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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
"The Officers" was coupled with the names of Bros . Naylor and Miller , who returned thanks , and then the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings , which were interspersed by some good singing , to a close . CHORLEY . —Ellesmere Lodge ( No . 730 ) . — On Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., the annual meeting , installation of W . M . and officers , and Festival of St . John
in connection with the above lodge took place at the Masonic Rooms , Town Hall . In preparation for the event the lodge and ante-rooms had been renovated by Bro . Thos . Sharpies , VV . M ., and they presented an appearance both neat , chaste , and suitable for their special purpose . The walls of "the lodge are painted a rich cream with a dado upon the lower portion of a light chocolate colour , a
band of blue traceries with gilt ( lowers runs round the room about midway from top to bottom , relieved at intervals with Masonic emblems , a frieze tracing in three colours hangs from the top of the room , and the dark dado is relieved with a stencil pattern of its own colour . The roof is of deep blue , bespangled with a setting of golden stars . The ante-room has been slightly enlarged , and is decorated in a
very suitable manner . Altogether great praise is due to Bro . Sharpies for his excellent taste and beautiful work . Lodge 730 has for several years been steadily increasing in number and Masonic usefulness , and has a recognised position in the Craft . The proceedings of Wednesday are still further calculated to bring it into increased prominence . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . T . Sharpies
and his officers , assisted by members of the Craft . The following Prov . G . Officers were present : Bros . W . Goodacre , Prov . G . Sec , Installing Master ; Gardener , P . P . G . S . West Lane ; T . Forrester , P . P . G . J . D . ; Blackshaw , P . P . G . Std . Br . Cheshire ; Mortimer , P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks ; James Lawrence , Prov . G . S . VVest Lane . ; J . M . Kerr , P . P . G . S . of W . VVest Lane ; and others .
After the customary business , the chair was assumed by Bro . W . Goodacre , Prov . G . Sec , who immediately placed the remaining officers of the lodge in the hands of the Provincial Officers present . Bro . J . Bradshaw , W . M . elect , was then duly installed according to ancient custom by the Installing Master . This ceremony was conducted by Bro VV . Goodacre in his usual impressive manner . The
following officers were then invested with the jewels and insignia of their respective offices : Bros . T . Sharpies , I . P . M . and Treas . ; L . Eccles , S . W . ; G . Tootell , J . W . ; T . Forrester , P . P . G . J . D ., CS . ; S . Turner , Sec . ; J . Monks , S . D . ; C . A . Richmond , J . D . ; S . Widdows , Org . ; L . Fairclough , I . G . ; Eatock and Thwaites , Stwds . ; and J . B . Whitnell , Tyler . These interesting proceedings being ended , Bro .
J . Bradshaw , W . M ., presented to Bro . T . Sharpies , the retiring VV . M ., a beautiful P . M . ' s jewel , with an engraved inscription setting forth the meritorious services of the recipient , whose acknowledgments were feelingly made . Bro . j . M . Kerr , P . M . and Treasurer , P . P . G . S . of VV . West Lane , who is about to proceed to India , was called upon by Bro . J . Bradshaw , W . M ., to receive a fitting momentoof
his long connection with the lodge . A beautiful album containing cabinet portraits of the respective members of 730 was given him by the W . M ., who feelingly alluded to the Masonic labours of Bro . Kerr , in this and other lodges , and in the Prov . Grand Lodge ; he begged Bro . Kerr to accept the gift " in the hope that it would help to revive many pleasant memories of his Masonic career at home ,
when in a far distant land . " The album , which has been made specially for a collection of Masonic portraits , is bound in royal Masonic blue morocco , and worked in Masonic designs in gold , with plain frosted gold clasp . The pages have each an aperture for one cabinet portrait , and are richly illuminated in the Renaissance style , being harmonious in brown and gold , and low toned colours and gold
alternately ; an arrangement which , in turning over the pages , gives a constantl y changing and very pleasing effect , at the same time forming a most effective setting to the photos . The first two pages contain a presentation address . A third presentation was then made by Bro . J . Bradshaw , W . M ., to Bro . John Heald , in acknowledgment of his long
and useful Masonic career , and in recognition of his Mayoral position during the present year . The portrait is enlarged from a cabinet p hotograph ' of his worship , in Mayoral robes , and is painted in oil on a kit-kat canvas j 6 in . by 2 Sin . ; it . is placed in a massive English gold frame . At the foot is a tablet bearing the following inscription : " Bro . John Heald , Mayor of Chorley , 1 SS 6 . Presented by the brethren of
the Wlesmere Lodge , No . 730 , and Townley Parker Lodge , No . 1032 . " The recipients of these mementoes each briefly expressed their grateful appreciation and acceptance of them . After the close of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Imperial Hotel to partake of a banquet prepared by
Mrs . Stanslield in her usual faultless style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured during the evening , and the proceedings were enlivened with songs by Bros . Blackshaw , Heald , Forrester , Withnell , and others . Bro . Koppenhagen distinguished himself as a violinist in a duet , accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Mortimer .
