James Philips ( P . M . 754 ) , T . E . Scott ( P . M . 771 ) , and Henry Crahtree ( 87 ) . Bros . Hubbard and Greenwood were then passed to tho degree of F . C ., in a faultless manner , by the AV . M . Bro . George Pyinm was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year : Bro . Froud , Treasurer ; and Bro .
Daly , Tyler . A jewel was unanimously voted to W . M . Bourne for the able manner in which ho had discharged the duties of the chair during his year of office . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet which was served in Bro . Clemow ' sbest style . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a very happy evening , which was ably superintended by Bro . Smith .
Finsbwy Lodge , No . 861 . —On Friday , the 22 nd , in the unavoidable absence of Bro E . Davey , tho W . M ., Bro . Thos . Mackey , P . M .. in his usual felicitous stylo initiated Messrs . Senior , Albrecht , and 't'illey into our mysteries . There wero present , Bros . NichoIIs , AW . ; Day , P . M . and Treas ., ( who occupied tho chair at tho banquet table in his usual jovial manner ); Bro . Purdy , P . M . and Sec
, ( the worthy son of a worthy father , who was ono of tho most learned and disinterested instructors in all degrees of the present century ); Benjamin , S . D . ; Stokes , J . D . ; Bibby , Org . ; Mean well , I . G . ; G . Leach , P . M . ; It . Leach , P . M ., and Bond , P . M . ; amongst tho visitors we particularly noticed Bros . Terry , W . M ., 1278 , and G . S . B . Herts ;
Grose , 1 C 6 ; Satchwell , 746 ; Gregory , 745 ; Shcpperd , 27 , & e . Upwards of forty brethren partook of one of Bro . Bond ' s hospitable and liberal b mquets , and tho usual toasts followed , Bro . Tilley , in a neat speech , returning thanks for tho initiates , and tho W . Bro . Terry , in his usual elegant style , for the visitors , as also very eloquently on behalf of " Tho Masonic Charities . "
Stanhope Lodge , No . 1269 . —[ Wo extract tho following from a more detailed account of the interesting meeting of this lodge at Auerley on tho 12 th inst . than appeared in our last , the present report not having reached us in timo for insertion in that impression . ] During tho proceedings in lodge , it V / M proposed , seconded , and carried unnnimously that a lodgo of instruction should bo held at the Thicket Hotel , to be called tho Stanhopo Lodgo of Instruction , under the sanction of the parent lodgo . The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . was graciously pleased to give his assent to the same , and promised his assistance . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next lodge menting , and the lodge being closed iu usual form , the brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet provided by the very worthy host ,. Bro . Lassam , which appeared to give universal satisfaction , as every brother seemed to enjoy
himself immensely , and to judge from the demand for waiters , mus * have done ample justice to the good things provided for them . The wines throughout were excellent . After the usual toasts to the Queen and the rulers of the Craft , the W . M . severally proposed the healths of the initiates and visitors , which were cordially received by the brethren . The initiates and visitors having each
returned thanks , Bro . J . Thomas proposed the health of the W . M ., and asked the brethren to respond to it in a bumper , as he so well deserved it for his great kindness and urbauity , and having on the present occasion so perfectly rendered the ceremonies in the three degrees , they had a right to be proud of such a Master . The toast was received in a truh Masonic spirit , and the W . M ., in
response , thanked the brethren , and mn . de some very appropriate remarks as to the proper working and management of the lodge , particularly thanking his several officers for their very punctual attendance . He concluded by proposing the healih of their adopted P . M ., Bro . J . Thomas , which was cordially honoured by the brethren . Bro . Thomas returned thanks , stating that the way iu
which the W . M . and his officers had severally performed their duty gave him infinite pleasure . He very seldom indeed had seen the business carried out in so perfect a manner as he had witnessed that evening , and considering it was so young a lodge , and most of them new members of the Craft , it did them very great credit and augured well for the future . He begged to thank them
sincerely , for , he could assure them , he was proud of the honour they had conferred upon him , duiing his temporary absence in the country , in electing him an honorary member of their lodge , and he hoped that he should in some measure be able to repay them for their kindness by attending and rendering them his assistance on every possible occasion . The W . M . then proposeil the health of his several officers , bestowing on each a proportionate
meed of praise . The toast was responded to , in a neat speech , by the S . AV . After spending a delightful evening the " Tyler ' s Toast" brought our merry and social meeting to an end , reminding us that it waa time to depart , aud having various distances to go , some of ( he brethren immediately retired to partake of their favourite cofFee and souchong , while others , taking their parting " nips " and burning their weed , took their departure , ourself being amongst the latter .
