Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Town Hall , Brigg , on the afternoon of the 5 th inst ., for the purpose of installing Bro . W . Pigott , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Bro . Walter Reynolds , P . M .,
Minerva Lodge , Hull . The newly installed Master appointed Bros . Cave and Fiyer as Wardens . The brethren then adjourned to the Angel Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Mr . J . G . Kirkham .
STRATFORD . —Langthorne Lodge ( No . 1421 ) . —On Thursday the 22 nd inst ., thc first installation meeting of this young and progressing lodge , was held at the Swan Hotel , Stratford , E ., where a numerous gathering of local and other members of the Craft assembled to
witness the induction into the chair of K . S . of Bro . G . T . W . Mugliston , the S . W . and W . M . elect , and one of the founders of the lodge , that whom as occupant of the chair for the ensuing twelve months , a better selection conld not possibly have been made . Shortly after four
o ' clock the lodge was opened by the whole of his officers , viz . : Bro . G . P . W . Mugliston , S . W . ; G . E . Slee , J . W . ; Geo , Levick , Treasurer ; C . W . Ashdown , P . M . and Sec . ; T . S . Mortlock , I . P . M . ; R . G . Owen , S . D . ; B . Cundick , J . D . ; M . G . Stevens , D . C ; H .
Carter , W . S . ; Geo . Hollington , I . G . ; and W . Steedman , Tyler . The following members of the lodge were also present , viz . : Bros , the Rev . Jas . Knaggs , E .. T . Dix , James Wood , Thos . J . Barnes , Wm . Grover , R . J . Donovan , Thos . T . Kirby , T . S . Taylor , Wm . Shearman , and H .
N . Taylor , besides a goodly number of visitors , who had assembled to do honour to the worthy and deservedly popular W . M . elect . The minutes of the last regular meeting , together with those of a lodge of emergency , held on the 8 th inst ., having been read and confirmed ,
the report of the audit committee was submitted and duly approved . The Lodge having been opened respectively in the second and third degrees , the W . M . elect was presented by Bro . John G . Stevens , D . C . to the W . M ., Bro : Lacey , to receive at his hands the benefit of
installation , which beautiful ceremony Bro . Lacey immediately proceeded to perform , and in the presence of a board of sixteen Installed Masters . Bro . Mugliston was duly placed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The Board of Installed Masters having been closed ,
the brethren were re-admitted , and the newly installed W . M ., duly proclaimed and saluted in each degree . He then proceeded to appoint and invest the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz . ;—Bros . Charles Lacey , I . P . M ., G . E . Slee , S . W . ; R . G . Owen
J . W . ; Geo . Levick ( re-elected ) Treasurer ; C . W . Ashdown , P . M ., Secretary ; Benjamin Cnndick , S . D . ; Geo . Hollington , J . D . ; Henry Carter , I . G . ; J . G . Stevens , P . M ., D . C . ; Thos . S . Taylor , Steward ; and W . Steadman , ( re-elected ) Tyler . The ceremony was then
resumed and concluded , having been rendered throughout by Bro . Lacey in a manner which called forth the loud applause of the brethren present . The newl y installed W . M . then rose and said that the first official duty he was called upon in his new capacity to perform , was a very
pleasing one indeed , and he was quite sure the brethren of the lodge would entertain the sa me feelings as himself in this matter . He had the happiness and very great pleasure of presenting to Bro . Lacey , on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel as a
slight recognition of his very valuable services as first W . M . of the " Langthorne" Lodge . They were all aware of the admirable manner in which the duties of the chair had been performed hy Bro . Lacey during the past year , and also of the exertions of that Brother in
endeavouring to obtain the warrant for the lodge , the existence of a spurious lodge in the town of Stratford some few years since , rendering the name of the place anything but popular with the authorities at Grand Lodge . But , thanks to the
exertions of Bro . Lacey , in conjunction with the other founders , the " Langthorne " lodge had now passed the first year of its existence , and was making steady progress , and in placing that valuable jewel on his breast , he ( the W . M . ) earnestly trusted that Bro . Lacey might
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
long be spared to wear it , and to be numbered amongst the Past Masters of the Langthorne Lodge . Bro . Lacey , in brief but feeling terms , expressed his gratitude to the brethren for this mark of their esteem ; and added that so long as it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to endow him with
health and strength his services would always be at their disposal . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , and Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , both of whom are honorary members , expressing regret at being
unable to be present , and promising to visit the lodge on some future occasion . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to an adjoining room , where an excellent banquet awaited them , served by the worthy host , Bro . Morley , in capital style . The
newlyinstalled W . M ., Bro . Mugliston , occupied the chair , and the genial manner in which the duties of that office were discharged by him during the evening could not fail to convince the brethren that they had the right man in the right place . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given
in succession from the chair , and duly honoured . In proposing the health of the W . M ., Bro . Lacey adverted to the happy selection the brethren had made in electing Bro . Mugliston to occupy that proud position , and tiusted that he might enjoy a happy and prosperous year of office .