LIVERPOOL . —Everton Lodge ( No . 823 ) . — This lodge is probably the strongest in point of numbers in the Province of West Lancashire , and it has always had a very high reputation for its good working and its hearty support of the Charities . The meeting on the 21 st inst . at Hope-street to install the VV . M ,, notwithstanding the tropical heat , was a most enthusiastic and numerously attended
gathering , 30 W . M . 's and P . M . ' s being included in the large muster , and decisively proved that there is no falling off in the loyalty of the members . The lodge was opened by Bro . R . H . Webster , VV . M ., supported by Bros . J . M . King , I . P . M . ; J . Boyle , P . M . ; T . H . Carefull , P . M . ; .. Beesley , P . M ., P . G . J . D . ; H . Molyneux , P . M . 155 ; J . Galley , S . W . ; W . Maddox , Sec . ; R . T . Britten , J . D . ; and others .
Among the unusually large complement of visitors were Bros . VV . Bennett , I . P . M . 1570 ; H . VVilliams , P . P . G . A . D -C ; Dr . Goodwin , 1035 , * R . Brown , P . P . G . T . ; Jas . Bailey , I . P . M . 667 ; D . M . F . Gaskin , P . M . S 97 ; VV . ** ranks . G . A . Ser . Ben < r . * ll ? T . Piprnninf * . I . P . M tin * . .
• Jarney , 371 ; J . White , W . M . 249 ; R . H . Bradley , I . P . M . 24 g ; j . 1 . Tickle , W . M . S 97 ; R . Foote , *' : i W * H . Jewitt , P . M . 1393 ; J . Pendleton , P . M . 241 ; M . Hart , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; S . Chapman , P . M . 1013 ; W . G . Cronan , S . VV . 12 S 9 ; J . J . Ramsey , W . M . 1299 ; C A . Luker , W . M . 241 ; J . R . Bottomley , P . M . 1 C 75 ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . Wright , W . M . 11 S 2 ; VV . H . Cooke , VV . M . 1013 ; W Addison , S . W . 1035 ; 13 . Holgate , VV . M . 1355 ; Dr . T Clarke , I . P . M . 673 ; Dr . R . Robertson , VV . M . 7 S 6 ; H Archer , VV . M . 1502 ; J . C . M'Guire , P . M . 1547 ; W . H Veevers , P . M . 574 ; and others . The W . M . elect , Bro . J . Galley , a highly popular mem ber of the lodge , was presented for installation by Bros . J
J . Boyle , P . M ., and I . H . C Carefull , P . M ., and the ceremony was most impressively pei formed by Bro . J . M . King , P . M . The following officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : Bros . R . H . Webster , I . P . M . ; R . VV . Gow , S . W . ; VV . Maddox , J . VV . ; Councillor VV . J . Lunt , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Treas . ; R . S . Milne , Sec ; R .
J . Britten , S . D . ; C . H . Ashton , J . D . ; J . Mantle , I . G . ; A . B . Ewart , Org . ; D . Jones , E . Kite , D . J . Scurr , and J . Guilbert . Stwds . ; and J . M . King , P . M ., D . C . Bro . VV . H . Ball was re-elected Tyler . A unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to the Installing Master , and during the evening a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M .
HOUNSLOW . —Dalhousie Lodge ( No . S 65 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., at the Town Hall , when there were present Bros . R . H . Williams , W . M . j Henry Jackson , J . VV . ; C . A . Waller , Treasurer ; VV . C . VVilliams , acting Secretary ; S . W . Keene , acting S . D . ; J . S . Upjohn , D . C ; VV . Watson , I . G . ; G . Swann , Stwd ; Whatley , Tyler ; H .
B . Corston , I . P . M . ; C . B . Corston , P . M . ; H . Blunden , P . M . ; C . Woods , J . Morgan Long , W . J . Gardener , John LeWarne , E . Clare , J . Doble , A . Molony , and T . Hiscock . Visitors : Bros . Jesse Collings , P . M . 15 S 5 ; H . F . Prowse , 805 ; and J . Ellis , 2012 . The Iodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . J . M . Long , E . Clare , and VV . J . Gardener were passed to
the Second Degree . Bro . James Doble was raised to the Degree of a M . M . The VV . M . concluded the ceremony in a very able manner . Bro . Molony very efficiently presided as Organist . All Masonic business being ended , the VVorshipful Master received the "Hearty good wishes " of the brethren , and the lodge was closed , after which the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel to partake of light refreshments .
