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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
] Lister , S . W . ; Schultz , acting I . W . ; H . J . Lardner , P P G . O . Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; j . Strugnell , P . M ., actingS . D . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; J . Young , I . P . M . ; Parkinson , Tyler ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Dorling , being in attendance , was passed to
thc Second Degree by the I . P . M . Bro . Walls gave notice of motion that the July meeting in future be discontinued . Apologies for non-attendance were read irom Bros . W .. H . Jackson , P . M ., Sec ; Herbert , E . M . Lott , Mus . D ., and others . The lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned . There was no banquet .
HENRY LEVANDER LODGE ( No . 204 S ) . — A meeting of this Iodge took place at the Railway Hotel , Harrow Station , on Saturday , the 24 th inst ., when there were present Bros . VV . A . Scurrah , P . G . S . of W . Middx ., W IvL ; Axford , S . W . ; P . Cheek , J . W . ; R . M . Surridge , S . D . ; VV . H . Burgess , J . D . ; H . Webb , I . G . ; S . Barfoot , A . D . C ; A . H . Scurrah , A . W . S . ; H . LovegroveP . P . G . S . of Wks ., I . P . M . and Treas . ; C . P .
, McKay , P . M . 720 , Secretary ; J . Stubbings , F . C . Joseph , J . VV . Ryder , A . W . Gerrard , E . R . Clunn , A . Wace , Dollin " , VV . D . Dickinson , G . VV . Lewis , VV . R . Nelson , H . T . Gurner , II . W . Parker , G . Powell , W . M . Stile ** , P . M . 1507 , 1744 ; F . VV . Levander , Dep . Prov . G . M . Middx . ; and Raymond H . Thrupp . Visitors : Bros . S . Richardson ; J . C . Smith , W . M . 1744 ; C . H . Phillips , P . M . Honor Oak Lodge ; J . Andrews ; VV . Tilling , W . M . 765 ;
R . l-toss , I . G . 1 744 ; J- Henning , 12 S 7 ; Medwm , 192 ; W . Potter , I . G . John Hervey Lodge ; j . B . Reid , 1364 ; D . McXiven , 1426 ; T . C . Edmonds , J . VV . 1507 ; E . Storr , P . M . 167 ; H . Stiles , P . M . 1507 ; H . Dickey , S . W . I 744 J and D . Trill , P . M . 720 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes or May ist and emergency meeting July ioth were read and confirmed . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master was
duly saluted . The audit report was received and adopted . The VV . M . then called off thc lodge for the purpose of having a photographic group of the members taken on the lawn . The group , which was very carefully taken by Bro . H . Stiles , of Kensington High-street , proved very successful . On the lodge being resumed the VV . M ., Bro . W . A . Scurrah , installed his successor , Bro . C . J . Axford , into the chair of King Solomon . The W . M . appointed
and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Cheek , S . VV . ; Surridge , J . W . ; Burgess , S . D . ; Webb , J . D . ; Barfoot , I . G . ; Reece , D . C ; A . H . Scurrah , A . D . C . ; Clunn , W . S . ; and Wace , A . W . S . He also invested Bro . Lovegrove as Treasurer , Bro . Very , as Tyler , and appointed and invested Bro . McKay as Secretary . The W . M . then said he had very great pleasure in presenting the Installing Master and I . P . M ., Bro . VV . A . Scurrah , with a Past
Master ' s jewel , voted by the lodge , and he was sure every one would agree with him that no brother more richly deserved it than the outgoing W . M ., who had worked most arduously during the past year for the benefit of the lodge , and had completed his work by installing his successor in a most impressive and masterly manner , ln reply , Bro . Scurrah said , that although he had worked hard , it had been a labour of love , and he was pleased that
he had been able to install his successor with credit to himself and the satisfaction of the brethren , and he trusted he should in the future be of some assistance to the lodge , both in helping the VV . M . in his arduous duties , and if he could , in any way at any time , be of assistance to any of the brethren , he should consider it his duty and his pleasure to render them all the assistance that lay in his power . Notice of motion was then given by Bro . VV . A . Scurrah
that the joining fee be increased to five guineas , which was carried unanimously . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed n due form and in perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Hamlin , the landlord of the hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received most heartily . The Dep . Prov . G . M . responded briefly for "The Grand
Officers , " and in responding for the P . G . M ., himself , and the other Grand Officers , Present and Past , said he was very pleased to be present , and was very glad to see the excellent working of the lodge , and the manner in which the lodge had progressed since its formation two years back . He was sorry he had been unable to visit the lodge since its consecration , but he must congratulate the Installing Master upon the admirable manner in which he had and he should to
installed his successor , certainly report Sir Francis Burdett , the P . G . M ., the satisfaction he felt at all hc had witnessed , and the admirable manner the work of the lodge was being conducted , and the very impressive and masterly manner the W . M . had that day been installed . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " I'he VV . M ., " said they were all proud to see Bro . Axford in the chair . He was a thorough good Mason , and of a most generous
disposition , having given way last year , although it was his right by rotation , for Bro . Scurrah to go into the chair , this alone would always endear him to the I . P . M ., and he might rest assured that all he , Bro . Scurrah , could do to show his gratitude he would ever be ready to do . In responding , the VV . M . said he was very proud to preside over such a lodge as the Henry Levander , and would do all in his power to promote the welfare of the
brethren , and the success of the lodge . The toast of "The I . P . M ., Installing Master , and Past Masters , " was then given , to which the I . P . M . responded . The toast of " The Visitors" was then given , and responded toby Bros . Smith , I lenning , Storr , Med win , Potter , Dickey , H . Stiles , and others , all of whom expressed themand
selves as highly gratified at the work in the lodge , the welcome given to them at the banquet . The toast of " The Treasurer , Secretary , and Ofiicers " was then given , and responded to by Bros . MacKay , the Secretary , Surridge , J . W ., and Burgess , S . D . The Tyler ' s toast was then given , and the brethren departed , having spent a very enjoyable time .