The toast having been enthusiastically received , the W . M . thanked the brethren for the very hearty manner in which they had been pleased to respond to the toast of his health , and assured them that during his year of office nothing should be wanting on his part to maintain and
uphold the honour and reputation of the lodge . " The Masonic Charities , " was most ably responded to by Bro . John G . Stevens , who in eloquent terms pointed out the duty incumbent upon every Freemason , to support the Charitable Institutions connected with the order , the result
cf his appeal being , that nearly every brother present gave in his name as a subscriber to the list which Bro . Stevens will present in his capacity of Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Benevolent Institution for aged and decayed Freemasons , shortly about to be held .
Some excellent songs and recitations were given during the evening , which throughout was a most enjoyable one , the brethren separating in perfect peace and harmony soon after 11 p . m . The visitors who honoured the lodge with their presence on this occasion were as follows , viz .,
Bros . E . Jex , P . M . 1259 ; H . G . Sisley , P . M . 1076 ; A . Robbins , P . M . 1056 5 8 . Watkins , P . M . 212 , and 1076 ; B . B . Brayshaw , P . M . 1076 ; F . Wakefield , P . M . 54 S ; F . Lattrielle , P . M . 1056 ; U . S . Masterman , P . M . 41 ; John W . Dually , P . M . 1178 ; W . Wainwright , P . M .
933 ; W . R . Marsh , P . M . 933 ; W . Priestley , S . W . 1074 ; L . Heath , 180 ; J . Norman , 174 ; A . Uloth , 375 ; E . G . Legge , 1196 ; J . E . Prior , 1228 ; H . B . Holliday , J . W . 1076 ; T . Cohu , J . W . 192 ; G . F . Henley , 186 ; G . Lewis ,
1376 ; J . Boulton , 1228 ; W . C . Jewby , 1076 ; H . Bo / es Mugliston , 1228 ; and M . Sherwin , 1076 . The last named brother presided at the harmonium throughout the ceremony of installation , and also contributed greatly to the harmony of the evening .
