Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons Of New South Wales.
night , at our Annual Meeting in April next , the new Committees could be elected under the new rules , if approved of by the Most Worshipful Grand Master , The District Grand Master said he was also of
opinion that as regular notice had been given , no need existed for a postponement of the consideration of the subjects which ought to be decided this evening ; he should , therefore
proceed to put the amendment and motion . The amendment that the decision of District Grand Lodge on D . D . G . M ' s motion be adjourned till the next Quarterly Communication
was lost . The motion was then put and carried .
TREASURER ' S BALANCES . The District Grand Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer , stated the balances to credit . District Grand Lodge . . ^ 183 14 3
Benevolent Fund . . . 4 6 9 2 4 Bro . C . II . May enquired whether Irish and Scotch Past Masters ranked as Past Masters under the English Constitution , and are eligible as Members of District Grand Lodge .
The District Grand Master said the question had ahead ) 'been decided in the negative . Bro . Deeper enquired whether a Member of two Lodges , in one of which he was in arrear , was entitled to a seat in District Grand Lodge .
Tlie District Grand Master replied that full subscription to one Lodge would be sufficient to ensure Membership of District Grand Lodge . The District Grand Lodge was then closed in due form at 9 p . m .
The following circular has been issued by tke District Grand Lodge of New South AVales : — Freemasons' Hall , New South Wales , Sydney , 22 nd August , 1 S 74 .
I am directed by the Right AVorshipful the District Grand Master to inform you that he has considered it necessary to issue a circular , as annexed , to every member of lodges under the English Constitution in this Colony , and to
express the hope that steps may be taken by you to draw the special attention of Freemasons under your jurisdiction to the important matter therein referred to , which course , it is trusted , may prove the means of checking the advancement of spurious Masonty amongst us .
Yours fraternally , R . LEAVORTHY , District Grand Secretary .
To Freemasons' Hall , New South AVales , Sydney , 22 nd August , 18 7 . 4 . To Brother—
Lodge No . ( English Constitution . ) You are particularly warned against the socalled lodges in this Colony working under the auspices of the Lodge of Memphis , the Grand
Lodgeof . New South AVales , and the Grand Lodge of Australia , as those who join , visit , or encourage such lodges , or admit members thereof into their own lodges , are liable to suspension from all the rights and privileges of ancient
Freemasonry , which can onl y be legitimately exercised in this Colony under thc authority of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland , under the supervision of the District Grand Master of the English Constitution
( Arthur Todd Holroyd ) , Provincial Grand Master of the Irish Constitution ( James Squire Farncll ) , and the Provincial Grand Master of the Scottish Constitution ( William Gillet Sedgwick ) , and their duly authorised successors or
deputies . It is hoped that your best efforts will not be wanting in inducing unwary persons not to join , or xt all countenance , these spurious lodges referred to herein ; and further , that you will
explain to those who have unfortunately joined , that until their connection therewith ceases , and they are regularly initiated into Freemasonry , they are prohibited from visiting , or being visited by , Freemasons' lodges , or being in any way re-
District Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons Of New South Wales.
cognised Masonically , or being permitted to be participators in the benefits of Freemasonry in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , or elsewhere . By order of the District Grand Master . R . LEAVORTHY , District Grand Secretary .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Cheshire.