WOOLWICH . —Union Walerloo Lodge ( No . No . 13 ) . —The installation meeting of the above grand old lodge took place on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , when some 92 brethren of the lodge and visitors attended to do honour to the occasion . The lodge was opened by Bro . VV . Akers , VV . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting having been conferred , Bro . Arthur Cleal , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the VV . M . to receive at his hands the benefit of installation , and right well did liro . Akers carry out his important
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
duty . The following ofiicers were invested : Bros . Wellbourne , S . W . ; W . Tailby , J . W . ; T . Hutton , P . M ., Treas . ; N . Brown , P . M . ; Sec ; Grice , S . D . ; J . Bell , J . D . ; Chasteaneuf , I . G . ; G . B . Davies , P . M ., D . C ; " Matte } ' , A . D . C ; Deans , Stwd . ; and VV . Bidgood , Org . The concluding addresses were then eloquently rendered , and the ceremony finished .
The Worshipful Master then presented Bro . Akers with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel of the value of ten guineas , and he was also accorded a vote of thanks for the able manner in which he had installed his successor , and after Bro . Akers had returned thanks , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where a recherche banquet awaited them .
Among the other brethren present were Bros . E . Denton , P . M . and P . M . 913 , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; Applebee , P . M . ; Moore , P . M . ; Mills , P . M . ; Hodginson , P . M . ; H . De S . Clarke , Grey ; P . M . 706 ; Beamish , P . M . 1593 ; T . Butt , P . M . 700 ; J . Sanderson , W . M . elect 700 ; C . Stuert , 913 ; G . Setton , Qi 3 ; H . Smith , 700 ; Gardner , 1536 ; Nunn , 2063 ; and others .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . Akers proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " and in the course of his remarks congratulated the Iodge upon the successful manner in which Bro . Cleal had worked during the past , and predicted under his rule another prosperous year for the lodge . The Worshipful Master , in response , thanked the brethren for the trust reposed in him , and assured them that
with their support nothing should be left undone by him for the success of the lodge and the comfort of the brethren . He regretted that' Bro . Akers would not be in the chair that year , as most probably the warrant for the centenary of the lodge would be granted before his ( the W . M . ' s ) year of office was out , and seeing that Bro . Akers had prepared the case for Grand Lodge it was only right he should
see and enjoy the fruit of his labours while in the chair . "The P . M . 's" was given by the W . M ., who , after complimenting them upon the number present , acknowledged their services in the past , and trusted to have their help in the future , as being most necessary for the good management of the lodge . He coupled with the toast the Senior and Junior P . M . ' s of the lodge .
Bros . Applebee , P . M ., and Akers , P . M ., replied in suitable terms , both complimenting the lodge upon the near approach of its centenary , and also commenting upon the sound financial state of the lodge . The toast of " The Visitors " having 'been given , Bro . Percy Beamish spoke in very glowing terms of the advantages of Masonry , the pleasure it gave him in visiting
lodges , the practical manner in which Masons could carry out the principles of the Craft in every day life by identifying themselves with works of a philanthropic character , which indirectly afforded relief fo their poorer and suffering brethren , and referred more particularly to the approaching street collection of the Hospital Sunday Fund , of which he was pleased to say he met a fellow worker in
the W . M ., although not in the same district , as he ( Bro . Beamish ) was President of the Belgravia and Westminster Committee , and the VV . M . a worker on the Woolwich Committee . Bros . S . Clarke and Butt also responded , the former speaking of his long intimacy with the brethren of Union Waterloo Lodge , and although many had passed away ,
still he was pleased to meet with a very large number , who , with the W . M ., he had been connected with for many years . Bro . Butt , in a very telling speech , referred to the Union Waterloo Lodge being the mother lodgeof the district , and the pleasure it gave the representatives of her offspring in the neighbouring lodges to meet the members of the old lodge on every occasion .