IVY LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The third regular meeting of this youthful lodge , in which , from being well acquainted with the pure Masonic principles which actuate its founders , we feel particularly interested , took place on Tuesday , the 30 th January , at the Windsor Castle Tavern ,
Southwark Bridge-road . At the first meeting of the lodge , three gentlemen were initiated into the Order ; at the second , four presented themselves for the same honour ; and on this occasion three more were successfully balloted for and admitted , while the seven brethren previously
admitted , without exception , were present to receive the degrees to which they were respectively entitled . The lodge , this evening , was opened at six o ' clock by Bro . C . Smith , W . M ., whose officers were in punctual attendance to
his call . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . H . Cox , T . F . R . Smith , and C . Mott , were examined and intrusted with what enabled them
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to demand and obtainVe-admission to the lodge , when it had been opened in tho third degree . The W . M . worked the sublime degree for tlie first time in the Ivy Lodge , which he did in a very beautiful and impressive manner . Many
of our readers are doubtless acquainted with Bro . Smith ' s style of working , and they will endorse our remark when we state that his manner of delivering the solemn ritual is not to be surpassed . The lodge was afterwards
resumed to the first degree , and Bros . C . Pantliti , G . Skegg , W . C . Ware , and J . Elmer , were examined , and having shown proficiency , were entrusted with sufficient knowledge to enable them to return to the lodge , when resumed to
the second degree , and claim the privilege of being Crafted , a rank which was duly conferred . The lodge having once more been resumed to the first degree , Messrs . J . S . Dane , W . Doherty , and Gottfried Plock were separatel y introduced ,
and initiated into the order , the W . M . displaying the same excellence of working in the second and first , that he had previously shown in the third degree . After the usual enquiries the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn
prayer . Simple refreshments were afterwards served , and a rational and most agreeable evening was spent by the brethren of the Ivy Lodge , and several visitors who enjoyed the advantage of being present on this very interesting occasion . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Grand Pursuivant ,
an honorary member of the lodge , was present , as were also Bros . George Matlock , S . W . ; J . J . Cantle , J . W . ; C . S . Jolly , Sec . ; C . F . Poupard , S . D . ; Louis Cornelissen , J . D . ; W . Ashwell , I . G . ; John Noke , No . 87 , acting P . M . ; and George T . Fox , P . M . and P . Z ., Tyler .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MANCHESTER . —Palatine Chapter Rose Croix . —A special meeting was summoned for Saturday morning , 24 th January , in order-to allow the members of the Scottish jurisdiction to witness this beautiful ceremony , as worked in England , many of the Scottish brethren being
in Manchester and having assisted at the Royal Order meeting the day previous . The Chapter was opened at the appointed hour by Illus . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 33 , as M . W . S . ; Major Shadwell Gierke , 33 ° , as Prelate ; Capt . W . D . Smith , 30 , ( M . W . S . ) as ist Gen . ; Shepherd Smith , 31 ° and 0
G . ; C . Fitzgerald Matier , 30 , Master of Ceremonies , and the deputations from the S . G . C . 33 ° of Scotland , and of England and Wales was announced , and the " arch of steel" being formed the 111 . brethren entered in procession as follows : —W . Mann , 33 Sc . ; Dr . Hamilton , 33
E . and W . ; L . Mackersey , 3 . 3 ; Captain N . G . Philips , 33 ; Lord James Murray , 33 ; and the Sov . G . Com ., Bro . Vigne 33 ° . The ceremony was then proceeded with , the candidate , Bro . Craxton having been previously ballotted for . The duties of the various officers were most
efficiently discharged , indeed we have seldom if ever been more impressed with the beauties of this degree . Bro . Hyde Pullen , M . W . S ; Major Gierke as Prelate , and afterwards as Raphael ; and Bro . Matier as Grand Marshal , were perfect in the ritual , and gave entire satisfaction to the
111 . visitors , who expressed themselves as highly pleased and gratified . The third point was held , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which was presided over by Bro . McDowell Smith , 30 , M . W . S . In addition to the names already mentioned ,
HI . Bros . Rawson , 32 ; Fendelow , 32 ; Sir M . Nepeau , 32 ; Romaine Callender , 31 ° ; Brockbank , 31 ° ; Duffield , 30 ; and a host of members of the High Grades , that time or space will not permit us to record . The customary toasts followed , and were heartily responded to by tho
brothers , many of whom had to leave by early trains for their several destinations , in soma cases many hundred miles away . We can onlj say , we have never been at a more successful meeting , which we believe is the onl y instance
on record of the joint visit of two sister Supreme Councils , 33 ° to a Chapter of Rose Croix , on which fact we must congratulate the candidate , who may well be proud of this event in his Masonic life . We must also express our thanks
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Town Hall , Brigg , on the afternoon of the 5 th inst ., for the purpose of installing Bro . W . Pigott , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Bro . Walter Reynolds , P . M .,
Minerva Lodge , Hull . The newly installed Master appointed Bros . Cave and Fiyer as Wardens . The brethren then adjourned to the Angel Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Mr . J . G . Kirkham .
