Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence, Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC EXHIBITION , SHANKLIN , I . W . THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER of thc CHINE LODGE has the honour to announce that the Prov . G . Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , the R . W . Bro . W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., will OPEN thc EXHIBITION on THURSDAY , SEI ' TEMBER gth . Thc Exhibits will contain representative Medals of nearly every country , sent by Bro . G . Taylor , P . G . S . Worcestershire . Among the many and very large Contributors arc Bvo . J . K . Le Feuvre , Dep . P . G . Alaster Hants and I . W ., G . J . D . England ; Bro . F . H . Goldney , P . G . D . Wilts ; the R . W . Bro . Kelly , F . S . A ., P . Prov . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland ; Bro . T . Frances , Prov . S . G . D . Sussex ; Bro . G . KenninET , P . P . G . D . Middlesex ; Bro . J . Shackles , Hull ; Bro . J . Nillson , Dublin ; Bro . J . S . Cumberland , P . P . G . J . W . N . E . Yorks j while Bro . Hughan , who is kindly appending his notes , will , with Bro . Lane , send a large selection of rare articles . Considering the beauty of the Grounds surrounding * "The Chalet , " which is so admirably adapted for an exhibition , a magnificent success is confidently hoped for . Already it has created immense interest in the Island ; thc principal residents it is believed will bc present at the opening .
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . — WEEKLY EXCURSIONS to WEST of ENGLAND and WEYMOUTH . On EVERY SATURDAY until further notice EXCURSION TRAINS will leave Padding * ton as under : At S . 5 a . m . for Portishead , Lynmouth , Exeter , Barnstaple , llfracombe ( vi . t Portishead and via Barnstaple ) , Dawlish , Teignmouth , Torquay , Plymouth , Devonport , Truro , Newquay , Falmouth , PEN / . ANCE , & c . At 1045 a . m . —For Newbury , Hungerford , Marlborough , Devizes , Trowbridge , Westbury , Frome , Wells , Yeovil , Bridport , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , & c . At 12 . 10 p . m . —For Swindon , Chippenham , Hath , Bristol , Clevedon , Weston-super-Mare , Bridgwater , Taunton , Chard , Williton , Minehead , South Molton , TIVERTON , & c . Passengers return following Monday week or fortnight ; but they can in most cases , on payment of 20 per cent , on the fare , return on the intervening Saturdays or Sundays dining thc time their tickets are available . Excursion passengers will also be booked at Kensington ( Addisonroad ) , U . vbridge-road , Hammersmith , Shcphcrd's-bush , Latimer-road , and Westbourne-park . Bills can bc obtained at the Company's Stations and Offices . J . GRIERSON , General Manager .
YOUNG MAN ( Master Mason ) desires SITUATION of any Itind , has worked at the lathe and vice ; can do any kind of soldering in silver or metal . Not particular to country or abroad . Please address , A . M ., care of Mr . Simpkins , 5 , Clerkenwellgreen , London , E . C . HOUSE TO LET ( eight rooms ) with or without shop , near the General Post Office . Apply 196 , Aldersgate-street ,
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE (¦ P . M . and P . Z . ) . —PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by . means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W . ARIS EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for the Sons of Gentlemen . Principal : M . G . Ovt 6 e , Officier d'Academie , late Inspector of the Ecole Supeneure de Commerce de Paris , and Translator of Higgenson ' s United States History . For terms , address G . Ovrde , 14 , Rue David , Passy , Paris .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY . LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN ' S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . I Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manaijci ^ S Moule's EARTH System , •^ 0 ^ ^ y \ J . W . Girdlestone ' s Patent , C f ^ ^ " - * 5 a , GARRICK STREET , $ H &^_ COYENT GARDEN , LONDON .
