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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , £$$ •* NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ~ y rOutsiile Railway Station ) , rvtftl ^ HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . "gO VJ 93 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . n IV ^ liS * JOHN GOW always has on sale the VUrr * - ** ' Largest Stock in London of thc Very Best rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled r t ^ fw * - * " Oysters . ^ SVy P ERFECTLY -F ITTED O YSTER SALOON Now Optn at New Broad Street .
| | 0 CHARLES LANCASTER , { | no ! i- * ouu " e |) 'Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , VW / KJBE M Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions ' " 3 § j SiH 5 # Exhibition ) , ' ^ --^ ^' r 1 XVEKTOB ANP PATENTEE OF TDK P 0 E ROOK , 4-BARREL BREECHLOADING HAMMERLESS ANTILOPE , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL EXPRESS ( Weight 71 b . loi . ) ( Weight 10 U > . ) (* 170 bore , lib . Ooi . ) XTTT TT AU V Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on Application . X 0 . 11 . 11 AK . X , Sjiecial Prices for Cash . LARGE " BORE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON , W . RIFLES . EstilMisliol 1 SS 0 .
J . B . KORNER , WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON . W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES . A large assortment of Gas and l . amp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the niohe .
< £ > ^ J- & W . TOLLEY , •^ < Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , 4 V C V PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAHj cN vVV 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , ^^ -A . NEW LISTS FREE . •^ r \ T Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " X ^ HAMMERLESS GUN . SERJEANTS PURE TEA , AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . I , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
Estab . ] THE [ 1804 . < $ $ > 4 * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . ** <\? V Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , -Ot \ V ani 1 unequalled in the world . Manufac . ¦ j : *\\ V tured by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of . «\ ' O' J Dumenly , Venljeh , Turkey , liachCigarette < VO ^ SX bears the Trade Mark , "DUMENLY , " V V wW V 1 ani 1 Monograms . None others are gen-- « vW V uine . One sample box ( sent post free _ QY > * ' for 2 S . 6 d . ) is sullicient to convince anv V ^ y * connoiseur of their superiority . r \\ v 5 > ^ ole a , 'llrcssin 'he United Kingdom—\)> 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family SPECIALITY— J £ . W £ DDING _ CAKES . ^ HERBERT and JONES & _ , x ^> , Frulu Qmitcv ' s ) ( From U . M . Kitchen ) \ £ j , y ^ A Cooks and Confectioners . & ^ Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , and Ball \ fX ** Suppers supplied , 48 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Established 3 UO years . ^
By Appointment to H . R . H , the Princess of Wales . g MA ISDN ISIDORE , g rr \ ( ESTABLISHED 1837 ) . Q »— Ladies' and Children ' s Haircutting on Scientilic — ^** Principles . Latest improvements in Covering U Z 5 for baldness . Banme ' s Medica . Extrait Vegetal —; J > Pommade a la Keine for the Hair . ( JJ 14 , BENTINCK STREET , MAMCHESTER SQUARE , W ~ GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above comp laints should winter in NICE , where they can be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHN & E'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
A NEW VARNISH * « ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , «^ ^ Clear as water or pla ' c-glafsj never before Ar ^ *** £ » . produced ; dries in live minutes . Hard , V * 1 + durable , and brilliant . A bottle , post free , OV ^ 13 lst .-1 mps .-Mr . STENT , S . Coventry < y Street . London , VV . Established 30 years . _; " BUMSTED'S 36 , KING WILLIAM ST „ TARLE LONDON , B . C . ixiww * - As supplied to SALT . Her Majesty the Queen .
# rr * W . STAPLE-TON" & Co . . t- 'Sv' ?' ' J- respectfully heg to invite atten-V tion to the undermentioned WINES , all f \ of which are shipped to them direct—< £$ >'* ' ¦ CL ^ SP ' ci SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz p oCVP A <^ v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s „ 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . „ V * ^> CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 21 s ., 30 s ., 36 s . „ ^ VVV CHAMPAGNES of all B .-ar . ds at the f . V ^) < "v ! v' loB < : st quotations . 1 heir celebrated f * C ^ XV * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at , . * NV 5 * 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . K wV ** Price List oE all other Wines and rt * wp * Spirits will bc sent on application to V ) V * 203 , REGENT ST ., corner of Conduit-st ., W .
UADBURY , PRATT & 00 „ 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family , CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
^ J . C . CORDING AND Co , E *^» FOR THE BEST ^ WATERPROOFS A ^ y ^ ' FOR § <^> SHOOTING , « 3 2 FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . A ? £ 5 » y Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREE T , ^ PICCADILLY .
JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CARKIAGES . 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c „ Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , Baker-street , and 92-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W . ^ « . LlJ ND L BLOGKLEY , X ^* ^ CJ P' Watch & Clock Manufacturers tothe Queen 4 gO S $ T and Royal Family . * * ^ V Keyless llalf-Chrotiometer Wnichcs , Turret and C ^^ " ^ Church Clocks , Patent Chfinhig Machines , ' xO ^ f * > CliiminR Clocks , House Clocks . . - ^ y * _ Kv' Watch and Clock Manufacturers to the Ad - ¦* jy > fy ** mlralty , Hoyal Geographical Society , Wa-! x * > ™ - *\> " ^ OlHcc , IndiaUovcrnment . gp O 43 , PAIL MALL , LONDON , S . W , ; and Rampart Row , Bombay .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simulc , Korcrcnt . n »< l Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory l'amplilet ( , -ratif . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANOASTKR PLACE , STBAND , W . C . PATENT EAETH TO EAETH PERISHABLE COFFINS . / . DUER , / /*? i 4 6 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., ' & l ( Established 1 I 49 J , A BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , >^ / Vans toall parts Daily . Hampers packed ^ Aj / ant ' s ** nt to a" parts of the Country with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FANCY ROILS AND BREAD ;
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY £ * 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . ^ 1 ' Makers to Her Majesty . tfy Ji Hy Special Appointment , A . D . May 13 th , 1856 . rJ " ^ " Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " JJSJ To the 13 ank of lingland and its Branches . 2 Q < r > r \ r \ GUINEAS REWARD . * J 23 cjUvJ H ., H . and Co . renew their offer from Q ^ January to June , 1 S 86 , as at the Inter-^•* national Exhibition of 1862 , also at Paris , 186 7 , and „ again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could pick X / X ** * Q their locks ( then and now on exhibit and supplied to SKA the public ) with their Patent Combined Protectors , Ti but thc challenge then made was not accepted , O ~ although the locks werecxamined b y several mechanics . f > O These were the only locks exhibited under actual Jrf . J challenge to pick . P 5 N . B . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above offer are expected to master liiglit Lever Locks as a (| ii , * ili / i-. h cation . II ., II . and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit j » at the Inventions lixhibition , i 88 j , again make thc 2 above offer as a test of the non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . Jrf N . B . —ILLUSTRATED LIST OF THE VARIOUS SERIES of 05 Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , J Banks , Hotels , Cottages , & c , on application . OJ Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET , N .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 1 O 3 , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . The Committee earnestly APPEAL for FUNDS in AID ofthe NEW BUILDING which is intended to supply the sorely needed want of Hospital accommodation in the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will be most thankfully received by the Bankers , Messrs . Glyn , Mills , and Co ., 67 , Lombardstreet , E . C . ; by the Chairman , Joseph Fry , Esq ., 21 , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , 1 i . C . j and by GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS C SODA WATER . 3 S . 6 d . per Doz . ) POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) ) SELTZER WATER . L GINGER ALE . 4 s . < 5 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . " Fountain " Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., 5 1 , Berners-street , London .
, The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 A y The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . / wT Tlie Report upon tlie Steinicay Pianos by the Ay ^ Musical Jury ofthe Inventions Kxhibition teas . As * ^ higher than that of any other Maker . £ ? STEINWAY Grand ^ A * and Upright PIANOS £ / y < -C ^ y Are the Cheapest because the Best and Most <§> ^ . ^ T PuraWc ^ V C ^ STEIXWAY & SONS are the only Miuiufnclu- " > r rcrs who make all the component parts of their * S . / Pianofortes exterior and interior ( including j-S ^ / the casting of the full Metal Frames ) , in their ' _ fv / / own Factories . ^ 5 ? ' Descriptive Catnloyues sent , free on application , STEINWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Portman Square , London , W .
TRY W . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS I And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with _ _• _^ __ TRUE PIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Rear Vie Mansion House ) . Specialities-Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS I a few days , large Stock to select from . Gold Medal Awarded nt tlie London I 11 tcrnati 011 . 1 l Kxhibition , Crystal Palace , 18 SI .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH V * w Such ns have henn found to bc thc most useful *> s \ and durable , SUPPLIED by thc actual makers >* < V * from is . 0 J . each ; nn upper or lower set from y ~ V * O VV" 2- " , s' upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War--V > O JC »* rented to rive perfect satisfaction . No pain CV ^ -ilV vt * fftven . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental r -X' Surffeon . fi . Coventry Strcet , W ., and 537 , Fulhani * rO Itoad , S . W . Established 50 years . Nun ; cro"s f \ testimonials may be seen from ladies and pentlemcii . ^^_ S PANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . ROSS'S CANTHARIDES . It acts quickly in producing Hair on the Face or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d ,, and ios . 6 d . ; sent post £ ¦ r £ . 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , 21 , Lamb ' s Conduit-st ., London ( near thc Foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established ISJO .