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICH . — British Union Lodge , No . 114 . —On Thursday last the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was honoured hy the presence of the Prov , Graud Master for Suffolk , Col . Sir 11 . A . Shafto Adair . The lodge having been opened in the three degrees by the W . M ., Bro . W . Booy . and closed to the first , the P . G . M . made some
interesting remarks or reflections caused by his wearing , the first time for many years , hia original M . M . apron which ho received at Cambridge , some thirty years ago . Bros . F . Gull , P . M . ( 114 ) and P . Cornell , J . W . ( 114 ) , then worked the first section ( most perfectly ) , and lodge closed finally . At the banquet one of the most successfulever yet given at tho Hall , the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were given in the W . M . ' s well known happy style that of the P . G . Masters' being especially re ? eived with great enthusiasm . Among the brethren present were Bros . Rev . K . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; Mills , P . M . ( 37 o ); C . Schulen , P . M . ( 114 ) ; , G . Turner , P . M . ( 376 ); \ V . Spalding , P . M . ( 376 ); Lea , and Neave , P . M . ( 114 ); E . C . Tidd , A . P . G . S . ( Suffolk ) , R . Stephens , S . W . ( 376 ) , & c .
SCARBOROUGH :. —Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 . —This lodgo met in their lodge room , Globe-street , on Tuesday ( for Wednesday ) , tho 19 th October , wheu tho following officers and brethren were present : Bros . William Peacock , W . M . ; AV . F . Rooke , J . P ., P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; H . A . AVilliamson , P . M . ; R . 11 . Peacock , S . W . ; D , Fletcher , J . W . ; II . C . Martin , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Sec . ;
G . H . Walsham , S . D . ; J . Parker , J . D . ; G . Ruddock , I . G . ; Ash , Tyler ; Harvey , Verity , Garnett , Hardgrave . Groves , Allen , llrcarey , Chapman ; and Princo , visitor . The lodge was opened at 7 . 45 , p . m . The minutes wero read and confirmed , when Mr F . Fitzherbort Jay , Surgeon , was ballotted for , elected , and initiated in the first degree by tho AV . M . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that tho Cromo-Lithograph pictures of the
Masonic Gills' and Boys' Schools bo purchased out of the funds , and Bro . Ruddock was requested to frame and glaze tho same . It was also proposed , seconded and carried unanimously , that ono guinea bo paid over to Bro . the ltev . TattcrsaU's banker , towards defraying the debt of £ 50 l ) iucurred by him in defending himself against the prosecution of tho notorious begging Mason , Torkler , after which tho lodgo was closed with solemn
prayer . TOWCK 3 TEII , HUNTS . —Lodge of Fidelity , No . 445 . — Tho annunl meeting of this lodgo was held at the Pomfret Arms Hotel , Towcester , on Friday , the 15 th iust . The ludge was opened in due form , and Bro . AVm . ToroaUu , jun ., was passed to tho degree of F . C ., Bro . Richard Howes , W . M ., officiating . It was then proposed > y tho AV . M ., and seconded by Bro . C . Blencowc , "That 5 r other
tho Rev . i nomas Russell , of Brackley , a member of the Churchill Lodge , 478 , Oxford , become a subscribing member of this lodgo . " Alter a ballot , tho Rev . Brother was declared to be unanimously elected . The Treasurer , Bro . George Osborn , P . M ., then reported that tho funds of tho lodge were in a more prosperous stato than for same years past . On tho motion of Bro . Samuel Inns , D . P . G . M ., seconded by Bro . S . Jacob , P . M , a donation of X' 10 10 s . was given to the Boys'School , and £ 5 fls . to tho
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Girls' School . Bro . the Rev . AVm . Atkinson Howes was then duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Inns assisting at the installation . The following were the officers appointed bv the W . M .: —Bros . Henry Shepheard , S . W . ; WmWhittoii . J . W . ; J . Hopcraft , S . D . ; J . Steane , J . D . ; AVm . Simmonds , I . G . ; G . Hefford , sen ., O . G . ; Geo .. HefFord , inn ., Asst . O . G . ; James Teeton , See . Amongst
