Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
gADE'S piLLS . EADE ' S "DILLS . All who suffer from Gout or X Rheumatism should immediately EADE'S "DILLS . have recourse to EADE'S PILLS . 1 Hundreds of Testimonials have EA DE'S "DILLS . been received from all sorts J •and conditions of men testifying EA DE'S "DILLS . to the wonderful power these X Pills have in giving relief in EADE'S "DILLS . tlle very worst cases . These ± Pills aro purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their action . INSTANT RELIEF AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT , RHEUMATISM , RHEUMATIC GOUT , PAINS IN THE HEAD , FACE , AND LIMBS And havo the largest recommendation ever given any Patent Medicine of its class . I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED . GOUT W » Jubilee-terrace , Wolverhampton-road , Walsall , Nov . 22 nd , 1806 . G HEUMATISM DeM" Sir , —I write to thank you for the very great amount OUT ° f benefit I have received from using your marvellous Gout and Rheumatic Pills . I am G HEUMATISM 8 ' ad to think I am ablo to write , as had it not been for OUT yowr grand Pills 1 should havo been unable to do so , and am quite certain G HEUMATISM . I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED . OUT I am extremely thankful , as I can still keep at my work . I shall use every endeavour to G H EUMATISM 'nako your Pills more widely known . You may uso this how OUT Jou think proper . — I remain , yours faithfully , E . GUEST RHEUMATISM Mr . George Eado , 232 , Goswell-road , London . EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are Sold by all Chemists , in Bottles , Is . I \<\ . and 2 s . Dd „ or sent post free for Postal Order hy tho Proprietor , GEORGE EADE , 232 , GOSWKI , ,-KOAD , E . O . Ask for and bo sure you obtain EADE'S GOUT AND RHEtf-MATIO PILLS . gADE'SpiLLS.
ROEBUCKHOTEL, Pond Street , Hampstead . Bro . W . J . HARRIS , Proprietor . Late of King ' s Arms , Woolwich , and Cavendish Hotelt'Croydon The above old-estaUished and famous Hostelry is most pleasantly situated and close to Railway and Tram Terminus . - Superior accommodation for Masonic and other ffatherinffs . Families , & c . Cellars are well stocked with the best brands of "Wines , Src . Luncheons and Dinnnts nt most reasonable charges .
BeforePurchasingCycles, write for particulars of our New System of CREDIT , not Hire Purchase . All Iona fide Applicants can have BICYCLESm ONCREDIT, and it hecomes their property OD payment of First Instalment of from 10 / 6 to 21 / - WB / ITE POK , CATALOGUE . CyclesfromJB55s.toJE1212s. BAGSHAWES LTD ., 165 , Queen Victoria Street , E . C .
CHOLERA&TYPHOID.FOREWARNED.FOREARMED. PURE WATER THE GREAT PREVENTIVE . CISTEUH KITTED WITB The Only Genuine Filter winch has stood the test of over 30 years is tbat pomm » made by the - PIPl LONDON & GENERAL WATER PURIFYING Co , Ltd . fjf ! fi W £ Bf Il No Families iho value their Health should be without one . | K | i A' ' •: I JH K Hill Tl > 0 Cistern Filters aro specially recommended , and aro mad * to suit any requirements . •*• £ gjjj |*[ [ I ^ AoiAZfflL W PORTABLE CISTERN FILTERS on samo principle . _ BL _ I SHALL HOUSEHOLD FILTSRS from 7 s . 6 d . CISTUKK PIMM CISTEBN FiLTEn . Patronised and used by H . M . tho Queen , H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , H . R . H . tho Duko of Connaught , H . R . H . the Duko of Cambridge , numerous Hospitals , Institutions , & c , & c . Testimonials from tho highest and best Authorities . Prices and Ifull particulars from tho * . SECBBTABY , | 57 » STRANDJ LONDON .
Milners'Safes Best Protection i- * *» 1 * f * i ¦•"tatFireandThieves. Illustrated Price Lists post free on application to MILNERS' SAFE CO ., Ltd ., 29 , Finsbury Pavement , London , E . C . LONDON- 'West End Branch ) 55 , Piccadilly , W . I CEEDS-13 , New station Street . OLASaOW-68 , Buchanan Street . NORWICH-92 , Prince of Wales Road . LIVKRPOOL-8 , Lord Street . BRiattTON-62-63 , King ' s Road . MANCHESTER-is . Victoria Street . | BELFAST-26 , Wellington Place .
