Article MASONIC FUNERAL AT PLYMOUTH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC FESTIVAL AT HANLEY. Page 1 of 1 Article BANQUET OF THE DEVONSHIRE LODGE No. 625. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Funeral At Plymouth.
brother the very forcible and impressive burial charge of the Order . To this the R . W . Brother added a few remarks appropriate to the occasion . The ceremony of taking an earthly farewell to the brother was then gone through by the
brethren present . The sprigs of cassia and herbs , and a broken Steward ' s rod , were cast into the grave , and the procession was re-formed and returned to the hotel , where the lodge was closed . The following officers were among the brethren present in addition to those named : W . Bros .
R . R . Rodd , P . P . G . W . ; V . Bird , P . M . 954 ; H . F . Smith , P . M . 954 * J . Ellis , W . M . 1212 ; J . F . Hifley , P . M . 223 ; J . G . Richards , P . P . G . J . D . J . W . N . Hawton , P . P . G . D . C . ¦ W . Foxwell , P . M . 1071 ; M . Paul , W . M . 954 : E . Aitken
Davies , P . M . 1099 * J . B . Witheridge , P . M . 223 J . May , P . M . 223 ; J . Montgomery , P . M . 223 ; J . N . Blake , P . M . 230 ; J . B . Ryder , P . M . 1136 E . Poor , P . M . 1136 ; grandson ofthe deceased . — Western Morning News .
Masonic Festival At Hanley.
On Tuesday last the celebration of the festival of St . John was held by the brethren of the Menturia Lodge , No . 418 , Hanley . The lodge was opened at three o ' clock in the lodge-room at the Mechanics' Institution , and the ceremony
of installing Bro . E . E . Scrivener as W . M . for the ensuing year was at once proceeded with , the immediate Past Master , Bro . Thomas Taylor , efficiently discharging the duty Of Installing Master , assisted by Bros . W . H . Hales , P . M .,
P . P . G . A . D . C . J . S . Crapper , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C ., and J . B . Piercy , P . M ., P . P . G . Superintendent of Works . The W . M ., Bro . Scrivener , having been duly installed , appointed the following brethren as his officers : I 5 ros . Thomas Bickley ,
SAV . ; Dr . J . Craig , JAV . the Rev . J . Westbury , P . G ., Cha ]} . and also S . D . ; J . S . Crapper , Treas . j J . Montford , Sec . ; J . B . Piercy , M . C . ; H . Bailey , J . D . * G . Pitchford , I . G . J . Wain , Org . ; and T . Palmer , Tyler . Before the lodge was
closed , the Right Rev . the Lord Bishop of Dunedin , P . M ., P . P . G . C , expressed his gratification at once more being able to attend his mother lodge , and meet the brethren of No . 418 ; at the same time , he was afraid that it
would probably be the last opportunity he should have of doing so for a considerable period , in consequence of his recent appointment removing him so far away . His lordship gave a very interesting account of the prosperity of
Freemasonry in the Australian colonies , and statedthat on his recent visit there he had been very heartily received by the brethren , who had displayed to him the greatest kindness and hospitality , and he was well assured that Freemasonry in reality existed throughout the civilised world .
The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Halsey , at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel , and which was attended
by about forty brethren . The W . M . presided , and was supported by the following past and present officers ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge : Bros . G . Sargeant , P . M ., P . G . J . W . ; Thomas Twyford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; J . C . Daniel , P . M ., P . P . G . P
George Hulme , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . H . Parker , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; T . Warner , P . M ., P . G . P . ; G . Outrim , P . M ., P . P . G ., Sup . of Works ; C . Turner , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; alsoC . Marsh , W . M . 460 ; F . Ryles , W . M . 9 8 ; J . W . Thomas , P . M . 6 37 : A . E . Wedgwood , 451 : A . G . Prince ,
S . W . 546 ; E . Ball , 28 7 ; & c . The usual loyal toasts were duly proposed by the W . M ., who in very feeling terms alluded to the recent illness of her Majesty thc Queen , and also to the very dangerous illness of the Prince of AVales , " Past Grand Master of England , " from which he
sincerely hoped he was recovering , and which had called forth in such a spontaneous manner thc loyalty and sympathy of all classes of society . The usual Masonic toasts were then proposed , and duly responded to by various brethren . Thn
meeting was much enlivened by the mus *! c _ efforts of Bros . Thomas , J . R . White ( 375 ) , R . I . Baker , Wedgwood , Crapper , Montford , <\ -. c ., and . - . very pleasant evening was passed b y the brethren as . embl . d ,
Banquet Of The Devonshire Lodge No. 625.