the visitors present were P . M ' s Bros . Brook Gates , E . E . Welchman , and George Robinson , of the Pomfret Lodge , Northampton . After labour was ended the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . J . Tunnard in his usual good style , Bro . Howes , W M ., oecunying the cbair , and Bro . Shepheard . S . W ., the vice-chair . The customary toasts were heartily honoured , interspersed
with some excellent fraternal and other songs , and the brethren separated at an early hour . AVe may mention that the lodge—which , like many others , has ere now passed through troublous times , is now in a thoroughly flourishing condition , six gentlemen having been initiated and passed since last anniversary—a by no means insignificant addition to a small lodge .
HOLME , MANCHESTER . —Blair Lodge , No . 815 . —On the 8 th inst ., this lodge held the festiv . il of Saint John the Evangelist , in the Town Hall , Hulme , Manchester , when > Bro . James Bedford was installed by theimmediateP . M ., Bro . Towle , a 3 AV . M , for the ensuing Masonic year . Afterwards a banquet was held , at which were present of the P . G . L . of East Lancashire , Bros . Hine , P . P . G . S . W . ; Wike ,
P . G . S . W . ; Figgins , P . P . G . C . ; Kennedy , P . G . T . ; Dill , P . G . P ., and also P . M . Bro . Binckes , the able Secretary of the Boys' School , London . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The immediate P . M . was presented with a P . M . jewel by the W . M ., in the name of the officers
of the lodge , and in recognition of the many valuable services rendered to the Blair Lodge . Able speeches by Bros . AVike , Hine and Binekes were made during the banquet , drawing attention to the Masonio Charities and the good they were doing . The brethren separated in peace and harmony , after a delightful evening .
FOUDINGBRIDGE , HAMPSHIRE . — Vale of Avon Lodge , No . 1112 . — 'Iho third annual meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , 15 th October , at the Greyhound Hotel Fordingbridge . Bro . AVard , AV . M .. opened tho lodge in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read by the Secretary ( Bro . C . W . Wyndam , P . M . ) , were confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second and
third degrees by Bro . tbe Rev . AV . M . Heath , P . M . 622 , P . P . G . C , Dorset , to whom the W . M . elect , Bro . M . G . Hanford , J . W ., was presented for installation . Bro . Heath performed this imposing ceremony in a most admirable and sublime manner . The W . M . then proceeded to invest the officers for the ensuing year in the collars and jewels of their respective offices , as follows : —Bro . F . Perm ,
I . P . M . ; R . Chillcott , S . W . ; G . H . Taylor , J . W . ; S . Croft , Treas . ; C . AV . Wyndham , Sec . ; S . H . Perman , S . D . ; J . Lewis , J . D . ; D . Stevens , I . G . ; J . Bonnett , Tyler . The ceremony of installation having been completed , a vota of thanks was unanimously accorded to tho Rev , Brother Heath , foi his kind attendance and for the efficient manner in which he had conducted the ceremony . —Bro . Heath ,
in thanking the brethren , assured them it would always afford him much pleasure to attend and assist them at any time . —Bro . Perm , [ . P . M .. congratulated the brethren oa their havinir selected so able and efficient a AV . M . as Bro . Hanford . —The W . M . thanked the lodge for the honour they had done him in placing him iu the proud position , he now occupied , and assured them that no effort should
bo wanting on his part to promote the prosperity of tho Vale of Avon Lodgo and advance its best interests . I have now ( the AV . M . went on to say ) a very pleasing duty to perform , aud ono I feel sure will be vary gratifying to every member of tho lodge . It is to present Bro . Ward with a P . M . ' s jewel , and beg his acceptance of a life membership of this lodge , as a slight recognition of his valuable
