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Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
the Stewards had already put their names down for the ensuing year . What they had done this year they would continue to do in the next . Bro . GROSVENOR also replied . The Stewards had tried to gel up a good list , and he certainly had not been very much behind the brethren in getting a good list to support the Chairman . In Worcestershire they were very proud of Bro . Godson , and in the Parliamentary election they vvere prouder to get Bro . Godson elected .
Bro . STONE said that in Hants and the Isle of Wight the brethren were ready to do all they could to further the interests of Mark Masonry , and he hoped they would continue in the same course and swell the lists of the Benevolent Fund more and more . Bro . Baron DE FERRIERES proposed " The Ladies , " and Bro . BERRIDGE "The Visitors . "
Bro . STRACHAN responded for " The Visitors , though he had been a Steward , and when the result was only £ 82 , brought up as much as j £ i 2 . But whether as a visitor or as a Steward he was proud to be present . Although sorry the total sum this year was a trifle less than last year , he
could not help feeling that these events happened in cycle , and that next year the subscriptions would be greater . It was no want of interest in the fund vvhich made the subscriptions less this year than they were last year , and he felt sure the brethren need not be downhearted , asTrom what he had seen the future of the Mark Benevolent Fund would he a great one .
Bro . SILLITOE also replied , and hoped next year that he would also be amongst the list of Stewards . Bro . GODSON proposed " The Honorary Secretary , Bro . C . F . Matier , " than whom no brother could have done better for the success of a festival . Bro . C . F . MATIER , in reply , said that his labour , such as it had been , had been a labour of love , and had he not been so well directed as he had
been by the Chairman of the Board of Stewards , the Honorary Treasurer , andthe Sub-Committee he did not think that the success of that night would have been so great . Although they were sorry that the amount was not so good as last year , being , £ 200 less than it was in 18 S 5 ,
Ihey had the gratification oi knowing that they had 102 more Stewards , and a collection of ^ 1423 5 s . 6 d . more than they had ten years ago . What this fund would be in ten years' time vvas unknown to any one present , but he trusted the fund would increase in the same proportion as
it had increased , and that every one now present would be there in ten years to see the progress it had made . This concluded the business of the evening , which vvas enlivened by some charming singing by Miss Madeline Hardy , Miss Minnie Kirton ,
Bro . Reginald Groome , and Bro . Stanley Smith , under the direction of Bro . Edwin M . Lott , Mus . Doc , Past Grand Organist , to whom the highest praise is due for the great success of the musical portion of the treat provided for the brethren and ladies .
The jewel worn by the Stewards was designed by Bro . C . F . Matier , and manufactured by Bro . George Kenning . It contained the arms and crest of the Chairman and Mark emblems . On a quatrefoil band , " Mark Benevolent Fund , 1886 . "
LONDON . Lodge £ s . d . Grand Masters , Bro . R . Berridge 3 G 15 o Grand Stewards , Bro . R . P . Spice 10 10 o
Bon Accord , Bro . J . M . Collins 22 o o Old Kent , Bro . J . Ramsey ... 42 10 G ( Bro . P . L . Simonds ... 6 16 6 I „ G . Kenning 21 o o 8 Bro . G . P . Festa 10 10 o 22 „ S . H . Goldschmidt ... 14 14 o 363 „ E . Letchworth ... 23 2 o
UNATTACHED . Bro . Jas . Moon 5 5 o „ A . Tisley 5 5 o „ Henry George 5 5 ° „ S . Mattison
„ J . T . Tweedale 2100 „ Geo . Cooper 5 5 o „ Alfred Williams 10 10 o „ C . H . Driver ( Hon . Treas . ) 27 6 o „ C . F . Matier ( Hon . Sec . ) 52 10 o „ Samuel Kelly ... ,., 550
„ Dr . Geo . Mickley ... 6 6 o „ Rev . R . Morris , LL . D . .. 550 „ Wm . Maple 5 5 o „ C . S . Lane 5 5 0 „ A . H . Jefferis 5 5 o „ T . Mount Humphries ... 550 „ Rev . T . C . Smyth , D . D . 550 PROVINCES .