By Royal ^ ^ To Appointment ' < A ^ LJ *» HK . H . ———to H . E . H . ^ mM ^! Princess Princess of g 2 £ g- £ f ?* 4 r nnOTT * Wales . S" ^*^ Louise . POSl fi * D * ™| J ; ' BOUQUET . BAYSMTER HILL , LOHDOIf , W ., ~ INVESTOR OK THE NEW STYLE llll ! . Z > L , t \ OKJLV O POSY BOUQUET—The Season's Success . SUCCESS . BRIDES * & BRIDESMAIDS' BOUQUETS ou the Shortest Notice . - O ' jy-Js di-Hvercd , cart-fully imcked , IMHBDIATI : I . Y 011 receipt or Order .
E . DENT & Co ., Co Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal awarded j £ j * £ « l-wpivn-mttA in TccmA Clocks . - £ V 61 Strand & 4 Koyal Exchange , London . 4 > v C > T CLOCKMJKKS . S to the QUEEN . A . V i ^ ' Makers of the ( treat Westminster Clock A **/ ; £ ¦*¦ ( »* ° »•*»)• *< y NO Will be happy to furnish ESTIMATES for thc -QTA Installation or Repair of CIIUKCH and A * y othcr Puunc CI-OCKS . £ ^ Lent ' s new Illustrated Catalogue of High' Class Watches at Ecduoed Prices , sent Post Free .
I . J ~ - -- ^ BetorepurchasinganvEii * cfric Curative Appliance , write D M r ~ - ~ - ^ forthc Pamphlet " Iil . KCTRIC I . l FK . and How J . / J / P J ? -VA ^ - ^__ to Find it , " which contains s * und , reli-*> " * -VJ \ fPCt > ~~ ^ ' ^~~ a '" '" formation on the employ"AA ^ - tyA i * T * ~ ^ - ^ _ mcnt oi cl , ; ctricitv for rc-GRATIS ^~~~^^ e ««^ A- -A"dial P '' r , ' 0 SeS * and Post Free from ^~ ~^ $° Uj 3 r ? JW A / vT ^ - ^ JEVONS BROi ^^ t ^ tfmiq 166 , FLEET ST ., LONDON , E ^^ A-A ^**
TO OUR READERS . THE FREEMASON ' is published every Friday morninc ; , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating " to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , inc l uding Postage : — United States , United Kingdom . Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonies & c . Arabia , & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may be made in Stamps , but Post Ofiice Orders of cheques are preferred , the former parable to GEOKUE KE . V . W . YR , Chief Office , Loudon , the latta ciossci \ . oni * ion Joint Stock Bank .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
BOOKS . & c , RECEIVED . " St . George ' s Magazine , " "Allen's Indian Mail , " " Canadian Craftsman , " " New York Sundav News , " "Proceedings ofthe District Grand Lodge of Natal , " " New Zealand Mail , " " New Zealand Freemason , " " Keystone , " " Yorkshire Weekly Post , " * ' Thc Freemason " ( Sydney )' , " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " " Lancaster Daily Examiner , " " El Gray Oriente De Espana
Dccenano Masonico , " " Masonic Chronicle , " " Cambridge Chronicle and University Journal , " " Masonic Era and Analectic , " " Court Circular , " "Masonic Journal , " "The Freemason" ( Toronto ) , " New York Dispatch , ** " Die Banhiitte , " " Jewish Chronicle , " " Pnblic Ledger , " "La Fraternidad del Porvenir , " " Night and Day , " "Sunday Times " ( "London ) , " Citizen , " " Sunday Times " ( New York ) , " Yorkshire Gazette , " and " The Lifeboat . "
Original Correspondence,
Original Correspondence ,
WT ^ r ^^^^^^^ iir ^^^^^^ r ^^
SATURDAY , J 31 , 1886 ,
tWedo not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinionsexprcssed by ourcorrespondents , but we wish in aspirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ]
MASONIC TITLES . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In the report of the consecration of a new lodge in West Lancashire , 1 find the brother who presided in the absence of the Prov . Grand Master designated as " actine * R . W . P . G . M . " fc
Clause 120 , Book of Constitution , says that" Every new Iodge shall be solemnly constituted according to ancient usage by the Grand Afaster and his Wardens , or in the absence of the Grand Master by his Deputy . If the Deputy be absent , the Grand Master may appoint some other Grand Officer or Master , or Past Master of a lodge to act as Deputy pro tempore . " Query—Did the officer presiding at the consecration of
the lodge alluded to act as Deputy or Provincial Grand Master , or simply as presiding or Consecrating Officer , deputed by the Provincial Grand Master to do the work for him ? The Book of Constitutions , clause 70 , distinctly says that a Deputy performing the functions of a Provincial Grand Master , shall not acquire additional rank . Does not this apply to a Deputy pro tempore also?—I am , yours fraternally , P . M .
