Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Order of Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Order of Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
to the Palatine Chapter , and its M . W . S ., for the kindness and hospitality with which the visitors were entertained , and our pleasure at the true Masonic feeling which actuated each member .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
Royal Order of Scotland .
INAUGURATION OF THE PROV . G . LODGE FOR THE COUNTIES PALATINE OF LANCASTER AND CHESTER . On the 4 th July , 187 , 3 , the Grand LoJge of the Royal Ordor granted a warrant for a Provincial Grand Lodge of R . S . Y . C . S ., and also for a Provincial Grand Master ' s Chapter of
Il . R . M . for Lancashire and Cheshire , and appointed Wm . Romaine Callemlet , Esq ., J . P ., D . L ., F . R . S ., etc ., as Provincial Grand Master . Owing to several imforseen circumstances , it was impossible to fix an earlier day than 2 , 3 rd January that would sviit the majority of the brethren desirous of being present at this most intiTestinn * occasion .
The meeting was held at the J-reemasoiiF * , Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , at three o ' clock . The Grand Lodge was opened by Bro George Murray , 31 , G . Treasurer , as acting D . G . Aland Governor ; Bro . Alex . I lay , , 3 1 ° , and Win . Mann , 33 , in the chairs of Senior and Junior G .
Wardens , and Bro . J . B . Douglas , . 31 ° , Grand Secretary . These brethren composed the deputation from the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order . The Supreme Grand Council was presented by the Rt . Hon . Lord J . C . "• Murray , 33 ° , D . G . M . of Scotland ; III . Bros . - 0
So nervillo of Ampherlaw , 30 , P . G . W ., and L . Mnckcrsy , 33 , P . G . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the home counties was represented by the following distinguished members of the 33 ° ot England and Wales ; III . Bros . Dr . Hamilton ,
, 3 . 3 ° ; Prov . G . M . ; Capt . Philips , , 33 ° ; Major Gierke , 3 , 3 ° ; Hyde Pullen , . 3 , 3 ° , also by Bros . S . Rawson , Prov . S . G . M . ; and Rev . A . B . Frazer , Prov . C . P . G . Among the brethren of h \ gh degree present we also noticed , Sir Molyneux Nepean , High Sheriff " :
111 . Bro . Vigne , 33 , S . G . Com ., ot Dorset ; Charles Fendelow , 32 ; Major Barlow , 32 ; G . P . Brockbank ; C . Fitzgerald Matier ; Thos . Entwistle ; John Duilield ; John Chadwick ; Samuel White ; and others . The following candidates , whose names had
previously been approved of by the Executive Committee , were then introduced , and advanced as brethren of H . R . M ., namely , Bros . S . Gibb Smith , Dr . Spratley , G . H . Wilsord , J . Martin Ruther , J . T . Tweedale , W . Leader , J . E . Hall , George Higgins , Robert Harwood , Thomas
Wilson , and Samuel Chatwood . The following brethren performed the beautiful ceremony in a manner seldom , il " ever , excelled in the annals of the Royal Order : Bros , G . Murray , as T . ; Hay , S . W . ; Mann , J . W . j Matier , Grand Introductor ; Hyde Pullen .
Grand Examiner ; Entwistle , G . Guarder ; and Hargt eaves , Organist . The Grand Lodge of the R . S . Y . C . P ., was then opened , and tlio before-mentioned brethren were promoted to the honour of Knighthood , and received the accolade from the presiding
officer . The chair was then taken by Lord James C . P . Murray , who called on the Grand Secretary to read the dispensation from Grand Lodge authorising the meeting . This done , Bro . William Romaine Callender was presented and duly installed in the chair of P . G . M ., with
the usual formalities . The appointment of officers was then proceeded with by the newlyinstalled P . G . M ., who nominated as Deputy P . G . M . Bro . Fitzgerald Matier , P . G . S . W . ; Bro . Brockbank , P . G . J . W . ; Bro . Entwistle , P . G . Sec . ; Bro . Chadwick , P . G . Treas .: Bro . Duffield ,
P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Prince , P . G . B . B . ; Bro . Major Wilson , P . G . Marshal ; Bro . Moore , D . P . G . Marshal ; Bro . Hargreaves , P . G . Std . ; Bro . White , P . G . G . ; Bro . Gibb . Smith , and as Deputy Guarders Bros . Sly and Walker . Each brother
in turn received the collar and jewel of office , and an appropriate address from Lord James Murray . ' A hearty and cordial vote of thanks was then offered to the distinguished visitors , who had come long distances to be present and who had
Royal Order Of Scotland.