Other toasts , including that of "The Officers , " which was ably responded to by Bro . Wellboutne , S . W ., and Bro . Tailby , J . W ., followed . A great amount of praise is due to the brethren who represented the vocal and instrumental ability of the
lodge—Bros . A . Deans , Anson , McQueen , Summers , Gilbert , Bidgood , Brown , Mathey , and De Gray ; also Bros . Sanderson , VV . M . elect 700 ; Beamish , P . M . 1593 ; and Butt , P . M . 700 , delighted the brethren with their harmony . Bro . B . Hancock , 700 , presided at the piano , and the Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings .
GRAVESEND . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 77 ) . —The annual festival of the brethren of this lodge was held on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Town Hall . Bro . F . Teece was elected W . M . Bros . F . Carpenter was appointed S . VV . ; J . Spurge , J . VV . ; VV . E . Hollinquin , Treas . ; J . C . Biggs , Sec ; A . Bunnell , S . D . ; J . H . Willoughby , J . D . ; R . J . Beamish , I . G . ; E . VV . Robins , Org . ; the Rev . A . Jackson , M . A ., Chap . ; F . Mitchell , D . of C . ; H . A . Haward , Stwd . ; F . Kitchens , Asst . Stwd . ; and Martin and Everett , Tylers .
LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . 594 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., at the . Temple , 22 , Hope-street , when there were present Bros . Wm . Blunsum , VV . M . ; VVm . Robert Roberts , S . W . ; E . A . Dow , J . W . ; Adolph Pedersen , Treas . ; E . Latham , Sec . ; C . E . Webster , S . D . ; D . Dunkel , J . D . ; VVm . H . Veevers , P . M ., D . C . , B . Allenby , I . G . ; D . Jones ,
Stwd . ; H . P . Cowell , Org . ; T . Malcolm , lyler ; Isaac Turner , I . P . M . ; Phelan , Prince , Maddox , Storey , Carpenter , Bosworth , Williamson , South , Anderson , Gastrell , Gent , Gunn , Kefalas , Pyewell , Reece , Wilkins , and several visiting brethren . This being the first regular meeting since the installation , it now devolved upon Bro . Wm . Blunsum to exercise his
talents as the Worshipful Master of this old lodge , which he did in a most able and courteous manner by passing to the degree of Fellow Craft Bro . H . E . Anderson , a member who bids fair to be a shining light in Freemasonry ; in fact , the very superior way in which the Degree was performed at once struck the members present that they would have another of those illustrious names to add to the Downshire roll which
has always made the lodge so popular for its high class working , every detail being perfect . Thecandidate was very much impressed with the beautiful delivery given by the Senior Warden , Bro . William R . Roberts , while explaining the working tools in this Degree . Bro . Isaac Turner , I . P . M ., moved , and Bro . VV . R . Roberts , the S . W ., seconded , that thc sum of four pounds be granted out of thc funds of thc lodge to complete a sum of twenty
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
guineas , which will constitute the S . W . a Lite Governor of that excellent Masonic Charity the West Lancashire . After other small sums had been voted , and a couple of propositions received for the next meeting , the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where they sat down to a substantial repast , to which they did ample justice . Bro . Haydn P . Cowell presided ove <* the musical arrangements .
WOOLWICH .- ^ Nelson Lodge ( No . 700 ) . — This last , though not the least important installation meeting of the various lodges in the Woolwich and Plumstead districts , took place on Wednesday , the 2 ist inst ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , when Bro . J . Sanderson , W . M . elect of the above lodge , was installed in the presence of a goodly gathering of the brethren , both ofthe
lodge and visitors from far and near . The lodge was opened by Bro . Christopher Sweeting , VV . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Sro . J . Warren , P . M ., assumed the chair as Installing Officer , and with the usual ceremony placed Bro . Sanderson in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The following officers were invested : Bros . T . Naylor , S . W . ; J .
Swanson , J . W . ; T . Butt , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Norman , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Miller , S . D . ; VV . Webber , J . D . ; S . E . Southgate , I . G . ; J . H . Roberts , P . M ., D . C ; J . Warren , P . M ., VV . S . ; Jas . McCollough , A . D . C . ; G . F . Taylor , A . W . S . ; andW . Bidgood . Org . The Installing Officer then gave the explanation of the working tools in the Second Degree from the Sections and the usual addresses
splendidly , for which he received a cordial and unanimous vote of thanks . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the New Falcon Hotel at Gravesend ( a custom that has been observed by this lodge for the last iG years in succession with the most gratifying results ) , where Bro . Hubbard placed before them one of his exquisitely served
and recherche banquets , for which the pleasant journey had g iven a rare zest , and which we need hardly say was heartily enjoyed . Among the other brethren present were Bros . C . W , Hobson , P . M . ; E . B . Hobson , P . M . ; T . Ovenden , P . M . ; G . Nichols , VV . Bennett , J . C . Carter , VV . Baldrey , A , Winbush , A . Sanderson , G . Shaw , H . Smith , J . Carty , E . Bedo , W . Hancock , I . Trodd , J . Bull , H . Palmer , H .