On Wednesday , 29 th ult , a grand banquet took place at the Norfolk Arms , Glossop , Derbyshire , when several distinguished local gentlemen were present : amongst whom we noticed Bros . Vertegans , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C . ; Grundy , P . M ., P . G . J . D . ; Hall P . M ., P . G . S . B . ;
Bramhall , W . M . ; Dr . Rhodes , P . M . ; Calder , S . W . ; Dawson , J . W . ; Cox , S . D . ; Hardman , J . D . ; Ford , I . G . ; Irlam , S . ; and Stafford ( Mayor of Glossop ); Sir Knight J . W . Mason , ( 30 ); and Curtis ; Davis , Senr . ; Paterson , Hodgson , Collier , Garlick , Ardern , Nield ,
Higginbottom , Mather , Darnelly , Barlow , Whittaker , Fielding and several others . After dinner in the large hall , the company adjourned to the lodge room , where the W . M . ( Bramhall ) proposed the following toasts : — 'The Queen , ' ' The Prince of Wales , Past Grand
Master of England , ' ' The Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family , ' 'The Right Honourable the Marquis of Ripon , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , ' 'The Right Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon , Most Worshipfii Deputy Grand Master of England . '
After which he remarked that he felt proud of the position they had thought proper to place him in , and there was one thing he wished to express , that he should support the Masonic Charities to a greater extent than had been done in that lodge previously . The past year had
proved one of the most satisfactory they had ever seen , and he trusted that the officers and members would assist him to sustain the high position that the Devonshire Lodge now held . Bro . Calder proposed ' The Most Honorable the Marquis of Hartington , Provincial Grand
Master of Derby , H . C . Okeover , Esq ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Derby , ' after which a song was sung by Bro . Ford , in excellent style . Bro . Vertegans proposed the ' Worshipful Master , ' after which another song was rendered by Bro . Dawson .
Bro . Hall proposed 'The Immediate Past Master , ' and in a short but pointed manner supported the opinions expressed by the W . M . Bro . Cox proposed ' The Past Masters of the Lodge , ' after which a song was excellently rendered by Bro . Higginbottom .
Bro . Grundy proposed' The Visiting Brethren , ' and said it was exceedingly pleasant for him to have seen the progress of the lodge for the past two years , and he hoped that the officers and members would assist the W . M . for the ensuing year . He wished to say that the Devonshire
Lodfre could afford £ 10 10 s . towards the Boys ' Orphan School , which would entitle them to two votes . Bro . Vertegans remarked that he supported what Bro . Grundy had said , and he felt certain that the proposed grand object would be carried ,
and though he could go into statistics , time would not permit , yet he ventured to say that he had no doubt but that the brethren would support the pure philanthropic motive . The Mayor of Glossop ( Bro . Stafford ) endorsed the opinions of Bros . Vertegans and
Grundy ; and proposed ' 1 he Masonic Chanties . He rejoiced to hear the noble opinion brought to bear upon the Boys' Orphan School . In his time he had seen great changes take place in the position in families—some , through the sudden
bereavement of a brother , had been brought low , and the children left almost destitute ; and as men , even elevated in social position , they are , nevertheless , equal as men , which is the glorious object of our institution .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Much watchfulness must be exercised as winter advances , and the earliest evidences of ill-health must be immediately met and removed , or a slight illness may result in a serious malady . Relaxed and sore throat , diptheria , quinsey , throat cough , chronic cough , bronchitis , and most other pulmonary affections , will be relieved by
rubbing this cooling Ointment into the skin as near as practicable to the seat of mischief . This treatment , both simple and eflective , is admirably adapted for the removal of these diseases during infancy and youth . In checking the chronic catarrh and cough of old age , Holloway's remedies will be found especially serviceable , as they prevent con ^ c .-. 'iou in thc Udicaty lining of the throat and chest , —[ Advt . l p
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
[ With a view to increase the circulation , and consequently the usefulness , of THE FREEMASON , it is suggested that Lodges , & o , desiring reports to appear in the paper , should take a certain number of copies in proportion to the space required for the report . ] THE CRAFT .