added so much to the success of this meeting . After a few minutes of routine , the Grand Lodge was duly closed and the brethren separated to meet again at the banquet , which was held at the Palatine Hotel . The chair was taken b y Bro . W . Romaine Callender , supported by Lord
James Murray on his right , and Bros . Matier and Dr . Hamilton on his left , while dispersed along the tables were the other' R . W . and 111 . brethren , whose names have alread y been mentioned as having been present . The usual loyal toasts followed , proposed by
the chair , and special mention was made of H . H . H . the Duke of Edinburgh and his Imperial Bride . The toast of " The Grand Lodge of the Royal Order" was responded to by Bro . George Murray , one of the oldest surviving Knights in the world , who simply expressed the great
pleasure he and the other members of the deputation feel at taking part in the inauguration of the P . G . Lodge of Lancashire and Cheshire under such auspicious circumstances , and under the leadership of a P . G . M . so universall y beloved as Bro Callender . He had every confidence
that tne Roy si Older would flourish in tlie northern district of England as well well as it had done in London . Bro . Lord James Murray , returned thanks for the S . G . C . , 33 ° of Scotland , and Bro . Vigne , for that of England and Wales . In his replv , Bro . Vigne ,
mentioned that the S . G . C . , 33 ° had elevated Bro . Callender to the rank of 31 ° . which announcement was received with great applause . The toast of " Success to the New Provincial Grand Lodge and its P . G . M . " was given b y Lord James Murray , and responded to by Bro .
Callender , who in a most able and comprehensive address , gave an interesting account of the success that had attended the other degrees of Masonry _ in the province , and expressed his hope , that in like manner , the P . G . L . of Lancashire
and Cheshire should , by the laudable spirit of emulation , be second to none in the world , not even to that P . G . Lodge , the health of whose P . G . M . he was then going to propose . He begged to give "The Health of Dr . Hamilton , P . G . M . of London . "
Dr . Hamilton returned thanks , and hoped the only rivalry between the two P . G . Lodges would be the desire to excel one another in improvement and discipline . The next toast was "The Health of Bro . Matier , Deputy P . G . M ., " which was proposed by Bro . Mann , who thanked him
for the untiring energy and zeal displayed by him in the formation of this P . G . Lodge . Bro . Matier briefly responded , and trusted to give the brethren for the future that satisfaction that from their hearty response to the toast of his
health he appeared to have done in the past . Bro . Vigne then requested permission to propose the health of a neighbour of his from Dorsetshire , " Sir Molyneux Nepean , " who is 32 ° of Scotland , and had travelled all ni ght to be at the meeting .
In responding , the Illustrious Brother mentioned the fact that he had been a Mason for over forty years , and belonged to several English lodges , as well as to Scottish ones . He expressed
his great pleasure at being present , and his gratification at the success of the inaugural meeting of the Royal Order in Manchester . Several other toasts followed , and the brethren separated at an earl y hour .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LIVERPOOL . —Liverpool Conclave ( No . . 5 , 5 ) . — The usual periodical meeting of this conclave was held at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Friday , the 16 U 1 inst . Eminent Sir Kni ght H . M . Molyneaux , M . P . S ., was in his place , and amongst others present were , 111 . Sir Knight
J . K . Smith , D . I . General , unattached ; Eminent Sir Knight T . Clark , V . G . ; Sir Knights W . Doyle , S . G . R . Brown , J . G . ; R . Washington , H . P . ; J . Wood , Treas . , R . Young , Recorder ; J . B . Mackenzie , P . ; P . Ball , Sentinel ; H .