On Friday last , the 23 rd inst ., Comp . the Right Hon . Lord de Tabley , R . AV . P . G . Superintendent , held his Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasonry , at thc Literary Institution , Altrincham . The following is a list of the
brethren present * . —Lord de Tabley , R . AV . P . G . S . ; AVm . Halley , P . G . H . ; Rev . J . AV . N . Tanner , P . G . I . ; G . AV . Latham , P . G . S . E . : J . Liddeley , P . G . S . N . ; J . AVoodcock , P . G . P . S . ; J . AVood , P . G . Reg . * , E . Harbord , P . G . S . B . ; P . TI . Kirk , P . G . Org . ; J . A . Birch , P . P . G . J . ; R . Cope ,
P . P . G . H . ; Henry Howard , P . Z . 323 ; C . C Immison , P . P . G . S . B . 758 ; AV . Goodacre , Z 423 ; E . G . Simpson , H . 941 ; M . Fentern , II
324 ; R . Grade , P . Z . 605 ; C . Coode , P . Z . 323 * J . Litlew , Z . 941 ; T . Dixon , 477 ; H . Bulley , P . P . G . H . ; J . P . Piatt , P . P . G . H . ; AV . Fair ; J . 491 ; J . Dullield , P . P . G . S ., East Lancashire ; T . E . Hignett , Z . 537 ; AV . AVorrall , E . 477 ; S . ' AVarhurst , Z ., 89 ; J . Sudrem , P . Z . 104 * 5 ;
C N . Coates , Z . 1045 ; W . A . Renshaw , 1045 ; A . II . Hithen , 321 ; G . Burrows , Z- 43 ° * J- Eaton , Jun ., H . 430 ; J . J . Lawton , 430 ; AV . M . Asher , Treasurer , 477 ; J . Dutton , P . S . 477 ; J . Clayton , E . 8 9 ; J . M . Beach ,
361 ; W . Mathew , 721 ; J . Davenport , 1045 ; J . C . Cheetham , P . Z . 322 ; J . Davenport , Jun ., 1045 ; W . Batchelor , Z . 324 ; T . Meadows , Z . 322 ; C . Dutton , II . 321 ; II . Balshaw , 1045 ; J . AV . Petty , P . Z ., 204 ; J . Hill , 323 ; AV . II . Wakefield , 1045 ; AY . Jackson , 1045 ' ¦ > AV * . Spratley , 6 S 3 ; E . G . Parker , 1045 ' W- Shepherd ,
2 S 7 : H . S . Carrington , Z . 2 S 7 ; J . Turner , K 2 S 7 ; C . IT . Devereux , 295 ; J . Worthington , 1045 5 !• I * - Waldon , P . Z ., 3 61 ; ] . F . Lawson , 430 ; 6 . Cook , P . S . 323 ; W . II " . Wathefield , N . 323 ; H . Kenyon , P . S . 1045 ; J . Beach , P . S . 361 ; and AV . Shepherd , P . S . 2 S 7 .
The interesting proceedings of the day were characterised by a spirit and vitality which clearly indicated how great is the progress of this section of thc Masonic Order in this particular section of the Kingdom .
' 1 he P . G . Chapter was opened in ancient form by Comp . Lord de Tabley , P . G . Superintendent , assisted by Comp . AV . Bulley , P . G . H ., and Comp . the Rev . J . AV . N . Tanner , P . G . J . The Roll of Chapters was called , when it was found
that all within the large Province were represented , except one , the Chapter of Integrity , No . 320 , "Mottram . The minutes of tlie previous Provincial Grand Chapter was then read and confirmed unanimously .
The first business of importance was thc reception of a very long report from the Committee of Inspection and Direction for the past year , giving ample details as to the working of tlie Chapters throughout the Province . In the course of thc report it was stated that most
satisfactory progress had been made in the different chapters in that division . This progress , the report stated , was not only an advance in numbers which by itself would be of little account , but in the loyal spirit and tlie determination to act according to the Book of Constitutions , and on
the general system which seemed now to animate every Chapter in the Province . From personal visitation , the Committee were able to report that now the ritual was pretty nearly -uniform throughout tlie province , and that nearly every Chapter in the Division had now acknowledged the authority of tlie Provincial Grand
Superintendent . One Chapter only was at present not working . The committee had to report a most extraordinary improvement , both in the regularity of the proceedings , and the manner in which these proceedings were recorded . Instances were given of tlie change which the energy of the P . G . S . of the Province had effected since his rule began , yet in a smaller
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Cheshire.
degree the change was as manifest throughout all the chapters . The report concluded thus : — "A uniform ritual , an avoidance of all irregularities , a correct record of proceedings , and a practical adoption of the great virtue of charity , are all in striking contrast with the
scattered aud independent efforts—well meant in most cases , but feeble through their want of order and cohesion—that prevailed some few years ago ; and though your committee cannot now expect from the very nature of things that much more progress can be made , yet they feel
sure that the ground gained can never be lost , and that Cheshire Arch Masons will continue to act , ( if such a term can be applied to a society whose existence is one of active charity and practical usefulness ) on the firm basis of loyalty to its head and devotion to the order .
The P . G . Supt . said the report just read indicated a most satisfactory state of things throughout liis province . He was gratified to find that not only did their numbers advance , but there was a loyal determination to work according to the Book of Constitutions , and a desire to follow
one system of working . There could be only one feeling amongst the companions , after having heard thc very minutely detailed report just read , that the committee deserved their very best thanks , and that they be requested to act again for tlie ensuing year . The efforts of the committee had been in the past , and would no doubt
ui the future be eminently valuable . A motion to this effect , seconded by the M . E . H . was unanimously agreed to , and it was agreed that a copy of the report should be sent to every chapter in the province . Captain Cope , P . P . G . H ., briefly acknowledged the vote of thanks , and pledged the committee to a renewal of faithfnl and zealous services .