STRATFORD . —Langthorne Lodge ( No . 1421 ) . —On Thursday the 22 nd inst ., thc first installation meeting of this young and progressing lodge , was held at the Swan Hotel , Stratford , E ., where a numerous gathering of local and other members of the Craft assembled to
witness the induction into the chair of K . S . of Bro . G . T . W . Mugliston , the S . W . and W . M . elect , and one of the founders of the lodge , that whom as occupant of the chair for the ensuing twelve months , a better selection conld not possibly have been made . Shortly after four
o ' clock the lodge was opened by the whole of his officers , viz . : Bro . G . P . W . Mugliston , S . W . ; G . E . Slee , J . W . ; Geo , Levick , Treasurer ; C . W . Ashdown , P . M . and Sec . ; T . S . Mortlock , I . P . M . ; R . G . Owen , S . D . ; B . Cundick , J . D . ; M . G . Stevens , D . C ; H .
Carter , W . S . ; Geo . Hollington , I . G . ; and W . Steedman , Tyler . The following members of the lodge were also present , viz . : Bros , the Rev . Jas . Knaggs , E .. T . Dix , James Wood , Thos . J . Barnes , Wm . Grover , R . J . Donovan , Thos . T . Kirby , T . S . Taylor , Wm . Shearman , and H .
N . Taylor , besides a goodly number of visitors , who had assembled to do honour to the worthy and deservedly popular W . M . elect . The minutes of the last regular meeting , together with those of a lodge of emergency , held on the 8 th inst ., having been read and confirmed ,
the report of the audit committee was submitted and duly approved . The Lodge having been opened respectively in the second and third degrees , the W . M . elect was presented by Bro . John G . Stevens , D . C . to the W . M ., Bro : Lacey , to receive at his hands the benefit of
installation , which beautiful ceremony Bro . Lacey immediately proceeded to perform , and in the presence of a board of sixteen Installed Masters . Bro . Mugliston was duly placed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The Board of Installed Masters having been closed ,
the brethren were re-admitted , and the newly installed W . M ., duly proclaimed and saluted in each degree . He then proceeded to appoint and invest the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz . ;—Bros . Charles Lacey , I . P . M ., G . E . Slee , S . W . ; R . G . Owen
J . W . ; Geo . Levick ( re-elected ) Treasurer ; C . W . Ashdown , P . M ., Secretary ; Benjamin Cnndick , S . D . ; Geo . Hollington , J . D . ; Henry Carter , I . G . ; J . G . Stevens , P . M ., D . C . ; Thos . S . Taylor , Steward ; and W . Steadman , ( re-elected ) Tyler . The ceremony was then
resumed and concluded , having been rendered throughout by Bro . Lacey in a manner which called forth the loud applause of the brethren present . The newl y installed W . M . then rose and said that the first official duty he was called upon in his new capacity to perform , was a very
pleasing one indeed , and he was quite sure the brethren of the lodge would entertain the sa me feelings as himself in this matter . He had the happiness and very great pleasure of presenting to Bro . Lacey , on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel as a
slight recognition of his very valuable services as first W . M . of the " Langthorne" Lodge . They were all aware of the admirable manner in which the duties of the chair had been performed hy Bro . Lacey during the past year , and also of the exertions of that Brother in
endeavouring to obtain the warrant for the lodge , the existence of a spurious lodge in the town of Stratford some few years since , rendering the name of the place anything but popular with the authorities at Grand Lodge . But , thanks to the
exertions of Bro . Lacey , in conjunction with the other founders , the " Langthorne " lodge had now passed the first year of its existence , and was making steady progress , and in placing that valuable jewel on his breast , he ( the W . M . ) earnestly trusted that Bro . Lacey might
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
long be spared to wear it , and to be numbered amongst the Past Masters of the Langthorne Lodge . Bro . Lacey , in brief but feeling terms , expressed his gratitude to the brethren for this mark of their esteem ; and added that so long as it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to endow him with
health and strength his services would always be at their disposal . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , and Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , both of whom are honorary members , expressing regret at being
unable to be present , and promising to visit the lodge on some future occasion . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to an adjoining room , where an excellent banquet awaited them , served by the worthy host , Bro . Morley , in capital style . The
newlyinstalled W . M ., Bro . Mugliston , occupied the chair , and the genial manner in which the duties of that office were discharged by him during the evening could not fail to convince the brethren that they had the right man in the right place . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given
in succession from the chair , and duly honoured . In proposing the health of the W . M ., Bro . Lacey adverted to the happy selection the brethren had made in electing Bro . Mugliston to occupy that proud position , and tiusted that he might enjoy a happy and prosperous year of office .