Bervices . he having been tho first W . M . of the lodge , and one of its founders . To his exertions and those of Bro . Wyndham , is to bo attributed the success that the lodga has attained . Brother Ward , in presenting you with this jewel , I beg to share the kind feeling every member of this lodge entertains towards you , aud trust it may adorn your breast for many , many years to come , aud in the
ruling of tho G . A . O . T . U , when you Bhall be summoned from this lower lodge and leave all that endears you to this world , you will leavo behind you n name intimatoly associated with each of us , and an example worthy of our imitation . ( The W . M . then placed tho jewel ou Hro Ward's breast amid the acclamations of tho brethren . )—Bro . H . AVard , P . M ., replied as follows : Worshipful Master and
Brethren , I cannot find words with which to express my feelings to you at this moment for your very kind and handsome presents . I scarcely know which to value most —the handsomo jewel you have given me , or tho electing mo a life member of your lodge , thereby retaining my name on your roll of members . This is indeed a proud moment which I shall ever treasure in memory ' s
storehouse , aud look back upon with gratitude and pleasure . AVhatever services I have rendered to the lodgo I have given freely and l . oartily and from a pure love of Masonry and those glorious principles on which our Urdor is founded . I havo , indeed , been very anxious to see this lodgo successful , and it is very gratifying to mo to see it in such , a prosporcus state . That gratification is a sufficient
recompense for any services I have rondcred . I havo only tried to do my duty , and that is the duty of every Freemason . Permit mo onco more to thank you , and assure you how highly I prizo your kindness , and trust it may stimulate others to do all they can for tho interests of this lod ^ e and Freemasonry in general . —There being no
further busino-s , tho lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , an excellent banquet being provided by Brother Chillcott . Ou the removal of tho cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily received and responded to .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 , held its first meeting of the present session in the lodge-room , at Radley's Hotel , Blackfriars , ( Rro . J . Hart ' s ) , on Tuesday , when the AV . Bro . Chambevlin , the respected Master of this most flourishing lodge , initiated into the mysteries of the Craft Mr . Joseph Mawbey , passed Bros . Kippenhagen and Cohen , and
raised to the degree of M . M ., Bro . George Purnell . The W . M . was ably assisted by his very competent officers , Bros . Kmanuel , S . AV . ; Havris , J . W . ; A . M . Cohen , P . M ., Sec . ; Turner , S . D . ; Vander Bosch , J . D . ; Hogard , I . G ., and the Worshipful Past Masters , Stanton-Jones , Lazarus , Coote , Littaur and Harris , the visitors were , Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., ( 73 , & c ) , Barnett ( 25 ) , Cooper ( 254 ) ,
Wintlec . ( 548 ) . Hollymao . ( 754 ) Pollitzer ( 1017 ) , and Connell , of the Lodge of St . Nicholas . Aberdeen . At the banquet table in an eloquent speech by Bro . Cohen , the hard-working Hon . Sec ., ( who by special request returned thanks fur the toast of the P . M . ' s ) , advocated the cause of Bro . Sacqui , the Father ot the lodge , as a candidate for
the benefits of The Royal Masonic Bevevolent Institution , which resulted in numerous members becoming subscribers to the amount of 10 s . each , the I . G . 20 s ., another brother , 21 s ., aud a resolution to carry his election . The W . Bro . Walters returned thanks for the visitors in a very happy speech , and after the ordinary toasts the meeting adjourned .