Lane , A . Adams , G . H . Porter , H . Tufnell , W . McCoy , W . Ward , W . Long , T . Smith , H . G . Cox , J . Marchant , W . Marchant , Dr . Tees , and A . Fenn , all of the lodge ; VV . Gardner , VV . M . 1900 ; VV . Maule , W . M . 1536 ; G . VV . Mitchell , W . M . 615 ; A . Cleale , W . M . 13 ; T . R . Richardson , W . M . 913 ; E . Palmer , P . M . 913 ; T . D . Hayes , P . M . on ; E . Farwig , P . M . 1 S 0 ; H . Mason ,
P . M . 913 ; P . McCarthy , P . M . 1076 ; J . Gardner , P . M . 976 ; G . Hockley , P . M . 172 ; J . S . Woollev , P . M . 15 ; T . Vincent , P . M . 1276 , P . P . G . Swd . Br . Surrey ; W . Rees , P . M . 913 ; VV . Richey , P . M . 51 ; J . G . Milbourne , S . W . 13 ; A . Couldry , S . VV . 30 ; T . Cooper , J . VV . 1536 ; G . H . Campbell , 913 ; C . lillis , 913 ; W . Turvey , 1472 ; G . Wallis , 172 ; E . Jordan ; 1536 ; A . Banister , S . W . 1632 ; T .
J . Day , 1227 ; W . Hone , 957 ; W . E . White , 212 ; G . H . Setton , 913 ; C . Jolly , VV . M . 1472 , 913 ; and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been proposed and duly honoured , The I . P . M . proposed , in glowing terms , the toast of " The W . M . " He said no one could have failed to notice the careful and painstaking manner in which Bio . Sanderson had carried out his duties in the various offices filled by
him below the chair , while thc admirable and accurate style of his investment of his officers that day bore testimony to his earnest desire to prove himsetf worthy of their choice . He had every confidence that their W . M . would well sustain thc ancient prestige of the Nelson Lodge , and he called upon them to show their appreciation of him by drinking the toast with all the enthusiasm it deserved .
The VV . M . briefly responded , and assured the brethren that their confidence should not , if it lay in his power , bc misplaced ; but rather that they would say at the end of the ensuing 12 months that he was deserving of their approbation . He thanked them heattily for their good wishes . The VV . M . then proposed the toastof "The P . M . ' s , " and took the opportunity to present the I . P . M ., Bro .
Sweeting , with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , which was unanimously voted to him at the previous lodge meeting , as a token of the esteem of the brethren , and for valuable services rendered the lodge during the past year that he had presided over the lodge . The VV . M ., in pinning it on Bro . Sweeting ' s breast , fervently hoped that brother might be spared for many years
to wear it in remembrance of thc lodge and its members . Bro . Sweeting , in returning thanks , said the handsome present given him that night proved to him that his endeavours to carry out his duty to their satisfaction had been successful , and he hoped , as the W . M . had kindly said , to live many years to wear it , and then at the end to hand it down as an heirloom to his family .
Bro . C . Hobson responded for the P . M . s , and said it afforded them very great pleasure to respond , in the sense that they looked back and saw as the years rolled by that every new P . M . that joined their ranks was a credit to the lodge . Although he did not attend so often as he should like to now , yet for 11 years he never missed a meeting , and wished he could be as constant now ; but could not . There
was one thing they could , however , congratulate themselves upon , and that was that they always had a good muster of the P . AI . ' s on such occasions as thepresenr , which , at least , showed that they had the interest of the lodge at heart . Hc tendered his best wishes to the W . M ., and wished most heartily that his year of office might be both a prosperous and a harmonious one .
Bro . Butt felt it a proud position to be a Past Master of such a lodge , and to see such a gathering in that noble room . As one of the " regularattendance" Past Masters , he was pleased to see Bro . C . Hobson present , and cordially te-echoed his good wishes towards the W . M . Bro . Warren was proud of the opportunity afforded him that day of installing Bro . Sanderson , as that brother waa
the first candidate hc initiated during his year of office as W . M . He spoke highly of Bro . Sanderson ' s qualification , and felt sure that under his rule the prestige of the lodge would be maintained , and , if anything , increased . "The Initiates" was the next toast , and thrce brethren , who had been recently initiated at a lodge of emergency , severally responded . " The Visitors " was the next toast , and Bros . Richardson , Maule , Cleale , Jolly , and Hayes responded .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
] Lister , S . W . ; Schultz , acting I . W . ; H . J . Lardner , P P G . O . Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; j . Strugnell , P . M ., actingS . D . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; J . Young , I . P . M . ; Parkinson , Tyler ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Dorling , being in attendance , was passed to
thc Second Degree by the I . P . M . Bro . Walls gave notice of motion that the July meeting in future be discontinued . Apologies for non-attendance were read irom Bros . W .. H . Jackson , P . M ., Sec ; Herbert , E . M . Lott , Mus . D ., and others . The lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned . There was no banquet .