A CURIOUS PARAGRAPH . To the Editor ofthe "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In looking over some files of newspapers of the last century , I have come across the following paragraph
in the London Chronicle , for 17 th July , 1766 , viz ., "On Thursday last the explorers escaped from the Free Masons in Kent , and arrived safe in town , to the great joy of their friends here . " Can Bro . Hughan , or some other eminent Masonic historian , explain the paragraph ?—Yours fraternally , FREDERICK HASTINGS GOLDNEY , P . G . D .
FREEMASONRY AS IT IS . Calcutta : 18 SC . The lecture was delivered by Bro . Nobin C , Bural , P . M . 234 ( E . C . ) , at the 48 th meeting of the Calcutta Emulation Lodge of Improvement on March 27 th , iSSC , and has been
printed by request . The object of the author is to induce brethren to explore the history of the Brotherhood of Freemasons , and to trace the origin and erudite meaning of its symbols ; not for them to rest content with the sparse information obtained at initiation , but to use the
introduction into the Society as a means for progress and knowledge respecting the esoteric character of the Fraternity . He alludes with justifiable pride and congratulation to the number of Hindoos now in the ranks of the Craft , mentioning our esteemed Bro . P . C . Dutt , who
"for nine long years sought to get admittance into the Order , " and at last was rewarded with the right hand of fellowship . Bro . Dutt was initiated in 1872 , and was the first Hindoo Master to preside over a lodge ( 1874 ) . Bro . Bural supposes " it was not understood that pure Hinduism has nothing in it opposed to Masonic doctrines , " but now
he considers as we do in this Country , that their " admission has proved the right of every good man and true—all things being equal—to admission into the ranks of Freemasonry . " In conclusion he remarks that "If England , with its political constitution , social institutions and religious establishments , failed within the space of nearlv nnc
hundred years to recognize native society , and raise its status on a par with that of England , it was undoubtedly a misfortune , but , brethren , England ' s mission has been fulfilled atlast .... Afasons should work in securing the solution of that great social problem—the real an 3 cordial union of all races of men on the Continent of India . "
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft J-Hasoitrjj ,
LODGE OF ST . JOHN ( No . 1306 ) . —The sixth annual summer banquet in connection with this Iodge toolplace at Broxbourne Gardens on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., and was most successful , the weather being all that could be wished . At the banquet Bro . G . T . Holdom occupied the chair , Bros . T . G . Twinn , S . VV ., and J . Loftus , J . W ., in the vice-chairs . Amongst those present , in addition to
the above , were Miss Holdom , Mrs . Twinn , Mrs . Loftus , Bro . Veal , P . M ., Mrs . Veal , Miss Veal , Bro . Magrath , P . M ., Mrs . Magrath , Master Magrath , Bro . Wooding , P . M ., Mrs . Wooding , Bro . McCreddie , Secretary of the lodge ; Mrs . McCreddie , Bro . Hansmann , Bro . Dawe , Miss Dawe , Bro . W . H . Myers , P . M . S 20 ; Mrs . Myers , Bro . Joslin , Mrs . Joslin , Bro . F . H . Dale , Mr . [ Quail and
the Misses Quail , Mr . Anderson , Mrs . Anderson , Miss Connor , Miss Gill , Mr . Bland , Mr . Bayley , Mrs . Bale , and others . After the banquet , the Chairman gave the loyal toasts and that of "The Lodge of St . John , " which were duly honoured . Bro . Veal , P . M ., then proposed "The Chairman ' s
Health in nattering terms , and it was drunk with musical honours . The Chairman briefly replied , saying that as the day was fine , he would curtail his remarks , so that the company might get out into the air . The Chairman then proposed " The Vice-Chairmen , " which also received musical honours .
