Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 671 Instruction 672 Royal Arch 673 Mark Masonry , 6 ; 3 Knij-fhts Templar 673 Scotland 673
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Sussex 674 Masonic Notes and Queries G 75 Obituary 675 Masonic Tidings 675 Order of the Eastern Star 675 The "Monde Maconnique" and "The Freemason " 676 Is the Pope a Freemason ? , 6 ? 7 The Deputy Grand Master at Highclere 677
C OIIHESPONDENCE : — Scottish Masonic Benevolent Fund 677 The Coming Installation of the Grand Master 677 TheDukcof Edinburgh at Devonport 677 Roval Visit to Plymouth ., 97 s
Lodge Summonses .............. " 7 ° Masonic Jurisprudence 678 Tho Late Grand Master 6 / 8 Ladies as Freemasons 67 S Lodge Meetings next week 678 Advertisements 66 9 670 6 7 6 680 681 682 683 684
SUPPLEMENT ( "FOUR PAGES ) . Orders of the Temple and Malta 685 Freemasonry in New South Wales , 685 Provincial Grand Chapter ol Cheshire 686 Reviews 687
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
•**» Craft ltasmi % WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 862 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge for the season ( 1874-5 ) was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Monday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . W . F . Smith , W . M ., presiding . The business comprised the balloting for and initiation of Messrs . Richard Beldan , Thomas
Edward Webb , Josep h Kilsby Ward , Thomas Brown , and Charles Mitchell May . The candidates having been duly prepared were introduced , and admitted to E . A . degree , the ceremony was admirably conducted by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Brett , P . G . P ., Jones , P . M ., Hurlstone ,
P . M ., and the remainder of the officers . Bros . Sir Gilbert E . Campbell , Bart ., P . M . 1415 , Prov . S . G . W . of Middlesex , and Charles Elmes , 823 , were proposed and balloted for as joining members . The lodge then proceeded to the election of a W . M ., when Bro . Hayley was
unanimously chosen . Bro . Quilty was re-elected Tyler , and an Audit Committee was likewise appointed . The lodge then adjourned to the banquet , served in the great hall . Forty-four brethren sat down to table , among whom we observed in addition to the brethren already
mentioned , Bros . R . Wentworth Little , P . M . ( Secretary ) , Prov . G . S . Middlesex ? Thomas Kiniston , A . Moore , C . Walker , F . H . Roberts , E . Franks , S . Godden , E . Sedgwick , C . Brothers , R . P . Tate , Kenneth R . H . Mackenzie , John Walmesley , U * . Kell , and a number of others .
The visitors were Bros . T . Dayson ( 382 ) , O . Lee ( 18 ) , F . W . Day ( 3 ) , D . J . Ross ( 13 ) , J . G . Marsh ( 28 and 192 ) , J . C . Flakerty ( 205 ) , T . Willert ( 1107 ) , and two brethren from Holland—Bros . Simon Brone ( 3 kol . ) , and L . A . van Viegee ( Ultrajectina ) . The usual toasts
were given and duly honoured , and thus the Masonic reign ot Bro . W . T . Smith as W . M . came to its close . He was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel of the value of sQio ios . as a mark of esteem on the part of the lodge , and in testimony of the remarkable exertions he had made
for the lodge , and on behalf of Freemasonry during his year of office . After a pleasant evening the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . BRAIU-ORI ) . —Eccleshill Lodge ( No . 1034 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in
the Freemason ' s Hall on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., at 6 o ' clock . Bro . William Pratt , W . M ., was in the chair , being ably and iniluentially supported b y his officers and a goodly number of Past Masteis and brethren . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous lodge
read and confirmed , after which Mr . Pollard , architect of this town , being a candidate for Masonry , was ballotted for and approved . He ; was then initiated iuto the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the Worshipful Master in a very able manner , Bro . Kitchcman , J . W .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