HENRY LEVANDER LODGE ( No . 204 S ) . — A meeting of this Iodge took place at the Railway Hotel , Harrow Station , on Saturday , the 24 th inst ., when there were present Bros . VV . A . Scurrah , P . G . S . of W . Middx ., W IvL ; Axford , S . W . ; P . Cheek , J . W . ; R . M . Surridge , S . D . ; VV . H . Burgess , J . D . ; H . Webb , I . G . ; S . Barfoot , A . D . C ; A . H . Scurrah , A . W . S . ; H . LovegroveP . P . G . S . of Wks ., I . P . M . and Treas . ; C . P .
, McKay , P . M . 720 , Secretary ; J . Stubbings , F . C . Joseph , J . VV . Ryder , A . W . Gerrard , E . R . Clunn , A . Wace , Dollin " , VV . D . Dickinson , G . VV . Lewis , VV . R . Nelson , H . T . Gurner , II . W . Parker , G . Powell , W . M . Stile ** , P . M . 1507 , 1744 ; F . VV . Levander , Dep . Prov . G . M . Middx . ; and Raymond H . Thrupp . Visitors : Bros . S . Richardson ; J . C . Smith , W . M . 1744 ; C . H . Phillips , P . M . Honor Oak Lodge ; J . Andrews ; VV . Tilling , W . M . 765 ;
R . l-toss , I . G . 1 744 ; J- Henning , 12 S 7 ; Medwm , 192 ; W . Potter , I . G . John Hervey Lodge ; j . B . Reid , 1364 ; D . McXiven , 1426 ; T . C . Edmonds , J . VV . 1507 ; E . Storr , P . M . 167 ; H . Stiles , P . M . 1507 ; H . Dickey , S . W . I 744 J and D . Trill , P . M . 720 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes or May ist and emergency meeting July ioth were read and confirmed . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master was
duly saluted . The audit report was received and adopted . The VV . M . then called off thc lodge for the purpose of having a photographic group of the members taken on the lawn . The group , which was very carefully taken by Bro . H . Stiles , of Kensington High-street , proved very successful . On the lodge being resumed the VV . M ., Bro . W . A . Scurrah , installed his successor , Bro . C . J . Axford , into the chair of King Solomon . The W . M . appointed
and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Cheek , S . VV . ; Surridge , J . W . ; Burgess , S . D . ; Webb , J . D . ; Barfoot , I . G . ; Reece , D . C ; A . H . Scurrah , A . D . C . ; Clunn , W . S . ; and Wace , A . W . S . He also invested Bro . Lovegrove as Treasurer , Bro . Very , as Tyler , and appointed and invested Bro . McKay as Secretary . The W . M . then said he had very great pleasure in presenting the Installing Master and I . P . M ., Bro . VV . A . Scurrah , with a Past
Master ' s jewel , voted by the lodge , and he was sure every one would agree with him that no brother more richly deserved it than the outgoing W . M ., who had worked most arduously during the past year for the benefit of the lodge , and had completed his work by installing his successor in a most impressive and masterly manner , ln reply , Bro . Scurrah said , that although he had worked hard , it had been a labour of love , and he was pleased that
he had been able to install his successor with credit to himself and the satisfaction of the brethren , and he trusted he should in the future be of some assistance to the lodge , both in helping the VV . M . in his arduous duties , and if he could , in any way at any time , be of assistance to any of the brethren , he should consider it his duty and his pleasure to render them all the assistance that lay in his power . Notice of motion was then given by Bro . VV . A . Scurrah
that the joining fee be increased to five guineas , which was carried unanimously . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed n due form and in perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Hamlin , the landlord of the hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received most heartily . The Dep . Prov . G . M . responded briefly for "The Grand
Officers , " and in responding for the P . G . M ., himself , and the other Grand Officers , Present and Past , said he was very pleased to be present , and was very glad to see the excellent working of the lodge , and the manner in which the lodge had progressed since its formation two years back . He was sorry he had been unable to visit the lodge since its consecration , but he must congratulate the Installing Master upon the admirable manner in which he had and he should to
installed his successor , certainly report Sir Francis Burdett , the P . G . M ., the satisfaction he felt at all hc had witnessed , and the admirable manner the work of the lodge was being conducted , and the very impressive and masterly manner the W . M . had that day been installed . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " I'he VV . M ., " said they were all proud to see Bro . Axford in the chair . He was a thorough good Mason , and of a most generous
disposition , having given way last year , although it was his right by rotation , for Bro . Scurrah to go into the chair , this alone would always endear him to the I . P . M ., and he might rest assured that all he , Bro . Scurrah , could do to show his gratitude he would ever be ready to do . In responding , the VV . M . said he was very proud to preside over such a lodge as the Henry Levander , and would do all in his power to promote the welfare of the
brethren , and the success of the lodge . The toast of "The I . P . M ., Installing Master , and Past Masters , " was then given , to which the I . P . M . responded . The toast of " The Visitors" was then given , and responded toby Bros . Smith , I lenning , Storr , Med win , Potter , Dickey , H . Stiles , and others , all of whom expressed themand
selves as highly gratified at the work in the lodge , the welcome given to them at the banquet . The toast of " The Treasurer , Secretary , and Ofiicers " was then given , and responded to by Bros . MacKay , the Secretary , Surridge , J . W ., and Burgess , S . D . The Tyler ' s toast was then given , and the brethren departed , having spent a very enjoyable time .