Hie Right Hon . Lord de Tabley said the review of the province submitted by the committee was so thoroughly exhaustive in its character , that it left him but little to say on that occasion , and he was rejoiced that that was so for two reasons , first , because the state of the province
had been already placed before them in a manner more able than he could pretend to do , and secondly , because his strength would not enable him to address his companions as he could have desired . This much , however , lie might saythat it was with gratitude to the Most Hi gh , and
with feelings of personal satisfaction that he found himself for the fifth time presiding over the Provincial Grand Chapter of Cheshire . ( Loud applause ) . It was true that the P . G . Chapter was a young one , but it had already shown signs of vigorous existence , and had
unquestionably produced wholesome and salutary fruit . The sacred virtue of charity had been amply exemplified last year , and he was proud to know that this year they would give an additional proof of their love for that virtue by a liberal grant in aid of one of tlie great Masonic charities . ( Applause ) .
The way in which the various chapters had rallied round thc Provincial Grand Chapter was most gratifying to him ; and he was persuaded that not only would they reap their reward individually by doing so , but he believed that the sacred cause of Masonry in general would be
benefited by their adhesion to the provincial authority . By working together in harmony and brotherly unity , they could do much to alleviate suffering humanity and to pro- . mote social intercourse amongst various classes of society ; whereas separate and isolated
efforts , even though well meant , would be thrown away . —( Hear , hear ) , lie was rejoiced that Royal Arch Masonry in Cheshire was taking •the position it should hold—at once the copestone and glory of solid Freemasonry—and he could only say that so long as his energies and
health were spared to him by the Supreme Ruler of events , they should be devoted to the cause of Masonry , in whose behalf , too , he would invoke tlie continued and and zealous support of the province of Cheshire , over which it was his pride and his very great pleasure to rule . — ( Applause ) .
The Provincial Grand Superintendent then nominated and invested the following as his officers for the coming year : — Companions T . Piatt , H . : Henry Howard .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons Of New South Wales.
night , at our Annual Meeting in April next , the new Committees could be elected under the new rules , if approved of by the Most Worshipful Grand Master , The District Grand Master said he was also of
opinion that as regular notice had been given , no need existed for a postponement of the consideration of the subjects which ought to be decided this evening ; he should , therefore
proceed to put the amendment and motion . The amendment that the decision of District Grand Lodge on D . D . G . M ' s motion be adjourned till the next Quarterly Communication
was lost . The motion was then put and carried .
TREASURER ' S BALANCES . The District Grand Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer , stated the balances to credit . District Grand Lodge . . ^ 183 14 3
Benevolent Fund . . . 4 6 9 2 4 Bro . C . II . May enquired whether Irish and Scotch Past Masters ranked as Past Masters under the English Constitution , and are eligible as Members of District Grand Lodge .
The District Grand Master said the question had ahead ) 'been decided in the negative . Bro . Deeper enquired whether a Member of two Lodges , in one of which he was in arrear , was entitled to a seat in District Grand Lodge .
Tlie District Grand Master replied that full subscription to one Lodge would be sufficient to ensure Membership of District Grand Lodge . The District Grand Lodge was then closed in due form at 9 p . m .
The following circular has been issued by tke District Grand Lodge of New South AVales : — Freemasons' Hall , New South Wales , Sydney , 22 nd August , 1 S 74 .
I am directed by the Right AVorshipful the District Grand Master to inform you that he has considered it necessary to issue a circular , as annexed , to every member of lodges under the English Constitution in this Colony , and to
express the hope that steps may be taken by you to draw the special attention of Freemasons under your jurisdiction to the important matter therein referred to , which course , it is trusted , may prove the means of checking the advancement of spurious Masonty amongst us .
Yours fraternally , R . LEAVORTHY , District Grand Secretary .