having explained the working tools , and Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., given the charge , the Worshipful Master gave a lecture in the first degree on the tracing-board . The Building Committee then presented their \ report and
balance-sheet of the new banqueting * room just completed in connection with the lodge , for the better accommodation of the increasing number of members , which was unanimously adopted and entered on the minutes . Bro . Hutchinson ,
P . M ., Charity Steward , acting on behalf of the lodge in the interest of the son of our late esteemed brother John Armitage , now a candicandidate for the Boys' School , had the petition signed by the members present , and all the necessary matters arranged for presentation to
the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be in readiness for the next election of candidates for the Boys ' School . This awakened the spirit of generosity usually prevailing in this lodge with a desire to endow four of the Officers , viz ., Secretary , Treasurer , Inner Guard , and Organist , all the
other chairs being already endowed . Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., and Bro . Geo . Pearson , with their usual liberality , gave each £ . 0 towards the project , thus securing two chairs . A subscription was then entered upon , when the amount of s £ tj was subscribed towards the other two officers . leaving only < £ - $ to be subscribed to
complete the endowments which will , no doubt , be forthcoming in due time . A hearty vote of thanks was given to Bros . Pratt and Pearson , which was suitably responded to by them in speeches setting forth the importance of supporting the charities whereby the child of a deceased brother had a chance of a sound education free
of cost . After the usual Masonic toasts and the efficient services of the officers , especially Bro . Nicholson the Organist , had been acknowledged , this most interesting meeting was brought to a close . READING . —Grey Friars Lodge ( No . 1101 ) . —
The installation of Bro . James Greenfield took p lace on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., before a very numerous and influential assemblage of brethren , The ceremony was performed by Bro . W . W . Moxhay , P . Pro . G . R . Berkshire and P . M . 114 , in his " usual happy manner . The
W . M . was saluted by the members in each degree , and received the hearty good wishes of the visitors present , after which the appointment and investment of the Officers took place , amid thc acclamations of the brethren , amongst whom were Bro . J . Egginton , I . P . M . ; J . T .
Freeman , S . W . ; E . Margrett , J . W . ; thc Rev . R . J . Simpson , Chaplain ; the Rev . C . R . Honey , Assistant Chaplain ; J . T . Stransom , Treasurer , and W . P . Ivey , Secretary . Before closing the Lodge for the purpose of retiring to refreshment , letters were read from the following
influential members of the Craft stating their inability to attend , and expressing their hearty good wishes for the prosperity of the lodge , and a successful year of office to the W . M . : —Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Pro . G . M . Berks and Bucks ; the Rev . J . Studholm Brownrigg ,
D . Pro . G . M . ; the Rev . Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; G . J . Shaw Lefevre , M . P . ; the Rev . A . P . Purey Cust , 414 ; C . C . W . Griffiths , 30 , P . M . 280 , Pro . G . Treas . Worcestershire ; Superintendent Mott ; J . Constable , W . M . iSrr ; Thomas Cox , P . M . 1204 ;
Chas . Aveline , W . M . 840 ; Alfred Brunsden ; Robert Turner , W . M . 795 ; W . J . Powell , W . M . 94 . - ;; W . H . Binham , W . M . 209 ; ABurns , WiM . 574 , kc . kc . The banquet was provided by Bt ' o . W . Bailey at the Upper Ship Hotel , and the arrangements gave unqualified
satisfaction ; between forty and fifty brethren sat down . Bro . Greenfield , W . M . presided . Amongst the company were Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . S . and Secretary to the R . M . I , for Bovs ; Z . W . Wyndham , PM . 586 , P . Prov . G . I . W . Wiltshire ; Swinburne , P . M . 246 ; Lucy , P . M .