James , W . ; Cron D . W . ; Winstanley , I . W . ; Robinson , Shakespeare , II . Burrows , No . 77 , and others . The business before the conclave was of a formal character . The assembled Knights of the Order afterwards sat down to an
Red Cross Of Constantine.
excellent repast , and during the evening the usual loyal and knightly toasts were proposed . The M . P . S ., in happy terms , gave "The Healths of 111 , Sir Knight Dr . Smith , ( the Chairman of the Ball Committee ) , Sir Knight D . W . Winstanley , the Secretary , and Sir Knight Brown , the Treasurer , " referring in terms of the highest
commendation to their valuable services , which had contributed so largely to the satisfactory and successful result of the gathering . The toast was suitably acknowledged . Several capital songs and recitations were given by Sir Knights Brown , Shakespeare , Young , James , and others .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) . —On Monday , 19 th inst ,. there was a large gathering of members of the Star Lodge . The chair was taken by Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . Allstow , D . M . ; J . Logan , S . W . ; J . Hearn , J . W . On the dais were Bros .
G . Sinclair , P . M . 27 ; G . Wilson , Chaplain 27 ; J . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; D . Reid , R . W . M . 5 65 ; G . Wheeler , 75 ; and J . Arnold , 4 . 5 , 5 . By the request of the R . W . M ., Bro . Bain , P . M ., initiated Messrs . Donald McNichol and Pickles , into the mysteries of the first degree , in a very careful
mariner . Bro G . Wilson , of 27 , then rose and said he had been requested by Bro . G . Turnbull to ask the lodge to accept of the portrait of an old and highly respected member of the lodge , the late Bro . James Campbell . As Bro . Turnbull was too modest to undertake this duty , ho
had accepted the office with a great deal of pleasure , as for many years he had had the pleasure of being intimately acquainted with their deceased brother , and he was fully conscious of his great exertions on behalf of Star Lodge in the days of her adversity . It was
mainly owing to his exertions , and those of Bro . Maxwell ( who he was glad to see present ) , that the Star had finally shone out with such effulgence as now graced its meetings . The R . W . M . said , on behalf of the lodge , he accepted with gratitude this handsome present .
He , too , had long had the honour of knowing their lamented brother . The portrait , all must admit , was not only life-like , but perfect as a work of art . It reflected great credit on Bro . Turnbull , first as an artist , and secondly , as ' a brother of the Order , to make
them so valuable a gift . When they remembered that Bro . Turnbull was not even a member of theirlodge , butof Mother Kilwinning , No . 9 , it enhanced the value of the gift , but now the least thing they could do would be to make him an honorary member . Bro . Turnbull was
then affiliated , after which he briefly thanked the lodge for the kind way in which they had received his gift . The R . W . M . then called attention to Bro . Maxwe'l , the oldest member of the lodge , and for many years a co-worker with Bro . Campbell . Bro . Maxwell replied , thanking them for their kind remembrance of old members .
Their day for work was now past , but he was glad to see that the lodge still prospering . The R . W . M . gave "The P . G . L . and the Provincial Fund of Benevolence . " Bro . G . Sinclair , Treasurer of the fund , replied , stating that the satisfactory progress the fund was now making .
During the two years he had held the office , their fund had increased from £ 100 to , £ 450 . They had now doubled the amount of the former gifts , in all cases where the recipients were found to be worthy . He was proud to say that the Glasgow Provincial Benevolent Fund , was now the first in the Kingdom The Master
said that , though last , not least , he * had to call attention to their two " new laid stones . " He felt sure from the way in which they had gone through the ceremony , that they would ultimatel y become good ( Masons . Bros . W . Nichols and Pickles , suitably acknowledged the compliment , and trusted they should never disgrace the Star or cause its li g ht to be diminished on their
account . An emergency meeting of the Star Lodge was lield on Monday , the 19 th of January , to reduce the large amount of work on hand , consisting af three initiations , four passings , and two
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
to the Palatine Chapter , and its M . W . S ., for the kindness and hospitality with which the visitors were entertained , and our pleasure at the true Masonic feeling which actuated each member .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
Royal Order of Scotland .