BROMLEY . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 1314 ) . —Tho installation meeting of this successful lodge was held at the Bell Hotel , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., when Bro . George Bolton was installed VV . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Bro . Daniel L . Keyse , I . P . M . The following brethren were appointed and invested : Bros . T . Finch , S . W . ; H . Gross ,
J . W . ; John Wyer , 1 reas . ; h . Coste , Sec . ; E . Elverston , J . D . ; H . Kremare , I . G . j H . Sanders , Stwd . ; James Kift , Org . ; Wm . Seaman , D . of C . ; and Whiting , Tyler . Bro . Seaman then proposed that a vote of thanks be passed to Bro . Daniel Keyse for the very talented and able manner in which the installation ceremony had been rehearsed . The motion was seconded by Bro . S . Carrington
and carried unanimously . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a most recherche dinner was served After the Royal toasts , and that of "The Grand Officers , " " The Health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Earl Amherst , " was then proposed , and most enthusiastically
received . The VV . M ., in proposing the toast , said that all brethren who had attended the Prov . Grand Lodge must have been struck with the discipline and the attention shown by the P . G . Master ; and why ? Because his lordship was beloved and respected throughout the whole province , and he hoped that his lordship might be spaied many years to preside over the Province of Kent as their Provincial Grand Master ..
Alter this , " The Health of the V . W . the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Eastes , " was proposed , and received b y the brethren in a most hearty manner , proving the esteem in which Bro . Eastes is held in the province . This toast was ably responded to by Bro . Seaman , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , and Bro . Bond , P . M ., who was honoured at the last provincial meeting with the collar of Prov . Grand
Steward . The next toast was that of "The W . M ., Bro . Geo . Rice Bolton . " The I . P . M ., in proposing the same , said it was a great day for the Acacia Lodge in having such a brother to preside over them as Master , and was confident he would carry out the duties of W . M . as he had in the previous offices of the lodge . The VV . M ., on rising , was prevented for come time
responding through the prolonged applause of the brethren , showing the high estimation in which he is held by the brethren . The W . M . thanked them for the kind manner they had received , and responded to the toast of his health , and assured the brethren that nothing on his part should be wanting to make the Acacia Lodge second to none in the province . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Visitors "
, and said that the Acacia Lodge was always pleased to see a good number of visitors at their meetings , and that every brother of that lodge extended the hand of good fellowship to every one of them . Several Prov . Grand Officers and distinguished brethren responded , and expressed themselves well satisfied with the lodge working and the hospitable manner in which they had been entertained .
"The Health of the Past Masters" was then proposed , and Bros . Carrington and Harvey responded , and begged to thank the VV . M . for his kind remarks respecting them , and assured him he could reckon upon their united support during his year of office , and , as he had courteously stated that he was proud of his Past Masters , they would also return that compliment to him . "The Health of the i . P . M . and Installing Master , Bro .
D . Keyse , " was then drunk , and he was presented with a very handsome jewel from the lodge , and the VV . M . observed that no brother ever deserved that jewel more than Bro . Keyse , as he had fulfilled the duties of every office to the entire satisfaction of every brother , and felt sure he would not value the jewel for its intrinsic worth , but accept it as a mark of affection from the brethren . The W . M . then gave " The Masonic Charities , " which was received by the brethren in a most proper manner , and responded to by Bro . E , Coste , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ., and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acling Secretary of the lodge , who said it gave him much pleasure to reply to that toast , because there was no brother who had done more for Masonic Charities than the VV . M ., who , on thc occasion of the Boys' Festival , took up the amount of £ 444 , and they had all heard that very day that the VV . M . had signified his intention to represent that lodge as Steward at the next Festival of the
R . M . B . Institution for Aged Freemasons , and hoped tbat hc would get plenty of support . It was a proud moment for him when present at P . G . Lodge to see the P . G . Master invest Bro . Bond as P . G . Steward , he having also done great service for several Charities . " The Health of the Officers " was then proposed . Bros . Wyer , P . M . and Treasurer , P . P . G . A . D . C ,
Finch , S . W ., and H . Gross , J . W ., responded , and assured the VV . M . that they would do everything in their power to assist him in upholding the prestige of the lodge . During the evening the brethren were entertained and highly delighted by some charming singing by Bros . Tremare , Collins , and Groome , and Bro . Kift presided at the piano , and also sung some very humorous songs ,
which were greatly appreciated by thebrethren , and Mr . Body gave several very splendid recitations . The Tyler ' s toast having been concluded , the brethren returned to town by special saloon carriages , placed at their convenience by the kindness of Bro . George Abbot , station master , Cannon-street . The following were amongst the visitors : Bros . Rowley , P . M . 279 , P . G . A . D . C ; Sindall , P . M . 1293 , P . P . G . S . B . Middx . ; Vincent , P . M . 1621 . P . P . G . S . B .
Middx . ; Storr , I . P . M . 1 C 7 ; W . Procter , S . VV . 12 SS ; Salmon , W . M . 2077 ; Jacobs , P . M . 27 ; Gibbs , VV . M . 1 G 13 ; Kauffman , S . VV . 1732 ; Medwin , P . M . 1613 ; Kowin , 1 C 13 ; Ransford , S . D . 1512 ; C . Smith , J . D . 1445 ; King * , j . W . 1692 j Hemming , S . D . 12 S 7 ; Hunter , 1607 ; E . j . Coste , 74 ; Maas , 173 ; Hilton , P . M . 1351 ; Bland , 1 G 17 ; Folson , VV . M . 1604 ; L . Solomon , P . M . 1732 ; Taylor , P . M . 1624 ; Wigg , P . M . 1351 ; Bellis , P . M . 1901 ; and about 20 others .