BALLFAVORS.A SEASON 1899 . ^^^^^^ LATEST DESIGNS IN STOCK AT 8 *|\ H 0 GEOROEKENNING&SON'Sdi£ Manufactory & Show Rooms , Mm * UsS-rot 1 , % 3 , 3 a , ob , 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , CITY , jff ? f §|& II and 16 a , GREATQUEEHSTREET, WEST . ^ m *> ^^
W.J.CARROLL Practical Watchmaker and MEDALLIST , 17 , BEER LANE , GREAT TOWER ST ., CITY . One Minute from Custom House . By Appointment to the Ward of Tower , Board of Trade , the Tower of London , tho Board of Ordnance , Waterman ' s Hall , and other Public Offices . " ESTABLISHED OVER HALF CENTURY . Speciaiite—MASONIC PRESENTATIONS . " THE TOWER" GOLD ENGLISH LEVER WATCH , lS-et . Hall Marked , Finest *) _ ^ , __ Quality and Construction , 25 Years' > -HiO lljfl Warranty , only J c-wivr ivro . In Hall Marked SOLID SILVER CASE , l . p # > n samo warranty , leuu OS . 18-ct . HaU Marked ALBERTS for above , 75 / - per oz . DIAMOND AND PRESENTATION RINGS and JEWELLERY , absolutely tho Cheapest Firm fn London . MEDALS , JEWELS , &<* ., supplied to tho Trado . Best House in the City for a Good Watch , or to have a Good Watch Repaired . The " Citizen , " October ith , 1 S 97 : - WATCH REPAIRING . - A Rood deal of disappointment is often caused by the careless manner in which watches aro treated when put into tho bands of tho repairer . This usually arises from tho fact that tho work is sent out to be done , and tho careful supervision of tho proprietor of tho business is thcreforo lacking . As a thoroughly practical watchmaker , wo havo heard many good opinions expressed as to tho skilful and economical repairs done by Mr . W . J . Carroll , 17 , Ueor Lane , Great Tower Street . Tho business has been established some 50 years , and its reputation for tho adjustment of complicated watches , suoh aa minuto repeaters , striking watches , etc ., is well known , Mr . Carroll has a well selected slock of watches , particularly sound English levers , at very moderate prices .
"FOR THE BLOUD IS THE UFE '*! WORLD-FAMED |'il^lll;IJI For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities it cannot be too highly recommended . I'or Scrofula , Scurvy , Eczema , Skin and Blood Diseases . Pimple ? , and sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous . ( Old Sores . " •r Sores on the Neck . I n Sore Legs . < m I Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face . UD Scurvy , H | - Ulcers . £ < **» Blood and Skin Diseases . O Glandular Swellings . It Clears thc Blood from all Impure Matter , from whatever cause arising . It is thc only real specific forGnutand Rheumatic Pains , for it removes the came from the lllood and Bones . As this mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ot either sex from infancy to old age , the proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Sold in Bottles , is . nd . each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , us . —sufficient to ctfect a permanent cure in the ureal majority o ( long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VUNOORS throughout the World , or sent for 3 . 1 or 132 stamps by THK LINCOLN ANU MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY , Lincoln . Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE and do not be per . suaded to take an imitation .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
gADE'S piLLS . EADE ' S "DILLS . All who suffer from Gout or X Rheumatism should immediately EADE'S "DILLS . have recourse to EADE'S PILLS . 1 Hundreds of Testimonials have EA DE'S "DILLS . been received from all sorts J •and conditions of men testifying EA DE'S "DILLS . to the wonderful power these X Pills have in giving relief in EADE'S "DILLS . tlle very worst cases . These ± Pills aro purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their action . INSTANT RELIEF AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT , RHEUMATISM , RHEUMATIC GOUT , PAINS IN THE HEAD , FACE , AND LIMBS And havo the largest recommendation ever given any Patent Medicine of its class . I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED . GOUT W » Jubilee-terrace , Wolverhampton-road , Walsall , Nov . 22 nd , 1806 . G HEUMATISM DeM" Sir , —I write to thank you for the very great amount OUT ° f benefit I have received from using your marvellous Gout and Rheumatic Pills . I am G HEUMATISM 8 ' ad to think I am ablo to write , as had it not been for OUT yowr grand Pills 1 should havo been unable to do so , and am quite certain G HEUMATISM . I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED . OUT I am extremely thankful , as I can still keep at my work . I shall use every endeavour to G H EUMATISM 'nako your Pills more widely known . You may uso this how OUT Jou think proper . — I remain , yours faithfully , E . GUEST RHEUMATISM Mr . George Eado , 232 , Goswell-road , London . EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are Sold by all Chemists , in Bottles , Is . I \<\ . and 2 s . Dd „ or sent post free for Postal Order hy tho Proprietor , GEORGE EADE , 232 , GOSWKI , ,-KOAD , E . O . Ask for and bo sure you obtain EADE'S GOUT AND RHEtf-MATIO PILLS . gADE'SpiLLS.
ROEBUCKHOTEL, Pond Street , Hampstead . Bro . W . J . HARRIS , Proprietor . Late of King ' s Arms , Woolwich , and Cavendish Hotelt'Croydon The above old-estaUished and famous Hostelry is most pleasantly situated and close to Railway and Tram Terminus . - Superior accommodation for Masonic and other ffatherinffs . Families , & c . Cellars are well stocked with the best brands of "Wines , Src . Luncheons and Dinnnts nt most reasonable charges .
BeforePurchasingCycles, write for particulars of our New System of CREDIT , not Hire Purchase . All Iona fide Applicants can have BICYCLESm ONCREDIT, and it hecomes their property OD payment of First Instalment of from 10 / 6 to 21 / - WB / ITE POK , CATALOGUE . CyclesfromJB55s.toJE1212s. BAGSHAWES LTD ., 165 , Queen Victoria Street , E . C .