BERKS AND OXON . Province Bro . C . Stephens ... 15 7 o Lodge . 27 Bro . Stephen Knight ... 756 22 5 „ Maurice Wheeler ... 10 10 o 235 » F . J . Ferguson .,. 1 4 1 o
Province Bro . Col . J . R . Bramble BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . Province Bro . A . McDowall ... 12 12 o CHESHIRE .
uoage . 11 Bro . T . C . Thorburn ... 550 165 „ W . Roberts 10 10 o 19 G „ Lilley Ellis 5 5 0 327 „ Wm . Wylde 5 5 o
CORNWALL AND DEVON . The two Provinces , Bro . F . Crouch 30 10 G
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
CUMBERLAND & WESTMORLAND . Province Bro , T . Atkinson „ . 36 15 o EAST ANGLIA . Province Bro . J . P . Lewin ... 21 o o Lodge , j 12 Bro . C . A . C . Tones ... 20 o o
20 5 „ George Graveley ( see Middlesex Sr Surrey ) 334 „ A . H . Moyes 15 15 0 GIBRALTAR . Province Bro . Sir H . Burfotd Hancock GLOUCESTERSHIRE .
Province Bro . J . Brook-Smith 550 Lodge . 10 Bro . R . V . Vassar-Smith ... 2100 340 „ Dr . W . C . Heane ... 13 o o HANTS AND ISLE OF WIGHT .
Lodge . 54 Bro . Henry Stone ... 2100 305 „ F . Powell 12 15 G 320 „ Col . Lord John H . Taylour 5 5 0 HERTFORDSHIRE .
Lodge . 241 Bro . J . E . Dawson 10 10 0 354 „ F . T . Bennett 10 10 0 3 66 „ H . C , Heard 14 13 0 367 „ J . Brittain 8 12 0 KENT . Province Bro . Rev . Cummings 105 o 0 Lodge .
226 Bro . George Spinks . ... 31 16 6 309 „ A . H . Bateman ... 12 15 o 322 „ E . G . A . Binstead ... 10 10 0 332 „ Henry Roberts ... 5 5 o LANCASHIRE . Lodge . T . I . Bro . J . Kenyon 5 5 0
32 „ J . L . Aspland . ( „ W . Brackenbury 5 I „ Daniel Davies 11 3 „ G . T . Hardman ... 550 158 „ J . D . Murray ... 5 5 o LEICESTER , NORTHAMPTON , AND DERBYSHIRE .
Province Bro . W . J . Freer ... 12 10 o Lodge . 302 Bro . W . Whittaker ... 15 15 o - „ -J » A- Woodiwiss ... 26 5 o 30 ' 1 .. R . L . Homer Mole ... 1 o
3 * 39 „ W . L . Ball , „/ „ George Fletcher ... 5 5 0 I » Percy Wallis .,. ... 31 0 o
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
LINCOLNSHIRE . £ s . d . Province Bro . Jack Sutcliffe ... MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . Province Bro . P . A . Scratchley 19 2 0
-uujic . 4 Bro . J . Shilcock 7 o fi 5 „ Ii . M . Lott 13 13 o 104 „ Jabez Church ... 40 19 o x \\] Bro . D . P . Cama { , 1 , 1 ^ im Bro . E . "Whittaker 5 . s o
144 ,, C . Quennell 25 o o 1 S 1 „ J . T . Briggs 21 10 6 ' 99 „ John Aillud 211 „ " W . T . Rickwood ... 770 2 U „ John Mason 22 3 „ H . J . Lardner ... ro 10 o
234 „ J . S . Holliday ... 21 15 o 238 „ T . C . Walls 13 2 o 239 „ H . S . Goodall ... 12 1 6 251 „ T . Pargeter 20 o o 28 4 „ | . D . Birkin 12 12 o 3 i *> .. lames Terrv 10 10 o
33 r ,, Algernon C . Bauke ... 1 5 4 0 350 „ G . Graveley 10 10 o 355 ,, J- Willing , jun . ... 15 15 o NEW SOUTH WALES . 25 Bro . Norman Selfe ... 10 ro o
NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM . Province Bro . T . Bradley ... 550
SUMMARY OF T £ s . d . Berks and Oxon 47 3 6 Bristol ... Buckinghamshire 12 12 o Cheshire 26 5 o Cornwall and Devon 30 10 6
Cumberland arm Westmorland 36 15 o East Anglia 56 15 o Gibraltar ... _ Gloucestershire 35 5 o Hants and Isle of Wight ... 39 o 6 Hertfordshire 44 5 o Kent 165 G 6 Lancashire ... 15 15 o
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
NOTTINGHAM . £ s . d . Province Bro . J . Toplis ... 2100 Lodge . 265 Bro . Col . VV . Newton ... . 10 o o SUSSEX .