Bro . Loftus suitably replied . Next came the toast of "The Visitors , " replied to by Bro . Joslin , who spoke of the enjoyment he had received at previous summer banquets wilh the lodge . " The Treasurer and Secretary " were also toasted and accorded musical honours . The toast was replied to by Bro . Magrath , Sec , and Bro . Twinn , as Hon . Sec .
"The Ladies" were honoured with customary emphasis , and on their behalf , Bro . F . H . Dale replied , and congratulated himself on the fact that this was the third time he had had the honour and pleasure of returning thanks on behalf of the ladies . This ended the toast list , and the party adjourned to thc
garden for boating and other outdoor attractions ; and gathered again in the evening and kept up dancing until time to catch the last train to London . Miss Veal and Master Magrath played selections on the piano , and Kalisher's Quadrille Band supplied the requisite music .
SPHINX LODGE ( Xo . 1329 ) . —On Saturday afternoon , the 17 th inst ., the brethren of this popular lodge assembled at Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New road , for the purpose of transacting some important business connected with this lodge in particular , and the Order in genera ) . There was a good muster of the members and visitors present . Among the former were Bros .
G . Marsden , W . M . ; R . J . Voisey , S . W . ; J . Hernaman , J . W . ; J . C . Reynolds , Treas . ; C . Wilson , Sec ; S . H . Goldschmidt , S . D . j D . D . Mercer , J . D . ; T . E . Webb , I . G . ; F . VV . N . Smith , Org . ; Charles Gooding , Stwd . ; J . J . Brinton , I . P . M . ; R . R . Bryant , P . M . ; Dr . C . Gross , R . Elgar , W . G . Andrews , W . Andrews , F . P . Hunt , E . J . Jones , H . H . Hyslop , J . Arnold , Scriven
Bradley , Cockle , H . Crisp , W . E . Crisp , and R . Irvine . The visitors were Bros . VV . Brennan , 205 , P . M ., P . G . D . ; C . J . Sparrow , 65 ; W . M . Parkinson , 237 ; R . Davis , ' 9 63 J' F- Haddon , W . Preston , 776 ; G . and J . Ackerman , 65 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The VV . M .
then proceeded with the solemn and impressive ceremony of the Third Degree , and raised Bro . Henry Hector Hyslop to the position of a M . M . The able manner in which this ritual was conducted elicited ] unreserved commendations from all present . The W . M . then initiated Messrs . Walter Edward Crisp and Hugh Crisp into the mysteries of Freemasonry . This ceremony was equal in impressiveness
to the preceding one . Nothing can impart greater pleasure to a lodge than the efficient working of the Master . During the progress of the ceremonies several pieces of music were sung , and the whole character of the proceedings was bright and truly Masonic . The other business immediately connected with the lodge was then discussed , and the proceedings ended in the usual manner .
The W . M ., on leaving the Temple , invited the brethren to dine with him , and the invitation was cheerfully accepted . Bro . Venables had prepared a most appetising repast , which all the guests appreciated . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M ., in concise and appropriate terms , proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the VV . M .
concluding by proposing "The Officers of the Lodge , " to which the S . W ., Bro . Voisey , replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . The pleasures of the evening were greatly enhanced by the exquisite singing of Mrs . Marsden and Miss Yost , Miss Walker , with much proficiency , presiding at the pianoforte .