529 ; Dew , P . M . 6 94 , P . Prov . G . R . Hants : Lear , W-M . 694 ; the Rev . J . McGuilding , Chaplain , 1419 ; Moxhay , I . M ., P . M . 414 ; the Rev . IT . G . Layton 8 * 58 ; Joseph Morris , W . M . 414 , Pro . G . S . of W . Berks and Bucks ; R :
Bradley ; P . M . 414 ; J . W . Hounslow , P . M . 414 ; J . Egginton , I . P . M . noi ; Pro . G . D . C ; Geo . Chancellor , P . M . 1101 , Pro . G . Treas . j J . T . Brown , P . M . noi , P . Pro . G . S . of W . J . T , Freeman , S . W . noi j E . Margrett , J . W ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
noi , J . Stransom , Treas . noi ; W . P . Ivey , P . M . and Sec . noi , P . P . G . S . B . Berks and Bucks ; A . Welch , S . D . noi ; W . W . Ridley , I . G . noijW . G . Flanagan , J . D . nor ; Howlett , D . C . 1101 ; C . H . Kidley ; J . E . Danks , Steward not ; R . E . Mount , J . D . 1328 ; Seymour ,
Newman , Vickers , Robinson , Crane , kc . kc . The usual Masonic toasts followed the banquet , with several excellent speeches , the principal of which were made by Bros . Guild ing and Binckes . The former , in returning thanks for the Chaplain , vindicated Masons from the charge of being a
body to which good Christians should hesitate to belong . With reference to the secession of the Marquis of Ripon the rev . speaker referred to the great disappointment which the late Grand Master ' s resignation had caused , and referred in eulogistic terms to the singular absence of
bitterness which had characterized the allusions made by Mason s to that subject . Bro . Binckes made a forcible appeal on behalf of the Masonic charities , and alluded particularly to the Boys ' School , urging the brethren not to be lax in their support . Many other speeches were made bv
theW . M ., I . P . M ., I . M ., Treas ., S . D ., and visitors . The W . M . in a complimentary speech eulogised the working of his Immediate Past Master , and presented him with a splendid P . M . jewel—the unanimous vote of the lodge , which was responded to by Bro . Egginton in a most
feeling manner . A very agreeable evening was spent , which was considerably enhanced by the beautiful glee singing of Bros . Mason , Barnby , and Lawler , which deli ghted every one present . GREAT NORTHERN ** LODGE ( NO . 1287 ) . —
The first monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , 15 th inst . There was a good attendance of members , including the W . M . ; Bros . T . H . Staton , S . W . ; Jas . Forbes , J . W . ; R . Bescoby , S . D . ; E . Lancaster , J . D . ; J . L . Ritchie ; P . M . ' s Reed ,
Webb ( Treasurer ) , and Moody . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the election , by ballot , of four candidates , viz . Messrs . Timberlake , Bathard , Freshwater ; and Owen was then proceeded with , and found to be unanimous in favour of all . The W . M . then
initiated them into the ancient mysteries of the Order in his usual masterly style . The resignation of a brother , in consequence of his having left . England , was then proposed and accepted with regret . Three candidates having been proposed for election at the ncxt meeting , and the
hearty good wishes given to the W . M ., the lodge was closed in due form , the brethren adjourning to the tavern , where tlicy found Bro . Francatelli ready to receive them . Phe brethreu having been well entertained , grace said , and the cloth removed , the W . M . proposed the " Health
of the Queen , coupled with that of the Craft , " which was responded to with Great Northern fire . He next gave thc toast of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . M . elect , and very nicely alluded to the position the Craft was in at the present time , carefully avoiding any allusion to
the late G . M . The "Deputy Grand Master ( the Earl of Carnarvon ) and other Grand Lodge Officers" was next given and responded to by Bro . T . Adams in a humorous speech , who returned thanks for the sumptuous banquet spread before him . The "Initiates" were next
given by the I . P . M . Bro . Reed sang the E . A . Song , and the brethren duly "joined hand in hand , " much to thc astonishment of those for whom the toast was given . The initiates responded , one stating that hearing so much of Freemasons and Roman Catholics of late , lu :
had determined to sec what the former were , and was pleased with what he had seen and heard that evening of the society . Another , that he had hesitated like the late Prime Minister had latel y done about some important business , whether to do it , to put oil" doing it ,
or not to do it at all . He had chosen the former and was sorry he had not joined before . The "Visitors" was the next toast , and was responded to by all , viz ., Bios . W . Mann , P . M . Industry ; P . G . P . T . Adams ; T . Tjrell , S . W .