CHOLERA&TYPHOID.FOREWARNED.FOREARMED. PURE WATER THE GREAT PREVENTIVE . CISTEUH KITTED WITB The Only Genuine Filter winch has stood the test of over 30 years is tbat pomm » made by the - PIPl LONDON & GENERAL WATER PURIFYING Co , Ltd . fjf ! fi W £ Bf Il No Families iho value their Health should be without one . | K | i A' ' •: I JH K Hill Tl > 0 Cistern Filters aro specially recommended , and aro mad * to suit any requirements . •*• £ gjjj |*[ [ I ^ AoiAZfflL W PORTABLE CISTERN FILTERS on samo principle . _ BL _ I SHALL HOUSEHOLD FILTSRS from 7 s . 6 d . CISTUKK PIMM CISTEBN FiLTEn . Patronised and used by H . M . tho Queen , H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , H . R . H . tho Duko of Connaught , H . R . H . the Duko of Cambridge , numerous Hospitals , Institutions , & c , & c . Testimonials from tho highest and best Authorities . Prices and Ifull particulars from tho * . SECBBTABY , | 57 » STRANDJ LONDON .
Milners'Safes Best Protection i- * *» 1 * f * i ¦•"tatFireandThieves. Illustrated Price Lists post free on application to MILNERS' SAFE CO ., Ltd ., 29 , Finsbury Pavement , London , E . C . LONDON- 'West End Branch ) 55 , Piccadilly , W . I CEEDS-13 , New station Street . OLASaOW-68 , Buchanan Street . NORWICH-92 , Prince of Wales Road . LIVKRPOOL-8 , Lord Street . BRiattTON-62-63 , King ' s Road . MANCHESTER-is . Victoria Street . | BELFAST-26 , Wellington Place .
BALLFAVORS.A SEASON 1899 . ^^^^^^ LATEST DESIGNS IN STOCK AT 8 *|\ H 0 GEOROEKENNING&SON'Sdi£ Manufactory & Show Rooms , Mm * UsS-rot 1 , % 3 , 3 a , ob , 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , CITY , jff ? f §|& II and 16 a , GREATQUEEHSTREET, WEST . ^ m *> ^^
W.J.CARROLL Practical Watchmaker and MEDALLIST , 17 , BEER LANE , GREAT TOWER ST ., CITY . One Minute from Custom House . By Appointment to the Ward of Tower , Board of Trade , the Tower of London , tho Board of Ordnance , Waterman ' s Hall , and other Public Offices . " ESTABLISHED OVER HALF CENTURY . Speciaiite—MASONIC PRESENTATIONS . " THE TOWER" GOLD ENGLISH LEVER WATCH , lS-et . Hall Marked , Finest *) _ ^ , __ Quality and Construction , 25 Years' > -HiO lljfl Warranty , only J c-wivr ivro . In Hall Marked SOLID SILVER CASE , l . p # > n samo warranty , leuu OS . 18-ct . HaU Marked ALBERTS for above , 75 / - per oz . DIAMOND AND PRESENTATION RINGS and JEWELLERY , absolutely tho Cheapest Firm fn London . MEDALS , JEWELS , &<* ., supplied to tho Trado . Best House in the City for a Good Watch , or to have a Good Watch Repaired . The " Citizen , " October ith , 1 S 97 : - WATCH REPAIRING . - A Rood deal of disappointment is often caused by the careless manner in which watches aro treated when put into tho bands of tho repairer . This usually arises from tho fact that tho work is sent out to be done , and tho careful supervision of tho proprietor of tho business is thcreforo lacking . As a thoroughly practical watchmaker , wo havo heard many good opinions expressed as to tho skilful and economical repairs done by Mr . W . J . Carroll , 17 , Ueor Lane , Great Tower Street . Tho business has been established some 50 years , and its reputation for tho adjustment of complicated watches , suoh aa minuto repeaters , striking watches , etc ., is well known , Mr . Carroll has a well selected slock of watches , particularly sound English levers , at very moderate prices .
"FOR THE BLOUD IS THE UFE '*! WORLD-FAMED |'il^lll;IJI For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities it cannot be too highly recommended . I'or Scrofula , Scurvy , Eczema , Skin and Blood Diseases . Pimple ? , and sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous . ( Old Sores . " •r Sores on the Neck . I n Sore Legs . < m I Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face . UD Scurvy , H | - Ulcers . £ < **» Blood and Skin Diseases . O Glandular Swellings . It Clears thc Blood from all Impure Matter , from whatever cause arising . It is thc only real specific forGnutand Rheumatic Pains , for it removes the came from the lllood and Bones . As this mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ot either sex from infancy to old age , the proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Sold in Bottles , is . nd . each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , us . —sufficient to ctfect a permanent cure in the ureal majority o ( long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VUNOORS throughout the World , or sent for 3 . 1 or 132 stamps by THK LINCOLN ANU MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY , Lincoln . Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE and do not be per . suaded to take an imitation .