MILLOM . —Whitwell Lodge ( No . 1390 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at the new Masonic Hall , Salthouse-road , when a goodly assemblage of the brethren and visitors attended to do honour to the occasion . The ceremony of installing Bro . T . Bowness , P . G . S . W ., was performed in a very efficient and impressive manner by Bro . George Hill ,
P . M ., being ably assisted by Bro . J . Mills , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., and Bro . Edward E . Atkinson , retiring Master . The installation being over , the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Edward E . Atkinson , I . P . M . ; J . E . Maddern , S . VV . ; J . J . Cain , J . VV . ; Rev . W . Barton , Chap . ; John Atkinson , Sec ; George Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; H . D . Sharalow , Org . ; R . A . Mitchell , D . of C ; H . F . Fox , S . D . ; H . K . Postlethwaite , J . D . ; John Bowness ,
I . G . ; T . Walker , R . G . VV . Bradley , and James Jackson , Stwds . ; and T . J . G . Lewthwaite , lyler . The lodge was * then closed in due form , after which the brethren present , at the invitation of the VV . M ., adjourned to the house of Mrs . Black , Ship Inn , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared . The usual loyal toasts were cordially given and received . Songs , & c , were given by several brethren .
It has been usual during the after-proceedings at the banquet to present a P . M . 's jewel to the retiring Master , but the W . M . explained that owing to some oversight the jewel was not to hand ; the presentation would , therefore , take place at the next lodge meeting in August . A most enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated about ten o'clock .
WOKING . —Weyside Lodge ( No . 1395 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the " Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst . On the lodge being opened the VV . M ., Bro . Capt . F . A . Bowles , proceeded to initiate Mr . F . A . Ritson , and afterwards to instal Bro . A . F . Asher , S . VV ., as W . M . The installation was performed in a masterly manner , well maintaining the high character
of the lodge for Masonic work . The VV . M ., Bro . Asher , appointed and invested his officers as follows , with the exception of Bro . R . Nevill , S . W ., who , through domestic affliction , was unable to attend : Bros . Wakley , J . VV . ; A . VV . R . Sowman , S . D . ; F . C . Goyton , J . D . ; T . Blanco White , I . G . ; A . H . Bowles , Treasurer and Organist ; and C . T . Tyler , Secretary .
The members and visitors afterwards adjourned , in full Masonic clothing , to a spacious room in the same building , where an excellent banquet was partaken of , under the presidency of the new VV . M ., Bio . A . F . Asher . The brethren present included Bros . F . A . Bowles , I . P . M . ; T . C Eager , P . M . ; T . J . Street , P . M . ; T . Wakley , jun ., P . M . ; C . T . Tyler , P . M ., Secretary ; A . H . Bowles ,
P . M .. Organist ; A . VV . Berry , P . M . 919 ; R . E . H . Goffin , Headmaster UnitedVVestminstcrSchools ; Sowman , Gayton , Campbell Alason , and F . A . Ritson . Visitors : Bros . T . Edward Barrow , P . M . 1095 ; Frederick Flood , P . M . 1149 ; R . J . Albery , 1928 ; VV . M . Duckworth , P . M . 192 S ; T . J . Nailing , P . M . 51 ; VV . C Noyle , Chaplain 104 G ; J . VV . M . Piggott , P . M . 777 ; W . Sowman , P . M . 51 ; H . Botting , P . M . 777 ; W . Sexton ,
1321 ; J . Curnow , 2033 ; and H . J . Bidwell . 2120 . Messages were sent Lord Onslow , P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Arnold regretting that other engagements prevented their being present . The usual Masonic toasts were proposed and heartily responded to , the feature of the evening being the pre '
sentation by Bro . Wakley , in the name of the members of the lodge , of a Past Master's jewel ( manufactured by Bro . George Kenning ) to Bro . Tyler , a well deserved recognition of the services of an indefatigable Secretary and able Mason . The muster of members and visitors at the installation and banquet was unusually large .