FARRINGDON WITHOUT LODGE ( No . 1745 ) . —This lodge met for the dispatch of business at the Viaduct Hotel , Holborn , on the 2 Gtb inst ., when there were present , among others , Bros . Thos . Simpson , W . M . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC EXHIBITION , SHANKLIN , I . W . THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER of thc CHINE LODGE has the honour to announce that the Prov . G . Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , the R . W . Bro . W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., will OPEN thc EXHIBITION on THURSDAY , SEI ' TEMBER gth . Thc Exhibits will contain representative Medals of nearly every country , sent by Bro . G . Taylor , P . G . S . Worcestershire . Among the many and very large Contributors arc Bvo . J . K . Le Feuvre , Dep . P . G . Alaster Hants and I . W ., G . J . D . England ; Bro . F . H . Goldney , P . G . D . Wilts ; the R . W . Bro . Kelly , F . S . A ., P . Prov . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland ; Bro . T . Frances , Prov . S . G . D . Sussex ; Bro . G . KenninET , P . P . G . D . Middlesex ; Bro . J . Shackles , Hull ; Bro . J . Nillson , Dublin ; Bro . J . S . Cumberland , P . P . G . J . W . N . E . Yorks j while Bro . Hughan , who is kindly appending his notes , will , with Bro . Lane , send a large selection of rare articles . Considering the beauty of the Grounds surrounding * "The Chalet , " which is so admirably adapted for an exhibition , a magnificent success is confidently hoped for . Already it has created immense interest in the Island ; thc principal residents it is believed will bc present at the opening .
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . — WEEKLY EXCURSIONS to WEST of ENGLAND and WEYMOUTH . On EVERY SATURDAY until further notice EXCURSION TRAINS will leave Padding * ton as under : At S . 5 a . m . for Portishead , Lynmouth , Exeter , Barnstaple , llfracombe ( vi . t Portishead and via Barnstaple ) , Dawlish , Teignmouth , Torquay , Plymouth , Devonport , Truro , Newquay , Falmouth , PEN / . ANCE , & c . At 1045 a . m . —For Newbury , Hungerford , Marlborough , Devizes , Trowbridge , Westbury , Frome , Wells , Yeovil , Bridport , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , & c . At 12 . 10 p . m . —For Swindon , Chippenham , Hath , Bristol , Clevedon , Weston-super-Mare , Bridgwater , Taunton , Chard , Williton , Minehead , South Molton , TIVERTON , & c . Passengers return following Monday week or fortnight ; but they can in most cases , on payment of 20 per cent , on the fare , return on the intervening Saturdays or Sundays dining thc time their tickets are available . Excursion passengers will also be booked at Kensington ( Addisonroad ) , U . vbridge-road , Hammersmith , Shcphcrd's-bush , Latimer-road , and Westbourne-park . Bills can bc obtained at the Company's Stations and Offices . J . GRIERSON , General Manager .
YOUNG MAN ( Master Mason ) desires SITUATION of any Itind , has worked at the lathe and vice ; can do any kind of soldering in silver or metal . Not particular to country or abroad . Please address , A . M ., care of Mr . Simpkins , 5 , Clerkenwellgreen , London , E . C . HOUSE TO LET ( eight rooms ) with or without shop , near the General Post Office . Apply 196 , Aldersgate-street ,
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE (¦ P . M . and P . Z . ) . —PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by . means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W . ARIS EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for the Sons of Gentlemen . Principal : M . G . Ovt 6 e , Officier d'Academie , late Inspector of the Ecole Supeneure de Commerce de Paris , and Translator of Higgenson ' s United States History . For terms , address G . Ovrde , 14 , Rue David , Passy , Paris .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY . LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN ' S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . I Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manaijci ^ S Moule's EARTH System , •^ 0 ^ ^ y \ J . W . Girdlestone ' s Patent , C f ^ ^ " - * 5 a , GARRICK STREET , $ H &^_ COYENT GARDEN , LONDON .