INAUGURATION OF THE PROV . G . LODGE FOR THE COUNTIES PALATINE OF LANCASTER AND CHESTER . On the 4 th July , 187 , 3 , the Grand LoJge of the Royal Ordor granted a warrant for a Provincial Grand Lodge of R . S . Y . C . S ., and also for a Provincial Grand Master ' s Chapter of
Il . R . M . for Lancashire and Cheshire , and appointed Wm . Romaine Callemlet , Esq ., J . P ., D . L ., F . R . S ., etc ., as Provincial Grand Master . Owing to several imforseen circumstances , it was impossible to fix an earlier day than 2 , 3 rd January that would sviit the majority of the brethren desirous of being present at this most intiTestinn * occasion .
The meeting was held at the J-reemasoiiF * , Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , at three o ' clock . The Grand Lodge was opened by Bro George Murray , 31 , G . Treasurer , as acting D . G . Aland Governor ; Bro . Alex . I lay , , 3 1 ° , and Win . Mann , 33 , in the chairs of Senior and Junior G .
Wardens , and Bro . J . B . Douglas , . 31 ° , Grand Secretary . These brethren composed the deputation from the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order . The Supreme Grand Council was presented by the Rt . Hon . Lord J . C . "• Murray , 33 ° , D . G . M . of Scotland ; III . Bros . - 0
So nervillo of Ampherlaw , 30 , P . G . W ., and L . Mnckcrsy , 33 , P . G . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the home counties was represented by the following distinguished members of the 33 ° ot England and Wales ; III . Bros . Dr . Hamilton ,
, 3 . 3 ° ; Prov . G . M . ; Capt . Philips , , 33 ° ; Major Gierke , 3 , 3 ° ; Hyde Pullen , . 3 , 3 ° , also by Bros . S . Rawson , Prov . S . G . M . ; and Rev . A . B . Frazer , Prov . C . P . G . Among the brethren of h \ gh degree present we also noticed , Sir Molyneux Nepean , High Sheriff " :
111 . Bro . Vigne , 33 , S . G . Com ., ot Dorset ; Charles Fendelow , 32 ; Major Barlow , 32 ; G . P . Brockbank ; C . Fitzgerald Matier ; Thos . Entwistle ; John Duilield ; John Chadwick ; Samuel White ; and others . The following candidates , whose names had
previously been approved of by the Executive Committee , were then introduced , and advanced as brethren of H . R . M ., namely , Bros . S . Gibb Smith , Dr . Spratley , G . H . Wilsord , J . Martin Ruther , J . T . Tweedale , W . Leader , J . E . Hall , George Higgins , Robert Harwood , Thomas
Wilson , and Samuel Chatwood . The following brethren performed the beautiful ceremony in a manner seldom , il " ever , excelled in the annals of the Royal Order : Bros , G . Murray , as T . ; Hay , S . W . ; Mann , J . W . j Matier , Grand Introductor ; Hyde Pullen .
Grand Examiner ; Entwistle , G . Guarder ; and Hargt eaves , Organist . The Grand Lodge of the R . S . Y . C . P ., was then opened , and tlio before-mentioned brethren were promoted to the honour of Knighthood , and received the accolade from the presiding
officer . The chair was then taken by Lord James C . P . Murray , who called on the Grand Secretary to read the dispensation from Grand Lodge authorising the meeting . This done , Bro . William Romaine Callender was presented and duly installed in the chair of P . G . M ., with
the usual formalities . The appointment of officers was then proceeded with by the newlyinstalled P . G . M ., who nominated as Deputy P . G . M . Bro . Fitzgerald Matier , P . G . S . W . ; Bro . Brockbank , P . G . J . W . ; Bro . Entwistle , P . G . Sec . ; Bro . Chadwick , P . G . Treas .: Bro . Duffield ,
P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Prince , P . G . B . B . ; Bro . Major Wilson , P . G . Marshal ; Bro . Moore , D . P . G . Marshal ; Bro . Hargreaves , P . G . Std . ; Bro . White , P . G . G . ; Bro . Gibb . Smith , and as Deputy Guarders Bros . Sly and Walker . Each brother
in turn received the collar and jewel of office , and an appropriate address from Lord James Murray . ' A hearty and cordial vote of thanks was then offered to the distinguished visitors , who had come long distances to be present and who had
Royal Order Of Scotland.