KINGSTON - ON - THAMES . — Brownrigg Lodge ( No . 1638 ) . —On Wednesday , thu 21 st inst ., the members of this lodge were summoned , but very few obeyed the summons . The weather was very hot and close , and those who have had experience of what the lodge room is , when fairly well filled , under such atmospheric
conditions stayed away . Thus it was lhat lodge was opened with nine only within the walls . The ofiicers present were Bros . ) . VV . Moorman , VV . M . ; J . Drewett , S . VV . ; G . Moorman , J . W . ; W . Drewett , S . D . ; Humphrey , J . D . ; and Abel Laurence , P . M ., Sec . Bro . Aldridge , P . M ., Treas ., and a few other brethren put in an appearance during the evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
"The Officers" was coupled with the names of Bros . Naylor and Miller , who returned thanks , and then the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings , which were interspersed by some good singing , to a close . CHORLEY . —Ellesmere Lodge ( No . 730 ) . — On Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., the annual meeting , installation of W . M . and officers , and Festival of St . John
in connection with the above lodge took place at the Masonic Rooms , Town Hall . In preparation for the event the lodge and ante-rooms had been renovated by Bro . Thos . Sharpies , VV . M ., and they presented an appearance both neat , chaste , and suitable for their special purpose . The walls of "the lodge are painted a rich cream with a dado upon the lower portion of a light chocolate colour , a
band of blue traceries with gilt ( lowers runs round the room about midway from top to bottom , relieved at intervals with Masonic emblems , a frieze tracing in three colours hangs from the top of the room , and the dark dado is relieved with a stencil pattern of its own colour . The roof is of deep blue , bespangled with a setting of golden stars . The ante-room has been slightly enlarged , and is decorated in a
very suitable manner . Altogether great praise is due to Bro . Sharpies for his excellent taste and beautiful work . Lodge 730 has for several years been steadily increasing in number and Masonic usefulness , and has a recognised position in the Craft . The proceedings of Wednesday are still further calculated to bring it into increased prominence . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . T . Sharpies
and his officers , assisted by members of the Craft . The following Prov . G . Officers were present : Bros . W . Goodacre , Prov . G . Sec , Installing Master ; Gardener , P . P . G . S . West Lane ; T . Forrester , P . P . G . J . D . ; Blackshaw , P . P . G . Std . Br . Cheshire ; Mortimer , P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks ; James Lawrence , Prov . G . S . VVest Lane . ; J . M . Kerr , P . P . G . S . of W . VVest Lane ; and others .
After the customary business , the chair was assumed by Bro . W . Goodacre , Prov . G . Sec , who immediately placed the remaining officers of the lodge in the hands of the Provincial Officers present . Bro . J . Bradshaw , W . M . elect , was then duly installed according to ancient custom by the Installing Master . This ceremony was conducted by Bro VV . Goodacre in his usual impressive manner . The
following officers were then invested with the jewels and insignia of their respective offices : Bros . T . Sharpies , I . P . M . and Treas . ; L . Eccles , S . W . ; G . Tootell , J . W . ; T . Forrester , P . P . G . J . D ., CS . ; S . Turner , Sec . ; J . Monks , S . D . ; C . A . Richmond , J . D . ; S . Widdows , Org . ; L . Fairclough , I . G . ; Eatock and Thwaites , Stwds . ; and J . B . Whitnell , Tyler . These interesting proceedings being ended , Bro .
J . Bradshaw , W . M ., presented to Bro . T . Sharpies , the retiring VV . M ., a beautiful P . M . ' s jewel , with an engraved inscription setting forth the meritorious services of the recipient , whose acknowledgments were feelingly made . Bro . j . M . Kerr , P . M . and Treasurer , P . P . G . S . of VV . West Lane , who is about to proceed to India , was called upon by Bro . J . Bradshaw , W . M ., to receive a fitting momentoof
his long connection with the lodge . A beautiful album containing cabinet portraits of the respective members of 730 was given him by the W . M ., who feelingly alluded to the Masonic labours of Bro . Kerr , in this and other lodges , and in the Prov . Grand Lodge ; he begged Bro . Kerr to accept the gift " in the hope that it would help to revive many pleasant memories of his Masonic career at home ,
when in a far distant land . " The album , which has been made specially for a collection of Masonic portraits , is bound in royal Masonic blue morocco , and worked in Masonic designs in gold , with plain frosted gold clasp . The pages have each an aperture for one cabinet portrait , and are richly illuminated in the Renaissance style , being harmonious in brown and gold , and low toned colours and gold
alternately ; an arrangement which , in turning over the pages , gives a constantl y changing and very pleasing effect , at the same time forming a most effective setting to the photos . The first two pages contain a presentation address . A third presentation was then made by Bro . J . Bradshaw , W . M ., to Bro . John Heald , in acknowledgment of his long
and useful Masonic career , and in recognition of his Mayoral position during the present year . The portrait is enlarged from a cabinet p hotograph ' of his worship , in Mayoral robes , and is painted in oil on a kit-kat canvas j 6 in . by 2 Sin . ; it . is placed in a massive English gold frame . At the foot is a tablet bearing the following inscription : " Bro . John Heald , Mayor of Chorley , 1 SS 6 . Presented by the brethren of
the Wlesmere Lodge , No . 730 , and Townley Parker Lodge , No . 1032 . " The recipients of these mementoes each briefly expressed their grateful appreciation and acceptance of them . After the close of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Imperial Hotel to partake of a banquet prepared by
Mrs . Stanslield in her usual faultless style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured during the evening , and the proceedings were enlivened with songs by Bros . Blackshaw , Heald , Forrester , Withnell , and others . Bro . Koppenhagen distinguished himself as a violinist in a duet , accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Mortimer .