United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 228 . — We have had the pleasure of visiting this popular lodge of instruction—held at Bro G . Garratt ' s , the Bull and Gate , Kentish Town , every Wednesday night at 8 o ' clock—and would advise all those who are desirous of learning the ceremonies and ritual to attend this lodge , where they will have an excellent opportunity of acquiring Masonic
information . It is under the preceptorship of Bro . J . N . Frost , an old P . M . of the parent lodge , aud who evinces the greatest desire of imparting knowledge to aspirants to office in their several lodges . Beadon Lodge , No . 619 , met on Wednesday se ' nnight at Bro . W . Middlecott ' s , the Greyhound , Dulwich , when the brethren bad an opportunity of seeing the admirable
performance of the ceremonies of passing and raising by the W . M ., Bro . Alfred Avery . Bro . W . J . Edwards was passed , and Bro . Dr . J . J . Barrett raised . A P . M . came forward and offered himself as Steward for iho Lodge at the next Festival of the Benevolent Institution , and the brethren consented to support him . Tho lodge was
then closed , and a banquet , to which between thirty and forty brethren sat down , followed . The customory toasts were given , Bro . AV . Farnfield , P . A . G . S ., responding for the Graud Officers , and Bros , . lames ( 19 ) and F . Walters ( 73 ) for "The Visitors . " Bros . J . Hill ( P . M . S 7 ) , J . AVhi < fin ( P . M . 147 ) , W . B Roberts ( P . M . 181 ) , and Lassam ( 1269 ) were the other visitors who attended .
Bclgravc Lodge , No . 719 . —The first meeting of tho season of this flourishing lodgo took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . Bro . Bourne , W . M ., was supported by Bros . Pyman , S . W ., P . Parsons , J . W ., S . Honewood , S . D ., E . ilarper , J . D ., T . Carter , I . G ., J . H . Froud , P . M ., Treas ., II . Garrod , P . M ., Sec . ; P . M . ' s Runting , Ough , and G . P . Woodstock ;
Bros . T . Ship , Scott , Mackrill , Wilson , Knight , and about forty other brethren . The lodge was honoured hy tho presence of tho following visitors : -Bros . James Philips ( P . M . 754 ) , T . E . Scott ( P . M . 771 ) , and Henry Crahtree ( 87 ) . Bros . Hubbard and Greenwood were then passed to tho degree of F . C ., in a faultless manner , by the AV . M . Bro . George Pyinm was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year : Bro . Froud , Treasurer ; and Bro .
Daly , Tyler . A jewel was unanimously voted to W . M . Bourne for the able manner in which ho had discharged the duties of the chair during his year of office . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet which was served in Bro . Clemow ' sbest style . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a very happy evening , which was ably superintended by Bro . Smith .
Finsbwy Lodge , No . 861 . —On Friday , the 22 nd , in the unavoidable absence of Bro E . Davey , tho W . M ., Bro . Thos . Mackey , P . M .. in his usual felicitous stylo initiated Messrs . Senior , Albrecht , and 't'illey into our mysteries . There wero present , Bros . NichoIIs , AW . ; Day , P . M . and Treas ., ( who occupied tho chair at tho banquet table in his usual jovial manner ); Bro . Purdy , P . M . and Sec
, ( the worthy son of a worthy father , who was ono of tho most learned and disinterested instructors in all degrees of the present century ); Benjamin , S . D . ; Stokes , J . D . ; Bibby , Org . ; Mean well , I . G . ; G . Leach , P . M . ; It . Leach , P . M ., and Bond , P . M . ; amongst tho visitors we particularly noticed Bros . Terry , W . M ., 1278 , and G . S . B . Herts ;
Grose , 1 C 6 ; Satchwell , 746 ; Gregory , 745 ; Shcpperd , 27 , & e . Upwards of forty brethren partook of one of Bro . Bond ' s hospitable and liberal b mquets , and tho usual toasts followed , Bro . Tilley , in a neat speech , returning thanks for tho initiates , and tho W . Bro . Terry , in his usual elegant style , for the visitors , as also very eloquently on behalf of " Tho Masonic Charities . "