Camden ; — Arkell , S . D . Lion and Lamb ; T . Harper , Celtic ; J . A . Woodwell , Confidence . The I . P . M ., handling the gavel , gave in a very nice manner the health of the W . M . This toast was well received by all present , as the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 671 Instruction 672 Royal Arch 673 Mark Masonry , 6 ; 3 Knij-fhts Templar 673 Scotland 673
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Sussex 674 Masonic Notes and Queries G 75 Obituary 675 Masonic Tidings 675 Order of the Eastern Star 675 The "Monde Maconnique" and "The Freemason " 676 Is the Pope a Freemason ? , 6 ? 7 The Deputy Grand Master at Highclere 677
C OIIHESPONDENCE : — Scottish Masonic Benevolent Fund 677 The Coming Installation of the Grand Master 677 TheDukcof Edinburgh at Devonport 677 Roval Visit to Plymouth ., 97 s
Lodge Summonses .............. " 7 ° Masonic Jurisprudence 678 Tho Late Grand Master 6 / 8 Ladies as Freemasons 67 S Lodge Meetings next week 678 Advertisements 66 9 670 6 7 6 680 681 682 683 684
SUPPLEMENT ( "FOUR PAGES ) . Orders of the Temple and Malta 685 Freemasonry in New South Wales , 685 Provincial Grand Chapter ol Cheshire 686 Reviews 687
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
•**» Craft ltasmi % WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 862 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge for the season ( 1874-5 ) was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Monday , the 19 th inst ., Bro . W . F . Smith , W . M ., presiding . The business comprised the balloting for and initiation of Messrs . Richard Beldan , Thomas
Edward Webb , Josep h Kilsby Ward , Thomas Brown , and Charles Mitchell May . The candidates having been duly prepared were introduced , and admitted to E . A . degree , the ceremony was admirably conducted by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Brett , P . G . P ., Jones , P . M ., Hurlstone ,
P . M ., and the remainder of the officers . Bros . Sir Gilbert E . Campbell , Bart ., P . M . 1415 , Prov . S . G . W . of Middlesex , and Charles Elmes , 823 , were proposed and balloted for as joining members . The lodge then proceeded to the election of a W . M ., when Bro . Hayley was
unanimously chosen . Bro . Quilty was re-elected Tyler , and an Audit Committee was likewise appointed . The lodge then adjourned to the banquet , served in the great hall . Forty-four brethren sat down to table , among whom we observed in addition to the brethren already
mentioned , Bros . R . Wentworth Little , P . M . ( Secretary ) , Prov . G . S . Middlesex ? Thomas Kiniston , A . Moore , C . Walker , F . H . Roberts , E . Franks , S . Godden , E . Sedgwick , C . Brothers , R . P . Tate , Kenneth R . H . Mackenzie , John Walmesley , U * . Kell , and a number of others .
The visitors were Bros . T . Dayson ( 382 ) , O . Lee ( 18 ) , F . W . Day ( 3 ) , D . J . Ross ( 13 ) , J . G . Marsh ( 28 and 192 ) , J . C . Flakerty ( 205 ) , T . Willert ( 1107 ) , and two brethren from Holland—Bros . Simon Brone ( 3 kol . ) , and L . A . van Viegee ( Ultrajectina ) . The usual toasts
were given and duly honoured , and thus the Masonic reign ot Bro . W . T . Smith as W . M . came to its close . He was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel of the value of sQio ios . as a mark of esteem on the part of the lodge , and in testimony of the remarkable exertions he had made
for the lodge , and on behalf of Freemasonry during his year of office . After a pleasant evening the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . BRAIU-ORI ) . —Eccleshill Lodge ( No . 1034 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in
the Freemason ' s Hall on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., at 6 o ' clock . Bro . William Pratt , W . M ., was in the chair , being ably and iniluentially supported b y his officers and a goodly number of Past Masteis and brethren . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous lodge
read and confirmed , after which Mr . Pollard , architect of this town , being a candidate for Masonry , was ballotted for and approved . He ; was then initiated iuto the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the Worshipful Master in a very able manner , Bro . Kitchcman , J . W .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