LIVERPOOL . —Everton Lodge ( No . 823 ) . — This lodge is probably the strongest in point of numbers in the Province of West Lancashire , and it has always had a very high reputation for its good working and its hearty support of the Charities . The meeting on the 21 st inst . at Hope-street to install the VV . M ,, notwithstanding the tropical heat , was a most enthusiastic and numerously attended
gathering , 30 W . M . 's and P . M . ' s being included in the large muster , and decisively proved that there is no falling off in the loyalty of the members . The lodge was opened by Bro . R . H . Webster , VV . M ., supported by Bros . J . M . King , I . P . M . ; J . Boyle , P . M . ; T . H . Carefull , P . M . ; .. Beesley , P . M ., P . G . J . D . ; H . Molyneux , P . M . 155 ; J . Galley , S . W . ; W . Maddox , Sec . ; R . T . Britten , J . D . ; and others .
Among the unusually large complement of visitors were Bros . VV . Bennett , I . P . M . 1570 ; H . VVilliams , P . P . G . A . D -C ; Dr . Goodwin , 1035 , * R . Brown , P . P . G . T . ; Jas . Bailey , I . P . M . 667 ; D . M . F . Gaskin , P . M . S 97 ; VV . ** ranks . G . A . Ser . Ben < r . * ll ? T . Piprnninf * . I . P . M tin * . .
• Jarney , 371 ; J . White , W . M . 249 ; R . H . Bradley , I . P . M . 24 g ; j . 1 . Tickle , W . M . S 97 ; R . Foote , *' : i W * H . Jewitt , P . M . 1393 ; J . Pendleton , P . M . 241 ; M . Hart , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; S . Chapman , P . M . 1013 ; W . G . Cronan , S . VV . 12 S 9 ; J . J . Ramsey , W . M . 1299 ; C A . Luker , W . M . 241 ; J . R . Bottomley , P . M . 1 C 75 ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . Wright , W . M . 11 S 2 ; VV . H . Cooke , VV . M . 1013 ; W Addison , S . W . 1035 ; 13 . Holgate , VV . M . 1355 ; Dr . T Clarke , I . P . M . 673 ; Dr . R . Robertson , VV . M . 7 S 6 ; H Archer , VV . M . 1502 ; J . C . M'Guire , P . M . 1547 ; W . H Veevers , P . M . 574 ; and others . The W . M . elect , Bro . J . Galley , a highly popular mem ber of the lodge , was presented for installation by Bros . J
J . Boyle , P . M ., and I . H . C Carefull , P . M ., and the ceremony was most impressively pei formed by Bro . J . M . King , P . M . The following officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : Bros . R . H . Webster , I . P . M . ; R . VV . Gow , S . W . ; VV . Maddox , J . VV . ; Councillor VV . J . Lunt , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Treas . ; R . S . Milne , Sec ; R .
J . Britten , S . D . ; C . H . Ashton , J . D . ; J . Mantle , I . G . ; A . B . Ewart , Org . ; D . Jones , E . Kite , D . J . Scurr , and J . Guilbert . Stwds . ; and J . M . King , P . M ., D . C . Bro . VV . H . Ball was re-elected Tyler . A unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to the Installing Master , and during the evening a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M .
HOUNSLOW . —Dalhousie Lodge ( No . S 65 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., at the Town Hall , when there were present Bros . R . H . Williams , W . M . j Henry Jackson , J . VV . ; C . A . Waller , Treasurer ; VV . C . VVilliams , acting Secretary ; S . W . Keene , acting S . D . ; J . S . Upjohn , D . C ; VV . Watson , I . G . ; G . Swann , Stwd ; Whatley , Tyler ; H .
B . Corston , I . P . M . ; C . B . Corston , P . M . ; H . Blunden , P . M . ; C . Woods , J . Morgan Long , W . J . Gardener , John LeWarne , E . Clare , J . Doble , A . Molony , and T . Hiscock . Visitors : Bros . Jesse Collings , P . M . 15 S 5 ; H . F . Prowse , 805 ; and J . Ellis , 2012 . The Iodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . J . M . Long , E . Clare , and VV . J . Gardener were passed to
the Second Degree . Bro . James Doble was raised to the Degree of a M . M . The VV . M . concluded the ceremony in a very able manner . Bro . Molony very efficiently presided as Organist . All Masonic business being ended , the VVorshipful Master received the "Hearty good wishes " of the brethren , and the lodge was closed , after which the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel to partake of light refreshments .