< gP & Tilbury ' s Warehouses , - ^ ° v ^ MARYLEBONE , LONDON «^ , < . - € > ¦ ( The Oldest Store Warehouses , Es->»* 0 » fA \ tablished 5 oyears ) , forStorin (; Fnrniture & "V s \\ y * Household EITects , Plate , Luggage , & c . \* ^ ^ jC Specially-built Warehouses and Fire-proof Q" Strong Rooms . Olfice—EOWD . TILBURV & Co ., 35 , High-st ., St . Marylebone , W . I CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s Boot Maker , 89 , JEBMYM" STEEET , 4 Doors from St . James's Street , London , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of i 8 ji , I SCJ and 1867 . The Gold Medal , 1870 .
CHAMPAGNE ^ -ST O , ^< S P §^ \ ^< rrK * . ^\ y ^ A- «**' —rT vo - < T ( V ^ SA >) " — 36 s . per doz . *^ T \ W \ Vi ^ A- ^ A Trial Solicited . * Q VA ^ - ^ 19 , SWALLOW ST . 'K ^ ^^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W . ^
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY— 4 Queen Street Place , London , E . C . CAPITAL—ACJUARTER-OF-A-MILLION STERLING . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARYWILLIAM SUTTON COVER , Esq ., P . G . S ., P . M ., P . Z . Thirty-First Annual Report—May , 1886 . NEW BUSINESS . 1 , 97 2 Policies issued for £ 402 , 812 New Premium Income JC ' , 324 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 27 , 768 Policies , assuring jCs . 2 iS * SS < 5 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums ...,... „ £ 152 , 036 Interest , & c £ 431107 £ ' 95 . i 43 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 72 , 452 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , lSS 6 £ 1 . 083 , 415 Claims and Bonuses paid under Company's Policies £ 94 6 , 340 Average Reversionary Bonus for 30 years , about i £ per cent , per annum .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , £$$ •* NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ~ y rOutsiile Railway Station ) , rvtftl ^ HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . "gO VJ 93 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . n IV ^ liS * JOHN GOW always has on sale the VUrr * - ** ' Largest Stock in London of thc Very Best rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled r t ^ fw * - * " Oysters . ^ SVy P ERFECTLY -F ITTED O YSTER SALOON Now Optn at New Broad Street .
| | 0 CHARLES LANCASTER , { | no ! i- * ouu " e |) 'Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , VW / KJBE M Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions ' " 3 § j SiH 5 # Exhibition ) , ' ^ --^ ^' r 1 XVEKTOB ANP PATENTEE OF TDK P 0 E ROOK , 4-BARREL BREECHLOADING HAMMERLESS ANTILOPE , GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL EXPRESS ( Weight 71 b . loi . ) ( Weight 10 U > . ) (* 170 bore , lib . Ooi . ) XTTT TT AU V Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on Application . X 0 . 11 . 11 AK . X , Sjiecial Prices for Cash . LARGE " BORE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON , W . RIFLES . EstilMisliol 1 SS 0 .
J . B . KORNER , WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON . W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES . A large assortment of Gas and l . amp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the niohe .