75 Bro . J . Harrison WARWICKSHIRE . 174 Bro . W . Corder 10 10 o WORCESTERSHIRE . ( Bro . A . V . Godson ... ") _„ , „ Province-3 „ W . B . WilliamA * : 2 1
1 1 s 2 u ( . son ... J J Lodge . 59 Bro . H . F . Dale 33 ° » W . G . Grosvenor ... 550 YORKSHIRE ( TOWN OK HULL ) . Bro . Col . R . G . Smith ... S 6 o
DEGREE OF ROYAL ARK MARINERS . De Irwin Bro . G . F . Tuckey ... 550 ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES . Matier Council Bro . W . Jaflrey 10 10 o Metropolitan Council Bro . R .
Koy 10 10 o Concord Bro . W . J . Thomson 10 to o 7 Bro . Webster Glynes ... 10 10 o 15 „ W . A . Scurrah ... 13 13 o 16 „ Dr . Stewart 21 10 6 16 „ C . Belton 5 S o
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . County Palatine Bro . J . W . Edwards 14 14 o
HE PROVINCES . Leicestershire , Northampton , £ s . d . and Derby SG o o Lincolnshire Middlesex and Surrey 297 11 G New South Wales 10 10 o Nottinghamshire and Durham 5 <; o
Nottingham r , i 0 o Sussex Warwickshire 10 10 o Worcestershire ... ... ... 70 17 G Yorkshire ( Town of Hull ) ... S 6 o Royal Ark Mariners 5 5 o Allied Masonic Degrees ... S 2 S G Red Cross of Constantine ... 14 14 o
LONDON—26 STEWARDS £ 3 6 3 5 Q PROVINCES—SS STEWARDS nG 6 o 6 GRAND TOTAL £ 1529 5 6 With 12 Lists to come in . ¦ *¦¦
RESULT OF THE FESTIVAL . There can be no doubt that the same causes have operated unfavourably on the Returns of the Mark Benevolent Fund Festival as on those of the Festivals held in aid of our great Central Institutions . Therefore , though a sense of disappointment at the result not being larger , seeing the Board of Stewards vvas considerably more numerous than last year , is legitimate enough , we think there is every reason to be satisfied with the total vvhich Bro . Matier
was in a position to announce on Wednesday . As a matter of arithmetic , it is clear that , if in 18 S 5 the Chairman and 88 Stewards raised a grand total of close on £ 1722 , then in 1886 a Board of 114 Stewards should have made up amongst them about £ 2250 . The result , however , was only ^ 1529 , and there are still 12 Lists still to be returned , so that the ultimate total may be estimated , perhaps , at about £ 1650 . Here , then , vve have a very aooreciable
difference amounting to some £ 600 between what ought to have been , arithmetically , and the sum actually contributed , vvhich difference we are justified in ascribing to the hard limes and the General Election . But having made due allowance for these unfavourable circumstances , we see no reason lor anything like discouragement because the figures for this 1886 Festival do not compare so well vvith those of last year as one could have wished . On
the contrary , we are inclined to look upon Wednesday ' s achievement as a good augury for the future . We have it in evidence that the same excellent system of organisation as regards the Board of Stewards was adopted on this occasion as proved so beneficial in 1885 . London was more numerously represented , and as many provinces sent up Stewards as last year . There was also a most genial Chairman , in the person of R . VV . Bro .