To Freemasons' Hall , New South AVales , Sydney , 22 nd August , 18 7 . 4 . To Brother—
Lodge No . ( English Constitution . ) You are particularly warned against the socalled lodges in this Colony working under the auspices of the Lodge of Memphis , the Grand
Lodgeof . New South AVales , and the Grand Lodge of Australia , as those who join , visit , or encourage such lodges , or admit members thereof into their own lodges , are liable to suspension from all the rights and privileges of ancient
Freemasonry , which can onl y be legitimately exercised in this Colony under thc authority of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland , under the supervision of the District Grand Master of the English Constitution
( Arthur Todd Holroyd ) , Provincial Grand Master of the Irish Constitution ( James Squire Farncll ) , and the Provincial Grand Master of the Scottish Constitution ( William Gillet Sedgwick ) , and their duly authorised successors or
deputies . It is hoped that your best efforts will not be wanting in inducing unwary persons not to join , or xt all countenance , these spurious lodges referred to herein ; and further , that you will
explain to those who have unfortunately joined , that until their connection therewith ceases , and they are regularly initiated into Freemasonry , they are prohibited from visiting , or being visited by , Freemasons' lodges , or being in any way re-
District Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons Of New South Wales.
cognised Masonically , or being permitted to be participators in the benefits of Freemasonry in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , or elsewhere . By order of the District Grand Master . R . LEAVORTHY , District Grand Secretary .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Cheshire.
On Friday last , the 23 rd inst ., Comp . the Right Hon . Lord de Tabley , R . AV . P . G . Superintendent , held his Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasonry , at thc Literary Institution , Altrincham . The following is a list of the
brethren present * . —Lord de Tabley , R . AV . P . G . S . ; AVm . Halley , P . G . H . ; Rev . J . AV . N . Tanner , P . G . I . ; G . AV . Latham , P . G . S . E . : J . Liddeley , P . G . S . N . ; J . AVoodcock , P . G . P . S . ; J . AVood , P . G . Reg . * , E . Harbord , P . G . S . B . ; P . TI . Kirk , P . G . Org . ; J . A . Birch , P . P . G . J . ; R . Cope ,
P . P . G . H . ; Henry Howard , P . Z . 323 ; C . C Immison , P . P . G . S . B . 758 ; AV . Goodacre , Z 423 ; E . G . Simpson , H . 941 ; M . Fentern , II
324 ; R . Grade , P . Z . 605 ; C . Coode , P . Z . 323 * J . Litlew , Z . 941 ; T . Dixon , 477 ; H . Bulley , P . P . G . H . ; J . P . Piatt , P . P . G . H . ; AV . Fair ; J . 491 ; J . Dullield , P . P . G . S ., East Lancashire ; T . E . Hignett , Z . 537 ; AV . AVorrall , E . 477 ; S . ' AVarhurst , Z ., 89 ; J . Sudrem , P . Z . 104 * 5 ;
C N . Coates , Z . 1045 ; W . A . Renshaw , 1045 ; A . II . Hithen , 321 ; G . Burrows , Z- 43 ° * J- Eaton , Jun ., H . 430 ; J . J . Lawton , 430 ; AV . M . Asher , Treasurer , 477 ; J . Dutton , P . S . 477 ; J . Clayton , E . 8 9 ; J . M . Beach ,
361 ; W . Mathew , 721 ; J . Davenport , 1045 ; J . C . Cheetham , P . Z . 322 ; J . Davenport , Jun ., 1045 ; W . Batchelor , Z . 324 ; T . Meadows , Z . 322 ; C . Dutton , II . 321 ; II . Balshaw , 1045 ; J . AV . Petty , P . Z ., 204 ; J . Hill , 323 ; AV . II . Wakefield , 1045 ; AY . Jackson , 1045 ' ¦ > AV * . Spratley , 6 S 3 ; E . G . Parker , 1045 ' W- Shepherd ,
2 S 7 : H . S . Carrington , Z . 2 S 7 ; J . Turner , K 2 S 7 ; C . IT . Devereux , 295 ; J . Worthington , 1045 5 !• I * - Waldon , P . Z ., 3 61 ; ] . F . Lawson , 430 ; 6 . Cook , P . S . 323 ; W . II " . Wathefield , N . 323 ; H . Kenyon , P . S . 1045 ; J . Beach , P . S . 361 ; and AV . Shepherd , P . S . 2 S 7 .
The interesting proceedings of the day were characterised by a spirit and vitality which clearly indicated how great is the progress of this section of thc Masonic Order in this particular section of the Kingdom .
' 1 he P . G . Chapter was opened in ancient form by Comp . Lord de Tabley , P . G . Superintendent , assisted by Comp . AV . Bulley , P . G . H ., and Comp . the Rev . J . AV . N . Tanner , P . G . J . The Roll of Chapters was called , when it was found
that all within the large Province were represented , except one , the Chapter of Integrity , No . 320 , "Mottram . The minutes of tlie previous Provincial Grand Chapter was then read and confirmed unanimously .