The toast having been enthusiastically received , the W . M . thanked the brethren for the very hearty manner in which they had been pleased to respond to the toast of his health , and assured them that during his year of office nothing should be wanting on his part to maintain and
uphold the honour and reputation of the lodge . " The Masonic Charities , " was most ably responded to by Bro . John G . Stevens , who in eloquent terms pointed out the duty incumbent upon every Freemason , to support the Charitable Institutions connected with the order , the result
cf his appeal being , that nearly every brother present gave in his name as a subscriber to the list which Bro . Stevens will present in his capacity of Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Benevolent Institution for aged and decayed Freemasons , shortly about to be held .
Some excellent songs and recitations were given during the evening , which throughout was a most enjoyable one , the brethren separating in perfect peace and harmony soon after 11 p . m . The visitors who honoured the lodge with their presence on this occasion were as follows , viz .,
Bros . E . Jex , P . M . 1259 ; H . G . Sisley , P . M . 1076 ; A . Robbins , P . M . 1056 5 8 . Watkins , P . M . 212 , and 1076 ; B . B . Brayshaw , P . M . 1076 ; F . Wakefield , P . M . 54 S ; F . Lattrielle , P . M . 1056 ; U . S . Masterman , P . M . 41 ; John W . Dually , P . M . 1178 ; W . Wainwright , P . M .
933 ; W . R . Marsh , P . M . 933 ; W . Priestley , S . W . 1074 ; L . Heath , 180 ; J . Norman , 174 ; A . Uloth , 375 ; E . G . Legge , 1196 ; J . E . Prior , 1228 ; H . B . Holliday , J . W . 1076 ; T . Cohu , J . W . 192 ; G . F . Henley , 186 ; G . Lewis ,
1376 ; J . Boulton , 1228 ; W . C . Jewby , 1076 ; H . Bo / es Mugliston , 1228 ; and M . Sherwin , 1076 . The last named brother presided at the harmonium throughout the ceremony of installation , and also contributed greatly to the harmony of the evening .