A . F . Godson , M . P ., Prov . G . Mark Masterof Worcestershire , vvho is not only himself a generous contributor on these festive occasions , but the cause of all others contributing as liberally according to their ability who come within the magic circle of his persuasive advocacy . The one drawback from all these auspicious surroundings—and there is no denying it was an important one—is that the moneys available to be charmed into the coffers of the fund were not quite so considerable as they were last year . However
with a little more steadiness in the political and commercial worlds , we may look to this drawback becoming less operative in its effects , and then we shall expect that a stronger body of Stewards will , commensurately with its strength , be more productive . Let us now glance briefly through the details of the list . London , with 26 Stewards , of whom 17 were Unattached , made up a total of £ 363 5 s ., the nine representatives of eight lodges being responsible for . £ 18 7 iSs . of this sum , and the balance of £ 175 7 s ., the product of the efforts of the 17 Unattached .
Oi the Mark Provinces 24 sent up Stewards , the most formidable returns coming from MIDDLESEX and SURREY , which had one Steward ( Bro . P . A . Scratchley ) doing duty for the whole province and 19 of its lodges represented by 20 Stewards . The sum of their efforts is represented by . £ 297 1 is . 6 d , while in 1885 almost the same number of Stewards , representing the Province and about the same number of lodges , had the satis / action of compiling the
heavier total of £ 504 2 s . This , of course , bears out what we have stated already , namely , that the workers were as numerous and as willing as last year , but the ground on which they had to work was less favourable . There is no overcoming the difficulty that it is impossible to extract as much in subscriptions from a small as " from a large capital , and this year the capital has been comparatively small .
But , undoubtedly , the better plan will be to take the Provinces in their alphabetical ^ order , the list being headed by that of BERKS and OXON , whose four Stewards—one for the Province and three for as many lodgesmake up a total of £ 47 3 s . 6 d . BRISTOL had for its representative Bro . Col . J . R . Bramble , whose list , however , is still outstanding , while Bro . A . McDowall did duty for BUCKINGHAMSHIRE , and sent in £ 12 12 s . CHESHIRE
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
the Stewards had already put their names down for the ensuing year . What they had done this year they would continue to do in the next . Bro . GROSVENOR also replied . The Stewards had tried to gel up a good list , and he certainly had not been very much behind the brethren in getting a good list to support the Chairman . In Worcestershire they were very proud of Bro . Godson , and in the Parliamentary election they vvere prouder to get Bro . Godson elected .
Bro . STONE said that in Hants and the Isle of Wight the brethren were ready to do all they could to further the interests of Mark Masonry , and he hoped they would continue in the same course and swell the lists of the Benevolent Fund more and more . Bro . Baron DE FERRIERES proposed " The Ladies , " and Bro . BERRIDGE "The Visitors . "
Bro . STRACHAN responded for " The Visitors , though he had been a Steward , and when the result was only £ 82 , brought up as much as j £ i 2 . But whether as a visitor or as a Steward he was proud to be present . Although sorry the total sum this year was a trifle less than last year , he
could not help feeling that these events happened in cycle , and that next year the subscriptions would be greater . It was no want of interest in the fund vvhich made the subscriptions less this year than they were last year , and he felt sure the brethren need not be downhearted , asTrom what he had seen the future of the Mark Benevolent Fund would he a great one .
Bro . SILLITOE also replied , and hoped next year that he would also be amongst the list of Stewards . Bro . GODSON proposed " The Honorary Secretary , Bro . C . F . Matier , " than whom no brother could have done better for the success of a festival . Bro . C . F . MATIER , in reply , said that his labour , such as it had been , had been a labour of love , and had he not been so well directed as he had
been by the Chairman of the Board of Stewards , the Honorary Treasurer , andthe Sub-Committee he did not think that the success of that night would have been so great . Although they were sorry that the amount was not so good as last year , being , £ 200 less than it was in 18 S 5 ,
Ihey had the gratification oi knowing that they had 102 more Stewards , and a collection of ^ 1423 5 s . 6 d . more than they had ten years ago . What this fund would be in ten years' time vvas unknown to any one present , but he trusted the fund would increase in the same proportion as
it had increased , and that every one now present would be there in ten years to see the progress it had made . This concluded the business of the evening , which vvas enlivened by some charming singing by Miss Madeline Hardy , Miss Minnie Kirton ,
Bro . Reginald Groome , and Bro . Stanley Smith , under the direction of Bro . Edwin M . Lott , Mus . Doc , Past Grand Organist , to whom the highest praise is due for the great success of the musical portion of the treat provided for the brethren and ladies .