PROVINCIAL . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge Fortitude , No . 105 . —On Friday evening , the 22 nd inst ., was witnessed one of the most interesting assemblages of Masons for the purpose of the installation of the Worshipful Master that has occurred in the province for some
time past . The large hall of the Huyshe Masonic Temple was literally crowded ; among , a large number we counted fifteen Past Masters , and a most respectable sprinkling of past and present Prov . Grand Officers . The chair was taken by the W . M . Bro . Bignell , who opened the lodge in the
first degree , and , having passed it to the second degree , Bro . R . Rodda , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., took the chair , and most efficiently installed , as one of King Solomon ' s sucessors , Bro . Martin Williams , a most industrious Mason , and one who has most worthily won his position by his great attention to the duties
of all the minor offices through which he has most creditably passed from the Inner Guard to the chair . It is fully anticipated that Bro . Williams will acquit himself honourably in the arduous duties attached to the important position for which he has so assiduously laboured , and to which he has been
unanimously elected . The W . M . then appointed as his officers : Bros . Bignell , I . P . M . ; W . H . Anthony , S . W . ; T . Carey , J . W . ; S . Jew , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Treas ; J . Rowe , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Sec . ; R . Twose , S . D . ; Rogers , J . D . ; Bunco , I . G . ; Jamer S . The musical arrangements of the evening were under the direction of Bro . Cox , P . M . The brethren
were highly pleased with thc ceremony , and more especially with the Installing Master ' s unique charge to the Wardens , which was most novel , and given in Bro . Rodda's best style . The annual banquet is to take place at the Globe Hotel in the last week in January next , and of which the brethren will be duly advised by circular .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . — This lodge held its regular meeting at Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on the 21 st inst ., under the presidency of Bro . W . Sculthorpe , W . M ., nearly all the officers being present . A goodly number of the brethren assembled , and amongst the visitors were :
Bros . Clement Stretton , W . M ., E . J . Crow , W . M .-elect , and several brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 ; D . Davis , Faith Lodge , No . 141 ; James Dawson , 84 ; R . Chamberlain , 755 ; J . B . Hall , 1031 ; and T . White , 1034 . After the confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Tibbetts wns raised to the third
degree , and Mr . George Staynes , who had been elected at a previous meeting , was initiated into thc mysteries of the Order . A candidate for initiation having been proposed , and the other business disposed of , thc lodge was closed in harmony , and thc brethren retired for refreshment .
HARTLEPOOL . — St . Helen's lodge , No . 531 . — The brethren of the above lodge held their annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Regent-square , on Thursday , the 21 st inst . The installation of W . M . for the ensuing year was performed by Bro . Aid . George Moore , M . D ., P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W ., in a
most impressive manner , the W . M .-elect being Bro . John Hunter , jun ., S . W . The officers were appointed as follows : Bros . R . Ropncr , I . P . M . ; J . H . Attley . S . W . ; S . M . Glendinning , J . W . ; T . M . Procter , Treas . ; W . Pearson , Sec . ; T . Turnbull , S . D . j T . J . Johnson , J . D . ; W . Fleetham ,
I . G . ; J . J . Armstrong , P . M ., D ' . C . ; W . Shaw , D . Collins , and B . Wolstcnholme , Stewards ; and J . Mowbray , Tyler . After the installation ceremony , Bro . J . J . Armstrong , P . M ., on behalf of the members of the ' lodge , presented Bro . R . Ropner with a
beautiful jewel , and , after the presentation had been acknowledged , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Cleveland Hotel ( Bro . C . Humble's ) , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , the W . M . presiding .
OAKHAM , RUTLAND . — Vale of Catmose Lodge , No . 1265 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Agricultural Hall , on Wednesday , the 20 th instant . Present : Bros . J . C . Duncombe , P . G . A . D . C . for Norths , and Hunts ., P . G . I . G . D . Leicester and Rutland , W . M . ( presiding ) ; T . G . Bennett , S . W . ; T . Markham , P . M .,
as J . W . ; H . Newcomc , J . D . ; J . Bailey , I . G . ; J . Read and William Crowson , Stewards ' ; and other brethren . Thc minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed , when the ballot was taken for Mr . William Keep . Chief Constable for Rutland , which proved unanimous in his favour , and h ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Funeral At Plymouth.
brother the very forcible and impressive burial charge of the Order . To this the R . W . Brother added a few remarks appropriate to the occasion . The ceremony of taking an earthly farewell to the brother was then gone through by the
brethren present . The sprigs of cassia and herbs , and a broken Steward ' s rod , were cast into the grave , and the procession was re-formed and returned to the hotel , where the lodge was closed . The following officers were among the brethren present in addition to those named : W . Bros .