< £ > ^ J- & W . TOLLEY , •^ < Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , 4 V C V PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAHj cN vVV 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , ^^ -A . NEW LISTS FREE . •^ r \ T Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " X ^ HAMMERLESS GUN . SERJEANTS PURE TEA , AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . I , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
Estab . ] THE [ 1804 . < $ $ > 4 * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . ** <\? V Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , -Ot \ V ani 1 unequalled in the world . Manufac . ¦ j : *\\ V tured by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of . «\ ' O' J Dumenly , Venljeh , Turkey , liachCigarette < VO ^ SX bears the Trade Mark , "DUMENLY , " V V wW V 1 ani 1 Monograms . None others are gen-- « vW V uine . One sample box ( sent post free _ QY > * ' for 2 S . 6 d . ) is sullicient to convince anv V ^ y * connoiseur of their superiority . r \\ v 5 > ^ ole a , 'llrcssin 'he United Kingdom—\)> 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family SPECIALITY— J £ . W £ DDING _ CAKES . ^ HERBERT and JONES & _ , x ^> , Frulu Qmitcv ' s ) ( From U . M . Kitchen ) \ £ j , y ^ A Cooks and Confectioners . & ^ Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , and Ball \ fX ** Suppers supplied , 48 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Established 3 UO years . ^
By Appointment to H . R . H , the Princess of Wales . g MA ISDN ISIDORE , g rr \ ( ESTABLISHED 1837 ) . Q »— Ladies' and Children ' s Haircutting on Scientilic — ^** Principles . Latest improvements in Covering U Z 5 for baldness . Banme ' s Medica . Extrait Vegetal —; J > Pommade a la Keine for the Hair . ( JJ 14 , BENTINCK STREET , MAMCHESTER SQUARE , W ~ GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above comp laints should winter in NICE , where they can be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHN & E'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
A NEW VARNISH * « ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , «^ ^ Clear as water or pla ' c-glafsj never before Ar ^ *** £ » . produced ; dries in live minutes . Hard , V * 1 + durable , and brilliant . A bottle , post free , OV ^ 13 lst .-1 mps .-Mr . STENT , S . Coventry < y Street . London , VV . Established 30 years . _; " BUMSTED'S 36 , KING WILLIAM ST „ TARLE LONDON , B . C . ixiww * - As supplied to SALT . Her Majesty the Queen .
# rr * W . STAPLE-TON" & Co . . t- 'Sv' ?' ' J- respectfully heg to invite atten-V tion to the undermentioned WINES , all f \ of which are shipped to them direct—< £$ >'* ' ¦ CL ^ SP ' ci SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz p oCVP A <^ v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s „ 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . „ V * ^> CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 21 s ., 30 s ., 36 s . „ ^ VVV CHAMPAGNES of all B .-ar . ds at the f . V ^) < "v ! v' loB < : st quotations . 1 heir celebrated f * C ^ XV * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at , . * NV 5 * 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . K wV ** Price List oE all other Wines and rt * wp * Spirits will bc sent on application to V ) V * 203 , REGENT ST ., corner of Conduit-st ., W .
UADBURY , PRATT & 00 „ 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family , CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
^ J . C . CORDING AND Co , E *^» FOR THE BEST ^ WATERPROOFS A ^ y ^ ' FOR § <^> SHOOTING , « 3 2 FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . A ? £ 5 » y Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREE T , ^ PICCADILLY .
JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CARKIAGES . 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c „ Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , Baker-street , and 92-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W . ^ « . LlJ ND L BLOGKLEY , X ^* ^ CJ P' Watch & Clock Manufacturers tothe Queen 4 gO S $ T and Royal Family . * * ^ V Keyless llalf-Chrotiometer Wnichcs , Turret and C ^^ " ^ Church Clocks , Patent Chfinhig Machines , ' xO ^ f * > CliiminR Clocks , House Clocks . . - ^ y * _ Kv' Watch and Clock Manufacturers to the Ad - ¦* jy > fy ** mlralty , Hoyal Geographical Society , Wa-! x * > ™ - *\> " ^ OlHcc , IndiaUovcrnment . gp O 43 , PAIL MALL , LONDON , S . W , ; and Rampart Row , Bombay .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simulc , Korcrcnt . n »< l Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory l'amplilet ( , -ratif . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANOASTKR PLACE , STBAND , W . C . PATENT EAETH TO EAETH PERISHABLE COFFINS . / . DUER , / /*? i 4 6 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., ' & l ( Established 1 I 49 J , A BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , >^ / Vans toall parts Daily . Hampers packed ^ Aj / ant ' s ** nt to a" parts of the Country with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FANCY ROILS AND BREAD ;
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY £ * 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . ^ 1 ' Makers to Her Majesty . tfy Ji Hy Special Appointment , A . D . May 13 th , 1856 . rJ " ^ " Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " JJSJ To the 13 ank of lingland and its Branches . 2 Q < r > r \ r \ GUINEAS REWARD . * J 23 cjUvJ H ., H . and Co . renew their offer from Q ^ January to June , 1 S 86 , as at the Inter-^•* national Exhibition of 1862 , also at Paris , 186 7 , and „ again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could pick X / X ** * Q their locks ( then and now on exhibit and supplied to SKA the public ) with their Patent Combined Protectors , Ti but thc challenge then made was not accepted , O ~ although the locks werecxamined b y several mechanics . f > O These were the only locks exhibited under actual Jrf . J challenge to pick . P 5 N . B . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above offer are expected to master liiglit Lever Locks as a (| ii , * ili / i-. h cation . II ., II . and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit j » at the Inventions lixhibition , i 88 j , again make thc 2 above offer as a test of the non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . Jrf N . B . —ILLUSTRATED LIST OF THE VARIOUS SERIES of 05 Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , J Banks , Hotels , Cottages , & c , on application . OJ Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET , N .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 1 O 3 , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C . The Committee earnestly APPEAL for FUNDS in AID ofthe NEW BUILDING which is intended to supply the sorely needed want of Hospital accommodation in the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will be most thankfully received by the Bankers , Messrs . Glyn , Mills , and Co ., 67 , Lombardstreet , E . C . ; by the Chairman , Joseph Fry , Esq ., 21 , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , 1 i . C . j and by GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS C SODA WATER . 3 S . 6 d . per Doz . ) POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) ) SELTZER WATER . L GINGER ALE . 4 s . < 5 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . " Fountain " Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., 5 1 , Berners-street , London .