The jewel worn by the Stewards was designed by Bro . C . F . Matier , and manufactured by Bro . George Kenning . It contained the arms and crest of the Chairman and Mark emblems . On a quatrefoil band , " Mark Benevolent Fund , 1886 . "
LONDON . Lodge £ s . d . Grand Masters , Bro . R . Berridge 3 G 15 o Grand Stewards , Bro . R . P . Spice 10 10 o
Bon Accord , Bro . J . M . Collins 22 o o Old Kent , Bro . J . Ramsey ... 42 10 G ( Bro . P . L . Simonds ... 6 16 6 I „ G . Kenning 21 o o 8 Bro . G . P . Festa 10 10 o 22 „ S . H . Goldschmidt ... 14 14 o 363 „ E . Letchworth ... 23 2 o
UNATTACHED . Bro . Jas . Moon 5 5 o „ A . Tisley 5 5 o „ Henry George 5 5 ° „ S . Mattison
„ J . T . Tweedale 2100 „ Geo . Cooper 5 5 o „ Alfred Williams 10 10 o „ C . H . Driver ( Hon . Treas . ) 27 6 o „ C . F . Matier ( Hon . Sec . ) 52 10 o „ Samuel Kelly ... ,., 550
„ Dr . Geo . Mickley ... 6 6 o „ Rev . R . Morris , LL . D . .. 550 „ Wm . Maple 5 5 o „ C . S . Lane 5 5 0 „ A . H . Jefferis 5 5 o „ T . Mount Humphries ... 550 „ Rev . T . C . Smyth , D . D . 550 PROVINCES .
BERKS AND OXON . Province Bro . C . Stephens ... 15 7 o Lodge . 27 Bro . Stephen Knight ... 756 22 5 „ Maurice Wheeler ... 10 10 o 235 » F . J . Ferguson .,. 1 4 1 o
Province Bro . Col . J . R . Bramble BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . Province Bro . A . McDowall ... 12 12 o CHESHIRE .
uoage . 11 Bro . T . C . Thorburn ... 550 165 „ W . Roberts 10 10 o 19 G „ Lilley Ellis 5 5 0 327 „ Wm . Wylde 5 5 o
CORNWALL AND DEVON . The two Provinces , Bro . F . Crouch 30 10 G
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
CUMBERLAND & WESTMORLAND . Province Bro , T . Atkinson „ . 36 15 o EAST ANGLIA . Province Bro . J . P . Lewin ... 21 o o Lodge , j 12 Bro . C . A . C . Tones ... 20 o o
20 5 „ George Graveley ( see Middlesex Sr Surrey ) 334 „ A . H . Moyes 15 15 0 GIBRALTAR . Province Bro . Sir H . Burfotd Hancock GLOUCESTERSHIRE .
Province Bro . J . Brook-Smith 550 Lodge . 10 Bro . R . V . Vassar-Smith ... 2100 340 „ Dr . W . C . Heane ... 13 o o HANTS AND ISLE OF WIGHT .
Lodge . 54 Bro . Henry Stone ... 2100 305 „ F . Powell 12 15 G 320 „ Col . Lord John H . Taylour 5 5 0 HERTFORDSHIRE .
Lodge . 241 Bro . J . E . Dawson 10 10 0 354 „ F . T . Bennett 10 10 0 3 66 „ H . C , Heard 14 13 0 367 „ J . Brittain 8 12 0 KENT . Province Bro . Rev . Cummings 105 o 0 Lodge .