WOOLWICH . —Union Walerloo Lodge ( No . No . 13 ) . —The installation meeting of the above grand old lodge took place on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , when some 92 brethren of the lodge and visitors attended to do honour to the occasion . The lodge was opened by Bro . VV . Akers , VV . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting having been conferred , Bro . Arthur Cleal , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the VV . M . to receive at his hands the benefit of installation , and right well did liro . Akers carry out his important
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
duty . The following ofiicers were invested : Bros . Wellbourne , S . W . ; W . Tailby , J . W . ; T . Hutton , P . M ., Treas . ; N . Brown , P . M . ; Sec ; Grice , S . D . ; J . Bell , J . D . ; Chasteaneuf , I . G . ; G . B . Davies , P . M ., D . C ; " Matte } ' , A . D . C ; Deans , Stwd . ; and VV . Bidgood , Org . The concluding addresses were then eloquently rendered , and the ceremony finished .
The Worshipful Master then presented Bro . Akers with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel of the value of ten guineas , and he was also accorded a vote of thanks for the able manner in which he had installed his successor , and after Bro . Akers had returned thanks , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where a recherche banquet awaited them .
Among the other brethren present were Bros . E . Denton , P . M . and P . M . 913 , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; Applebee , P . M . ; Moore , P . M . ; Mills , P . M . ; Hodginson , P . M . ; H . De S . Clarke , Grey ; P . M . 706 ; Beamish , P . M . 1593 ; T . Butt , P . M . 700 ; J . Sanderson , W . M . elect 700 ; C . Stuert , 913 ; G . Setton , Qi 3 ; H . Smith , 700 ; Gardner , 1536 ; Nunn , 2063 ; and others .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . Akers proposed the toast of " The W . M ., " and in the course of his remarks congratulated the Iodge upon the successful manner in which Bro . Cleal had worked during the past , and predicted under his rule another prosperous year for the lodge . The Worshipful Master , in response , thanked the brethren for the trust reposed in him , and assured them that
with their support nothing should be left undone by him for the success of the lodge and the comfort of the brethren . He regretted that' Bro . Akers would not be in the chair that year , as most probably the warrant for the centenary of the lodge would be granted before his ( the W . M . ' s ) year of office was out , and seeing that Bro . Akers had prepared the case for Grand Lodge it was only right he should
see and enjoy the fruit of his labours while in the chair . "The P . M . 's" was given by the W . M ., who , after complimenting them upon the number present , acknowledged their services in the past , and trusted to have their help in the future , as being most necessary for the good management of the lodge . He coupled with the toast the Senior and Junior P . M . ' s of the lodge .
Bros . Applebee , P . M ., and Akers , P . M ., replied in suitable terms , both complimenting the lodge upon the near approach of its centenary , and also commenting upon the sound financial state of the lodge . The toast of " The Visitors " having 'been given , Bro . Percy Beamish spoke in very glowing terms of the advantages of Masonry , the pleasure it gave him in visiting
lodges , the practical manner in which Masons could carry out the principles of the Craft in every day life by identifying themselves with works of a philanthropic character , which indirectly afforded relief fo their poorer and suffering brethren , and referred more particularly to the approaching street collection of the Hospital Sunday Fund , of which he was pleased to say he met a fellow worker in
the W . M ., although not in the same district , as he ( Bro . Beamish ) was President of the Belgravia and Westminster Committee , and the VV . M . a worker on the Woolwich Committee . Bros . S . Clarke and Butt also responded , the former speaking of his long intimacy with the brethren of Union Waterloo Lodge , and although many had passed away ,
still he was pleased to meet with a very large number , who , with the W . M ., he had been connected with for many years . Bro . Butt , in a very telling speech , referred to the Union Waterloo Lodge being the mother lodgeof the district , and the pleasure it gave the representatives of her offspring in the neighbouring lodges to meet the members of the old lodge on every occasion .