added so much to the success of this meeting . After a few minutes of routine , the Grand Lodge was duly closed and the brethren separated to meet again at the banquet , which was held at the Palatine Hotel . The chair was taken b y Bro . W . Romaine Callender , supported by Lord
James Murray on his right , and Bros . Matier and Dr . Hamilton on his left , while dispersed along the tables were the other' R . W . and 111 . brethren , whose names have alread y been mentioned as having been present . The usual loyal toasts followed , proposed by
the chair , and special mention was made of H . H . H . the Duke of Edinburgh and his Imperial Bride . The toast of " The Grand Lodge of the Royal Order" was responded to by Bro . George Murray , one of the oldest surviving Knights in the world , who simply expressed the great
pleasure he and the other members of the deputation feel at taking part in the inauguration of the P . G . Lodge of Lancashire and Cheshire under such auspicious circumstances , and under the leadership of a P . G . M . so universall y beloved as Bro Callender . He had every confidence
that tne Roy si Older would flourish in tlie northern district of England as well well as it had done in London . Bro . Lord James Murray , returned thanks for the S . G . C . , 33 ° of Scotland , and Bro . Vigne , for that of England and Wales . In his replv , Bro . Vigne ,
mentioned that the S . G . C . , 33 ° had elevated Bro . Callender to the rank of 31 ° . which announcement was received with great applause . The toast of " Success to the New Provincial Grand Lodge and its P . G . M . " was given b y Lord James Murray , and responded to by Bro .
Callender , who in a most able and comprehensive address , gave an interesting account of the success that had attended the other degrees of Masonry _ in the province , and expressed his hope , that in like manner , the P . G . L . of Lancashire
and Cheshire should , by the laudable spirit of emulation , be second to none in the world , not even to that P . G . Lodge , the health of whose P . G . M . he was then going to propose . He begged to give "The Health of Dr . Hamilton , P . G . M . of London . "
Dr . Hamilton returned thanks , and hoped the only rivalry between the two P . G . Lodges would be the desire to excel one another in improvement and discipline . The next toast was "The Health of Bro . Matier , Deputy P . G . M ., " which was proposed by Bro . Mann , who thanked him
for the untiring energy and zeal displayed by him in the formation of this P . G . Lodge . Bro . Matier briefly responded , and trusted to give the brethren for the future that satisfaction that from their hearty response to the toast of his
health he appeared to have done in the past . Bro . Vigne then requested permission to propose the health of a neighbour of his from Dorsetshire , " Sir Molyneux Nepean , " who is 32 ° of Scotland , and had travelled all ni ght to be at the meeting .
In responding , the Illustrious Brother mentioned the fact that he had been a Mason for over forty years , and belonged to several English lodges , as well as to Scottish ones . He expressed
his great pleasure at being present , and his gratification at the success of the inaugural meeting of the Royal Order in Manchester . Several other toasts followed , and the brethren separated at an earl y hour .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LIVERPOOL . —Liverpool Conclave ( No . . 5 , 5 ) . — The usual periodical meeting of this conclave was held at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Friday , the 16 U 1 inst . Eminent Sir Kni ght H . M . Molyneaux , M . P . S ., was in his place , and amongst others present were , 111 . Sir Knight
J . K . Smith , D . I . General , unattached ; Eminent Sir Knight T . Clark , V . G . ; Sir Knights W . Doyle , S . G . R . Brown , J . G . ; R . Washington , H . P . ; J . Wood , Treas . , R . Young , Recorder ; J . B . Mackenzie , P . ; P . Ball , Sentinel ; H .