226 Bro . George Spinks . ... 31 16 6 309 „ A . H . Bateman ... 12 15 o 322 „ E . G . A . Binstead ... 10 10 0 332 „ Henry Roberts ... 5 5 o LANCASHIRE . Lodge . T . I . Bro . J . Kenyon 5 5 0
32 „ J . L . Aspland . ( „ W . Brackenbury 5 I „ Daniel Davies 11 3 „ G . T . Hardman ... 550 158 „ J . D . Murray ... 5 5 o LEICESTER , NORTHAMPTON , AND DERBYSHIRE .
Province Bro . W . J . Freer ... 12 10 o Lodge . 302 Bro . W . Whittaker ... 15 15 o - „ -J » A- Woodiwiss ... 26 5 o 30 ' 1 .. R . L . Homer Mole ... 1 o
3 * 39 „ W . L . Ball , „/ „ George Fletcher ... 5 5 0 I » Percy Wallis .,. ... 31 0 o
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
LINCOLNSHIRE . £ s . d . Province Bro . Jack Sutcliffe ... MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . Province Bro . P . A . Scratchley 19 2 0
-uujic . 4 Bro . J . Shilcock 7 o fi 5 „ Ii . M . Lott 13 13 o 104 „ Jabez Church ... 40 19 o x \\] Bro . D . P . Cama { , 1 , 1 ^ im Bro . E . "Whittaker 5 . s o
144 ,, C . Quennell 25 o o 1 S 1 „ J . T . Briggs 21 10 6 ' 99 „ John Aillud 211 „ " W . T . Rickwood ... 770 2 U „ John Mason 22 3 „ H . J . Lardner ... ro 10 o
234 „ J . S . Holliday ... 21 15 o 238 „ T . C . Walls 13 2 o 239 „ H . S . Goodall ... 12 1 6 251 „ T . Pargeter 20 o o 28 4 „ | . D . Birkin 12 12 o 3 i *> .. lames Terrv 10 10 o
33 r ,, Algernon C . Bauke ... 1 5 4 0 350 „ G . Graveley 10 10 o 355 ,, J- Willing , jun . ... 15 15 o NEW SOUTH WALES . 25 Bro . Norman Selfe ... 10 ro o
NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM . Province Bro . T . Bradley ... 550
SUMMARY OF T £ s . d . Berks and Oxon 47 3 6 Bristol ... Buckinghamshire 12 12 o Cheshire 26 5 o Cornwall and Devon 30 10 6
Cumberland arm Westmorland 36 15 o East Anglia 56 15 o Gibraltar ... _ Gloucestershire 35 5 o Hants and Isle of Wight ... 39 o 6 Hertfordshire 44 5 o Kent 165 G 6 Lancashire ... 15 15 o
Annual Festival Op The Mark Benevolent Fund.
NOTTINGHAM . £ s . d . Province Bro . J . Toplis ... 2100 Lodge . 265 Bro . Col . VV . Newton ... . 10 o o SUSSEX .
75 Bro . J . Harrison WARWICKSHIRE . 174 Bro . W . Corder 10 10 o WORCESTERSHIRE . ( Bro . A . V . Godson ... ") _„ , „ Province-3 „ W . B . WilliamA * : 2 1
1 1 s 2 u ( . son ... J J Lodge . 59 Bro . H . F . Dale 33 ° » W . G . Grosvenor ... 550 YORKSHIRE ( TOWN OK HULL ) . Bro . Col . R . G . Smith ... S 6 o
DEGREE OF ROYAL ARK MARINERS . De Irwin Bro . G . F . Tuckey ... 550 ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES . Matier Council Bro . W . Jaflrey 10 10 o Metropolitan Council Bro . R .