IVY LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The third regular meeting of this youthful lodge , in which , from being well acquainted with the pure Masonic principles which actuate its founders , we feel particularly interested , took place on Tuesday , the 30 th January , at the Windsor Castle Tavern ,
Southwark Bridge-road . At the first meeting of the lodge , three gentlemen were initiated into the Order ; at the second , four presented themselves for the same honour ; and on this occasion three more were successfully balloted for and admitted , while the seven brethren previously
admitted , without exception , were present to receive the degrees to which they were respectively entitled . The lodge , this evening , was opened at six o ' clock by Bro . C . Smith , W . M ., whose officers were in punctual attendance to
his call . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . H . Cox , T . F . R . Smith , and C . Mott , were examined and intrusted with what enabled them
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to demand and obtainVe-admission to the lodge , when it had been opened in tho third degree . The W . M . worked the sublime degree for tlie first time in the Ivy Lodge , which he did in a very beautiful and impressive manner . Many
of our readers are doubtless acquainted with Bro . Smith ' s style of working , and they will endorse our remark when we state that his manner of delivering the solemn ritual is not to be surpassed . The lodge was afterwards
resumed to the first degree , and Bros . C . Pantliti , G . Skegg , W . C . Ware , and J . Elmer , were examined , and having shown proficiency , were entrusted with sufficient knowledge to enable them to return to the lodge , when resumed to
the second degree , and claim the privilege of being Crafted , a rank which was duly conferred . The lodge having once more been resumed to the first degree , Messrs . J . S . Dane , W . Doherty , and Gottfried Plock were separatel y introduced ,
and initiated into the order , the W . M . displaying the same excellence of working in the second and first , that he had previously shown in the third degree . After the usual enquiries the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn
prayer . Simple refreshments were afterwards served , and a rational and most agreeable evening was spent by the brethren of the Ivy Lodge , and several visitors who enjoyed the advantage of being present on this very interesting occasion . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Grand Pursuivant ,
an honorary member of the lodge , was present , as were also Bros . George Matlock , S . W . ; J . J . Cantle , J . W . ; C . S . Jolly , Sec . ; C . F . Poupard , S . D . ; Louis Cornelissen , J . D . ; W . Ashwell , I . G . ; John Noke , No . 87 , acting P . M . ; and George T . Fox , P . M . and P . Z ., Tyler .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MANCHESTER . —Palatine Chapter Rose Croix . —A special meeting was summoned for Saturday morning , 24 th January , in order-to allow the members of the Scottish jurisdiction to witness this beautiful ceremony , as worked in England , many of the Scottish brethren being
in Manchester and having assisted at the Royal Order meeting the day previous . The Chapter was opened at the appointed hour by Illus . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 33 , as M . W . S . ; Major Shadwell Gierke , 33 ° , as Prelate ; Capt . W . D . Smith , 30 , ( M . W . S . ) as ist Gen . ; Shepherd Smith , 31 ° and 0
G . ; C . Fitzgerald Matier , 30 , Master of Ceremonies , and the deputations from the S . G . C . 33 ° of Scotland , and of England and Wales was announced , and the " arch of steel" being formed the 111 . brethren entered in procession as follows : —W . Mann , 33 Sc . ; Dr . Hamilton , 33
E . and W . ; L . Mackersey , 3 . 3 ; Captain N . G . Philips , 33 ; Lord James Murray , 33 ; and the Sov . G . Com ., Bro . Vigne 33 ° . The ceremony was then proceeded with , the candidate , Bro . Craxton having been previously ballotted for . The duties of the various officers were most
efficiently discharged , indeed we have seldom if ever been more impressed with the beauties of this degree . Bro . Hyde Pullen , M . W . S ; Major Gierke as Prelate , and afterwards as Raphael ; and Bro . Matier as Grand Marshal , were perfect in the ritual , and gave entire satisfaction to the
111 . visitors , who expressed themselves as highly pleased and gratified . The third point was held , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which was presided over by Bro . McDowell Smith , 30 , M . W . S . In addition to the names already mentioned ,
HI . Bros . Rawson , 32 ; Fendelow , 32 ; Sir M . Nepeau , 32 ; Romaine Callender , 31 ° ; Brockbank , 31 ° ; Duffield , 30 ; and a host of members of the High Grades , that time or space will not permit us to record . The customary toasts followed , and were heartily responded to by tho
brothers , many of whom had to leave by early trains for their several destinations , in soma cases many hundred miles away . We can onlj say , we have never been at a more successful meeting , which we believe is the onl y instance
on record of the joint visit of two sister Supreme Councils , 33 ° to a Chapter of Rose Croix , on which fact we must congratulate the candidate , who may well be proud of this event in his Masonic life . We must also express our thanks