Other toasts , including that of "The Officers , " which was ably responded to by Bro . Wellboutne , S . W ., and Bro . Tailby , J . W ., followed . A great amount of praise is due to the brethren who represented the vocal and instrumental ability of the
lodge—Bros . A . Deans , Anson , McQueen , Summers , Gilbert , Bidgood , Brown , Mathey , and De Gray ; also Bros . Sanderson , VV . M . elect 700 ; Beamish , P . M . 1593 ; and Butt , P . M . 700 , delighted the brethren with their harmony . Bro . B . Hancock , 700 , presided at the piano , and the Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings .
GRAVESEND . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 77 ) . —The annual festival of the brethren of this lodge was held on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Town Hall . Bro . F . Teece was elected W . M . Bros . F . Carpenter was appointed S . VV . ; J . Spurge , J . VV . ; VV . E . Hollinquin , Treas . ; J . C . Biggs , Sec ; A . Bunnell , S . D . ; J . H . Willoughby , J . D . ; R . J . Beamish , I . G . ; E . VV . Robins , Org . ; the Rev . A . Jackson , M . A ., Chap . ; F . Mitchell , D . of C . ; H . A . Haward , Stwd . ; F . Kitchens , Asst . Stwd . ; and Martin and Everett , Tylers .
LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . 594 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., at the . Temple , 22 , Hope-street , when there were present Bros . Wm . Blunsum , VV . M . ; VVm . Robert Roberts , S . W . ; E . A . Dow , J . W . ; Adolph Pedersen , Treas . ; E . Latham , Sec . ; C . E . Webster , S . D . ; D . Dunkel , J . D . ; VVm . H . Veevers , P . M ., D . C . , B . Allenby , I . G . ; D . Jones ,
Stwd . ; H . P . Cowell , Org . ; T . Malcolm , lyler ; Isaac Turner , I . P . M . ; Phelan , Prince , Maddox , Storey , Carpenter , Bosworth , Williamson , South , Anderson , Gastrell , Gent , Gunn , Kefalas , Pyewell , Reece , Wilkins , and several visiting brethren . This being the first regular meeting since the installation , it now devolved upon Bro . Wm . Blunsum to exercise his
talents as the Worshipful Master of this old lodge , which he did in a most able and courteous manner by passing to the degree of Fellow Craft Bro . H . E . Anderson , a member who bids fair to be a shining light in Freemasonry ; in fact , the very superior way in which the Degree was performed at once struck the members present that they would have another of those illustrious names to add to the Downshire roll which
has always made the lodge so popular for its high class working , every detail being perfect . Thecandidate was very much impressed with the beautiful delivery given by the Senior Warden , Bro . William R . Roberts , while explaining the working tools in this Degree . Bro . Isaac Turner , I . P . M ., moved , and Bro . VV . R . Roberts , the S . W ., seconded , that thc sum of four pounds be granted out of thc funds of thc lodge to complete a sum of twenty
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
guineas , which will constitute the S . W . a Lite Governor of that excellent Masonic Charity the West Lancashire . After other small sums had been voted , and a couple of propositions received for the next meeting , the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where they sat down to a substantial repast , to which they did ample justice . Bro . Haydn P . Cowell presided ove <* the musical arrangements .
WOOLWICH .- ^ Nelson Lodge ( No . 700 ) . — This last , though not the least important installation meeting of the various lodges in the Woolwich and Plumstead districts , took place on Wednesday , the 2 ist inst ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , when Bro . J . Sanderson , W . M . elect of the above lodge , was installed in the presence of a goodly gathering of the brethren , both ofthe
lodge and visitors from far and near . The lodge was opened by Bro . Christopher Sweeting , VV . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Sro . J . Warren , P . M ., assumed the chair as Installing Officer , and with the usual ceremony placed Bro . Sanderson in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The following officers were invested : Bros . T . Naylor , S . W . ; J .
Swanson , J . W . ; T . Butt , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Norman , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Miller , S . D . ; VV . Webber , J . D . ; S . E . Southgate , I . G . ; J . H . Roberts , P . M ., D . C ; J . Warren , P . M ., VV . S . ; Jas . McCollough , A . D . C . ; G . F . Taylor , A . W . S . ; andW . Bidgood . Org . The Installing Officer then gave the explanation of the working tools in the Second Degree from the Sections and the usual addresses
splendidly , for which he received a cordial and unanimous vote of thanks . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the New Falcon Hotel at Gravesend ( a custom that has been observed by this lodge for the last iG years in succession with the most gratifying results ) , where Bro . Hubbard placed before them one of his exquisitely served
and recherche banquets , for which the pleasant journey had g iven a rare zest , and which we need hardly say was heartily enjoyed . Among the other brethren present were Bros . C . W , Hobson , P . M . ; E . B . Hobson , P . M . ; T . Ovenden , P . M . ; G . Nichols , VV . Bennett , J . C . Carter , VV . Baldrey , A , Winbush , A . Sanderson , G . Shaw , H . Smith , J . Carty , E . Bedo , W . Hancock , I . Trodd , J . Bull , H . Palmer , H .