By Royal ^ ^ To Appointment ' < A ^ LJ *» HK . H . ———to H . E . H . ^ mM ^! Princess Princess of g 2 £ g- £ f ?* 4 r nnOTT * Wales . S" ^*^ Louise . POSl fi * D * ™| J ; ' BOUQUET . BAYSMTER HILL , LOHDOIf , W ., ~ INVESTOR OK THE NEW STYLE llll ! . Z > L , t \ OKJLV O POSY BOUQUET—The Season's Success . SUCCESS . BRIDES * & BRIDESMAIDS' BOUQUETS ou the Shortest Notice . - O ' jy-Js di-Hvercd , cart-fully imcked , IMHBDIATI : I . Y 011 receipt or Order .
E . DENT & Co ., Co Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal awarded j £ j * £ « l-wpivn-mttA in TccmA Clocks . - £ V 61 Strand & 4 Koyal Exchange , London . 4 > v C > T CLOCKMJKKS . S to the QUEEN . A . V i ^ ' Makers of the ( treat Westminster Clock A **/ ; £ ¦*¦ ( »* ° »•*»)• *< y NO Will be happy to furnish ESTIMATES for thc -QTA Installation or Repair of CIIUKCH and A * y othcr Puunc CI-OCKS . £ ^ Lent ' s new Illustrated Catalogue of High' Class Watches at Ecduoed Prices , sent Post Free .
I . J ~ - -- ^ BetorepurchasinganvEii * cfric Curative Appliance , write D M r ~ - ~ - ^ forthc Pamphlet " Iil . KCTRIC I . l FK . and How J . / J / P J ? -VA ^ - ^__ to Find it , " which contains s * und , reli-*> " * -VJ \ fPCt > ~~ ^ ' ^~~ a '" '" formation on the employ"AA ^ - tyA i * T * ~ ^ - ^ _ mcnt oi cl , ; ctricitv for rc-GRATIS ^~~~^^ e ««^ A- -A"dial P '' r , ' 0 SeS * and Post Free from ^~ ~^ $° Uj 3 r ? JW A / vT ^ - ^ JEVONS BROi ^^ t ^ tfmiq 166 , FLEET ST ., LONDON , E ^^ A-A ^**
TO OUR READERS . THE FREEMASON ' is published every Friday morninc ; , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating " to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , inc l uding Postage : — United States , United Kingdom . Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonies & c . Arabia , & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may be made in Stamps , but Post Ofiice Orders of cheques are preferred , the former parable to GEOKUE KE . V . W . YR , Chief Office , Loudon , the latta ciossci \ . oni * ion Joint Stock Bank .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
BOOKS . & c , RECEIVED . " St . George ' s Magazine , " "Allen's Indian Mail , " " Canadian Craftsman , " " New York Sundav News , " "Proceedings ofthe District Grand Lodge of Natal , " " New Zealand Mail , " " New Zealand Freemason , " " Keystone , " " Yorkshire Weekly Post , " * ' Thc Freemason " ( Sydney )' , " Hull and East Yorkshire Times , " " Lancaster Daily Examiner , " " El Gray Oriente De Espana
Dccenano Masonico , " " Masonic Chronicle , " " Cambridge Chronicle and University Journal , " " Masonic Era and Analectic , " " Court Circular , " "Masonic Journal , " "The Freemason" ( Toronto ) , " New York Dispatch , ** " Die Banhiitte , " " Jewish Chronicle , " " Pnblic Ledger , " "La Fraternidad del Porvenir , " " Night and Day , " "Sunday Times " ( "London ) , " Citizen , " " Sunday Times " ( New York ) , " Yorkshire Gazette , " and " The Lifeboat . "
Original Correspondence,
Original Correspondence ,
WT ^ r ^^^^^^^ iir ^^^^^^ r ^^
SATURDAY , J 31 , 1886 ,
tWedo not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinionsexprcssed by ourcorrespondents , but we wish in aspirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ]
MASONIC TITLES . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In the report of the consecration of a new lodge in West Lancashire , 1 find the brother who presided in the absence of the Prov . Grand Master designated as " actine * R . W . P . G . M . " fc
Clause 120 , Book of Constitution , says that" Every new Iodge shall be solemnly constituted according to ancient usage by the Grand Afaster and his Wardens , or in the absence of the Grand Master by his Deputy . If the Deputy be absent , the Grand Master may appoint some other Grand Officer or Master , or Past Master of a lodge to act as Deputy pro tempore . " Query—Did the officer presiding at the consecration of
the lodge alluded to act as Deputy or Provincial Grand Master , or simply as presiding or Consecrating Officer , deputed by the Provincial Grand Master to do the work for him ? The Book of Constitutions , clause 70 , distinctly says that a Deputy performing the functions of a Provincial Grand Master , shall not acquire additional rank . Does not this apply to a Deputy pro tempore also?—I am , yours fraternally , P . M .