having explained the working tools , and Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., given the charge , the Worshipful Master gave a lecture in the first degree on the tracing-board . The Building Committee then presented their \ report and
balance-sheet of the new banqueting * room just completed in connection with the lodge , for the better accommodation of the increasing number of members , which was unanimously adopted and entered on the minutes . Bro . Hutchinson ,
P . M ., Charity Steward , acting on behalf of the lodge in the interest of the son of our late esteemed brother John Armitage , now a candicandidate for the Boys' School , had the petition signed by the members present , and all the necessary matters arranged for presentation to
the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be in readiness for the next election of candidates for the Boys ' School . This awakened the spirit of generosity usually prevailing in this lodge with a desire to endow four of the Officers , viz ., Secretary , Treasurer , Inner Guard , and Organist , all the
other chairs being already endowed . Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., and Bro . Geo . Pearson , with their usual liberality , gave each £ . 0 towards the project , thus securing two chairs . A subscription was then entered upon , when the amount of s £ tj was subscribed towards the other two officers . leaving only < £ - $ to be subscribed to
complete the endowments which will , no doubt , be forthcoming in due time . A hearty vote of thanks was given to Bros . Pratt and Pearson , which was suitably responded to by them in speeches setting forth the importance of supporting the charities whereby the child of a deceased brother had a chance of a sound education free
of cost . After the usual Masonic toasts and the efficient services of the officers , especially Bro . Nicholson the Organist , had been acknowledged , this most interesting meeting was brought to a close . READING . —Grey Friars Lodge ( No . 1101 ) . —
The installation of Bro . James Greenfield took p lace on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., before a very numerous and influential assemblage of brethren , The ceremony was performed by Bro . W . W . Moxhay , P . Pro . G . R . Berkshire and P . M . 114 , in his " usual happy manner . The
W . M . was saluted by the members in each degree , and received the hearty good wishes of the visitors present , after which the appointment and investment of the Officers took place , amid thc acclamations of the brethren , amongst whom were Bro . J . Egginton , I . P . M . ; J . T .
Freeman , S . W . ; E . Margrett , J . W . ; thc Rev . R . J . Simpson , Chaplain ; the Rev . C . R . Honey , Assistant Chaplain ; J . T . Stransom , Treasurer , and W . P . Ivey , Secretary . Before closing the Lodge for the purpose of retiring to refreshment , letters were read from the following
influential members of the Craft stating their inability to attend , and expressing their hearty good wishes for the prosperity of the lodge , and a successful year of office to the W . M . : —Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Pro . G . M . Berks and Bucks ; the Rev . J . Studholm Brownrigg ,
D . Pro . G . M . ; the Rev . Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; G . J . Shaw Lefevre , M . P . ; the Rev . A . P . Purey Cust , 414 ; C . C . W . Griffiths , 30 , P . M . 280 , Pro . G . Treas . Worcestershire ; Superintendent Mott ; J . Constable , W . M . iSrr ; Thomas Cox , P . M . 1204 ;
Chas . Aveline , W . M . 840 ; Alfred Brunsden ; Robert Turner , W . M . 795 ; W . J . Powell , W . M . 94 . - ;; W . H . Binham , W . M . 209 ; ABurns , WiM . 574 , kc . kc . The banquet was provided by Bt ' o . W . Bailey at the Upper Ship Hotel , and the arrangements gave unqualified
satisfaction ; between forty and fifty brethren sat down . Bro . Greenfield , W . M . presided . Amongst the company were Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . S . and Secretary to the R . M . I , for Bovs ; Z . W . Wyndham , PM . 586 , P . Prov . G . I . W . Wiltshire ; Swinburne , P . M . 246 ; Lucy , P . M .