BROMLEY . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 1314 ) . —Tho installation meeting of this successful lodge was held at the Bell Hotel , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., when Bro . George Bolton was installed VV . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Bro . Daniel L . Keyse , I . P . M . The following brethren were appointed and invested : Bros . T . Finch , S . W . ; H . Gross ,
J . W . ; John Wyer , 1 reas . ; h . Coste , Sec . ; E . Elverston , J . D . ; H . Kremare , I . G . j H . Sanders , Stwd . ; James Kift , Org . ; Wm . Seaman , D . of C . ; and Whiting , Tyler . Bro . Seaman then proposed that a vote of thanks be passed to Bro . Daniel Keyse for the very talented and able manner in which the installation ceremony had been rehearsed . The motion was seconded by Bro . S . Carrington
and carried unanimously . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a most recherche dinner was served After the Royal toasts , and that of "The Grand Officers , " " The Health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Earl Amherst , " was then proposed , and most enthusiastically
received . The VV . M ., in proposing the toast , said that all brethren who had attended the Prov . Grand Lodge must have been struck with the discipline and the attention shown by the P . G . Master ; and why ? Because his lordship was beloved and respected throughout the whole province , and he hoped that his lordship might be spaied many years to preside over the Province of Kent as their Provincial Grand Master ..
Alter this , " The Health of the V . W . the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Eastes , " was proposed , and received b y the brethren in a most hearty manner , proving the esteem in which Bro . Eastes is held in the province . This toast was ably responded to by Bro . Seaman , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , and Bro . Bond , P . M ., who was honoured at the last provincial meeting with the collar of Prov . Grand
Steward . The next toast was that of "The W . M ., Bro . Geo . Rice Bolton . " The I . P . M ., in proposing the same , said it was a great day for the Acacia Lodge in having such a brother to preside over them as Master , and was confident he would carry out the duties of W . M . as he had in the previous offices of the lodge . The VV . M ., on rising , was prevented for come time
responding through the prolonged applause of the brethren , showing the high estimation in which he is held by the brethren . The W . M . thanked them for the kind manner they had received , and responded to the toast of his health , and assured the brethren that nothing on his part should be wanting to make the Acacia Lodge second to none in the province . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Visitors "
, and said that the Acacia Lodge was always pleased to see a good number of visitors at their meetings , and that every brother of that lodge extended the hand of good fellowship to every one of them . Several Prov . Grand Officers and distinguished brethren responded , and expressed themselves well satisfied with the lodge working and the hospitable manner in which they had been entertained .
"The Health of the Past Masters" was then proposed , and Bros . Carrington and Harvey responded , and begged to thank the VV . M . for his kind remarks respecting them , and assured him he could reckon upon their united support during his year of office , and , as he had courteously stated that he was proud of his Past Masters , they would also return that compliment to him . "The Health of the i . P . M . and Installing Master , Bro .
D . Keyse , " was then drunk , and he was presented with a very handsome jewel from the lodge , and the VV . M . observed that no brother ever deserved that jewel more than Bro . Keyse , as he had fulfilled the duties of every office to the entire satisfaction of every brother , and felt sure he would not value the jewel for its intrinsic worth , but accept it as a mark of affection from the brethren . The W . M . then gave " The Masonic Charities , " which was received by the brethren in a most proper manner , and responded to by Bro . E , Coste , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ., and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acling Secretary of the lodge , who said it gave him much pleasure to reply to that toast , because there was no brother who had done more for Masonic Charities than the VV . M ., who , on thc occasion of the Boys' Festival , took up the amount of £ 444 , and they had all heard that very day that the VV . M . had signified his intention to represent that lodge as Steward at the next Festival of the
R . M . B . Institution for Aged Freemasons , and hoped tbat hc would get plenty of support . It was a proud moment for him when present at P . G . Lodge to see the P . G . Master invest Bro . Bond as P . G . Steward , he having also done great service for several Charities . " The Health of the Officers " was then proposed . Bros . Wyer , P . M . and Treasurer , P . P . G . A . D . C ,
Finch , S . W ., and H . Gross , J . W ., responded , and assured the VV . M . that they would do everything in their power to assist him in upholding the prestige of the lodge . During the evening the brethren were entertained and highly delighted by some charming singing by Bros . Tremare , Collins , and Groome , and Bro . Kift presided at the piano , and also sung some very humorous songs ,
which were greatly appreciated by thebrethren , and Mr . Body gave several very splendid recitations . The Tyler ' s toast having been concluded , the brethren returned to town by special saloon carriages , placed at their convenience by the kindness of Bro . George Abbot , station master , Cannon-street . The following were amongst the visitors : Bros . Rowley , P . M . 279 , P . G . A . D . C ; Sindall , P . M . 1293 , P . P . G . S . B . Middx . ; Vincent , P . M . 1621 . P . P . G . S . B .
Middx . ; Storr , I . P . M . 1 C 7 ; W . Procter , S . VV . 12 SS ; Salmon , W . M . 2077 ; Jacobs , P . M . 27 ; Gibbs , VV . M . 1 G 13 ; Kauffman , S . VV . 1732 ; Medwin , P . M . 1613 ; Kowin , 1 C 13 ; Ransford , S . D . 1512 ; C . Smith , J . D . 1445 ; King * , j . W . 1692 j Hemming , S . D . 12 S 7 ; Hunter , 1607 ; E . j . Coste , 74 ; Maas , 173 ; Hilton , P . M . 1351 ; Bland , 1 G 17 ; Folson , VV . M . 1604 ; L . Solomon , P . M . 1732 ; Taylor , P . M . 1624 ; Wigg , P . M . 1351 ; Bellis , P . M . 1901 ; and about 20 others .