Koy 10 10 o Concord Bro . W . J . Thomson 10 to o 7 Bro . Webster Glynes ... 10 10 o 15 „ W . A . Scurrah ... 13 13 o 16 „ Dr . Stewart 21 10 6 16 „ C . Belton 5 S o
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . County Palatine Bro . J . W . Edwards 14 14 o
HE PROVINCES . Leicestershire , Northampton , £ s . d . and Derby SG o o Lincolnshire Middlesex and Surrey 297 11 G New South Wales 10 10 o Nottinghamshire and Durham 5 <; o
Nottingham r , i 0 o Sussex Warwickshire 10 10 o Worcestershire ... ... ... 70 17 G Yorkshire ( Town of Hull ) ... S 6 o Royal Ark Mariners 5 5 o Allied Masonic Degrees ... S 2 S G Red Cross of Constantine ... 14 14 o
LONDON—26 STEWARDS £ 3 6 3 5 Q PROVINCES—SS STEWARDS nG 6 o 6 GRAND TOTAL £ 1529 5 6 With 12 Lists to come in . ¦ *¦¦
RESULT OF THE FESTIVAL . There can be no doubt that the same causes have operated unfavourably on the Returns of the Mark Benevolent Fund Festival as on those of the Festivals held in aid of our great Central Institutions . Therefore , though a sense of disappointment at the result not being larger , seeing the Board of Stewards vvas considerably more numerous than last year , is legitimate enough , we think there is every reason to be satisfied with the total vvhich Bro . Matier
was in a position to announce on Wednesday . As a matter of arithmetic , it is clear that , if in 18 S 5 the Chairman and 88 Stewards raised a grand total of close on £ 1722 , then in 1886 a Board of 114 Stewards should have made up amongst them about £ 2250 . The result , however , was only ^ 1529 , and there are still 12 Lists still to be returned , so that the ultimate total may be estimated , perhaps , at about £ 1650 . Here , then , vve have a very aooreciable
difference amounting to some £ 600 between what ought to have been , arithmetically , and the sum actually contributed , vvhich difference we are justified in ascribing to the hard limes and the General Election . But having made due allowance for these unfavourable circumstances , we see no reason lor anything like discouragement because the figures for this 1886 Festival do not compare so well vvith those of last year as one could have wished . On
the contrary , we are inclined to look upon Wednesday ' s achievement as a good augury for the future . We have it in evidence that the same excellent system of organisation as regards the Board of Stewards was adopted on this occasion as proved so beneficial in 1885 . London was more numerously represented , and as many provinces sent up Stewards as last year . There was also a most genial Chairman , in the person of R . VV . Bro .
A . F . Godson , M . P ., Prov . G . Mark Masterof Worcestershire , vvho is not only himself a generous contributor on these festive occasions , but the cause of all others contributing as liberally according to their ability who come within the magic circle of his persuasive advocacy . The one drawback from all these auspicious surroundings—and there is no denying it was an important one—is that the moneys available to be charmed into the coffers of the fund were not quite so considerable as they were last year . However
with a little more steadiness in the political and commercial worlds , we may look to this drawback becoming less operative in its effects , and then we shall expect that a stronger body of Stewards will , commensurately with its strength , be more productive . Let us now glance briefly through the details of the list . London , with 26 Stewards , of whom 17 were Unattached , made up a total of £ 363 5 s ., the nine representatives of eight lodges being responsible for . £ 18 7 iSs . of this sum , and the balance of £ 175 7 s ., the product of the efforts of the 17 Unattached .
Oi the Mark Provinces 24 sent up Stewards , the most formidable returns coming from MIDDLESEX and SURREY , which had one Steward ( Bro . P . A . Scratchley ) doing duty for the whole province and 19 of its lodges represented by 20 Stewards . The sum of their efforts is represented by . £ 297 1 is . 6 d , while in 1885 almost the same number of Stewards , representing the Province and about the same number of lodges , had the satis / action of compiling the
heavier total of £ 504 2 s . This , of course , bears out what we have stated already , namely , that the workers were as numerous and as willing as last year , but the ground on which they had to work was less favourable . There is no overcoming the difficulty that it is impossible to extract as much in subscriptions from a small as " from a large capital , and this year the capital has been comparatively small .
But , undoubtedly , the better plan will be to take the Provinces in their alphabetical ^ order , the list being headed by that of BERKS and OXON , whose four Stewards—one for the Province and three for as many lodgesmake up a total of £ 47 3 s . 6 d . BRISTOL had for its representative Bro . Col . J . R . Bramble , whose list , however , is still outstanding , while Bro . A . McDowall did duty for BUCKINGHAMSHIRE , and sent in £ 12 12 s . CHESHIRE