529 ; Dew , P . M . 6 94 , P . Prov . G . R . Hants : Lear , W-M . 694 ; the Rev . J . McGuilding , Chaplain , 1419 ; Moxhay , I . M ., P . M . 414 ; the Rev . IT . G . Layton 8 * 58 ; Joseph Morris , W . M . 414 , Pro . G . S . of W . Berks and Bucks ; R :
Bradley ; P . M . 414 ; J . W . Hounslow , P . M . 414 ; J . Egginton , I . P . M . noi ; Pro . G . D . C ; Geo . Chancellor , P . M . 1101 , Pro . G . Treas . j J . T . Brown , P . M . noi , P . Pro . G . S . of W . J . T , Freeman , S . W . noi j E . Margrett , J . W ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
noi , J . Stransom , Treas . noi ; W . P . Ivey , P . M . and Sec . noi , P . P . G . S . B . Berks and Bucks ; A . Welch , S . D . noi ; W . W . Ridley , I . G . noijW . G . Flanagan , J . D . nor ; Howlett , D . C . 1101 ; C . H . Kidley ; J . E . Danks , Steward not ; R . E . Mount , J . D . 1328 ; Seymour ,
Newman , Vickers , Robinson , Crane , kc . kc . The usual Masonic toasts followed the banquet , with several excellent speeches , the principal of which were made by Bros . Guild ing and Binckes . The former , in returning thanks for the Chaplain , vindicated Masons from the charge of being a
body to which good Christians should hesitate to belong . With reference to the secession of the Marquis of Ripon the rev . speaker referred to the great disappointment which the late Grand Master ' s resignation had caused , and referred in eulogistic terms to the singular absence of
bitterness which had characterized the allusions made by Mason s to that subject . Bro . Binckes made a forcible appeal on behalf of the Masonic charities , and alluded particularly to the Boys ' School , urging the brethren not to be lax in their support . Many other speeches were made bv
theW . M ., I . P . M ., I . M ., Treas ., S . D ., and visitors . The W . M . in a complimentary speech eulogised the working of his Immediate Past Master , and presented him with a splendid P . M . jewel—the unanimous vote of the lodge , which was responded to by Bro . Egginton in a most
feeling manner . A very agreeable evening was spent , which was considerably enhanced by the beautiful glee singing of Bros . Mason , Barnby , and Lawler , which deli ghted every one present . GREAT NORTHERN ** LODGE ( NO . 1287 ) . —
The first monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , 15 th inst . There was a good attendance of members , including the W . M . ; Bros . T . H . Staton , S . W . ; Jas . Forbes , J . W . ; R . Bescoby , S . D . ; E . Lancaster , J . D . ; J . L . Ritchie ; P . M . ' s Reed ,
Webb ( Treasurer ) , and Moody . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the election , by ballot , of four candidates , viz . Messrs . Timberlake , Bathard , Freshwater ; and Owen was then proceeded with , and found to be unanimous in favour of all . The W . M . then
initiated them into the ancient mysteries of the Order in his usual masterly style . The resignation of a brother , in consequence of his having left . England , was then proposed and accepted with regret . Three candidates having been proposed for election at the ncxt meeting , and the
hearty good wishes given to the W . M ., the lodge was closed in due form , the brethren adjourning to the tavern , where tlicy found Bro . Francatelli ready to receive them . Phe brethreu having been well entertained , grace said , and the cloth removed , the W . M . proposed the " Health
of the Queen , coupled with that of the Craft , " which was responded to with Great Northern fire . He next gave thc toast of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . M . elect , and very nicely alluded to the position the Craft was in at the present time , carefully avoiding any allusion to
the late G . M . The "Deputy Grand Master ( the Earl of Carnarvon ) and other Grand Lodge Officers" was next given and responded to by Bro . T . Adams in a humorous speech , who returned thanks for the sumptuous banquet spread before him . The "Initiates" were next
given by the I . P . M . Bro . Reed sang the E . A . Song , and the brethren duly "joined hand in hand , " much to thc astonishment of those for whom the toast was given . The initiates responded , one stating that hearing so much of Freemasons and Roman Catholics of late , lu :
had determined to sec what the former were , and was pleased with what he had seen and heard that evening of the society . Another , that he had hesitated like the late Prime Minister had latel y done about some important business , whether to do it , to put oil" doing it ,
or not to do it at all . He had chosen the former and was sorry he had not joined before . The "Visitors" was the next toast , and was responded to by all , viz ., Bios . W . Mann , P . M . Industry ; P . G . P . T . Adams ; T . Tjrell , S . W .
Camden ; — Arkell , S . D . Lion and Lamb ; T . Harper , Celtic ; J . A . Woodwell , Confidence . The I . P . M ., handling the gavel , gave in a very nice manner the health of the W . M . This toast was well received by all present , as the