, The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 A y The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . / wT Tlie Report upon tlie Steinicay Pianos by the Ay ^ Musical Jury ofthe Inventions Kxhibition teas . As * ^ higher than that of any other Maker . £ ? STEINWAY Grand ^ A * and Upright PIANOS £ / y < -C ^ y Are the Cheapest because the Best and Most <§> ^ . ^ T PuraWc ^ V C ^ STEIXWAY & SONS are the only Miuiufnclu- " > r rcrs who make all the component parts of their * S . / Pianofortes exterior and interior ( including j-S ^ / the casting of the full Metal Frames ) , in their ' _ fv / / own Factories . ^ 5 ? ' Descriptive Catnloyues sent , free on application , STEINWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Portman Square , London , W .
TRY W . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS I And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with _ _• _^ __ TRUE PIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Rear Vie Mansion House ) . Specialities-Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS I a few days , large Stock to select from . Gold Medal Awarded nt tlie London I 11 tcrnati 011 . 1 l Kxhibition , Crystal Palace , 18 SI .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH V * w Such ns have henn found to bc thc most useful *> s \ and durable , SUPPLIED by thc actual makers >* < V * from is . 0 J . each ; nn upper or lower set from y ~ V * O VV" 2- " , s' upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War--V > O JC »* rented to rive perfect satisfaction . No pain CV ^ -ilV vt * fftven . Advice free . Mr . STENT , Dental r -X' Surffeon . fi . Coventry Strcet , W ., and 537 , Fulhani * rO Itoad , S . W . Established 50 years . Nun ; cro"s f \ testimonials may be seen from ladies and pentlemcii . ^^_ S PANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . ROSS'S CANTHARIDES . It acts quickly in producing Hair on the Face or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d ,, and ios . 6 d . ; sent post £ ¦ r £ . 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , 21 , Lamb ' s Conduit-st ., London ( near thc Foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established ISJO .
< gP & Tilbury ' s Warehouses , - ^ ° v ^ MARYLEBONE , LONDON «^ , < . - € > ¦ ( The Oldest Store Warehouses , Es->»* 0 » fA \ tablished 5 oyears ) , forStorin (; Fnrniture & "V s \\ y * Household EITects , Plate , Luggage , & c . \* ^ ^ jC Specially-built Warehouses and Fire-proof Q" Strong Rooms . Olfice—EOWD . TILBURV & Co ., 35 , High-st ., St . Marylebone , W . I CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s Boot Maker , 89 , JEBMYM" STEEET , 4 Doors from St . James's Street , London , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of i 8 ji , I SCJ and 1867 . The Gold Medal , 1870 .
CHAMPAGNE ^ -ST O , ^< S P §^ \ ^< rrK * . ^\ y ^ A- «**' —rT vo - < T ( V ^ SA >) " — 36 s . per doz . *^ T \ W \ Vi ^ A- ^ A Trial Solicited . * Q VA ^ - ^ 19 , SWALLOW ST . 'K ^ ^^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W . ^
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY— 4 Queen Street Place , London , E . C . CAPITAL—ACJUARTER-OF-A-MILLION STERLING . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARYWILLIAM SUTTON COVER , Esq ., P . G . S ., P . M ., P . Z . Thirty-First Annual Report—May , 1886 . NEW BUSINESS . 1 , 97 2 Policies issued for £ 402 , 812 New Premium Income JC ' , 324 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 27 , 768 Policies , assuring jCs . 2 iS * SS < 5 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums ...,... „ £ 152 , 036 Interest , & c £ 431107 £ ' 95 . i 43 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 72 , 452 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , lSS 6 £ 1 . 083 , 415 Claims and Bonuses paid under Company's Policies £ 94 6 , 340 Average Reversionary Bonus for 30 years , about i £ per cent , per annum .