Stanhope Lodge , No . 1269 . —[ Wo extract tho following from a more detailed account of the interesting meeting of this lodge at Auerley on tho 12 th inst . than appeared in our last , the present report not having reached us in timo for insertion in that impression . ] During tho proceedings in lodge , it V / M proposed , seconded , and carried unnnimously that a lodgo of instruction should bo held at the Thicket Hotel , to be called tho Stanhopo Lodgo of Instruction , under the sanction of the parent lodgo . The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . was graciously pleased to give his assent to the same , and promised his assistance . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next lodge menting , and the lodge being closed iu usual form , the brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet provided by the very worthy host ,. Bro . Lassam , which appeared to give universal satisfaction , as every brother seemed to enjoy
himself immensely , and to judge from the demand for waiters , mus * have done ample justice to the good things provided for them . The wines throughout were excellent . After the usual toasts to the Queen and the rulers of the Craft , the W . M . severally proposed the healths of the initiates and visitors , which were cordially received by the brethren . The initiates and visitors having each
returned thanks , Bro . J . Thomas proposed the health of the W . M ., and asked the brethren to respond to it in a bumper , as he so well deserved it for his great kindness and urbauity , and having on the present occasion so perfectly rendered the ceremonies in the three degrees , they had a right to be proud of such a Master . The toast was received in a truh Masonic spirit , and the W . M ., in
response , thanked the brethren , and mn . de some very appropriate remarks as to the proper working and management of the lodge , particularly thanking his several officers for their very punctual attendance . He concluded by proposing the healih of their adopted P . M ., Bro . J . Thomas , which was cordially honoured by the brethren . Bro . Thomas returned thanks , stating that the way iu
which the W . M . and his officers had severally performed their duty gave him infinite pleasure . He very seldom indeed had seen the business carried out in so perfect a manner as he had witnessed that evening , and considering it was so young a lodge , and most of them new members of the Craft , it did them very great credit and augured well for the future . He begged to thank them
sincerely , for , he could assure them , he was proud of the honour they had conferred upon him , duiing his temporary absence in the country , in electing him an honorary member of their lodge , and he hoped that he should in some measure be able to repay them for their kindness by attending and rendering them his assistance on every possible occasion . The W . M . then proposeil the health of his several officers , bestowing on each a proportionate
meed of praise . The toast was responded to , in a neat speech , by the S . AV . After spending a delightful evening the " Tyler ' s Toast" brought our merry and social meeting to an end , reminding us that it waa time to depart , aud having various distances to go , some of ( he brethren immediately retired to partake of their favourite cofFee and souchong , while others , taking their parting " nips " and burning their weed , took their departure , ourself being amongst the latter .
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICH . — British Union Lodge , No . 114 . —On Thursday last the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was honoured hy the presence of the Prov , Graud Master for Suffolk , Col . Sir 11 . A . Shafto Adair . The lodge having been opened in the three degrees by the W . M ., Bro . W . Booy . and closed to the first , the P . G . M . made some
interesting remarks or reflections caused by his wearing , the first time for many years , hia original M . M . apron which ho received at Cambridge , some thirty years ago . Bros . F . Gull , P . M . ( 114 ) and P . Cornell , J . W . ( 114 ) , then worked the first section ( most perfectly ) , and lodge closed finally . At the banquet one of the most successfulever yet given at tho Hall , the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were given in the W . M . ' s well known happy style that of the P . G . Masters' being especially re ? eived with great enthusiasm . Among the brethren present were Bros . Rev . K . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; Mills , P . M . ( 37 o ); C . Schulen , P . M . ( 114 ) ; , G . Turner , P . M . ( 376 ); \ V . Spalding , P . M . ( 376 ); Lea , and Neave , P . M . ( 114 ); E . C . Tidd , A . P . G . S . ( Suffolk ) , R . Stephens , S . W . ( 376 ) , & c .