A CURIOUS PARAGRAPH . To the Editor ofthe "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In looking over some files of newspapers of the last century , I have come across the following paragraph
in the London Chronicle , for 17 th July , 1766 , viz ., "On Thursday last the explorers escaped from the Free Masons in Kent , and arrived safe in town , to the great joy of their friends here . " Can Bro . Hughan , or some other eminent Masonic historian , explain the paragraph ?—Yours fraternally , FREDERICK HASTINGS GOLDNEY , P . G . D .
FREEMASONRY AS IT IS . Calcutta : 18 SC . The lecture was delivered by Bro . Nobin C , Bural , P . M . 234 ( E . C . ) , at the 48 th meeting of the Calcutta Emulation Lodge of Improvement on March 27 th , iSSC , and has been
printed by request . The object of the author is to induce brethren to explore the history of the Brotherhood of Freemasons , and to trace the origin and erudite meaning of its symbols ; not for them to rest content with the sparse information obtained at initiation , but to use the
introduction into the Society as a means for progress and knowledge respecting the esoteric character of the Fraternity . He alludes with justifiable pride and congratulation to the number of Hindoos now in the ranks of the Craft , mentioning our esteemed Bro . P . C . Dutt , who
"for nine long years sought to get admittance into the Order , " and at last was rewarded with the right hand of fellowship . Bro . Dutt was initiated in 1872 , and was the first Hindoo Master to preside over a lodge ( 1874 ) . Bro . Bural supposes " it was not understood that pure Hinduism has nothing in it opposed to Masonic doctrines , " but now
he considers as we do in this Country , that their " admission has proved the right of every good man and true—all things being equal—to admission into the ranks of Freemasonry . " In conclusion he remarks that "If England , with its political constitution , social institutions and religious establishments , failed within the space of nearlv nnc
hundred years to recognize native society , and raise its status on a par with that of England , it was undoubtedly a misfortune , but , brethren , England ' s mission has been fulfilled atlast .... Afasons should work in securing the solution of that great social problem—the real an 3 cordial union of all races of men on the Continent of India . "
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft J-Hasoitrjj ,
LODGE OF ST . JOHN ( No . 1306 ) . —The sixth annual summer banquet in connection with this Iodge toolplace at Broxbourne Gardens on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., and was most successful , the weather being all that could be wished . At the banquet Bro . G . T . Holdom occupied the chair , Bros . T . G . Twinn , S . VV ., and J . Loftus , J . W ., in the vice-chairs . Amongst those present , in addition to
the above , were Miss Holdom , Mrs . Twinn , Mrs . Loftus , Bro . Veal , P . M ., Mrs . Veal , Miss Veal , Bro . Magrath , P . M ., Mrs . Magrath , Master Magrath , Bro . Wooding , P . M ., Mrs . Wooding , Bro . McCreddie , Secretary of the lodge ; Mrs . McCreddie , Bro . Hansmann , Bro . Dawe , Miss Dawe , Bro . W . H . Myers , P . M . S 20 ; Mrs . Myers , Bro . Joslin , Mrs . Joslin , Bro . F . H . Dale , Mr . [ Quail and
the Misses Quail , Mr . Anderson , Mrs . Anderson , Miss Connor , Miss Gill , Mr . Bland , Mr . Bayley , Mrs . Bale , and others . After the banquet , the Chairman gave the loyal toasts and that of "The Lodge of St . John , " which were duly honoured . Bro . Veal , P . M ., then proposed "The Chairman ' s
Health in nattering terms , and it was drunk with musical honours . The Chairman briefly replied , saying that as the day was fine , he would curtail his remarks , so that the company might get out into the air . The Chairman then proposed " The Vice-Chairmen , " which also received musical honours .