James , W . ; Cron D . W . ; Winstanley , I . W . ; Robinson , Shakespeare , II . Burrows , No . 77 , and others . The business before the conclave was of a formal character . The assembled Knights of the Order afterwards sat down to an
Red Cross Of Constantine.
excellent repast , and during the evening the usual loyal and knightly toasts were proposed . The M . P . S ., in happy terms , gave "The Healths of 111 , Sir Knight Dr . Smith , ( the Chairman of the Ball Committee ) , Sir Knight D . W . Winstanley , the Secretary , and Sir Knight Brown , the Treasurer , " referring in terms of the highest
commendation to their valuable services , which had contributed so largely to the satisfactory and successful result of the gathering . The toast was suitably acknowledged . Several capital songs and recitations were given by Sir Knights Brown , Shakespeare , Young , James , and others .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) . —On Monday , 19 th inst ,. there was a large gathering of members of the Star Lodge . The chair was taken by Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . Allstow , D . M . ; J . Logan , S . W . ; J . Hearn , J . W . On the dais were Bros .
G . Sinclair , P . M . 27 ; G . Wilson , Chaplain 27 ; J . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; D . Reid , R . W . M . 5 65 ; G . Wheeler , 75 ; and J . Arnold , 4 . 5 , 5 . By the request of the R . W . M ., Bro . Bain , P . M ., initiated Messrs . Donald McNichol and Pickles , into the mysteries of the first degree , in a very careful
mariner . Bro G . Wilson , of 27 , then rose and said he had been requested by Bro . G . Turnbull to ask the lodge to accept of the portrait of an old and highly respected member of the lodge , the late Bro . James Campbell . As Bro . Turnbull was too modest to undertake this duty , ho
had accepted the office with a great deal of pleasure , as for many years he had had the pleasure of being intimately acquainted with their deceased brother , and he was fully conscious of his great exertions on behalf of Star Lodge in the days of her adversity . It was
mainly owing to his exertions , and those of Bro . Maxwell ( who he was glad to see present ) , that the Star had finally shone out with such effulgence as now graced its meetings . The R . W . M . said , on behalf of the lodge , he accepted with gratitude this handsome present .
He , too , had long had the honour of knowing their lamented brother . The portrait , all must admit , was not only life-like , but perfect as a work of art . It reflected great credit on Bro . Turnbull , first as an artist , and secondly , as ' a brother of the Order , to make
them so valuable a gift . When they remembered that Bro . Turnbull was not even a member of theirlodge , butof Mother Kilwinning , No . 9 , it enhanced the value of the gift , but now the least thing they could do would be to make him an honorary member . Bro . Turnbull was
then affiliated , after which he briefly thanked the lodge for the kind way in which they had received his gift . The R . W . M . then called attention to Bro . Maxwe'l , the oldest member of the lodge , and for many years a co-worker with Bro . Campbell . Bro . Maxwell replied , thanking them for their kind remembrance of old members .
Their day for work was now past , but he was glad to see that the lodge still prospering . The R . W . M . gave "The P . G . L . and the Provincial Fund of Benevolence . " Bro . G . Sinclair , Treasurer of the fund , replied , stating that the satisfactory progress the fund was now making .
During the two years he had held the office , their fund had increased from £ 100 to , £ 450 . They had now doubled the amount of the former gifts , in all cases where the recipients were found to be worthy . He was proud to say that the Glasgow Provincial Benevolent Fund , was now the first in the Kingdom The Master
said that , though last , not least , he * had to call attention to their two " new laid stones . " He felt sure from the way in which they had gone through the ceremony , that they would ultimatel y become good ( Masons . Bros . W . Nichols and Pickles , suitably acknowledged the compliment , and trusted they should never disgrace the Star or cause its li g ht to be diminished on their
account . An emergency meeting of the Star Lodge was lield on Monday , the 19 th of January , to reduce the large amount of work on hand , consisting af three initiations , four passings , and two