SCARBOROUGH :. —Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 . —This lodgo met in their lodge room , Globe-street , on Tuesday ( for Wednesday ) , tho 19 th October , wheu tho following officers and brethren were present : Bros . William Peacock , W . M . ; AV . F . Rooke , J . P ., P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; H . A . AVilliamson , P . M . ; R . 11 . Peacock , S . W . ; D , Fletcher , J . W . ; II . C . Martin , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Sec . ;
G . H . Walsham , S . D . ; J . Parker , J . D . ; G . Ruddock , I . G . ; Ash , Tyler ; Harvey , Verity , Garnett , Hardgrave . Groves , Allen , llrcarey , Chapman ; and Princo , visitor . The lodge was opened at 7 . 45 , p . m . The minutes wero read and confirmed , when Mr F . Fitzherbort Jay , Surgeon , was ballotted for , elected , and initiated in the first degree by tho AV . M . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that tho Cromo-Lithograph pictures of the
Masonic Gills' and Boys' Schools bo purchased out of the funds , and Bro . Ruddock was requested to frame and glaze tho same . It was also proposed , seconded and carried unanimously , that ono guinea bo paid over to Bro . the ltev . TattcrsaU's banker , towards defraying the debt of £ 50 l ) iucurred by him in defending himself against the prosecution of tho notorious begging Mason , Torkler , after which tho lodgo was closed with solemn
prayer . TOWCK 3 TEII , HUNTS . —Lodge of Fidelity , No . 445 . — Tho annunl meeting of this lodgo was held at the Pomfret Arms Hotel , Towcester , on Friday , the 15 th iust . The ludge was opened in due form , and Bro . AVm . ToroaUu , jun ., was passed to tho degree of F . C ., Bro . Richard Howes , W . M ., officiating . It was then proposed > y tho AV . M ., and seconded by Bro . C . Blencowc , "That 5 r other
tho Rev . i nomas Russell , of Brackley , a member of the Churchill Lodge , 478 , Oxford , become a subscribing member of this lodgo . " Alter a ballot , tho Rev . Brother was declared to be unanimously elected . The Treasurer , Bro . George Osborn , P . M ., then reported that tho funds of tho lodge were in a more prosperous stato than for same years past . On tho motion of Bro . Samuel Inns , D . P . G . M ., seconded by Bro . S . Jacob , P . M , a donation of X' 10 10 s . was given to the Boys'School , and £ 5 fls . to tho
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Girls' School . Bro . the Rev . AVm . Atkinson Howes was then duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Inns assisting at the installation . The following were the officers appointed bv the W . M .: —Bros . Henry Shepheard , S . W . ; WmWhittoii . J . W . ; J . Hopcraft , S . D . ; J . Steane , J . D . ; AVm . Simmonds , I . G . ; G . Hefford , sen ., O . G . ; Geo .. HefFord , inn ., Asst . O . G . ; James Teeton , See . Amongst
the visitors present were P . M ' s Bros . Brook Gates , E . E . Welchman , and George Robinson , of the Pomfret Lodge , Northampton . After labour was ended the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . J . Tunnard in his usual good style , Bro . Howes , W M ., oecunying the cbair , and Bro . Shepheard . S . W ., the vice-chair . The customary toasts were heartily honoured , interspersed
with some excellent fraternal and other songs , and the brethren separated at an early hour . AVe may mention that the lodge—which , like many others , has ere now passed through troublous times , is now in a thoroughly flourishing condition , six gentlemen having been initiated and passed since last anniversary—a by no means insignificant addition to a small lodge .
HOLME , MANCHESTER . —Blair Lodge , No . 815 . —On the 8 th inst ., this lodge held the festiv . il of Saint John the Evangelist , in the Town Hall , Hulme , Manchester , when > Bro . James Bedford was installed by theimmediateP . M ., Bro . Towle , a 3 AV . M , for the ensuing Masonic year . Afterwards a banquet was held , at which were present of the P . G . L . of East Lancashire , Bros . Hine , P . P . G . S . W . ; Wike ,
P . G . S . W . ; Figgins , P . P . G . C . ; Kennedy , P . G . T . ; Dill , P . G . P ., and also P . M . Bro . Binckes , the able Secretary of the Boys' School , London . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The immediate P . M . was presented with a P . M . jewel by the W . M ., in the name of the officers
of the lodge , and in recognition of the many valuable services rendered to the Blair Lodge . Able speeches by Bros . AVike , Hine and Binekes were made during the banquet , drawing attention to the Masonio Charities and the good they were doing . The brethren separated in peace and harmony , after a delightful evening .