The first business of importance was thc reception of a very long report from the Committee of Inspection and Direction for the past year , giving ample details as to the working of tlie Chapters throughout the Province . In the course of thc report it was stated that most
satisfactory progress had been made in the different chapters in that division . This progress , the report stated , was not only an advance in numbers which by itself would be of little account , but in the loyal spirit and tlie determination to act according to the Book of Constitutions , and on
the general system which seemed now to animate every Chapter in the Province . From personal visitation , the Committee were able to report that now the ritual was pretty nearly -uniform throughout tlie province , and that nearly every Chapter in the Division had now acknowledged the authority of tlie Provincial Grand
Superintendent . One Chapter only was at present not working . The committee had to report a most extraordinary improvement , both in the regularity of the proceedings , and the manner in which these proceedings were recorded . Instances were given of tlie change which the energy of the P . G . S . of the Province had effected since his rule began , yet in a smaller
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Cheshire.
degree the change was as manifest throughout all the chapters . The report concluded thus : — "A uniform ritual , an avoidance of all irregularities , a correct record of proceedings , and a practical adoption of the great virtue of charity , are all in striking contrast with the
scattered aud independent efforts—well meant in most cases , but feeble through their want of order and cohesion—that prevailed some few years ago ; and though your committee cannot now expect from the very nature of things that much more progress can be made , yet they feel
sure that the ground gained can never be lost , and that Cheshire Arch Masons will continue to act , ( if such a term can be applied to a society whose existence is one of active charity and practical usefulness ) on the firm basis of loyalty to its head and devotion to the order .
The P . G . Supt . said the report just read indicated a most satisfactory state of things throughout liis province . He was gratified to find that not only did their numbers advance , but there was a loyal determination to work according to the Book of Constitutions , and a desire to follow
one system of working . There could be only one feeling amongst the companions , after having heard thc very minutely detailed report just read , that the committee deserved their very best thanks , and that they be requested to act again for tlie ensuing year . The efforts of the committee had been in the past , and would no doubt
ui the future be eminently valuable . A motion to this effect , seconded by the M . E . H . was unanimously agreed to , and it was agreed that a copy of the report should be sent to every chapter in the province . Captain Cope , P . P . G . H ., briefly acknowledged the vote of thanks , and pledged the committee to a renewal of faithfnl and zealous services .
Hie Right Hon . Lord de Tabley said the review of the province submitted by the committee was so thoroughly exhaustive in its character , that it left him but little to say on that occasion , and he was rejoiced that that was so for two reasons , first , because the state of the province
had been already placed before them in a manner more able than he could pretend to do , and secondly , because his strength would not enable him to address his companions as he could have desired . This much , however , lie might saythat it was with gratitude to the Most Hi gh , and
with feelings of personal satisfaction that he found himself for the fifth time presiding over the Provincial Grand Chapter of Cheshire . ( Loud applause ) . It was true that the P . G . Chapter was a young one , but it had already shown signs of vigorous existence , and had
unquestionably produced wholesome and salutary fruit . The sacred virtue of charity had been amply exemplified last year , and he was proud to know that this year they would give an additional proof of their love for that virtue by a liberal grant in aid of one of tlie great Masonic charities . ( Applause ) .
The way in which the various chapters had rallied round thc Provincial Grand Chapter was most gratifying to him ; and he was persuaded that not only would they reap their reward individually by doing so , but he believed that the sacred cause of Masonry in general would be
benefited by their adhesion to the provincial authority . By working together in harmony and brotherly unity , they could do much to alleviate suffering humanity and to pro- . mote social intercourse amongst various classes of society ; whereas separate and isolated
efforts , even though well meant , would be thrown away . —( Hear , hear ) , lie was rejoiced that Royal Arch Masonry in Cheshire was taking •the position it should hold—at once the copestone and glory of solid Freemasonry—and he could only say that so long as his energies and
health were spared to him by the Supreme Ruler of events , they should be devoted to the cause of Masonry , in whose behalf , too , he would invoke tlie continued and and zealous support of the province of Cheshire , over which it was his pride and his very great pleasure to rule . — ( Applause ) .
The Provincial Grand Superintendent then nominated and invested the following as his officers for the coming year : — Companions T . Piatt , H . : Henry Howard .