R . R . Rodd , P . P . G . W . ; V . Bird , P . M . 954 ; H . F . Smith , P . M . 954 * J . Ellis , W . M . 1212 ; J . F . Hifley , P . M . 223 ; J . G . Richards , P . P . G . J . D . J . W . N . Hawton , P . P . G . D . C . ¦ W . Foxwell , P . M . 1071 ; M . Paul , W . M . 954 : E . Aitken
Davies , P . M . 1099 * J . B . Witheridge , P . M . 223 J . May , P . M . 223 ; J . Montgomery , P . M . 223 ; J . N . Blake , P . M . 230 ; J . B . Ryder , P . M . 1136 E . Poor , P . M . 1136 ; grandson ofthe deceased . — Western Morning News .
Masonic Festival At Hanley.
On Tuesday last the celebration of the festival of St . John was held by the brethren of the Menturia Lodge , No . 418 , Hanley . The lodge was opened at three o ' clock in the lodge-room at the Mechanics' Institution , and the ceremony
of installing Bro . E . E . Scrivener as W . M . for the ensuing year was at once proceeded with , the immediate Past Master , Bro . Thomas Taylor , efficiently discharging the duty Of Installing Master , assisted by Bros . W . H . Hales , P . M .,
P . P . G . A . D . C . J . S . Crapper , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C ., and J . B . Piercy , P . M ., P . P . G . Superintendent of Works . The W . M ., Bro . Scrivener , having been duly installed , appointed the following brethren as his officers : I 5 ros . Thomas Bickley ,
SAV . ; Dr . J . Craig , JAV . the Rev . J . Westbury , P . G ., Cha ]} . and also S . D . ; J . S . Crapper , Treas . j J . Montford , Sec . ; J . B . Piercy , M . C . ; H . Bailey , J . D . * G . Pitchford , I . G . J . Wain , Org . ; and T . Palmer , Tyler . Before the lodge was
closed , the Right Rev . the Lord Bishop of Dunedin , P . M ., P . P . G . C , expressed his gratification at once more being able to attend his mother lodge , and meet the brethren of No . 418 ; at the same time , he was afraid that it
would probably be the last opportunity he should have of doing so for a considerable period , in consequence of his recent appointment removing him so far away . His lordship gave a very interesting account of the prosperity of
Freemasonry in the Australian colonies , and statedthat on his recent visit there he had been very heartily received by the brethren , who had displayed to him the greatest kindness and hospitality , and he was well assured that Freemasonry in reality existed throughout the civilised world .
The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Halsey , at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel , and which was attended
by about forty brethren . The W . M . presided , and was supported by the following past and present officers ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge : Bros . G . Sargeant , P . M ., P . G . J . W . ; Thomas Twyford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; J . C . Daniel , P . M ., P . P . G . P
George Hulme , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . H . Parker , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; T . Warner , P . M ., P . G . P . ; G . Outrim , P . M ., P . P . G ., Sup . of Works ; C . Turner , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; alsoC . Marsh , W . M . 460 ; F . Ryles , W . M . 9 8 ; J . W . Thomas , P . M . 6 37 : A . E . Wedgwood , 451 : A . G . Prince ,
S . W . 546 ; E . Ball , 28 7 ; & c . The usual loyal toasts were duly proposed by the W . M ., who in very feeling terms alluded to the recent illness of her Majesty thc Queen , and also to the very dangerous illness of the Prince of AVales , " Past Grand Master of England , " from which he
sincerely hoped he was recovering , and which had called forth in such a spontaneous manner thc loyalty and sympathy of all classes of society . The usual Masonic toasts were then proposed , and duly responded to by various brethren . Thn
meeting was much enlivened by the mus *! c _ efforts of Bros . Thomas , J . R . White ( 375 ) , R . I . Baker , Wedgwood , Crapper , Montford , <\ -. c ., and . - . very pleasant evening was passed b y the brethren as . embl . d ,
Banquet Of The Devonshire Lodge No. 625.