FOUDINGBRIDGE , HAMPSHIRE . — Vale of Avon Lodge , No . 1112 . — 'Iho third annual meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , 15 th October , at the Greyhound Hotel Fordingbridge . Bro . AVard , AV . M .. opened tho lodge in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read by the Secretary ( Bro . C . W . Wyndam , P . M . ) , were confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second and
third degrees by Bro . tbe Rev . AV . M . Heath , P . M . 622 , P . P . G . C , Dorset , to whom the W . M . elect , Bro . M . G . Hanford , J . W ., was presented for installation . Bro . Heath performed this imposing ceremony in a most admirable and sublime manner . The W . M . then proceeded to invest the officers for the ensuing year in the collars and jewels of their respective offices , as follows : —Bro . F . Perm ,
I . P . M . ; R . Chillcott , S . W . ; G . H . Taylor , J . W . ; S . Croft , Treas . ; C . AV . Wyndham , Sec . ; S . H . Perman , S . D . ; J . Lewis , J . D . ; D . Stevens , I . G . ; J . Bonnett , Tyler . The ceremony of installation having been completed , a vota of thanks was unanimously accorded to tho Rev , Brother Heath , foi his kind attendance and for the efficient manner in which he had conducted the ceremony . —Bro . Heath ,
in thanking the brethren , assured them it would always afford him much pleasure to attend and assist them at any time . —Bro . Perm , [ . P . M .. congratulated the brethren oa their havinir selected so able and efficient a AV . M . as Bro . Hanford . —The W . M . thanked the lodge for the honour they had done him in placing him iu the proud position , he now occupied , and assured them that no effort should
bo wanting on his part to promote the prosperity of tho Vale of Avon Lodgo and advance its best interests . I have now ( the AV . M . went on to say ) a very pleasing duty to perform , aud ono I feel sure will be vary gratifying to every member of tho lodge . It is to present Bro . Ward with a P . M . ' s jewel , and beg his acceptance of a life membership of this lodge , as a slight recognition of his valuable
Bervices . he having been tho first W . M . of the lodge , and one of its founders . To his exertions and those of Bro . Wyndham , is to bo attributed the success that the lodga has attained . Brother Ward , in presenting you with this jewel , I beg to share the kind feeling every member of this lodge entertains towards you , aud trust it may adorn your breast for many , many years to come , aud in the
ruling of tho G . A . O . T . U , when you Bhall be summoned from this lower lodge and leave all that endears you to this world , you will leavo behind you n name intimatoly associated with each of us , and an example worthy of our imitation . ( The W . M . then placed tho jewel ou Hro Ward's breast amid the acclamations of tho brethren . )—Bro . H . AVard , P . M ., replied as follows : Worshipful Master and
Brethren , I cannot find words with which to express my feelings to you at this moment for your very kind and handsome presents . I scarcely know which to value most —the handsomo jewel you have given me , or tho electing mo a life member of your lodge , thereby retaining my name on your roll of members . This is indeed a proud moment which I shall ever treasure in memory ' s
storehouse , aud look back upon with gratitude and pleasure . AVhatever services I have rendered to the lodgo I have given freely and l . oartily and from a pure love of Masonry and those glorious principles on which our Urdor is founded . I havo , indeed , been very anxious to see this lodgo successful , and it is very gratifying to mo to see it in such , a prosporcus state . That gratification is a sufficient
recompense for any services I have rondcred . I havo only tried to do my duty , and that is the duty of every Freemason . Permit mo onco more to thank you , and assure you how highly I prizo your kindness , and trust it may stimulate others to do all they can for tho interests of this lod ^ e and Freemasonry in general . —There being no
further busino-s , tho lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , an excellent banquet being provided by Brother Chillcott . Ou the removal of tho cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily received and responded to .