Bro . Loftus suitably replied . Next came the toast of "The Visitors , " replied to by Bro . Joslin , who spoke of the enjoyment he had received at previous summer banquets wilh the lodge . " The Treasurer and Secretary " were also toasted and accorded musical honours . The toast was replied to by Bro . Magrath , Sec , and Bro . Twinn , as Hon . Sec .
"The Ladies" were honoured with customary emphasis , and on their behalf , Bro . F . H . Dale replied , and congratulated himself on the fact that this was the third time he had had the honour and pleasure of returning thanks on behalf of the ladies . This ended the toast list , and the party adjourned to thc
garden for boating and other outdoor attractions ; and gathered again in the evening and kept up dancing until time to catch the last train to London . Miss Veal and Master Magrath played selections on the piano , and Kalisher's Quadrille Band supplied the requisite music .
SPHINX LODGE ( Xo . 1329 ) . —On Saturday afternoon , the 17 th inst ., the brethren of this popular lodge assembled at Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New road , for the purpose of transacting some important business connected with this lodge in particular , and the Order in genera ) . There was a good muster of the members and visitors present . Among the former were Bros .
G . Marsden , W . M . ; R . J . Voisey , S . W . ; J . Hernaman , J . W . ; J . C . Reynolds , Treas . ; C . Wilson , Sec ; S . H . Goldschmidt , S . D . j D . D . Mercer , J . D . ; T . E . Webb , I . G . ; F . VV . N . Smith , Org . ; Charles Gooding , Stwd . ; J . J . Brinton , I . P . M . ; R . R . Bryant , P . M . ; Dr . C . Gross , R . Elgar , W . G . Andrews , W . Andrews , F . P . Hunt , E . J . Jones , H . H . Hyslop , J . Arnold , Scriven
Bradley , Cockle , H . Crisp , W . E . Crisp , and R . Irvine . The visitors were Bros . VV . Brennan , 205 , P . M ., P . G . D . ; C . J . Sparrow , 65 ; W . M . Parkinson , 237 ; R . Davis , ' 9 63 J' F- Haddon , W . Preston , 776 ; G . and J . Ackerman , 65 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The VV . M .
then proceeded with the solemn and impressive ceremony of the Third Degree , and raised Bro . Henry Hector Hyslop to the position of a M . M . The able manner in which this ritual was conducted elicited ] unreserved commendations from all present . The W . M . then initiated Messrs . Walter Edward Crisp and Hugh Crisp into the mysteries of Freemasonry . This ceremony was equal in impressiveness
to the preceding one . Nothing can impart greater pleasure to a lodge than the efficient working of the Master . During the progress of the ceremonies several pieces of music were sung , and the whole character of the proceedings was bright and truly Masonic . The other business immediately connected with the lodge was then discussed , and the proceedings ended in the usual manner .
The W . M ., on leaving the Temple , invited the brethren to dine with him , and the invitation was cheerfully accepted . Bro . Venables had prepared a most appetising repast , which all the guests appreciated . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M ., in concise and appropriate terms , proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the VV . M .
concluding by proposing "The Officers of the Lodge , " to which the S . W ., Bro . Voisey , replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . The pleasures of the evening were greatly enhanced by the exquisite singing of Mrs . Marsden and Miss Yost , Miss Walker , with much proficiency , presiding at the pianoforte .
FARRINGDON WITHOUT LODGE ( No . 1745 ) . —This lodge met for the dispatch of business at the Viaduct Hotel , Holborn , on the 2 Gtb inst ., when there were present , among others , Bros . Thos . Simpson , W . M . ;