Lane , A . Adams , G . H . Porter , H . Tufnell , W . McCoy , W . Ward , W . Long , T . Smith , H . G . Cox , J . Marchant , W . Marchant , Dr . Tees , and A . Fenn , all of the lodge ; VV . Gardner , VV . M . 1900 ; VV . Maule , W . M . 1536 ; G . VV . Mitchell , W . M . 615 ; A . Cleale , W . M . 13 ; T . R . Richardson , W . M . 913 ; E . Palmer , P . M . 913 ; T . D . Hayes , P . M . on ; E . Farwig , P . M . 1 S 0 ; H . Mason ,
P . M . 913 ; P . McCarthy , P . M . 1076 ; J . Gardner , P . M . 976 ; G . Hockley , P . M . 172 ; J . S . Woollev , P . M . 15 ; T . Vincent , P . M . 1276 , P . P . G . Swd . Br . Surrey ; W . Rees , P . M . 913 ; VV . Richey , P . M . 51 ; J . G . Milbourne , S . W . 13 ; A . Couldry , S . VV . 30 ; T . Cooper , J . VV . 1536 ; G . H . Campbell , 913 ; C . lillis , 913 ; W . Turvey , 1472 ; G . Wallis , 172 ; E . Jordan ; 1536 ; A . Banister , S . W . 1632 ; T .
J . Day , 1227 ; W . Hone , 957 ; W . E . White , 212 ; G . H . Setton , 913 ; C . Jolly , VV . M . 1472 , 913 ; and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been proposed and duly honoured , The I . P . M . proposed , in glowing terms , the toast of " The W . M . " He said no one could have failed to notice the careful and painstaking manner in which Bio . Sanderson had carried out his duties in the various offices filled by
him below the chair , while thc admirable and accurate style of his investment of his officers that day bore testimony to his earnest desire to prove himsetf worthy of their choice . He had every confidence that their W . M . would well sustain thc ancient prestige of the Nelson Lodge , and he called upon them to show their appreciation of him by drinking the toast with all the enthusiasm it deserved .
The VV . M . briefly responded , and assured the brethren that their confidence should not , if it lay in his power , bc misplaced ; but rather that they would say at the end of the ensuing 12 months that he was deserving of their approbation . He thanked them heattily for their good wishes . The VV . M . then proposed the toastof "The P . M . ' s , " and took the opportunity to present the I . P . M ., Bro .
Sweeting , with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , which was unanimously voted to him at the previous lodge meeting , as a token of the esteem of the brethren , and for valuable services rendered the lodge during the past year that he had presided over the lodge . The VV . M ., in pinning it on Bro . Sweeting ' s breast , fervently hoped that brother might be spared for many years
to wear it in remembrance of thc lodge and its members . Bro . Sweeting , in returning thanks , said the handsome present given him that night proved to him that his endeavours to carry out his duty to their satisfaction had been successful , and he hoped , as the W . M . had kindly said , to live many years to wear it , and then at the end to hand it down as an heirloom to his family .
Bro . C . Hobson responded for the P . M . s , and said it afforded them very great pleasure to respond , in the sense that they looked back and saw as the years rolled by that every new P . M . that joined their ranks was a credit to the lodge . Although he did not attend so often as he should like to now , yet for 11 years he never missed a meeting , and wished he could be as constant now ; but could not . There
was one thing they could , however , congratulate themselves upon , and that was that they always had a good muster of the P . AI . ' s on such occasions as thepresenr , which , at least , showed that they had the interest of the lodge at heart . Hc tendered his best wishes to the W . M ., and wished most heartily that his year of office might be both a prosperous and a harmonious one .
Bro . Butt felt it a proud position to be a Past Master of such a lodge , and to see such a gathering in that noble room . As one of the " regularattendance" Past Masters , he was pleased to see Bro . C . Hobson present , and cordially te-echoed his good wishes towards the W . M . Bro . Warren was proud of the opportunity afforded him that day of installing Bro . Sanderson , as that brother waa
the first candidate hc initiated during his year of office as W . M . He spoke highly of Bro . Sanderson ' s qualification , and felt sure that under his rule the prestige of the lodge would be maintained , and , if anything , increased . "The Initiates" was the next toast , and thrce brethren , who had been recently initiated at a lodge of emergency , severally responded . " The Visitors " was the next toast , and Bros . Richardson , Maule , Cleale , Jolly , and Hayes responded .