On Wednesday , 29 th ult , a grand banquet took place at the Norfolk Arms , Glossop , Derbyshire , when several distinguished local gentlemen were present : amongst whom we noticed Bros . Vertegans , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C . ; Grundy , P . M ., P . G . J . D . ; Hall P . M ., P . G . S . B . ;
Bramhall , W . M . ; Dr . Rhodes , P . M . ; Calder , S . W . ; Dawson , J . W . ; Cox , S . D . ; Hardman , J . D . ; Ford , I . G . ; Irlam , S . ; and Stafford ( Mayor of Glossop ); Sir Knight J . W . Mason , ( 30 ); and Curtis ; Davis , Senr . ; Paterson , Hodgson , Collier , Garlick , Ardern , Nield ,
Higginbottom , Mather , Darnelly , Barlow , Whittaker , Fielding and several others . After dinner in the large hall , the company adjourned to the lodge room , where the W . M . ( Bramhall ) proposed the following toasts : — 'The Queen , ' ' The Prince of Wales , Past Grand
Master of England , ' ' The Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family , ' 'The Right Honourable the Marquis of Ripon , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , ' 'The Right Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon , Most Worshipfii Deputy Grand Master of England . '
After which he remarked that he felt proud of the position they had thought proper to place him in , and there was one thing he wished to express , that he should support the Masonic Charities to a greater extent than had been done in that lodge previously . The past year had
proved one of the most satisfactory they had ever seen , and he trusted that the officers and members would assist him to sustain the high position that the Devonshire Lodge now held . Bro . Calder proposed ' The Most Honorable the Marquis of Hartington , Provincial Grand
Master of Derby , H . C . Okeover , Esq ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Derby , ' after which a song was sung by Bro . Ford , in excellent style . Bro . Vertegans proposed the ' Worshipful Master , ' after which another song was rendered by Bro . Dawson .
Bro . Hall proposed 'The Immediate Past Master , ' and in a short but pointed manner supported the opinions expressed by the W . M . Bro . Cox proposed ' The Past Masters of the Lodge , ' after which a song was excellently rendered by Bro . Higginbottom .
Bro . Grundy proposed' The Visiting Brethren , ' and said it was exceedingly pleasant for him to have seen the progress of the lodge for the past two years , and he hoped that the officers and members would assist the W . M . for the ensuing year . He wished to say that the Devonshire
Lodfre could afford £ 10 10 s . towards the Boys ' Orphan School , which would entitle them to two votes . Bro . Vertegans remarked that he supported what Bro . Grundy had said , and he felt certain that the proposed grand object would be carried ,
and though he could go into statistics , time would not permit , yet he ventured to say that he had no doubt but that the brethren would support the pure philanthropic motive . The Mayor of Glossop ( Bro . Stafford ) endorsed the opinions of Bros . Vertegans and
Grundy ; and proposed ' 1 he Masonic Chanties . He rejoiced to hear the noble opinion brought to bear upon the Boys' Orphan School . In his time he had seen great changes take place in the position in families—some , through the sudden
bereavement of a brother , had been brought low , and the children left almost destitute ; and as men , even elevated in social position , they are , nevertheless , equal as men , which is the glorious object of our institution .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Much watchfulness must be exercised as winter advances , and the earliest evidences of ill-health must be immediately met and removed , or a slight illness may result in a serious malady . Relaxed and sore throat , diptheria , quinsey , throat cough , chronic cough , bronchitis , and most other pulmonary affections , will be relieved by
rubbing this cooling Ointment into the skin as near as practicable to the seat of mischief . This treatment , both simple and eflective , is admirably adapted for the removal of these diseases during infancy and youth . In checking the chronic catarrh and cough of old age , Holloway's remedies will be found especially serviceable , as they prevent con ^ c .-. 'iou in thc Udicaty lining of the throat and chest , —[ Advt . l p
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
[ With a view to increase the circulation , and consequently the usefulness , of THE FREEMASON , it is suggested that Lodges , & o , desiring reports to appear in the paper , should take a certain number of copies in proportion to the space required for the report . ] THE CRAFT .