MILLOM . —Whitwell Lodge ( No . 1390 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at the new Masonic Hall , Salthouse-road , when a goodly assemblage of the brethren and visitors attended to do honour to the occasion . The ceremony of installing Bro . T . Bowness , P . G . S . W ., was performed in a very efficient and impressive manner by Bro . George Hill ,
P . M ., being ably assisted by Bro . J . Mills , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., and Bro . Edward E . Atkinson , retiring Master . The installation being over , the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Edward E . Atkinson , I . P . M . ; J . E . Maddern , S . VV . ; J . J . Cain , J . VV . ; Rev . W . Barton , Chap . ; John Atkinson , Sec ; George Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; H . D . Sharalow , Org . ; R . A . Mitchell , D . of C ; H . F . Fox , S . D . ; H . K . Postlethwaite , J . D . ; John Bowness ,
I . G . ; T . Walker , R . G . VV . Bradley , and James Jackson , Stwds . ; and T . J . G . Lewthwaite , lyler . The lodge was * then closed in due form , after which the brethren present , at the invitation of the VV . M ., adjourned to the house of Mrs . Black , Ship Inn , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared . The usual loyal toasts were cordially given and received . Songs , & c , were given by several brethren .
It has been usual during the after-proceedings at the banquet to present a P . M . 's jewel to the retiring Master , but the W . M . explained that owing to some oversight the jewel was not to hand ; the presentation would , therefore , take place at the next lodge meeting in August . A most enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated about ten o'clock .
WOKING . —Weyside Lodge ( No . 1395 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the " Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst . On the lodge being opened the VV . M ., Bro . Capt . F . A . Bowles , proceeded to initiate Mr . F . A . Ritson , and afterwards to instal Bro . A . F . Asher , S . VV ., as W . M . The installation was performed in a masterly manner , well maintaining the high character
of the lodge for Masonic work . The VV . M ., Bro . Asher , appointed and invested his officers as follows , with the exception of Bro . R . Nevill , S . W ., who , through domestic affliction , was unable to attend : Bros . Wakley , J . VV . ; A . VV . R . Sowman , S . D . ; F . C . Goyton , J . D . ; T . Blanco White , I . G . ; A . H . Bowles , Treasurer and Organist ; and C . T . Tyler , Secretary .
The members and visitors afterwards adjourned , in full Masonic clothing , to a spacious room in the same building , where an excellent banquet was partaken of , under the presidency of the new VV . M ., Bio . A . F . Asher . The brethren present included Bros . F . A . Bowles , I . P . M . ; T . C Eager , P . M . ; T . J . Street , P . M . ; T . Wakley , jun ., P . M . ; C . T . Tyler , P . M ., Secretary ; A . H . Bowles ,
P . M .. Organist ; A . VV . Berry , P . M . 919 ; R . E . H . Goffin , Headmaster UnitedVVestminstcrSchools ; Sowman , Gayton , Campbell Alason , and F . A . Ritson . Visitors : Bros . T . Edward Barrow , P . M . 1095 ; Frederick Flood , P . M . 1149 ; R . J . Albery , 1928 ; VV . M . Duckworth , P . M . 192 S ; T . J . Nailing , P . M . 51 ; VV . C Noyle , Chaplain 104 G ; J . VV . M . Piggott , P . M . 777 ; W . Sowman , P . M . 51 ; H . Botting , P . M . 777 ; W . Sexton ,
1321 ; J . Curnow , 2033 ; and H . J . Bidwell . 2120 . Messages were sent Lord Onslow , P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Arnold regretting that other engagements prevented their being present . The usual Masonic toasts were proposed and heartily responded to , the feature of the evening being the pre '
sentation by Bro . Wakley , in the name of the members of the lodge , of a Past Master's jewel ( manufactured by Bro . George Kenning ) to Bro . Tyler , a well deserved recognition of the services of an indefatigable Secretary and able Mason . The muster of members and visitors at the installation and banquet was unusually large .
KINGSTON - ON - THAMES . — Brownrigg Lodge ( No . 1638 ) . —On Wednesday , thu 21 st inst ., the members of this lodge were summoned , but very few obeyed the summons . The weather was very hot and close , and those who have had experience of what the lodge room is , when fairly well filled , under such atmospheric
conditions stayed away . Thus it was lhat lodge was opened with nine only within the walls . The ofiicers present were Bros . ) . VV . Moorman , VV . M . ; J . Drewett , S . VV . ; G . Moorman , J . W . ; W . Drewett , S . D . ; Humphrey , J . D . ; and Abel Laurence , P . M ., Sec . Bro . Aldridge , P . M ., Treas ., and a few other brethren put in an appearance during the evening .