PROVINCIAL . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge Fortitude , No . 105 . —On Friday evening , the 22 nd inst ., was witnessed one of the most interesting assemblages of Masons for the purpose of the installation of the Worshipful Master that has occurred in the province for some
time past . The large hall of the Huyshe Masonic Temple was literally crowded ; among , a large number we counted fifteen Past Masters , and a most respectable sprinkling of past and present Prov . Grand Officers . The chair was taken by the W . M . Bro . Bignell , who opened the lodge in the
first degree , and , having passed it to the second degree , Bro . R . Rodda , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., took the chair , and most efficiently installed , as one of King Solomon ' s sucessors , Bro . Martin Williams , a most industrious Mason , and one who has most worthily won his position by his great attention to the duties
of all the minor offices through which he has most creditably passed from the Inner Guard to the chair . It is fully anticipated that Bro . Williams will acquit himself honourably in the arduous duties attached to the important position for which he has so assiduously laboured , and to which he has been
unanimously elected . The W . M . then appointed as his officers : Bros . Bignell , I . P . M . ; W . H . Anthony , S . W . ; T . Carey , J . W . ; S . Jew , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Treas ; J . Rowe , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Sec . ; R . Twose , S . D . ; Rogers , J . D . ; Bunco , I . G . ; Jamer S . The musical arrangements of the evening were under the direction of Bro . Cox , P . M . The brethren
were highly pleased with thc ceremony , and more especially with the Installing Master ' s unique charge to the Wardens , which was most novel , and given in Bro . Rodda's best style . The annual banquet is to take place at the Globe Hotel in the last week in January next , and of which the brethren will be duly advised by circular .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . — This lodge held its regular meeting at Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on the 21 st inst ., under the presidency of Bro . W . Sculthorpe , W . M ., nearly all the officers being present . A goodly number of the brethren assembled , and amongst the visitors were :
Bros . Clement Stretton , W . M ., E . J . Crow , W . M .-elect , and several brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 ; D . Davis , Faith Lodge , No . 141 ; James Dawson , 84 ; R . Chamberlain , 755 ; J . B . Hall , 1031 ; and T . White , 1034 . After the confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Tibbetts wns raised to the third
degree , and Mr . George Staynes , who had been elected at a previous meeting , was initiated into thc mysteries of the Order . A candidate for initiation having been proposed , and the other business disposed of , thc lodge was closed in harmony , and thc brethren retired for refreshment .
HARTLEPOOL . — St . Helen's lodge , No . 531 . — The brethren of the above lodge held their annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Regent-square , on Thursday , the 21 st inst . The installation of W . M . for the ensuing year was performed by Bro . Aid . George Moore , M . D ., P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W ., in a
most impressive manner , the W . M .-elect being Bro . John Hunter , jun ., S . W . The officers were appointed as follows : Bros . R . Ropncr , I . P . M . ; J . H . Attley . S . W . ; S . M . Glendinning , J . W . ; T . M . Procter , Treas . ; W . Pearson , Sec . ; T . Turnbull , S . D . j T . J . Johnson , J . D . ; W . Fleetham ,
I . G . ; J . J . Armstrong , P . M ., D ' . C . ; W . Shaw , D . Collins , and B . Wolstcnholme , Stewards ; and J . Mowbray , Tyler . After the installation ceremony , Bro . J . J . Armstrong , P . M ., on behalf of the members of the ' lodge , presented Bro . R . Ropner with a
beautiful jewel , and , after the presentation had been acknowledged , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Cleveland Hotel ( Bro . C . Humble's ) , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , the W . M . presiding .
OAKHAM , RUTLAND . — Vale of Catmose Lodge , No . 1265 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Agricultural Hall , on Wednesday , the 20 th instant . Present : Bros . J . C . Duncombe , P . G . A . D . C . for Norths , and Hunts ., P . G . I . G . D . Leicester and Rutland , W . M . ( presiding ) ; T . G . Bennett , S . W . ; T . Markham , P . M .,
as J . W . ; H . Newcomc , J . D . ; J . Bailey , I . G . ; J . Read and William Crowson , Stewards ' ; and other brethren . Thc minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed , when the ballot was taken for Mr . William Keep . Chief Constable for Rutland , which proved unanimous in his favour , and h ;